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American History 1- Review Sheet!
The exchange of goods and ideas between different cultures. This occurred between the Europeans and
Native Americans they encountered in the 15th and 16th centuries.
First attempted colony by the British in the New World. Site was found abandoned after a two year period.
Located near the North Carolina coast.
First successful English colony.
Leader of the Jamestown colony who organized an efficient system of labor.
First elected assembly in the colonies. Was in Jamestown, Virginia. Was a representative form of democracy.
First law that guaranteed a colonist the right to practice their religion freely. Passed in Maryland in 1649.
Group of religious refugees who came and established Massachusetts Bay Colony to practice their own
religion. They were very intolerant of other views about religion. John Winthrop said they should be a “City
upon a Hill”.
Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Said the Puritans should be a “City upon a Hill for the world to
Left the Puritan colonies because of his belief in the Separation of Church and State. Founded Rhode Island.
10. Puritan woman who was banished because of her religious views. Went to Rhode Island.
11. Quaker who founded a colony in the U.S. His colony allowed all groups of people to come and practice their
own religions as they wished.
12. Period of religious revival in the early colonial period.
13. Great preacher of the Great Awakening. Gave the sermon titled “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.”
14. English philosopher who wrote about the natural rights of man and social contract theory.
15. life, liberty, and Property. These rights were discussed by the English philosopher John Locke. Jefferson
used the ideas in the Declaration of Independence.
16. Theory of Locke’s that a people and their gov’t have a contract with each other, and if that contract is
broken then you have the right to change your gov’t.
17. War between the British and the French over control of North America. Result was the total control of the
U.S. and Canada by the British.
18. British law that prohibited colonist from crossing the Appalachian Mountains. Meant to protect colonist from
Indian attacks and to keep British defense expenses to a minimum. Colonist thought it blocked their growth.
19. Law that required colonists to pay a tax on all official documents.
20. Famous idea which explains the reasoning for many of the colonial protests of British taxation during the
pre-Revolutionary period.
21. Pre-Revolutionary War group that led the colonists in boycotts and protests of British policies. Samuel
Adams was one of its vocal leaders.
22. Colonial protest in 1770 that ended with the shooting of 5 colonists by British troops. Widely denounced in
the colonies as an act of British oppression and aggression.
23. Colonial Protest of the Townshend Act that created a monopoly on the selling of a particular product.
Parliament reacted to this event by passing the Coercive or Intolerable Acts.
24. Act of Parliament that closed Boston Harbor, placed troops in the city, and took away the basic rights of
colonists. It was passed as a reaction to the Boston Tea Party. Also called the Coercive Acts.
25. Beginning of the Revolutionary War. British marched to try and capture some stored weapons and colonial
minutemen met them after being warned by Paul Revere. Apr. 1775
26. Revolutionary War battle where colonist proved they could inflict serious damage to the British.
27. Leader of the Colonial Army during the Revolutionary War. President of the Constitutional Convention. First
President of the United States.
28. People who remained committed to the British during the Revolutionary War.
29. Someone who wanted the colonies to be free and independent of Britain.
30. Attempt by the Continental Congress to make peace with King George. It was refused and helped lead to the
Revolutionary War.
31. Article written by Thomas Paine that urged the colonies to officially separate from Britain and become
independent. Jan 1776
32. Author of the Declaration of Independence.
33. Place where Washington’s Colonial Army camped in the winter of 1777-1778. The army had to endure
extreme weather and hardship to continue the Revolution.
34. Revolutionary War battle that convinced the French to join the Americans against the British.
35. Treaty that ended the Revolutionary War and officially recognized the United States as independent.
36. First national government formed by the states after the winning of independence from Britain. Lasted from
1781 to 1787. Very weak national government.
37. Law that set up the process of statehood, and also banned slavery from the northern territories of the
nation. One of the first laws passed by the Congress.
38. Rebellion that proved the weakness of the Articles of Confederation. Started in Massachusetts in 1787.
39. Meeting that began in Philadelphia in 1787. Purpose of the meeting was to fix the problems with the Articles
of Confederation.
40. Plan presented in the Constitutional Convention of 1787 that represented the interests of the larger states.
Plan of gov’t is very similar to the modern gov’t we use today.
41. Plan presented at the Constitutional Convention that represented the views of the smaller states.
42. Agreement between the large and small states to have a bicameral Congress based on population(House) and
equality(Senate) of the states.
43. People who supported a strong national government. Led by Alexander Hamilton, this group tended to favor
policies that benefited the businessmen of the nation.
44. This group was in opposition to the new Constitution because they believed it had too much power and lacked
a bill of rights. Patrick Henry was a very vocal leader.
45. Leader of the Federalist Party. Wrote many of the articles in the Federalist Papers. Became the first Sec.
of the Treasury. Helped to establish the National Bank.
46. List of rights that were demanded by the Anti-federalist in order to approve the new Constitution.
47. Freedom of Speech, Press, Religion, Assembly, and Petition.
48. Enumerated, delegated, expressed, and exclusive powers are all powers that belong to this part of our
49. Powers of the government that are shared by all levels of government.
50. Group created by Washington to advise him on important policy matters. Originally composed of Hamilton,
Jefferson, and Henry Knox.
