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1. Artificial intelligence is ?
[A]The embodiment of human intellectual capabilities within a computer
[B]A set of computer programs that produce output that would be consider to
reflect intelligence if it
[C]The study of mental faculties through the use of mental models implemented on
a computer.
[D]All of above
Answer: Option [D]
2. Strong AI is ?
[A]The embodiment of human intellectual capabilities within a computer
[B]A set of computer programs that produce output that would be consider to
reflect intelligence if it
[C]The study of mental faculties through the use of mental models implemented on
a computer.
[D]All of above
Answer: Option [A]
3. weak AI is ?
[A]The embodiment of human intellectual capabilities within a computer
[B]A set of computer programs that produce output that would be consider to
reflect intelligence if it
[C]The study of mental faculties through the use of mental models implemented on
a computer.
[D]All of above
Answer: Option [C]
4. Input segments of AI programming contains ?
[A]Sound and smell
[C]Sight and taste
[D]All of the above
Answer: Option [D]
5. Output segments of AI programming contains ?
[A]Printed language and synthesized
[B]Manipulation of physical object
[D]All of above
Answer: Option [D]
6.A.M. turing developed a technique for determining whether a computer could or
could not demonstrate the artificial Intelligence,, Presently, this technique is called
A.Turing Test
C.Boolean Algebra
E.None of the above
Answer: Option A
7.A series of AI systems developed by Pat Langley to explore the role of heuristics
in scientific discovery.
E.None of the above
Answer: Option B
8. What is DENDRAL?
A. Program those analysis organic components to determine their structure
B. Components to determine their identity
C. Program that analysis knowledge and their structure
D.None of the above
Answer: Option A
9. In water jug problem if the current state is (x,y) if y>0 and the next state is (x,yd) then
A. Empty the 4-gallon jug on the ground
B. Pour some water out of 3-gallon jug
C. Pour water from the 3-gallon jug into the 4-gallon jug until the 4-gallon jug is
D.None of the above
Answer: Option B
10. In water jug problem if the current state is (x,y) if x+y = 4 and y > 0 and the
next state is(4,y- (4-x)) then
A. Empty the 4-gallon jug on the ground
B. Pour some water out of 3-gallon jug
C. Pour water from the 3-gallon jug into the 4-gallon jug until the 4-gallon jug is
D.None of the above
Answer: Option C
11. In water jug problem if the current state is (x,y ) if x > 0 and the next state
is(0,y) then
A. Empty the 4-gallon jug on the ground
B. Pour some water out of 3-gallon jug
C. Pour water from the 3-gallon jug into the 4-gallon jug until the 4-gallon jug is
D.None of the above
Answer: Option A
12. The requirements of a good control strategy is
A. It causes motion.
B.Iit be systematic.
C.Both A & B
D.None of the above
Answer: Option C
13. What is heuristic?
A. A heuristic is a technique that improves the efficiency of a search process,
possibly by sacrificing claims of completeness
B. A heuristic is a technique that improves the efficiency of a search process,
possibly without sacrificing claims of completeness
C.Both A & B
D.None of the above
Answer: Option A
14. In many AI programs it is not possible to produce reassuring bounds because,
A. For real world problems it is often hard to measure precisely the value of a
particular solution.
B. For real world problems it is often useful to introduce heuristic based on
relatively unstructured knowledge.
C.Both A & B
D.None of the above
Answer: Option C
15. If we can break the problem into small subprograms, each of which can be
solved by using a set of specific rules, then we say that the problem is
A. Solution steps be ignored or undone
B. Decomposable.
C.Both A & B
D.None of the above
Answer: Option B
16. Production system consists of:
A.A set of rules, each consisting of a left side (a pattern) that determine the
applicability of the rule and right side that describes the operation to be
performed if the rule is applied.
B.One or more databases/knowledge bases
C.A control strategy that specifies the order in which the rules will be compared to
the database.
D.A rule applier
E.All of the above
Answer: Option E
17. Which of the following is not an interpreter?
C.Expert system shells
Answer: Option D
18. A _________ is a technique that improves the efficiency of a search process,
possibly by sacrificing claims of completeness.
A. Heuristic
D.None of the above
Answer: Option A
19.Whch of the following is an example for certain outcome?
A. Robot control arm
D. None of the above
20.Whch of the following is an example for un-certain outcome?
