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Patrick M. Hartigan
Professor of Physics and Astronomy
e-mail:[email protected]
Ph.D. 1987, Planetary Science, University of Arizona
B.S. 1981, Physics, University of Minnesota
B.S. 1981, Astrophysics, University of Minnesota
Primary Department
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Department Affiliations
 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Hartigan Course Websites
Hartigan Home Page
Hartigan Research Summary Page
Hartigan Course Websites
Hartigan Home Page
Hartigan Research Summary Page
Research Areas
Star Formation, Stellar Jets, Laboratory Astrophysics, Telescopes, Astronomy, Nebulae,
Objects in the Night Sky
Hartigan Research Report, FY 2015/2016
Research Report for 2015/2016
Professor Patrick Hartigan continued his research into the formation of stars, stellar jets,
laboratory astrophysics, emission nebulae, and the physics of shock waves in 2015. Non-
technical summaries of main research papers and a full list of publications are available on the
Web. This research page, with active links, is mirrored at
Extrasolar Planets and Star Spots: Led by Rice faculty member Chris Johns-Krull, Hartigan
and a team of scientists and students from Rice and Lowell Observatory continued a search for
radial velocity perturbations that might be caused by planets around young stars. Sensitive
searches for older planets have turned up many such objects, but finding them around young
stars is difficult because starspots, which are common when stars are young, often mimic the
radial velocity signatures of planets. Our most recent data show an intriguing signal in the
infrared velocity curves of one object. There is clearly something going on within a few stellar
radii of the star, and we are exploring the different ways we might explain the data. The
project makes use of data from telescopes at Kitt Peak National Observatory, Mauna Kea, and
McDonald Observatory.
Laboratory Experiments: Hartigan continued a collaboration with scientists at Los Alamos,
Rochester, Imperial College, and AWE to study shock waves in collimated jets using highpowered lasers. Funded by the DOE, one project uses the Omega laser to launch jets and
observe what happens when strong shock waves intersect. A separate project explores what
happens to shock waves in a plasma where magnetic field strengths are large. We completed
the intersecting shock work at Omega last year, and have submitted a paper summarizing the
several years of work to the Astrophysical Journal. Part of Rice graduate student Andy Liao's
MS thesis described numerical work related to a new experimental design of a planetary
magnetosphere. We obtained the first data with this platform last year, and have also initiated
a new series of experiments in collaboration with C. Kuranz at the University of Michigan to
study magnetized accretion columns. As part of these efforts we have been characterizing the
parameter space of density and velocity to determine where experiments will see the onset of
shock waves, and where magnetic fields have a dynamical effect. We will be exploring new
plasma physics codes that incorporate multiple fluids in the coming year as a tool to aid in the
experimental designs.
Massive Star Forming Regions: Hartigan completed a large work related to molecular
hydrogen emission in the Carina star-formation region in collaboration with Megan Reiter and
Nathan Smith at Arizona, and John Bally in Colorado. The survey, just published in the
Astronomical Journal (2015, AJ 149, 101), provides a broad overview of the photodissociation
regions throughout the entire nebula. Additional data exists on the CygOB2 and IC 1396
region. and undergraduate Scott Carlsten is analyzing those to determine the degree to which
the observed spatial offsets between the optical and infrared emission depend upon the
ambient ultraviolet irradiation field. This work, combined with numerical models, will comprise
Scott's undergraduate senior thesis.
ALMA Studies of Photodissociation Regions: With Rice assistant professor Andrea Isella,
Hartigan is obtaining deep maps of a bright region of photodissociation in the Carina Nebula at
millimeter and sub-mm wavelengths with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array in Chile. The
array has recently been configured to operate at high enough frequencies to observe emission
from the 600-micron line of C I. Together with existing H2 observations and new ALMA CO
and CS maps of the region, we will have the first high-resolution maps that trace gas from
where it is molecular deep within the dark cloud, to its atomic stage, to where it becomes
ionized at the dissociation front. This process occurs in all regions of massive star formation,
and we will be able to observe it in exquisite detail once the data arrive later this spring.
Numerical Simulations of Jets and Shock Fronts: Hartigan and ex-Rice undergraduate
Anna Wright identified a means to measure magnetic fields in shock waves by only using
observed emission line ratios and a resolved cooling distance. This work is the culmination of
several years of effort, and was published this year (2015, Astrophysical Journal 811, 12).
Motivated by the results, we have obtained observing time on the adaptive optics system with
the 4-m telescope SOAR in the southern hemisphere. The observations should commence
sometime later this year.
Hartigan has also been collaborating with professor A. Frank and University of Rochester
graduate student Eddie Hansen to develop models of magnetohydrodynamic flows of pulsed
supersonic jets, and to investigate the intersection surfaces of overlapping bow shocks. Two
refereed papers resulted from this work in 2015, one published in the Astrophysical Journal
(2015, ApJ 800, 41), another in High Energy Density Physics (2015, HEDP 17, 135). Another
paper that compares the simulation results directly with observations from the Hubble Space
Telescope is nearing completion, and we will also be working on another paper that compares
non-LTE emission line cooling routines in 3-D codes with those predicted from steady-state 1D codes.
Campus Observatory Activities: It was a busy year at the campus observatory, with two
large events that both garnered a great deal of public interest and press coverage. In late
June, the planets Jupiter and Venus were very close in the evening sky and made for a
beautiful sight for several weeks. We opened the observatory on the night of closest
approach, and once the skies cleared one of the visitors was able to obtain a series of photos
of the pair as they set over the Houston skyline. Hartigan later connected these into a time
lapse movie, and also created a popular website to describe the event, and a more detailed
description that sets the conjunctions into a wider historical perspective.
