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by Dr.Henry Clifford Kinley
Los Angeles, California
recorded by Dr. Carl F Gross on reel to reel recorder
transferred to 1 90 minute and 1 60 minute audio cassette by Gerry Rothstein
Transcribed by Anne Mastropaulo
Proofread by Susan Ameigh, Gerry Rothstein and Michael Rothstein
Proofread and Approved by the International Public Relations Committee: 1996
Dr. Kinley: Thank you very much. I'm indeed happy and glad to be here to talk with
you about the things that are coming to pass that is written in your Bible. Now I'd
like to say beforehand, some of you have been with me in school for many years,
many years. And, you have heard me expound the scriptures. Some have become angered
at me for the things that I've told you out of the book, but, nevertheless many of
'em have returned to say, 'well, I'm sorry I have discovered my error and I
apologize.' And some of those people are here tonight. That are looking me in the
Now I brought that up for this reason. Ever since 1957, I have been trying my best
to caution you all along the road trying to tell you what was going to happen. And,
I told you according to the scriptures. It didn't look like that I knew what I was
talking about because many would say, 'well now that's not the way I see it.' Well
I already know that. It wasn't the way I saw it either, until God showed me.
And so now I want to talk with you about some pin points tonight along the line. As
I told you I'm fixing to, in the very near future, to go back to the state of Ohio.
And, I want you to continuously bear in mind the things that I have been trying my
best to convey to your heart and mind which you have now had the opportunity,
you've set right up and experienced: for example, I'll call attention to one. I
told you before February the 4th, 1962, about the conjunction of the planets and it
would bring earthquakes and it would be, the sea and the waves roar, and the
weather would be fluctuating, such as not known to man. Now somebody would set out
there for the first time and say, 'well, now he don't know what he's talking
about.' But I can prove that by you setting in your seat, whether this is your
first or last time. It's been that. Is that right?
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Student Body: Right.
Dr. Kinley: Now, I told you that there would be a reflection on the 10th day of
April, 14th day of April, I did say. I told you about that before it come to pass.
And, that reflection was.., manifest itself in the depths; in the waters. That
Thrasher (Thresher?), that sub, did it sink on the 14th day of April? Now someone
setting out there would think, 'well now he don't know what he's talking about. Now
I don't believe that stuff.' They don't realize that I'm getting these things out
of the Bible. Now I told you about the earthquake, cautioned and warned. Now that
was on the 14th of April, or the 10th. It was the 10th of April, that that
submarine Thrasher (Thresher?). Now let me, let me say this to you. Now this is
what I was looking at. That lamb down in Egypt was drawn out of the flock on the
10th. I did not set that day up, and was slain on the 14th, ate on the 14th. Now
one year from that day, good Friday, as it is called, I mean on the 27th. Now if
you reconcile the difference between the civil year and the sacred year they would
both be on the same day. Now when Jesus Christ was crucified out there on the
cross, that day, good Friday, as it is called, there was an earthquake. Well now,
nobody nowhere, call your preacher, teacher, deacon what have you, has paid any
attention to them signs that come down on those days. There's always got to be a
reflection. Every year there's got to be some kind of a reflection. Why? Because
God is accurate and operates the same way all the time without any changes. His
purpose must come down through the dispensations and ages that way. Now that's what
makes up the history of the world, that's what makes it up. Now I brought that up
so you can see, so that you could understand and, you might as well get ready
because we'll read some of this out of this Bible. And I told you cause I have some
magazines, some papers and every thing to prove it to you. And then when you see it
happen or come to pass, you not knowing the scriptures as Jesus said, and with all
of the false prophets and hypocrites preaching that you got out here in the world,
that the world is wondering after they don't know nothing about it and consequently
neither do you. And you walk right into it. Listen, into the Day of the Lord will
come as a thief in the night. Slip right up on you. All of these signs and things
that's postscript in your Bible, they're just standing around and reading them with
no understanding. You don't know what it's all about. Unless somebody that God has
sent tell you something about it. And then when somebody God has sent tell you
something about it you say, 'that's not so.' 'Why did you say that?' 'Because it's
not the tradition of our respective churches. We disagree with you.' True they do.
'And I've been raised to believe certain things.' That's what they say to you and
so forth and so on, down the line. And so goes the world and overlook these things.
Now I want you to read, I want you to take the second chapter of Thessalonians, the
second Thessalonians the second chapter. Now I've been telling you about this and
putting the pressure on ever since 1957. Dr. Freddy Allen, if you are not busy or
someone that's not busy, please put this 4004 and bring this down to 1960, 1963,
1963, 1964. Now whoever has Thessalonians I want you to start reading there when I
call for it. Now I don't wanna call for it now. Now here's why. Now just like I
told you about those repetitions and reflections which is already set up in the
book. I did not set 'em up. So don't say that I made a prediction, with the
understanding that I made it (get the point) not talking about
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when I say, I ain't talking about Henry C. Kinley, not talking about that. And
you've heard me say many, many times, many times. Now we're not out here to play.
This is not the place to come to have some fun. And this is not just a tradition or
a custom meeting out here. So since that's the way it is as people do we want you
to get it out of your mind that that's what this kind of a meeting this is, because
it's not that. You'll have a long way to figuring down, I know that you do but,
we'll, we'll have to take this off of you. So you just get this chair or get
something or if you're not busy there and get something, so if you set up to this
board cause I want to figure. I want to read, I want to read the magazines. I wanna
I wanna read the Bible. I wanna read everything. And I wanna put it right down
where you can get a hold of it. And I'm telling you what to look for, where to look
for it. And don't you start no arguments with me. As far so I'm concerned it's up
to you whether you believe it or not.
Now ____ here spoke about the coming of Christ, that there was none with him to
help Him. I don't want to go into a long discourse on that. You, if you heard it,
read it out of the Bible. Now that's the way it is. Now when He come along, this is
what He done. He was fulfilling what Moses and the prophets said. Or He's
fulfilling the law and the prophets or fulfilling the scriptures. And He said that
one jot or one tittle of it should in no wise pass until it was all fulfilled. Is
that just about the way it is in the book? Now the things that He's done,
everything He done, leaving out nothing, was a fulfillment of the scriptures. And
while I'm on that I'd like to tell you this. In those first 5 books that Moses
wrote all the whole entire purpose of God on down through here was declared. When
Moses went up in the mountain the first time he had seventy elders with him, Aaron,
Nadab and Abihu. I, even I painted it up here. It says there in the 24th chapter of
Exodus, and the 9th and 10th verse, they saw the God of Israel. They saw Him in a
vision. Isn't that in you Bible? Now John said, 'no man has seen God at any time.
No, you'll never see God with your physical eyes at anytime. They didn't then and
you won't after a while. But they saw Him in a vision, the God of Israel. Now God
is Spirit, Spirit is inconceivable and there is no where, where it is not. So you
don't have no opportunity of getting outside of God. For in Him we live and we move
and we have our being. Now you've heard about the 2nd coming of Christ haven't you?
Everybody has. Well now when Moses went up in this mountain and saw this and the
elders, Moses, the rest of them come back and there, there remained, Moses remained
in the, in the mountain 40 days. Seven of them days he saw the vision of the
creation. And the other 33 days of it: I wonder if you can understand me if I make
this upwards, this is the real first Adam up here and the last, that's the
beginning and the end, this is the beginning of the creation of God. Now in order
to get that over to you, Freddy, I'll tell you like this. God is spirit and He
just, God just took on shape and form. And they saw Him in a vision. That's an
incorporeal, not a physical. And that same God who is Spirit taking on this form
that was made come on down and took on a physical form, that same God walking on
among men. And made them statements that I just told you. Now then, I'm trying hard
to get you to see. Now Moses entered within that cloud, which symbolizes entry into
Eternity, or carried as Paul puts it, 'I came to visions and revelations. I knew a
man about 14 years ago that was exalted or lifted up to the 3rd heaven where things
impossible for a man to utter.' The thing was, which was with Moses. So that was
all within this cloud. Now look, within this cloud Moses sees the vision
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of the creation of heaven and earth. That's not this cloud, this cloud was a
burning fire when the heavens and earth came in. When Moses saw the vision of the
creation within that cloud. Don't get out of the cloud, stay in it.
Man: Hey doc. Hey doc. What if I plan here to leave and 'be baptized and I shall be
saved.' Get me out of that. Will you?
Dr. Kinley: No, I can't digress, I'm preaching a special sermon because I'm fixing
to go away.
Man: Okay go ahead, go ahead.
Dr. Kinley: This is a special meeting.
Man: I was going away, going away. I just ask you to help me.
Dr. Kinley: Okay, okay. Well now look. Let me say this to you.
Man: I'm with you
Dr. Kinley: Now if you just, just study
Man: Okay.
Dr. Kinley: cause I'm struggling with all that's in me here,
Man: I'm with you doc.
Dr. Kinley: Yes I'm struggling with all that there is in me.
Man: Alright.
Dr. Kinley: And I realize my insufficiencies. It's not of myself, it certainly will
have to be of God.
Man: ____ ____
Dr. Kinley: And we wouldn't blame anything to anybody.
Man: That's why I asked you.
Dr. Kinley: I know it. Everything's alright, but I'll be right down there to talk
with you.
Now, stay within this cloud. Now if you stay within this cloud, I'm talking about
this cloud that led Israel out of Egypt. That cloud, that cloud was a burning fire
at night in the eyes of the children of Israel round. And remember, please remember
that I told you then Moses saw the incorporeal form, sees the figure of the
tabernacle, and sees the figure of the incorporeal form, he sees the creator. Now
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if that's the way it come in, that's the way it will go out. I wanna make this
thing clear. Now that's the creation of the heaven and earth during these 6 days.
And on the 7th day He rests, called it the Sabbath. Now the people have got the
wrong understanding about the Sabbath too. With God there is no Sabbath, because
you are in this Day of Eternity. Now watch how the Sabbath fits in here now. Then
you'll see what I'm talking about. I told you that Israel was camped around this
mountain and they were looking at that cloud and it was a pillar of fire by night
and it was a cloud by day. Now when they come out of Egypt they brought supplies
that they had. And when they got in the region of Mt. Sinai, I just try to tell you
in a way that you can understand, their supplies became diminished. And they begin
to quest with Moses, crying, 'you bring us out here to starve to death.' There
wasn't no industry out there, there wasn't anything. But they had to follow the way
the cloud went. And so then, God gave them manna from heaven. Are you listening
now? And God told them that they could gather that manna 6 days. But the 7th day
first knowledge of anybody anywhere had of the Sabbath, but to take on the 6 day
they had to gather enough to do for the 7th. Now Israel looking at that cloud
hanging over that mountain and gathering that manna for 6 consecutive days. And in
that cloud there and that day that they couldn't gather it on was the Sabbath. And
that day Moses saw nothing in the cloud. Now Jesus talking about that, He said the
Sabbath was made for the man not God. Now who do you know know that.., He said He
was Lord of the Sabbath. And on that 7th day saw that cloud, Israel saw, on the
same day that they couldn't gather manna. So therefore, they said, the Lord
sanctified and hallowed the Sabbath. And He rested on the 7th day.
Now that what Moses said in the 2nd chapter and about the 4th verse. These are the
generations, now you listen at me, of the heaven and earth in the day which the
Lord God created them. Not the days, not 6 days. But, during the 6 days that that
cloud hovered over that mount and Israel watched it. Those are the 6 days. But
within the cloud that's the Day of the Lord, that is an eternal day. It has no
beginning, has no end. Then what happened after this? Getting back around to show
you what I'm trying to get you to see. Then by him seeing this incorporeal man, or
this vision of Christ creates the heaven and earth; in other words the heaven and
earth generate from that man showing them 7, those 6 days and on that 7th He
Now listen now. Listen. Now then if this man, which is the first Adam, generates
the heavens and the earth, then the Adam that He creates on the 6th day, that's got
to generate from him, the generations of the human race. And them other 33 days
that he was up there he was writing down the pedigrees and the genealogies. Giving
you their names, bringing them on down, that the Lord God was showing Him. Now what
you got, you got the generations of the heaven and the earth, then you got the
generations of the generations. Did you get that? During them 33 years, 33 days.
What did you say 33 years for? Now what are you talking about, 33 years or 33 days?
One day with prophetic time is one day for a year. So this other 33 days that he
was up there that is what happened. Now I'm talking about the 1st time he was in
the mount. Then when he come down out of the mountain the first time carrying the
tables of stone, he threw them down and burst them because, now somebody says, 'he
broke the commandments.' I beg your
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pardon, he broke the table of stones. Because all of Israel had built that golden
calf and was worshipping that calf. Is that right? Now God said, God told him you
better go on down. God knew what was going on down there. But I, I got to teach
that. Now that's the first, into the first 40 days. Then he takes the tables, the
tables of stone and went back up in the mountain. Stayed up there 40 more days. And
then he comes down, that's the 2nd time that he had been in the presence of God.
Well now there wasn't witnesses up there that time, but to prove that Moses was in
the presence of God, he was transfigured and his face was, his countenance was
changed, and he had to put a veil over his face.
Now that's pointing to what I'm trying to tell you now. That pointed to the 2nd
appearance of Christ. And at His second appearance, your glorification, your
transfiguration, your change of your physical body to a glorified body like His.
Now did you see how I tried to take just them first five books and show you that
Moses was in the Day of the Lord. The whole purpose of God was ____ there. Now did
you see it there, did you see it here? Get it. Now you see that. Okay.
Now then at the 2nd appearance of Christ He will not appear in the flesh, never
anymore, that's over with. ____ ____ too, the 70 elders and the heads of the
tribes. Now when He, Jesus comes, because it was that way back there, then He had
to choose 12 men, if He's gonna fulfill that, ____ ____.
Now He just wasn't going along, doing something aimlessly. He wasn't establishing
nothing, it was already established. You get the point? Now, I want you to look now
to verify and to confirm. Now this is what I'm after, showing you. You'll recall
that I said that this, within that cloud was a Eternal day. 'A day that had no
beginning, had no ending. Hadn't started yet, and hadn't ended yet, because it
don't have no starting place, it don't have no ending place. That is the day of God
or the Eternity of God. Now have I made that clear? All that God has purposed in
His purpose is going on, within that cloud, right now, I'm talking about tonight.
Now I want you to look at II Peter the 3rd chapter. Keep your mind, keep it pinned
right up there. Remember I told you that this cloud was a pillar of fire by night
and then when it was ordinarily night, the evening and the morning, that was the
first day. The evening and the morning was the 2nd day. Now when John on the Isle
of Patmos caught up in that same cloud, it was that same incorporeal form as he
walked around with Jesus, taking off the flesh out on the Isle of Patmos. He said
now, he heard the 7 thunders utter their voice, he was told to write, but He told
him not to write that. Why not write that? You have a record right there in the 1st
chapter of Genesis. Write this not for the time is at hand. Ain't that what it
says. That's the 10th chapter of Revelations about the 4th verse.
Now then, being caught up in the Spirit, John, and looking back he sees the same
thing. Now why does he see the same thing? It's because he is preserved to confirm
what Moses has seen. Now Jesus come and fulfilled it. John sees it in the vision
out there to confirm what Moses has seen. Now that takes your Bible from Genesis on
over to Revelations whether you know it or not.
Now what I'm after is showing you that we're still in this Day. All that God has
declared, the end from the beginning, just taking place as of now within this
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Now I'm talking about, not after a while, now. Now Peter is looking at, II Peter
the 3rd chapter and this is what he says about it. Read somebody.
Reader: But the day of the Lord
Dr. Kinley: Now that's the 2nd chapter of Genesis the 4th verse. 'But the day of
the Lord, 'and now He's got 2nd Peter 3:10. 'But the day the Lord.' That day that
never had no beginning, never had no ending. All that God has purposed, it takes
place within that day, or within the eternity of God. Now when that gets complete,
all of that ____ ____, that's the day of the Lord. And don't forget now He is up
there within that cloud. He appears, is seen, He's in, He's in that cloud.
Now look and listen, please listen. The Bible is not just written for some good
reason. Jesus ascended on a cloud. The children of Israel came out of here on a
cloud. When Christ raised from the dead, men that stank.., that slept in the dust
of the earth rose and went on into Jerusalem. And there was, and Paul looked at it
and this is what he said in the 12th chapter. 'Wherefore seeing we are compassed
about with so great a cloud of witnesses laying aside every weight and the sin that
doth so easily beset us and run with patience the race set before us looking ever
unto Jesus who is the author and the finisher of our faith.' Is that in your book?
Read on, Dr. Harris.
Reader: but the day of the Lord
Dr. Kinley: but the day of the Lord
Reader: will come as a thief in the night
Dr. Kinley: will come as a thief in the night. Remember I told you the evening and
the morning was the first day. The evening and the morning, no man can.., John
looked at it on the Isle of Patmos, he said, 'I don't see no night there.' While he
____ ____ ____, Now Peter is saying, 'the day of the Lord will come as a thief in
the night.' That's what Peter's saying. Alright read,
Reader: in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise.
Dr. Kinley: In the which the heavens that Moses seen, God created the heavens and
the earth shall pass away with a great noise. And now if it came in that way in
that cloud, eternity. You and your scientific observation knowing all about the
atomic molecular structure of the universe. You think you know so much, get the
point? It's only just time. It's an amalgamation and conglomeration of atoms and
molecules. All those together that's what I mean. It's a coring mass. Makes up spin
with centrifugal force out in the boundaries of space and the sun flew off here,
and the moon yonder and the stars yonder, ____ ____. Now you haven't gotten nowhere
at all, you don't know what happened unless you go back here. The day of the Lord
will come as a thief in the night in which the heavens shall pass away
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with a great noise.
Reader: and the elements shall melt with fervent heat...
Dr. Kinley: and the elements shall melt with fervent heat...
Reader: the earth also.
Dr. Kinley: the earth also.
Reader: and the works that are therein...
Dr. Kinley: and the works that are therein shall be burnt up. I just got through
telling you that that's the way they come in in that fiery burning. That's the way
they will go out in that day and that's what Peter is looking at. You see that now?
Read on.
Reader: seeing then...
Dr. Kinley: Seeing then, if it's revealed to you, then, seeing then, what?
Reader: that all these things shall be dissolved
Dr. Kinley: Seeing that all these things shall be dissolved. That is to say in the
dissolutionization ____ ____ or the disintegration. All of these things. Seeing
that. Then don't you put too much stock in that tabernacle and in that penthouse,
cause it's gonna be dissolved. You put your faith and trust in God and watch
diligently and carefully for the approach of the Day of the Lord because if you
don't it will come upon you as a thief in the night. Read on.
Reader: What manner of persons ought you to be
Dr. Kinley: What kind of persons ought you to be, what manner of persons ought you
to be. Backbiting, lying, hating one another. Is that the kinda folks you oughta
be? Read.
Reader: in all holy conversation
Dr. Kinley: in all holy conversation, and what else?
Reader: and godliness
Dr. Kinley: and godliness
Reader: looking for
Dr. Kinley: looking for. You should be looking for it. Looking for what? Read.
Reader: and hasting unto the coming of the Day of God
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Dr. Kinley: and hasting of the coming of the Day of God. You see what I'm talking
about, all right, read on.
Man: I love you, doc.
Dr. Kinley: Alright.
Man: I love you doc.
Dr. Kinley: Read on.
Reader: wherein the heavens
Dr. Kinley: Wherein the heavens
Reader: being on fire
Dr. Kinley: being on fire
Reader: shall be dissolved
Dr. Kinley: shall be, not maybe but shall be dissolved. Read.
Reader: and the elements shall melt
Dr. Kinley: and the elements shall melt with fervent heat. All right, go right on.
Reader: Nevertheless
Dr. Kinley: Nevertheless
Reader: we, according to His promise
Dr. Kinley: Nevertheless we, that's you and me, we look forward to that according
to His promise. Now when He was there in Matthew 24, 'heaven and earth shall pass
away but My word shall stand.' Those ____ on fire, we look for a new heaven and a
new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness. Now John on the Isle of Patmos, he said,
'I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth were
passed away.' He's looking for it to go out. 'Wherein dwelleth righteousness.' But
said, 'I didn't see no temple therein.' He didn't see nothing of the Vatican. Will
now somebody get insulted about that. Said, 'you don't go down to my religion.' Now
look, the temple that was builded in Jerusalem by divine specifications, he said
he.., I don't see that either. So if you wanna get insulted about the Vatican, you
don't see this temple either cause He said it would be torn down, and it was torn
down too. Get it? Well why didn't you see it? It's because the Lord God and the
lamb, they was the temple of it. This is the temple of God. Know ye not that your
body is the temple of God, and it's not made with hands either. Realize there's
stones in that building so said Peter. A royal priesthood and a holy nation, ____
____, you know what I mean. A Holy nation.
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Yes, I do have to bring all that substance. I haven't got started yet. Read on.
Nevertheless, we, according to His promise, look for a new heaven and a new earth.
Reader: wherein dwelleth righteousness
Dr. Kinley: wherein dwelleth righteousness
Reader: Wherefore beloved
Dr. Kinley: Wherefore beloved as you ____, wherefore beloved,
Reader: Seeing that you look for such things
Dr. Kinley: seeing that you do look for such things
Reader: be diligent that
Dr. Kinley: Now don't be just kinda halfway unconcerned. And now coming up with,
'it don't makes no difference with me and so, and so, and so, and so, and so. I
know what I wanna do, I'm 3 times 7, I'm grown.' That's what people say, you know
what they say as well as I do. Be diligent, be earnest, be sincere, be careful.
Don't walk backwards like that, all nonchalant, how you talking about
psychologically as well. Read children, read.
Reader: that you may be found of Him
Dr. Kinley: That when that day of the Lord does come, that you may be found of Him.
Reader: in peace
Dr. Kinley: in peace
Reader: without spot
Dr. Kinley: without spot
Reader: and blameless
Dr. Kinley: and blameless. Now that will do from there. And blameless. Now here's
why I brought all of that up. In as much so then, as you look for the Lord, and you
ought to be able to discern Him in each one of these tabernacles at Pentecost. God
Almighty knows that you should and you will have to, that's all there is to it,
discern the devil in there. It's got to be Christ or the anti-Christ. That means
you and me and everybody so don't get sore. Take your medicine. I have to take
mine. Now when I say that I mean this. It's my job telling you even to cut your
head off, whether you like it or don't like it. It's my job that's what I was sent
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Man: Is Anti-Christ in me?
Dr. Kinley: How's that?
Man: See the Anti-Christ in me?
Dr. Kinley: Do I see the anti-Christ in you?
Man: Yea.. I love you
Dr. Kinley: Oh, I'm not arguing that point. No,no.
Man: If you see it in someone I want to know
Dr. Kinley: Know.
Man: Is the anti-Christ in me?
Dr. Kinley: I said now, look let me repeat my words. Heretofore. I said that we
either got to be, that goes for me, you, everybody, every preacher on earth. We
either got to have Christ, the real Christ in us or else we are of the devil or the
anti-Christ. Now that goes for everybody. We don't wanna throw off on nothing or
Man: I'm a preacher Doc, I wanna be saved. I wanna learn something you said.
Dr. Kinley: I've tried my best to convey to you, pay attention to me. Now if I
personate you,
Man: I ____ off.
Dr. Kinley: if I personate you,
Man: Whatever you tell me
Dr. Kinley: If I personate you,
Man: ____ ____ ____. You don't bother me
Dr. Kinley: I put my own self in
Man: I'm with you doc.
Dr. Kinley: I put my own self in. And I'm talking to everybody in here and all
everybody out in the world, I'm talking to them, with no respect of personalities.
I told you I was sent to preach the gospel and no man go forth at his own expense,
Man: There ain't nobody out there then that can get up there and talk.
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Dr. Kinley: Now let's go on so we can follow the continuity of thought because I'm
trying to get down to it. Now we talked about the Day and the coming of the Lord.
Is that what we talked about? So you can follow. And the reason why I'm so
concerned about it now I'm talking prophetic. Trying my best to show you that, that
day, or that day which you are looking for is right on your heels, in fact you're
in it now. Therefore, in other words, be more circumspect, I'm trying to show you.
Now that day of the Lord there in Peter. Peter said this, that one day with the
Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day. Well now you got
these 6 days of the creation. Each one of 'em is equal to 1000 years with the Lord.
Now if you take your Bible and you go back over here to the first chapter of
Genesis, being the very best chronologist you can find. You take the first chapter
of writing and it appears to be read in the King James version of the Bible it'll
tell you 4004 B.C. That means 4000 with B.C. means 4000 and 4 years before Christ.
Well I'd like to inform you, there's no such thing as before Christ. ____ ____ ____
____ to tell the truth about that. And to tell somebody that ain't right. His name
should be called Emmanuel (Immanuel?). Emmanuel by interpretation is God with us.
Now the Pope can't see God walking around in Egypt or God with us. They can't see
that. They said, 'look show us the Father, that it might suffice us.' 'Have I been
so long with you, show us the Father, when you see me you see the Father.' Now when
He spoke about the temple or the ta.., the building up there, they thought He was
talking about, I mean when He was talking about His Father's house. They thought He
was talking about their temple sitting over there. Well He says 'in my Father's
house is many mansions if it were not so, I would have told you.' 'What'd you lie
for.' 'We were 46 years in building this temple and how sayest thou that you'll
raise it up in 3 days?' Listen, Paul said, 'now without controversy,' now there's
no need of no argument or debate about it, 'great is the mystery of God. God was
manifested in the flesh, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, and received
up into glory.' The same God was manifested right there. Paul said to Peter, said,
'God was in Jesus Christ reconciling the world.' Now the thing, watch this point.
Now watch, cause I have to come down and get down here some ways so I can show you
what I'm really driving at in these books and these magazines. Now Jesus when He
come along, everybody knows that He chose 12 men. Reason why He chose them 12 down
them..., cause of them 12 sons of Jacob and 12 orders of angels. It was
foreordained and one of them was the son of perdition, Judas. Now that is when you
can see it in principle, here's is where I want to get to you now, the meat of all
of it. Just like they had to or should have discerned God in that body there or and
discerned Judas being the devil. Now He said, 'one of you shall betray me.' He
said, 'Lord, is it I?' And that had his seat right up, right there beside Him
sopping in the dish. Now they had done some complaining about Peter always, John
always laying up on His breast both of 'em, young men. And this time there sat
Judas setting right there sopping in the dish right with Him, sopping right in that
dish with Him and so I don't have time to go into a whole long story bout it. Now
here's what I'm, the thought I'm trying to get over to you: if Judas in the end of
this age, (Freddy fix this up for me,) now this is the crucifixion. If Judas had to
be shown up, had to be there and had to be shown up, the devil is cast out of
heaven before that end of that age. Now we come down to the end of this age. Now
Paul wrote an epistle to the Thessalonians, and he said in that first epistle of
Thessalonians in the 4th chapter and beginning with the 16th verse. The Lord
Himself shall descend
Page 12
from heaven with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God, and the
dead in Christ shall rise first. They would come alive and remain shall be caught
up together with them to meet the Lord in the cloud. Wherefore, comfort one another
with these words. Gonna meet the Lord in the air. Now here's what I'm trying to get
you to see now. Now, he wrote that first epistle and they get upset, they didn't
understand it. And so then write back the 2nd Thessalonians he had to write again.
Now look, that they could not repeat, in other words, it can't be so, that Christ
will be revealed from heaven. That cannot happen until this what I'm telling you
about happens first. That's the thing that I've been telling you about ever since
1957. Now read.
Reader: Now we beseech you
Dr. Kinley: Now we beg you, now we beg you that the thing has to repeat all over
again. The Lord cannot appear, just can't happen until that same old devil is right
down here with God manifested in the flesh. Now you are the Son of God, all of us
are sons of God. Now ____ ____ ____. Now before that can happen that same devil,
that spirit that was in Judas. That same devil that deceived Eve back here,
deceived Israel ____ of the children, fooled everybody, has got to appear, got to
be here. Now your job, coming back to what I was telling you, your job is
discerning all around, to discern. Just like they asked the question when Jesus was
born, the
angels sung, peace on earth, good will toward all men.' And Herod said, 'Where is
He that is born King of the Jews.' He was born King of the Jews. Now He was born
not of flesh and blood, He was born of the spirit of God. Now right here is the Son
of God. Where is the son of perdition? And I told you, you have to be just one or
the other one. No dodging, and that goes for everybody. Now read.
Reader: Now we beseech you brethren
Dr. Kinley: Now we beg you brethren
Reader: by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ
Dr. Kinley: by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Now we've been talking about
the coming. We've been talking about it today. But now Paul is telling the
Thessalonians that misunderstood that epistle and thought that He was just going to
appear right then just after the ascension. But that day shall that, you better
Reader: And by our gathering together unto Him,
Dr. Kinley: And by our gathering together unto Him. Read on.
Reader: That ye be not soon shaken in mind
Dr. Kinley: Don't be shook up, don't
do you mean by that? Well God given
said God gave it to him. And if you
read it. What we speak, all flesh is
Page 13
get shook up too soon, be shaken in mind. What
it the devil. I didn't say the devil had it, I
don't think that I'm telling you right, I will
together, that same thought that I beseech you
or the true Sons of God. That I beseech you, I beg you by our gathering together
the true Sons of God. What, don't you, unto Him, unto Christ. But don't you see
there's a whole lot of them out there that are gathering together unto the son of
perdition. Now you keep that in mind. But our gathering together is unto Him. Their
gathering together is unto the son of Perdition. I better let you read, read on.
Reader: or be troubled
Dr. Kinley: Don't be troubled
Reader: neither by spirit
Dr. Kinley: neither by spirit
Reader: nor by word
Dr. Kinley: nor by word
Reader: nor by letter as from us
Dr. Kinley: or now I told you, you didn't understand that verse in Thessalon... so
don't let it upset you, you see the point? Or by letter from us.
Reader: as that day of Christ is at hand
Dr. Kinley: as that the day of Christ is at hand. Now get this. I told you, you was
in there and you were always, never got out and it's always at hand. Get the point?
You are living in it now. And everything that God has said has come to pass or
declared the end from the beginning. You're right in it, you'll never get outside
All that God has purposed has come to pass, in the time when it was supposed to
come to pass, in the day. Get it now? Read on,
Reader: Let no man deceive you by any means
Dr. Kinley: Listen, Freddy, let me tell you something. I don't care what you think.
Now what do I mean by that? I can walk around here and say, 'Look here I was
ordained, I was anointed. I was elevated from deacon to minister, I'm still in the
ladder and I finally got up to be the highest reputed character, religiously so
speaking, and the head of Christiandoom,' so the devils say. Elevated on up to
Pope. Now listen, there ain't no need for you to tell me that stuff. Now somebody
think, 'you're talking about my religion, I don't like it.' I'm gonna talk about it
anyhow. Well that's what Jesus taught me to do, wasn't it? Preach the gospel. The
Lord sent me to preach the gospel, He sent me. And the Lord: to bind up the broken
hearted and you heard she, the young lady say.., yes, open up the prison houses,
and let the captives go free and all them that's bound up in these sects and cults
and isms and so forth and so on, that the devil has imprisoned them. Says, he
says.., don't, don't, don't say it wasn't so, in those days there was the
Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Essenes, and the Nazarenes, had them sects
Page 14
back there then. And, they was bound. So then, He come to loose the prison houses,
come on out of there. What are you doing that for? God sent me to gather all them
that was in heaven and all that there was in earth into Him, into the Church, into
the Body of Christ. Paul said one time, before he seen the light, he was a
Pharisee. What's the difference between you saying you're a, that he was a Pharisee
and you saying, 'I'm a Roman Catholic, I'm a Methodist or a Baptist.' You'll look
____ when you see that you're a Son of God, the hell with all the rest of it. Now
somebody think I meant to be smart when I said that because they're not accustomed
to hearing things like that. 'Well I guess that preachers just cussing the ____.'
Now if you look at the 2nd or if you look at Jude 4, you'll find that them angels
that sinned, God cast them down to hell, and what, where you and I are standing,
right now we in hell, or we in heaven. I just got through telling you about the
cloud and in the fire: that is the lake. That's where ____ ____ in the land of
Goshen, and them angels that sinned they was cast down to hell and bound in chains
of darkness to be reserved against the day of judgement, ain't that, ain't that in
your book? When Jesus died planted out there in the grave, that's hell, to preach
deliverance to the captives in distress. And when the, when He raised from the
dead, bursting hell wide open, and that's without any indulgences preached by some
hypocritical Pope, too, or the devil that's what it really is. Alright, read on.
Reader: for that day shall not come
Dr. Kinley: Now look, this day of God will not come, Freddy, until what happens?
Reader: until there come a falling away first
Dr. Kinley: until there come a falling away first, and then what?
Reader: and that man
Dr. Kinley: Now wait a minute, now we're individualizing this thing. If we're gonna
individualize Judas, we've got to individualize the devil in the flesh here now.
And if it took Christ to show him up, it's going to take Christ in you to see him
now. Read on.
Reader: and that man of sin be revealed
Dr. Kinley: and that man of sin. The devil sinneth right from the beginning. And
that man of sin that come all the way down through the ages. That man of sin, what
about him?
Reader: be revealed
Dr. Kinley: be revealed, got to be revealed, the Son of Perdition. Now it's my job,
you can try to stop my mouth if you want to, but it's my job pointing him out.
Somebody say, 'well I don't like it.' Like it or no like, that's what I have to do.
You can even call me a liar. And I've been doing it and I wrote it in the book, and
sent it to the ____ over there in the Vatican. Alright, read on. I'm gonna prove it
to you, that's right, read on.
Page 15
Reader: who opposeth and...
Dr. Kinley: who opposeth and exalteth himself
Reader: above all that is called God
Dr. Kinley: And do you remember what the young lady said about this self
exaltation? He opposes, opposes and exalteth himself above all that is called God.
Reader: or that is worshipped
Dr. Kinley: or that is worshipped
Reader: so that he as God
Dr. Kinley: so that he as God
Reader: sitteth in the temple of God
Dr. Kinley: sitteth in... This is the temple of God. Know ye not that your body is
the temple of God. And that temple of God setting up over there in the Vatican.
That ____ ____. Now listen, you got to find that. That's all there is to it. That
Day will not come until he is exposed. I am reading this out of the Bible, and I
know the devil don't like it. Read on.
Reader: showing himself that he is God
Dr. Kinley: showing himself that he is God. Now isn't that right in the book? And
didn't they say that he, that he was God. Alright read on.
Reader: remember ye not
Dr. Kinley: Don't you remember?
Reader: that when I was yet with you
Dr. Kinley: When I was there with you present in the flesh. I don't know ____ ____.
'What are you looking at, Paul?' ____ Jesus ____ ____coming down through the ages
at the end of each age ____ ____ ____. And if it was true and Jesus coming here in
the flesh, it's got to be pointing coming in the spirit. It's got to be. But that
day will not come except there come a falling away first. Read on.
Reader: And now ye know what withholdeth
Dr. Kinley: Now you know that what withholdeth
Reader: that he might be revealed in his time
Page 16
Dr. Kinley: Now he'll be revealed in his time. Now you listen cause I'm, I'm trying
to hold a continuity of thought in there, to be revealed in his time. Now when
Jesus was here 3 1/2 years right down to the end, before Judas was pointed out.
Satan was being revealed in His time. Now you say here was 4004, 1964, 5968 A.M.
(that means year of the world.) This was before the birth of Jesus. This was 1964
so you can add them ____. Now that's 5968. And Peter said, I Peter, II Peter 3 and
8: he said one day with the Lord is 1000 years and 1000 years is one day. Now
here's how it works. These 6 days here, He created it. Now here you are. You're
working your 6 days. And now I've been telling you, trying to warn you, trying to
caution you, Everything I, everything I could think of scripturally to tell you
there's got to be an earthquake. There has to be a reflection, got to be there, got
to... Now look, now you can't stand around, nobody can stand around and lie 33
years to a whole group of people and can not get caught. That don't make sense. And
that man of sin be revealed. Who is it?
Student Body: Son of Perdition.
Dr. Kinley: Son of Perdition, that ____ ____ a the Son of God, Son of Perdition.
Now listen, I have to come right down. I have to go into this quick. Now here's a
book, Mary, I do want you to read and here's the magazine, Life magazine. Now I
want you to turn to the 20th chapter of Revelation. Now here's the book, the Pope,
children. And if you read this, see the pictures? It's all through here, been in
the newspapers and on the T.V. and everywhere else. You don't have no excuse for
not, for knowing something. And other magazines carry the articles, it's a ____
though. And by their own admission. Now what do you think the 20th chapter of
Revelation, start reading.
Reader: and I saw an angel come down from heaven
Dr. Kinley: and I saw an angel
Reader: having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain
Dr. Kinley: Look would you read Revelation 16:10 first. I want all this on, they're
make a record here, they're recording this Mary. Alright,
Reader: and the 5th angel poured out his vial upon the
Dr. Kinley: Look now here comes Christ, I'll put it this way so you can see it: 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 5th angel poured out his vial, poured out his vial upon the seat of the
beast. And then what happened?
Reader: and his kingdom was full of darkness
Dr. Kinley: and his kingdom was full of darkness. Now you look right up here at me.
Now when Pharaoh was down there in Egypt, for 3 days, Pharaoh was King of Egypt.
Now he had Jannes and Jambres, his magicians, just like the Kingdom of God had
Michael and Gabriel that stood on each end of the ark of the covenant. Just like
Jannes and Jambres was guarding the King. Christ is King. But down
Page 17
here, this is darkness down here. Now the 5th angel, now when I say the 5th angel,
you count the 5th thousandth year. You count the 5th thousandth opening up of that
5th millennium, you see here. Here's 666. All ____ had to be born again. The 5th
angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast. Alright, read on.
Reader: and they gnawed their tongues for pain
Dr. Kinley: and they gnawed their tongues for pain. Now they've been going around
here, the Roman Catholics, been going around here saying by all that is holy, that
they are the Church that Christ put up, builded on St. Peter. Haven't they been
doing that?
Dr. Kinley: Haven't they been contending for it? Haven't they murdered millions of
people in defense of it? Haven't they did it? And in your newsreel, Meinhopff, go
to the moving picture show, see it on the screen, and they'll tell you in that that
Pope Pius the 11th, and Pope. Well, his real name was Pacelli which was later the
Pope Pius the 12th. If he had not signed the Concordat, Hitler could never have
been Chancellor of Germany. Go and see the picture. Go and see the Trials of
Nuremburg (Nuremberg?) and see if the world is accusing him of it openly. How that
day couldn't come until that thing was exposed? I wanna, just want to share a few
things with you. Get a few things out of the way. Now, they talk about, what do you
got there? Where it's marked there in red. Would you mind reading that please?
Reader: Pope Paul the 6th, announced December 4, 1963 that he was planning to visit
the Holy Land, Israel and Jordan in January, 1964. He made the announcement at the
Ecumenical Council in Rome in its 2nd session and the 3rd was scheduled for
September of 1964.
Dr. Kinley: Has September 1964 come yet?
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: I didn't think so. Now read on.
Reader: In it's final vote the Council approved 2 decrees which were then
promulgated by the Pope. One authorized the use of modern languages instead of
Latin in large parts of the Mass and in the administration of the Sacraments. The
other proposed the creation of Roman Catholic press and communication centers in
Rome and throughout the world.
Dr. Kinley: Thank you. We got it on the recording. What book is this you're
Reader: This is the World Almanac, 1964.
Page 18
Dr. Kinley: I made him say that so we could get it on that. Now, I told you, and
everybody that's ever come to this school and stayed around here any length of
time, I told you in 1963, there would be a reflection. And I also told you in that
book, I seen it around this place here, somebody's got it. I told you in that book
that Pope Paul.., John the 23rd would die before the 6th of June. I put it in the
book in 1961, he couldn't make it to June 6th. Do you know why? Look here. This is
God gathered them around Mt. Sinai and spoke them, there's June the 6th. That
repetition, Pentecost; June the 6th, Judas was not there, that's all there was.
That oughta explain it. He wasn't there, June the 6th. Now that's a short cut
explanation. You see it. Now look, you see him setting in the chair up here? Now
they talk about the elevation to the throne, the Pope. And it's in that book you
got back there. Pass it around if there's some of you that never seen it. Pass it
around, let them look at it. And you see if this kingdom ain't it full of darkness?