A. Robot control arm
D. A and B
Answer: Option D
21. What is open loop approach?
A. Feedback from the environment is received
B.Feedback from the environment is not received
C. the planning at best generates a sequence of operators that has a good
probability of leading to a solution
D.None of the above
Answer: Option B
22. We can search through the state space from the start state to a goal stateis
A. Forward Reasoning
B. Backward Reasoning
C. Matching
D.All of the above
Answer: Option A
23. We can search through the state space from the goal state to a start state is
A. Forward Reasoning
B. Backward Reasoning
C. Matching
D.All of the above
Answer: Option B
24. The selection of applicable rules for the problem is
A. Forward Reasoning
B. Backward Reasoning
C. Matching
D.All of the above
Answer: Option C
25. The ability to learn , understand and think is
A. Operationalization
B. Script
C. Intelligence
D. Knowledge
Answer: Option C
1. Write short notes on Tic-Tac-Toe.
2. Give short notes on AI Problem.
3. Write short notes on Criteria for success.
4. Give short notes on Issues in design of search program.
5. Write short notes on Control strategies
1. Describe in detail about problem characteristics
2. Describe in detail about Production System.
3. Explain in detail about AI Techniques.
4. Describe in detail about water jug problem.
5. Explain in detail about Problems, problem spaces and state space search.
1. A ______ is a function that maps from problem state descriptions to measures of
A. Heuristic
B. Successor
C. Local Maximum
Answer Option A
2. Heuristic search techniques are called ___________, since their efficiency is
highly dependent on the way they exploit domain-specific knowledge.
A.Strong methods
B.Weak Methods
C.Dynamic Methods
D.Static Methods
Answer Option B
3._____ uses a strategy called plan-generate-test, in which a planning process
that uses constraint-satisfaction techniques creates lists of recommended and
contraindicated substructures.
D. None of the above
Answer Option A
4. _______ is a variant of Generate-and-Test in which feed back from the test
procedure is used to help the generator to decide in which direction it has to move
in the search space.
B.Hill climbing
C. Mean –End Analysis
D.None of the above
Answer Option B
5. _____ is a state that is better than all its neighbors but is not better than some
other states farther away.
A. Ridge
B. Local Maximum
C. Plateau
D.None of the above
Answer Option B
6. A _____ is an area of the search space that is higher than surrounding areas, but
that cannot be traversed by single moves in any one direction A. Ridge
A. Ridge
B. Local Maximum
C. Plateau
D.None of the above
Answer Option A
7. It is a flat area of the search in which the whole set of neighboring states has the
same value
A. Ridge
B. Local Maximum
C. Plateau
D.None of the above
Answer Option C
8. _________is a variation of hill climbing in which at the beginning of the
process, some downhill moves may be made.
B.Hill climbing
C. Mean –End Analysis
D. Simulated Annealing
Answer Option D
9. In simulated annealing the new state is evaluated by the difference of
A. Value of current and new state
B. Start state and new state
C. Start state and goal state
D.None of the above
Answer Option A
10. _______combines the advantages of both depth–first-search and breadth-firstsearch in to a single method.
B.Hill climbing
C. Mean –End Analysis
D. Simulated Annealing
Answer Option A
11. _______ is list of tasks a system could perform.
A. Knowledge
B. Intelligence
C. Agenda
D. All of the above
Answer Option C
12. An operators are selected and sub goals are set up to establish the preconditions
of the operators is called the ______
A. goaling
B. operator sub goaling
C. Agenda
D. All of the above
Answer Option B
13. Here the goal is to discover some problem state that satisfies a given set of
control is known as __________
A. Constraints Satisfaction
B.Hill climbing
C. Mean –End Analysis
D. Simulated Annealing
Answer Option A
14. The technique to search both directions simultaneously is _________
A. Constraints Satisfaction
B.Hill climbing
C. Mean –End Analysis
D. Simulated Annealing
Answer Option C
15. ____ proceeds to detect the difference between the start state and the goal state.
A. Constraints Satisfaction
B.Hill climbing
C. Mean –End Analysis
D. Simulated Annealing
Answer Option C
16. An _________ control structure is also useful if some tasks (nodes) provide
negative evidence about the merits of the other tasks (nodes).
A. goaling
B. operator sub goaling
C. Agenda driven
D. All of the above
Answer Option C
17. The form of the heuristic estimation function for A* is ____
A. f* (n) =g*(n) +h*(n)
B. f* (n) =g*(n) +h’*(n)
C. f* (n) =g’*(n) +h*(n)
D.None of the above
Answer Option A
18. __________ as a computational process is patterned after the physical process
of annealing, in which physical substances such as metals are melted and then
gradually cooled until some solid state is reached.