The second major event was the total lunar eclipse in late September, notable because it
occurred near the time of closest approach of the Moon to the Earth (the press calls this a
`supermoon'. I learned that the opposite of it is a `mini-moon', ha). There is not much of an
effect from the Moon being close to the Earth, but it was a nice long eclipse at a convenient
time of the evening. Unfortunately it was also cloudy... But attendees still enjoyed a visit to
the dome and hopefully got something out the public lecture. As part of this event, Hartigan
put together a summary of all the lunar eclipses that will be visible from the Houston area out
to the year 2060.
The Rice University Campus Observatory (RUCO), dedicated in 2002, moved to the roof of
Brockman, the new physics building at Rice. The campus telescope continues to be the
workhorse for our undergraduate major and nonmajor courses. Instrumentation includes both
a spectrograph and a CCD imager for use by students as part of their undergraduate training.
Details about current observatory schedules can be found on the observatory website.
Teaching Areas
undergraduate and graduate astrophysics
Selected Publications
Hartigan, P., and Jones, S. 2014, Time-Series Position-Velocity Diagrams of the Jet and LowVelocity Components in HH 444, BAAS 223 34523
Wright, A., and Hartigan, P. 2014, Inferring Magnetic Fields in Low-Velocity Radiative Shocks,
BAAS 223, 34519
Cauley, P. Hartigan, P., and Johns-Krull, C. 2013, Unveiling and Dereddening Classical T Tauri
Stars Using Simultaneous UV and Optical Spectra, BAAS 221, 25621
Hansen E., Frank, A., and Hartigan, P. 2013, Emission from MHD Simulations of YSO Jets
using AstroBEAR2.0, Protostars and Planets VI 1K058
Hartigan, P. 2013, "NEWFIRM Observations of PDR Boundaries in Massive Star Formation
Regions: The Pillars and Walls of Carina", BAAS 221, 25119
Crockett, C., Mahmud, N., Prato, L., Johns-Krull, C., Hartigan, P., Jaffe, D., and Beichman, C.,
2011, Searching For The Youngest Planets With CSHELL, BAAS 217 25313
Mahmud, N., Crockett, C., Johns-Krull, C., Prato, L., Hartigan, P., Jaffe, D., and Beichman, C.,
2011, Brown Dwarfs and Giant Planets Around Young Stars, BAAS 217 25314
Crockett, C., Mahmud, N., Prato, L., Johns-Krull, C., Jaffe, D. and Hartigan, P. 2010, Detection
of the Youngest Known Exoplanet, BAAS 215 42102
Scowen, P. et al. The HORUS Observatory - a Next Generation Mission to Study Planetary,
Stellar and Galactic Formation, BAAS 215 48106
Crockett et al. 2009, Radial Velocity Survey of T Tauri Stars in Taurus-Auriga, BAAS 213 40201
Hartigan, P. "Astronomical Observations and Laboratory Analogs of Shock Waves in
Supersonic Collimated Jets From Young Stars." BAAS, 212 (2008) : 6604.
Rosen, P. A.; Foster, J. M.; Wilde, B. H.; Hartigan, P.; Blue, B. E.; Hansen, J. F.; Sorce, C.;
Williams, R. J. R.; Coker, R.; Frank, A. "Laboratory experiments to study supersonic
astrophysical flows interacting with clumpy environments." Astrophysics and Space Science,
190 (2008) In Press
Cunningham et al "Early results from the Fabry-Pérot mode of the Colorado Near Infrared
Camera (C-NIC)." AAS, 205 (2004) : 4909.
Hearty et al "Near Infrared Camera Comissioning for ARC 3.5M Telescope." AAS, 205 (2004) :
Hearty et al "Near-infrared camera and Fabry-Perot spectrometer (NIC-FPS)." SPIE, 5492
(2004) : 1623.
Scowen et al "A Systematic Survey of Star Formation with the ORION MIDEX Mission." AAS
(2004) : 10905.
Refereed articles
Hansen, E., Frank, A., and Hartigan, P. "MHD Effects on Pulsed YSO Jets. I. 2.5-D
Simulations." Astrophysical Journal, 800 (2015) : 41.
Hansen, E., Frank, A., and Hartigan, P. "Numerical Simulations of Mach Stem Formation via
Intersecting Bow Shocks." High Energy Density Physics, 17 (2015) : 38.
Hartigan, P. and Wright, A. "A New Diagnostic of Magnetic Field Strengths in RadiativelyCooled Shocks." Astrophysical Journal, 811 (2015) : 12.
Hartigan, P., Reiter, M., Smith, N., and Bally, J. " A Survey of Irradiated Pillars, Globules, and
Jets in the Carina Nebula." Astronomical Journal, 149 (2015) : 101.
Liao, A., Li, S. Hartigan, P., Graham, P., Fiksel, G., Frank, A., Foster, J., and Kuranz, C.
"Numerical Simulations of an Experimental Analogue of a Planetary Magnetosphere." High
Energy Density Physics, 17 (2015) : 38.
Suzuki-Vidal, F., Lebedev, S., Ciardi, A., Pickworth, L.A., Rodriguez, R., Gil, J.M., Espinosa, G.,
Hartigan, P., Swadling, G.F., and Skidmore, J. "Bow Shock Fragmentation Driven by a Thermal
Instability in Laboratory Astrophysics Experiments." Astrophysical Journal, 815 (2015) : 96.
Bradshaw, S., and Hartigan, P. "On Sunspot and Starspot Lifetimes." Astrophysical Journal,
795 (2014) : 79.
Huarte-Espinosa, M., Frank, A., Blackman, E., Ciardi, A., Hartigan, P., Lebedev, S., and
Chittenden, J. "Comparing Poynting flux dominated magnetic tower jets with kinetic-energy
dominated jets." High Energy Density Physics, 9 (2013) : 264.
