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Quiz Review
Chapter 1
Directions: Using your book and notes, answer the following questions.
1. What is our air composed mostly of? Nitrogen and Oxygen
2. Define Conduction: The direct transfer of energy through direct contact between atoms.
3. Give and example of how Conduction occurs in our atmosphere and where you might
experience it at home. a) Air molecules come into direct contact with the warm surface of
the earth. b) Grabbing the end of a spoon that is submerged in hot soup.
4. Define Radiation: The transfer of energy as electromagnetic waves.
5. Give and example of how Radiation occurs in our atmosphere and where you might
experience radiation around your home. a) The method by which the sun’s energy
reaches the earth. b) Standing next to a campfire and feeling the warmth.
6. Define Convection: The transfer of thermal energy by the circulation or movement of a
liquid or gas.
7. Give and example of how Convection occurs in our atmosphere and where you might
experience it around your home. a) Warm air rises because it is less dense and cool air
which is more dense sinks and moves in to replace it. b) Boiling water on a stove
8. Which process drives the weather cycle? Radiation (the sun)
9. How does global warming occur? Increase of greenhouse gases (possibly by humans and
volcanoes) leading to reradiating more thermal energy that may increase average global
10. What type of gases cause this to occur? Carbon dioxide
11. Define Greenhouse effect: The process by which gases in the atmosphere such as water
vapor, carbon dioxide, absorb thermal energy and radiate it back to Earth
12. Discuss the important things that occur in each layer of the atmosphere:
Thermosphere: The uppermost and warmest atmospheric layer.
Mesosphere: The layer in between the stratosphere and thermosphere. (Middle)
Troposphere: The lowest layer of the atmosphere where all weather takes place.
Stratosphere: The layer which contains the ozone layer
13. Air pressure increases/decreases with altitude.
14. Why does this (#13) occur? As altitude increases, air becomes less dense, decreasing
atmospheric pressure
15. Air pushes on us in ALL direction.
16. Does air have mass? Yes, as shown in the balloon demo. What is the weight of air per
square inch?15lbs
17. The balance between incoming and outgoing energy is called? Energy balance.
18. Why does the atmosphere become less dense as altitude increases? As altitude increases,
there are fewer gas molecules. Gravity pulls most of the gas molecules toward the earth’s
surface which makes the lower layers more dense than the upper layers.
19. Explain why air rises when it is heated: Air rises as it is heated because it is less dense.
20. What is the purpose for dividing the atmosphere into layers? The atmosphere is divided
into layers based on temperature changes.
21. Name the three global winds
1. Polar Easterlies
2. Westerlies
3. Trade Winds
22. Explain why if you fly from the North Pole in a straight line you won’t reach your
intended destination. The Coriolis effect would cause you to land further West than you
23. Flying from California to New York take less time than flying from New York to
California, Why? When you are flying East, you can fly with the Jet stream which
carries winds up to 400 km/h. When you are heading West, you are flying against the Jet
24. What is an ozone action day? It’s a warning in the community where people are
discouraged from outdoor physical activity because ozone can damage their lungs. Ozone
is produced when sunlight reacts with vehicle exhaust and air.
25. What are the components of acid rain? Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide.
26. What is air pollution? Air pollution is the contamination of the atmosphere by the
introduction of pollutants from human and natural sources.