A. Constraints Satisfaction
B.Hill climbing
C. Mean –End Analysis
D. Simulated Annealing
Answer Option D
19. In _____ method in which there is a variation of simple hill climbing in which
all the moves from the current are considered and the best one is taken as the next
A. Gradient Search
B. Simple Hill Climbing
C. Mean –End Analysis
D. All of the above
Answer Option A
20. A __________ is defined as a technique that aids in the discovery of solutions
to problems even though there is no guarantee that it will never lead in a wrong
A. Heuristic
B. Successor
C. Local Maximum
Answer Option A
21. ___________ is also known as British Museum Algorithm
A. Constraints Satisfaction
B.Hill climbing
C. Generate and Test
D. Simulated Annealing
Answer Option C
22. ______ is like depth-first searching where the most promising child is selected
for expansion.
A. Constraints Satisfaction
B.Hill climbing
C. Generate and Test
D. Simulated Annealing
Answer Option B
23. ________ is useful for representing the solution of problems that can be solved
by decomposing in to a set of smaller problems all which must then be solved.
D. All of the above
Answer Option A
24. In some cases where there exists more than one path between the START and
the GOAL state, the different paths have different merits in evaluation. In these
cases, ________search is used.
A. Depth First Search
B.Breath First Search
C. Agenda Driven Search
D.None of the above
Answer Option C
25. ________ Search requires less memory since only the nodes on the current
path are stored.
A. Depth First Search
B.Breath First Search
C. Linear Search
D.None of the above
Answer Option A
1. Write short notes on Generate and Test.
2. Give short notes on Simple Hill Climbing.
3. Write short notes on OR Graph.
4. Give short notes on AND-OR Graphs.
5. Write short notes on A* Algorithm.
1. Explain in detail about Hill Climbing.
2. Describe in detail about Best First Search.
3. Explain in detail about Problem Reduction.
4. Describe in detail about Constraint Satisfaction.
5. Explain in detail about Means-ends Analysis .
1. The two kinds of entities used in the representation are
A. Facts and representations of facts in some chosen formalism
B. Facts and mappings
C. Logics and Mappings
D. None of the above
Answer Option A
2. The truths in some relevant world, which are things that we want to represent is
A. Logics
B. Mappings
C. Facts
D. Representations of facts in some chosen formalism
Answer Option C
3. Which are the things that actually can be manipulated?
A. Logics
B. Mappings
C. Facts
D. Representations of facts in some chosen formalism
Answer Option D
4. Facts are described at ______
A. Symbol Level
B. Knowledge Level
C. Representation Level
D. None of the above
Answer Option B
5. The representations of objects at the knowledge level are defined in terms of
symbols that can be manipulated by programs.
A. Symbol Level
B. Knowledge Level
C. Representation Level
D. None of the above
Answer Option A
6. The two way mapping that exists between facts and representations are called as
A. Representation mapping.
B. Symbol mapping
C. Knowledge mapping
D. None of the above
Answer Option A
7. _________maps from facts to representations.
A. Backward representation mapping
B. Forward representation mapping
C. Knowledge mapping
D. None of the above
Answer Option B
8. _________maps from representations to facts.
A. Backward representation mapping
B. Forward representation mapping
C. Knowledge mapping
D. None of the above
Answer Option A
9. The ability to represent all of the kinds of knowledge that are needed in that
A. Representational adequacy
B. Inferential adequacy
C. Inferential efficiency
D. Acquisitional efficiency
Answer Option A
10. The ability to manipulate the representational structures in such a way that new
structures for new knowledge can be derived from the old.
A. Representational adequacy
B. Inferential adequacy
C. Inferential efficiency
D. Acquisitional efficiency
Answer Option B
11. The ability to incorporate additional information in to knowledge structure that
can be used to focus the attention of the inference mechanisms in the most
promising directions.
A. Representational adequacy
B. Inferential adequacy
C. Inferential efficiency
D. Acquisitional efficiency
Answer Option C
12. The ability to acquire new information easily
A. Representational adequacy
B. Inferential adequacy
C. Inferential efficiency
D. Acquisitional efficiency
Answer Option D
13. The term ________ implies somewhat more structure on the attributes and the
inference mechanisms that are available to apply to them than does the term
semantic network.