How did the darkness get in it? Don't you see him just like Jannes and Jambres,
standing up with sacrament so they call it, praying over it, saying they
transubstantiate it into the actual body and blood of Christ. Jannes and Jambres
withstood Moses down there in Egypt. Moses threw down his rod and it became a
serpent. Pharaoh called in his magicians, the master magicians, Jannes and Jambres.
And, they threw their's down. And they become small serpents. 'So now Mr. Moses,
you haven't done nothing that my magicians can't do.' Better look back again and
here come Moses, done ate theirs up. And Moses reached down and picked his up
carried it away. ____ ____ ____ Jesus said, 'you take up devils.' He'll take him
right on up. Ain't that what He said? Picked up serpents. Now you see that in that
book. Now this is an actual photograph that was in 'Life'
magazine. I don't know who these 2 men are. But that, that, that papal throne
that's elevated there, just like this throne of God. Someone, so you can see the
book in the back that this is the throne of God, he dwelleth on the ark of the
covenant, in that ark. And that's a, that's a, that's a deceptive copy cat of the
throne of God. Now this magazine with these pictures in it. Now listen, listen, now
you listen. Now I got sense enough to say what I mean, and mean what I say. I don't
need no prompting and propping up or nothing. Their contention is that St. Peter or
Peter was the first Pope. And that their successor to the Pope come on down, one
succeeds the other one, right on down, right on down, right on down. You get the
point? And, they say that they're the only one that goes straight right back to
Jesus Christ. Now listen, listen. Now they claim that this Pope is occupying the
throne of St. Peter. They really don't have a lot to demonstrate, occupying and,
this Pope was elevated to the throne to be decorated, Pope Paul, elevated to the
throne of St. Peter. Sometimes we call it the Chair of St. Peter. And just like
Israel carried this Ark of the Covenant around with staves in it and nobody, they
couldn't put their hand on it, couldn't touch it. They have staves, they have
staves in all the vessels. And they carried it around on their shoulders like this.
Now did you ever see 'em carry the pope? The pope's on their shoulders? That's him
sitting on the sedia gestoria (gestatoria?). Now are you such a nut, such a fool
and so ignorant and so stupid that you can't look back here and see the figure of
heaven, and see that Devil sitting in the... You read it. Read it again Dr. Harris.
Reader: sitting in the.., Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is call
God so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God showing himself that he is God.
Page 19
Dr. Kinley: See that now? Do you see that now? Here they are. Get that? Now look,
and, here's what I'm going to bring out to you right quick. Freddy take this 64 up
here and straighten this up, put 63 there. Now here's 33. Now if you put this 4004
and 1963 together, you got 5967.1 Now God works 6 days which is equivalent to 6000
years. And it you subtract from these ones then you have 33 years left,2 And Christ
was 33 years old, right out there on Golgotha, hanging out there at 33. So then
it's got to be reflected, 33 years from, the same thing. It's got to reflect. Now
watch the reflection. You read December or you read about 63 there didn't you now?
And now here goes this man that's supposed to be occupying the Chair of St. Peter,
he goes back into Jerusalem, retracing the steps of Christ, starting to.., get him
acting and doing like Peter did, if he's occupying that position. He never asked
for no.., I'm sure he never carried the cross like Christ did. Now I... Now my
Peter didn't carry the cross. They wanna lay it on Peter, then Peter denied Him 3
times before the cock crew. And Peter was out there warming himself. 'You there?
Ain't you the fella.' 'No.' he said, 'not me.' Said, 'don't you look like one of
them Galileans.' 'No.' Now that's the only one place, going on over there to
Jerusalem. Why don't you wear that robe. He's occupying the place of St. Peter.
It's deception. The anti-Christ. And I told you there would be those reflections,
didn't I? Now look he visited the tomb. All of it's in this book. I just don't have
time. We don't have time to go into all these details of it. Every hand of it,
stretched the Jordan River. It ain't visiting the tomb, the churches, and it about
it, you can read it, this is your 'Life' magazine. When he went in the church or
sepulchre, the lights went out. I'll get it in the book, if you don't think it's in
there. Get it, Dr. Harris, read, read.
Reader: Using a portable altar Pope Paul celebrates mass at the Church of the Holy
Sepulchre where Jesus was buried in the tomb which was hew out of the rock. And
Joseph rolled a stone onto the door of the sepulchre. During mass a fire broke out
briefly in 2 T.V. power cables, but the Pope continued, disregarding the commotion.
Dr. Kinley: All the lights went out. I didn't tell you, that's what it said, you
read it. Now I wanna get down, I wanna get it down, so your can look right at it.
Revelation the 20th chapter and come down. I have to read it.
Reader: And I saw an angel come down from heaven...
Dr. Kinley: I saw an angel come down from heaven.
Reader: having the key of the bottomless pit
Dr. Kinley: Hold it just a minute. Find the place in here, I don't know just where
it is. Sister Mary help Dr. Harris just find it, you read it. I think it's in this
article right here, where it tells you that Pope Paul was the first Pope that, that
left that Vatican and went out in the world out there. Then say if you can find it.
Now look,
4004 + 1963 = 5967
60000 - 5967 = 33
Page 20
listen, the apostle called the devil the Prince of the Air. That's right. Come on
out now. Now you know it's in the book. Power of the air. Now the Popes have been
confined to the Vatican for over 1000 years. And, even have the Swiss guard and
others around there. Now don't you know that, can't you read? And they said this
about ____ ____ ____. And was the first to come out of there. And look is the
power, prince of the power of the air ____ and takes a plane. Play it out: prince
of the power of the air. 'Where are you going?' 'Going to Jerusalem.' 'What for?'
'To retrace the steps of Christ. And to meet Antiogus who is the head of the Greek
Orthodox church.' The ecumenical council have called to reconcile, or so they say,
and bring all the dissenting brethren back in. Christ's family back in. Is that
Student Body: Right.
Dr. Kinley: And didn't he meet Antiogus and kiss him? Isn't that what Jesus, what
Judas done so the ____ see him? that night. You remember that? Now you can read the
20th chapter of Revelation,
Reader: and I saw an angel come down from heaven
Dr. Kinley: John said and I saw an angel come down from heaven.
Reader: having the key of the bottomless pit.
Dr. Kinley: having the key of the bottomless pit
Reader: and a great chain in his hand
Dr. Kinley: and a great chain in his hand
Reader: and he laid hold on the dragon
Dr. Kinley: and he laid hold on the dragon
Reader: that old serpent
Dr. Kinley: that old serpent
Reader: which is the Devil
Dr. Kinley: which is the devil
Reader: and Satan
Dr. Kinley: and Satan
Reader: and bound him a 1000 years.
Page 21
Dr. Kinley: and bound him a 1000 years. Now remember, don't forget, I just got
through telling you that they said that he was bound up there. That's what they
say. Bound like that, and in that Vatican over a 1000 years. Then read on,
Reader: and cast him into the bottomless pit
Dr. Kinley: and cast him into the bottomless pit
Reader: and shut him up
Dr. Kinley: and shut him up
Reader: and set a seal upon him
Dr. Kinley: and set a seal upon him
Reader: that he should deceive the nations no more
Dr. Kinley: that he should deceive the nations no more
Reader: till the 1000
Dr. Kinley: until the 1000 years was finished.
Reader: should be fulfilled
Dr. Kinley: should be fulfilled. And, read.
Reader: and after that
Dr. Kinley: and after that
Reader: he must be loosed
Dr. Kinley: Here he comes, here he comes. After that he must be loosed a little
season. Maybe just within 32, 33 years of A.D. 6000 or A.M. 6000, just a little
season. Now you're reading the paper, you're seeing it on TV, you're reading your
Bible and still someone's walking around in darkness stumbling over and talking
about and trying to protect and defend, something that the devil set up: that he
should deceive the nations no more until a 1000 years will be fulfilled. Read on.
Reader: and I saw thrones
Dr. Kinley: and I saw thrones
Reader: and they sat upon them
Dr. Kinley: and they even sat upon them
Page 22
Reader: and judgment was given unto them
Dr. Kinley: and judgment was given unto them
Reader: and I saw the
Dr. Kinley: Now wait a minute. Now let me duplicate this. I, I wanna duplicate
this. John said I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the
bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. Is that what he read, she read? And
he laid hold on that old serpent, the dragon, that old serpent, the devil. And he
looked right down here at this tomb. Now Judas was dead and buried, sealed up in
that tomb just as just as sure as there's a heaven and a hell. And that angel
rolled that stone away from that door, fell, and them soldiers fell as dead men
____. And John is looking at that at the end of that age. Now it's got to repeat
itself in, in the end of this age. That's what I'm trying to get you to see. Now if
you get the type ____ then when you flip the the thing you're gonna get exactly
what you have, the type. So that's what's happening now. You get the point? ____
____ ____ there until the 1000 years is finished, then what?
Reader: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus
Dr. Kinley: And I saw the souls of them that was beheaded for the witness. Read on.
Reader: and for the word of God
Dr. Kinley: read on.
Reader: and which had not worshipped the beast
Dr. Kinley: which had not worshipped the beast.
Reader: neither his image
Dr. Kinley: neither his image
Reader: neither had received his mark
Dr. Kinley: neither had received his mark
Reader: upon their foreheads
Dr. Kinley: upon their foreheads. Now you're reading in your Bible, God put a mark
on Cain. As he comes on down through here, then he put it ____ ____ ____ ____. I
had a vision, nothing but these charts just repeating the thing over and over and
over and over and over and over from Genesis on to Revelation. It's gonna have to
repeat too and showing you Christ or God and the devil, been showing it to you all
along. Satan, as you read the Bible and what, and read the newspaper, just read
everything. In anticipation, long anticipation of this book which we call
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the Bible. It is the revelation of God. And it's not just some fictitious story of
mythology either. This book is right. Read on.
Reader: and they lived and
Dr. Kinley: and they lived with and they reigned
Reader: and they reigned with Christ a thousand years
Dr. Kinley: A 1000 years, they lived and they reigned with Christ a 1000 years.
Read on.
Reader: But the rest of the dead
Dr. Kinley: But the rest of the dead lived not again until a 1000 years were
finished. Now look, they lived and reigned with Christ, but the rest of the dead.
Now watch this rest of the dead. Now when Christ raised from the dead. Matthew
27:52, of saints that slept in the dust of the earth rose and went on into
Jerusalem. And they were coming from way back here. That man's stood way back here,
Job I'm talking about. When his wife told him to curse God and die. He said, 'you
talk like a fool.' Said, 'go and sleep, ____ ____ ____ ____, and you smitten with
sore boils and all like that business, go ahead and just curse God and die.' Said,
'I know my redeemer liveth and that He shall stand in the earth, (HITS CHART) right
down here on the ground in the latter day, and I shall see him. Yes, oh as the skin
worms that devour this body yet in my flesh shall I see for myself and not for
another.' That stone was rolled away and them saints that Christ promised to raise
the saints ____ ____ ____ and bring them up. out of them graves, Matthew 27:56.
Job, Job looked right at it and went on into Jerusalem. There ain't no kidding
about where they went. But the rest of the dead, which means, everything was dead
from Adam down to Christ, they lived and reigned after His resurrection. And from
there on now all of us that were dead in trespasses and in sin, both Jew and
Gentile, were the rest of the dead. that can't be raised until that 1000 years was
finished or until Christ raised from the dead. And Paul looked at it and said, 'now
ye are come, to the spirits of just men made perfect. And now seeing we're
surrounded with them? Let us lay aside every weight and the sin that doth so easily
beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. Looking ever
unto Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith.' Oh, I'll tell you
everyone. And Paul looks at it this way, he said, 'you, who are once, who you are
quickened, dead, and quickened, hath quickened together with God, made us sit
together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.' Use your Bible now. it's not fooling
folks. Oh, I tell you. Read on.
Reader: Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection
Dr. Kinley: Blessed and holy is he that hath a part in the first resurrection, in
the first resurrection. Now, here's God, I am. Blessed and holy is he that hath
part in the first resurrection. Read on.
Reader: on such the second death hath no power
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Dr. Kinley: on such the second death has no power.
Reader: but they shall be priests of God
Dr. Kinley: but they shall be priests of God
Reader: and of Christ
Dr. Kinley: and of Christ
Reader: and shall reign with Him a 1000 years
Dr. Kinley: and shall reign with Him a 1000 years. Listen, while them devils is out
yonder. While he's bound in chains of darkness, and the apostles preaching the
gospel and everyone they brought and set preaching the gospel, and raising from the
dead You hath He quickened who were dead, 'gentiles too, as well as the Jews, You
hath He quickened. Flesh put to death, no more flesh. That's out. There ain't no
man to baptize, there ain't no man to eat no Lord's suppers. The flesh is dead,
out. You say raised up, but I ain't talking about the flesh.
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2) FEBRUARY 14, 1965: FAITH
by Dr. Henry C. Kinley
recorded by Burbank D. Mitchell on reel to reel recorder
Transferred to audio cassette by Geraldine Rothstein
1 90 minute audio cassette
CATALOG #: 65.0214
Transcribed by Fran Como
Proofread by Michael and Geraldine Rothstein
Proofread and Approved by the International Public Relations Committee: 1996
… indicates that Dr. Kinley ended a word or a sentence without verbally
completing it.
2. Audience comments are included only if more than one person responded or if Dr.
Kinley was speaking directly to a specific person.
3. Unless emphasized by Dr. Kinley pause words have been left out of the transcript
for the sake of ease in readability and comprehension (ah, see, you see, you see
what I mean, you follow, is that right.)
4. ___ indicates an inaudible word or syllable
5. WORDS IN CAPITAL LETTERS are comments of the transcriber
Moderator: this time, the founder and dean of the school, Dr. Henry C.
Dr. Kinley: Thank you ever so much. Well, I am indeed happy and glad to be back
again and to talk with you about God and His purpose so that you might be
strengthened. Now I asked the, Dr. Yates to read Jude to you. To read it. Now, the
reason why I asked him to read it is because that's just exactly what's going on.
And I wanna mention right here too, before I go any further and the reason why I
wanna mention it is because I want you to notice it, so we can take some of the
blame and responsibility off of me. Now we have a ministry here, now I am not
complaining. I don't want you to get it that way. We have a ministry here and what
we have tried to do is to strengthen all of the ministering brethren. We want 'em
all to be capable, and able and qualified to get up and speak in the defense of the
gospel of Jesus Christ. We want 'em to be here on time. Now I set there in that
chair and rubber necked around and asked different ones, 'Has so and so come in
yet?' And they hadn't turned up yet. So then here I have to get up. Then I don't
want to hear no belly-aching about it next week. Get the point now?
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Saying, 'Somebody is not giving you an opportunity to speak.' You see what I'm
fighting, I'm wrestling against them things all the time. Now when we do get up
here and speak it doesn't make any difference whether it's somebody out there in
the audience, just some of the laymen, whenever you do speak, or whenever you do
have anything to say, and your actions all through the week. I have tried my very
best to teach you that this is a, you are led by the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is
not absent sometimes and present others. I'm trying to show you where that in this
dispensation we live under the influence of the Holy Spirit all the time, when
we're present here and when we're absent, at home and everywhere else. Now that's
the kind of a doctrine, now that's the kind of Christ, alive evermore alive Christ,
that I'm trying my best to tell you about; in other words let me put it this way,
I'm trying to tell you about an effective Christ. This is not just a story that's
just.., you're suppose to get up and relate and talk about and then stagger around.
Now that's no good. Paul said, I am not ashamed of the gospel, and the reason why I
am not ashamed of it because it is the power of God, the same God that brought
everything in existence, the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes,
to the Jew first, then to the Greek. The power of God unto salvation. Now salvation
means to be delivered, it means to be rescued. Rescued from what, and delivered
from what? The bondage of death. Now it's the power of God to everyone that
believes, not everyone that talks about it, not everyone that recites around about
it. I'm not talking about that. As God said, now speaking of Israel, said, "You do
honor Me with your lips, but your heart's far from Me.' Now, why did I say that?
All right, now here is somebody in these days now in the churches, and could be in
this congregation too, so they're talking about Christ being the power of God,
they're talking about His resurrection, they're talking about He's the Savior of
the world, and they he's got... Now listen I got to tell you about it, I have to do
that, that's my job, that's what I come for. Then he's got some old habit, you just
chose any habit you want to. Just chose anything you think in your conscience is
wrong regardless of what it is, just chose it. And then here you claim that you're
under bondage to that and you can't overcome it. Now you're not preaching Christ is
the power of God. You're not preaching the gospel, you're preaching bondage. See
the point? I wanna be delivered from it, that's the thing we're trying to get over
to you. Get the point? Now don't go off and say I didn't preach it to you. Your
conduct, your disposition, your behavior, your attitude. If you know within
yourself that it's not pleasing to you, you have a condemned conscience. Don't go
out there and tell somebody, 'Well, this is the way Dr. Kinley is living it and
preaching it, and it's his fault that I'm like I am, 'cause I'm not preaching that.
I'm preaching Christ as the power of God unto salvation to some of 'em that
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: but to everyone, every man, woman, boy, and girl that believes that
Christ as the power of God to deliver you from the power of darkness. Give you, not
just physical life, but eternal life. Now that's what I'm preaching. And I, so far
as I'm concerned, I don't expect to die. Now the reason why I don't expect to die
is because I been raised from the dead, I been resurrected, I been delivered. No,
I'm not talking about this thing here, it's already dead. I can be carried off to
the cemetery anytime, the sooner the better the way I feel about it. Now I don't
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no fear of that, not whatsoever. But I'm living now, I am with Christ a resurrected
Christ, I mean in the spirit. And it delivers me from everything that is wrong in
my conscience, yes, wipe it out. And I'm not gonna go out there and do something.
Let me, listen, let me show you what I'm talking about. I'm not gonna go out there
and use some, well maybe I better say this, maybe I better say it around this way,
hoping that we don't have none. Somebody that's dealing in the traffic of dope, a
dope addict. Now I didn't wanna use whiskey, I just.., because.., I wanna use dope.
It makes people act all funny and everything, and out of harmony with common sense,
under delusions, imagining he's somewhere, where he isn't, (you get the point?)
have hallucinations and imaginations, thinks he's rich when he's just as poor.., he
ain't got a dime. I'm not talking about that kind of a thing. They want to blame it
on what we're teaching over here. Says it's wrong but he just can't help it, ever
learning never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Always wrestling, never
able to overcome. Now I'm not preaching nothing like that. Anything you do,
anything you eat, I'm talking about physically so, anything you drink, I'm talking
about physically so, naturally so, not spiritual, it's naturally so this trip,
don't condemn yourself with it. Control it. I don't think you oughta drink too much
water, I don't think you should. I think you oughta have sense enough to know when
you got enough water. I think you oughta have sense enough to know when you got
enough vegetables, or I don't care what it is, I think you oughta have sense enough
to know. You get what I'm talking about? You oughta know when you're filled full of
food. Don't be like Israel, God gave them manna and bread from heaven that the
Children of Israel, and quail, and the Children of Israel, they sat down, Jesus
fulfilled it too, they sat down to eat and rose up to play. Just don't do it like
that. Just get that stopped, then we won't have nearly I as much trouble down here.
Won't be nearly as much to make you think that we're complaining about something.
Then somebody says, 'Well he must be talking about me.' Sure I'm talking about you.
Sure I am. You get the point? Talking about you and talking to you, and that goes
for everybody. You get it? All these murmurings and complaining, that's what Israel
did down there in the wilderness, 10th chapter of I Corinthians said, they murmured
and they griped and they growled and they complained. And God gave them something
to eat, keeping their clothes from wearing out, causing water to spring up in the
desert where there wasn't no water and they're still griping. They done escaped
from death down there in Egypt being beat to death and all them different kind of
things out there in the wilderness, done escaped that. And God is a good God. Don't
have no manufacturing plants out here, don't have no brick yards out here. And yet
and still he's eating, sleeping, clothes don't wear out, water, quail, manna,
everything. God said he was a good God. What was all the griping around about. Now
I'm giving you, try to give you the true word of the Lord, and I expect you to stop
complaining and griping, and finding fault with this, and finding fault with that,
staggering around and fooling around. Talking about, 'I'm sorry but I, I, I hope to
overcome some day,' and all that kinda thing. Now you understand? Then when I get
up and say something about that, I'm mean.., I don't have my words seasoned with
grace, I'm not humble, and I oughta be more humble. Well, say listen, did you know
that God was angry with the wicked every day? There is no way to reconcile God with
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Now I guess I can get down to say what I wanna say and get down from up here. Now I
got up first and I don't want you to deceived about that. I got up first and the
reason why I got up first is because those I wanted to call on to get up first,
they wasn't here. Now that's why I am up here. I'm up here, taking up, talking abut
it so you won't let that happen next time. Next time you'll be here on time. Now
listen let me say this to you: now it would be kinda poor, be awful poor. You be
the judge. It would be awful poor for me to get up here squabbling with the
ministry about not being here on time and I'm not here on time myself. How's that?
Is that all right? Remember that woman that was taken in adultery? Now that high
priest he's running around out there with some witnesses all night long tying to
catch Mary Magdalene in the act of committing adultery. Done left Mrs. Caiaphas at
home, that's his wife. Get the point? And he's running around out there, just so he
can get if off on somebody else. Then when he come across he said to the woman,
brought her to Christ, where he should have been was down there at the altar in the
sanctuary. And he's late getting down there to offer up the daily sacrifice. He's
out there tricking around with this woman. And Jesus said, he that... Hadn't
offered up the daily sacrifice, and the Day of Atonement hadn't yet come. He's out
there holding up sacrifices for sin. He should have been right here. No, he's out
yonder trying to get something on somebody else, complaining about somebody else.
Get the point? Here he comes, brings the woman. Now there's been no sacrifice
offered today. Said, 'now look Jesus.' Said, 'Now Moses in the law, he wrote, he
wrote that whosoever committeth adultery should be stoned to death. Now what do you
say about it?' Tempting Him, trying to tempt Him in other words. Said, 'What do you
say about it?' He's down there writing, writing what it said in the tables of
stone. He's writing it right down, down there in the sand. And it's the finger of
God writing right down there in the sand, down in the wilderness which said thou
shall not commit adultery. He's down there writing, and they won't even let Him get
down to the place where he can write that down. Now...
Dr. Kinley: ... Alright. Read on.
Reader: reserved in heaven for you
Dr. Kinley: Now, there's some reservations made there for you. How's that? Some
reservations. Now do you want to occupy 'em? Reservations all ready made (get the
point?) in heaven for you. Peter talking to the Israelites, not talking to the
gentiles, he's talking to the Israelites about it. They hadn't been begotten the
first time, but the Jews they been begotten again. I'm just trying to show it to
you. All right read.
Reader: who are kept by the power
Dr. Kinley: Now, who are kept, kept from Monday morning til Sunday night. Kept
every day, just kept all the time. Kept by the power of God. All right read.
Reader: through faith
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Dr. Kinley: through faith
Reader: unto salvation
Dr. Kinley: Now wait a minute. You can't come up here and eat some of this stuff
here, you passing around on no platter. And that stuff, when you eat that, you know
as well as I do, it's not gonna embrace and it's not gonna sustain you. I'm talking
about that, them crackers and grape juice. That won't hold you up till you get
home. Get the point? You are kept by the power of God through faith. Now we told
you what faith was. Faith is the substance. Faith and spirit is one in the same.
Substance, the real essence. You don't see it? You're in the room here now, aren't
you? To make a parable out of it. If you turn off the electric lights in here, it
will still be light in here. Why? Because you don't see the sun out there, when you
setting there, but it's shining, that's what's causing the light to be in here
cause the sun is shining out there. Now when the sun is shining in you, it's just
like that, there's some illumination of your understanding. Understand what?
Understand that none of the natural things ain't gonna do it that you look at, but
it's gonna be through faith, which is the substance of... You can't have no
substance where there isn't something back yonder to back it up. Get the point?
Alright, read on.
Reader: unto salvation
Dr. Kinley: unto salvation. Now it's unto salvation, deliverance, sure enough. All
right read.
Reader: ready to be revealed
Dr. Kinley: Oh no, getting ready. Hoping to overcome, trying to get ready, getting
fixed. You live prepared and ready at all times. Ready for what? Ready to be
revealed in the last times. Don't make no difference whether it's Sunday, Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, that's the life you live, you live under the influence and that
faith or that substance that's what keeps you, or the Holy Ghost, which is the
same, that keeps you living. And listen, it don't allow you to do like the devil
say. Go out there and do something to somebody and run back and confess it to a
priest. It don't allow you to do the thing in the first place. Get the point?
Because you're kept by the power of God through faith ready to be revealed in the
last time. You're not a sometime kinda a character or implaceable or nothing like
that. God, who is spirit, He's the same, same identical God now that He was before
the creation, same God all down through the ages, and will forever be the same God.
He's not changing any. You get the point? All right, read on Doc.
Reader: wherein ye greatly rejoice.
Dr. Kinley: Wherein. You're kept by the faith, of God, kept by the faith unto
salvation. Listen. And kept ready. Israel's ready to be revealed in the last time.
Get the point? Now what else Doc?
Reader: wherein ye greatly rejoice
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Dr. Kinley: Now. Wherein you... You can't rejoice. You go around with a long mouth
and the longest face, face all punched out, you ain't got no faith, ain't got
nothing to rejoice about, keep complaining, you ain't got no faith. 'Yeah, I belong
to the thing, but I got.., some, some of you ain't doing right.' Now what's that
got to do with you. You get the point? Somebody says, 'Now I know if I got to go to
Hades.' I'm gonna try to be nicer about them words, somebody will stumble over them
too. I'm gonna say destroyed instead of M A D, turn it around. Try that, cause it
just means the same. It don't make the point of it any easier cause I used
destroyed, it's all the same. And I've had them come to me say, 'Well look here
Doc, does destruction or destroyed mean to be destroyed or is there degrees of
punishment and so on and so forth?' Get the point? Come and ask me questions like
that. That's the same thing that John said to them come out there in the
wilderness, 'What did you come out here for? See the weeds blowing around with the
wind? What did you come for?' The scribes and the pharisees, 'Well, no, who are
you? Art thou that prophet.' Said, 'No.' He was a prophet but he was not That
Prophet, but he was That Prophet. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Said,'I have come to
prepare the way of that prophet which is Christ.' He just said so they could
understand, 'he's the voice of one crying in the wilderness.' Get the point? Come
to prepare the way of the Lord. Now it might look like the people believe that.
They're reading. I've sat down and did a lot of thinking about how to get the truth
over to you. Now here, now let me show you that they don't believe that, anymore so
than them pharisees and sadducees that went out there in the wilderness, they don't
believe it. They're still looking for Messiah to come, just like that Ethiopian
eunuch, he's reading the book, just like Apollos, he ought, he went up to John. He
didn't realize that He had come. And the folks around here now, all through
Christendoom, they don't realize that Christ in you is the hope of glory, they
still looking for Him. But John come to prepare the way, 'Well, He come.' And John
said, 'There is one that standeth right there among you. There He is, just look at
him: behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.' And they're
still looking. Now here He come, He walked around among them, died and raised from
the dead, and showed Himself, after His re... And then the Law that they had, He
fulfilled every bit of it, jot and tittle and moved it out of the way. Now, I said
that so I can show you what I'm talking about. You be the judge. Now you go right
on and be the judge. Now. And Dr. Gross is trying to get up in your pamphlets so
you can get it out to the folks. Now here they got Matthew, Mark, Luke and John,
and just as particular, read particular, wanna make sure that they read it like it
is in the book, but he wouldn't take that. I'm talking about Christendoom out here.
It said Jesus... Suppose you get it, one of these things so I can show you. I
haven't forgot about Jude. Get Matthew 26:26, get I Corinthians 11:20. Now let's
get it. Whoever gets it first, read.
Reader: as they were eating
Dr. Kinley: as they were eating
Reader: Jesus took bread and blessed it
Dr. Kinley: Jesus took bread and blessed it
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Reader: and break it
Dr. Kinley: and break it
Reader: and gave it to the disciples
Dr. Kinley: and gave it to the disciples
Reader: and said
Dr. Kinley: and said
Reader: take eat
Dr. Kinley: take eat
Reader: this is my body
Dr. Kinley: this is my body
Reader: and he took the cup
Dr. Kinley: and he took the cup
Reader: and gave thanks
Dr. Kinley: and gave thanks
Reader: and gave it to them
Dr. Kinley: and gave it to them
Reader: drink ye all of it
Dr. Kinley: drink ye all of it
Reader: for this is my blood of the new testament
Dr. Kinley: for this is my blood of the new testament
Reader: which is shed for many
Dr. Kinley: which is shed for many
Reader: for the remission of sin
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Dr. Kinley: for the remission of sin. Let me ask you a question. What do you see
wrong with that? Now listen, I dogmatically and earnestly contend with all that
there is, in me is, that that is right. And I'm trying my best to persuade you to
believe that that is right. And that He did actually take physical unleaven bread
and that He did actually take the cup. Now I'm contending with you about that. Now
here's what, now here's what I don't agree with. Now look, He said that He come.
Now He said it, sacrifices and burnt offerings thou wouldst not, but a body has
Thou prepared Me, then said I, lo I come in the volume of the book as it is written
of Me to do Thy will, oh God He taketh away the first and establishes the second.
The first has got to be removed before the second can be established. And I'm
earnestly and dogmatically contending with you with all that's in me is, that He
did do that and He gave it to them, but I'm telling you that is under the
dispensation of the law. And not only just that, but every precept and everything
that the Law said, and it says there while they were eating, while they were eating
lamb, and that lamb, He's fulfilling what's written in the law and in the prophecy
what is written. I want you
to look at what I'm talking to you about. I want you to understand me that He
Himself, He's fulfilling that. He has to do it under the dispensation. It couldn't
pass until He did it. Get the point? That is a true record of it. I'm not
complaining about it. I'm contending, I'm the one that's contending that He done
it. And the reason why He done it, He had to do it before it could pass as a carnal
ordinance. You see my point? Not only that one, but every other
one. Offered up the bullocks and turtle doves and heifers, eating crackers and
drinking grape juice and. Everything had to be fulfilled to the jot and to the
tittle which means that He's got to repeat it. Now you're reading a record of Him
repeating it. He's born under the law, He lives under the law. Matthew, Mark, Luke
and John is recording or writing down what He done while He was under the Law (get
the point?) in the fulfillment. Am I making any sense?
Student Body: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: So go over there and show you that it is a passover. It was instituted,
some way. Look at Exodus, 1490 years before He was born. He didn't come
instituting, He come fulfilling what was already instituted, and that's why He had
to keep it. Just let me tell you this. For your information, let me tell you this:
from the very time He was born in the world on up until this night, even when He
was a little baby Mary and Joseph took Him up there. Remember how He got lost in
the crowd after the passover. Then when He went in His ministry... That was the
third passover that He ate and that's the last one. The year before that, at the
same time, He kept that passover. That's in 32. And in 31 before that He kept that
one too. But, this is the last one. How'm I doing? You see that now? I don't have
no squabbling to do about it. I'm just insisting that that's the way it is. Sabbath
day? Yes. Up there in the temple teaching, preaching, it's a daily ministration,
ain't it? Get the point? Yes it is wonderful. Now, carnal ordinances, they was
given to the Children of Israel back here. That's the first covenant with them. Now
I tried to even tell you this: before then there was a covenant with, with, with
Abraham, before that there was a covenant with Noah, before that Adam. But this is
the second covenant with them people, the Jews. Now that, just as it was given to
them, it has to be kept just like that, just like it was given to them it has to be
kept. And for your information, I'd like for you to know this, I didn't
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say it either so don't go down no block somewhere and tell somebody that that man
said cause I did not say it, God said it. I want you to read it and see who said
it. Jeremiah 31:31. Now I'm talking about that Old Covenant that He gave to 'em
back there. Now, now the reason for mentioning it, is this: when God did give it to
'em to eat in the literal and in the physical sense, and all those other auxiliary
ordinances, they didn't do it. I didn't say so. Get the point? Well if they didn't
do it and God said so, what are you doing up here griping around about doing it now
for? See the point? They didn't do it then. Then there's one in heaven, just only
one there. Mike and Gabriel, neither one of 'em wasn't worthy to open the book and
to loose the seals; none of the angelic host, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, none of 'em. I
want you to look at what you're talking about. I want you to see God as God. None
of 'em could break the seal. And did keep it. And God said. Read it Doc.
Reader: behold the days come saith the Lord
Dr. Kinley: behold the days come saith the Lord. Now you see I didn't say it. So
don't go out and tell somebody I said it, 'That man said.' All right, read on.
Reader: that I will make a new covenant.
Dr. Kinley: that I will make a new covenant.
Reader: with the house of Israel.
Dr. Kinley: with the house of Israel. A new one now. Now, this is the old one back
there and He's gonna make a new one with them. All right, read.
Reader: and with the house of Judah.
Dr. Kinley: with the house of Judah.
Reader: not according to the covenant.
Dr. Kinley: Now listen folks. Listen folks. Listen. Repeat.
Reader: not according to
Dr. Kinley: not according to the covenant. All right, read on
Reader: that I made with their fathers
Dr. Kinley: that I made with their fathers
Reader: in the day that I took them by the hand
Dr. Kinley: in the day that I took them by the hand
Reader: to bring them out of the land of Egypt
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Dr. Kinley: to bring them out of the land of Egypt. Now you do well to pay
attention to what I'm saying because they're not telling you about this out there
in Christendoom. Now God said He wasn't gonna make none like that, that He made
with Israel the day that He brought 'em out there and took 'em by the hand. Didn't
say Moses led 'em either. It said the day He took them by the hand. He was the one
that made the covenant. Said, 'now I'm not gonna make no more like that.' Well what
are you doing trying to stand up here and argue around with me about it or being
or, keeping that. And God said he wasn't gonna make no more like that and that one
had to be removed. How's that? How am I doing? Am I doing all right? You get it?
You stand up here all particular, a big cross on your back, up here in front of a,
____ talking about Jesus took the cup and He did this and He did that and He
gathered the wafer and He sanctified and all that kinda thing in this dispensation.
And God said I'm not gonna make nothing like that no more. When they were eating
wafers and everything, said they didn't keep it. He gave 'em the real thing, the
true bread, which that was type of. All right, read on.
Reader: which my covenant they break.
Dr. Kinley: which my covenant. God said they broke it. Now God said that, don't go
out and tell somebody, 'Look that man said.' That's the way they did back in Ohio.
'That man said, that man down there in that Institute of Divine Metaphysical
Research,' he said it. He said we wasn't doing this communion right. And they got
real worked up about it too. Yes they did. And they commenced to make some changes
too. And you know they did. Said, 'Well now look here.' I'm just showing you, I
could tell you the church that did it and some of the rest of 'em that did it right
in Springfield. Said, 'Well we ain't gonna have them passing out the bread first,
then the wine, because Paul said there in I Corinthians, said, 'One taketh before
the other his own supper, and one is hungry and the other one's drunk.' They plain
don't have it after the agreement ____ that way no more. Say, 'We gonna get this
thing together right. We ain't gonna let you, some eat bread before they get the
wine and others they drink the wine before they get the bread.' Said, 'We're not
gonna do it that way.' Now if they did try to do that at Second Baptist Church on
Wittenburg Avenue in Springfield, Ohio. They said, 'Now wait a minute, now we get
this thing together.' Said, 'Now we put on some here, to go down this aisle, one go
down that aisle; one with crackers, the other with grape juice, and over here, so
that they, so just the things properly done and all of you eating the wine at the
same time; in other words, that's one, two, three, go!' Trying to get that thing
together right so that one wouldn't be hungry and the other wouldn't be drunk. Get
it now? Well that's the same thing the priesthood is doing out here.
Well now I'm trying to tell you about all them old slick devils, all them old
delusions, all that old ignorance and all that old superstition, all that old folly
that the devil has got down here doing now that was under the dispensation of the
law. And I'm telling you that when it was under the dispensation they didn't keep
it then. Now why should you be fool enough to think that they're gonna keep it now.
They had plenty of time to get it together, had over 1500 years to get straightened
out. And according to God they never did get straightened out. And God said, 'I'm
not gonna make another one.' And Jesus. If you don't believe He said it, I'll read
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right there when He's doing this here, there in Matthew. That was the last supper,
that was the last physical supper that He was eating. And while they were eating
lamb, and listen, the rest of the people all around out there all over the town was
eating lamb, unleavened bread, and drinking. And they were home with their families
in their houses, in their own houses, and Jesus is up here in the upper chamber in
Jerusalem at the man's house that they seen bearing the pitcher. And He told the
disciples, 'Go over there and prepare the passover; He was not up in the temple, up
in the congregation of the assembly. Now the devil, he's got it down here in the
congregation of the assembly passing it around, and chewing the rag and arguing
around about it. And he's eating the passover. You know how they serve the thing in
courses, don't you? And while they were eating the lamb, that was one of the
courses, and immediately pursuant thereto, He wasn't instituting anything that's
that unleavened bread that Feast of Unleavened Bread, that's pursuant to that. And
He's got to fulfill all of it before He dies, everything He said... Now listen,
listen now, listen, you listen, listen, you listen Brother____. Now He said, 'I
will not drink henceforth no more the fruit of the vine until the day I drink it
with you, 'not old like that, 'but anew in My Father's kingdom.' In My Father's
kingdom is not meat and drink it is righteous, it is peace, and it is in joy in the
Holy Ghost. Romans 14:17. Do you understand now? I'm not gonna drink no more
crackers and drink no more, eat no more grape juice with you. Somebody said, 'Well,
I'm gonna, I'm gonna do it anyhow.' Well I won't be there, (get the point?) until
that day I drink anew in My Father's kingdom. Now I'm trying to show you how in
this dispensation that all of them natural things, that's all I have been
preaching. All of them natural things is moved out of the way so that the promise
that God made to Abraham, even before the giving of the law that you might become a
recipient. Remember I started out telling you: don't blame all of these things on
Christ, your weakness. Don't blame it on God. Don't let something that you think is
wrong, get you down and hold you down. Talk about you. You remember I started off
like that. Because if you do then this is what you're doing: you are denying the
power of God. That's what you're doing. I don't say you're doing that consciously,
you're doing that unconsciously, you're denying the power of God, but the power of
God through faith unto salvation lifts you up. And let me tell you this, John said,
he that is righteous, he that is righteous is righteous, (are you listening?) even
as He is righteous. Said, he that is... Jesus said to Nicodemus, 'you must be born
again, that which is born after the flesh is flesh, but that which is born after
the spirit is spirit.' Now listen, must be born again. Nick, with that carnal mind,
he thought about entering again in his mother's womb and be born. Jesus said that
born of the flesh is flesh, marvel not. I know you don't understand, the natural
mind don't understand the things of the spirit, so say the apostle Paul. I don't
have time to read all of these things. The carnal mind don't understand and that's
what all of them had back there. And that's what these back here, and that's the
occasion of all these epistles they are writing, that's what Jude.., that's why I
had him to read it. Them, that carnal minded crept in unaware calling themselves
doing what Jesus did, call theirself following in His footsteps. ____ ____ ____.
Now, you are a son of God just like He was, by virtue of the fact that the Holy
Ghost is in you, and you are delivered from, from death, delivered, not clowning
around like that. And John said, he that is righteous is righteous even as He is
righteous. How do you know when you passed from death to life? Cause when you love
the brethren. You don't have to
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go around and ask somebody, 'How am I doing now? If you're a Christian I want to
see you live the life.' You don't have to be bothered with that. You know within
yourself. Now if I don't like Dr. Harris, ain't no need of me trying to tell you
I'm all right. I know within me, I am no good, I don't have to make no inquiries.
How do you know that you've passed from life unto death, I mean death unto life?
When I love the brethren. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son
that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish. Well now when that's in me,
there is nothing else I can do but love. Greater love than this has no man than to
lay down his life for his friend. Well it just makes me that way. Now somebody
comes around and cause they don't like somebody else then they don't want me to
like 'em. Well, I'm passed from death to life. Said, 'Yeah I know, but he ain't no
brethren, he got to be one thing or the other, he got to be right or wrong.' If
he's wrong, I'd like to be willing to lay my life down to righten him. Get the
point? And if he's right, then I expect him to help me, and we help one another.
