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Ancient Mesopotamia
1. What is the "fertile crescent"?
The Fertile Crescent is a nickname for ancient Mesopotamia.
2. What modern countries are included in the Fertile Crescent?
The modern countries that are included in the Fertile Crescent are Iraq, Syria,
Lebanon, Cyprus, Jordan, Palestine, Kuwait, the Sinai Peninsula, and Northern
3. Where was ancient Mesopotamia located?
Ancient Mesopotamia is located in a piece of the Fertile Crescent, in southern
4. Define the word “Mesopotamia”.
The word Mesopotamia means in Greek, the land between two rivers.
5. Why might someone want to live in Mesopotamia?
Someone might want to live in Mesopotamia because in Northern Mesopotamia,
the land is fertile. There is seasonal rain.
6. How did people survive so well there?
Natural vegetation and wildlife kept the people well fed. The rivers provided
fresh drinking water. Those people began to settle down, then invented a
system of irrigation, and started to farm the land.
9. Was the main idea of “The Story Gilgamesh’
The main idea of “The Story Gilgamesh’ was that they wanted to see the world
and find adventure. Gilgamesh suggested they journey across the flat plains to
the distant mountains. They wanted to bring back some wood from the Cedar
forests. Cedar wood was good for a lot of reasons, and it lasted many years
without decaying.