A. Class Inclusion
B. Frame System
C. Class Membership
D. None of the above
Answer Option B
14. The isa represents _____
A. Class Inclusion
B. Frame System
C. Class Membership
D. None of the above
Answer Option A
15. The instance represents _____
A. Class Inclusion
B. Frame System
C. Class Membership
D. None of the above
Answer Option C
16. The whole problem of representing the facts that change as well as those that
do not is known as the _____
A. Class Inclusion
B. Frame Problem
C. Class Membership
D. None of the above
Answer Option B
17. The most commonly used technique for representing procedural knowledge is
the use of
A. Class Inclusion
B. Frame Problem
C. Class Membership
D. Production rules
Answer Option D
18. A rule that, when a particular object is evaluated, returns true or false
depending on whether the object is in the set or not is ________
A. Extensional Definition
B. Frame Problem
C. Intentional Definition
D. Production rules
Answer Option C
19. A rule is to list the members, which is called as an __________
A. Extensional Definition
B. Frame Problem
C. Intentional Definition
D. Production rules
Answer Option A
20. _________ provides a powerful structure in which to describe relationships
among values.
A. Extensional Definition
B. Logic
C. Intentional Definition
D. Production rules
Answer Option B
21. How does the following sentence represented in Inferential Knowledge?
“Every car has an engine”
A. (CAR(x)  (ENGINE(y) & PART(x, y))
B.  x  y (CAR(x)  (ENGINE(y) & PART(x, y))
C. (CAR(y)  (ENGINE(y) & PART(x, y))
D.  x  y (CAR(y)  (ENGINE(y) & PART(x, y))
Answer Option B
22. How does the following sentence be represented in logic ?
“Spot is a dog”
A. Spot (Dog)
B. Dog spot
C. Dog (Spot).
D. None of the above
Answer Option C
23. The logical representation for the fact that “All dogs have tails” is
A. x: dog(x)  hastail (x)
B. y: dog(x)  hastail (x)
C. x: dog(y)  hastail (y)
D. None of the above
Answer Option A
24. _________represents a collection of attributes and values associated with a
particular node.
A. Class Inclusion
B. Frame
C. Class Membership
D. None of the above
Answer Option B
25. The number of black squares and white squares in the mutilated check board
problem is
A. 32 & 32
B. 30 & 32
C.30 & 30
D. 28 & 32
Answer Option B
1. Write short notes on single valued attributes.
2. Give short notes on Mutilated check board problem.
3. Write short notes on Inheritable Knowledge.
4. Give short notes on Relationship among Attributes.
5. Write short notes on Representing set of Objects.
1. Explain in detail about representation and Mapping.
2. Describe in detail about Issues in knowledge Representation.
3. Explain in detail about Approaches to knowledge and representation.
4. Describe in detail about Frame Problem.
5. Explain in detail about choosing Granularity of representation .
_____ is a way of representing the sort of world knowledge that an AI system need.
Mathematical logic b)Propositional logic
c)Universal logic d)Simple logic
Abbreviate WFF.
Well Formulated Formula b) Well Focused Formula c) Well Formed Formula d)
Well Formatted Formula
3. We can represent real world facts as logical propositions written as ________
a) WFF b)Predicate c)Logical d)Algorithm
4. “Marcus was a man” convert it into simple facts using logical symbol
a) Man Marcus b) man(Marcus) c)marcus(man)
d)man was Marcus
5. Eliminate → using the fact that a→b is equivalent to _______
a) ┐a˅b b)a˄b c)b˅a d)a┐b
6. Prenex .normal form consist of a prefix of quantifiers followed by
b)quantifier c)formula d)prefix
7. Prenex .normal form consist of a prefix of quantifiers followed by,which is
_______ -free
a)error b)label
d) quantifier
8. If there is more than one complementary ________, a pair should be omitted
a)complementaries b)literals
c)arguments d)errors
9. There is straight-forward recursive procedure called ________ algorithm.
a)unification b)logical
10. Resolution produces proofs by_____
b)Resolvent c)Resolution d) Conversion
11.If the predicate evaluate to FALSE, it can simply be
a)Dropped b)Removed c)Included d)Cleared.
12. In predicate logic, we can represent real world facts as ______ written as WFF.
a)Statements b)Predicates c)Intelligence
13. _____ reduces complexity,that have first been converted into a single canonical
a)Resolutionb)Statement c)Predicates d)Elimination
14. Whenever possible resolve either with one of the clauses that is part of
the statement we trying to refute is known as
a) Set of support b)Refute c)Complexity
15. Resolution that generate new clauses with fewer literals larger than parent
clauses with zero terms is known as__________.