Yirak, K., Foster, J., Hartigan, P., Wilde, B., Douglas, M., Paguio, R., Blue, B., Martinez, D.,
Farley, D., Rosen, P., and Frank, A. "Mach stem hysteresis: Experiments addressing a novel
explanation of clumpy astrophysical jet emission." High Energy Density Physics, 9 (2013) :
Crockett, C., Mahmud, N., Prato, L., Johns-Krull, C., Jaffe, D., Hartigan, P., and Beichman, C.
"A Search for Giant Planet Companions to T Tauri Stars." Astrophysical Journal, 761 (2012) :
Hartigan, P., Palmer, J., and Cleeves, L. I. "Irradiated Interfaces in the Ara OB1, Carina,
Eagle, and Cygnus OB2 Massive Star Forming Regions." High Energy Density Physics, 8
(2012) : 313.
Huarte-Espinosa, M., Frank, A., Blackman, E., Ciardi, A., Hartigan, P., Lebedev, S. V., and
Chittenden, J. P. "On the Structure and Stability of Magnetic Tower Jets." Astrophysical
Journal, 757 (2012) : 66.
Hartigan, P., et al. "Fluid Dynamics of Stellar Jets in Real Time: Third-Epoch HST Images of
HH 1, HH 34 and HH 47." Astrophysical Journal, 736 (2011) : 29.
Mahmud, N., Crockett, C., Johns-Krull, C., Prato, L., Hartigan, P., Jaffe, D., and Beichman, C.
"Starspot-induced Optical and Infrared Velocity Variability in T Tauri Star Hubble
4." Astrophysical Journal, 736 (2011) : 123.
Carver, R., Cunningham, A., Frank, A., Hartigan, P, Coker, R., Wilde, B., Foster, J., and
Rosen, P. "Laboratory Astrophysics and Non-ideal Equations of State: The Next Challenges for
Astrophysical MHD Simulations." High Energy Density Physics, 6 (2010) : 381.
Foster, J.M., Rosen, P.A., Wilde, B.H., Hartigan, P., and Perry, T.S. "Mach Reflection in a
Warm Dense Plasma." Physics of Plasmas, 17 (2010) : 112704.
Bellan et al. 2009, "Astrophysical Jets: Observations, Numerical Simulations and Laboratory Experiments" Phys. of
Plasmas 16, 041005
Hartigan, P., & Hillenbrand, L. 2009, "Adaptive Optics Echelle Spectroscopy of [Fe II] 1.644 um in the RW Aur
Jet: A Narrow Slice Down the Axis of the Flow", Astrophysical Journal 705, 1388
Hartigan, P. et al. 2009, Laboratory Experiments, Numerical Simulations, and Astronomical Observations of Deflected
Supersonic Jets: Application to HH 110, Astrophysical Journal 705, 1073
Rosen et al., 2009, "Laboratory experiments to study supersonic astrophysical flows interacting with clumpy
environments", Astrophys. & Space Sci. 322, 101
Huerta, M., Johns-Krull, C., Prato, L, Hartigan, P., and Jaffe, D. "Star Spot Induced Radial
Velocity Variability in Lk Ca 19." Astrophysical Journal, 678 (2008) : 472-482.
Prato, L.; Huerta, M.; Johns-Krull, C. M.; Mahmud, N.; Jaffe, D. T.; Hartigan, P. "A YoungPlanet Search in Visible and Infrared Light: DN Tauri, V836 Tauri, and V827
Tauri." Astrophysical Journal, 687 (2008) : L103-L106.
Hartigan, P., Frank, A., Varniere, P. and Blackman, E. "Magnetic Fields in Stellar
Jets." Astrophysical Journal, 661 (2007) : 910-918.
Hartigan, P., and Morse, J. "Collimation, Proper-Motions, and Physical Conditions in the HH 30
Jet from Hubble Space Telescope Slitless Spectroscopy." Astrophysical Journal, 660 (2007) :
Smith, N., and Hartigan, P. "Infrared [Fe II] Emission from P Cygni's Nebula: Atomic Data,
Mass, Kinematics, and the 1600 AD Outburst." Astrophysical Journal, 638 (2006) : 1045.
Hartigan, P. "Laboratory Experiments of Stellar Jets from the Perspective of an
Observer." Astrophysics and Space Science, 298 (2005) : 99-105.
Hartigan, P., Heathcote, S., Morse, J., Reipurth, B., & Bally, J. "Proper Motions of the HH 47
Jet Observed with the Hubble Space Telescope." Astronomical Journal, 130 (2005) : 21972205.
Hartigan, P., Raymond, J., & Pierson, R. "Infrared Emission Lines of [Fe II] as Diagnostics of
Shocked Gas in Stellar Jets." Astrophysical Journal, 614 (2004) : L69-73.
Huerta, M., Hartigan, P., and White, R. "Forbidden Line Emission in the Spectroscopic Binary T
Tauri Stars DQ Tau and UZ Tau-E Monitored Over an Orbital Period." Astronomical Journal,
129 (2005) : 985-989.
Doi, T., O'Dell, C.R. and Hartigan, P. "Internal Velocities in the Orion Nebula: Large Radial
Velocity Features." Astronomical Journal, 127 (2004) : 3456-3478.
Hartigan, P., Edwards, S., and Pierson, R. "Going Slitless: Images of Forbidden-Line Emission
Regions of Classical T Tauri Stars Observed with the Hubble Space Telescope." Astrophysical
Journal, 609 (2004) : 261-276.
Hartigan, P., Scott Kenyon "A Spectroscopic Survey of Subarcsecond Binaries in the TaurusAuriga Dark Cloud with the Hubble Space Telescope." Astrophysical Journal, 583 (2003) :
Hartigan, P., J. Morse, B. Reipurth, S. Heathcote, J. Bally "Proper Motions in the HH 111 Jet
Observed With the Hubble Space Telescope." Astrophysical Journal, 559 (2001) : L157-L161.
