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Geography and Society – First Discussions
Lesson Objectives
As a result of the reading and the class discussions, you should be able to…
Define the following terms or phrases: geography, natural disaster, vulnerability, risk,
mitigation, risk assessment, adaptive capacity, coping capacity.
List and discuss at least 4 geographic factors that can control the development and
success of a society.
Relate Jared Diamond’s examples of how geologic characteristics were important in the
development of Polynesian culture on different islands.
List at least 5 different types of natural hazards.
List several reasons why a natural hazard event may be considered a natural disaster.
Discuss two reasons why so many people live in areas prone to natural hazards.
Explain why disasters are expected to increase in frequency and magnitude. What is
driving increased disaster risk?
Explain how poverty can contribute to vulnerability to natural hazards.
Provide some examples of how our development practices and our environmental
impacts can heighten the risk of disaster.
Relate the factors a disaster risk reduction practitioner would use to determine the
vulnerability of a population to a natural hazard.
Relate some of the elements of a disaster risk assessment.
Topographic Map Lab
As a result of the lab and the readings, you should be able to…
Define and use the following terms or phrases: latitude, longitude, elevation, contour,
closed contour, vertical exaggeration.
Calculate or determine the following on a map: contour interval, gradient, relief,
declination, scale, river flow direction, location using latitude and longitude system,
distance using scale.
Create a topographic contour map given elevation data.
Relate how the spacing of contours relates to slope.
Paradigm Evolution in our Models of the Earth + Earth’s Structure
Lesson Objectives
As a result of this lesson and the readings, you should be able to:
Define the following terms or phrases: geology, paradigm, model, and equilibrium
Differentiate between Catastrophism and Uniformitarianism.
Compare the paradigms of Vertical Impermanence and Permanence and relate
observations used to support them.
Describe and illustrate Darwin’s theory on the formation of coral atolls.
Discuss Alfred Wegener’s Theory of Continental Drift, the evidence he advanced to
support it, and why it was not accepted by the scientific community.
Recreate an annotated cross-sectional model of the Earth’s structure.
Identify and differentiate between the two types of seismic waves that enable us to
distinguish the layers of the Earth.
Plate Tectonics
Lesson Objectives
As a result of the readings and class, you should be able to:
o Define the following terms or phrases: Lithospheric Plate, Seafloor Spreading, Rifting,
Mid Ocean Ridge, Rift Valley, Transform Fault, Subduction, Trench, Paleomagnetism,
Seamount, Divergent Boundary, Convergent Boundary, Transform Boundary,
Continental Margin, Hotspot
o Summarize the major points of the Theory of Plate Tectonics.
o Explain how data collected on the magnetism, depth, and the age of oceanic crust support
the Theory of Plate Tectonics.
o Explain how the distribution of earthquakes, volcanoes, and the Hawaiian Island chain
relate to plate tectonics.
o Identify at least 2 characteristics that allow us to differentiate between:
- Oceanic crust and Continental crust
- Crust and Mantle
- Lithosphere and Asthenosphere
- Normal and Reverse Paleomagnetism
- Wegener’s Theory of Continental Drift and the Theory of Plate Tectonics
o Relate a mechanism that could account for the movement of tectonic plates.
o Explain the physiographic and geologic hazard differences between the east and west
coasts of the U.S. in the context of the Theory of Plate Tectonics.
Lesson Objectives
As a result of this lesson and the reading, you should be able to:
 Define the following terms or phrases: Shield Volcano, Stratovolcano, Flood Basalts,
Lahar, Pyroclastics, Lava.
Distinguish between the volcanism found over hot spots, subduction zones, and spreading
centers in terms of their rock composition, volcano type, magma viscosity, and danger.
List and discuss at least three of the hazards associated with volcanoes.
Relate the benefits associated with volcanoes and volcanism.
Discuss which areas of the United States are at most risk from volcanic eruptions and
Explain two of the techniques used to predict volcanic eruptions.
Disasters Trends: Natural and Unnatural
As a result of the lecture and the readings, you should be able to…
Define the following terms or phrases: ecosystem resilience.
Explain the distinction between a natural and an unnatural disaster.
Relate at least 5 ways we can foster unnatural disasters.
Relate the following disaster trends over time: Death toll, economic losses, total disasters.
Identify the most commonly occurring natural hazard/disaster type.
Identify at least 3 secondary impacts from a natural disaster that do not get included in
estimates of the economic cost of the event.