Ain't nobody got no right to do a whole lot of blowing and boasting about their
self righteousness, (you get the point?) because it is not our righteousness, it's
the righteousness of God through faith. ____ ____ we're not down here blowing about
our righteousness and how somebody can preach. Can't none of you can preach so far
as I'm concerned. Me either. And as I told you before, and I hope you understand
it. I don't wanna hear HC preach. If it's not gonna be the Holy Ghost in there
speaking, I don't wanna hear it. As someone said back there in Springfield, Ohio
and around up there, said, 'Are you going to the...' We held our meeting at the
YMCA, a great big place, hold better than 350 people. And quite a lot of 'em, 'Did
you go down there?' 'No, I ain't going down there.' Said, 'Well, Dr. Kinley's
coming from Cleveland or Akron or
Youngstown, or someplace.' There's a lot of you that said, 'I ain't going down
there.' Said, 'I don't have to go down there to hear him preach, I'm just not going
cause God can give me a revelation out there anywhere, out there on my job, any
place. So I'm not going down. You all go ahead on.' So, when I got around, when I
got in, they got to talking with me about it. Say, say, 'Look, I tried to tell
these people to get away from here.' Said, 'I didn't have to come down to no YMCA
to hear him preach anymore cause God can give me a vision and a revelation out
there, out there on my job.' I looked at him, said, 'Well look here, is that what
you been doing? Have you been going down to the YMCA to hear me or anybody else
preach down there?' I know they had been in attendance for years too. They just
thought they was way up and smart, they got it all learned and they trying to prove
it by me too. I said, 'Listen Stan.' I said, 'If you been coming down here to hear
me preach, I'm disappointed, cause I haven't been going down there to hear Henry C.
And if you've been coming down here to hear Henry C. preach, you was going to the
wrong thing in the first place.' Get the point? All through the years while he was
going down there now, he decided now he don't wanna go to school. He's gonna
justify himself by saying, 'Look, I'm not going down there, I don't care if he is
coming from Cleveland or some place. I just ain't going down there to hear him
preach, cause God can give me a revelation out there on my job.' And I told him, I
said, 'No Stan. If you been coming to the YMCA to hear Henry C. Kinley preach the
gospel as a man you've been coming
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in vain all along. Now what you should have been doing was going down there to hear
God speak just like when Israel gathered around the mountain.' They didn't gather
around the mountain to hear Moses speak they gathered around the mountain to hear
God. And when God spoke, He gave 'em to know that it wasn't Moses. Said, 'I am the
Lord thy God that brought thee out of the land of Egypt and out of the house of
bondage. Now look, don't you have Molech or none of the rest of them gods down
there in Egypt before Me. Don't put nothing before Me. Don't put Moses, nobody
else, I am the Lord thy God that brought thee out of the land of Egypt and out of
the house of bondage, thou shall not have any other gods before Me. Now that's an
introduction, that's who's speaking. Well even when He spoke, show 'em who He was,
the earth trembled just to show you the shape and the condition. It'd be well to
get it learned too. Every once in a while let something soak, even if you did hear
it before, let it soak once. But then they didn't obey Him. As Paul said there, in
the first chapter of Romans, when they knew God they glorified Him not as God. They
didn't respect Him as God when they knew Him. There they was, they went up there in
the mountain, looked right at Him, called 'em up there to see Him, Aaron and his
ministers, Aaron and his sons and seventy elders went right back down and made the
golden calf. Moses stayed up there in the mountain 40 days. When Moses got back
down with Joshua, they done put the calf up there in the wilderness, the golden
calf, God ____ ____ ____ . 40 days. Now here is people, they can't get from one
Sunday to the other, and from one Tuesday night to the other. They got some kind of
a crisis, some kind of a complaint, some kind of an idle thought, ____ the devil,
saying, 'The devil makes me mistreat somebody, as Paul said when I would do good
evil was present.' He's talking about him in his physical and his carnal state.
Somebody said, ' Well, you can't say I ain't trying.' How's that? Said, 'I'm, I'm
certainly am trying to overcome, I'm working hard with it.' The harder you work
with it the worse off it's gonna be. Why don't you just stop and have some faith in
God. You will never make it over yourself. What I'm telling you is, it's Christ
that died. Now God promised to bless you if you believe. You can't overcome, it
takes the overcomer in you to bring you over. The devil got you hog-tied, ain't
nothing you can do about it. Quit wrestling, just give up. Somebody say, 'Well I'm
trying.' Stop trying. Long as you're trying. 'What are you doing?' Say, 'Well I'm
trying my best to live a Christian life.' Well you can't make it. The only way to
tell you about it Roger, I'll tell you so you can understand it. Now God promised
to make you an overcomer, or promised to bless you, if you just believe as He said
to the disciples, 'Be of good cheer, cheer up,' I'm getting ready to overcome.
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: No, He'd already overcome, He hadn't died either, He'd overcome in His
conscience and in His mind. He's already conscious of it. So when you have faith
in, in God, believe that He will bless you, you quit trying. What the people really
are doing rather than trying to.., what they think they're doing, they're trying to
live in such a way that won't nobody have nothing disrespectful to say about 'em.
Ain't that right? I want everybody in the community to think I'm a good fellow.
Well, I'm, I'm telling you now, you ain't no good. If anybody in the community
thinks you are, then they, the only reason why they think that you are something
good is because they ain't no good theirself. And somebody always
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trying to talk about me. Said 'Yeah, I know Henry C. Kinley.' Said, 'I know all his
folks.' They said the same thing about Jesus. Said,'I know his daddy, that's
George.' Said, 'He was a half age old drunkard.' Now George is like that. She, she
ain't no good, talking about.., trying to throw up on me. Well look, my old man and
your old man, and you and all your grandfolks, all your relatives run 'em back far
enough to Adam, none of 'em were no good. Quit talking about yourself. When you
talk about me like that, you're talking about yourself too.
They even tried to rub Jesus down with some of that psychology. Said, 'Good
master.' Said, 'What do you call me good for? There's none good but My Father.' God
in Him. Now there ain't nobody no good, if there was, He wouldn't had to come here
and die. Heaven and earth was searched, and all of us from the fall of Adam. Paul
said, all concluded, or included as you would say, under sin. Why? What's that for?
So that the death of Jesus Christ would include you all the.., and now, and be ____
concluded, so everyone that believes shall have faith in Him. He's overcome the
world, and not your hypocriting around here drinking down some grape juice and
running up here diving up in the creek. Now ain't that right? Somebody got so
particular about it, said, 'No.' Said, 'I don't wanna be baptized up there behind
that pool, I wanna get baptized in running water.' 'What for?' 'I want my sins
washed away. I wanna go down to the river, that's where Jesus was baptized.' See
how stupid people are. Don't tell me they're not like that. That never, that never
washed away nobody's sin. When you get your face and your hands real nice and
clean, use some deodorant and some real good soap and some of the very best
recommended and expensive soap, supposed to cleanse the pores and skin. They say
Dove does it, removes all that, but when you get through it, you ain't clean,
psychologically and spiritually. That soap won't touch it, the water won't touch
it, the deodorant doesn't touch it. That it won't sanctified or to the purifying of
the flesh. You're cleaned physically, so as for as the physical body is concerned,
but the mind or the conscience that's.., the blood of bulls and goats and turtle
doves and heifers, it sanctified to the purifying of the flesh. It is the ____. As
Paul said, if the blood of bulls and goats and turtledoves and heifers sanctified
to the purifying of the flesh, how much more shall the blood of Jesus Christ is
come, purge your conscience (are you listening? You say you're listening.) from
dead works. Don't you see all them things you're doing is dead. Dead works. To
serve a living God. What are you doing down there in the creek? That's a baptism to
death, you are supposed to be resurrected. You see the point? Well, we can't get
people to see them things, we can't get 'em to understand. ____. You all like that?
Student Body: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: Now we are kept by the power of God through faith, which is the real
substance. And nobody at no time.., God ain't said, hadn't said nothing to you
about offering up no bullocks and doves, hadn't said anything at all to you about
keeping those sabbath days, hadn't said anything. I'm talking about the gentiles.
Hadn't said anything at all to them about keeping those passovers, hadn't said a
thing about it. Hadn't said anything at all to them about getting baptized, hadn't
said nothing. And look, if you know anything about the purpose of God, that's the
reason why I drew these charts so we could just look right at 'em and see, and
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take your Bible. There never has been nobody able to refute it. Now look, here now
the devil out there telling you you got to be baptized, you a gentile. Where you
find that at in the Book? I mean in water. It's not even in the almanac, to say
nothing about it being in the Bible. I mean that God has said so. Yes, I know the
brethren made a whole lotta mistakes, more of them than anything else. Just, just,
just draw one great, just, just one great big question mark and you got that told,
cause everybody was mistaken and wrong. That's what Jesus said so. Said when the
Holy Ghost is come, then He'll teach you. Well, if you already knew what, if they
already knew what it was all about, well what the.., there wouldn't be anything for
the Holy Ghost to them 'em. And He said He'd bring to your remembrance everything I
said back to you. When Peter commanded Cornelius and them to be baptized, they were
gentiles, the Holy Ghost said to 'em, 'Now you remember.' And Peter said, he
remembered the words of the Lord how he said John truly baptized with water, you
remember that, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days later.
You can't fix what's in this Bible and people are twisting it all up. And listen
Roger. Somebody said, 'Well they're Jews.' No, the Jews ain't got no business being
baptized now. Even them that denied Christ and Peter preached to 'em on the Day of
Pentecost, no business at all in the water and the Holy Ghost didn't say for 'em to
get in the water either. ____ been disputing Jesus Christ. Want me to explain what
I'm talking about? You want me to go ahead and explain it now? Now many of the
chief priest and pharisees went to John's baptism. They rejected the counsel of
God, they refused to be baptized. You got that? They rejected it, they wouldn't
be... Now John, when he was baptizing, before Jesus died, in the water; it's a
baptism of repentance. And he said, 'They, they have to confess that they broke the
law,' or they're dead just like Adam had to confess. And when Adam broke the law, a
burial. The Jew, he broke the law, a burial. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____. Alright. Now
when Moses brought the Children of Israel out of Egypt, there ____ ____ that the
children of Israel, it didn't say He brought any of the gentiles out. And all, not
some of 'em, no ma'am, no sir, but all of them Jews was baptized in the Red Sea and
in the cloud that Moses brought out. Everyone of 'em. Is that right? Women, men,
children, everybody, all up in that Red Sea, they was all.., so says the Book. Now
look, here comes along John. Now John has to come because this is so back here. And
Jesus said, 'now it behooves us to fulfil all this back here.' Well, if John wasn't
none of, none of the Jews that's baptized in the cloud and in the sea, then you
don't, you don't have to ask nobody nothing. Then you know John can't baptize
nobody but the Jews. Now the gentiles, which is the Egyptians, they were pursing
'em. They go right up in the, the Red Sea. What happened? They got drowned, that's
all. You see the point? Killed. The same thing that is salvation to one is, is, is
destruction to the other. You understand now? Now look, look. Now you've gone all
through here, John is baptizing. Now they rejected.., remember that's what I told
you they rejected the council of God and they refused to be baptized of John. But
look, he was just as dead as any man was. Just as dead as them that was baptized,
had to confess that a man was dead, and this body is the grave in which he was
buried in, all of 'em. Now watch, now here's Jesus. And there's all.., always
somebody talking about what Jesus said, even if they don't know what he's talking
about. Always somebody talking about Jesus said. Ain't that right? Just like, we,
we read to you there in Matthew 26:26. Jesus said that. Now if you wanna find out
when and where and what the occasion was, that's something
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different. He didn't say nothing about nobody, gentiles was back there eating no
supper and there wasn't none of 'em present there. Is that right?
Student Body: Right. That's right.
Dr. Kinley: Was he?
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: John, including Moses, ____ wasn't none of them, and neither did John
baptize any of 'em. Well, where you getting the gentiles eating the lord's supper,
where you getting the gentiles being baptized? Where are you getting this stuff at?
It's not in the Book. Now Jesus said.., I'm back on that again, 15th chapter of
Saint John. Said, 'I'm the true vine, I am the true vine.' What's the true vine?
Don't you remember, thought you read that a branch shall come out of David. Said,
'I am the true vine, My Father is the husbandman.' Now you keep your eye.., say
Roger this is under the dispensation of the law when He just said that. Said, 'I am
the true vine, My Father is the husbandman.' And where you're reading at over there
in the 31st chapter of Jeremiah, God said He was a good husband under the law.
Said, 'My father is the husbandman. Every branch, 'listen Wallace, I didn't say
roots, I said branch. Don't you know the difference between branches and roots.
John said, John said the axe is laid at the root, not the branch, the root of every
tree, listen, at every tree that My heavenly Father hath not planted shall be
rooted up. He's looking at it. And He said twice dead, dead under the dispensation
of the law, dead under.., twice dead, pulled up by the roots. God pulled 'em up by
the roots. Said, 'Now I am the true vine, My Father is the husbandman.' Now you
watch, now every branch that don't bear fruit, said My Father takes it away. 'Now
Adam, I put you out there in the garden and all them dead branches, now you keep
'em trimmed up.' That's your father after the flesh, (you get the point?) where all
of us come from. But, he didn't never get around to that, cause he, he, he, he, he,
he messed up before he got there, before there was any dead branches. He got run
out of the garden hisself. Said, 'Now I am the true vine, My Father is the
husbandman, every branch that beareth fruit,' now you keep your eyes on it. Some of
these things that Jesus has said, at least some of 'em oughta be right. Said, Every
branch, every branch now, not branches that brings forth fruit, He purges it that
it might bring forth more fruit. And every branch that don't, said His Father took
it away. Who is, who is His Father? God is spirit. 'What are you talking about
man?' I'm talking about these people back there that rejected John's water baptism,
and I'm saying they don't have no business in the water. No. Peter preaching there
on the Day of Pentecost, can't put 'em in no water because Christ is planted, He's
raised from the dead. Now, are you listening? And all of them branches was broken
off that didn't bear fruit or didn't get the Holy Ghost, they were broken off. Is
that right? You say that's right. Peter said, they said to Peter on the Day of
Pentecost back there, they were pricked in their hearts and Peter told 'em that
they had crucified the Lord of heaven. And they said, 'What shall we do?' He said,
'Repent everyone of you and be baptized.' John's baptism of repentance, repent
every one of you and be baptized in Jesus name for the remission of sin and ye
shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Is that what he told 'em? Now remember,
he's broken off around the
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branches so don't you start down here planting down around the roots. You break 'em
off out of the branches. Isn't that.., that's why Paul said to the Hebrews,
'therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ let us go unto
perfection not laying again the foundation for repentance from dead works, and the
doctrines of baptisms,' plural, any kind, I don't care how you do it: throw it on
'em over his head, stand him on edge... I don't care what you say and how you do
it. Just leave all that, all of them modes of baptisms. They're dead works. Is
that, is that he tells 'em? And look who he's writing to, he's telling the Hebrews
that, of the doctrines of, doctrines of baptism and laying on of hands and the
resurrection. I been raised from the dead brother. We're preaching that He's raised
from the dead not buried out there in Joseph's new tomb. And if he didn't raise
from the dead, Paul said then our faith is vain, you're still yet in your sins. He
couldn't make, He couldn't fulfil them ordinances and then triumph or be victorious
ov.., unless He raised from the dead. So we're preaching a resurrected Christ,
preaching He is victorious. We're teaching that we're crucified with Him, buried
with Him. Yes indeed. Christ was nailed out there on the cross. We're not looking
for no physical body, we already got one. We're looking for immortality. Now let me
go on and explain what I'm talking about. 11th chapter of Romans, Dr. Harris, and
I'll just show you. Now Paul said that if them same Jews that was broken off up
here in the branches now. Now listen Doc, don't, don't, don't fumble around so,
don't, don't, please, don't do that. Jesus said the branches.
So now don't you start planting, you just stay in the branches. Branch means
branch and roots means the roots, branch means branch, grass means grass. How's
that? You get the point? alright. Them that rejected the council of God. Read.
Reader: and if some of the branches be broken off
Dr. Kinley: and if, and if some of the branches be broken off
Reader: and thou being a wild olive tree
Dr. Kinley: Now Jesus said, every one that ____, brake it off. Now Jesus is under
the dispensation of the law and Paul said if you, some of the branches be broken
off... Now look, if I would bring you right down to the same thing today. Now
listen, listen close, see that you get it. Now we're down to the end right now of
this age where it's supposed to be repeating. Now if so.., what if some of the
branches be broken off, only a remnant come from the dispensation of the law to the
dispensation of grace, so the branches were broken off. Now here we are down to end
of this one and now we're trying to get over into immortality, And a lotta of 'em
are being broken off, many fall away. Get the point? To whom the promise was made.
You get the point? That's just a remnant of it should be saved. Nothing but a
repetition. Jesus said as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be... And that's
how it was when He was crucified, that was the end of a world too, just like the
flood. And now we're going down to the end of this age. The same thing is
happening. And all of this trash and stuff that you got, calling yourself preaching
the gospel, but got you out there eating up all of these natural things instead of
spiritual things. Nothing else but spiritual devils going forth to the kings of the
earth, working miracles. It is a sorcery showing works, satanic that
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they're talking about, he said, then that is a repeat or repeating the words that
Jesus said, repeating 'em in Latin: hocus pocus. Somebody back there in Ohio, it
says on a tape there: abra cadabra. Now what it, what, what, now they are saying,
they're using in Latin the same words that Jesus said, when He said, 'This is My
body.' ____ ____ in latin ____ ____. They know better. That's sorcery. Jesus said,
'Now ____ My flesh.' He said, 'The flesh profiteth nothing, the words that I speak
they are spirit and life.' If you would ____ ____ that way. Uh, uh. Without a
parable He would, He would never speak, but He's always took the natural to show
you the spiritual. That's what He told Nicodemus. Just look at the natural. Man is
made in the likeness and image of God, he's a natural man made in the likeness of
an incorporeal vision. You see the point? You wanna know how God is, look at the
man, cause he's made in the likeness, attributes and all were there. Somebody said,
'Well, say look here, wait a minute. I got arthritis in here, arm stiff and sore,
got to get some liniment and stuff.' No, no, uh, uh. There ain't no arthritis
between love and justice, and meekness. Ain't nothing in there, no skin in there,
they're joined together perfectly, and they work. You don't need no crutch to hop
around on to do things. ____ why he's just, just free, just ____, don't hurt at
all. No friction at all between love and meekness and justice. You're are put
together physically so like those attributes that make up the Godhead. Oh, it's
wonderful when you understand. Some say, 'Well we know. I been trying to get
straightened out, hopping along.' 'Say brother,' said, 'I, I know but I got
arthritis in it.' You can't run, you can't walk through it, hopping along on
excuses and crutches. 'Well I hope to overcome some day.' Just take the crutch out,
just take the crutch out and straighten up and walk. Ain't that what Jesus did
healing them people physically so, to let them know that He can heal their souls.
Eternal life is far better and far greater. And as He said greater things than
these shall you do because I go unto the Father. Why far greater of healing
somebody's inner man than it is of his old corruptible body. Jesus raised Lazarus
from the dead, but he died again. And they were being raised from the dead before
Jesus come. Elijah raised the widow's son, he died all over again. But it's a great
thing to raise somebody from the dead, sure enough, inside. That's why Jesus said
that. Everybody's got to put on an incorporeal or a spiritual body. Everybody's got
to take this mortal off. I don't care how good you are. And listen. I don't care
how bad you are either. There's got to be a change made to this. Yeah, there's
gonna be a change made. You don't need to worry about it. It'll happen anyhow.
Somebody said, 'Well I hope, I trust it will happen. It will happen. Somebody said,
'Well when the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.' Don't worry about it.
You'll be there. Cause Paul said, Christ said, as long as I liveth saith the Lord,
to me every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess. And He told the Children
of Israel, Moses to tell the Children of Israel, said, 'now you gather 'em up
around the mountain, give you three days to do that, wash the clothes and get up
around the mountain.' He said, 'Be there, no excuse, just be there.' Somebody said,
'Well, I ain't got my washing done yet.' You be there, better have it done too.
Gave you three days to get this laundry thing straightened out, don't want you
coming up all dirtied up like that. Clean up. Sanctify and the purifying of the
flesh. Get straightened out there. Come up here and then God, He spoke from the
mountain. They was there too, no excuses, no alibis. Jesus showing there, they told
'em to go out in the high way. And here they go out in the high way. Say, 'Now this
is what you tell them when you go out there, you tell them that the oxen
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2) FEBRUARY 14, 1965: FAITH
is prepared everything is already. Already done, done died and resurrected from the
dead, everything's all fixed up, just come up, everything's all right. You don't
have to do no cooking, no washing dishes, nor none of that. You don't have to fool
around standing over no hot stove, no rotisserie, baking no lamb. Everything's
already.' Went down to the highway and beat them out of there. ____ ____ ____ ____
____ ____ ____ ____ . Said the highway, said, the master said, 'Come to feast.'
Said, 'Don't have to worry about nothing, everything's all prepared.' 'Just glad to
come, but you know I just got married today, this is my anniversary, this is my
first wedding anniversary. I just married myself a wife and I would come if it
wasn't for that.' The other fella out yonder went on down here with excuses; went
out here, he said, 'Well, I would have been there just as sure, but you know today
I just bought me a yoke of oxen.' Now the feast is at night. Now he gonna plow the
oxen at night out there in the field. 'Expect somebody to believe that jive.' Just
any kinda thing he could hatch up. Said, 'Well why wasn't you there? What
happened?' And then somebody said, 'Well, I think this one'll do.' Listen, Paul
said in the first chapter of Romans there, he said no excuses, no excuses at all.
God's not gonna accept any excuses for your absenteeism and we're all gonna be
present. God's gonna make it His business to see to it that we are. Have I helped
you any?
Student Body: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: Now let me finish up what I.., I haven't forgotten the continuity of
thought. Now you all of these that Dr. Harris has said, the Jews that were, now
listen, let me finish it up. I'm gonna try to finish it up real quick too, but I do
want it explained. All right now.
Reader: and if some of the branches be broken off
Dr. Kinley: No. Jesus said, I am the true vine under the law and everyone, the
spirit broke off that didn't receive the spirit on the Day of Pentecost. The Holy
Spirit was poured out. They were broken off, if some of the branches be broken off.
All right, read on.
Reader: and thou being a wild olive tree
Dr. Kinley: you being a wild olive tree
Reader: were grafted in among them
Dr. Kinley: Now you see what it is? A olive tree. You being a wild olive tree
grafted in among them. Then what?
Reader: and with them
Dr. Kinley: Wait a minute Doc. Why, why don't you read what you got in the book?
Wild olive tree. Here's the ____, he's said grafted, he didn't say planted. He
didn't say roots. Grafted. Gentiles grafted. Somebody said, 'Well I don't believe
old Pete should get him in the water.' God grafted 'em in. Yeah, grafted
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2) FEBRUARY 14, 1965: FAITH
not planted. Graft the gentiles. Now where some of 'em been broken off and you
being a wild oli.., these gentiles, they're grafted in, gentiles. All right, now
I'm talking about them that refused John's baptism, I'm talking about the Jews
there. Alright, read.
Reader: and with them partakers of the root.
Dr. Kinley: and with them partakers of the root
Reader: and fatness of the olive tree
Dr. Kinley: and fatness of the olive tree
Reader: boast not against the branches
Dr. Kinley: Now don't boast against the natural branches. Now you were wild and now
you're grafted in among the natural. Now don't do no boasting 'em, the Jews, the
jews by nature. Don't do that, because they were broken off and you were grafted
in, not among the roots, not planted, no, no plantings, it's over with. We don't
need no planting, we need a digging up. We need a resurrection. Already dead and
buried. What we need is a resurrection. All right, read on Doc.
Reader: but if thou boast
Dr. Kinley: but if thou boast
Reader: thou barest not
Dr. Kinley: Now gentiles, now if you boast, thou barest not the root. You don't
bare the root.
Reader: but the root thee
Dr. Kinley: but the root barest you, Christ bears you. All right, read on.
Reader: thou will say then
Dr. Kinley: Now then here you come up, then thou will say then. 'Well they were
broken off so I could be grafted in.' Just got to throw away now. Told you not to
boast against the natural branches, like the devil is doing over yonder in the
Vatican. Get the point? Alright, read on.
Reader: well because of unbelief
Dr. Kinley: well because of unbelief
Reader: they were broken off
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2) FEBRUARY 14, 1965: FAITH
Dr. Kinley: they were broken off because of unbelief. I mean the Jews, them that
wasn't baptized out there at John's baptism, they were broken off because of
unbelief. Am I making it clear? Alright, read.
Reader: and thou standeth by faith
Dr. Kinley: And you always the Jew stood by faith from the.., even the promises
made to Abraham, made by faith before the giving of the law. God promised a
blessing that through his seed. You see what preaching the gospel means? You see
how ____ the thing? You see how wise God is? All right, read on Doc.
Reader: be not high minded
Dr. Kinley: Don't be high minded, don't be.., 'Blah, blah, blah, blah, I'm the head
of the thing. I'm ____ this way. We're the ____ ____ ____, we found that to be so,
we gonna straighten this thing out, we're gonna get together. You Protestants, you
got to come on back in here. You Jews, we're gonna set up a secretary for you so
you can get in it.' You over in that pope's business, you see the ignorance, that's
what you got out here. You have to have it, because if you didn't, then the
scriptures couldn't be fulfilled. Alright, read on.
Reader: but fear.
Dr. Kinley: but you fear. Listen, read.
Reader: for if God spared not the natural branches
Dr. Kinley: for if God spared not the natural... You remember we had Jimmy to read
that a while ago. God spared not the angels. God don't spare, didn't spare the
natural branches. Take heed, watch out you gentiles, lest he don't spare you, be
broken off too. Read.
Reader: behold therefore the goodness.
Dr. Kinley: Look, look at the goodness and look at the severity of God. Read, doc.
Reader: on them which fell
Dr. Kinley: on them which fell severity,
Reader: but towards thee goodness.
Dr. Kinley: but towards you goodness. Alright, read on doc.
Reader: will now continue in his goodness.
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Dr. Kinley: Now, that's if. If, if you continue in His goodness. Don't you go on in
delusions. Start to doing that stuff. It said, if you continue in His goodness.
Stay in there like God put you in there. Don't go back and dib dabble around them
carnal things, you continue in His goodness. As you received the Lord Jesus
walking, don't do no back tracking. Alright, read on.
Reader: otherwise
Dr. Kinley: otherwise if you don't do it. Then what?
Reader: thou also shall be cut off
Dr. Kinley: you also shall be cut off. You see that? The gentiles, they'll be cut
off, if they don't. All right Doc.
Reader: and they also
Dr. Kinley: also
Reader: if they abide not still in unbelief
Dr. Kinley: Now they, and they also if they abide not still in unbelief. Now the
cardinal point I want you to see is this: I'm talking about them Jews that
didn't.., rejected the baptism. I'm saying they don't have no business in the water
either. It's a dead work, and I'm gonna make him read it. You know good and well
you don't have no business in it. This is a mystery. Read on Doc.
Reader: shall be grafted in.
Dr. Kinley: Huh?
Reader: if they still abide not in still unbelief.
Dr. Kinley: Now wait a minute, now them that rejected John's baptism that were
broken off, you were grafted in. If they abide not still in unbelief (are you
listening) then they'd get baptized.
Student Body: No
Dr. Kinley: If not that, then what? Be grafted in. Don't you see he ain't got no
business dib dabbling around down there in the water. He's grafted back in, he was
broken off among the branches. Gentiles grafted in among the branches. He was
broken off among the branches and if he abide not still in unbelief then he'd be
grafted back in among the branches, not the roots. Listen, I know what I'm talking
about Freddy. You just don't abide in unbelief. No, he ain't said nothing about
putting nobody in no water. All them carnal ordinances is over with. It's a dead
work. And I'm trying my best in everything I know to do to get you to see that what
you're coming down here to this school for is to learn something about God and the
mystery of God and the mystery of iniquity, and how them devils and
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you can tell every last one of them that gets up here with carnal mind and a carnal
ordinance and dib dabbling around in the natural thing, and living under the
dispensation of the law. But in this dispensation we believe that Christ did
everything, fulfilled everything. Died, He was the redeemer and we believe God made
Him to be sin for us that we might be the righteousness of God in Christ. And He
just took, God just took His Son and put them stripes in all on Him that we might
be... And it's by faith that God has promised.., if you believe that He, God done
it then it's by faith, not by the works but by faith. And then faith is really a
work. Jesus said, 'This is the works that you believe on him that sent me.' Not the
works of the law. Now do you see what the difference is? Now look out over
Christendoom and see how much they understand the mystery of God and you see that
they don't. You see now? Let us have the announcements please, wasn't that one
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by Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley
Los Angeles, California
received from Lamar Greer
2 90 minute audio cassettes
Transcribed by Dr. Sandra Giragosian, Michael Rothstein, and Cathy Fenti
Proofread by Michael Rothstein, Geraldine Rothstein, and Cathy Fenti
Proofread and approved by the International Public Relations Committee: 1996
… indicates that Dr. Kinley ended a word or a sentence without verbally
completing it.
2. Audience comments are included only if more than one person responded or if Dr.
Kinley was speaking directly to a specific person.
3. Unless emphasized by Dr. Kinley pause words have been left out of the transcript
for the sake of ease in readability and comprehension (ah, uh, see, you see, you
see what I mean, isn’t that right, understand, you understand, do you understand).
4. ___ indicates an inaudible word or syllable
5. WORDS IN CAPITAL LETTERS are comments of the transcriber.
Dr. Kinley: ... in answer to your question that way in a way that you can
understand. You have the right to continue to try to investigate further. And I'll
wrestle with you until you do understand it. But I want to tell you one thing I'm
not interested in, and I do not want to be bothered with it. I don't wanna be
bothered with somebody that's asking a whole lotta questions just to be contentious
and what not. Now, if it isn't for your own personal good and benefit and for your
edification, and I do mean personal, why then don't bother me with it, because I
don't wanna be, I don't want to be bothered, I, I don't have time to fool with
nothing like that.
But, if it's something that pertains to God and His purpose and your salvation, I'm
always ready to, at all times. And remember I said that you were permitted to ask
questions, not only in this class but in every class. That's what the school is
for, is for, not for you to just bring up a whole lotta contentions and then not
for you
to contend that you don't understand the thing just because you don't, you, you
wanna see it some other way. Now, if you wanna see it some other way other than God
has put it, why then that's all right with me, too; just don't bother me with
Page 1
it, because we don't have time to fool with that.
This gospel has got to be preached in all this age or all the world. Now, it's
preached for a witness, and preached to deliver and to save your soul. Now, I'll
tell you what John said... I don't want to be here. I don't want to continue to
hold you in the services here tonight and all this kinda thing, after 10 o'clock. I
don't like to do that. And I don't like for somebody to get up and just wasting
time either. So now, if you realize the, that it is important.
Now, we want to talk to you about ignorance and blasphemy. Now, blasphemies are
committed sometimes through ignorance, not all the time but sometimes through
You remember when Jesus was hanging on the cross, He said,'Forgive them, Father,
for they know not what they do.'1 Do you recall that? They did not know realize. Now
that was prophetic that they would be in that state, frame of mind or to be
ignorant about the time of their visitation.2
God had given them eyes of blindness. And Paul in the 12th chapter, I believe it
is, or the 11th chapter of Romans, said this: that this blindness in part has
already happened unto Israel. And now they blasphemed against Jesus.
And did you recall.., maybe you better open your book and read it. Matthew, about
12:31. And, and just read it. Now, this is Jesus, before He died. Now, I'm gonna
try to be particular with this.
Reader: Wherefore
Dr. Kinley: Wherefore
Reader: I say unto you,
Dr. Kinley: Now, this is Jesus talking. I say unto you,
Reader: all manner of sin and blasphemy
Dr. Kinley: all manner of sin and blasphemy
Reader: shall be forgiven unto men:
Dr. Kinley: shall be forgiven unto men:
Reader: but the blasphemy
Dr. Kinley: but the blasphemy
1 Luke 23:34
2 Luke 19:44
Page 2
Reader: against the Holy Ghost
Dr. Kinley: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost
Reader: shall not be forgiven unto men.
Dr. Kinley: Now it shall not be forgiven. Now, let me say this. That's just one of
the inaccuracies and ignorance of the people. Now remember, I'm trying pinpoint
things. And I don't want to make no apologies for it, and I want you to accept it
just like I tell you, because I'm carefully choosing my words.
That's one reason why we do not believe in a ____ ____. Now, when I say that,you
know and every other Catholic there is on the face of the earth knows that he is
taught to go to confession, and to make confession. Then he goes on out of there
and does something else, then he has to go back to make another confession to the
priest. Now does anybody want to dispute that? Now, that whole entire system is
incorrect, just wrong. Now, here's how and why: Christ was manifest to make an end
of sin.3
Peter, do you recall, said to Jesus, said,'Master, if my brother sin against me,
how often shall I forgive him, until the seventh time?'4 And Jesus, that's in a day,
and Jesus said,'Seventy times seven.' Now, that's 490 times in a day. Now I want
you to see what I'm talking about. Now that's his brother and he. Now this pertains
to the Jews. This pertains to the Jews, the twelve tribes. Peter is saying to Him,
'Now, how often shall I forgive my brother if he sin against me?' And Jesus said...
He said, Peter said,'until the seventh time?' He said,'Seventy times seven.' Now,
that's 490 ninety years or 490 times in that one day that his brother sinned
against him. You get the point? Now is that clear? Does everybody understand that?
Is that the way it reads in the Bible?
Student Body: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: Now, Jesus told him seventy times seven, that's 490 times in one day,
He said until that time, the four hundred and ninth time. Now, here's what I want
you to see. At the close of that 490 years, from the going forth of the commandment
unto Artaxerxes, this is what Jesus is telling you about, He didn't explain it, was
490 years or seventy times seven. And at the close of that He, Himself, would be
offered up for sin. His blood would atone for sin. Now, that's Jesus.
Now John said that He was manifested to make an end of sin, to get it stopped. So
now, when He's offered up out there, there will be no more brother sinning against
brother to have to go and confess all the time. That's why I said the confession
business is all wrong, as it is in ____. Now, have I made that clear? A man that
has got the Holy Ghost in him or has got Christ in him definitely and
Daniel 9:24
Matthew 18:21-22
Page 3
positively does not sin against his brother; and not only that, he does not commit
sin. Well, somebody say,'Well, why don't he?' Because His seed remaineth in him,
and he cannot sin. Now, they're saying you're going out there sinning against your
brother, and then running and confessing it to the priest out there, and you're
going right back out and doing the same thing all over again. Now, that's nothing
but just open blasphemy. Now, do you see why I said that? It's open blasphemy.
There absolutely is nothing to it whatsoever.
Now James said this, confess your faults one to another that you may be healed.5
Now, all of Israel under the dispensation of the Law, (Are you listening now?)
under the dispensation of the Law, and under.., (You see that conjunction?) and
under the dispensation of Grace, have not attained to absolute perfection in every
polytechnical detail; in other words, they grow in grace, there's something to
learn. Now, that thing he does not know, that that he hasn't learned, then it's the
ministry's job to teach, because it is supposed to be Christ in the ministry now,
as it was.., I mean in this dispensation, as it was Christ when He was here in the
flesh doing the teaching; in other words, it's not the flesh and not the man that's
doing the teaching; it's Christ or God that's teaching through the man.
Now, I want to, to go back and I wanna bear down on it. I wanna bear down on it,
because we are all gonna get in trouble here before the night is gone. We're gonna
be in a serious pot of trouble, and I'm talking about the ministry out here. Now, I
said serious trouble! Now, I won't have to repeat that to you no more, will I?
Now, in this school, what we have did... I'm pretty sure that everybody hasn't
caught on to it yet or had it understood yet. I'm gonna say the same.., I want you
to read in your Bible. Isaiah 8:20. And you notice right up here on this chart,
you'll find it says Isaiah 8:20 right up here. I want you to read it out of the
Bible. Now you all try to be quick cause I got a long way to go and I told you
didn't want keep you here, up here tonight.
Reader: To the law
Dr. Kinley: Now, it says, to the law
Reader: and to the testimony:
Dr. Kinley: and to the testimony:
Reader: if they speak
Dr. Kinley: if they speak. Read.
Reader: not according to this word,
Dr. Kinley: if they speak not according to this word,
James 5:16
Page 4
Reader: it is because there is no light in them.
Dr. Kinley: it is because there is no light in them. Now you heard that, didn't
you? Now, that is not just something that makes some good poetical reading. Now, it
said to the law and to the testament, testimony, or to the Law and to the prophets,
if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in 'em.
Now, let me see if I can explain that.
Now, the prophets, they prophesied from the beginning of the world on down. Now, is
that.., I'm talking about before the flood too. Now, we got that understood? Now,
when God gave the Law from Mount Sinai, when God gave the Law from Mount Sinai, I
want you to understand it, it's explicably, profoundly, accurately, without any
error, without any doubtful disputations, (How'm I doing?) the Law, when it was
given, it stood 0 N L Y, only... I want you to read that too, in the 9th chapter of
Hebrews. Now, what I'm, what I'm explaining now, so that you don't make no errors
and no mistakes or misunderstanding, I'm explaining that the Law back here, it
stood only in... given from Mt. Sinai to the, to the, to the Jews, to the Jews
only, and remember I did not say Gentiles, so don't, don't think I said the
Gentiles. And, as you heard me say a lotta times, it's not, not a Bible reading
contest. And we haven't got time trying to teach you something and we stop and
listen to a whole lotta stupidity and ignorance. Let's clear, let's try to clear up
some of it now. Now, read, whoever has it, read out loud and clear.
Dr. Harris: Which stood only in meats and drink, and divers washings,6
Dr. Kinley: Go up further there, Dr. Harris. Now, you listen.
Dr. Harris: Which was a figure for the time then present,
Dr. Kinley: If you go on up and pick up the subject and come on down and get the
predicate there.
Dr. Harris: The Holy Ghost this signifying,
Dr. Kinley: Now, listen, the Holy Ghost, the Holy Ghost, I said the Holy Ghost this
signified. All right, read.
Dr. Harris: that the way into the holiest of all
Dr. Kinley: that the way into the holiest of all or into the Most Holy Place,
that's within the second veil... All right, read.
Dr. Harris: was not yet made manifest,
Dr. Kinley: Now, it wasn't revealed while the first Tabernacle was yet standing.
Now, if it wasn't revealed at that time, could you expect the people to understand.
Hebrews 9:10
Page 5
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: See that now? When it wasn't revealed, there was no way for 'em to
understand it. You get it? All right.
Dr. Harris: Which was a figure for the time then present,
Dr. Kinley: Which was a figure... Now, I want you to get this straight. Which was a
figure for the time then present. Now, when I say, Freddy, for the time then
present, I don't mean it is for the present time. It was under the dispensation of
the Law, before Jesus Christ was crucified, before the Law was fulfilled. It
couldn't pass, so it was for the time then present. Now, here's what we have done,
we have mixed it all up with this time over here, and confused it. For the time
then present... All right. Read.
Dr. Harris: in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices,
Dr. Kinley: in which was offered both gifts and sacrifices,
Dr. Harris: that could not make him
Dr. Kinley: that could not make him
Dr. Harris: that did the service perfect,
Dr. Kinley: as pertaining to the conscience. Read.
Dr. Harris: Which stood only in meats
Dr. Kinley: Now, I want you to get this straight now. I want you to get this
straight, get, get straight once and for all. You understand me now? Let's don't
let this thing happen no more. Let's don't come up ignorant about it. Let's don't
come up stupid about it. Let's don't blaspheme God about it. Am I making it clear?
Which stood 0 N L Y, in meats and drinks, and diverse washings, and carnal
ordinances. Now you get that, Freddie?
Person: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: You sure you got it, Freddy?
Person: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: All right. which was offered both gifts and sacrifices, that
could not make him perfect as pertaining to the conscience, which stood only in
meats and drinks, and diverse washings, and carnal ordinances. Now, that makes me
have to explain this to you. Now it forces me up to it, it drives me up to it. I
have no other alternative.