J. Bally, S. Heathcote, B. Reipurth, J. Morse, Hartigan, P., R. Schwartz "Hubble Space
Telescope Observations of Proper Motions in Herbig-Haro Objects HH1 and 2." Astronomical
Journal, 123 (2002) : 2627-2657.
P. Ghavamian, J. Raymond, R.C. Smith, Hartigan, P. "Balmer-Dominated Spectra of
Nonradiative Shocks in the RCW 86 and Tycho Supernova Remnants." Astrophysical Journal,
547 (2001) : 995-1009.
Takao Doi, C.R. O'Dell, Hartigan, P. "Internal Velocities in the Orion Nebula: Large ProperMotion Features." Astronomical Journal, 124 (2002) : 445-463.
Bally, Heathcote, Reipurth, Morse, Hartigan, Schwartz and Hester "Hubble Space Telescope
Observations of the Proper Motions in Herbig-Haro Objects 1 and 2." Astronomical Journal
Ghavamian, Raymond, Smith, and Hartigan "Balmer Dominated Spectra of Nonradiative
Shocks in the Cygnus Loop, RCW 86 and Tycho Supernovae Remnants." Astrophysical Journal,
547 (2001) : 995.
Hartigan, Morse, Reipurth, Heathcote and Bally "Proper Motions of the HH 111 Jet Observed
with the Hubble Space Telescope." Astrophysical Journal, 559 (2001) : L157.
Reipurth, Heathcote, Morse, Hartigan and Bally "Hubble Space Telescope Images of the HH 34
Jet and Bow Shock: Structure and Proper Motions." Astronomical Journal (2001)
Ghavamian, P., Hartigan, P., and Raymond, J. "Using Balmer Line Shapes to Diagnose Physical
Conditions in Collisionless Shock Waves." Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 127 (2000) :
Ghavamian, P., Raymond, J., Hartigan, P., & Blair, W. "Evidence for Shock Precursors in
Tycho's Supernova Remnant." Astrophysical Journal, 535 (2000) : 266.
Hartigan, P., Morse, J., Palunas, P., Bally, J., & Devine, D. "Kinematics of Herbig-Haro Objects
in the Protostellar Outflow L 1551 as Mapped by Fabry-Perot Spectroscopy." Astronomical
Journal, 119 (2000) : 1872.
Hartigan, P., Morse, J., and Bally, J. "Optical and Infrared Images and Spectroscopy of the HH
168 Bubble in Cepheus A." Astronomical Journal, 120 (2000) : 1456.
Hartigan, P. "He II Line Emission as a Tracer of Nonradiative Preionized Shocks: Application to
Winds and Circumstellar Disks in the Orion Nebula." Astrophysical Journal, 526 (1999) : 274.
Hartigan, P., Morse, J., Tumlinson, J., Raymond, J., & Heathcote, S. "Hubble Space Telescope
FOS Optical and Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Bow Shock HH 47A." Astrophysical Journal,
512 (1999) : 901.
Ghavamian, P., & Hartigan, P. "Free-Free Radiation from Dense Interstellar Shock
Waves." Astrophysical Journal, 501 (1998) : 687.
O'Dell, C.R., Hartigan, P., Bally, J., & Morse, J. "High Velocity Features in the Orion
Nebula." Astronomical Journal, 114 (1997) : 2016.
O'Dell, C.R., Hartigan, P., Lane, W.M., Wong, S.K., Burton, M.G., Raymond, J., & Axon, D.J.
"Herbig-Haro Objects in the Orion Nebula." Astronomical Journal, 114 (1997) : 730.
Raymond, J., Blair, W., Long, K., Vancura, O., Edgar, R., Morse, J., Hartigan, P., and Sanders,
W. "The Ultraviolet Spectrum of a Face-On Shock Wave in the Vela Supernova
Remnant." Astrophysical Journal, 482 (1997) : 881.
Reipurth, B., Hartigan, P., Heathcote, S., Morse, J., & Bally, J. "Hubble Space Telescope
Images of the HH 111 Jet." Astronomical Journal, 114 (1997) : 757.
Hamuy, M., Hartigan, P., et al "BVRI Lightcurves for 29 Type Ia Supernovae." Astronomical
Journal, 112 (1996) : 2408.
Hartigan, P., Carpenter, J., Dougados, C., and Skrutskie, M. "Jet Bow Shocks and Clumpy
Shells of H_2 Emission in the Young Stellar Outflow Cepheus A." Astronomical Journal, 111
(1996) : 1278.
Heathcote, S., Morse, J., Hartigan, P., Reipurth, B., Schwartz, R.D., Bally, J., & Stone, J.
"Hubble Space Telescope Observations of the HH47 Jet: Narrow Band Images." Astronomical
Journal, 112 (1996) : 1141.
Curiel, S., Raymond, J., Wolfire, M., Hartigan, P., Morse, J., Schwartz, R., and Nisenson, P.
"Molecular H2 Emission in HH 47A: HST GHRS and FOC Observations." Astrophysical Journal,
453 (1995) : 322.
Edwards, S., Hartigan, P., Ghandour, L. and Andrulis, C. "Spectroscopic Evidence for
Magnetospheric Accretion in Classical T~Tauri Stars." Astronomical Journal, 108 (1994) :
Hamuy, M., et al "SN 1992K: A Twin to the Subluminous Type Ia SN 1991bg." Astronomical
Journal, 108 (1994) : 2226.
Hartigan, P., Morse, J., and Raymond, J. "Mass Loss Rates, Ionization Fractions, Shock
Velocities and Magnetic Fields of Stellar Jets." Astrophysical Journal, 436 (1994) : 125.
Hartigan, P., Strom, K., and Strom, S. "Are Wide Pre-Main Sequence Binaries
Coeval?." Astrophysical Journal, 427 (1994) : 961.