51. Part of the government that was formed under the advice of Alexander Hamilton in order to correct the
nation’s financial troubles.
52. Political Party led by Jefferson and Madison. Believed in a weaker federal government and strong state
53. Powers of the government which are not written into the Constitution, but come from the necessary and
proper clause.
54. Powers that belong only to the states.
55. Last message by George Washington to the nation as President. Spoke about the dangers of political parties
and foreign affairs.
56. Scandal involving the French, a bribe, and the refusal of America to pay the bribe. Occurred while John
Adams was President.
57. Laws passed by the Federalist controlled Congress to suppress the opposition in the nation during the XYZ
Affair with France. Limited freedom of speech and the press. Was denounced by many leaders including
Jefferson and Madison who wrote the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions in opposition to the laws.
58. Style of government where the government tries to stay out of people’s lives as much as possible. Philosophy
advocated by Jefferson.
59. Famous Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Greatly enhanced the power of the court with the ruling in
Marbury v. Madison.
60. Famous Supreme Court case that set up the power of judicial review.
61. Land that was acquired from France in 1803 by Thomas Jefferson. It more than doubled the size of the
62. Expeditionary group that explored the newly purchased Louisiana Territory from 1803-1805.
63. Indian leader who wanted to form a confederation of Indians to win back Indian lands.
64. War against Britain that was fought over continued harassment of American trading rights and
impressments. Major battles in Washington and New Orleans. Ended with the Treaty of Ghent.
65. Known as the Common Man’s President. Began the spoils system, removed the Indians from the East, and was
a war hero in the Battle of New Orleans in 1812.
66. Famous battle in the War of 1812 that was unnecessary because a peace treaty had already been signed. The
American led by Andrew Jackson defeated the British in the battle.
67. Program of internal improvements. Included roads, bridges, canals, a national bank system, and a protective
tariff. Proposed by John C. Calhoun and Henry Clay.
68. Supreme Court case that determined the legality of implied powers and the ability of the government to
create a national bank. Also stated that the national gov’t is supreme over the state gov’ts.
69. Presidential statement that informed other nations of the intention of the U.S. to keep other nations from
intervening in this hemisphere. Happened in 1820.
70. Invented the cotton gin which greatly increased the importance of cotton in the south. Also led to a growth
in the use of slavery.
71. Famous agreement which drew a line to determine the future legality of slavery in the territories. Organized
by Henry Clay in 1820.
72. System of giving gov’t jobs to friends and supporters. Begun by Andrew Jackson and continued until the
reforms of the late 1800’s.
73. Forced removal of the Cherokee Indians from the East into the Oklahoma reservations. Process begun by
Jackson and finished under Van Buren.
74. Crisis involving the State of South Carolina and the high level of federal tariffs. S.C. threatened secession if
the tariff was not lowered. Occurred while Jackson was President.
75. First President to die in office. Was a former Indian fighter who won fame in the Battle of Tippecanoe.
76. Women’s rights assembly that re-wrote the Declaration of Independence from a woman’s point of view. Led
by Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton
77. Network of safe house that helped escaped slaves reach freedom in the northern lands. Harriet Tubman was
the most famous of its leaders.
78. Group of painters that glorified the American landscape.
79. Reform movement that wanted to ban the use of alcohol.
80. Idea that the U.S. should expand its borders from ocean to ocean. Led to the addition of Louisiana, Texas,
Mexican War, and Oregon Territories.
81. War begun in 1845 that lasted until 1848. In the Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo, the U.S. gained California,
Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada.
82. First discovered in 1848. Large influx of people in 1849 led to early statehood.
83. Agreement that admitted California as a free state and agreed to passing a strong fugitive slave law to
satisfy the slave states, as well as establishing popular sovereignty as the method of determining future
slavery issues.
84. Law passed in 1850 to help Southern slave owners to recapture escaped slaves. Made it a crime for anyone to
help an escaped slave and allowed slave catchers to find escaped slaves anywhere in the nation.
85. Small political party that was anti-immigration.
86. Book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe that described the evils of slavery.
87. Important court case that helped lead to the Civil War. Case determined that African Americans could not
be citizens and the Missouri Compromise was illegal.
88. Famous political race fir the Senate seat of Illinois. Freeport Doctrine was developed during the campaign as
a method to resist the spread of slavery.
89. Northern abolitionist who tried to arm slaves by raiding Harpers Ferry. Was captured and eventually hung as
a martyr to the abolitionist cause.
90. Election of Abraham Lincoln. Led to the secession of the southern states because he was elected with no
electoral votes from southern states.
91. Name of the 11 southern states who seceded.
92. Leader of the Confederate forces in the Civil War. Won several battles despite being outnumbered in every
93. Plan of the Union leaders to cut the Confederacy into two parts and cut off all trade with other nations.
Accomplished by a Union blockade and the fall of Vicksburg in 1863.
94. Turning point battle of the Civil War in July, 1863 in Pennsylvania. Lee was defeated by George Meade’s
Union Army.
