Download Chapter 5: The Progressive Era 1900-1917

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Chapter 6: America’s Rise to World Power 1890-1914 (pp. 285-307)
Section 1: U.S. Expansion Laid the Foundation for World Power
1. expansionists:
2. William H. Seward:
3. Benito Juarez:
4. Queen Liliuokalani
5. imperialism
6. Open Door Policy
7. Alfred Thayer Mahan
8. Monroe Doctrine (look in index for page number)
9. How did the Alaska purchase treaty differ from previous treaties by which the U.S. had acquired large
10. Give an example showing how the Monroe Doctrine guided U.S. policy in Latin America in 1890.
11. How did American missionaries and traders focus U.S. attention on the Hawaiian Islands?
12. Why did American opinion change regarding the partitioning of Africa among European powers in the
1880’s and 1890’s?
13. What individuals or ideas contributed to the U.S. rise to world power in the 1890’s?
Section 2: War With Spain Opened the Path to Empire
1. John Hay
2. Jose Marti
3. reconcentracion
4. Joseph Pulitzer
5. William Randolph Hearst
6. De Lome letter
7. U.S.S. Maine
8. Teller Amendment
9. George Dewey
10. Rough Riders
11. Describe three elements that contributed to the concern of the American public over the Cuban revolt.
12. How did the yellow press influence negotiations to prevent war with Spain?
13. Why were Spain’s naval defeats in the Philippines and Cuba so one-sided?
Section 3: The Nation Debated the Status of Its New Territories
1. Henry Cabot Lodge
2. Albert Beveridge
3. George F. Hoar
4. Platt Amendment
5. Foraker Act
6. Insular Cases
7. Where is the U.S. naval base in Cuba located?
8. How did the imperialists justify annexation of the Philippines?
9. Why did the anti-imperialists oppose annexation of the Philippines?
10. How did the issue of imperialism affect the 1900 presidential election?
11. How did the Platt Amendment define the status of Cuba?
12. How did the Jones Act in 1917 change the status of Puerto Rico?
Section 4: The United States Became a Pacific Power
1. Emilio Aguinaldo
2. Philippine insurrection
3. spheres of influence
4. Boxer Rebellion
5. indemnity
6. Russo-Japanese War
7. Why did both Russia and Japan want Manchuria (be sure and know where Manchuria is located)?
8. Why was it so hard for the U .S. to suppress the independence movement in the Philippines?
9. How did Secretary of State John Hay hope the U .S. would benefit by proposing the Open Door policy in
10. After the Boxer Rebellion, why did the U.S. refuse to challenge Japan in Asia?
Section 5: Americans Expanded Their Influence in Latin America
1. Hay-Pauncefot Treaty
2. Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
3. William C. Gorgas
4. Roosevelt Corollary (of the Monroe Doctrine)
5. dollar diplomacy
6. Porfiro Diaz
7. Victoriano Huerta
8. Venustiano Carranza
9. Pancho Villa
10. John Pershing
11. Why is the isthmus of Panama of such strategic importance to the United States?
12. Why did geography determine the building of the Panama Canal?
13. How did Theodore Roosevelt extend the Monroe Doctrine?
14. How did Wilson’s intervention in Mexico affect U.S. relationships with Latin America?