Hughes, J., Hartigan, P., Krautter, J., and Keleman, J. "The Stellar Population of the Lupus
Dark Cloud." Astronomical Journal, 108 (1994) : 1071.
Morse, J., Hartigan, P., Heathcote, S., Raymond, J., and Cecil, G. "Fabry-Perot Observations
and New Models of the HH 47A and HH47D Bow Shocks." Astrophysical Journal, 425 (1994) :
Raymond, J., Morse, J., Hartigan, P., Curiel, S., and Heathcote, S "Entrainment by the Jet in
HH 47." Astrophysical Journal, 434 (1994) : 232.
Editor of books
Hartigan, P. "High Energy Density Laboratory Astrophysics IX." Elsevier (2014)
Book chapters
Frank, A., Ray, T., Cabrit, S., Hartigan, P., Arce, H., Bacciotti, F., Bally, J., Benisty, M.,
Eisloffel, J., Gudel, M., Lebedev, S., Nisini, B. & Raga, A. 2014, in Protostars and Planets VI,
" Jets and Outflows From Star to Cloud: Observations Confront Theory" 451
Frank, A. "At Play in the Cosmos ." At Play in the Cosmos (2015) In Progress
Hartigan, P. 2009, Measurements of Magnetic Fields in Stellar Jets, in Protostellar Jets in Context, K. Tsinganos, T. Ray &
M. Stute eds., (Berlin:Springer-Verlag), 317
Hartigan, P. "Measurement of Physical Conditions in Stellar Jets." Lecture Notes in Physics,
742 (2008) : 15-42.
Refereed conference papers
Coker, R., et al. "Numerical Simulations and Astrophysical Applications of Laboratory Jets at
Omega." Astrophysics and Space Science, 307 (2007) : 57-62.
Hartigan, P. "An Introduction to Observations Relevant to Astrophysical Jets and
Nebulae." Astrophysics and Space Science, 307 (2007) : 3-6.
Hartigan, P. "Shock Waves in Outflows From Young Stars." Astrophysics and Space Science,
287 (2003) : 111-122.
Hartigan, P. "Proper Motions of Stellar Jets as Observed With HST: The Movies." Rev. Mex.
Astr. Ap. Serie de Conferencias, 15 (2003) : 112-116.
Hartigan, P, Bally, J., Reipurth, B., & Morse, J. "Shock Structures and Momentum Transfer in
Stellar Jets." Protostars and Planets IV (2000) : 841.
Buckalew, B., Dufour, R., Hartigan, P., Ghavamian, P., Walter, D., Hester, J., and Scowen, P.
"HST-STIS Spectroscopy of the Bubble Nebula NGC 7635." IAU Symposium 193 (1999) : 336.
Ghavamian, P., and Hartigan, P. "Free-free Radiation from Dense Interstellar Shock
Waves." Rev. Mex. Astr. Ap. Serie de Conf., 7 (1998) : 143.
Tumlinson, J., Hartigan, P., Morse, J., and Raymond, J. "Hst/FOS Spectroscopy of HH47a:
Shock Velocity, Magnetic Fields and Secondary Shock Structure." Rev. Mex. Astr. Ap. Serie de
Conf., 7 (1998) : 137.
Hartigan, P. "Stellar Jets and Star Formation With a 6.5-M Telescope." Rev. Mex. Astr. Ap.,
Serie de Conferencias, 3 (1995) : 275.
Hartigan, P., Edwards, S., and Ghandour, L. "Accretion and Outflow From Young Stars." Rev.
Mex. Astr. Ap., Serie de Conferencias, 3 (1995) : 93.
Hartigan, P. "Low-Excitation HH Objects." Pub Astronomical Soc. Pacific Conf Ser., 57 (1994) :
Raymond, J., Morse, J., Hartigan, P., Curiel, S., and Heathcote, S. "Entrainment of Molecular
Gas in HH47." Pub Astr. Soc. Pacific Conf. Ser., 57 (1994) : 94.
Conference papers
Dufour, R., Sick, J., Hartigan, P., Henry, R., Kwitter, K., and Bohigas, J. 2012, 3D ionization
structure and kinematics of NGC 2392, IAU Symp. 283 "Planetary Nebulae: An Eye to the
Future", 348
Hartigan, P., Johns-Krull, C., and Scowen, P., 2012, Inferring Rotation Periods of Young Stars
from Synoptic Observations, in IAU Symp. 285, "New Horizons in Time Domain Astronomy",
R.E.M. Griffin, R.J. Hanish and R. Seaman eds., (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press), 327.
Crockett, C.J., Mahmud, N., Prato, L., Johns-Krull, C.M., Hartigan, P., Jaffe, D.T., and
Beichman, C. 2011, Finding the Youngest Planets, ASP Conference Series 448, 53
Mahmud, N., Crockett, C., Prato, L., Johns-Krull, C. M., Hartigan, P., Jaffe, D. T., and
Beichman, C.A. 2011, A Search for Substellar Companions of T Tauri Stars, ASP Conference
Series 448, 669
Prato, L., Huerta, M., Johns-Krull, C., Hartigan, P., and Jaffe, D. "Surveying the Youngest
Stars for the Youngest Substellar Companions." Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference
Series, 398 (2008) : 349-356.
Huerta, Hartigan, Prato, Johns-Krull, and Jaffe "A Search for Low Mass Companions and a New
Determination of Effective Temperature for T Tauri Stars." BAAS, 210 (2007) : 3604.
Hartigan and Kenyon "Unresolved Pre-Main-Sequence Binaries in the HR Diagram." IAU
Symposium 200, Formation and Evolution of Binary Stars, Zinnecker and Mathieu eds. (2000)
Kenyon and Hartigan "First Results from a STIS Survey of Close Pre-Main-Sequence Binaries
in Taurus." IAU Symposium 200, Formation and Evolution of Binary Stars, Zinnecker and
Mathieu eds. (2000)
Buckalew, B., Dufour, R., Ghavamian, P., Hartigan, P., Walter, D., Hester, J., & Scowen, P.
