Download ADE 601 OCTOBER 26, 2OO4 Announcement: no class on Nov 9

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ADE 601 OCTOBER 26, 2OO4
Announcement: no class on Nov 9 because Dr. Rachal in Seattle
Deferring conversation about plagiarism and papers. Can take tutorial at USM libraries
<as a side note, you do need the city of the publisher...even if you can't get your hands on the book.
Stupid little rant, but why is that info necessary?>
If you quote something directly, you need 2 things: quotation marks and the reference. If you
paraphrase, you need the reference.
Rachal prefers ''summarizing" to "paraphrasing"
<<getting very serious about plagiarism>>
Cite stuff in the biography paper.
From 2 weeks ago:
Second land grant act of 1890 (Morrill Act)
Ayers (sp?) case. (see yesterday's Clarion Ledger)
Review: southern States choose to establish separate black colleges with the Morrill Act.
Twentieth Century:
1926 - "ADULT EDUCATION" controversial terminology. Blurred line between adult and child and
education for the groups? Insulting to think adults need to be educated?
Education something done to children and Youth. "Inflicted on"
Adult Education was an oxymoron.
1919--''The Way Out" English/ British
Terrifying war, lost a generation, economy in shambles, work force a mess. Primarily arguing that adult
ed was the way out.
Frederick Kepple in charge of Carnegie Foundation. Carnegie built libraries- philanthropist for adult ed.
Kepple goes to England and ''discovers" adult ed. Connection between education and democracy << big
theme in the early 2Oth century>> A person who is well- educated can see through the lies and
manipulation. Link to Satan Deluder Act. Modern version. "way to create a prophalytic against
totaliarism." With foundation money in 1926, the American Association for Adult Education formed.
Varied backgrounds coming together. Connection not made before- something beyond the content area.
Books published. Hindemann and Everett Dean Martin (liberal education...See for debate)
1929--> Journal of Adult Ed started.
1914 Smith-Lever Act established cooperative extension. Seaman Knapp (used adult ed as his emphasis)
Jefferson: he who wants a free society and an uneducated citizenry wants something that never has
been and never will be.
Is Adult Education well-known? Adult ed generally thought of as being literacy and GED. Within the
university may be known as continuing ed.
Backtrack to 1830: Josiah Hollbrook and the Lyceum movement. Form of education involving traveling
lecturers. Half entertainment, half education. Life constrained by nature and distance--isolation. Church
important because brought people together. Lectures oriented toward the importance of public
education. Very few states with laws requiring public education. Aimed at adults.
Why would public education be controversial? Who pays for it? Monetary concerns. Huge expense and
incredible industry. Who held the power? An attitude among many that the ''lower class" (race plays an
issue here) should not be educated. Education reserved for the few. Masses did not need to be educated.
(some parallels to today and No Child Left Behind. What has changed? I would argue that not much has
changed.) How and when did we get away from the idea that everyone needs to be educated? An
economical issue--self interest.
Popular for a few decades.
1870s- Chautauqua. Vincent and Miller. Training for Sunday School teachers In the summer. Summer
school and correspondence School. Literary, Cultural, and scientific circles. (another form of
correspondence education started a year earlier run by Anna Ticknor- the Society to Encourage Studies at
Home...almost exclusively for women because there wasn't anything else available to women--focus on
liberal education) "Bastardized" in 192Os.
1917- Smith- Hughes Act. Vocational and Agricultural education.
Americanization movement in 1900s. Big boom in immigration. People coming in droves and it scared
Some who were already here. Immigration limits imposed. Many cities were starting Americanization
programs aimed at providing immigrants an educational opportunity to learn American costoms and
English. Also aimed at social control. Concerned about all the different ideas, ways of behavior, values.
Literally night school taught by public school teachers...Americanize the new people. Hyphenated
Americans-term of dislike, not assimilated enough. an attempt to eliminate differences. In Frierian terms,
a domesticating or banking education. An outgrowth was some of the first graduate courses in adult
education in 1918. Columbia University in new York. By mid-30s offered doctorates in adult ed.
Contrasted with Highlander in Tennessee. (1930s)
1944- GI Bill. GI's coming back from the war who needed education. GED started then. Returning
veterans provided funds to pursue college ed.
Next week:
 Think abut the trends or patterns. (READ YOUR NOTES) use of adult ed to further
religious purpose.