Page 6
Now I have to tell you what are carnal... What's the word carnal means? And I have
to tell you what the word ordinance means. Now I have to tell you that. Apparently,
the world out there has not learned it. And the reason.., and, and, and because
they have not learned it that means that they are ignorant, and that also means
that they've blasphemed against God. Why are they ignorant, because they have not
learned, I could tell you ____ about that. Now, the word carnal means... What does
it mean?
Student Body: Natural. Worldly. Sensual.
Dr. Kinley: Worldly, the natural, sensual, death, physical... Now, let's, let's,
let's clear it up. Now ordinance means... What does that mean?
Student Body: Ceremonies. Rites.
Dr. Kinley: No, that didn't ____ now. You have to answer me.
Student Body: Law.
Dr. Kinley: That's right. Ordinance means a law. Now, somebody said,'Well now,
what's the necessity of all of that?'
Now here's how the world got in trouble. To show you. Back here in the Garden of
Eden where this mess started, the third chapter of Genesis, you will find there
that God had given Adam and Eve a law. And He told them that they could eat of all
of the fruit of the trees or eat of all of the trees in the Garden except the tree
of knowledge of good and evil.
And they must not touch it or eat of it. Now,
to what I wanna tell you. That is a carnal ordinance. That's a natural, physical
body that Adam and Eve had. The fruit of those trees in that Garden, which was to
sustain and to nourish that physical body, it was, those were, that was natural.
Now, that was natural, that was physical, that was worldly, that was carnal, (Are
you following me, now?) ordinance given to a natural man, a natural fruit, a
natural man, a carnal ordinance. Now, what did I say that for? I said that to let
you know that the carnal ordinances which God gave Israel were just as natural,
just as physical. The giving of the Passover, ____ ____ ____ and all of those
feasts, and everything that they dealt with, was dealing with that physical body,
foot washings, eating of the lamb, the goat, the bullock, the heifer. Now, every
bit of it was carnal, carnal ordinance, given to a carnal man. Now, that's why you
have to go back, you have to go back to the Law. Now, we said to the Law and to the
Testimony. Now, you have to go back to the Law. You have to go back to that Law
that was given to Adam. Have to go back to that Law that was given to Israel. And
that law that was given to Adam and Eve stood only... And that Law that was given
to Israel stood only... Now, am I getting over to you? Now, God always takes
special pains. I said special pains. Now, He told Adam and Eve not to eat of the
fruit of that tree. He didn't let 'em go and eat of the fruit of the tree, and then
tell them,'You ought not to have done that.' He told them up front, didn't He? Get
it now? So, there must be consequences if you eat of it. Now, here comes along the
Devil in the 3rd chapter of Genesis. Read.
Page 7
Reader: Now the serpent
Dr. Kinley: Now the serpent
Reader: was more subtle
Dr. Kinley: was more subtle
Reader: than any beast of the field
Dr. Kinley: or keen, deceptive. Now, let me get this straight so that you can see
what I'm talking about. Now the reason... Now, a lotta people haven't never
considered what you just read. They just read,'Now the serpent was more subtle that
any beast of the field which the Lord God had created.' Now, I got to go up and
show you in revelation, revelations means revealed. Now, I got to show you where
that serpent come from. Now, that serpent was not a serpent. Serpent like a earthly
man was, like a earthly beasts that the Lord had created from the earth in other
words, the serpent wasn't made from the earth, as was the man and the beasts of the
field. But he was more subtle... And the Lord made him too but he was more subtle
in the position which he was created than the man or any of the beasts of the field
which the Lord God had made. Now, I want you to know where the serpent come from,
and I wanna make sure that we pinpoint it. All right, read, Dr. Harris. Where are
you reading?
Dr. Harris: Twelfth chapter of Revelations.
Dr. Kinley: Now, he's reading in the 12th chapter of Revelations.
Dr. Harris: ...seventh verse.
Dr. Kinley: Now, he's reading the 7th verse of the 12th chapter of Revelations. All
right, read.
Dr. Harris: There was war in heaven:
Dr. Kinley: And there was war in heaven. Now, you see where that is. There was war
in heaven:
Dr. Harris: Michael and his angels fought
Dr. Kinley: Michael and his angels fought
Dr. Harris: against the dragon;
Dr. Kinley: against the dragon;
Dr. Harris: and the dragon fought and his angels,
Dr. Kinley: and the dragon fought and his angels,
Page 8
Dr. Harris: and prevailed not;
Dr. Kinley: and prevailed not;
Dr. Harris: neither was their place found any more in heaven
Dr. Kinley: neither was their place found any more in heaven
Dr. Harris: And the great dragon was cast out,
Dr. Kinley: And the great dragon was cast out of heaven,
Dr. Harris: that old serpent
Dr. Kinley: that old serpent, called what?
Dr. Harris: called the Devil, and Satan,
Dr. Kinley: I said the old serpent. Now that's where I'm at. Serpent! Now the
serpent was more subtle than any of the beasts of the field. That old serpent which
was created in the realm of heaven, was more subtle than the man or any of the
beasts of the field which the Lord God had made. Now, have I got that over?
Student Body: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: Now, you just read that he was cast out of heaven. All right, read.
Dr. Harris: which deceiveth the whole world:
Dr. Kinley: Now, which deceiveth the whole world
Dr. Harris: he was cast out into the earth,
Dr. Kinley: he was cast out into the earth,
Dr. Harris: and his angels were cast out with him.
Dr. Kinley: and his angels were cast out with him. Now listen, let me tell you,
before I get to it. Let me tell you, before I get to it, Freddy. I wanna make it
clear. I wanna make it plain. I don't want no mistakes about it. I don't want no
speculation, no presuming about it. Now, that old serpent was cast out of heaven
into the earth. That.., those satanic spirits were cast out of heaven into earth,
and it was more subtle, more prudent, more cunning than any of the beasts of the
field, which the Lord God had created. Now, follow me close. Follow me close. Now
then, now that was the devil you said and his angles (angels?). Now here's what I
want you to see here. Now if he's cast out into the earth... That's what you said.
But now, I want you to find him down here. I want you to locate him. Now Jude...
Wait a minute. Jude 4. Now you all try to be quick cause time is passing rapidly.
Page 9
Reader: And the angels which kept not their first estate,7
Dr. Kinley: And the angels which kept not their first estate; that is, kept not the
position in which they were created. Them angels which kept not their first estate,
were what?
Reader: but left their own habitation,
Dr. Kinley: but left their own habitation,
Reader: he hath reserved in everlasting chains
Dr. Kinley: Now, he hath reserved in everlasting chains of darkness to the great
day of judgement. Now, who's, who's reading there?
Reader: Jude.
Dr. Kinley : Now here's Pete. See what he got to say about it.8
Dr. Harris: For if God spared not
Dr. Kinley: For if God spared not the angels
Dr. Harris: that sinned,
Dr. Kinley: that sinned,
Dr. Harris: but cast them down to hell,
Dr. Kinley: but, wait a minute. But cast them down to hell. Read
Dr. Harris: and delivered them into chains of darkness,
Dr. Kinley: and delivered them into chains of darkness. Now, listen, chains of
darkness. Chains of, chains of darkness. What did he say that for? Don't you see
that one dispensation and age is linked right with the other? But He delivered 'em
into chains of darkness. Look, when Satan went to Eve out here, he's cast down.
There's gonna be no conversion. You just might as well trying to quit convert the
devil and his angels. That is not gonna happen. His final destiny, his doom is
already fixed and sealed. Now, he's cast down to hell and reserved in chains of
darkness. Now, you see where he's cast down to? Do you see that?
Student Body: Yes!
Jude 6
II Peter 2:4
Page 10
Dr. Kinley: You sure? Apparently the most of us have never seen it and haven't
never understood it. Now I'm gonna prove that to you too. All right, read, where
you were in Peter there.
Dr. Harris: and to be reserved unto judgement;
Dr. Kinley: and to be reserved unto judgement. Now look, listen, you heard where he
said he was cast down to. You heard where he said he come from. Now, when Jesus was
here on earth, and He sent His disciples out, He sent them to cast out, out, to
cast out devils or cast out them demons or them fallen angels. Out of who? Out of
man or out of you. Now, you see that? They, if He sent them cast them out of men,
can't you see where hell is?
Student Body: Yes!
Dr. Kinley: Now, he was cast down to hell and reserved in chains of darkness, I
said darkness or ignorance, and reserved there. But just let me tell you this. Him
and all his ignorance is more subtle than ____. Get it now? You see that? All
right. And then Jesus sent the disciples out to cast them out. And they went out
and cast them out of men, and then they come back with joy.9 And Jesus said,'Now
don't rejoice because of this, but because your names are enrolled in heaven.' That
is to say, before Jesus was born in the world, God had chosen those apostles, and
Jesus knew them when He come along, just like He knew those devils, He said, I
beheld Satan fall from heaven as lightning, cast him down, when they were cast out.
You remember that now? Well, He knew every last one of them devils, for there was a
devil in a man. He also knew the spirit that was in Peter and the twelve that were
chosen. They were chosen before the foundation of the world. Now, are you up to
date so far? You up to date?
Now then, if you're up to date, now they're bound in everlasting chains of
darkness. Now, let me get the darkness straight insofar as the purpose of God is
concerned, which God has kept hid within Himself until it was revealed by the Holy
Now we are, let's see where we are. Let's see where we are now. Now, we're coming
back here: to the Law and to the prophecy. Now, if, this is what you have to do.
Might have to do this. I'm talking about the ministers. I'm talking about the
ministers. Now, for the ministry to know whereof they speak as of now, they have to
go back here to the Law, and see about these feasts, and these Passovers, and this
Law that was given to Israel back there, that carnal ordinance. They have to come
back here to this Garden of Eden, which is right here, got to come back here to
this Garden of Eden and see about that law that was given to Adam and Eve. Now you
have to come back here. Now, listen. Listen. Because that Law and the prophecy had
to cor.., one confirmed the other. There wasn't anything in the Law but what had,
necessary for, to be confirmed by the prophets. Now if, when the prophets spoke,
(listen now) when the prophets spoke under the dispensation of the Law out of
harmony with what was concealed in the Law, he
Luke 10:17-20
Page 11
was a false prophet. You get the point?
Now let me see if I can show that to you. Now, the Law said, just let me point out
some specifics, the Law said, Moses said, Moses said in Deuteronomy, 'A prophet
shall the Lord thy God raise up unto thee, like unto me, him shall ye hear.'10
That's the Law. Now when Isaiah prophesied, he better prophesy in harmony with
them, if he don't, he's a liar; therefore he had to say, a virgin shall conceive,
and bring forth a son, And thou shall call His name Immanuel.11 So then that means I
have to go back to that Law, and I got to go back to that prophesy to know what's
going on. you get it now?
Now, when Adam and Eve sinned back there in the garden, the woman, He who bruised
the serpent's head, signifying a redeemer. Then that's got to be shown under the
Law, got to be shown under the prophets, and I have to go back there. Now, if I
follow that course or trend, then I am able to preach Christ without Matthew,
without Mark, without Luke, without John, without the Acts of Apostles, without the
Pauline epistles, and the Peterine epistles and John's epistles. I got to be able
to prove Him from the Law and from the, and from the prophets. Get the point? Now,
now, now do you understand that?
Now if I'm not able to preach Him from the Law and from the prophecy, then I'm not
able to preach Him there. But now what we are doing in our present day ministry,
they read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and call all that the New Testament, and
say, "Well, we're not under the Law now, but we're living under grace.'
But you have to go back to the Law, in, in order to find out what's under grace,
folks. Now, that's why they say... Now, if they speak not according to this word,
it's because there's no light in 'em.12 And I'm not talking about the present day
ministry, I'm talking about them prophets under the Law. If they didn't, if those
prophets didn't speak in harmony with what God gave in the Law, he was, he was out
of harmony, cause you can't give a Law expecting something, that, that the
prophets, the same God in here will have to confirm it. What He's given 'em is
those natural, physical, carnal ordinances. Both of 'em, one has to come together
in order to confirm the other one. You get it now? And that's why you read in
Isaiah 56:9-10. Read it! Now, I'll get so I'll hurry on here pretty soon, but I'll
have to get it straight first.
Reader: All ye beasts of the field,
Deuteronomy 18:15
Isaiah 7:14
Isaiah 8:20
Page 12
Dr Kinley: All ye beasts... Now, you see the serpent was more subtle than any of
the beasts. I said beasts of the field which the Lord God had created. Now, that's
heavenly creatures, Lucifer and his angels were more subtle than any of the beasts
of the field which the Lord God had created. That's why I said that you're no match
for him. And over there Isaiah prophesied, said the same things that you just read
that he was more subtle. Isaiah said that. Now, Isaiah and he had to say that in
order to confirm that which, what Moses wrote about. He said, when Lucifer was
formed or he was made, God did what? Give him that ____, He made him do it. Put it
inside and sewn within. God made him that way. That's why he was more subtle than
any of the beasts of the field. God made him that way. All right. Read on.
Reader: All ye beasts of the field,
Dr Kinley: All ye beasts of the field... Hurry up, let me get this over folks, let
me get this one point. All right, read on.
Reader: come to devour,
Dr Kinley: Uh huh.
Reader: yea, all ye beasts in the forest. His watchmen are blind:
Dr Kinley: Now, his watchmen are blind! What blindfolded 'em? Read on.
Reader: they are ignorant,
Dr Kinley: Now, they're ignorant.
Reader: they are all dumb dogs,
Dr. Kinley: they are all dumb dogs,
Reader: they can not bark;
Dr. Kinley: They can't preach
Reader: sleeping,
Dr. Kinley: They're sleeping
Reader: lying down,
Dr. Kinley: lying down,
Reader: loving to slumber.
Dr. Kinley: loving to slumber.
Page 13
Reader: Yea, they are greedy dogs
Dr. Kinley: Yea, they are greedy dogs.
Reader: which can never have enough,
Dr. Kinley: which can never have enough. Now, what makes him so dumb, what makes
him so wise, as Jesus said when He was ____,'If the blind lead the blind, they all
fall in the ditch together.' Now, the man has come along, talking about
prophesying, was supposed to be watching for Israel... Now here's his blindness, he
didn't know what them carnal ordinances reflected. That's why he couldn't speak in
conjunction and confirmation to it. You get my point now? Couldn't do it to save a
soul. Because it was God that gave the Law, it was God in the prophet. And it is
God calling the prophet to prophesy what is reflected in the Law. Therefore you
have to go to the Law and you have to go to the prophets.
When Jeremiah said that the Lord said, about the New Covenant: After those days,
I'll make a New Covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. Now,
Freddy, I want, I want you to get this understood. As John said,'my little
children, this is the last time.' Now, get this understood. Jeremiah 31:31, God's
talking, talking through that prophet. After those days, saith the Lord. Now, let's
suppose it says 'after what days.' It don't say that. All right. Now, if you'll
read it over in Hebrews, Paul tells you what days what it does talk of. What, what
days Paul is talking about. Said that the first covenant which stood only in meats
and drinks, (now listen at me) it stood only in meats and drinks and diverse
washings and carnal ordinances (Listen to these words) imposed on them until the
time of reformation. Now especially things performed by the Old Covenant. The
reformation begun here at Pentecost. Now listen. Are you listening now? That's why
Jesus said,'Don't think that I come to destroy the Law or the prophets, but I come
to fulfill the Law and the prophets. And verily, verily, I say unto you, one jot or
one tittle shall in no wise pass until it is all fulfilled.' Now, when it's all
fulfilled, listen, let me repeat. Verily, verily, Matthew 5:17, think not that I
come to destroy the Law or the prophets. Don't think that. But I come to fulfill.
And verily, verily, I say unto you, one jot and one tittle of it shall in no wise
pass, until it is all fulfilled. Now, if, if you want to know, if you want to know
what's in the Law, what's in the prophets, you're certainly gonna have to go back
there to that there, to find out; in other words, you're gonna have to go to the
Law and the prophets to find out. You have to go there to find out what's being
fulfilled, what's being moved.
And in the l0th chapter of Hebrews, Paul is saying this... Now remember Hebrews is
to the Jews. Said,'Now, sacrifices and burnt offerings thou wouldest not, but a
body hast thou prepared for me.' Now, listen at me. This is actually giving the
verse. 'Then said I,' you'll find that in the prophecy,'then said I, lo I come in
the volume of the book;' or in other words, according to the Law and the prophecy,
'as it is written of Me,' already written. That was long before Matthew, Mark,
Luke, and John was written. 'Then said I, lo I come in the volume of the book, as
Moses and the prophets have written of me, and I'm gonna fulfill every jot and
every tittle,
Page 14
of what they have written of me.'
Now you don't have no way to find out nothing about it unless you go back to the
Law and to the prophets. Now you can't begin at Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. It
ain't all written in there. 'Lo, I come...' I'll quote my words back over again,
because I wouldn't, I didn't have, I didn't have it called to... Read it. Lo, I
come in the volume of the book, as it is written of me, to do Thy will, oh God.
Listen, He's taken away... I said He taketh away the first, that He might establish
the second. Well now, you have to go back there and see what was under the Law, in
order to see what's moved out of the way or taken away. And He cannot establish the
New Covenant until the Old is completely abolished, all of it, not some of it. Now
this is, this is a hard lesson tonight to hear, it's tough. And, and we been trying
to preach it all along.
Suppose I say to you, 'What are you doing washing feet?' Well, 'Yeah, I'm following
in the footsteps of Jesus.' Well if you don't know what, that He was doing. Don't
you know foot washing was a carnal ordinance under the dispensation of the Law, and
He fulfilled that. Every jot and every tittle of it was taken away. Now if you do
that, then you're not aware what was back there in the law where He told you to go.
If you're gonna baptize, you're not aware of that. Get it? If you're gonna eat
passovers, Lord Suppers, it's just the same, you're not aware of it. Why don't you
go back there and find out what it's about? It's a carnal ordinance.
Well now, can't you see our ignorance and can't you see our blasphemy? Can't you
see our denial? Can't you see that you're denying Christ. Can't you see that?
Anytime a man comes up here with any carnal ordinance at all, I don't care which
one it is, it does not make any difference, He is denying that the Law is fulfilled
that it was under the Law. And that's what He is doing, fulfilling the Law. And one
jot and one tittle of it will not pass until it's all fulfilled, every bit of it.
And it stood only in diverse washings and carnal ordinances, and it was given to
Israel, and Jesus had come in and saying that one, saying that one jot or one
tittle of it shall in no wise pass until it is all fulfilled. And then He said
sacrifices and burnt offerings thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared for
me. Then said I, lo, I come in the volume of the book, as it is written in the Law
and the prophets it's written, to do thy will, oh God,13 or in other words to
fulfill what's written in the Law and in the prophets. And then He taketh away the
first, takes away all, not some but all of the old carnal ordinances that Israel
practiced under the Law. Every last one of 'em: water baptism, foot washing, all of
Now the man, you heard him say right up here last Sunday, he said that, talking
about Matthew and them, and then he said, 'Now, that's in the, that's, that's the
New Testament teaching.' No sir, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John is not New Testament
teaching. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John is a biography of Him, of the Messiah or
God manifested in a physical body taking away the natural, and I'll make an end of
the Old Covenant and establishing the New Testament in your
Hebrews 10:6,7
Page 15
heart and in your mind. And now, if you're gonna try to stay with that one, then
what you're doing, you are denying that God removed 'em. You're denying.
You said that Matthew 28:19, you said that Jesus said, go and baptize them in the
name of the Father and the Son; and you said, in the water. Now, it can't be both.
Now, here's the reason why it cannot be both, because water baptism, I don't care
what you say, but I'm gonna, I don't care what you say. If water did wash... Water
is literal. It's natural. It's physical. It's carnal. Now, Christ couldn't say that
He had fulfilled, one and all, every jot and tittle. He couldn't say that He had
fulfilled, and that He come to do the will of the Father to take away the first and
establish the, the new one, not like the old one I gave, in the day that I took 'em
by the hand to lead 'em out of the... One is carnal, one is spiritual. One is
natural and the other is spiritual.
The Law was a schoolmaster to bring us up to Christ. Christ is a quickening Spirit.
15th chapter of 1st, Paul said, it was written that the first man Adam was of the
earth, earthly, but the second man Adam was the Lord from heaven, He was made a
quickening spirit.
Now, brethren, my contention to you all along, ever since I have been preaching is,
I tell you water baptism is no longer good. I'll tell you that foot washing, as
washing literally so, is no good. Lord Suppers or Passovers no good. What they call
Lord's Suppers, no.
Offering up bullocks, and turtledoves, and heifers, or
anything that was done literally so, or naturally so, was no good. It, it's no
Now then, you say to me then, 'Well, you're all out of harmony with all the rest of
the churches.' Well now look, do you want me to be ignorant too, in order to stay
in harmony with all them churches?
Student Body: No!
Dr. Kinley: Do you want me to be ignorant and blaspheme against God, because that's
what the world is doing out there.
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: Is that what you want me to do?
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: To merit your good favor and your good graces, and to have you speak
well of me. Is that what you want me to do?
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: I can't do that. You see, Farley? Now, then, here's
they come up with. Says,'Now, you know that Philip baptized that
down there in the water.' Commanded the chariot to stand still and
and baptize him, the Ethiopian eunuch, in water, physical, literal,
Page 16
another argument
Ethiopian eunuch
to go down there
natural, carnal water. Yes, he did. Now I have never at no time tried to dispute
it, and I dare you to try to dispute it, too.
And I don't say that Peter did not attempt that, in the Acts of the Apostles, did
not command the Gentiles in Cornelius's household to be baptized. I did not dispute
that. He did say that. What's in the book, I don't want to dispute it. I'm not
trying to dispute that.
But I am telling you... Now, I don't have to read that down there to know whether
it's any good or not. I don't have to read the story, it's clear to me. And it
don't make no difference to me whether he did or didn't baptize. It just ain't no
good. It don't make no difference if Peter did command him to be baptized in
physical water, it's no good. Anything natural is no good. Now, I don't have to
worry myself to death setting up all night, scrambling around in Matthew, Mark,
Luke and John, and the Pauline epistles, and so forth and so on, to try to find out
about it. I don't have to do that. Try to remember chapters and verses, and what
they said and wrote. I don't have to be bothered with that, and confused with and
messing with long ____ ____ ____. Get the point?
Now, let me show you something. Now, everybody that was... Now, you heard, you
heard Dr. Yates read, everybody that was back under the Law... Suppose you read
that, Leviticus 24:15 in the Bible.
Reader: And thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel,
Dr. Kinley: Now, this is God talking, and thou shall speak unto the children of
Reader: saying,
Dr. Kinley: Moses... All right, what?
Reader: saying,
Dr. Kinley: saying,
Reader: Whosoever curseth his God
Dr. Kinley: Whosoever curseth his God
Reader: shall bear his sin.
Dr. Kinley: shall bear his sin. If he curses God, he must bear his sin. All right.
Reader: and he that blasphemeth
Dr. Kinley: and he that blasphemes
Reader: the name of the LORD,
Page 17
Dr. Kinley: that blasphemes the name of the LORD,
Reader: he shall surely be put to death.
Dr. Kinley: Now, he shall surely be put to death. Read.
Reader: And all the congregation shall certainly stone him
Dr. Kinley: And all the congregation shall stone him
Reader: and well as the stranger,
Dr. Kinley: and well as the stranger,
Reader: as he that is born in the land
Dr. Kinley: All right, read on.
Reader: when he blasphemes the name of the LORD, shall he be put to death.
Dr. Kinley: Uh huh.
Reader: And he that killeth any man shall, shall surely be put to death.
Dr. Kinley: Uh huh.
Reader: And he that killeth a beast shall make it good;
Dr. Kinley: Uh huh.
Reader: beast for beast.
Dr. Kinley: Uh huh.
Reader: And if a man cause a blemish in his neighbor; as he hath done,
Dr. Kinley: That's a foul. Read.
Reader: so shall it be done to him.
Dr. Kinley: Uh huh.
Reader: Breach for breach,
Dr. Kinley: Uh huh.
Reader: eye for eye,
Dr. Kinley: Uh huh.
Page 18
Reader: tooth for tooth:
Dr. Kinley: Uh huh.
Reader: as he hath caused a blemish in a man,
Dr. Kinley: Uh huh.
Reader: so shall it be done to him again.
Dr. Kinley: Uh huh.
Reader: And he that killeth a beast, he shall restore it:
Dr. Kinley: Uh huh.
Reader: and he that killeth a man, shall be put to death.
Dr. Kinley: Uh huh.
Reader: Ye shall...
Dr. Kinley: Now, you see where my scriptures at, cause God said that thing. All
right, read.
Reader: Ye shall have one manner of law,
Dr. Kinley: Uh huh.
Reader: as well for the stranger, as for one of your own country:
Dr. Kinley: Now, you see that? Read on.
Reader: for I am the LORD your God.
Dr. Kinley: I am the LORD your God. Read! I haven't...
Reader: And Moses spake to the children of Israel,
Dr. Kinley: Uh huh.
Reader: that they should bring forth him that had cursed out of the camp,
Dr. Kinley: Uh huh.
Reader: and stone him with stones.
Dr. Kinley: Uh huh.
Page 19
Reader: And the children of Israel...
Dr. Kinley: Now, Numbers 24, where Dr.Yates was out of.
Reader: 15:22.
Dr. Kinley: 15... Numbers... Where are you reading?
Reader: 15:22
Dr. Kinley: Now, he's recording. That's the reason I was specifying that he had a
question. Read.
Reader: And if ye have erred,
Dr. Kinley: Now, if you have erred,
Reader: and not observed all these commands,
Dr. Kinley: and not observed all these commands,
Reader: which the LORD hath spoken unto Moses,
Dr. Kinley: which the LORD hath spoken unto Moses,
Reader: Even all that the LORD hath commanded you
Dr. Kinley: Even all that the LORD hath commanded you
Reader: by the hand of Moses,
Dr. Kinley: by the hand of Moses,
Reader: for the day that the LORD commanded Moses,
Dr. Kinley: Yes, read, now.
Reader: and henceforward among your generations;
Dr. Kinley: Uh huh.
Reader: Then it shall be, if ought be committed by ignorance
Dr. Kinley: Now when, now, if any, if ought be committed by ignorance. Didn't know
any better. You know kids playing around here getting into things. They didn't know
no better. God gave him teachers and instructors. Now if one did come up and he
did it ignorantly. If he was; in other words, if he was blaspheming and did it
ignorantly, he had a, he has a chance, because he was doing it ignorantly. You see
the point?
Page 20
Now, this, the ministry out here, that's doing these things, is doing it
ignorantly, and he is blaspheming, because he denies that Christ fulfilled all the
natural and took it away so that the promise that God had made to Abraham could
come of effect. And in that promise, God said, (now listen at me.) He promised to
bless you by faith in Jesus Christ. Faith in what? Now if you, listen at me now.
Now then, if you take Christ, Paul says in the 2nd chapter of Colossians, says, we
are circumcised by Christ's circumcision, we are buried with Him, buried with Him,
and resurrected with Him (are you listening?) through the operation of the Spirit.
Now look, let, let me go back over that, ____ ____ ____ all of that, believe in the
purpose. You're circumcised with the circumcision made without hands. Now, if
you're circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, and you're buried,
that's without hands, and if you're resurrected with Him, that is without hands.
Without hands. Now how do you get like that? When the gospel is preached that
Messiah was born in Bethlehem of Judea, that He went through, fulfilling what was
written in the Law and in the prophets. And when He bowed His head in the locks of
His shoulders out there and gave up the ghost, died, and was planted in Joseph's
new tomb, and raised from the dead the third day, as Paul said in the 15th chapter
of 1st Corinthians, according to the scriptures. Now, if you believe that, then you
have got everything! You've got circumcised, you've got Him crucified, you've got
Him buried, you've got raised, you got resurrected. And you've got the whole story!
Now that's the way it read. Ain't that the way it reads right there in Colossians?
Student Body: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: If you don't think... Now, the serp, serpent was more subtle... Let me
get to this real quick before you go to sleep, some of you nodding around.
Reader: ...and a persecutor,14
Dr. Kinley: and a persecutor,
Reader: and injurious:
Dr. Kinley: and an injurious person: Read.
Reader: but I obtained mercy,
Dr. Kinley: Now, he said, I obtained mercy...
Reader: because I did it ignorantly
Dr. Kinley: because I did it ignorantly
I Timothy 1:13
Page 21
Reader: in unbelief.
Dr. Kinley: in unbelief. Now, I want you to see it clear. Now, here's what I want
you to see clearly, that all the, in the 8th chapter, and also in the 7th, Stephen
was preaching. Yes, you better wake up, cause it you assume, he's some where else
not even thinking about it. Now, either be, either wake up, or go ahead on
deceived, I'm doing my job!
Student Body: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: Whether you pay attention to it or not, I told you ____ ____. And I'm
doing everything I know how to do picking out words! I'm trying to lead you step a
time. Help you, so that you can comprehend and see what the trouble is, so you can
rescue yourself or as Peter said save yourself from the untoward generation.
Now, in the eighth chapter of Acts of Apostles, this man Saul of Tarsus, whose name
was changed to Paul. Read it!
Dr. Harris: And Saul was consenting unto his death.
Dr. Kinley: Now, this is Stephen, and Paul was consenting unto his death. Read!
Dr. Harris: And at that time there was a great persecution
Dr. Kinley: And at that time there was a great persecution. Didn't you see that he
just got done telling Timothy ____ ____ He was a persecutor? All right, read.
Dr. Harris: against the church which was at Jerusalem;
Dr. Kinley: against the church which was at Jerusalem;
Dr. Harris: and they were all scattered abroad
Dr. Kinley: and they were all scattered abroad
Dr. Harris: throughout the regions of Judea
Dr. Kinley: throughout the regions
Dr. Harris: of Judea
Dr. Kinley: of Judea
Dr. Harris: and Samaria,
Dr. Kinley: and Samaria,
Dr. Harris: except the apostles.
Page 22
Dr. Kinley: except the apostles. Now, the apostles never went nowhere. They stayed
right there. Why don't you see this? Now, Jesus told 'em, the disciples, after He's
resurrected from the dead and left His ____ ____ ____ ____. He told them eleven
just before He ascended. He said, now you go back, and then you stay there, until
you receive power from on high, and then you shall be witnesses unto Me in Judea,
in Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the earth.15 And that is where they stayed,
persecution or no persecution, they stayed there, them deacons, the seven, them
deacons. And Paul come along there. And then they were scattered abroad. Philip
went on to Samaria. Stephen. He's scattered and is setting out, out yonder, and he
was stoned to death. But now, what I'm saying, what I want you to see, Jesus Christ
told, not Philip who baptized the Ethiopian eunuch, not Stephen who was put to
And this Apostle Paul that we're talking about, he was Saul then, and he was a
persecutor, he was an instigator of the persecution himself, and caused Philip and
the deacons to be scattered, scattered out everything but... And he was a
persecutor, and he was a blasphemer but he was doing it through ignorance! Yes, in
But the apostles, they never went nowhere. Philip went down to Samaria, preached
down there, left Samaria, met the Ethiopian eunuch and baptized him, and nobody in
Samaria got the Holy Ghost until Peter and John went down. And the man who
baptized, the Ethiopian eunuch, ____ ____ ____ ____. So, don't you come up here and
tell me about Philip going baptizing the Ethiopian eunuch. Don't you tell me about
Stephen, he wasn't sent; he left there on account of of persecution. He's running!
And after Christ had risen from the dead, He hadn't told Stephen, He hadn't told
none of 'em, some of them just scattered abroad, that John truly baptized with
water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost. He hadn't told them nothing
like that. Told Peter and them that, I mean after He's resurrected from the grave.
He told them that they should be witnesses unto Him in Judea, Samaria, and the
uttermost parts of the earth. Told them to go into all the world and preach the
And Peter and the eleven, they refused to stop preaching up there on the day of
Pentecost.16 And they stopped doing their daily ministration, while they were
preaching in Jerusalem, they ceased, they were stopped preaching the gospel in
order to serve no tables; and therefore, they chose the jews, seven of them. And
the reason why there was just seven is because there are seven days in a week. So
they would have one for each day to serve tables. But they ain't gonna quit
preaching in order to serve tables; in other words, the people that was up there,
they're being served physical food, cause they done sold their possessions and laid
them at the feet of the apostles. And Paul says... Peter says, I'm not gonna stop
preaching in order to go around because of the widows and orphans were
Luke 24:49
Acts 6
Page 23
neglected in the daily ministration. Look, but you look out ____ for them among
them, but we ain't got no time to be fooling with no carnal ordinances. ____ ____
____. Get the point? Do you see that now?
That don't say that Stephen and them didn't have the Holy Ghost. But this is what,
this is what Jesus had told them. When the, when them, I mean them eleven, when you
get the Holy Ghost, I read it to you, said, 'judge.' You would receive of Him, and
He'll show it to you. That's why Phil baptized the Ethiopian, cause the Holy Ghost
didn't tell him no different. Then he go and put him in the water. And I wouldn't
be surprised if he hadn't put some more folks in water, that you don't read about
in the Bible.
But now, when Pete... I want you to see this clear. When Pete went to the Gentiles,
seven years after, preached at Cornelius's household. Peter commanded them to be
baptized in the water! 10th chapter of Acts of Apostles. Now here's what you wanna
see. This is what you wanna see. We don't wanna deny that Peter didn't say for 'em
to be baptized in water, the Gentiles. Now, that's out of harmony with what's in
the scriptures back there, cause the Gentiles, they get it by faith, and they
didn't have none of them carnal ordinances, and neither did the Jews after Christ
was out there and nailed to the cross. Now, now here's what you wanna see.
Now in Matthew 28:19, Jesus told them, after He'd risen from the dead, go in all
the world and preach the gospel (get this folks, get this straight, folks) to every
creature. Now, a Gentile is almost a creature. Is that right?
Student Body: Right!
Dr. Kinley: You say he is.
Student Body: Right.
Dr. Kinley: Now, that's what Jesus told them to do, after He had risen from the
dead, 'Go and preach to every creature,' that means Jew and Gentile. Now, here he
is, come up here arguing and chewing the rag about Pete telling 'em to or telling
them to be baptized. I said it was Pete's stupidity. It was Pete's ignorance. And
listen, let me tell you this. It was intended, too. It wasn't no accident that he
makes that blunder. And it was a blunder. And he and all the rest of 'em said so.
They admitted it was a blunder. Why can't you read some other verses once in a
while? Now, look here. In the 11th chapter, take the first verse. Now look, folks,
Christ told them eleven to go in all the world to preach the gospel to every
creature. Didn't He tell them that? Did you ever read Matthew 28:19? Does that say
that in your Bible?
Now the rest of 'em is up at Jerusalem, and Pete's down there at Caesarea. Peter
went from Joppa to Caesarea. Yes, I do, I know, I know everything I'm talk about.
And I know it profoundly, too. And when Peter after commanding them to be baptized,
you don't read that the Holy Ghost told him better than that, until after you've
read this here, this here in the 11th chapter, the first verse, on down and
Page 24
down through there. No sooner than Peter said for them to be baptized, the Holy
Ghost, as said, that He'd bring all things to his remembrance just whatsoever He
had said to them. And the Holy Ghost brought to his remembrance that John truly
baptized, I told you John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with
the Holy Ghost. That's why it's not God's mistake, it's Pete's mistake. The Gent..,
the Jew was baptized in water not the Holy Ghost. They were baptized before Christ
died, in order that they might be baptized into His death! Now you can't baptize
nobody unto His death, because we're preaching Christ is risen from the dead!
That's why the Jew was baptized before He died.
Then somebody said, 'Well, look here, go get the 6th chapter of Romans! Know ye
not, that so many of us that were baptized...' Why don't you look at what you're
reading? As many of 'em that were baptized, were baptized into His death. Says,
'Well, ain't I reading in the New Testament?' No! And who's he talking about them
that was baptized? He's talking about the Jews that were baptized at the baptism of
repentance, before Christ died were baptized into His death, that they might be in
the likeness of His resurrection.
Listen, you ain't got a verse in the almanac, and it is just how ignorant and
blasphemous, that's what it is, because you're denying. If you deny that Christ
fulfilled all the natural and moved it out of the way, and you just done drag it
back up in here, denying on the LORD God that brought you out in what you're
Then you wanna blame it on Him, saying, 'He said, go and baptize 'em in the water.'
He didn't say no such a thing. Can't say that, and that's not written in the book.
He said baptize them in the name, He didn't say baptize them in the water. What do
you mean? Luke explains it. Said you start right at Jerusalem, and preach that He's
the savior of the world, and, that He was God manifested in a body, that He did
come in the name of the Father, that was Him, and they, which they can't explain
out there and there's no salvation in none other. There wasn't then and there isn't
now. Ain't no salvation in nothing or nobody, but Jesus Christ, ____ the Holy
Ghost, ____ died up here on the cross.
In Matthew... Now I, here's the thing I want to show you now., Want you to look
right up here at me and watch. Now Paul, when he was blaspheming, when he was
ignorant, and how he obtained mercy for persecuting the church, because they
wouldn't dib dabble in them carnal ordinances. They were saying that them apostles
was wrong, because they wouldn't keep the Law of Moses. They dib dabbled, they'd
become.., Paul, let me put it this way. Early in the morning on the sixth day of
June, that was the Feast of Pentecost. The apostles wouldn't observe it. From that
third age and that day came cause they received the Holy Ghost. And the Feast of
Pentecost was the Feast of the First Fruits. And they were the first fruits
themselves, and they're not gonna eat anything out there, the first fruits, that
day, and call theirselves keeping the Pentecost. They wouldn't do it! The jews,
they brought accusations against them, because they wouldn't keep them carnal
ordinances. That's why Paul was out there jailing them and putting them to death,
because they wouldn't keep it. And he was doing it through ignorance and blasphemy,
because they wouldn't do it! And he said he was a blasphemer,
Page 25
said he was before a persecutor, and a blasphemer. Now, do you see that now? Well
now, that's driving you almost way back to this, eleventh chapter, and the first
verse. I wanna show that first.
Dr. Harris: And the apostles and brethren,
Dr. Kinley: And the apostles. Now listen, don't lose the thought. I told you that
the apostles, they stayed right at Jerusalem. They would not leave. They wouldn't
let them scatter. Did you read that, Dr. Harris?
Dr. Harris: Right.
Dr. Kinley: Now, Peter, ____ ____ ____ down in Joppa. Then he went from there, from
Joppa to Caesarea, and from Caesarea, ____ ____ ____ ____ ____, went on back up to
Jerusalem. And after he commanded Cornelius to be baptized. And don't you forget,
don't overlook this, that Jesus told them to go and preach the gospel to every
creature, that's the Jew and the Gentile. Ain't that right?
Student Body: Right.
Dr. Kinley: You say that's almost right? To baptize them in the name. Is that what
he told them?
Student Body: Yes!
Dr. Kinley: You're sure?
Student Body: Yes!
Dr. Kinley: All right, now, yes Peter is down here at Cornelius's house. While he
yet spake, standing there preaching, the Holy Ghost fell on the Gentiles, before
they got in any water. And then Peter commanded them to be baptized in the water.
Whereas the Jew was baptized before, at John's baptism, before he got the Holy
Ghost, three years and one half year later came the day of Pentecost. And Pete
says, that the Spirit was poured out on the Gentiles, as it was on us at Pentecost
at the first. Isn't that what the Bible says? And Peter commanded them to be
baptized. Now here's what he's doing. He was taking them back to the roots. I don't
mean the roots of the Gentiles, either. I don't mean that, either. I mean that he
was taking them back to the roots of the Jews, the baptism of repentance. In that
Law, before, before the Law was, God had made this promise to Abraham that in his
seed, He would bless all the families, and it's by faith in Jesus that you are
blessed and not baptized. because all hands worshipping, and carrying on with them
carnal ordinances, that's all over with. All this, all this.., for with the heart
the man believes unto righteousness, with the heart confession made unto salvation.
What saith it? The WORD is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is,
the word of faith, which we preach.17
Romans 10:8
Page 26
Now, here he's standing here clowning around trying to put on a show there. This is
no three-ring circus. Clowning around here. And look. That's just exactly how the
devil fooled sister Eve, eating that fruit there, that tree. Now, here he is, back
here, again. Got you dib dabbling around in them natural things, which had been
nailed to the cross, and fooling you, deceiving you.