"HST STIS Spectroscopy of the Bubble Nebula NGC 7635." BAAS, 194 (1999) : 4710.
Ghavamian, P., Raymond, J.; Hartigan, P.; Blair, W. P. "Discovery of a Photoionization
Precursor in Tycho's Supernova Remnant." BAAS, 195 (1999) : 4308.
Hartigan, P., Morse, J., and Bally, J. "Shocks and Precursors in the Cepheus A Outflow as
Observed by HST." BAAS, 195 (1999) : 7809.
Moore, B. D.; Hester, J. J.; Scowen, P. A.; Walter, D. K.; Dufour, R. J.; Hartigan, P.
M.;Buckalew, B. "Analysis of HST WFPC-2 Images of NGC 7635." BAAS, 195 (1999) : 5306.
Walter, D. K.; Scowen, P. A.; Hester, J. J.; Moore, B. D.; Dufour, R. J.; Hartigan, P. M.;
Buckalew, B. "New HST WFPC-2 Images of the Bubble Nebula, NGC 7635." BAAS, 195 (1999)
: 5307.
Hartigan, P. "HST Observations of the HH 47 and HH 111 Stellar Jets." Accretion Phenomena
and Related Outflows (1997) : 536.
Hartigan, P. "Observations of the Inner Accretion Disk Around Young Stars." Star Formation
Near and Far (1997) : 153.
Hartigan, P.; Reipurth, B.; Morse, J.; Bally, J.; Heathcote, S.; Schwartz, R. "Hubble Space
Telescope Images of the HH 47 and HH 111 Protostellar Jets." BAAS, 188 (1996) : 4103.
Ghavamian, P., and Hartigan, P. "Optically Thick Free-Free Emission in Interstellar
Shocks." BAAS, 1887 (1995) : 2104.
Hartigan, P.; Carpenter, J.; Dougados, C., and Skrutskie, M. "Jet Bow Shocks and Clumpy
Shells of H2 Emission in the Young Stellar Outflow Cepheus A." BAAS, 187 (1995) : 2110.
Ghandour, L., Jenniskens, P., and Hartigan, P. "DIBS Independent of Accretion in T Tauri
Stars." The Diffuse Interstellar Bands: Contributed Papers (1994) : 7.
Hartigan, P. "Observations of accretion and angular momentum regulation in young
circumstellar disks and the implications for planetary formation." LPI Workshop: Physics of
Accretion Disks Around Compact and Very Young Stars (1994) : 2.
Hartigan, P., Edwards, S., and Ghandour, L. "Disk Accretion and Mass Loss From Young
Stars." BAAS (1994) : 4815.
Conference Committee Member
"High Energy Density Laboratory Astrophysics VI." HEDLA VI, St Louis MO. (April 12, 2008)
"Protostellar Jets in Context." Jetset, Rhodes, Greece. (July 10, 2008)
Invited Talks
"Blue Novae, MHD Radiative Shocks, and Self-Similarity of Dark Filaments." [Conference Frontiers in Star Formation; Ann Arbor MI], (June 19)
"Star Formation and Outflows with a 10-12m UV-Optical Telescope." [Conference - Finding the
UV-Visible Path Forward: the Future of UV/Visible Space Astrophysics; NASA Goddard SFC
Washington DC], (June 24)
NNSA, Washington DC. Astrophysical Dynamics in the Laboratory: Mach Stems and
Magnetized Shocks
HEDLA X: Bordeaux FRANCE: Exploring Astrophysical Shock Wave Dynamics in the Laboratory
Astronomical Unit Seminar, Rice University: The Origin of Stellar Masses
NNSA, Albuquerque NM. Astrophysical Dynamics in the Laboratory: Mach Stems and
Magnetized Shocks
Astronomical Unit Seminar, Rice University. Highlights from the 221st AAS Meeting
"Clumpy Environments and Interacting Shock Waves: Realistic Analogs of Astrophysical Flows
(NNSA/SSAA Conference Speaker, Washington DC)." (Feb 23)
"Physical Conditions in YSO Jets (invited talk, NRAO/ALMA Conference, Charlottesville VA)."
(March 3)
Clumpy Environments and Interacting Shock Waves: Realistic Analogs of Astrophysical Flows
SSAA Symposium, Carnegie Washington DC
Fluid Dynamics of Stellar Jets in Real Time
AU Seminar, Rice University, Houston TX
"Astronomical Observations and Laboratory Analogs of Shock Waves in Jets From Young
Stars." American Astronomical Society, St Louis MO. (June 3, 2008) With Frank, Rosen,
Foster, Carver, Palmer, Williams, Wilde, Coker, Blue, Hansen
"Evolving Ideas About HH Objects." Stromfest, Tucson Az. (April 4, 2008)
"Hydrodynamics of Astrophysical Jets." HEDLA (American Physical Society), St Louis MO.
(April 12, 2008) With Frank, Rosen, Foster, Carver, Palmer, Williams, Wilde, Coker, Blue,
"Laboratory experiments, numerical simulations and astronomical observations of supersonic
jets." SSAA, Washington DC. (February 26, 2008) With Frank, Rosen, Foster, Carver, Palmer,
Williams, Wilde, Coker, Blue, Hansen
"Magnetic Fields in Stellar Jets." Protostellar Jets in Context, Rhodes, Greece. (July 10, 2008)
With Frank, Varniere, Blackman
"Emission Line Diagnostics: Deriving Physical Parameters, Dynamics and Kinematics." JETSET,
Elba. (Sept 4, 2006)
"Magnetic Fields in Stellar Jets." Physics and Astronomy Dept, Rice University. (Sept 20,
"Magnetic Fields in Stellar Jets." Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Florence, Italy. (Sept 14,
2006) With Frank, Varniere, Blackman
"Magnetic Fields in Stellar Jets." Rome Observatory, Frascati, Italy. (Sept 14, 2006)
"Overview of Astronomical Observations Related to Laboratory Laser Experiments." HEDLA VI,
Rice University. (March 11, 2006)
"Proper Motions in the HH 47 Protostellar Jet." Tex/Mex 9, San Antonio. (April 15 2005) With
Reipurth, Bally, Morse, Heathcote
"Shocks in Jets from Young Stars." High Energy Density Laboratory Astrophysics V, Tucson.
