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Name: ________________________
Study Sheet - Exam 3 – Geology 2 – Chapters 5, 6, 7
Two headstones, one marble and the other granite, were erected in the same
New England cemetery 150 years ago. Which headstone is likely to have the
least weathered, easiest to read inscription?
Which list of silicate minerals shows the order in which they would weather from
least resistant to most resistant?
The atmospheric gas that forms a weak acid when dissolved in water is _______.
If granite and basalt were exposed in an area with a hot and humid climate:
Which of the following is NOT a mechanical weathering process?
When some rocks weather more rapidly or more slowly than others, it is called:
Iron oxide is the product of which one of these weathering processes?
Which “tough” mineral is most likely to survive extensive chemical weathering
and form sand grains on beaches or dunes?
When water freezes, its volume:
In which climate would the rate of chemical weathering likely be highest?
When a rock undergoes __________, such as frost wedging, it is broken into
smaller and smaller pieces.
Which statement regarding mechanical weathering is NOT true?
Which one of the following is NOT a product of the complete chemical
weathering of the mineral potassium feldspar?
Unloading and sheeting are associated with:
Breaking a rock into smaller pieces decreases the rate of chemical weathering.
When substantial quantities of feldspar are present in sandstone, the rock is
The most common minerals in detrital sedimentary rocks are __________.
Which rock type is most likely associated with a high-energy environment such
as a turbulent stream?
Detrital sediments would predominate in all of the following environments
Sediments precipitated by processes such as temperature change, evaporation,
and chemical activity are called biochemical sediments.
Which one of the following is NOT a variety of limestone?
Which common mineral found in igneous rocks is most abundant in detrital
sedimentary rocks?
Agate, jasper, and flint are all forms of chert.
Rock salt and rock gypsum are examples of __________ sedimentary rocks.
Compaction is a very important lithification process for which sediment?
Which accumulation of sediment would most likely exhibit good cross-bedding?
Compaction and cementation are examples of this process.
This detrital sedimentary rock consists primarily of rounded gravel-size particles.
Limestone is composed chiefly of the mineral:
Which sedimentary rock consists of materials that originated and were
transported as solid particles?
The sizes of particles in detrital sedimentary rocks often indicates the energy of
the transporting medium.
The single most characteristic feature of sedimentary rocks is __________.
The common name for sediment consisting of particles between 1/16 mm and 2
mm is __________.
The presence of abundant feldspar in a sedimentary rock suggests that
advanced stages of chemical weathering have taken place.
Geologists use __________ to distinguish among detrital sedimentary rocks.
Which one of these metamorphic rocks is composed predominantly of a single
Metamorphic rocks can form from other metamorphic rocks.
When a rock is buried it is subjected to greater confining pressure which tends
to make the rock more __________.
A metamorphic rock’s texture and composition reflect the degree of
metamorphism it has undergone.
Nonfoliated metamorphic rocks are usually composed of __________.
During metamorphism, elongated crystals tend to recrystallize with an
orientation that is __________ to the direction of greatest stress.
Which one of the following metamorphic rocks is generally nonfoliated?
When stress is applied unequally in different directions, it is termed _______.
Which one of the following is NOT an agent of metamorphism?
Rocks subjected to intense heat when they are intruded by magma undergo a
process called __________.