Now, what you got, He commanded to be baptized, and Jesus did say go in all the
world and preach the gospel to every creature, jew and gentile. Now here's Pete
with the gentile. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____. And here's where
Peter is gonna put them down in the water. Now remember He said that to all eleven
of them. Judas, the reason why I said that, Judas was dead. And Paul hadn't been
called into the ministry yet. And he wasn't counted in them up there. Now, look.
Look, children. Look, you heard me say that you, and you agreed. Matthew 28, Jesus
said that, He did say to them, 'Go and preach to every creature.' And I told you
that Pete forgot. Hogan was just here arguing with me. He said he didn't forget.
Now, not only Pete forgot, the others did too. Now you do, you do agree that He
told the eleven of 'em to go. Do you, do you agree to that, or do you want me to
read it?
All right, now Peter went down to Cornelius's house, and then he commanded 'em to
be baptized, and right there is where the Holy Ghost brought it to his remembrance,
that Jesus, what Jesus said to 'em after He had risen from the dead, before He
John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized. And Jesus
told him also go preach to every creature. He told him that? Isn't that right? I'm
asking you!
Student Body: Yes! Yes!
Dr. Kinley: Now, here's Pete preaching own there, and when they get, they get the
Holy Ghost before they got in the water, Pete's buffaloed, and he commanded them to
be baptized, I told you, I'm not trying to deny that in the water, too. And then,
when Pete did that, then the Holy Ghost revealed it to him, cause He had told him
that he would reveal it. Right were in the 11th chapter it says, then remembered I
the words of the Lord, how that He said that John truly baptized with water. Now
that's where the thing was called to his remembrance.
Now look, here goes Pete, strutting on back up, strutting on back up yonder, him
and the boys with him, go on back up in Judea, where the rest of them are. Read,
Dr. Harris.
Dr. Harris: And the apostles and the brethren
Dr. Kinley: And the apostles and brethren
Dr. Harris: that were in Judea
Dr. Kinley: Now, Pete's in Caesarea. Now, he's gone on back up to Judea now, him
and the boys. All right, here's what happened?
Page 27
Dr. Harris: heard that the Gentiles
Dr. Kinley: heard that the Gentiles
Dr. Harris: had also received the word of God.
Dr. Kinley: that the Gentiles also had received the word of God. Read.
Dr. Harris: And when Peter was come up to Jerusalem,
Dr. Kinley: And when Peter was come up to Jerusalem,
Dr. Harris: they that were of the circumcision
Dr. Kinley: they that were of the circumcision
Dr. Harris: contended with him.
Dr. Kinley: In other words, they that were of the circumcision contended with him.
What about?
Dr. Harris: Saying, thou wentest in to men uncircumcised,
Dr. Kinley: You went into men uncircumcised or you went to the Gentiles. God told
him to go. God sent him to go to the gentiles over there. Now here he is back up
there with them, and now they're blaming him not only for baptizing if you want,
you want to talk about, they're just blaming him for going down there in the first
Dr. Kinley: Rehearse, hasten here! When you rehearse a thing, you go back to the
start of it. Peter rehearsed it. Rehearsed the whole thing! And in rehearsing, he
went back, back to Joppa and explained it on down, and he'll get at going down to
Cornelius's household. And he explained what happened down there. He explained what
happened and he rehearsed the whole matter and how he, how had tell 'em to be
baptized in water and all. He rehearsed the whole thing. And then he said the Holy
Ghost brought it to his remembrance.
Now, what the devil is doing, he's trying to push this thing off on you by getting
you in the water. And I told you it was nailed to the cross out there. Now, when he
does that, he's doing it through ignorance, and in that, he is blaspheming. He's
bringing a type that's dead and buried. He hasn't resurrected from the dead. We're
not preaching that kind of a thing. You see it? See how you blaspheme through
ignorance? Do you see it now?
Washing feet, ignorance; it was in the Law. Moses washing with Aaron, Nadab and...
And not only him, all of the rest of the priests there, all of them ____ ____ ____,
in the Law. Now, dead popes, John and all this washing feet, I tell you it's
Page 28
ignorance. And let me tell you this, I'm not coming up with! that decision on my
own. I say that he is, that he is the Devil himself incarnated in a physical, same
old Devil that told Eve to eat that natural back that is participating and
indulging, and telling you to eat this natural. And it's through your ignorance,
through his ignorance, the deception. And look the church is the bride, the wife.
And now what happened to Eve, Adam's wife back there. The Devil deceived 'em. Then
you have to admit that the Satanic part or the Devil was in him telling you to eat
that thing, that natural thing with those carnal ordinances. And it's through
ignorance, and it is blasphemy! Now, do you get what I'm talking about?
Student Body: Yes!
Dr. Kinley: Every bit of it is blasphemy, blasphemy through ignorance. And this is
in the dispensation of grace and faith, and now no participation in no carnal...
God never said anything about any natural, carnal ordinances in this dispensation.
And nobody can prove it.
Now, here's what I wanna show you some more. Now, I want you to look at Revelations
2:9 and 10. And hurry up now,'cause my time is up.
Reader: I know thy works
Dr. Kinley: Says, I know thy works
Reader: and tribulations,
Dr. Kinley: and your tribulations,
Reader: but thou art rich
Dr. Kinley: but thou art rich
Reader: and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews,
Dr. Kinley: I know the blasphemy of them who say they are Jews.
Reader: and are not...
Dr. Kinley: Now wait a minute. Did you see, I told you that Paul was a Jew from a
tiny baby, and that he said himself that he persecuted, and he was an injurious
person, and he was a blasphemer because he persecuted the church of God. Is that
right? Is that what he said?
Student Body: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: And this is the man, this is the man himself that wrote that at all of
the carnal ordinances... This is the man himself. Listen folks. Listen, don't let
this slip, these words are important. When Paul was smitten blind with them carnal
ordinances that had been blinding people, that formed scales over his eyes. But,
Page 29
when he was smitten blind out there from that great illuminous psychological light,
(I want you to listen at this.) said to the Jews and the gentiles, for I am
determined not to know any thing at all among you, except Christ and Him
crucified,18 unto the Jews a stumbling block, but unto the Greeks foolishness.19
Now, let me explain what he's talking about. When he blind, he seen Christ. He saw
Him in a vision. He said, last of all He saw him, as one born out of due season.20
Now, listen up. Now, that's all he could see was Christ. Meaning this, the way He
was putting them to death for not keeping the Law, circumcising under the Law. He
seen that Christ fulfilled all of that, and that Christ was all of that, it all
pointed to Him; therefore, he couldn't see nothing else. Foot washing, he couldn't
see nothing else, but that washing of regeneration by God Himself in that body. He
couldn't see nothing else, he seen Him baptized into Jesus Christ death. He
couldn't see nothing, just couldn't see nothing else! And he was determined that
nothing that was back here, that was in this Bible, all of it pointed to Christ or
to the Spirit. And he was determined for the circumcision; and he was determined
that water baptism; he was determined that the suppers and all; he was determined
that Christ was the end of the Law. And he couldn't see nothing else! He couldn't
see no special practice, no rules, no regulations, or no foot washings. He was
determined to see nothing else but Christ as a quickening spirit. And he just
blundered. Yes, he's blundered. And there's many that did blunder, while he's ____
them, and putting 'em to death because they wouldn't keep them carnal ordinances
out there.
And if you go back into history, you'll find out that the Roman Catholic Church and
the old Judaism jews back there, they're the only ones that ever did in the history
of the world, put anybody to death because they didn't keep the Law, just like Paul
put them to death until he was illuminated with the Holy Ghost. And that is what
they're doing out there. And that is what Protestantism is doing. And they're doing
it through ignorance and it's blasphemy. Now, do you understand? Almost got this
thing where you should be trying to catch on. Now they're denying. I want you to
read Jude now. Now, let's be quick, cause it's 10 o'clock now. Read. Jude. And I
want you to go to Peter, too. And I wanna show that this same man, Pete, God had to
bring him up to date and reveal it to him.
In the 2nd chapter, Peter said chiefly, chiefly, them that walk after the flesh in
everybody you see, there, dib dabbling in carnal ordinances. And Peter said they're
walking after the flesh. Peter said they're walking after the flesh, because of
them Satanic spirits that's incarnated in them physical bodies, got you indulging
in that, participating in that, because they don't know the Law and they don't know
the prophets! They don't what's done away with, and they're bringing it on over
here in this dispensation. And that's through their ignorance, and through your
ignorance, the blind lead the blind, and all fall in the ditch together. All right
18 I Corinthians 2:2
19 I Corinthians 1:23
20 I Corinthians 15:8
Page 30
Dr. Harris, read.
Dr. Harris: Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ,
Dr. Kinley: Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ,
Dr. Harris: and brother of James,
Dr. Kinley: That is Jude, the brother of the apostle James. All right, read.
Dr. Harris: to them that are sanctified by God
Dr. Kinley: Now, to them that are sanctified, that's for the Jews. Well all right.
Read on.
Dr. Harris: and preserved in Jesus Christ,
Dr. Kinley: and preserved, and preserved, kept in Him, in Jesus Christ!! Won't be
no falling down, going back to confessions, and all that kind of jive and junk. No,
he's preserved, and he's free and allowed to preach, and he's sealed with the Holy
Ghost until the day of redemption.21 But Satan is bound in everlasting chains of
darkness, can't be loosed unless God loosed him. Preserved in Jesus Christ. All
right, read.
Dr. Harris: Mercy unto you,
Dr. Kinley: Mercy unto you,
Dr. Harris: and love, be multiplied.
Dr. Kinley: and more love be multiplied. I want you to see what he's writing about
now. Read.
Dr. Harris: Beloved, when I gave all diligence
Dr. Kinley: Beloved, when I gave all diligence. I was all worked up about it! I was
serious about it. I gave all the diligence. All right.
Dr. Harris: to write unto you of the common salvation,
Dr. Kinley: to write unto you of the common salvation. The grace of God, that
bringeth salvation, has appeared unto all men, teaching them to deny ungodliness
and worldly lust, that they should live righteously and holy in His presence. The
grace of God that bringeth salvation has appeared unto all men, to the Jew and to
the Gentiles or all men, teaching them that they should live godly, and soberly in
this present world. All right, read.
Ephesians 1:13
Page 31
Dr. Harris: It was needful for me to write
Dr. Kinley: Now it's necessary for me to write. Now, look, now when he, he, come up
on that idea. It was needful for me to write. Now, I wanna tell you why it's
needful for him to write. Don't you remember? You're... I told you in the 15th
chapter of the Acts of Apostles. Do you remember that? When all of the apostles and
the elders, all of them Pete included, every last one of 'em were on that, and the
elders and that would include the elders when you speak about the elders then
Stephen, not Stephen but Philip or the, and all the rest of 'em that had received
the Holy Ghost back up there first. They were all the elders, the older brethren.
They were called together into a conference up at Jerusalem.22 Well, what for? Was
because there, some ____ both having ____ to keep the.., teaching them to keep
the.., to be circumcised and keep the law. If you don't believe it, I will read it.
And so now, the apostles and the elders come together up there at Jerusalem to
consider that matter. For when Paul had been out there putting 'em to death,
because they wouldn't keep the Law, and they wouldn't be circumcised, before he got
the Holy Ghost. And now, they were quoting Moses of old time saying every day,
every body anywhere, somebody standing out there talking about they had to be
circumcised and keep the Law of Moses. And for that very thing, then they called
together the council that's up there, and had all the apostles and the elders up
there to consider this matter: whether it was necessary for the Gentiles to be
circumcised and to keep the Law of Moses. And say, why don't you read
sometime? Peter and them while they was up there preaching and teaching about and
holding a great conference about. They said it wasn't necessary for them to be
circumcised, and it wasn't necessary for 'em to be circumcised, it wasn't necessary
for 'em to be baptized, it's not necessary for them to eat no Lord's Supper, it's
not necessary for them to put, keep anything that was under the dispensation of the
Law, this circumcision worship.
They said, 'Now, the things that are necessary, I'll tell you about that: abstain
from fornication, and abstain from things strangled, and abstain from drinking
blood. Not as that lying bastard stands up here claiming to change a host and into,
or transubs.., make it into actual blood and body of Christ, and does this: and
telling you to drink, that, this is His blood. If it was blood, says here
abstaining, don't drink no blood. Folks, he's just fooling you with those carnal...
Now here they are, all of the apostles and elders together up there to consider the
thing whether to be circumcised, circumcised eight days after birth. They gonna try
to get you, to get circumcised. Don't try nothing, go back and give them carnal
things, don't try nothing, don't try to eat no crackers, don't try, don't try to
fool with none of it, none of them carnal ordinances at all, until you're gonna do
it all. Don't try picking out water baptism, picking out Lord's Supper, picking out
foot washing, and say he's clean. Are the one's that's drug over here in this
dispen... Don't do that. See you got get circumcised, then, then if you get
circumcised, Paul said to the Gentiles in the 3rd chapter of John verily, I Paul
say unto you, if you be circumcised it shall profit you nothing. You don't need it
now. Says you was baptized on into the spirit with the uncircumcision of your
flesh. Christ has broken
Acts 15
Page 32
down that middle wall of partition and made us both the jew and the gentile sit
together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. It's nothing but a lotta stupidity and
ignorance out here, and the ministry's at fault. Alright, read on.
Dr. Harris: and exhort you that you should earnestly contend
Dr. Kinley: Now pay attention, that's what Peter is warning, Jude said it's
necessary, it's necessary for me to write unto you about the common salvation and
exhort ____ ____ ____, that you should, what are you doing? That you should
earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. ____ ____
____ The faith which was once... Now he didn't say once through the law. He said
for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints, that you should earnestly
contend. He's writing to the Jews and he said you should earnestly contend for the
faith which once delivered unto the saints. Read on.
Dr. Harris: For there are certain men
Dr. Kinley: For there are certain men, them Satanic spirits, they'll try to tell
you how you ought to eat. ____ ____ ____ works crept in unaware. Is that what you
got in there? Read it, Dr. Harris.
Dr. Harris: who were before
Dr. Kinley: who were before of old, way back, that was cast out, coming on down
incarnated in these physical bodies, posing as all the prophets and priests and
apostles and authorities. He said, 'Look it, they've just crept in, crept in, crept
in unawares.' You wasn't noticing ____ ____. And you was just as caught with that
bunch. Circumcision, you just weren't able to catch them. Water bap..., water
baptism, you haven't been able to catch 'em in that foot washing. It's cause he
crept in unawares. You didn't understand about it. You didn't realize that all the
carnal ordinances was nailed to the cross, took it out of the way. You didn't
realize that we're not walking after the flesh, but now we're after the spiritual
side of it. You didn't realize that Jesus said back there when He was talking to
the Jews, listen, 'God is Spirit and He seeketh such to worship Him in spirit and
in truth.' And now, the time would come when it wouldn't be necessary for you to go
up in a Mount Moriah. Said the true worshippers shall worship in God in spirit and
in truth. Ain't that, didn't Jesus said it? It was not necessary for you to go up
the Mount of Moriah, where the temple set up there on Mount Moriah. You know just
as well as I do, and you don't even need no penny. And it's not necessary for you
to go to Rome. It's not necessary for you to go to mass. It's not necessary for you
to go to Rome. It ain't necessary for you, you to go to washing. It ain't necessary
for you no where. Why? Because the true worshippers, they worship God in spirit and
in truth, not the Pope and all and something else. Oh, but it's needful for me to
write unto you and exhort that you should earnestly contend, earnestly, dogmatic in
the spirit. Exhort he said. That you should contend for the faith which was once
delivered unto the... For there's certain men crept in unawares, turning the grace
of our God into lasciviousness, denying the only Lord God that brought them out of
Egypt; that was incarnate in that physical body, when He walked around here on ear
the fulfilling the law. You're denying that
Page 33
He fulfilled it and moved it out of the way, and established the New Covenant.
You're denying. How are you denying? Because you're practicing the things that was
done under the Old... You're practicing the things of a carnal mind and a carnal
ordinance, I told you, work, work together. And you're denying that only Lord God
that's brought you out or brought you out of ignorance that was incarnated in a
physical body. They of old deny that only God that give them the first law back
there upon Mount Sinai. You're denying that He come in a physical body and
fulfilled and moved it all out of the way. You're running around here contending
that you should be, that you should be baptized, that you should wash feet. And in
that you're doing through ignorance, because of the natural that's been nailed to
the cross. And we're worshipping God, not with hands. Not any good, made by hands,
sitting around out here on some street corners, but the true worshippers is
worshipping Him in spirit and in truth. And brother if you ate anything natural,
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____. Another foundation can no man lay than that
which is already laid. Let him take heed, watch out. Don't you put nothing natural
up on there, because if you do, you shall suffer loss, because the fire shall
consume everyone of them laws and natural things that's put upon it. Just like the
priest that put on the offering, offered up here on. A fire shall consume, you'll
suffer loss. Don't you put nothing natural up there. Don't you put no water
baptisms. Don't you put no foot washings. Don't you put none of it up here on this,
because if you do, then you'll suffer loss.
And another foundation can no man lay, than that which is already laid. And we are
built upon the foundation of apostles and prophets, and Jesus Christ Himself being
the chief corner stone, in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth into
a holy tabernacle in the Lord.23 What for? For a habitation of God through the
spirit. Don't you know that your body, that your body is the temple of the Holy
Ghost, and don't you know that these being many are one spirit and one body. Don't
you know that you.., get that junk out of here. And then Paul says there in the
Galatians, he that ministers unto you the spirit, does he do it by the works of the
law, or by the hearing of faith? Does he cast the rod on the brink. That's what
Paul is.., does he throw down the.., does he speak in even the natural things...
No, No, said but he that ministers to you the spirit does he do it by the works of
the law or by the hearing of faith. Read on.
Dr. Harris: I will therefore put you in remembrance,
Dr. Kinley: I will, therefore... I want you to remember, to the Jews, to the Jews.
All right, read on.
Dr. Harris: though ye once knew this,
Dr. Kinley: though ye once knew this,
Dr. Harris: how that the Lord, having saved the people...
Dr. Kinley: Right there. They once know it.
Ephesians 2:20, 21
Page 34
Dr. Harris: out of the land of Egypt,
Dr. Kinley: That's right. Read on.
Dr. Harris: afterward destroyed them that believed not.
Dr. Kinley: He destroyed them that believed not. Now you can just believe Him or
not, that he did moved this... God incarnate, just believe Him. If you want to,
take ____ ____ ____. Believe Him. And everything that you're doing is in the
But somebody said, 'Well why did Paul baptize?' Look, the man that baptized 'em, he
didn't baptize nobody but Jews. The same man said, 'It's no good.' No good to the
Jew, no good to the gentile. Don't you believe he said it? If you don't believe he
said it, right in the 6th chapter of Acts.., of Hebrews, writing right to the jews.
He said 'Therefore, leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let's go onto
perfection, not laying again the foundation for repentance.' And John's telling you
there ain't no ____ for the Lord back there. He said, 'Well, you'll have to go ____
____ to Him whose got the Holy Ghost in there. When Christ is resurrected from the
dead, he baptizes in the water over here. If you gonna preach that, then that's
sin. You just make him out a liar, and you're doing it through ignorance. Because
you think that you live in the dispensation of grace. And grace is this: the
unmerited gift of God. You didn't earn a thing. You didn't get nowhere by washing
nobody's feet, and you know it yourself. Ain't nobody ever been baptized but what
didn't know it, it didn't do no good. In order to get as Paul said, 'Brethren, I
fault you, if you be circumcised, Christ hasn't profited you, if you get wet,
Christ hasn't profited you a thing. And Paul didn't baptize nobody but the Jews.
And listen, ____ ____ ____ ____ ' What He baptize for?' He said it's lawful. All
things are lawful. Then he goes into what is all things are expedient. Now here's,
here's what I meant. He wouldn't have stated Paul baptized Stephanas, Gaius and
Crispus. Before he baptized 'em, he asked 'em, said.., about them being baptized
and they said they were baptized unto John's baptism. And you know good and well
Paul wouldn't have preached baptizing nobody in no water twice. You know better
than that, don't you?. Here he wasn't trying to go and do what John done back
It's so sad that the world hasn't understood. Understand the reason Paul baptized.
And that same man that baptized Gaius, Crispus, and Stephanas,24 that same man
bap.., circumcised Timothy. And turned right around and said circum.., brethren, I
fault, if you be circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing. Now what he
circumcised Timothy for, is so that Timothy would have influence with the Jews.
What he baptized Stephanius (Stephanas?), and Gaius, and Crispus for was because
they were up at Corinth. And the Lord told Paul not to leave Corinth, because he
had many people there. And here Paul says in the first chapter of Corinthians, says
that, here's some of them saying, 'Well, I'm of Paul,' and another says, 'Well, I'm
of Cephas,' and another says, 'Well I'm of Christ,' and Paul said, 'Is Christ
divided? I thank God that I didn't baptize none of you but the household of
Stephanas, Crispus, and Gaius.' Out of all them people that the Lord told him not
I Corinthians 1:14-16
Page 35
to leave. And he stayed there a year and a half, and he never baptized none of
them. Ain't that what it says there? He had many people there. And Paul ____ ____
____, he baptized none. Now the reason for it is because, didn't Christ send him to
baptize. Well, if Christ didn't send him to baptize in water, what do you think
about Pete and them. Yet and still he sent them to baptize in water. Now, that
don't make sense, does it, without an explanation.
Preach in the Name, he that believeth on me, as the scriptures hath said, out of
his belly shall flow rivers of living water.25 That's, that's, thus spake He of Holy
Ghost and all them boys preached the name of Christ by the Holy Ghost, and that was
rivers of living water, not polluted and contaminated and stagnated water out here.
Christ sent all eleven of 'em to preach that, that in His name, remission of sins
should be preached, beginning at Jerusalem. Children, do you see why I labored so
hard? And I exposed that stuff. I magnify my office. And I see that you're
surrounded with all this stuff out there, would you read just, just a little bit
more for me. 13th chapter, I wanted, I just.., It wouldn't be fair to send you out
here. It would not be fair without pointing out them satanic spirits incarnated in
them physical bodies. It wouldn't be fair. Remember I told you this, cast 'em down
to hell, bound in chains of darkness. Remember, I told you where hell was, right in
here. Remember I told you you couldn't convert 'em. They're gonna... And if it
wasn't so, then here's Jude saying it's necessary for me to write unto you and
exhort that you earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the
saints, for there are certain men crept in unawares, they're turning the grace of
our God into lasciviousness, denying the only Lord God that brought them out,. And
Paul went on to show how the Lord brought 'em out of Egypt and afterward destroyed
them that believed not, just like He poured out the Holy Ghost there according to
his promise on the Day of Pentecost. According to His promise, if he would believe.
Some of 'em haven't believed. But Paul said, 'What if some don't believe, does that
make the Word of God of none effect?' All right, read on a little bit further, Dr.
Harris, 13th chapter of Revelations. I'm, I'm gonna quit quick when I do quit, but
I just wanna show you this.
Dr. Harris: And I stood upon the sand of the sea...
Dr. Kinley: No, I'm talking about Jude.
Dr. Harris: And the angels that kept not their first estate,26
Dr. Kinley: Yes.
Dr. Harris: but left their own habitation,
Dr. Kinley: but left their own habitation,
Dr. Harris: he hath reserved in everlasting chains
John 7:38
Jude 7
Page 36
Dr. Kinley: They ain't, they ain't gonna, you can.., you can, they ain't gonna
believe, setting up here in the Roman Catholic Church, Protestant church. They're
reserved. They were ordained to carry out that stuff, and to creep in unawares, and
take them natural things and deceive you with 'em. You see how it started back
there in the apple back there in the Garden of Eden, and bananas, and first one
thing and another. You see how it started. You see what Satan told Eve back there;
the Lord God knows better than that. Satan told her, 'If you eat that stuff, you'll
become wise, and be as gods.' Deceived the woman, fooled the woman with it. Well,
the church is the woman, and Satan here is fooling you with all of these natural
things. The same thing that was down under the Law. Do you see what I'm talking
about? Do you understand?
Student Body: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: Now that is blasphemy. It's denying that Christ fulfilled all of these
natural thing. It's open blasphemy. And now Paul was doing that, because they
wouldn't keep them, put them in jail, and do anything else. And up before King
Agrippa, Felix, and Festus, he said, said, 'I count myself happy,' when he was up
there, 'that I'm permitted to speak for myself touching all things that I'm accused
of of the Jews. And he was happy to be setting with that ball and chain. And he
begin right there with the law, preached the law and the prophets to them. And he
preached He fulfilled. Festus said, 'You're mad, you're beside yourself.' And the
king said, 'You almost persuaded me, you almost convinced me, you almost persuaded
me to be a Christian.' Yes indeed, but Paul didn't practice none of those things.
And listen, I wanna tell you this, before I set down. I want you to take a look at
the Pauline epistles and read them. And you, you, you try to find any place in any
of the epistles where Paul ever taught anybody anything about doing anything
natural. They are not in his epistles, you cannot read it out of them. And don't
you confuse history with doctrine. Do you see what I'm talking about? Don't you do
that. All right, now, let's, just a little further and we go home.
Dr. Harris: Even as Sodom and Gomorrah,
Dr. Kinley: Even as Sodom and Gomorrah,
Dr. Harris: and the cities about them
Dr. Kinley: and the cities about them
Dr. Harris: in like manner,
Dr. Kinley: Yes, read on.
Dr. Harris: giving themselves over to fornication,
Dr. Kinley: giving themselves over to fornication,
Page 37
Dr. Harris: and going after strange flesh,
Dr. Kinley: and going after strange flesh. Now, doc, now I'm fixing to take a
shortcut here. And it's because I want to, I want to get Peter too. And take a
shortcut. Now, I want you to see what he's talking about. You'll find down there
with the Jews, that didn't have the Holy Ghost, and was doing them carnal
ordinances. And what he says about them, 'Chiefly they which walk after the flesh.'
Did you find it?
Dr. Freddy Allen, Jr.: You want 2nd Peter?
Dr. Kinley: I'm after Jude now first, cause he's in Jude. Then we'll get Peter, 2nd
Peter. And I wanna show you that that is what they're talking about, talking about
this Devil, got 'em going around here, after the flesh, walking after flesh, I mean
keeping carnal ordinances. These are the ones who crept in unawares. Alright now,
you got it?
Dr. Harris: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: All right, read.
Dr. Harris: But these speak evil of those things
Dr. Kinley: But these speak evil of those things
Dr. Harris: which they know not:
Dr. Kinley: which they know not. That, that you'd know, they do not know that that
Passover down there pointed to Christ, He was our Passover, and that He is a
quickening spirit. And they speak evil of it by saying that you take that natural
thing. They speak evil of it. And they're saying that Christ told you to do that.
They speak evil. They deny. All right, read on.
Dr. Harris: but what they know naturally,
Dr. Kinley: But now you see that? Didn't I just get through telling you that? But
what they know naturally... I told you he knows natural, I told you carnal. Look, I
explained about what they know naturally. You can't deny it to save your soul. You
just can't do it. You can't afford to stand up in God's face and say that that
ain't what they're doing out there in these churches. Said they know naturally so.
Read on.
Dr. Harris: brute beasts.
Dr. Kinley: Now, look. Look. Look at what I'm up to here. Look, I'm calling your
attention back to it now. Their sole purpose, which was cast out of the heaven. And
just like one that doesn't have the Holy Ghost at all, what they know naturally
so... Jesus fulfilled all the natural things, but they speak evil of things which
they know not.
Page 38
They don't know that the Law pointed to the spiritual things. They don't know that
the natural pointed to the spiritual, and that the natural physical body was nailed
to the cross. And we are, are the spiritual body of Christ. But they speak what
they know naturally; just like Satan encouraged Eve to eat of that natural fruit
back there, and transgress. But, what they know naturally... Never, the natural
man, Paul says, the natural man receiveth not the things of God, because they are
foolishness unto him, neither can he know them, because they are spiritually
discerned.'27 They speak of what they know naturally. All right, read.
Dr. Harris: in those things they corrupt themselves
Dr. Kinley: in those things they corrupt themselves. Read on.
Dr. Harris: Woe unto them!
Dr. Kinley: Woe unto them!!
Dr. Harris: for they are gone in the way of Cain,
Dr. Kinley: they are gone in the way of Cain... They are murderers. They are
murderers. Murderers on top of it; just like Paul when he was a blasphemer,
murdering Jews. That's cause he didn't have no Holy Ghost. Just murderers. Them are
murderers standing up there doing that. They have gone the way of Cain, and they...
Dr. Harris: and ran greedily after the error of Balaam
Dr. Kinley: and that you've ran greedily after the error of Balaam the prophet,
that's up offering path of stumbling stones in the way of Israel, them stumbling
stones. All right, read on.
Dr. Harris: and perished in the gainsaying of Korah.
Dr. Kinley: and perished in the gain.., perished in the gainsaying of Korah. All
right, read on.
Dr. Harris: These are spots in your feasts of charity,
Dr. Kinley: Now, these are spots in your feasts of charity. Every last one, they're
spots in your feasts of charity. All right, read.
Dr. Harris: when they feast with you,
Dr. Kinley: when they feast with you,
Dr. Harris: feeding themselves without fear:
I Corinthians 2:14
Page 39
Dr. Kinley: feeding themselves without fear:
Dr. Harris: clouds they are without water
Dr. Kinley: clouds they are... without what?
Dr. Harris: water
Dr. Kinley: No water. No Holy Ghost. You remember that we quoted it here, and we
said, to the Law and to the testimony, if they speak not according to this word,
it's because there is no light or no Holy Ghost. They are clouds without water,
there ain't no Holy Ghost in them. Now sometimes, they'll be crying, and carrying
on, whooping and hollering: ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ah, da, da, da, da, da,
da, da. Said, they are wells and clouds without any water, cause if he was, let him
speak according to the Law and the Prophets. You have to see that all the natural
things that you indulge in, in the physical, and not be the well without water. You
have to know what's under the Law. Study to know what's under the Law, know what
the prophet says, so that you'll see what's past the law and nailed to the cross,
the natural man. Don't be a well without any water, or the cloud without any water.
Just ain't, just ain't no water. Now, you try to make some there if you want to,
but just ain't none there. All right, read on.
Dr. Harris: carried about of winds;
Dr. Kinley: carried about with every wind... Every time you turn around, 'How do
you like going somewhere?' 'Well I'll go there in that church, I love it, I told
her I was invited down, I mean the church right here.' Carried about by every wind,
blowing around here to the Church of Christ. Blowing, run around yonder to the
Roman Catholic Church. Blowing around yonder to some of the Protestant churches.
They say, 'We ought to get together.' Blowing around. Carried around by every wind
of doctrines. But say when you understand, as I have told you, the journey's over.
You've reached the final destination. You park here for the duration.
Student Body: Yes! That's right.
Dr. Kinley: No more blowing around out there. All right, read on.
Dr. Harris: trees whose fruit withereth,
Dr. Kinley: trees whose fruit withereth,
Dr. Harris: without fruit,
Dr. Kinley: without fruit. They have no fruit of the Spirit. Now, the trees back
there in the Garden of Eden, they symbolized the fruit of the Spirit. But they are
trees without any fruit. All right.
Dr. Harris: twice dead,
Page 40
Dr. Kinley: twice dead... He was dead under the.., just disobedient all the way
through, them Satanic spirits. Dead, twice dead. Dead under the Antediluvian, dead
under the Postdiluvian, dead under the dispensation of the Law, dead under... twice
dead! Pulled up by the roots. Now Jude, he's laying it in there on them. Twice
dead. Plucked up by the roots. Read on.
Dr. Harris: Raging waves of the sea,
Dr. Kinley: Raging waves of the sea... You know how the waves go when the wind
blows, they're as winds of doctrine. Blah, blah, blah. Hurls great big waves up
yonder, turbulent and unsafe, because ____ ____ under the force out there of some
of 'em out there. And Jesus said, peace be still. Raging waves of the sea. Even the
____ ____ ____ ____ and the waves roar and be coming up, winds blowing and carrying
on, great storm and a tempest, all that rain and showers. There ain't nothing to
it. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. There ain't a thing
to that, just raging waves. Winds blowing. Read, Doc.
Dr. Harris: foaming out their own shame;
Dr. Kinley: foaming out of their own shame;
Dr. Harris: wandering stars,
Dr. Kinley: wandering stars... Remember this, how his tail drew the third part of
the stars. They are wandering stars, and he run 'em right on down. 'Oh, Jesus
said.' Wandering star.
Dr. Harris: to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever.
Dr. Kinley: to whom is reserved the blackness and darkness for ever. You can just
say, 'Don't you see? Don't you see? Don't...' No, he don't see. Look like to me
that's as plain as if you oughta see. Don't you see? No, no. Well he's reserved for
that. He don't come to the light cause he's being reserved. He's bound up there.
And you can just preach til your head falls off. All right, read.
Dr. Harris: And Enoch also,
Dr. Kinley: And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these things,
saying, Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of angels. I know what's in that
book. You don't have to read it to me, just to find out what is in it. All right.
Dr. Harris: To execute judgement upon all,
Dr. Kinley: Uh huh,
Dr. Harris: and to convince, and, and to convince all that are ungodly
Dr. Kinley: Now, con, to convince all that are ungodly. Now, I've been trying to
say around here and tell you all the time that there was ungodly men. 'Are you
Page 41
telling me, it's my pastor? I don't think you got any business, talking about me
and my religion. There was such a man, he was one.' Now ain't that the way you
acted? Ain't that the way you carried on? And you'd do well to not get punched in
the mouth. 'You mean to tell me, as holy as he is, and all that kinda thing?' When
you address Pope Paul, you must address him as 'His holiness, the Pope.' Now is
that right?
Student Body: That's right. Yes!
Dr. Kinley: Now, you wanna know what Isaiah says about our righteousness. Says all
of our holiness is as filthy rags.28 You and your holiness. But now look, he must be
of that natural. And Satan's always taught you to bow and stoop to him. That's his
preaching to you and you can not get it out of him. Why? Because he's reserved
there. That reservation is already made; you don't have to call and make none,
they're already made. All right, just a little further, Doc.
Dr. Harris: and to convince all that are ungodly among them
Dr. Kinley: and to convince all that are ungodly among them
Dr. Harris: of all their ungodly deeds
Dr. Kinley: of all their ungodly deeds to believe in something you're committed of.
All right, read.
Dr. Harris: which they have ungodly committed,
Dr. Kinley: which they have ungodly committed,
Dr. Harris: and of all their hard speeches
Dr. Kinley: and of all their hard speeches
Dr. Harris: which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.
Dr. Kinley: which ungodly sinners have spoken against him. Now, you see what I'm
talking about? And here I come trying my best to tell you. And here you wanna knock
me in the mouth for it. And I told you time and time again, I've had my pants
kicked for just the same as I've preached here to you tonight. Now, in Jude,
somewhere there said that he was speaking of chiefly those that walk after the
Dr. Freddy Allen, Jr.: 2nd Peter, 2nd Peter 2:8.
Dr. Kinley: All right. Peter said practically the same thing. Cutting it short.
Peter said practically the same thing that Jude did. Now, remember this is that man
that was down there baptizing and... This is the same man.
Isaiah 64:6
Page 42
Dr. Allen, Jr.: But chiefly them that
Dr. Kinley: Read.
Dr. Allen, Jr.: But chiefly them that walk after the flesh
Dr. Kinley: Get up above there a little bit, Freddy. Now, now read fast. I wanna go
Dr. LeSalle Williams: The Lord, the Lord knoweth how to deliver the
Dr. Kinley: Now, the Lord knows how to deliver the godly
Dr. Williams: the godly out of temptations
Dr. Kinley: the godly out of temptations. If you just listen at the voice of the
Lord and to those whom He has sent, He'll deliver you right on out of them because
the Lord talking. Now listen, the 17th chapter of Revelations says this, the 18th
chapter of Revelations. Babylon has become the cage of every foul and unclean
spirit, in a cage of every foul and unclean spirit. And the Lord calls, come out of
her my people, come on out of Babylon. Come out of confusion my people, that you be
not partakers of her sins, and receive not of her plagues. I'm trying to keep you
from being confused about these natural things being over here. And you know
Christendoom out there is confused about it. One says you oughta do it this way,
another says you oughta do it that way. And the Papacy and all, they're doing
nothing else but them old natural things. They got two thousand four hundred and
fourteen or more laws that they keep natural things that they keep and doing. Even
now they're walking around with a cross on their back and a crown on their head.
Celebrating washing feet, and celebrating Passovers, celebrating feast days for
Pete, celebrating feast days for Paul, celebrating... It's just a constant thing.
All of the natural things. And God is just, and Protestantism doing the same, and
is God calling you out of participating in the works of the Law, cause carnal
ordinances are nailed to the cross, and we are worshipping God in spirit and in
truth. Understand? Do you all understand?
Student Body: Yes, yes.
Dr. Kinley: and all they're doing is blaspheming God through their ignorance. Just
a little further Freddy, because I want you to read... Do this up fast, because I
want to go home myself.
Dr. Allen, Jr.: The Lord knoweth how to deliver the...
Dr. Kinley: Now, the Lord knows how to deliver the ungodly, the godly
Dr. Allen, Jr.: out of temptations,
Dr. Kinley: out of temptations,
Page 43
Dr. Allen, Jr.: and to reserve the unjust
Dr. Kinley: and just to the what?
Dr. Allen, Jr.: and to reserve the unjust unto the
Dr. Kinley: He'll do what?
Dr. Allen, Jr.: Reserve
Dr. Kinley: ____ ____ ____ ____. If he was saying preserve, I wasn't gonna have
that. But He knows how to deliver the godly out of temptation. He knows how to
deliver you when Satan comes around tempting you with that. Now you wouldn't get
into it, cause you won't be ignorant. They speak evil that, they who are ignorant,
Satan by the works of damnation, you won't take communion. What you've been doing.
But, now, the Lord knows how to deliver you out of all that. Saying, 'Just get
out.' He'll get you out of it, for He knows how... God said, He'll deliver you out
of temptation. All right, read just a little further, Doc.
Dr. Allen, Jr.: and to reserve the unjust unto the day
Dr. Kinley: and to reserve the unjust until the day of judgment to be punished.
Dr. Allen, Jr.: But chiefly them that walk after
Dr. Kinley: Now, you see that? Didn't I just get through telling you? Didn't I just
get through telling you that? Chiefly, they're not doing nothing but just walking
after the flesh. Chiefly they're just walking after the flesh. Now, there's that
man that you talked about commanded Cornelius and them to be baptized. See he's got
his lesson learnt, supposed to be used to them. But chiefly them that walk after
the flesh... Read on there, Doc.
Dr. Allen, Jr.: in the lust of uncleanness,
Dr. Kinley: in the lust of uncleanness,
Dr. Allen, Jr.: and despise government.
Dr. Kinley: and despise government... control of the government of the Holy Ghost.
Read on.
Dr. Allen, Jr.: Presumptuous are they,
Dr. Kinley: They're presumptuous! They don't want me talking about it! I just got
through telling you that!
Student Body: That's right.
Dr. Allen, Jr.: selfwilled (self-willed?),
Page 44
Dr. Kinley: selfwilled (self-willed?), bull headed, selfish, all of it, going on in
it anyhow. 'I'm going on into the kingdom of God.' The first tabernacle stood only
in meats and drinks and diverse washings, but the kingdom of God, 14th chapters of
Romans, the 17th verse, the kingdom of God is not meats and drinks; but it's
righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. 'But I'm going on in,'
TAPE 2, SIDE B: 'I'm gonna eat it anyhow.' Just stubborn, bullheaded. Ain't that
what you just got through reading?
Dr. Allen. Jr.: selfwilled (self-willed?)
Dr. Kinley: Selfwilled (self-willed?). Read on
Dr. Allen, Jr.: they are not afraid to speak evil
Dr. Kinley: they are not afraid to speak evil of dignitaries. They're not afraid to
speak against me that's preaching to you in the spirit. And on over in Jude they're
saying, they're not only not afraid, they'll cut my head off, and throw it at my
body, as they have done in the past. You know the Roman Catholic Church has killed
millions, and the Protestants, too. And they're not afraid to speak evil of
dignitaries, who that God has sent to preach. They're not afraid of it!! Butcher
you, just the same as you butcher a hog. All right, read on.