a)Refutation b)WFF
c)Unit Preference d)Resolution
16.→ is a logical symbol which represent
a)not b)or c)and d)material implication
17.┐ is a logical symbol which represent
a)not b)or c)and d)material implication
18.˄ is a logical symbol which represent
a)not b)or c)and d)material implication
19.˅ is a logical symbol which represent
a)not b)or c)and d)material implication
20.Ǝ is a logical symbol which represent
a)not b)or c)and d)there exist
21.Ones with no arguments are called
a)constants b)matrix
c)formula’s d)skolem constants
22.clause is defined to be a WFF in conjuctive normal form but with no instances of
the connector _____
a)˅ b)˄ c)┐ d)Ǝ
23. To show that a set of clauses S is unsatisfiable,it is necessary to consider only
interpretations over a particular set, called the ______
a)Herbrand universe of S b)universe of S
c)Herbrand of S d)none of these
24. If the resolvent is ______ clause, then a contradiction has been found.
a)relevant b)filled
25. In predicate is easy to determine that two literals cannot be _____ at the
same time
a) False
c)followed d)none of these
1. Write short notes on representing simple facts in logics.
2. Give short notes on representing instance and isa relationships.
3. Write short notes on Natural Deduction.
4. Give short notes on Basis of Resolution.
5. Write short notes on Unification Algorithm.
1. Convert the following sentence into predicate logics
 Marcus was a man.
 Marcus was a pompeian
 All pompeians were romans.
 Caesar was a ruler.
 All romans were either loyal to caesar or hated him.
 Everyone is loyal to someone.
 People only try to assassinate rulers they are not loyal to.
 Marcus tried to assassinate caesar.
2. Describe in detail about Computable functions and predicates.
3. Explain in detail about Resolution.
4. Describe in detail about conversion to clause forms.
5. Explain in detail about Resolution in predicate logic.
1.A ________ is one in which knowledge is specified but the use to which that
is to be put is not given.
a)Program b)Declartive representation
2.A_________ is one in which the control information that is necessary to use
the knowledge is considered to be embedded in the knowledge itself.
a)Program b)procedural representation
3.________ is a program language paradigm in which logical assertions are
viewed as programs.
a)Mathematical programming
b) Logic programming c)Unification
d)none of these
4. Forward reasoning starts from the ______ states.
5.The non-logical operator is called _______.
6.Knowledge about which paths are most likely to lead quickly to a goal state is
a)Memory b)Short-term memory
c)Search control knowledge
7._______ is a buffer that is affected by perception and serves as a storage area.
b)Short term memory
8.Search control knowledge is sometimes called
b)Meta-knowledge c)Indexing d)Control
9.The phase of matching process is called as______
a)Matching b)Horn clause
c)Logic programming
10._______ encode knowledge about how to respond certain input.
a) Rules
b) Forward rules c) Backward rules d)Conflict
11.Short term memory is also called as ______
a)Working memory
c)Forward chaining
12. Forward reasoning starts from the ______ states.
13.Rules in backward chaining are matched with _____ procedure.
b)Chaining c)Goal
14.__________ is typically more complex for forward-chaining.
a)Representation b)Priority c)Matching
15.We can search forward and backward reasoning until the two parts meet
each other is known as______
b)Bidirectional search
c)Directional search
d)Unidirectional search
16. _______ encode knowledge about how to achieve particular goals.
a) Rules
b) Forward rules c) Backward rules d)Problems
17.In PROLOG all variables begin with ______ case letters.
a) Lower b)Upper
c)sentence d)Toggle
18.Representation in facts, which contains only _____.
18.Representation in rules, which contains _____.
19.In SOAR, long-term memory is stored as a set of _________.
c)System d)Subgoals
20.If a problem’s subgoals include sealing and ______, then we should solve
the sanding subgoal first.
a)Painting b)Goaling c)Utility
21.There is a different way,though,in which logical assertions can be viewed
namely as_____
b)file c)data d)rules
22.We begin with a mechanism called ______ and then we consider more
flexible structures
a)declaration b)logic programming
d)fuzzy logic
23.In logic fact,the first component is called____ of the rule
a)header b)head
d)none of these
24.We can generate the next level of the tree by finding all the rules whose
_____ sides match the root node
a)right b)left c)front
d)none of these
25.In preference based on rules, the set preconditions of one rule all the ____of
a)preconditions b)rules
c)formula’s d)conditions
1. Write short notes on Procedural Knowledge.
2. Give short notes on Declarative Knowledge.
3. Convert the following logical representation to PROLOG .
Logical representation:
x : pet(x) ۸ small (x)  apartmentpet(x)
 x : cat(x) ۷ dog(x) 
x : poodle (x)  dog (x) ۸ small (x)
poodle (fluffy)
4. Give short notes on combining Forward and Backward Reasoning.
5. Write short notes on indexing.
1. Explain in detail about Logic Programming.
2. Describe in detail about Forward VS Backward Reasoning.
3. Explain in detail about Control Knowledge.
4. Describe in detail about Matching.
5. Explain in detail about Forward Vs Backward Reasoning.