(March 11, 2004)
"Slitless Observations with HST of the Inner 100 AU of Jets from Young Stars." Cores, Disks,
Jets and Outflows, Banff. (July 14, 2004)
"Motions, Shocks and Collimation of Stellar Jets." Northwestern University, Evanston IL.
"Movies of Stellar Jets From HST." Winds, Bubbles, and Explosions, Patzcuaro, Mexico. (Sept
10, 2002)
"Movies of Stellar Jets from HST." High Energy Density Laboratory Astrophysics, Ann Arbor,
MI. (Feb 25, 2002) With Morse, Reipurth, Bally, Heathcote
"Shock Waves in Jets From Young Stars." Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting,
Porto, Portugal. (Sept 3, 2002)
"Shock Waves in Jets and Outflows." Physics and Astronomy Colloquium, Rice University. (Oct
2, 2002)
"Shock Waves and Motions in Stellar Jets." Colloquium, University of Texas, Austin. (April 17
"Momentum Transfer in Stellar Jets." Colloquium, Cal Tech Astronomy Dept. (5/8/2000)
"STIS Spectra of Close Binary T Tauri Stars." International Astronomical Union 200, Potsdam
Germany. (4/11/2000) With Kenyon
"STIS Spectra of Close Binary T Tauri Stars." Seminar, Steward Observatory, Tucson AZ.
"Unresolved T Tauri Binaries in the H-R Diagram." International Astronomical Union 200,
Potsdam Germany. (4/13/2000) With Kenyon
"The Age of Planetary Discovery." Society of Rice University Women, Houston TX. (2/17/2003)
"The Age of Planetary Discovery Begins." Adler Planetarium, Chicago IL. (11/12/2003)
"Jets from Young Stars and Active Galactic Nuclei (panelist, ALMA conference, Charlottesville
VA)." (March 3)
AAS Meeting, Long Beach CA. NEWFIRM Survey of Pillars and Walls in the Carina Massive
Star Formation Region
Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg Germany. Time-Series Position-Velocity Diagrams of
the Jet and Low-Velocity Components in HH444
"Irradiated Interfaces in the Carina and Cyg OB2 Massive Star Forming Regions ( Poster at
HEDLA-9, Tallahassee, FL)." (April 29)
Inferring Rotation Periods of Young Stars from Synoptic Observations, Oxford UK
"Laboratory Astrophysics and Real Equations of State: The Next Challenges for Astrophysical
MHD Simulations." International Conference on High Energy Density Physics, Austin TX. (May
20, 2009)
"Laboratory Experiments, Numerical Simulations, and Astronomical Observations of Deflected
Supersonic Jets." International Conference on High Energy Density Physics, Austin TX. (May
20, 2009)
"Non-Equilibrium, Non-LTE, Radiative Cooling in the 3D MHD code AstroBEAR ." International
Conference on High Energy Density Physics, Austin TX. (May 20, 2009)
"Magnetic Fields in Stellar Jets." Protostars and Planets V, Hilo, HI. (October 23-29, 2005)
With Blackman, Varniere, Frank
"Subarcsecond Imaging of Forbidden Lines in Young Stars using the STIS Spectrograph on
HST in Slitless Mode." Winds, Bubbles, and Explosions, Patzcuaro Mexico. (Sept 11, 2002)
With Edwards
"Proper Motions in the HH1, HH 34, HH 47 and HH 111 Stellar Jets: Movies From HST."
American Astronomical Society, San Diego. (Jan 8, 2001) With Reipurth, Bally, Morse, and
"Shocks and Precursors in the Cepheus A Outflow." American Astronomical Society Mtg,
Atlanta GA. (1/14/2000) With Morse, Bally
Seminar Speaker
"A New Diagnostic of Magnetic Field Strengths in Radiatively-Cooled Shock Fronts."
[Astronomical Unit Seminar; Rice University], (September 9)
"A New Look at the Carina Nebula." [Astronomical Unit Seminar; Rice University], (January
"The Cytherian-Jovian Conjunction Series and an Unusual Lunar Eclipse." [Astronomical Unit
Seminar; Rice University], (September 9)
"Dynamics of Stellar Jets Revealed Through Phase Space (National Radio Astronomical
Observatory Colloquium, Socorro NM)." (October 19)
"New Horizons in Time Domain Astronomy (Astronomical Unit Seminar speaker, Rice
University)." (Feb 8)
Fluid Dynamics of Stellar Jets in Real Time, Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory, La
Serena Chile
Fluid Dynamics of Stellar Jets in Real Time
Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore MD
Fluid Dynamics of Stellar Jets in Real Time, European Southern Observatory, Santiago Chile
From the Omega Facility to the Hubble Space Telescope: Experiments and Observations of
Supersonic Fluid Dynamics in Stellar Jets and Star Forming Regions, Los Alamos National
Laboratory, Los Alamos
Observations and Laboratory Experiments of Fluid Dynamics in Stellar Jets, Dublin Institute
for Advanced Studies, Dublin Ireland
Observations and Laboratory Experiments of Fluid Dynamics in Stellar Jets, Los Alamos
National Laboratory, Los Alamos
Observations and Laboratory Experiments of Fluid Dynamics in Stellar Jets, ETH Zurich,
Observations and Laboratory Experiments of Fluid Dynamics in Stellar Jets, Imperial College,
London UK
"Astronomical Observations and Laboratory Analogs of Shock Waves in Jets from Young
Stars." Colloquium, University of Rochester. (March 1, 2009)
"Astronomical Observations and Laboratory Analogs of Shock Waves in Jets from Young
Stars." Colloquium, Texas A&M University. (April 28, 2009)
"New Infrared Observations of the Remarkable Star Formation Region Cygnus OB2 ."