Dr. Allen. Jr.: Whereas angels,
Dr. Kinley: Whereas angels... Now you gone right back to them same old Satanic
spirits, cause.
Page 45
by Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley
recorded by Dr Carl F. Gross on reel to real recorder
transferred to audio cassette by Geraldine Rothstein
1 60 minute and 1 30 minute audio cassette
transcribed by Mary Colucci
proofread by Michael Rothstein and Geraldine Rothstein
proofread and approved by the International Public Relations Committee: 1996
… indicates that Dr. Kinley ended a word or a sentence without verbally
completing it.
2. Audience comments are included only if more than one person responded or if Dr.
Kinley was speaking directly to a specific person.
3. Unless emphasized by Dr. Kinley pause words have been left out of the transcript
for the sake of ease in readability and comprehension (ah, uh, see, you see, you
see what I mean, ain’t that right, isn’t that right, understand, you understand, do
you understand).
4. ___ indicates an inaudible word or syllable
5. WORDS IN CAPITAL LETTERS are comments of the transcriber
Tape 1 Side A
Dr. Kinley: I think it would be in order for me to explain now which is nothing but
a repetition or repeating it over again that you see these charts and you see how
they are made up. And I would like to tell you that there isn't anybody on earth
that can actually draw these charts like they ought to be to show you every
polytechnical thing. It just can not be done. Now, I think we did a fairly good
job. I'm not talking about passing no art test cause I know they will not do that.
If you look at 'em you'd find many bad and drastic failures when it comes to art.
So we were not trying to follow that. But what we were trying to do is to convey a
thought to you. Well now why am I telling you these things? Is because first of all
I want you to understand that these charts, they reflect the purpose of God. And
you can't do nothing without them. Nobody can. No school, nowhere under the sun can
do anything without a knowledge of what you see printed on these charts. But I
didn't want you to think that this was an art exhibition.
Page 1
We know better than that. And we're not all proud of it because of this artistic
value. But, the thing that we want you to realize is, and we try to convey some
kind of a thought to you. Now I'm gonna point out some of the reasons and show you
that you'll have to realize and then we're gonna get back on this, on this, these
prophecies and what not. And incidently we brought the little books along tonight.
Last week I said, I made the statement that Jehovah Witnesses had said that these
days of the creation were 7,000 years long each day. And some young lady setting
over here see after class, class was dismissed, she said Jehovah's Witnesses did
not teach that. And so I told her they did. And if she wished to I, I would see to
it that she got the book. And she could read it in that book for herself. Well I
brought it along tonight. Now what happens is this. A lot of them, that go to these
various different meetings around and in almost any denomination you wanna talk
about whether its Catholic or Protestant, actually don't know the doctrine.
Student Body: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: And that goes for the priests in the Roman Catholic Church. They don't
know. And if, from the Pope on down, knew what it, really knew, what it was all
about, he wouldn't be going off out there someplace on his summer vacation to
meditate whether or not that they should endorse contraception. There wouldn't be
any question about whether they should eat meat on Friday or what not telling you
what it was all about. Get the point? And all those things that they brought up at
the ecumenical council, while as to have some confirmatory decision whether that,
they should be some revision of their previous stand in the Roman Catholic Church.
In other words, the Ecumenical Council should not have convened in the first place
if they had known what it was all about. Because for this reason there was a
council that convened before them. But that just so happened to be upstairs. I'm
talking about God and His purpose. And he decreed and declared the end from the
beginning. And he didn't have nobody to consult. And he didn't have no hindrance
and no obstruction to carry out anything that He declares. Get the point? Am I
getting it over to you? Well now when you pick up books from various different
cults and denominations and sects and what not, and read those, you know without me
telling you there are people in all of these different churches, now you know that.
But now I'll say this. If any one of 'em was right, the others would fall by the
weight of that one. So it would pay you to do a little investigation. And don't be
so stubborn about what you thought and what you believe and all those kind of
things that you have been taught previous all your life, don't make no difference
whether it's Catholic or Protestant or Buddhist or Muhammedist (Mohammedist?) or
what ever it is, it is ____ to do a little investigation. For the simple reason
why, know this: that there is deception in the world. And it is possible for you to
be deceived. It's possible. And there isn't but one way to keep you from being
deceived and that is you must let the barriers down and be willing to accept the
Word of the Lord.
Student Body: Okay.
Dr. Kinley: Now that's the only hope and possibility. Now it don't make
difference about some council agreed to do and how they decided about it. You
Page 2
just must take what the Lord has said. And I've said this time and time again, the
same thing I'm fixing to tell you, can't nobody in the world explain and tell you
what the purpose of God is and how it is carried out so that it makes sense to you
but God Himself.
Student Body: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: Now that oughta settle that argument. Then I tried to tell you
something else. We have all had different concepts and ideas and opinions.
Everybody. But you don't have no justifiable reason to conclude that you know what
it's all about and don't nobody else know but you so that you and your dogmas must
be outstanding. It's not that. You might been able to recite anything that you
believe by heart but that doesn't necessarily mean that you're right about it. All
of us has got Bibles. I doubt seriously whether anybody in here or not cause in
America you must go to school. I doubt seriously whether there's anybody in here
that can't read a Bible. That's why you hear me say that this is not, definitely
not a Bible reading. scripture quoting contest. That's not what we're down here
for. Who can recite the most, and who can remember chapter and verse the most and
all. All of those things have been misappropriated and misinterpretated
(misinterpreted?) and misapplied. Anything you wanna read in the Bible. So it just
can't be that. Now, I want you to see first now, we, we try to, everything we do
here, we try to give you some figures if its mathematics or if its allegories or
metaphors or symbolism or if prophetic intervals or if its political or whatever it
is. I told you time and time again we challenge the world. And if I tell you, if
you'll allow me to boast that much, if I tell you that some of these denominations
or cults said a certain thing, they said it, cause I won't tell you that they said
something that they didn't say.
Student Body: Right. That's right. That's the truth
Dr. Kinley: Now we wrote a book and I said many things in this book, that the Roman
Catholics said. This book is documented. Now what I mean by documentation is this.
This is what I mean. I mean I told you who said it. And where you can go and find
it and read it for yourself. I told you in the book where it come from and who said
it. Now when I put that in the book now they wanna cut my head off for what they
said. And I had to get their permission before I could put it in this book. And you
can't write a lie in this book, you understand because if you do, then this is
what's gonna happen. Then they'll sue you for libel.
Dr. Kinley: ...have so many representatives you understand before you can
incorporate. See if you happen to mess up then they sue the incorpore...
incorporation. I've been sayin' these things, same thing for thirty-five years,
before we printed that book in 1961. And some of them are horrifying things.
They're disgraceful and shameful. But you haven't heard nothing about no suit have
you? I just dare any of them to attempt to sue this organization for some that is
in that book. And if what was in that book wasn't so you would have heard about it.
I'm trying, the thing I'm trying to get you to say, see, I don't stand
Page 3
up there and make statements that can't be verified. Now the little book over
there. Now, this is a book. I told the young lady I was quoting about. The
Jehovah's Witnesses said that these days represents, each one of these days
represents 7000 years. And there was 42.., God was 42000 years in creating the
heavens and the earth. And she said Jehovah's Witness didn't teach that. Is the
young lady here tonight? Now people'll get up and walk off. Get the point? ____
____ ____ she said. Now listen let me tell you something. Dr. Gross knows I'm
telling the truth. In Springfield, Ohio, in 1955 we had a room that we met in and
held class in. We paid the rent ourselves. And let Jehovah's Witnesses hold their
meeting in it free of charge. And beat 'em to death on everything till they moved.
And we have been ____ almost every where we go for 45 years. Dr. Harris you was
back there one time, Sister Mary, you was back there, Sister Marion you was back
there one time, back there ____ in Springfield, not Cincinnati not too long ago.
And they come out of Middletown because they had my brother up there, he was
teaching up there in Franklin, and they come all the way from, Brother Williams
picked 'em up from Franklin to Middletown, from Middletown down to Lockland. Now
they been sure, they been hearing about that Dr. Kinley, he's a great teacher, they
wanted to see me. So when Dr. Harris and I and Sister Mary and Sister Harris went
there. Here they come. And they sat and they heard Dr. Harris teach and I got up
behind Dr. Harris and then they wanted to say now there's different places where we
was wrong at. And finally by and by, I don't have, I don't have nothing else but
time. 120 minutes don't limit by ability. Take me longer than that to tell you what
I know. So we fought that night until about two o'clock in the morning. And they
said I was about 99% right. They said that in the classroom. About two or a little
after two in the morning. That they never said that until they got out in the hall.
And then when they got out in the hall, I thought I'd take the other one percent.
I'm telling it straight ain't I Doc?
Person: Yes, you were.
Dr. Kinley: And so we finished out in the hall and they tied the ribbon on and said
well.., we give up. Now different ones had come into this school. They don't know
these things. They don't realize 'em. Now I told you time and time again I know
everybody's doctrines, even the heathen, the heathen doctrine. And I don't care too
much about telling my age, but I'm a little over seventy. And all of my life from a
child on up has been devoted to studying what the other fella thought. I was just
born that way. Get the point? Now I know what you think. And I know why you think
it. And everything you think is wrong. Why? Because that's what you thought. Your
mind just don't function on that plane. If it already functioned on that plane then
there wouldn't be no need of conversion. Get the point? Wouldn't be no need of it.
But it's not, it's, it's not even logical to assume or to think that a carnal mind
functions on a spiritual plane.
Student Body: Right.
Dr. Kinley: And to be carnal minded to begin with is enmity against God, for the
carnal mind can not please God. And now that's what, that's the reason why I tried
to tell you. Look up here. A carnal mind and carnal ordinance function together.
Now if a carnal mind and carnal ordinances functions together. Lotta
Page 4
people didn't even know what a carnal ordinance was till they come here. Yet and
still, they was all saved and had the Holy Ghost. And I'm not talking about no one
person. I'm talking about that's the way it was with everybody.
Student Body: That's the truth.
Dr. Kinley: They thought they had something. I was assistant Pastor, I ought not be
disgraced on telling on myself. And if it's true in my case it's almost got to be
true in yours. Because I am as you are and you are as I was. How that that?
(STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) How'm I doing? Am I getting anywhere? Now I done preached
holiness for 15 years. And for not like my sermons and all that, and I'm preaching
the holy consecrated life 15 years in the Church of God just like Dr. Williams was
18 years in the Church of Christ. And for you try to tell me I was wrong. I knew
there was a lot of things I didn't understand, I knew that. I wasn't ashamed or
afraid to admit it, but nevertheless I didn't think the average person didn't know
any more about it that I did. And I did believe that the Bible was right. And I was
classified, just like this man down here to ____, Jerry Owens, a walking bible. Now
that's the way I was classified long before I seen any vision. And here on morning
I told you all about it so many times. Here one morning after I done get put out of
church. Now you know that hurt bishop. Sure it hurt. I just, I just felt so bad.
Look I mean, I really cried tears run down my cheeks. And if ever was a man serious
about it I can testify to my own seriousness just like you can to yours. And here
when God showed me the vision and revelation, when I saw the vision I didn't
understand it. And then when He revealed it to me the meaning of it, then I
understood. That's why I had you to read Daniel last... Then listen, it just tore
up that carnal mind, everything I had in my mind was wrong. now look I had to go
back, stand before the world and admit that I was wrong about it. Now you know if I
had to do that you know I'm no respecter of.., I had to admit it. I had to confess
it. Now you can stand around baptizing in water. Look I baptized a whole lotta
folks. You got nothing on me. I mean I baptized 'em myself. I was the man doing the
baptizing. Now here you are setting out here you'd thought I baptized. You get the
point? And I had to go back and tell them people different. And the very people
that I tried to tell that I was wrong about it and people say, you're still wrong.
We'll, now we've had people to come, this is just a plain bed sheet. I bet you
don't know nobody else got a bed sheet 35 years old laying around the house like
that. Have you? (DR. KINLEY AND STUDENT BODY LAUGH) And that thing was just hanging
around for many, many years before I even thought about how that the sheet was let
down at Cornelius' house. I never even gave it a thought. Read it too, but I don't
mean to say that there is anything so miraculous about that but you know it's just
coincidental that a bed sheet lasts that long. And as much wear and tear, this
thing here, much wear and tear as it has as many times as Dr. Gross has patched it,
all most every time somebody gets up here with a pointer they knock a hole in it.
But he manages to patch it up some kind of way. Got some holes in it now. But the
thing I wanna get over to you is, now I have portrayed on these charts, I portrayed
on them what the Lord showed me in a vision. And nobody from nowhere has ever been
able to dispute it. And I have been from coast to coast. And I've met some of the
smartest men in the world. Here's a book. Give me that book back. Now we sent a
letter to Pope John the 23rd and to the heads of Christendoom. This book
Page 5
along with its publisher was at the International Council of Churches that met in
New Delhi, India. And they went right down by this book. This book here. And they
admitted that they was wrong. And that they had to go back home and study water
baptism, foot washings, Lord Suppers. And they said they had been walking in
darkness, and they had lead the people wrong. Now I've said that, too. Now if you
want some proof for that, I'll bring some proof next week, I'll bring the newspaper
clipping. And I can produce one, at least one witness that heard the man that was
at the Ecumenical Council and said that book was used. Didn't he say that Bishop
Bishop Short: He sure did. He surely did.
Dr. Kinley: But they didn't call him in. Now you see a little Baptist or some sect
will run up here in this school then and try and hold out and try and tell me that
I'm wrong about something and he don't really realize that the heads of his
organization have admitted that they're wrong. And that book was at the Ecumenical
Council too. And everything that happened at the Ecumenical Council they've taken
into account and, and have admitted they was wrong. You're in some school. This is
real. This is genuine. You talking about United Nations Court, World League and all
that kinda thing. You in it in this school. Yes indeed. Now before I, I want you to
find in this book. I even read it. Read it and said let Dr. Harris read it. I want
the, you just read it. Read that paragraph that where she raved about it. Would
You? I want to show you that when I tell you something, it's right. Then when he
gets through with that I want to show you how impossible it is and why it's
impossible to draw this thing out like it out to be. All right, read.
Dr. Harris: Similarly with the six preceding created days. They started out
indistinctly but ended up with full light as to what had been purposed and
accomplished each day. Since the fourth commandment about the weekly Sabbath Day is
based upon the created week as a pattern and since the days of the week marked out
by the fourth commandment are all equal. It argues that each of the days of the
created week were likewise equal in length. That is 7000 years. Since the period
described in Genesis 1:1 and 2 preceded the created week this according to God's
will allows that period of original creation to be indefinite in length much longer
than the entire 49,000 years, 7 x 7000 years of the created week. The created week
itself began about 46025 B.C. according to the Bible's time table.
Dr. Kinley: Now what book are you reading out of, where that goes?
Dr. Harris: Book, called, it's called 'New Heaven and a New Earth', publishers:
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society Inc. International Bible Students Association
Book of Now York, USA. That's it.
Dr. Kinley: Are you satisfied?
Student Body: Yeah.
Dr. Kinley: Is it there?
Page 6
Student Body: Yeah.
Dr. Kinley: Now what did I bring that up for? Alright, now, just like they made a
mistake there about that, they messed this up too. This prophetic interval. And
they're not the only ones that messed it up. The Seven Day Adventists messed it up
and it's pretty bad. And they're dogmatically contending they are right. Well now
my job is I have to prove it. I have to prove anytime I say something's wrong, its
just, I have to prove it. I don't wanna argue with, I'm like the archangel was
about Satan arguing about where the body of Moses was buried. Michael just said,
instead of arguing a great long drawn out argument he said, 'the Lord rebuke you'.
I don't want to argue about these things. We got to put forth positive proof. Now
let me show it and I'll get down to business. Now let me show you why I said ____
these charts, it's impossible to draw. And you have to take all these things into
account and consideration when somebody is on the floor teaching. Now you see this
veil, the first veil here or the door up here in the temple. And then here's
another veil. Now this comes into the Holy Place and this is the Most Holy Place
and then here's a veil here. You see how those veils are arched there. See how
they're arched. Well, now you don't see that in here. And you just see a little
thing. In here it ain't even as good even as it is in here. Cause this is something
I direct in here. And I don't know enough about art, couldn't draw it myself in the
first place. The other fella he tried to draw it like I tell him. And that's the
best he could do with it at that time. But since then we learned a little more
about how to draw things. So we made a little improvements, but it still means the
same thing though. Get it? Now look, look folks. Now you see how that veil's in
there? This is the same thing here. This is the veil here. Here's a veil here.
Here's a veil there. This is called a door or an entrance. And this is an entrance
into the Most Holy Place. This is entrance into the Holy Place. Now here down here
you got a gate. Now you know Messiah said enter in at the straight gate. So this is
what he's talking about. Now you reading that in the Bible don't mean you know what
the straight gate is. Nobody didn't say you couldn't read a Bible. Now then this
first veil here is the, is the door or the entrance. See how that's divided, forms
a door. Then you've got the vessels of the sanctuary in there? Now God told Moses
how to build this and how to make everything in it. He explained it to him. Now I
can't set this lamp on this side or move this table over here. I have to leave 'em
right where He said put them. I even have to face that tabernacle facing the east.
Now if you notice the veils in here on this, now then in here you just got
something that comes around the side here, nondescriptive. You got a veil in here,
you got the veils in here. And on those long veils, each one of them what the veil
meant there. Now you have in your Bible the first, dividing, the first and the
second heaven. That veil that's what that is. This one's up here in the sanctuary
which is all a part of this tabernacle which is all a part of this tabernacle here
that everybody can see. You got the Court Round About, then you have these two
vessels out here in the Outer Court, brazen altar and brazen laver. I have to set
this all right where God said to set them. I can't change them.
Now if somebody that don't know they want to come around and tell me thus and so
forth and so on. I know you don't know, instead of you setting down and letting
somebody tell you, you up here wasting a lot of time, running your mouth and all,
when you don't know what you're talking about? And nobody on earth
Page 7
can do without it, you must come back and take this, this vision. So then I have to
set this blood, this altar here and I have to set this water in the laver. And I
have to set the Red Sea in here, and the water here. Blood and the water. Blood and
the water. The blood and the water. Blood and the water, The blood and the water.
The blood and the water. The blood and the water. Do you understand? The blood and
the water. The blood and the water. I can't never miss it. And anytime I get out of
harmony with that, I'm just wrong. And each one. Now this Red Sea forms this veil
through here and you don't even see the veil in there. I just said this is the
door. The veil is the door. So then, now then the River Jordan here forms this
veil, and that's an entrance in there. Now what you've done is you've put them
right together. You've put it together, it don't make no difference what you're
dealing with. The atom, the man, the Godhead, anything in nature, and anything in
heaven, anything in Earth. You have to use this God given pattern. Why? Because it
is Him transfigured or transformed. That's Him himself. Get the point? That's the
reason why it's wrote, up here, 'Elohim or God the Archetypical or the Original
Pattern of the Universe.' And everything in the Universe the universe itself. There
isn't anything. Nothing. And when I say nothing I mean nothing. I don't mean all
but, I mean everything. And we put that against everything. Now that function and
that operation is what makes up the history of the world. And it can never digress
or deviate at anytime. It can not do that, because if it did then God would be
running just like something out of balance with it. That's the reason why we can
declare the end from the beginning. The end is just like the beginning. And what
makes up the history of the world is its constant function. Now that's what I have
appeared here. Is showing you, up here. I put it beside the Godhead itself. I put
it beside attributes. And I showed you what each veil meant, the dividing of the
waters above and the water beneath. And I showed you in your Bible how it come down
in the first chapter of Genesis. Now look folks, God was not six days in creating
the heaven and earth. He was not 42,000 years in creating the heaven and the earth.
Now it would look like that I've make a mistake, but I didn't. And somebody said,
'well, how long was He in creating everything there, and how old is the heaven and
earth?' Science say four 1/2 billion.
Student Body: Right.
Dr. Kinley: Here not too long ago, they say 4 billion. And now they say they don't
say that definite. They say it's approximately 4 1/2 billion. That's wrong. Why?
How can you say that? Because the heaven and earth was not created in the realm of
time. That's why I can say that. The Bible doesn't teach that it was. Well then
somebody says that dean, assistant dean says to me, 'well, than what does mean over
here then in the 20th chapter of Exodus. Remember the Sabbath day keep it holy for
in 6 days God created the heaven and earth'. Now it look like I'm in direct
contradiction doesn't it? Oh come on admit it. Then when we come down through these
days here that you got in the first part of the Genesis in all. where Moses looked
at the vision and said the evening and the morning were the first day, evening and
the morning were the second day, so forth and so on. Get it? And then, here David
in the Psalms 90 and 4 says one day with the Lord, Elohim is as a thousand years
when it is passed as a watch in the night. Peter said one day, II Peter 3:8, one
day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a
Page 8
thousand years is as one day. Then you come back here and you say each one of these
days is created, created days is a thousand years long. Now when you get right down
to business with it. Now here's Moses up here in the mountain and here's where they
all miss the boat. Moses is seeing a vision. And the clouds hanging over the
mountain six days just like you walking around six days now. And each one of these
days by the sun rising and setting Moses was seeing a vision and that's fourteen
hundred and ninety years before the birth of the Messiah. See the point? This is
the Lord that he's seeing in the vision. Now it's just what we might call or
describe as a re-run. Now there is something else deep there that I don't hardly
ever tell a person. Now if you take your Bible and star to reading in your Bible
and you say in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth
was without form and darkness was on the face of the deep and the Spirit of God
moved upon the face of the waters and God said, 'let there be light'. God said,
'let there be light'. And there was light. And the evening and the morning was the
first day. Ain't that the way it reads? Now when God created the heaven and the
earth He didn't say that. Now that looks like I disputed the Bible again. And you
turn, you don't understand, you turn around it, it did it, it... 'don't it say.'
You got your finger right on it. And now I'm saying I don't have no way to get to
you. And you won't hold still long enough for me to tell you nothing. Now when God
created the heaven and earth, listen Williams, in the realm of eternity, not in
time, because it takes the sun, moon and stars and, and all of those things, they
were put there for seasons and for years, you get that? Get that? And for your
information they still operate for the purpose for which He put them there. Sun,
the moon, and the stars. Tell you what we're going to find out about that. We've
shooting some rockets up there, we're gonna land in 1970. Now you just be careful
that moon don't land on you. Because God said he'd roll 'em together as a scroll.
Now here they come in here in the realm of Eternity and they're going to go back
out there in the realm of eternity. You get the point? And we are right down close
to the time. Now let me get back and clear up this expression. I said it didn't say
that. Now look Roger, there wasn't anybody for God to say anything at all to,
unless you wanna say He was talking to Himself. How do you feel Doc?
Dr. Gross: Okay.
Dr. Kinley: All right. Now He just willed the thing to be within Himself.
Student Body: Right, Right.
Dr. Kinley: And when He willed it to be that way in the original creation, it just
was the way He willed it to be. Get it? Well now proof put forward. Now here is
Moses up in the mountain. He's seeing the vision. Seeing the re-run of it. Listen,
and God is narrating it, and Moses is listening at Him narrating. You see the
point? It's just like Cecile B. Demille made a moving picture of the Ten
Commandments years and years ago. It's what they call a silent picture. And they'd
flash the reading on the screen. And he took a notion that he wanted to make the
Ten Commandments in a sound picture before he died and he made this last ten
commandments. And you could just set there in your seat and see the picture.
Whoever it was I think it was, I know the name of the fella, I can't call it
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that narrated and played the part of Moses and them. Narrated.
Student Body: Charlton Heston
Dr. Kinley: Charlton Heston and others narrated. Now here is what God did before
there was anything that He willed it. Now here's Moses up here in the mountain
seeing what took place and here is God narrating it to him. Said in the beginning
God said that's what Moses tell you in the beginning, God said let there be light
and the evening and the morn. He's telling you what all God said cause it is God
narrating what he's seeing in the vision. Now if you could just learn that much
tonight. Get the Point? Now that was in the realm of eternity. Now listen. Now when
you get down here it's pointing out here, now for remember the Sabbath Day to keep
it holy for in six days God created the heaven and earth. Now let me explain that.
Now, the sun is rising and setting just like you from Monday in this week. I'm
trying to fix it so you can understand. In this Monday in this week and you go
through to Sunday, the next Sunday. That would constitute a week, wouldn't it? And
this week. Now then that's how Moses was long afterwards fourteen hundred and
ninety years before the birth of the Messiah. He's running that thing over, back
over. Sun is already created and it's rising and setting.
...rising and setting way even before Moses or any of them. And now He's got him up
here in Mount and God has, is showing him the vision of what He did to bring
everything into existence. And He Himself is narrating it and Moses is listening at
the narration and looking at the vision and writing what He saying down and telling
you what He said in his narration, See how easy it is? And that cloud hung over
that mountain six days by the time, Those are the six days that it took him to see
the vision of the creation, Those are the six days that he means, for in six says
while Moses was in that state and then He re-runned it up there in the mount, six
days and Moses, his innerself is in the realm of eternity with God and not in the
realm of time, because official time keepers is the sun and moon. They're there for
the seasons and years, Now am I lying?
Student Body: No sir,
Dr. Kinley: If you think I am I'll read. You see the point? Well, all these deep
esoteric things. Science and theologians, they haven't, they haven't got it figured
out. Now that's what he means when he says, for in six days. It took Him six days
to run that off. In, that took place in the realm of eternity. And Moses sees the
vision and He narrated. And tell you what went on each one of them days. And each
one of them days that that sun hung over there, each one of those days it is God
Himself putting time in the realm of eternity,
Student Body: right, yea, yuh.
Dr. Kinley: not eternity in the realm of time. You turn it around the other way.
Cause all. Listen, here's where Jehovah's Witnesses made their mistake. Here's
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where science made theirs. Everything that happened, it happened in the realm of
eternity or eternity or the day. The day and eternity. Now that's what you got down
your in the second chapter of Genesis.
Student Body: 2nd and 4
Dr. Kinley: Somebody read it, please.
Reader: These are the origins of the heaven
Dr. Kinley: These are the origins of the heaven and the earth
Reader: When they were created
Dr. Kinley: When they were created
Reader: in the day
Dr. Kinley: in the day or in the eternity, in the day that never had, don't have no
end, don't have no beginning or in the realm... Isaiah 57:15 says God inhabiteth
eternity. The word eternal and eternity it means without any starting point or any
ending. Now Jehovah's Witnesses, they got themselves a starting point. ____ the day
there. Now then what they have did, was they have multiplied these days as one
thousand years when they got 'em back here in this the day or in the realm. They
didn't realize that they was in the realm of eternity. So each one of the day that
you got down there he's saying is seven thousand years long and multiplied it by
seven which got it seven times seven is forty nine including the Sabbath. Forty
nine thousand years. Forty nine thousand years. Listen. Forty nine thousand years
that God was in creating the heaven and earth. Well, listen, don't you see, don't
you understand that if God was gonna create something in a day who's gonna create
the day for him to create something in? answer me. See how we get our mouth shut.
Once somebody said, 'well, now listen, you don't know whether that's so or not.'
Well let me see what I do, I go back over here. I test that. I go back over here.
He said the earth was surrounded by water. That's what Moses said there in the
first chapter of Genesis. Now when I get ready to find out, I go in the 24th
chapter of Exodus, the 9th 10th and 16th verse.. Now listen Dr. Gross has written a
book and helped me write in that book. Now, look. Listen. I said that the Genesis,
or let's put it this way. I said that the Exodus was before the Genesis. Somebody
run up and grab up a dictionary and say, Genesis means origin or beginning.
Now I can't tell 'em no different. It does mean that. And he thinks that where he's
starting to read the Bible in the first chapter of Genesis, he thinks he's starting
at the origin or the beginning. And then here I am, I am telling' no, the Exodus
was before the Genesis. And he's saying, 'what kind of an idiot are you anyhow?'
And he's just amazed beyond even expression. Now here's what I'm telling you
Bishop. Now you just have to agree with me. I'm saying that the children of Israel
which is expressed in the book of Exodus. Exodus means going out. I've said that
they went out of Egypt and through the Red Sea before they came in to the
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wilderness of Sinai where Mount Sinai was and saw the vision. I've said that they
departed out of Egypt come out of Egypt as is expressed in the Exodus or Exodus
means coming out. They come out of there before they ran around the mountain. So
Exodus is just got to be before the Genesis. It's got it be. Right Freddie?
Fred Allen Jr.: Right.
Dr. Kinley: But you find nobody out there in Christiandoom that would just say that
____ and drawing all kinds of dictionaries on you and swear by all that's holy. Now
if you look at the 24th and 9th and 10th verse I said and the cloud, Exodus I'm
talking about, and said the cloud covered the top of the mountain six days. That's
in Exodus not Genesis and Moses is telling you what he saw in the vision up in that
cloud, after he come out of Egypt, seeing the vision he said he knew...' Now when
he got ready to compile that book he put that in the first part of the book of
Genesis. Then somebody they, they didn't know they thought that was the beginning
of creation. That's not. He said that Genesis 1:1, said in the beginning God
created the heaven and earth. And that's where these people Jehovah's Witness and
all rest of them is arguing on. Now Dr. Gross and I, we've looked for 35 long years
trying to find somebody that understood something about this vision, in the
libraries every which way, all over the world. We ain't found nobody yet. You found
Dr. Gross: No
Dr. Kinley: You know, I've seen you since you last looked.
Dr. Gross: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: Have you seen anybody that said they saw somebody that said they seen
Dr. Gross: No, I didn't.
Dr. Kinley: Now you see, you see what it's up against? But now a child can sit
there and when you understand it it's just as plain and simple as the nose on your
face. Now that cloud expressed there in Exodus, reading down through the verses and
all. 'Well I wouldn't accept that; show you how dogmatic I am. I wouldn't accept
that. I could say, well, the book of Genesis is a figment of imagination, and
played the part of an atheist if I wanted to. You couldn't stop me, unless you
understood the story.' That's what has created so many so called atheists is
because they don't understand it, and it just don't make sense. Get the point? And
out of that you get all the divisions. You see the Point? Now I said I wouldn't
accept it. Now that's me doing this talking, this time. Unless it could be proven
and verified, I won't buy it at all. So then I have to go to John on the Isle of
Patmos. Now I've got the first and the last books. And I've got to draw them
together and everything that's in this Bible from Genesis to Revelation.
Everything. History and all, has got to fall in that group by that Pattern. And any
translator makes a mistake, I got you dead by the neck. I got you dead. Dead to the
right. You want me show you some discrepancies? Take the 9th chapter of Hebrews
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where we're talking about the pattern. And take the 25th chapter of Exodus. The 9th
chapter of Hebrew and the 1st and 2nd verse.
Reader: Then verily the first covenant..
Dr. Kinley: Then verily the first covenant... Now look, this is the 1st covenant
with Israel back here. The first one, not with Noah, not with Abraham. Then verily
the first covenant...
Reader: had also ordinances of service
Dr. Kinley: had orders of service
Reader: and a worldly sanctuary
Dr. Kinley: and a worldly sanctuary
Reader: for in the first compartment in
Dr. Kinley: for in the first compartment
Reader: of the tabernacle
Dr. Kinley: of the tabernacle
Reader: were the candlesticks
Dr. Kinley: Now listen, now here's what she's talking, here's what she's reading
about. I'm looking right at it. Get the point? Now here's what she's reading about.
In the first compartment. That means that you go in this door here this first
compartment in the tabernacle. Now you said that verily there was, the first
covenant there was a tabernacle made. Now please bear in mind that these Hebrews or
Israelites are Jews not Gentiles. Alright, read on.
Reader: for in the first compartment of the tabernacle
Dr. Kinley: for in the first compartment of the tabernacle
Reader: were the candlesticks
Dr. Kinley: were the candlesticks. There it is
Reader: the table
Dr. Kinley: the table
Reader: and the shewbread
Dr. Kinley: and the shewbread
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Reader: which is called the Holy place
Dr. Kinley: which is called the Holy Place
Reader: and beyond the veil
Dr. Kinley: and beyond the veil, that's beyond this veil here, that's beyond that,
takes you into the Most Holy Place. Read.
Reader: The second compartment of the tabernacle
Dr. Kinley: that second compartment
Reader: which is called the Holy of Holies
Dr. Kinley: which is called the Holy of Holies
Reader: which had the golden censor
Dr. Kinley: which had the golden censor. The censor that Aaron carried hand. He did
right here. Which had the censor. Read.
Reader: and the ark of the covenant
Dr. Kinley: and the ark of the covenant
Reader: overlaid round about with gold
Dr. Kinley: and the Ark of the covenant. Here's the ark of the covenant. Alright
Reader: Wherein was the golden pot that had manna
Dr. Kinley: Wherein was the golden pot that had the manna
Reader: and Aaron
Dr. Kinley: Now you get the 25th chapter of Exodus. And you read it there the 25th
chapter that it was in there. And I mean it had to sit right where I set it. You
see how particular it was. Then I had to go on through the veil and into the Most
Holy Place. This is a better picture of it here. This is within.., here's the veil
here. Now look. Look up here folks. Everything that Messiah did when He was here in
this world. Every little jot and every little tittle that He performed, He went
right by that pattern. Now look how particular and picky I am about it. If you
would walk up to this chart and look at it real good you would see that here's
Romans 8:25, 26, 27; Hebrews form this altar. Just draw it out to description and
got it down here. And when you see the incense burning on the altar. Here I got him
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there and the intercession going on in his mind. That's putting it right in there.
It showed that He was the intercessor. See how particular I was? Now you go over
here and you find that Aaron burned that incense here. While he's burning this
incense, they was on the outside around here praying. And look, I even got to know
what hour that is. Just that particular. Nine and three: Hour of Prayer. You just
don't run in and out there anytime. Now here is the Messiah. He's out out there
yonder in the garden making the intercession, just like Aaron the priest was in
here. See how I had, see how particular I had to be. Now I want to tell you about
one here. Now look I told you that nobody can draw these charts actually like they
should be. Now you want to blame me when you see that, even them that wrote the
script there in Hebrews. You wanna blame me now. They left it out. If you don't
think it belongs there where I put it at. You want to read it in Exodus over there
if you do, you got your book. Get it. Now there's a whole lotta arguments. You
better wake up. About water baptism, mode, methods and what not. How are you Jimmy?
He's fine he said. Now look over here in I Tim. 2 and 5. Show you how you get
tricked. Now I showed you about that, about that altar of incense. Does anybody got
that verse in the 25th chapter of Exodus? About how they hang veil there and where
the altar belongs. It's up here but I don't want to put the veils on it. It's just
too hard to see. But it is in the 25th chapter of Exodus. It tells you how, what's
there, what to put up there and all like that, and then hang up the veils.
Student Body: 23rd verse
Dr. Kinley: That whole 25th chapter is dedicated to the erection and structure of
that tabernacle.
Student Body: That's right. The 23rd verse.
Dr. Kinley: Well, read.
Reader: Thou shalt also make a table of shittim wood. Two cubits shall be the
length thereof and...
Dr. Kinley: That's the table of shewbread.
Reader: and a cubit the breath thereof, and a cubit and a half the height thereof.
Thou shall overlay it with pure gold and...
Dr. Kinley: Overlay it with pure gold
Reader: And make there to a crown of gold round the bottom
Dr. Kinley: And make there to a crown of gold there about.
Reader: thou shall make unto it a border of a hands breath round about and thou
shall make a golden crown for a border thereof round about.
Dr. Kinley: I'm after the altar of incense now.
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Reader: Altar of Incense
Dr. Kinley: Yes.
Reader: Yes, you get that in 28.
Dr. Kinley: I'm not gonna move. I ain't gonna do nothing.
Reader: the 40th chapter and the 5th verse
Dr. Kinley: Well read it.
Reader: The 40th chapter of Exodus the 5th verse. And thou shalt make, set the
altar of gold for the incense before the ark of the testimony and the hangings and
the hangings of the door to the tabernacle.
Dr. Kinley: I ain't, I ain't gonna move till I get some satisfaction. So you might
as well find it we gonna dismiss right on this number?
Reader: Thou shalt make an altar to burn incense upon of shittim wood shalt thou
make. it. A cubit shall be the length there of and a cubit the breath there of.
Foursquare shall it be. And 2 cubits shall be the height thereof. The horns there
of shall be of the same. And thou shall overlay it with pure gold. The top there of
and the sides thereof round about. And the horns thereof. Thou shall make unto it a
crown of gold round about. And two golden rings shall thou make to it under the
crown of it by the two corners thereof.
Dr. Kinley: Now I'm not trying to find out about the structure already. What I'm
trying to find out where they put it at.
Reader: And thou shalt put it before the veil, that it is by the ark of the
Dr. Kinley: That it is by the ark of the Testimony. That's right here.
Reader: before the Mercy seat.
Dr. Kinley: Then there is the veil. Understand? Now I'm just dogmatic and
particular. Even with your breathing. With your breathing, within the confines of
your mind. Everything. Tell you when a child is supposed to be born. When he's
supposed to die. Take it when those patriarchs are supposed to come in, when
they're supposed to die. You say, Adam lived 930 years and he died. Is that right?
Student Body: Right
Dr. Kinley: Then I'd ask you why. 'You meddling in God's business.' Adam, Noah
lived 950 years and he died. Get the point? Methuselah lived 969 years and he died.
You have to tell me why they come in at that time and why they went out you, I
don't have no foolishness. Now if you were smart enough to catch it. I
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have already stated, there can't, nobody tell you what the purpose of God is but
God himself. Then if you're wise enough to see it you ought to see that I'm telling
you that unless God be in me I can't tell you how all these things are. And last
Friday night I felt like taking off through this building when that child set there
and told me that. Here's 35 years gone on over my head and you're my witness, that
I told you about earthquakes, people setting right looking me in the face, been
healed of all kind of diseases. Listen you don't know nobody. And you never seen
nobody that said they saw somebody that have did the things that I have done. Get
it? You got to resort to Messiah and the apostles themselves. Now if I tell you
there'll be an earthquake at a certain time. You can say, 'well listen Jehovah's
Witness or Roman Catholics,' or listen, man, don't you get what I'm talking about?
I don't care nothing about that. Now if there's an earthquake when I tell you
Bishop and that's in the future and it happens on the day and hour I said... Been
doing that for 35 years, not just an earthquake but all the history of the world.
And you're too dumb, you too ignorant set right up there look at it and listen at
it and read it in the paper and see it on the screen. Then turn around and too
stupid and you can't see what it is in here, cause I got this black mask on. You
see the point? You don't go by that, you know there's black birds and red birds and
all kinds of birds, and all kinds of colors out there. You don't pay no attention
to that. You got in the orthinological (ornithological?) kingdom the same thing
that you got in the anthropological. And the same fella made the black bird that
made the red one, and the blue jay. Do you see the point? God is behind this whole
universe operating. Now if I understand their function and their operation I can
tell you any time I want to what's in the future. Somebody say, 'well, I don't
believe that, you know we teach over yonder so and so on.' Just keep your seat and
sit tight. That's all you have to do and then if it don't come just like I tell
you, don't come back here no more. Go somewhere else. Now just like the Seven Day
Adventists. Now the Seven Day Adventist said, listen. They started up here in 457
B.C. And they said this 2300 days was a part of this. And so they, they looked for
Christ to come back. They seen Him go, they read there in Acts of the Apostles
about Him ascending on a cloud and they looked for to come Him in 1844. And when He
didn't come in 1844. And even got it up there in the congressional records. And
they even showed it Him showed somebody in a freezer, refrigerator, sitting in
there all drawed up. Criticizing it. Well, then the next thing you know the woman
that wrote it and they was going around beating people to death, even went and
made, do away with all, all their property and everything, furniture and
everything. Just showing. You couldn't tell 'em nothing. Then when He didn't show
up in 1844, they got the attitude, 'well we made a mistake.' Well, the said, you
just might as well admit it. And then after seen they were wrong, there was nothing
else they could do but admit. Then look, they, this is what they done then. Now,
let me show you what, I wanna show you what's happened. You see, you see this, this
sanctuary. See how the High Priest burned incense and light the golden candlestick
at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and ____ the table of shewbread, the hour of prayer
and what not. Well now they say that He was in here, when He ascended, He ascended
in here in 1844. And they expect, they thought that He had come in here in 1844,
into the Most Holy Place. I mean when He ascended, they thought He ascended into
the Most Holy Place and that He would be coming back to earth. Are you following
me? They thought when He ascended He went right on up in here and set down there on
the throne. And that
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He would be coming back in the earth plane in 1844. Now when He didn't come back
from there. Then they changed the thing and said, 'no, said He was here and He just
entered in here in 1844.' And they still got a bunch of clowns and idiots sitting
out there reading it. Right today. That He was just entering in; in other words
after they made their mistake and seen He didn't come, then they still got a bunch
of idiots setting up there thinking it. That there right now that He just entered
in 1844 and you can't tell no more now then before they made the mistake. They
wouldn't come here and sit down to class, no, no, they wanna come down here and
tell, 'listen to me for a minute?' Why the hell don't you go sit down. Get it. And
the last mess they made is worse than the first. Because He's entering in on to
heaven itself, (there in the 8th chapter) and sit down at the right hand of God. So
say all of the apostles. The right hand of God. Now they tell me He just went in
there in 1844. Now that's bad ain't it? Alright, now here come some more of them
clowns and them satanic spirits, now that's bad wouldn't you say that was bad? Now
here come Jehovah's Witnesses. Bold, stark, brave. They said the Seventh Day
Adventists is wrong and we're right. That Christ come, listen, that Christ come.
