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AP Bio Assignments - Jan. 8 - Jan. 23
Next Test - Thurs., Jan. 18
Next Quiz - Tues., Jan. 23
Mon., Jan. 8 - Read 29.1 - 29.4
1. What is the difference between a shoot and a root?
2. State the functions of each of these tissue types: ground, vascular, and dermal.
3. What is a meristem?
4. What is the function of a cotyledon?
5. State the function of each of these tissues: parenchyma, collenchyma, and
6. If you sampled fluid from xylem and phloem, how could you tell which was which?
7. How does a cuticle help a plant?
8. What is the difference between a terminal bud and a lateral bud?
9. What are the two parts of a leaf's mesophyll? How are the cell shapes different in
these areas?
Tues., Jan. 9 - Read 29.5 - 29.7.
1. What are the functions of a root?
2. What is the job of root hairs?
3. What is the functional difference between the pericycle and the endodermis?
4. What is the difference between a taproot system and a fibrous root system?
5. How does the vascular cambium help to produce wood?
6. How does bark help a tree to survive?
7. What is the difference between heartwood and sapwood?
8. Why does the trunk of a tree have rings?
Wed., Jan. 10 - Read 30.1 - 30.5.
1. What is the difference between a micronutrient and a macronutrient? (Don't worry you do not have to memorize all of the plant nutrients and what they do!)
2. What is the difference between leaching and soil erosion?
3. What is the role of the Casparian strip in a root?
4. List the steps in the cohesion-tension process that moves water through a plant.
5. What does the cuticle do?
6. To open stomates, a plant moves ___ into the guard cells.
7. What is translocation?
8. Briefly explain the pressure flow theory.
Thurs. Jan. 11 - Read 31.1 - 31.3.
1. Review the parts of a flower shown in Figure 31.3. What is the difference between the
stamen and the carpel?
2. What is a pollination vector? Give several examples of ways plants attract pollinators.
3. Review the process of double fertilization shown in Figure 31.9. What happens to
each sperm nucleus?
4. What three methods can be used to classify fruits?
Fri., Jan. 12 - Read 31.4 - 31.7.
1. Give several examples of ways fruits aid in seed dispersal.
2. List three methods of asexual reproduction that occur naturally in plants (boldface
type, Table 31.2).
3. What is tissue culture propagation? What might a scientist want to do this?
Mon., Jan. 15 - King Holiday.
Tues., Jan. 16 - Review.
Wed., Jan. 17 - Study for test.
Thurs., Jan. 18 - Test on Chaps. 29 - 31.
HWK: Read 32.1 - 32.4.
1. What is a plant hormone? (Hint: look at the lavender box on P. 545.) We will
summarize hormone actions in class and focus on the most important roles. You will
not need to learn all of the functions listed in your text :)
2. Use the Glossary to find the definition of signal transduction.
3. Look at Figure 32.7. What are the three steps in cell communication in plants?
4. What is the role of hormones in germination?
5. How does auxin help to allow growth in plants?
6. What are gravitropism, phototropism, and thigmotropism?
Fri., Jan. 19 - Read 32.5. - 32.9.
1. What is a biological clock?
2. What molecule regulates plant flowering? (We'll go over the mechanism in class.)
3. How is flowering related to the idea of master genes?
4. Define each of the following and tell why it is a helpful adaptation in plants:
vernalization, abscission, and bud dormancy.
Mon., Jan. 22 - Study for quiz. You will receive a detailed study guide telling you
exactly what you need to know!
Tues., Jan. 23 - Quiz on Chap. 32.