Astronomical Unit Seminar, Rice University. (September 9, 2009)
"The NASA Senior Review of Operating Missions." AU Seminar, Rice University. (September
24, 2008)
"Magnetic Fields in Stellar Jets." Baylor University, Waco. (4/18/07)
"Highlights of the Protostars and Planets V Meeting." Astronomical Unit Seminar, Rice
University. (11/9/2005)
"4th International Conference on High Energy Density Laboratory Astrophysics." Astronomical
Unit Seminar, Rice University. (March 13, 2002)
"A Spectroscopic Survey of Subarcsecond Pre-Main-Sequence Binaries in the Taurus-Auriga
Dark Cloud." Astronomical Unit Seminar, Rice University. (Oct 2, 2002) With Kenyon
"Astronomy Faculty Research Overview." Astronomical Unit, Rice University. (9/12/01) With
Dufour, Liang, Baring, Johns-Krull
"Disks Around Young Close Binaries." Astronomical Unit Seminar, Rice University. (5/1/2000)
"Formation and Evolution of Binary Stars." Astronomical Unit Seminar, Rice University.
"HST Observations of Stellar Jet Motions." Astronomical Unit Seminar, Rice University.
"Highlights of the Atlanta AAS Meeting." Astronomical Unit Seminar, Rice University.
"Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Herbig-Haro Objects." Astronomical Unit, Rice University.
"Ongoing Projects in Star Formation Research." Astronomical Unit, Rice University. (10/12)
Session Chair
AAS Session Chair, Molecular Clouds and Star Formation
"Session Chair at HEDLA Conference (HEDLA-9, Tallahassee FL)." (April 30)
Editorial Positions
Editor for Special Issue, High Energy Density Physics. Elsevier. (2013 - 2013)
Editor for Special Issue, High Energy Density Physics. Elsevier. (2012 - 2012)
Editor for Special Issue, High Energy Density Physics. Elsevier. (2014 - 2014)
Editor, HEDLA 9. High Energy Density Physics. (2011 - 2011)
Supervised Theses & Dissertations
Rachel Pierson, BS Dust in Stellar Jets. (2002) (Thesis or Dissertation Director)
Gregory Pawloski, MS Testing of the Muon Port Card and Related Electronics for the CMS
Endcap Muon Trigger System. (2003) (Committee Member)
Brent Buckalew, PhD Survey of Wolf-Rayet Variable Stars in Nearby Galaxies. (2003)
(Committee Member)
Takao Doi, PhD Internal Velocities in the Orion Nebula. (2004) (Thesis or Dissertation
Wei Zhao, MS The Kicked Atom: Characterization of Quasi-One-Dimensional Rydberg The
Kicked Atom: Characterization of Quasi-One-Dimensional Rydberg Atoms and Their Nonlinear
Dynamics. (2004) (Committee Member)
Marcos Huerta, MS Forbidden Line Emission in the Classical T Tauri Spectroscopic Binaries DQ
Tau and UZ Tau-E Monitored Over an Orbital Period. (2004) (Thesis or Dissertation Director)
Hao Yang, M.S. Measuring the Magnetic Fields on T Tauri Star TW Hya. (2005) (Committee
Adam Ginsburg, BS Dust in Stellar Jets. (2006) (Thesis or Dissertation Director)
Marcos Huerta, PhD A Search for Low Mass Companions and a New Determination of Effective
Temperatures for T Tauri Stars (Ph.D. thesis). (2006) (Thesis or Dissertation Director)
Pia Denzmore, BS Massive Star Formation With Spitzer. (2006) (Thesis or Dissertation
Eileen Meyer, MS Effect of Spectral Curvature on the Evolution of Blazars. (2008) (Committee
Julia Scheevel, BS Independent Component Analysis of T Tauri Star Spectra. (2009) (Thesis or
Dissertation Director)
Robert Carver, PhD Shocks and Jets from the Laboratory Environment to the Astrophysical
Regime: Transforming AstroBEAR Into an All Purpose MHD Simulation Package. (2009)
(Thesis or Dissertation Director)
Lauren Ilse Cleeves, BS Star Formation in the Cygnus OB2 Association. (2009) (Thesis or
Dissertation Director)
Chris Olsen, MS Ion Flux Maps and Helicon Source Efficiency in the VASIMR VX-100
Experiment Using a Moving Langmuir Probe Array. (2009) (Committee Member)
Jacob Palmer, MS Numerical Simulations of Radiative Shocked Clumps: Application to the
Young Stellar Outflow HH 29 . (2011) (Thesis or Dissertation Director)
Paul Wilson Cauley, PhD Diagnosing Mass Flows in Herbig Ae/Be Stars. (2014) (Committee
Wei Chen, PhD Magnetic Fields and Accretion on T Tauri Stars. (2014) (Committee Member)
Jun Liu, MS Plasmon-Induced Hot Carriers in Metallic Nanoparticles. (2015) (Committee
Andy Sha Liao, PhD Numerical Simulations of an Experimental Analogue of a Planetary
Magnetosphere. (2017) (Thesis or Dissertation Director)
Yu Pu, MS Effects of Stray Fields on Ionization of Rydberg Atoms near Gold Surfaces.
(Committee Member)