The Seventh Day Adventists now they admitted that they expected Him to come and He
didn't come, and He was going when they thought He was coming. And so now He didn't
come. So they said He was just going when was mistaken about it. Now here come
Jehovah's Witnesses. It's stupid enough to say that He come in 1914. Doc would you
mind getting that on the board for me; Dr. Harris. And they're wrong too. You can't
tell 'em nothing. Look, let me tell you something. Now wouldn't it be bad, just
wouldn't it be bad for somebody that's got the nerve. There wasn't nobody else but
the devil beating, have that much nerve to stand up in your face to tell you Christ
come in 1914. And all this mess going on that's going on in the world at the time
1914. And set up His kingdom in 1914, Listen, let me tell you something. Are you
listening? You want one of them real genuine deep ones. He never come the first
time and never left the second time. He's always been here. This coming and going
and up and down and running around exploring things. Its people that don't
understand it. When He set down there talking to Nicodemus, said, no man ascended
up into heaven. Somebody said, 'well Enoch was translated and he appeared up there.
Elijah ascended.' Look I can read a Bible. What's a matter with you? In a chariot
of fire. And the Messiah was born there, and out there and admitted. No man
ascended up to heaven save the son of man, (read the third chapter of John and see
if it ain't there), save Son of Man. Now if you want to say that Enoch was
translated and went on in heaven itself and Elijah went on into heaven and through
his mantle back on to Elijah. And here the Messiah said, 'I ain't seen nothing of
him.' Seen no man. Read it. Read it out of the book.
Reader: There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. The
same came to Yahshua by night and said unto Him, Rabbi, we know that thou are a
teacher come from Elohim. But no man can do these miracles as thou doest except
Elohim be with Him. Yahshua answered and said unto him. Verily, verily I say unto
thee except a man be born from above he can not see the kingdom of Yahweh.
Dr. Kinley: You sitting out there, remember what I told you about a carnal mind.
You see that's what Jehovah's Witness, the Seven Day Adventists and all the rest
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of those cliques got. Church of Christ, your church doc, and my church, Church of
God. The Roman Catholics, carnal minds. There ain't no way in the world to figure
it out. They don't understand this deep mysterious thing. They don't know nothing
about where heaven or hell is. You stand out here talking about transubstantiation.
Say, 'Jesus said for us to do this.' Now that's not even in the almanac. Is it
Bishop Short: Um, Um.
Dr. Kinley: Somebody said, 'what you doing there?' Said, 'washing feet.' 'Well who
said so.' 'Well Jesus.' 'Where you find that?' 'Thirteenth chapter of St. John.
'Ain't none of that in no almanac. Read around in the Bible said Jesus said. I
never got so sick and tired about Jesus said in my life. Every time you see anybody
they talking about what Jesus said. Yes sir, sick and tired of it. And then you
jump right up and you got Paul disputing with Jesus. You got there in the 7th
chapter of Matthew in what you call the beatitudes. That's what you read where
Jesus said, judge not for fear you may be judged. 'You know Jesus said that.' And
then you turn right over there in the 6th chapter of I Corinthians, Paul said,
'dare any of you had a matter against another take him before the law of the unjust
and not before the saints. Don't you know the saints shall judge the world.' You
get the point? Then he said there in the 2nd chapter of I Corinthians, said, 'he
that is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.' 'I'm
spiritual, so I won't wash feet, I'm spiritual, I won't eat no Lord Suppers.'
'Why?' 'I'm fasting.' He told them when they was trying to cast out the devil,
said, when He come down off the mount, and He had sent them out, and they been out
there casting out devils and now they come on back. And they said just as Moses and
them found them down there worshipping this golden calf. Well He's got to fulfill.
When He come down the mountain there they were down there, they been having a fit
down there. And they been working with Him. And so now they didn't have no effect
with that one. So they wanted to know now why couldn't we do this. He said this
power come by fasting and prayer. While He was with them under the law, they ate,
ate all them pass..., all them feasts they was eating. They ate the feast of the
passover every year. Just eating and all. Eating down without washing their hands.
And then here it is comes up come the elders, say, 'what you eat.' Say, 'look here,
would you tell me why it is that your disciples transgress the traditions of the
elders, they're eating without washing their hands.' He said, 'well, I got one for
you. Why does your elders transgress the commandments of God by their traditions?
Answer me that.' Now when you wash, there's washing under the law. There was eating
bread under the law and keeping them feasts. Well, now here He is with them, He's
the one that's smitten 'em with the disease, but they didn't recognize it. They
wasn't gonna catch no disease that He couldn't. That's what He's doing. Healing the
folks. They wasn't gonna pick, contract no bacterial contamination by some of them
diseases and affliction by not washing their hands. Wasn't scared. Why? Because
they got the Healer right with them. But now, He's healing everybody else of all
their afflictions and everything that Yahweh had afflicted 'em with because of
their disobedience. And He's walking around, the Healer's walking right around here
and they come to Him, it was proved to them that He was Yahweh in a physical body.
That's why He healed them all kinds of things. Healed everybody of all kinds of
diseases. And bacterial contamination by
Page 19
not washing, didn't mean a thing to Him. And there's His disciples out there just
eating, they don't have to worry about catching no diseases. And all the feasts and
all, they just attending them and just eating. But He was the bread come down. Now
this power comes by fasting and prayer. Now we're eating none of the carnal
ordinances. We're not under the law. We're fasting, abstaining from all of them
things, the natural, and we're in the spiritual now. In other words we're fasting.
Now here's some idiot out there celebrating them things. Bible said that Jesus
said, just asleep and blind as he can be, don't realize that all them things are
fulfilled and nailed to the cross. Somebody setting up somewhere. 'What are you
doing setting like that, doc.' I got a little message today from a fella who called
me on the phone and told me about some fella who's been around the place. Now he's
keeping the Sabbath day. He can't get a job there. So he's sitting up there keeping
the Sabbath Day. Well say, listen, didn't you know that people in Los Angeles that
work five days a week in the first place and because they don't work on... Dr.
Harris don't work on Saturday, do you?
Dr. Harris: No.
Dr. Kinley: Are you keeping the sabbath?
Dr. Harris: No.
Dr. Kinley: Sitting up there. Now here's the Messiah laying out there in Joseph's
new tomb. As it is, sun went down on a Friday. Saturday is the Sabbath. And there
He is laying out there in Joseph's new tomb, never winked an eye, never batted a,
never even breathed. You talk about temporary suspended animation. He's got that
bested: He never even breathed, no pulse, no nothing else, and besides that, a big
hole punched in His side, and nail prints in His feet, never budged or nothing. Now
you talk about resting. There He is laid to rest. Wasn't He? He ain't moving in
there. And very early in the morning as it begin to dawn toward the first day of
the week. None of the folks never believed that. They didn't see it going out of
style there. And you haven't had no Sabbath yet. It's just a shadow of that which
is to come. When we get through these, these years. And look let me tell you about
this one. Are you ready? You ready Wallace? Real sure you're ready. Now here you
got God create the man on the sixth day. Breathed in his nostrils the breath of
life. Then He caused him to take a deep sleep. And then he took that deep sleep
there, same thing right here, same thing in the tomb. As the sun went down and
there He lay, Adam, under that deep tranquilizer. You talk about a tranquilizer,
under the influence of the Spirit. Here you got it right here. He's immersed,
talking about water baptism. ____ ____ ____ . He was totally consummated. ____ ____
____. He hasn't committed no sin. He took that woman and then that, He's going
right toward the Sabbath Day. Now in the morning. I told you there was two
operations on that day. Now the next day it's a Sabbath. I'm showing you here, 6th
day here. Now this another operation on that 6th day. Now this is that double
operation there on the 6th day. And a double operation here on the 3rd day. Now
watch, I told you, I got another one. Now took that rib and that womb and made,
that formed that woman and there he was, Adam with that ____. Now when Messiah ...
Page 20
by Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley
Los Angeles, California before he leaves for Springfield, Ohio
Recorded by Dr. Carl F Gross on reel to reel recorder
Transferred to audio cassette by Greg Prestis
3 90 minute audio cassette tapes
Transcribed by Susan Whitney and Sandra Giragosian
Proofread by Susan Ameigh, Michael Rothstein, and Geraldine Rothstein
Proofread and approved by the International Public Relations Committee: 1996
… indicates that Dr. Kinley ended a word or a sentence without verbally
completing it.
2. Audience comments are included only if more than one person responded or if Dr.
Kinley was speaking directly to a specific person.
3. Unless emphasized by Dr. Kinley pause words have been left out of the transcript
for the sake of ease in readability and comprehension (ah, uh, see, you see, you
see what I mean, isn’t that right, understand, you understand, do you understand).
4. ___ indicates an inaudible word or syllable
5. WORDS IN CAPITAL LETTERS are comments of the transcriber.
Moderator: I would like to present at this time the Founder and Dean of the school,
Dr. Henry C. Kinley. Dr. Kinley.
Dr. Kinley: Greetings in the bonds of peace. I'm indeed happy and glad to be with
you, and to talk with you about the great God of this stellar and ecclesiastical
universe. God is real. I certainly did enjoy the message of both of the previous
speakers. And if you noticed, they tried to get right at the core. And I don't
think that either one had any mind, when they come come up here to have something
to say and testify on behalf of the things of God, I don't think that either one of
them thought that they were so cute, that they was interested in somebody seeing
them. And I certainly hadn't thought that. But I do want you to be conscious. I
want you to fully realize not only just this morning, but for the duration that God
is life. He has never been dead. He has been real.
Page 1
And I realize too, that out in the world, all over the world, people are
questioning about God, and the philosophies and doctrines that they have been
taught. And I, if my memory serves me right, I told you Friday night that the
statistics and records show that there is 66 million people out of the 195 million
people that inhabits the United State of America, that includes both Protestants
and Catholics. But there are 66 million that don't belong to no church whatsoever.
That is not because they do not believe in God, but it is because they don't
believe in the foolishness that this present latter day ministry is teaching.
Now then, to speak of those that do belong to some church. The statistics and
records show this. That for this reason, alone and only, for sociological reasons,
for character references, and for business reasons, many of 'em belong to church.
And, from the pulpit to the door, or the preacher himself, to say nothing about the
congregation, he, himself, don't believe.
Now, it is a sad situation, it's a sad condition, universally so and collectively
so. The world was in the greatest chaos now so far as the confirmed knowledge of
God is concerned, than it has ever been in the history of the world. And I want to
say from Pentecost on down, when we were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, God has
sought such to worship Him in spirit and in truth.
Men knew not the truth. Therefore, they've resorted to ritualistic performances and
so on. That is where the world stands today, steeped in tradition, steeped in
idolatry and ignorance. I said superstition, customs, ideologies, and opinions,
depending upon those who have went to some school and tried to obtain a sufficient
amount of knowledge of how it is done to operate what we might describe now as a
church, or an organized religious following. And they're tutored there in the
ritualistic performance. Now, if you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm, I'm, I
mean it this way: how to get up and have a prayer and dedicate the service, have
somebody to read the book, sing a few songs, take the text, preach a few minutes
from that, or talk a few minutes from that, pass the collection box around, and how
to get the money out of the people. Now, that's the ritualistic performances that
I'm talking about.
Now, they're, they're tutored in that, to such an extent, that they expect to be a
success. Talk about God and, as one speaker said before me, don't have much to say
about the Devil. Course there's reasons for that. And now, they've got around to
the place where they question even that that they have taught. And there's articles
in the papers, and discussions in the columns, at the highest phases of academic
philosophical training. Question: Is God dead? Now, if you even thought a thing
like that, it would be, this is, this is where, this is where it would come from.
That you knew nothing whatsoever about God in the first place for a question like
that to come up in your mind.
Page 2
Now, we have told you from time to time that this is a school, not a church. And
yet, when you take the meaning of the word church, define it, it means congregation
and assembly, it's a collective body of people. I didn't say building either, so
don't misunderstand. Now, that is the correct meaning of it. This is a congregation
of people, but we don't operate on scale where you come up and join this thing, get
your name on the book, and then you'll live by the rules and regulations of this
particular sect, cult, creed, or denomination. Now we don't operate like that. And
that's what we mean when we say that this is a school. Now, we don't tolerate or
advocate segregation, discrimination. We don't tolerate it, we don't advocate it.
Now, we don't care nothing whatsoever about where you come from, your family tree
and your background, your nationality. We are not concerned about civil rights.
What we are concerned about is the Devil depriving you of your divine rights.
Student Body: All right! Okay.
Dr. Kinley: Now, it's prohibited; in other words, it is censored for us to expose
the Devil. They don't want you to do that, because, if you do, then what you're
more than likely to do is to tell on yourself. Nobody wants to be told on. And we
think, being carnal, ignorant, superstitious, full of customs and traditions which
we have been taught, that we can get away with something, we can hide behind
something. We don't want to be covered up, I mean we don't want to be uncovered.
that just means this: that you are unconscious of God, nothing is hid from
His sight.
The real truth about it is, few people even know themselves. Now, when I say know
themselves: I remember that President Theo... Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt,
wrote a book, that when a man comes to himself, when you come to know yourself...
Now, I'm after an analysis, now.
You will find out that this physical body that you have here, we'll call that
matter, for the sake of trying to convey something definite and something positive
to you. This physical body, or this material body, which you have, (are you
listening?) it come from spirit. Now, that's where this physical body come from
originally. Now, if this body come from spirit (listen) and God is spirit. Now, for
you to know yourself and to realize yourself, the source from whence this physical
body which you have, actually have, was rather, the source of its derivative, then
you can kinda come down to look and understand something about what matter is. Now,
that's just one part of it.
Now, there's two other parts. Your intellectual capacities, your knowledge, and
your wisdom, your understanding, your disposition, your attributes, your conduct,
your behavior, your attitude, your disposition forms your soul. I'll try to help
you to understand it. Now, as Dr. Billy said a while ago, Yahweh or God, is spirit.
Spirit is invisible. It is the source. It is the substance. It is the limits. It is
the bounds.
Page 3
Now, let me hang on to something here for a minute. Now, if spirit is the
substance, then it's got to be something. Now, Yahweh is spirit, that means this.
If He is the source... I might put it in more simplified terms, as some of 'em have
asked me, tried to tie me up because they thought I was dean of the school. Said,
'let me ask you, where did God come from?' Now, what they expected me to say, as
one of the prophets, they call 'em minor prophets, said God came forth from Tiran.
Now, Tiran is a city. Now, he's expecting me to give him a Bible answer, and say
that God came from Tiran, but he didn't understand what the prophet was talking
about. Now, you can't get God in Tiran. Tiran is not big enough to hold Him. He is
universal in scope. There is no place where He is not. And, if you understood my
words, I said He was the Source from whence everything else emanated and come from.
And in trying to employ plain words so that you can see, now we say that man is the
offspring. That's 17th chapter of Acts of the Apostles. Paul is preaching to the
Greeks. He said, even as one of your own poets also said, that we are the offspring
from God:1 that means that we come from God.
I'd like to help that out some too, to be better understood. Now, what he was
talking about there is, that this physical body which you have, the source from
whence it came from was pure spirit. Pure spirit in inconceivable. It's just like
you can't see the wind or nothing like that. Get the point? Now, that's pure
spirit, incomprehensible, anything you can't see. You don't know that it is there.
Anything that you can't taste, touch, feel, or smell. That's the inadequacy of your
five senses. You don't know that it is there. That does not spell that God is
absent. Now, I said you come from that, that is this body come from that.
Now, I said all that I have already said in order to say this: We come from and
abide within, for it is in Him that we live, we move, we have our being. Now, if
matter come from spirit, as Dr. Billy said, if matter come from spirit, that was
the source from whence it came, that is, then that is the final destiny of which it
shall return.
Now, I haven't got to my text,
preliminary. That's a preliminary.
Now, I want you to understand, I want you to know that there is no, no, no
possibility of hiding, which some of us have thought. And as Solomon said, (are you
listening?) said, the wicked fleeth when no man pursueth.2 Just running hisself to
death, just darting in between buildings and around trees and things, just, just
running. Said, 'What are you running for? What happened?' Said, 'I'm just
frightened.' 'Frightened about what?' 'Well, that fella there.' 'There ain't nobody
after you.' That's your old carnal conscience that you're trying to get away from.
You can't outrun it. It is where you are now, and where you shall proceed from here
to there, it will be there with you when you arrive. Talking about philosophy. Now,
that is it.
Acts 17:28
Proverbs 28:1
Page 4
Now where the trouble is is up here. You remember, God told Adam when He put him in
the Garden, said, 'Now, you can eat of all the fruit of the trees in the Garden of
Eden, except the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.' God told him
that. To cut a long story up and make it real short, the Devil deceived his wife
Eve, and she partaken of the fruit and gave it to her husband. And no sooner than
he ate, he cut out to the bushes to hide. Said he heard His voice walking in the
Garden, and he cut out to the bushes, the fig tree, begin to build leaves and what
not, and he said, 'I hid myself.' Well, he wasn't hid. Say, 'what are you filling
the fig leaves for?' Said, 'Because I'm naked.' 'Why, who told you you was naked?'
Wasn't anybody around there to tell him anything like that but Eve, and she never
said nothing about it. You get the point?
Student Body: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: Now, I'm trying to tell you this: that all of that trouble you're
having is right up here. And you're escaping to someplace where you think it's
better or you might get along better, and all like that. You might get by better.
You have, you have to start up in here. And you quit running yourself to death,
trying to hide, become conscious that you're not hid, and all things are naked
before Him.3 That's the reason why John said, on the Isle of Patmos. 'Watch, lest
you walk naked, and they see your shame.' They who? Every man that has the Holy
Spirit, he sees your shame and you're just naked before God.
Now, people are squabbling and quarreling every which way. Don't want this church
to take their members. They call that proselyting. They want to keep you in their
church. Now, I haven't been to any body's church proselyting. And if there's
somewhere where you wanna go, go right ahead. Join anything you want to, you're
free. I don't have no church. I am not trying to build no church. Folks don't
believe me about that.
To bring you to the consciousness, and to the realization of what it is really all
about. Now, these brethren, there's somewhere about 14 or 15 or more. And we hope
to have some more, and women too. We hope to have more ministers to preach and to
teach the true word of God. Now, listen. We have tried to drive them out there in
your church. We've asked them to please go to some church. And we had school many
years at 1:30. And the reason why we had school at 1:30, at the 11:00 o'clock
service we wanted you to go to some church. We didn't care where it was. Roman
Catholic, Protestant, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterians, Camelite (Carmelite?),
Dunkard, or your church. We got it covered? We gave 'em an opportunity to go.
Now, if you can get 'em in your church... I wouldn't go with them. Now, if you can
get 'em in your church, it's all right with me. And the reason why I didn't go
along with them, was because I wanted them out there to know that I didn't have to
go along with them and keep them chained to me, or to watch over them or see
Hebrews 4:13
Page 5
that they didn't get into nothing. I've, I've never had to worry with that. Now,
they say they want association. They say they want cooperation. They say they want
affiliation. They say that they are striving for unity. They say that they're
striving to build up the righteous people of the earth. Now, they have begin to
unite every which way. The Devil has got shamed now, or so many little factions
every which a way. So now, all of these different types of Methodists, now they're
trying to narrow that down. All these different types of Baptists, they're trying
to get that into one Baptist, so it won't look so bad. Now, they say the Roman
Catholic Church, that is a unit (unity?). Everybody belongs to the Roman Catholic
Church. And I'll have you to know, even though they're setting right out there
together, they're split right down the middle. Now, I'm, I'm just about up to my
text now, just about up to my text now.
Well now, the reason why that you can't do nothing with these people that come to
this school. Now here's the reason why, is because these people are taught
something. They're taught the reality of God. And these preachers, we've had a lot
of them up here. We don't take them in. We let any preacher from the Roman
Catholic, they don't need to say that, 'Well, we can't go down there because we're
Roman...' Come right down here, any preacher, even the skeptics, the atheists, the
agnostics, and the infidels. Say listen, this is the place for 'em. We let 'em come
down here. We went over there, and we let them come down here.
And everyone that has ever got into this book. The priest: 'Well, that's not
sacred, that's, that's holy philosophy, man.' Well, there wasn't anything wrong
with this in the first place. Where the trouble is within you. Get the point? You
got the wrong idea of what the church is. Said, 'Well, this holy consecrated spot,
do you mean to tell me that you let some man that don't believe in God get up
there?' Yeah. Let you get up here didn't we? And you didn't believe in God til you
come here. Nobody excluded. But now, when he gets up there, he has to defend
himself. Now, he either exposes that he don't know or that he does. It's just like
getting in the ring, pugilism.4 As I said here, last Sunday I believe, there's no
need of standing out, out there in the street somewhere, 'Hey! I'm the champion of
the world! Hey! Hey, everybody, you folks. Hey, look, here's me! I'm the champion
of the world!' No, don't do that. Don't stand outside of the arena. Come on into
the arena, and after you get in the arena, get in the ring! Won't take long to find
out who's champ. Won't be many rounds before you can see for yourself who the
champion is.
Well, now, that brings me down, as I said, to my text. I'll have Dr. Gates to read,
2nd Corinthians, the 3rd chapter of 2nd Corinthians. Starts like this: the Apostle
Paul says, 'do we begin again to commend ourselves, or need we, as some others.'
Now, let, let me tell you what he's talking about, cause oftentimes people read the
Bible, and they don't understand what they're reading about.
4 Pugilism: the skill or practice of fighting with the fists; boxing. (The American
Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. 1970.)
Page 6
Now, Corinthians are Grecians. Now, the Grecians have a historical background and
record of being the greatest philosophers in the world. They spent their time
searching into and delving into the mysteries and the whatnots, and they was always
looking for some new concept, some new ideology, some new opinion. And, when Paul
passed through Mars Hill in Athens, Greece, he seen an inscription there, just like
you see all everywhere now.5
Just in case you don't understand what I'm talking about now, I'll fix it so you
can. When you go home from here, you look at the inscriptions on these buildings.
One will say the Church of God, put that down. Another down here says, now you
can't get a charter in that name, cause they got that name sewed up. Over here,
another one will have Church of God in Christ. Now, that's inscriptions, shingles
hanging out, buildings. You go on down, now I said Church of God in Christ. Go on
down a little further and you'll find the Church of Christ in God. Go on down a
little further and you'll find another one: Church of God in Christ and Saint of
the Latter Days. Now, what they're trying to do, all of 'em trying to get some kind
of a physical name. Pick one that's not taken, just like them Athenians was. Then
you go on down here to another one and you see Baptist, St. John's Baptist. Go
again, and you see St. Luke's. You're on to something. Go on down yonder, and
you'll see St. Matthew something. Go on down a little further, and you'll see the
AME, that's African Methodist Episcopal. Now, that's faith. Go on down here a
little further, and you'll see CME, that's the Central Methodist Episcopal. This
African Methodist Episcopal, that's Negro. And down at CME, those are the white
people. Go on down a little further, and you'll find the Seventh Day Adventist. Go
on down a little further. Now you look, you look on your way home, because I'm
trying to fix it so you can understand it. You go on down a little further, you'll
find Baptist and, for the most part, somebody done even hand you literature for
Jehovah's Witness. And, you'll find Kingdom Hall down there. Is that right? You see
what I'm talking about?
Student Body: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: Go on down a little further, and you'll find St. Mary's Catholic
Church. Go on down somewhere else, you'll find St. Peter's Catholic Church. Now,
have I got, kinda exposed you to what I'm talking about? Then you check your paper,
the Saturday's paper, and you look in there. And you'll find up there, headlines on
it that, 'go to the church of your choice, anyone of them you choose, tomorrow.'
They done jumped on Billy Graham now for not designating something definite. Now
when he goes into a town, Billy Graham's gonna be here. Now, he wants from
everything but the Roman Catholic Church, he wants everything that's by name
outside the Roman Catholic Church. And they'll welcome him as far as they're
concerned. And every one of the pastors of all them churches take their
congregations over to Billy Graham. There won't be no meeting at their church, gone
with Billy Graham. Now, he's preaching that you accept Christ, and then join the
church of your choice. And the mood is already there. And they want, what
5 Acts 17:23
Page 7
they're concerned about is how many out of them thousands of people do they get to
go into my church and his church, and the other fella's church, build up their
congregations. That's why they all cooperate with Billy Graham. Now, Billy Graham
is very careful about stepping on Baptists feet, very careful about stepping on, he
can't step on a lot of feet there. Get the point? Because all of them are supposed
to cooperating, all of 'em. Get some momentum to build up their church, so they can
rob you of some more of your money. I just tell the thing flat just like it is.
Now, that, them inscriptions, Paul said, 'as I passed by,' said, 'I beheld your
devotions.' He saw some of Zoroaster, Epicurians, the Buddhists. Now that's what he
seen: inscriptions. He saw one Sabine. He saw one of this, and another one of that.
And finally they just run out of gas. So then, they put up one out there 'to the
unknown God.' Now, that was coming first. And he said, I beheld your superstitions
as I passed by. I looked at what you done as I passed by. Now, this is the great
apostle. He seen some of 'em down there.
You let me alone, I'll preach when I get ready.
Seen some of there setting down, ____ ____ he seen some ____ ____, and he seen
those that passed by, bowing, stooping to 'em, certain signs and marks, they had,
____, other symbols I'm not gonna show you. Now, he said, 'now, I seen you carrying
on like that.'
Now if you still don't understand, you go out here to the Roman Catholic Church,
just, just hang around, stand out there and just, just lean up against it, just
stand out there. Don't bother nobody, never mind about the sociological thing,
you're looking for something. Just stand out there on that corner. And as the cars
pass by, and as the people walk by on the street: that church, in the name of the
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, statues setting out there. Now, I'm in, I'm in L.A.,
not talking about Mars Hill. I'm telling you what to do on your way home. Go on
down in here, and you'll find down in there, back over towards Washington, down
there around Dewey's house. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) There's about eight or nine
churches, right in one square down there. One of 'em got the Holy Ghost. Holy Ghost
____. Well now, if you fail to get the Holy Ghost here, don't go on by. Now,
somebody say, 'That's awful bad Dewey, running down in your neighborhood.' Well, if
you don't like that, go over here on this corner. Got Holy Ghost station over
there. You can't miss. They're holier than thou.
Now, what I'm talking about, and the reason why I'm talking to you like this, is
we want you to have a profound knowledge of God. Cut out that ignorance, that
superstition, that tradition, and those customs, and those ideologies, and those
opinions, because you within your ownself, in your own condemned conscience is what
I'm talking about. And, unless you have the Holy Spirit in you, and listen, the
Holy Spirit don't have no whole lot of tomfoolery like that. It doesn't
Page 8
make you behave unseemly. And listen, I don't care what kind of Holy Ghost you got,
you just remember that somebody else has got some of the same kind of the same
brand that you got. Get the point? Now, be that good or bad, as you fix it, you
don't have no chance to be no outstanding, so you just might as well get settled
down. When it comes to the reality of the Holy Ghost, somebody else has got the
Holy Ghost besides you. I'm talking about the true Holy Ghost. And somebody else is
faking it just like you. So either way you go.
Somebody says to me, way back yonder years ago, said, 'Listen, you stop meddling in
my business, I wanna let you know that if I do go to mm ,____, I'll have plenty
company.' As though that was some good justifiable reason for them to be lost. Yes,
I agree with you that you'll have plenty company. And then, if you're going to the
other way, you'll have plenty company, if God meant what He said when He said to
Abraham that in his seed He would multiply Israel as the sands of the sea, and as
of the stars of heaven, gonna have plenty company there. And, if Satan's tail drew
the third part of the stars of heaven down to the earth and they were reserved to
the day of judgement to be punished. If you think that you can count the third part
of the stars of heaven or a multitude, then you can see that you'll have plenty of
company both ways. You won't have that to worry about.
Now, let me see if I can get on into this. Do we begin again, do we start all over.
Now, these are the Grecians. These are the great philosophers. Now, do we begin
again to commend ourselves to you or is it necessary. Read.6
Reader: Do we begin again to commend ourselves, or need we
Dr. Kinley: or need we
Reader: as some others,
Dr. Kinley: as some others,
Reader: epistles of commendation to you
Dr. Kinley: epistles of commendation to you
Reader: or letters of commendation from you
Dr. Kinley: or letters of commendation from you
Reader: Ye are our epistle,
Dr. Kinley: Now, wait a minute. I wanna get the thing straight. For we got this
thing all balled up. Somebody comes along with a piece of paper; they call that
license. They are recommended from somebody else, church, piece of paper. Say,
'Well, I'm from such and such and so forth and so on, my position is, is such and
such a thing: D. D., that's a Doctor of Divinity.' Of course that stands for
something else too: dumb dog, as we read about it here the other night. M. S.,
II Corinthians 3:1
Page 9
that's a Master of Science. Ph. D., that's a Doctor of Philosophy. A. B., that's a
Masters, Arts Masters, or Master of Arts. Now, we got our piece of paper. Now, that
recommends me, that lets you know.
Now, a lotta people join churches, just like I told you, that they might have some
reference, some record, character reference. Now, Paul is saying, listen, an
apostle with the Holy Ghost in him to do the preaching itself. Now, if the Holy
Ghost is in him to do the preaching, now, do we begin again to commend or is it
necessary for me to have the piece of paper and the Holy Ghost too. All right, read
Reader: Ye are our epistle
Dr. Kinley: Now look, I'm fixing to leave. That's why I could tell this: ye are our
epistle. You are the epistle. Wallace, you are the epistle ministered by us, the
apostles. The congregation of the assembly they are the epistle ministered by us,
the apostle, so you're my recommendation. You are my epistle. I've got the Holy
Ghost, and I've been preaching with the Holy Ghost sent down from Heaven. You have
become a recipient of it: therefore, you are my epistle. And so are the absent in
body. I'm present within you. Ye are the epistle. I don't have to stand around here
with no club over nobody's head. You are the epistle! Read. Written in our hearts.
Reader: Written in our hearts
Dr. Kinley: Yes!
Reader: known and read of all men.
Dr. Kinley: known and read of all men! Anybody can look at you, your conduct, and
your behavior, your comprehension, and your understanding. It don't make no
difference whether they got the Holy Ghost or haven't got it. They can look at you.
They're reading you! They're not reading the Bible, they're reading you! Now, when
you don't become, when you don't behave yourself as becometh people with the Holy
Ghost in you, and they done read you. Read and known of all men.
Listen, that don't mean to act curious either. Talking about them brands now. They
don't call for no curious acting. God's people are a peculiar people, but not
curious, not a curious people, all stuck up and smug.
And listen, I wanna tell you something about something I heard this week. And I
heard quite a lot almost all the time. And I want to tell you that's not, that's
not, that's not our epistle. You would call little white lies. They're little white
lies. Them, them, them's little lies that's not supposed to mean much. Little
passive lies. Then when they get over a great big one, they call that a big black
lie. Get the point? Now listen, our epistles don't fool with white lies. God said a
liar should not tarry in His sight. I'm not gonna lie to you about nothing! Now, if
I don't want you up at my house, I'm gonna tell you, 'listen, don't come up there
bothering me.'
Page 10
You heard me, you ain't blind! 'I don't want to be bothered with you.' That's plain
talk. And I don't have to tell the children or nobody else that I'm not at home. I
don't believe in that.
You heard me standing right in the pulpit many times and say to you, the whole
congregation. Now, if you wanna get drunk, don't come up to my house! You want to
talk a lot of foolishness and ignorance, and talk about somebody, don't come up to
my house! I don't want to be bothered with you! I'm telling you now, so I won't, so
there won't be no white lies mixed up in it. I didn't tell you no white lie, and I
tell you I'm not at home, I'm not busy. I'm out some place. Kinda like the
insurance man went to the homes, you know how people do, to collect the insurance.
He walked up and knocked on the door, and the lady looked out the window and seen
him coming. She said, she told the little girl, tell him I'm not at home. Open the
door and tell him that I'm not at home. And they didn't have but two rooms. In the
bedroom, she just step behind the bed, saw her standing in the door talking to the
insurance man. And she said, 'Well, momma told me to tell you that she's not at
home.' Well, he said, 'Now, you tell your mother the next time she leaves, take her
feet with her.' (DR. KINLEY LAUGHS) Get it now?
Now, that's the reason, now these things may sound comical but we're right down to
where that ____. Do we begin again to commend ourself. Now, this is the New
Covenant. This is the New Testament. This is the God in you. Now, that's what this
is. All right, read. Do we begin again to commend ourselves, or need we as some
others. Some of them need an awful lot of recommendation. That's the long and the
short of it. We try to cover up. Now, you don't use your liberty for a cloak of
Now, people look out down the street, I tell you a carnal mind and everything. I
mean to tell you up front. They see somebody coming down the street smoking a
cigar, and they see somebody drink a bottle of beer. They put you down. They're
reading. Says, 'your morals are not right.' You get it? Now, whatever they have
been taught, and the Devil has got the people doing this: striving to be holier
than somebody else. Therefore, he's got now what you call the Holiness Church.
Says, 'What are you preaching?' Says, 'I'm, I'll tell you the truth, that I'm, I'm
preaching the holy consecrated life unto the Lord. I'm preaching holiness.' You
know, over there in Hebrews it says there. Be ye holy, for I am holy. It says that
over in Exodus, too. The Lord said that. And over here in Hebrews, it says, follow
peace with all men, and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. Now, if
you don't think that's in the Bible, I'll read to you, both statements. But I don't
want to take up the time. So, that's what I'm preaching, that's what's the text.
Now, whatever they fathom out in their mind, holiness is... Some have went to
far... Remember, I told you about the cigar, the glass of beer. Now, some have went
so far as to take off their rings. Some have took off their neckties. You don't
tell me. I'm 70 years old. I been all over this country. Trying to get holy: women,
no paints, no powders, and for God's sake, don't touch your hair, don't cut that.
I Peter 2:16
Page 11
Says, 'Well, now, that's what I'm preaching. I'm preaching...' I want to tell you
that God didn't send nobody to preach nothing like that. Didn't Send nobody. Did
you know that? Said, 'Well, what are you talking about?' Said, 'Look, I'll reading
out of a Bible. Don't it say right here, such and such a chapter and such and such
a verse, to follow peace and holiness with all men, without which no man shall see
the Lord!' Yes, it says that. Said, 'Well, that's what I'm preaching.' No, that
ain't where the trouble is. He don't know what he's reading. Now, you wannna know
the straight of that? I'm asking. You wanna know the straight of it?
Student Body: Yes!
Dr. Kinley: Now that's the Devil carrying on like that. And nothing you do, you are
gonna never get straightened out. You can strip on down to your underclothes, and
if they're not the right color or something, there's something wrong with that. And
he's ____ ____ ____. Your diet and your food and what you eat and drink. Watch that
dietary regime. And I will warn you of the other side of that mystery of iniquity,
too. Don't you use your liberty that you have in Christ for a cloak of
Now, you are not forbidden to partake of anything. Anything! Some got it, don't eat
no pork. Some say to eat fish on Friday. All that kinda ignorance. The Devil got
the people doing everything. Says, 'Well, I'm preaching holiness,' Says, 'The Bible
says, this is the Holiness Church of God.' Look, I know, I was in it, just
tiptoeing, trying to live right, trying with all I could to live right, straining
up on it and tiptoeing, dieting, and carrying on like that, trying to, doing wrong,
trying to do right! Now, listen! That, that never did save no life. And it never
Now, let me tell you about follow peace with all men, and holiness without which no
man shall see the Lord, because it's in harmony with what we're talking about this
morning. Now, the reason why Paul said that, you will find it in his epistle to the
Hebrews. Now, Hebrews are Israelites. They are Jews! I'll give it to you like it
is! And God poured out His Holy Spirit on the Jews, Jews first! Paul said, I'm not
ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that
believeth. But to the Jew first, and then to the Gentiles, the first chapter of
Romans. The Jew had to go to the Gentiles and preach. Them that was out there
worshipping idols and what not. And since it's God has poured out His spirit on the
Jew first, and sent him to preach the Gospel, whereas prior to that time, they
looked upon the Gentiles as dogs. Isolated and segregated them ____, even in the
time of the Messiah. Now, when the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Jew first,
that's the way God had planned it! And the Jews were to carry the Gospel to the
Gentile! Therefore, the Apostle Paul tells the Jew who received the Holy Ghost, had
all of the Law and the prophets, and everything was given to them, and so he's
telling them now, since it's the purpose and plan of God to give you the Holy Ghost
to carry it to the Gentiles. Therefore, you follow peace with all men, and holiness
without which, if you don't do that, then God... the Jew, give it to you first.
Now, if you don't do that, won't none of the Gentiles out there hear. You see the
point? You get it? Well, that's the way that it is.
Page 12
Somebody says, 'Well, that ain't the way I hear.' I know that. So, he's telling
them, now since it was given to you, then you follow peace with all the Gentiles.
Now, if you don't do that, and since it was given to you first, to go to them in
peace, won't no man see the Lord. Now listen. When He sent them to preach, I said
He didn't send them to preach Holiness. This is what He... If He didn't send them
to preach Holiness, then what did He send them to preach? He said, go in all the
world and preach the Gospel to every creature, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, Yahweh, and of the Son, in the flesh, Yahshua, the Messiah, and of the Holy
Ghost, Elohim. Preach it to every creature, that's the Jew and the Gentile. Listen!
Are you, are you listening now? You're still listening now. I wasn't done with
that. I said, listen, listen. Luke puts it this way: Now, He charged them to,
that's, go, listen, and that remission of sin should be preached in His name.8 Peter
puts it this way: there's no other name given under Heaven whereby man can be
saved, saving the name of Yahshua the Messiah.9 Now, you let his dietary regime
alone. You quit telling these folks, to take off the necktie. You quit telling
these people what to drink and what to eat. You don't bother with that, but if you
can just get, preach him Yahshua the Messiah, and that his sins will be remitted
through His name. Now, if you can get that over to him, and he can get the Holy
Ghost in him, you show, you won't have to be bothered by telling him to take off
this, and put on this, and do this and do that to be holy. Why? Because the Holy
Ghost in him teaches him. The Holy Ghost leads and guides him, not, the church
Somebody here, 'Well, listen, I go to church to learn how to live.' That's the
wrong thing. But I don't care how you do, which way you do, that somebody's
dissatisfy with it. You can lay out here on your stomach, flat on your face, and
pray for an hour or hour and a half, or two hours. And somebody said, 'You old
fool, you oughta get up from there, you oughta know better than that.' You say,
'Well, look, didn't Paul say pray without ceasing. 'Get the point? Anything you do,
somebody got something, it'll backfire. Paul said, 'if I give all of my goods, give
everything I've got,' he didn't have nothing, ____ ____ ____ ____ 'give all my
goods to feed the poor, and my body to be burned, cremated, and I didn't have
charity, it wouldn't profit.'10 ____ ____ ____ So, you're pulling off, putting on,
and all that kind of jive and stuff. ____ ____ ____ rougue (rouge?) and somebody
saying, 'you don't have your rougue on straight.' They ain't saying nothing about
God or the Devil. You all like these kind of sermons?
Student Body: Yes! Yes.
