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Sociology 101
Dr. Gianna Durso-Finley
Hypothesis Testing:
Sociology is the scientific study of human behavior in groups and societies. Sometimes, sociologists
find themselves challenging notions of what seems to be “common sense.”
For example, many people are concerned that deaths from shootings at schools have increased over the
last ten years. Any death is too many, but in fact the number of students being killed at school each year
in shootings has actually decreased since 1990.
For this activity, you will test two “common sense” ideas about how people get together.
“Birds of a feather flock together” and “Opposites attract”.
a) What does “Birds of a feather flock together” mean?
b) What does “Opposites attract” mean?
c) Which do you think more accurately reflects how people choose a partner? Why?
Now, think about your MOST serious love relationship… If you have not experienced a deep romantic
relationship, you may think about yourself and your best friend.
Rate yourself and your partner on the scales below (10 is the highest)
– leave the score column blank for now.
Social Context
1) Looks/appearance 1-10
2) How much education you each want 1-10
3) How wealthy your families are 1-10
4) What is your age?
5 What religion are you each? Write-in
6 What race are you each? Write-in
7 What county (Mercer, etc…)do you each live in?
Now, for the score column –
Subtract the numbered items (1, 2, 3, and 4) and write the difference in the score column. For example,
if you rated your looks a 10 and your partner’s looks a 9, 10-9 = 1, so write a 1 in the score column. If
you are both a 7 in looks, write a 0 in the score column.
For item numbers 5, 6, and 7, if the columns match, put a 0 in the score column. If they are different,
put a 1. Then, total the score column in the LAST box in the column.
Scoring: If the total difference score is 0-11, you are “birds of a feather.” If it is 12 or more, you are
Write your answer in here _______________________________________________
Class totals:
Birds: ______________________________ Opposites: ___________________________
Does the class pattern match your guess from question c) above? Why or why not?
How do these questions on this “test” differ from questions about your relationship that you might find
on a typical “Cosmo Quiz?”
Bonus: Now use the subtotals of the ranked items 1, 2, 3 and 4. Instead of subtracting for each item,
subtract ONLY the TOTALS for yourself and your partner. Do you look more like “birds” or
“opposites” when you look at it this way? Why?
Social Context
1) Looks/appearance 1-10
2) How much education you each want 1-10
3) How wealthy your families are 1-10
4) What is your age?