95. Top Confederate General who often times took command of half of Lee’s army to outmaneuver the larger
Union forces. Was killed accidentally at Chancellorsville.
96. Short speech by Abraham Lincoln to dedicate a battlefield cemetery in Nov. 1863. Talked about the will of
the people to finish the great task remaining before us.
97. Eventual leader of the Union Armies in the Civil War. Captured Vicksburg and pursued Lee’s Army
relentlessly in 1865 to end the war.
98. Presidential statement that officially freed all slaves that are being held in enemy territory in the Civil War.
Designed to give the war a higher purpose and to keep Britain from entering the war.
99. Union General who led the march through the South in 1864 destroying several southern cities including
Atlanta. “War is Hell”
100. Assassinated Abraham Lincoln. Was a Confederate sympathizer.
101. Became President when Lincoln was assassinated. Was first President to be impeached, but was not found
102. Type of farmer who rents land and supplies from the landowner.
103. Method of farming where the farmer has to give up so much of the crop as payment for the land and supplies
they used to farm the land with. This system replaced the system of slavery in the south.
104. Reconstruction agency formed to help war torn areas of the south and to help former slaves adjust to their
new lives. Established many schools for former slaves.
105. Amendment that banned slavery.
106. Amendment that defines citizenship and equal protection of the law.
107. Amendment that gave voting rights to all men.
108. A term given to a southerner who agreed with or sympathized with Northern views of Reconstruction.
109. Northerners who came to the south to implement the policies of Reconstruction.
110. Deal made so that Rutherford Hayes wins the Electoral College, and the result was the removal of troops from the south,
which ended Reconstruction.
111. Laws passed during and after Reconstruction that officially segregated the races in the north and south.
Influential Legislation
13th Amendment
Emancipation Proclamation
Missouri Compromise
Neutrality Acts
14th Amendment
Fugitive Slave Act
Monroe Doctrine
Homestead Act
15th Amendment
Judiciary Act of 1789
Indian Removal Act
Alien & Sediton Acts
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Morrill Land Grants
____________________ (1789) law that established the federal court system
____________________ (1789) reduced the political power of recent immigrants to the U.S.
____________________ (1820) Maine entered the U.S. as a free state; Missouri a slave state; divided along the 36’’30
____________________ (1823) Warned European nations to stay out of the affairs of the Western Hemisphere
____________________ (1830) forced Native Americans off of their land
____________________ (1850) part of the Compromise of 1850, all escaped slaves had to be returned to their owners
____________________ (1854) gave the territories of Kansas and Nebraska the right to vote on whether or not there
would be slavery in their territories
____________________ (1862) Gave land to states to sell in order to create agricultural colleges
____________________ (1862) gave heads of household 160 acres of land out west
____________________ (1863) Freed slaves behind confederate lines in the Civil War
____________________ (1865) Abolished slavery
____________________ (1868) Defined citizenship; Guaranteed equal protection under the law
____________________ (1870) voting rights could not be withheld based on race, color, or previous condition of
Adams-Onis Treaty
Gadsden Purchase
Jay’s Treaty
Louisiana Purchase
Oregon Territory
Pinckney’s Treaty
Land Acquisitions
Texas Annexation
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Treaty of Paris
______________________ (1794) British agree to leave their forts in the Northwest Territory
______________________ (1795) Spain agrees on the northern border of Florida and the Miss. River is opened up for U.S. trade
_______________________ (1803) U.S. purchases a large chunk of land from France; doubles the size of the United States
_______________________ (1819) Spain ceded Florida to the United States.
_______________________ (1845) After a fight for independence from Mexico, the United States agreed to annex this state into the Union.
_______________________ (1846) U.S. and Britain agreed on the boundary of this territory after “54˚40’ or fight!” Threat
_______________________ (1848) Mexican Cession after the Mex-Amer War, the U. S. gains its current southwestern portion of the U.S.
_______________________ (1853) U.S. purchased a tiny amount of land from Mexico.
Abraham Lincoln
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Johnson
George Washington
James K Polk
James Monroe
John Quincy Adams
Ronald Reagan
Rutherford B. Hayes
Thomas Jefferson
Ulysses S. Grant
_____________________ No Political Party (1789-1797) Warned against political parties and foreign entanglements
_____________________ (1801-1809) Strict constructionist who purchased the Louisiana Territory.
_____________________ (1817-1825) Given credit for the Doctrine warning other countries to stay out of the Western Hemisphere.
_____________________ (1824-1829) Winner of the Election of 1824,called a “corrupt bargain
_____________________ (1829-1837) Credited as the president who started the “spoils system”
_____________________ (1845-1849) Acquired more land in the U.S. than any other president
_____________________ (1861-1865) President during the Civil War who issued the Emancipation Proclamation
_____________________ (1865-1869) President during Reconstruction. His plan was said to be too lenient on the Southern states.
_____________________ (1869-1877) General of the Union in the Civil War, his presidency was marked with scandal
_____________________ (1877-1801) Became president as a result of the Hayes-Tilden Compromise of 1877, ending Reconstruction