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ENERGY - Plants and Animals
Energy – E- the ability to do work-essential to life
2 types of Energy
1. Potential Energy-stored/locked up
2. Kinetic Energy- free E- free to workATP- how energy is stored in cells- the cells currency-$$$$
It delivers E anywhere it is needed in a cell
A- adenosine
T- tri-3
P- Phosphate
The last 2 chemical bonds in ATP are special high energy bonds
This is indicated by a squiggly line ~ in between each of the last to P’s
Whenever the cell needs Energy ATP is broken into ADP
Whenever there is extra E the cell stores it ADP as ATP and heat.
This continual process goes around and around for as long as the cell lives.
Metabolism- the way all living things use energy
2 primary processes of metabolism
1. Catabolism- breaking down- large particles are broken down into
simpler smaller ones- release of free kinetic E
2. Anabolism- building up- smaller particles are brought together by
consuming free released E from ATP
Autotrophs- organisms that get their energy from the sun and water
Self nourishing
Heterotrophs- organisms that eat autotrophs and other heterotrophs
Eats othersHumans and most animals
Light synthesis-Putting together light
Process that converts light energy into chemical energy
E of the SUN + CO2 + H20  sugar + O2
The actual formula is
6 CO2 + 6H20
 C6 H12 O6 + 6 02
6 carbon
+ 6 water
+ 6 oxygen
A plant is a producer. Plants capture energy from sunlight.
This happens in the part of the plant called chloroplasts.
Chlorophyll is a pigment in the chloroplasts that absorb some of the visible
There are two main parts of the chloroplast needed for photosynthesis.
1. The grana (Grannum –one) stacks of compartments called thylakoids.
They contain the chlorophyll.
2. The stroma is the fluid that the grana float in.
There are 2 phases of photosynthesis
1. light dependent
2. light independent -Dark -Calvin-Benson cycle
Light dependent -need light to work
Happens in the thylakoids.
Chlorophyll absorbs the light here and passes
it into the thylakoids which transfer it to ATP.
Uses sunlight+ H20 to produce energy as ATP +02
Converts ADP and NADP+ into ATP and NADPH
Light Independent– does not need light- happens all the time.
Happen in the stroma, dark liquid
Uses the energy from the light dependent reaction
+C02 to make sugar
Famous People of Photosynthesis
Jan van Helmont 1643- H20 increases the mass of a plant
Joseph Preistly-1771- Plants give off 02
Jan Ingenhousz-1779-Plants need light to produce 02
Melvin Calvin- 1948- traces he chemical pathway of sugar formation in a plant