Dr. Kinley: If you got to come in some place, and kneel down and pray. Before you
speak, sit down, or whatever it is. That's wrong. And, if you come on in, and set
down first, then that's wrong. I don't care how you do, it's wrong! Here, you don't
have but six cents, 'I'd give all I had. Cast your bread upon the waters for
Luke 24:47
Acts 4:12
I Corinthians 13:3
Page 13
he that liveth with the Lord...' They'll charge you to come back.11 Says, 'The Lord
blesses a cheerful giver.'12 They got the Bible on the thing. Well, I'd give all I
had that's for ____ ____. And somebody right on down yonder setting right on down
in the audience, you old fool, you oughta have better sense than that. You know,
the Law says give 10%. Get the point? And then, when you give 10%, they'll still
say that's wrong. So now, if you're gonna trigger around here and fool with the
devil. And yes he's in the other fella out there knows, he don't want nothing.
But, now, here is Paul with the Holy Ghost in him. God has made a promise that in
his seed that He would bless all of the families of the earth. And, He said through
Jeremiah... We tried to get down to that the other night. Mickey, better read
Jeremiah 31:31, cause that's what we're talking about. We're talking about that New
Dr. Harris: Behold, the days come, saith the Lord,
Dr. Kinley: Behold, the days come, saith the Lord,
Dr. Harris: that I will make a new covenant
Dr. Kinley: that I will make a new covenant. Now, listen, you watch. Now, you're
supposed to be reading, remember. Now, you know what I mean by reading? You're
supposed to be reading me, whether it's the Holy Spirit talking or whether it's
just me. Don't forget that. Now, I've given you all kinds of illustrations and
demonstrations, what you wear, about your ritualistic performances. I told you all
about that, wasted all this time telling you about it so you can see the thing as
it is.
Now look. I have to add some more to it. I have to add some more to it. Now, you
find this. There is always... Now, that's one thing that you have to give him
credit for. He didn't heal. He didn't do like the fellows done over here not too
long ago, not too many hours ago. He got up and he told us about Buddha, and about
old Bishop So-and- So, and So-and-So. You were setting here looking at him,
listening. Well, we don't care nothing about that. Well now, look, you're supposed
to be reading. You're supposed to be reading me, and I'm reading you. Ye are our
epistles, read and known of all men.13
You remember I told you about how you conduct the services. Remember, I told you
about the shingles hanging out there in the names of the churches and all.
Remember, I told you. Now in this sermon, we're gonna have the Lord's Supper. Said,
'Over in our church, we celebrate the first of every month.' I just have to name it
now. Over in Jehovah's Witnesses, they don't celebrate but once a year.
Ecclesiastes 11:1
II Corinthians 9:7
II Corinthians 3:2
Page 14
Now, that's what that is. Now the Catholic Church, they have mass every, every day,
all the time. Now, you're supposed to be reading. All right. Then now, then we have
a baptismal ceremony after that. That's part of the ritualistic performance.
Baptizing in water, Lord's Suppers... They haven't got around to tell you when
you're gonna be circumcised. They just skipped that. And then, we get up there and
we tell you about the Ten Commandments: 'Do unto others, the Golden Rule.' Now, the
Devil is pulling all that stuff off. That's in his performances. ____ ____ ____
He's got the chalice setting here, he's got the bread here. Now, I'm talking about
your conscience too, I'm trying to show it to you: kneeling down on your knees and
praying, get up: in the name of the Father... Am I lying, or am I telling the truth
about it?
Student Body: That's right! That's the truth. Yes!
Dr. Kinley: Got the holy water. Got the pool down here in the Baptist Church.
'Anybody want to come up and give me your hand and start for the kingdom tonight?
We're all prepared to go there.' Now don't overlook the fact that he's standing,
too. Say, 'now, all of righteous people sit down, and the sinners stand up.' He's
standing there too. (DR. KINLEY AND STUDENT BODY LAUGH)
Student Body: That's right, Doc. That's the truth! All right.
Dr. Kinley: That's the service in the church. Now, that's what, that's what's
carried on out here in Babylon. That's what's done. Am I lying, or am I telling the
truth. And I'm reading, you're reading. We pass this round in the Protestant
churches, some pass the cup before they do the bread, whichever way He done first.
And then they pass the bread around. Is that right?
Student Body: Right.
Dr. Kinley: Well, it's the orders that you take. Now, look, Roger, the Devil don't
know one cotton picking thing about God. He don't know nothing about God. I'm
fixing... I'm gonna get down here to prove it to you. That's what I'm after. Look,
I'm gonna let you read it out of the Bible!! Listen! Listen to me! God has taken
special pains, hid it from the wise and the prudent, and revealed it unto babes.14
Paul said, not many wise men are called.15 Hath not God made foolishness the wisdom
of the wise. And, when Paul sees what it was all about, through that vision and
revelation, first thing he wanted to do, 'Where is the wise? Where is the scribe?
Where is the disputer of this world?'16 God had made a fool out of him.
Matthew 11:25
I Corinthians 1:26
I Corinthians 1:20
Page 15
'Now, what are you talking about, Doc?' The bad thing he's doing right there in his
ritualistic course, or procedure is telling on him. You're sitting there looking at
him! Said, 'Didn't Jesus say for us to do this?' No!!! Not in the Bible. Somebody
say, 'Well, listen, I'm gonna be a good Christian, I'm walking in the footsteps of
Christ!' Why didn't you do that before He come and died the death of an outcast dog
out there on Calvary? It wouldn't have been necessary for Him to die. Somebody say,
'Yes, I know. But He instituted this.' Got their finger on it. You got a Bible in
your hand, haven't you?
Oh, children, I'm trying to show you something real about what the people in this
school have learned. They want to know God and curse the Devil. They wanna know Him
for sure. They want him to experience it within their hearts and within their own
minds, and within their conscience, and they live every day, and every hour, every
second, and every minute under the influence of the Holy Ghost. And they don't run
out here and do something, and then run back to the preacher or somebody and
confess that they did wrong. Christ was manifested to make an end of sin!! Paul
said, shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we,
that are dead to sin live any longer therein?17 Now all that then, ____ lost?
Student Body: No!
Dr. Kinley: Have you lost the continuity of thought? Now, ye are our epistle, read
and known of all men. I'm going back over to the New Covenant where I was. Do we
begin again to commend ourselves, or need we, in this dispensation, when the
Messiah was nailed to the cross out there, all of them things, this, eating these
suppers, all this junk you got down here with, in this water, all of that, all this
spreading holy water, listen boy, that's the Devil incarnated in a body fooling
you, deceiving you. Get it? Somebody said, got their finger on it, too look, put
your finger on it in that book! Matthew 26:26. Somebody say, 'Well, isn't that in
the New Testament?' No!!! Your trouble is you don't even know what the New
Testament is. Get the point? Hold up your book there. Show 'em; show everybody.
Now, I don't care what kinda Bible it is, whether it's a Roman Catholic or
Protestant Bible, it's in all of them that way. That's not so!! That's not the New
Testament. And then you go in Matthew. Now you got, you got what's called the New
Testament, haven't you? Now, put your finger on it, in what they call the New
Testament. Matthew 26: 26.
Dr. Harris: And as they were eating,
Dr. Kinley: And as they were eating,
Dr. Harris: Jesus took bread,
Dr. Kinley: Now, it don't even say there what they were eating, do they?
Student Body: No. That's right.
Roman 6:1
Page 16
Dr. Kinley: Now, if you want to know what they're eating, you have to go back up
there in the 12th chapter of Exodus, to find out what they was eating. Get the
point? And then listen Roger, are you, are you asleep? You wanna know where they
was eating at, too. That's got something to do with it too. Devil missed the thing
in its conclusiveness. He missed it hook, line, and sinker.
Now, you think that's in the New Testament. It's not. Because that's not what the
New Testament is. We'll get this down here in the 3rd chapter of 2nd Corinthians.
And we're gonna read it to you out of that Bible. And I want you to know that we
have Roman Catholic Bibles, and we have Protestant Bibles, and we have revised
versions, we have the latest one that was written, ____ ____ Bible. And I'll have
you to know that the Roman Catholics and the Protestants... You heard me! You're
not blind! I started this school. I should have brought some of that stuff down
here and showed you. There's a credit in everything that they did at the Ecumenical
Council, everything they did from start to finish.
Dr. Kinley: And they use the right name in it... for the first time, and that was
copyright about when, Dr. Harris?
Dr. Harris: 1963.
Dr. Kinley: 1963. Out yonder where they fall out, how to entrap all men.
wrote a letter. Dr. Harris, Doc Gross got it in the files! Got 'em locked
that preacher over there, how to entrap all men operates everywhere. Said
that they wanted to come down here and challenge us, because said I didn't
vision. Well, I'll tell you one thing he done, he went on in there and
using the names. And Littlefield alerted, from him they come over here, and
them standing right up here.
The man
up. And
have no
you see
Max I. Dumont, a Jew. You can get the books up here at any store, almost. Needer
Books. Started in there and translated the name correct, Yahweh, Elohim, Yahshua
the Messiah, which is correct. Well, we come right out in school down here and tell
you. Now, you're supposed to be reading in the New Testament. I told you it don't
make no difference what Bible you get. You'll find it just like Dr. Jackson
yesterday. You got a Bible. If you don't have one, we can go home, look. Don't,
don't pay no attention to what kind of book. Just look and see if they don't have
that in it, New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) of our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ. Well, no parts of that's so.
Now, we're down here to face facts. Now, you would be doing God, or do it God's way
or be lost. That's all there is to that. And look, I'll have you to know this: God
ain't setting way up in the sky somewhere on a throne, just all, (DR. KINLEY
PROCEEDS IN A WEEPY, WHINEY (WHINY?) VOICE) 'Ohh, ohh, I wish, I wish them people
down there would repent. I tell you, I'm just so worried about it. I, I, I don't
see how in the world I'm gonna accomplish My purpose, if they don't repent, I'll
tell you...' Now, God ain't doing nothing like that. I wish you people would get
together and work up some...' He ain't doing that. You understand now what,
Page 17
what God's attitude is about that?
He told you what was what through Moses and the Prophets, and through Messiah. Just
like you learn the parables. You remember the parable that He gave, the Messiah
gave. He said about Dives and Lazarus. Dives was a poor beggar. Lazarus was an
extreme, Lazarus was a poor beggar. Dives was an extremely...
Student: rich man
Dr. Kinley: ____ ____ man. And it came to pass, so it seemed, and it's gonna come
to pass in our case too. And it came to pass that Lazarus died, and the rich man
also died. And the rich man, he lifted up his eyes in hell and he saw even Lazarus
afar off in Abraham's bosom. And he wanted Lazarus to come and dip his finger in
water and cool his parched tongue. Is that right? That's a parable, there.18 And he
was told, 'Now Lazarus can't come to you. Neither can you go to him.' Why? 'Because
there's a great gulf between you' or set. Now, in other words, there's a
difference, there's a great big difference between the Dispensation of the Law and
the Dispensation of Grace. There's a great big chasm and gulf between that.
Abraham's bosom. Abraham believed God. Law's fulfilled and moved out of the way,
Abraham's bosom. And the chasm or the gulf between, that's the difference between
the Old Covenant or the Old Testament and the New Testament. And everybody was
engulfed in the flames under the Old Testament. All had sinned and come short of
the Glory of God. Messiah died and went to hell and preached deliverance to the
captives in distress, and it is by their blood, by His blood, that they were
redeemed and restored unto the Lord, and nobody else's either. Is that right?
Student Body: Right!
Dr. Kinley: So then, now, you get, now catch the story. Said that, 'now, Lazarus,
he can't come to you cause that of this gulf, to dip his finger in water and cool
your parching tongue.' This is a parable. 'And you cant go to him.' 'Well,' said,
'now, if he can't come to men then I've got five brothers back there, living. Would
you mind sending Lazarus to them and tell them not to come to this place.' Where he
was. 'Send Lazarus to tell my five brothers living in the world, come and tell, and
tell them not to come to this place.' Get the point? And you know what it said?
This is a parable. He said, 'Now, your five brother, so all five of 'em,' said,
'now, they either hear Moses and the prophets,'or in other words, you either hear
Moses and the prophets or go to hell, where you are. ____ ____ ____ He's just
telling him, they hear Moses and the prophets, they already have. Now, you either
hear them or else to hell he goes. Get the point?
Now you either hear what God said down here, cause if you
up your eyes. Cause what Moses had to say, he just wrote
the prophets put down, put down what God said, of the
either hear that or else you're lost. Now then, that's the
Luke 16
Page 18
don't, you're gonna lift
down what God said. What
purpose of God. Now you
Old and the New
Covenant. I just wanted to say that so you could see what we're talking about. Now,
in Jeremiah. How's that?
Dr. Harris: Jeremiah.
Dr. Kinley: Yes.
Dr. Harris: Behold, the days come, saith the LORD,19
Dr. Kinley: Now, behold the days come, saith Bishop Short.
Student Body: No!
Dr. Kinley: ...says Henry C. Kinley.
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: ...says Roger Jackson
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: Why, you all are on the ministerial staff around here. Aren't you? Said
Student Body: No!
Dr. Kinley: Said Paul!
student Body: No!
Dr. Kinley: Where you reading?
Dr. Harris: Jeremiah 31:31.
Dr. Kinley: Said Jeremiah!
Student Body: No!!
Dr. Kinley: Behold, the days come, saith the LORD. Now the Lord said that. All
right. Read on.
Dr. Harris: that I will make a new covenant
Dr. Kinley: Now look, I will, look! I will make a new covenant. Now, you keep your
eyes open, and I may move fast pretty soon. cause I've got a lot of territory to
cover, but I've got to make this thing plain to you. Now remember. Remember. Don't
forget. Don't forget. You're supposed to be reading. I'm not talking about
Jeremiah 31:31
Page 19
the Bible. You're supposed to be reading me, and I'm reading you. I've been reading
you all week, and you've been talking to me all week, which will occur as I am
gone. Now, you're whatever I preach because you are my epistle read and known of
all men.20 Now, do you need any commendation, to or from, licenses or letters of
epistles or epistles of recommendation or now is it the Holy Ghost speaking? Now,
you see what you're up against.
Now have I been up here performing a lot of ____ works, going through a whole lot
of ceremonies, and first one thing, then another, washing feet, and baptizing, and
eating Lord's Suppers, and all like a that? Throwing away my cigars. And teaching
you: don't touch; and don't taste. Somebody said that the Bible said that, said,
'don't touch; don't taste.' Said, 'You'll find that right there in the 2nd chapter
of Colossians.'21 Listen, the Bible wasn't talking about you touching and tasting
cigars, and cigarettes, and liquor. Paul was telling you, don't you touch! Don't
you taste that communion, that stuff that man's got up there! You'd be a whole lot
better off with a fifth, or a gallon, than you would just a little bitty touch of
Student Body: That's right. Amen. Right.
Dr. Kinley: Yes, you would, Roger. It makes good wine. I've been drunk, too. I
ought to know. More than once, too, whole lotta times. And every time I tell the
Lord to just let me get over this and I won't get on another one, then went right
on back right on another one. Saith, the LORD. Now, I'll hurry. Read.
Dr. Harris: that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel,
Dr. Kinley: Now, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will, I'll do this, Bishop.
That leaves me and you out. The LORD is making this New Covenant. Messiah said He
was gonna build the church. There's nothing for you to do, but to believe on the
LORD. That's what the book says.22
Somebody says, 'What must I do to be saved?' Said, 'Believe on the Lord Jesus.'
That'll take care of it. The Devil told you, 'that's ain't, that's insufficient.
You just justified that. Now, you have to get in the water to get baptized, and get
sanctified.' Thus, saith the LORD, the days come saith the LORD. I didn't say it.
Everybody's Bible reads this way: 'saith the LORD. I will make a new covenant with
the house of Israel, and the house of Judah.' Now, he said, 'the house of Israel
and the house of Judah.'
II Corinthians 3:3
Colossians 2:21
Acts 16:30,31
Page 20
Now, I have explained enough to you about that. The reason why He had to say house
of Israel and the house of Judah was because those kingdoms, after the, the reign
of Solomon, those kingdoms was all under the twelve, all twelve of the tribes, was
under David, the kingship of David, Saul, David, and Solomon. But after the decease
of Solomon, then the kingdom was split up, ten tribes Samaria, and the other two
tribes at Judea, with Jerusalem as the capital. So then, He's gonna make a new
covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah.
All right, read on Doctor Harris.
Dr. Harris: Not according to the covenant
Dr. Kinley: Now look, look here. You ought, least ought to have wisdom enough and
intelligence enough to see that I didn't say that. Said, not according to the
covenant, I'm gonna make a new testament, or a new covenant, not according to the
covenant that I made with them in the days when I took them by the hand and bring,
brought them out of the land of Egypt. Is that, is that what He said? Now, you're
supposed to be reading. I don't mean out of the book. I mean reading what I'm
trying, saying, and what's going on out here, looking at the signs and the
inscriptions, as you walk through the valley and the shadow of death.
And, as Sister Winfrey said, when she was up here, that she had learned that there
was a negative and a positive, a right and a wrong, a good and a bad, a god and a
devil. Now, where, where are you? Which side are you on? You'll be able to see now
in a few minutes. If you just hold what you got there on the line.
All right, saith the LORD, after those days. After what days? After the death,
burial, and resurrection. No covenant, no testament, no will, even in your case. If
your father was a millionaire, well, you don't have to be worth quite that much,
but whatever he has, you could not get it until he died, could you?
Student Body: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: In other words, a new covenant, or the new testament, will not come of
effect until after the death of the testator, not before it.23 After those days.
Dr. Harris: which my covenant they brake,
Dr. Kinley: Now, which my covenant they brake,
Dr. Harris: although I was an husband unto them
Dr. Kinley: Now look. Look here. Look folks. Look up here at me. Don't you let the
Devil make no idiot, no fool out of you. Now, that's what they're teaching you to
do out here. Now, Israel did that back here, Bishop. Israel had these suppers,
feasts of the Passovers. And I'll have you know that the Messiah did not
Hebrews 9:16
Page 21
institute it. It was instituted before He come in the world. Now, listen. This
circumcision, that was eight days after birth. Suppers, that's the 14th. Now,
Jehovah's Witnesses... I have to keep bringing these things up so you can see that
we do it according to the Bible, the 14th, the 14th of April, once a year. 'Now,
you know we're right!' You sitting down there, you don't know a thing, that's
right, that's what ____ ____ ____.
We're not gonna do it like the Roman Catholics. We're not gonna do it like the
Protestants. 'We're right,' and they're always around sticking something in under
your nose. I'm having you to know now, not according to the covenant that I made
with them back there with Moses, in this respect. You read it, Dr. Harris? All
right, read on.
Dr. Harris: But this shall be the covenant...
Dr. Kinley: Now, but my covenant they brake. Listen! When they was eating what
you're talking about there and what they're doing, when they were doing, when the
Law said do this, do that, when that was in effect, they broke it. No, I didn't say
that, I said God said so! Read it again, Dr. Harris.
Dr. Harris: which my covenant they broke, or brake,
Dr. Kinley: Said, He wasn't gonna make another like that. Do you see it now?
Student Body: Yes!
Dr. Kinley: What that clown is standing up there telling you to do, that was
already back down under the Dispensation of the Law. And when it was of a force and
effect, they broke it. That's what God said. You got it. Now, that was the Old
Testament, that was the Old Covenant, that was with the house of Israel, listen at
me now, house of Israel exclusively, not the Gentiles! God ain't gonna make there
another one like that.
Let me see if I can say this to you, Wallace. None of them people didn't have the
Holy Ghost, but Moses. I'm telling you, they were carnal! They were natural! They
were physical! Therefore, God give them carnal ordinances, physical ordinances! And
every ordinance He give was physical, was natural: water baptisms, foot washings,
Lord's Suppers, everything was just as natural as it could be. They broke it, so
said God.
And look, folks, Messiah didn't come to institute no parts of none of that. He
didn't come to institute no baptisms. He didn't come to institute no Lord's
Suppers. Now if it's a lie He told it. Well, if He didn't come for that, then what
did He come for? Matthew 5:17.
Dr. Harris: Think not that I am come
Page 22
Dr. Kinley: Now, you see that now? Don't think that. Don't you think that I come to
destroy the Law or the Prophets.
Dr. Harris: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.
Dr. Kinley: I am come to fulfill! No, Doc, that, that can't be right. He don't know
what He's talking about. He's come to institute. Can't you read? He come to
fulfill. In other words, what you were doing, He come to get rid of it! And look,
Roger, for your information, it wasn't given to you in the first place. Now, what
are you doing with it in the last place? It was given to Israel, and Israel broke
it. Now, God said He wasn't gonna make another covenant like that no more, cause
they broke it. And it stood only in meats, and drinks, and diverse washings, and
carnal ordinances.24
That Devil. That Devil. Now, here you go. No, I don't ever forget nothing on what
I'm talking about. No sir, I'm just as dead on my subject as I can be. Aren't I,
Bishop? He's got a little piece of paper, he asks, 'do we, do we need it.' Now, you
can tell whether I need a piece of paper or a recommendation from what I'm saying
to you. From what I'm saying to you that they're doing out there and I'm kicking
against it, I need a piece of paper along with an institution with all these charts
rolled together. And then, after I got a minute, I'm gonna settle it. Are we doing
alright? Get the point? Read on.
Dr. Harris: But this shall be
Dr. Kinley: Now look, look, look, look folks, look Roger. But if God said, 'now
this is gonna be it.' Now God said that. I think if God said it, it don't, ought
not to make much difference about what the Devil says. Now, if God said it, now,
here comes, I'll just show you the effects of it. Here comes along a fellow, God
said that the day Adam eat of the fruit of that tree he shall surely die. Adam did
die too. He died that day. Somebody said, 'Well, look, yeah, I know you people read
the Bible. But I don't believe in the Bible. I'm an atheist. I'm volitary. I'm
Thomas Paine. I don't believe in the Bible.' One day, you come along, you finally
pass, and then they're preaching your funeral. He don't believe, he don't believe
in God, but God said, 'you shall die.' Well now, if he don't believe in God, what's
he doing dying?
You see 'em walking on out. 'Where you going?' 'Lord said because you eat this, the
dust, you come from dust you go back to it. Back to the earth.' 'Where you going?'
Somebody say to 'Heaven, Hell, or Purgatory.' Going to the cemetery.
'No, you don't understand! Look at me. I'm a millionaire!' I'm sorry, just as sorry
bout that, but you'll have to will that to somebody else, cause the grave just six
foot. Say, 'you don't understand, I got a half a dozen suits of clothes!' There
ain't been one. Looking good, ain't done no good. 'What's the matter? What's the
trouble?' 'God said...' That's what's happening. Get it? Pleases Him not! That's
Hebrew 9:10
Page 23
it. Now, you got the full impulse of what I'm talking about? All right, read.
Dr. Harris: But this shall be the covenant
Dr. Kinley: But this... Now, this is going to be it! This shall be the covenant
Dr. Harris: that I will make with the house of Israel;
Dr. Kinley: that I will make with the house of Israel;
Dr. Harris: After those days, saith the LORD,
Dr. Kinley: After those days, saith the LORD,... You're reading out of the Bible.
Dr. Harris: Right.
Dr. Kinley: Who said so?
Dr. Harris: Saith the LORD.
Dr. Kinley: All right. Then what else?
Dr. Harris: I will put my law in their
Dr. Kinley: No! No! Now, Doc, it don't don't don't read like that! Read it like
this! After those days, saith the LORD, into their hearts will Matthew write!
Student Body: No! No!
Dr. Kinley: Mark write!
Student Body: No!
Dr. Kinley: Luke write!
Student Body: No!
Dr. Kinley: John write!
Student Body: No!
Dr. Kinley: Paul write!
Student Body: No!
Dr. Kinley: Peter write!
Student Body: No!
Page 24
Dr. Kinley: Well, what are you trying to make me believe some of that tomfoolery
you talking' about out there for?
Student Body: All right!
Dr. Kinley: What are you running around, sticking this thing up in my nose, and
saying, 'Look here, ain't this the New Testament of our Lord and Savior, Jesus
Christ.' No, man. And who wrote it? Said, 'Well, this is the beginning of it.
Matthew wrote this.' You don't know the difference between the New Covenant and the
biography. Now, that goes for Roman Catholics and Protestants too, Mr. Smart Aleck.
Said He's gonna write the New Testament. And He's gonna write it. Now, you watch
out now, cause it's here give you troubles. I told you God hid these things from
the wise and the prudent and revealed 'em unto babes.25 I told you that. Didn't I
tell you that? He made a regular ass out of a so-called smart men. He said He would
bring to nought the wisdom of the wise, and the scribe, and that is just exactly
what He did.26 And in your reading, you can look around and see that they don't know
what they're talking about. And they've got the people deceived.
Now, I told you, and I have a copy of it. I've told you that there were 66 million
people in the country that didn't... 95 million that do not belong to no church. Do
you remember I told you that? And I told you of them that did belong, Roman
Catholics and Protestants, and including the cardinals, and the priests, the
bishops, and the what haves, you name it, a lot of them don't believe what they're
preaching.____ ____ You'll get around to believing me after a while. I'm fixing to
go away, and you won't have to be bothered with me no more.
But, you're my epistle. And what I've written in your heart, it don't make no
difference whether I'm present in the body or absent, it'll hold up, it'll last. It
don't make no difference where you go, it don't make no difference where I go.
It'll last. Remember, I told you I tried to push them into some other church. I
tried to get them into some other church. They can't hang around here. They can't
stay here. You have to be pure in heart to stay in this school. You, you have to
Devil comes down here once in awhile. Looks over and says, 'Gee, you got a big
audience down there.' Said, 'I' Called me up on the phone and says, 'Look here,'
said, 'I'd like to come down to your place and preach for you.' Guest speaker. And
they worried me to death so much with that, until I just said, 'Well, Dr. Harris,
you and Dewey McCoy, and Dr. Mixon here, I'm appointing you as a staff to take care
of that.' So, when they called me on the phone and asked me about it. They think
I'm the ____ ____ ____. I ____. They think if I said it, that, that takes care of
it. I said, 'Now, you see Dr. Harris and them. Dr. Harris, and Dr. Mixon, and Dr.
McCoy. Whatever they say about that, that's the way it is.'
Matthew 11:25
I Corinthians 1:19
Page 25
Well, now, here's what, here's what they're doing. One stood right here on the
floor no longer than this past Friday night, I usually set right here, He stood
right there in the pulpit and said. Now this is what he said to me. He said, 'my
financial is kinda getting the better, the best of me, my financial means is
overtaken.' Now, he's a guest speaker. He done looked over the congregation and
said, 'I believe I can get you some, about a congregation about this size, there's
enough idiots in here to, I ought to get me 15 or 20, or 25 to 30 dollars out of
it. All I got to do is tell them something that'll tickle their ears, of course,
every once in a while I'll go through some kind of a new, every once in a while.
And I'll get my financial needs kinda straightened out.'
Well, well we're not that kinda idiots down here. We're, we may be fools for
Christ's sake or Messiah's sake but we're not that, we're not that kinda idiots.
And he had it just exactly backwards. The people that come down here, they're
usually looking for something. And I never disappoint 'em. They find it. If it's
some bread and meat, they find it. If it's the Holy Spirit, they find it. Yes sir,
either way. But don't you come up here and try and fool somebody, cause these
people are reading you. They see you, you just as naked as a jaybird in whistling
time. Now, everybody who was here the other night, now you know who was up there.
And they knowed it too, and this is what they said. See if you remember. Said, 'Dr.
Kinley's looking at me. He's gonna get me!' Didn't that man keep on saying that. He
knew that I, he knew I was gonna beat his brains out!
Student Body: Right!
Dr. Kinley: Didn't he keep on saying that?
Student Body: Yes!
Dr. Kinley: And after the service was over I said, 'listen, brother, you come on
back here! Stay here with me! I need you! You need me! I'm trying to help you.' I'm
sent to preach. It don't make no difference about you being wrong! This is where
you belong, if you're wrong. That's what I'm down here for, is to help you! I'm not
down here to kick somebody around because they're wrong.
And I told you, I don't know how many times, I don't have nothing to boast about. I
just got through telling you about, a while ago, about how, I, I didn't, I didn't
tell you half the times I been drunk. I don't know myself. And a lotta other
things. And in my young days, I carried a 38 blue steel pistol, and would shoot it,
too. And didn't even care nothing about the cops. Get the point? Just as rough as I
could be. I meant what I said, and said what I meant. And I didn't care how big you
was. Ask 'em back there. You ask them. Don't ask me. I didn't care how big you was,
and how heavy you was, if you's as big as brother Jones, I'd bust you in the mouth
one time and... That's right. Yes sir. Now, that was just my attitude. And I heard
my mother pray, said, 'Lord, if you don't do something about that boy, he's going
to die with his boots on.' And I couldn't stand to hear my mother cry and pray like
that. And I knew I was, was rough. And I said, 'Lord, help me over, I'll behave
myself.' I never wanted her to see ____ ____. Now, that's what got me started,
started to straighten me up. And I went on out and done just
Page 26
like the rest of the folks. I went on out and joined a church. (STUDENT BODY
LAUGHS) Now, I'm supposed to be straighten out now.
When I tried to join the church, after, the preacher, says, I tried to get up and
give my testimony that the Lord had saved me. I believed Reverend Brown, he was
preaching holiness. He died here in California not long ago. That was way back in
1916. And he just died. He was real old man. He was close to 100 years old now,
when he died.
Now, mamma done told me to go to church. So, I went to church. Of course, I'd been
around before then, in church. I'd been in congregations all my life. So, when I
got up to give my testimony, I was gonna live a clean, wholesome, consecrated,
sanctified life unto the Lord. And I thanked God right in front of everybody.
Conscience telling me all the time, 'You hadn't ought to be lying like that.' I'm
just telling you the truth. And I was hoping that I could hold up at it, hold out.
And I would ask him, 'You pray for me to help me hold out.' And you know what the
preacher said. Said, 'You ought to sit down. You're not dry behind the ears yet.'
Up here trying to preach. Instead of helping me, trying to encourage me.
So, I said that to say, it don't make a difference how wrong you are. This is the
place. This is the place. God sent them boys out to preach, to save the world. Now,
if the world was already saved, He wouldn't send nobody out. He didn't send them
out to kill nobody nor murder nobody. Is that right?
Student Body: Right!
Dr. Kinley: He didn't send them out for that. And He told them before they
that they was gonna be killed. Now, they got it all hindparts before it.
they'll murder somebody in defense of the church. Now, Bishop, do you know
happened in the defense of the church, before they got that story twisted up
that. I'll tell you what happened in the defense of the church.
Now, I told you church meant congregation or assembly. Didn't I tell you that? Now,
this is the first church, or the first congregation or assembly, I'll put it, I'll
get over where you can see it really big, everybody can see it. Now, the church,
the word church means congregation or assembly. Now, this is the first church, and
this is the first congregation and the first assembly. That was not Roman Catholic
and neither was it Protestant. Now, how am I doing now?
Now, who's speaking? No, not Pete. God was speaking to them. The introduction? I am
the LORD, thy God, not Moses, that brought thee out of the land of Egypt and out of
the house of bondage.27 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Now, that's the
first church, that's the first congregation, that's the first assembly. That's the
pastor, that's the big shot in there, God Himself, wasn't Moses. Oh, it's
wonderful. Moses and God spoke back there. God spoke back there. The earth was just
trembling, and Moses had brought 'em up. He said, 'I'm
Exodus 20:1-3
Page 27
afraid, too.' And he stood there and trembled. God speaking to the, the earth just
shaking. What'd you say that for, Roger? You see that man, the other night? Didn't
you see him shaking and trembling like that?
Student Body: Right.
Dr. Kinley: You seen him, didn't you, Bish? Said, 'He's watching me.' I'm talking
about God being in you. You abiding in God, him in you. And that Devil knew that,
in that man. He's walking around, and all the time he's up here, he's fooling
around, he's jiving around, trying to get hold of something nice to say, and all
like that. And all that I tell you, 'Dr. Kinley's watching me.' Ain't that what he
Student Body: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: He's shaking. Now, he thought I was gonna jump up and get on him. I
just preached the gospel. That'd take care of him. Now look, folks, you won't have
to be bothered with me after today for a while, but I do want to get it over to
you, so that you can see what I'm talking about. Now, if I wanted to, I could stick
my finger in my ear and talk so fast you can't hardly understand, can't hardly keep
up with me, and speak distinctively, too. Spy that old bat. (DR. KINLEY LAUGHS)
Said, he ought to sit and sit down long time. That's what the devil say. 'You know,
Doc, I'm so well acquainted with you.' He knows that won't fly. Get it? He knows
I've got my dinner to get. Well, you've been getting dinner nearly 2000 years and
all, and you haven't learned nothing. He'll rip and rush right out of here and
right up in the, in some drive-in studio, go home and turn the TV and watch the
program that's on. TV Guide. Hang around there, and sit around there, doze off, go
to sleep, wake up. You know what that is. Doctor bill came. If you pay your bills,
you ain't gonna have no money to go out you know damn well. Ain't nothing out
there, just stay home, cause they ain't paying you that much.
Student Body: (LAUGHTER) That's right!
Dr. Kinley: (LAUGHING) Isn't that terrible! Ain't I terrible? I almost know us.
Almost know us.
But this shall be the covenant that I will make them after those days, put my Law
in their hearts and their minds, will I write it, not Matthew, Mark, Luke, and
John. Now, that takes care of this, what they call the New Testament.
Now, do we begin again to commend ourselves?28 Or is it necessary. As I heard Bishop
Short say here a couple of Sundays ago, he wasn't no beginner, no novice, no child.
Said he knew what was out there in the world. He wasn't no greenhorn. That's true.
We've all been out there. You know, too. You know that's what they're doing out
there in the world. Doing the very thing they ought not to be doing.
II Corinthians 3:1
Page 28
Listen, let me tell you something. Now, you listen at me real good. Now, take these
things home with you. Christ was not instituting Lord's Suppers. He was, or
Passovers, or communions, or, I, I, I'm going to eventually get it so you know what
I'm talking about. He was not doing that. Now, the reason why He ate that supper
was because, as you just read over there, He said that, that He was fulfilling.
Now, you're trying to tell me that He don't know what He was doing, and He's
instituting instead of fulfilling.
You're trying to tell me God don't know what He's talking about, when He's over
there in Jeremiah with the new covenant. He said He wasn't gonna make another one
like that, where the, all them carnal ordinances, and all them people being sprayed
and stuff. God said He wasn't going to do that. You're saying God don't know what
He's talking about. God said I will write in your hearts.
Dr. Kinley: You're trying to tell me Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and I'm
disagreeing. You say I'm a bad fellow because I disagree. You say you're trying to
build a church. I say, I ain't worrying with that, Messiah said upon this Rock
He'll build it. Get over in the 2nd chapter of Acts of the Apostles, up there on
the Day of Pentecost. You read there, when the Apostles preached, and the Lord
added to the church daily, such as should be saved.29 I'm against everything you're
doing out there. That's why I look so bad.
But you are our epistles, written in our hearts, read and known of all men.30 Here
comes the 64,000 dollar... Look. Look. Look! When you take your book, your Bible
I'm talking about, you got in there Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers,
Deuteronomy. I'm showing you how it is. Then you got Isaiah, Jeremiah. 'No, I know
Kings and Chronicles, I know the history there, I know Joshua and Deuteronomy is in
the Bible, did that man hear me?' Yes, I do. You won't have to say that when you go
home. What I'm talking about is the Law and the Prophets, the history. All right.
Now then look, you got, come on over and you got what you call the major prophets.
That's wrong. Got what you call the minor prophets. That's wrong. Mitch, you ain't
got much of a chance to get straightened out there, have you, cause everything, I
say everything you do is wrong. Now, here's where you made your mistake on that. If
it was God speaking to Jeremiah, Isaiah, Micah, and them, your major, if it was God
speaking to them, they couldn't go no further than what God said. If God said a
whole lot, they called Isaiah the silver-tongued prophet, because he had lots to
say. He's a major. Micah, he, he, there ain't much to him. He's a short horse and
needs a curb. He's a jack rabbit. Get the point? But now, I'm having you to know
that God is speaking through all of these men. And, and their much saying, they
couldn't say anything other than what God said to 'em. So, there's no such thing as
major and minor. You get it? Don't that make horse sense? Don't it? All right. What
Acts 2:47
II Corinthians 3:2
Page 29
Dr. Harris: Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle
Dr. Kinley: Forasmuch then, as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of
Christ, written in our hearts, ministered unto us, read and known of all men. He's
been reading you. That's what that clown is doing. It's just a regular three-ring
circus. Now, here's a man who was with Christ or God. Abraham believed God, and it
was counted unto him for righteousness.31 Paul said to the Galatians, and, and, and
even after reading it out of the Bible to them they're not convinced. Even after
you read it out of the Bible. You wanna read it out of there? Look at the 3rd
chapter of Galatians and see. After, after, after telling you just, just the things
I been telling you. Read.
Dr. Harris: O foolish Galatians,
Dr. Kinley: Now, look, you big fools you. O foolish Galatians,
Dr. Harris: who hath bewitched you,
Dr. Kinley: Now, who fooled you? Who fooled you upon all this clowning, you
carrying on around here eating Lord's Suppers and down in these holes and into pits
and things there. O foolish Galatians! Galatians are Gentiles. O foolish Galatians.
Foolish Galatians! Who deceived you? Read.
Dr. Harris: that ye should not obey the truth,
Dr. Kinley: that you should not obey the truth,
Dr. Harris: before whose eyes Jesus Christ was evidently set forth
Dr. Kinley: before whose eyes Jesus Christ was condemned, set forth among them,
crucified. Brothers listen! Christ died to move all them carnal things! All of them
things that these preachers is doing. Now, what are you doing! Now who fooled you?
O foolish Galatians. Read on.
Dr. Harris: This only would I learn of you,
Dr. Kinley: Now, this, this only... A great apostle, with the Holy Ghost in him,
going every which way performing miracles, and live as a ... He was raising the
dead through the man. Preaching the gospel, and covered more territory than any of
the rest of them, and Spoke in more tongues than the rest of them! Said now, I was
disowned. I don't want to know but one thing of you. This only would I learn of
you. All right. read.
Reader: Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law,
Dr. Kinley: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law,
Galatians 3:6 and James 3:23
Page 30
Reader: or by the hearing of faith?
Dr. Kinley: or by the hearing of faith? Are you listening? Even the Devil stand
right up there, right in his face. And you can't read. Did you receive the spi...
Look! 'Come up here, everyone of you here. Come up here. Gimme your hand. Gimme
your hand. God ____ get ready to be baptized right now.' Yes, you can take this
communion, ____ ____ on your plate. Now, is the way you got the Holy Ghost? Don't
set up there and lie like that. Or was it by the hearing of faith. Set here
listening like you, God said so and so. God said after those days into their hearts
I will put my Law. And you who believed. Isn't that how you believed?
Student Body: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: Now all this performing you're doing. What you're doing, you're just
showing you don't know what, you don't know nothing about what it's all about. Get
the point? Received ye the Spirit by the works of the Law? This here... Look folks,
listen. Now, I been trying every kind of conceivable way to just give it to you
just word for word. Now look, here's what you're, here's what you're telling me.
You don't believe it! You couldn't believe it to save your soul. There ain't no
need for you to lying around like that. You're telling me that this is Matthew,
Mark, Luke, and John, that's the New Testament. Then you turn right around, put
your finger on it, Dr. Harris, Matthew 26:26.
Dr. Harris: And as they were eating,
Dr. Kinley: And as they were eating,
Dr. Harris: Jesus took bread,
Dr. Kinley: took bread,
Dr. Harris: and blessed it, and brake it,
Dr. Kinley: and brake it,
Dr. Harris: and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body.
Dr. Kinley: This is my body.
Dr. Harris: And He took the cup,
Dr. Kinley: And likewise, He took the cup,
Dr. Harris: and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying Drink ye all of it;
Dr. Kinley: Uh hmm. Read.
Dr. Harris: For this is my blood of the new testament,
Page 31
Dr. Kinley: Now look. Listen here, Roger. You done, you done told me this is the
New Testament, this over here. You done fell out with me cause I won't, I won't buy
it. Now, you get over here and you tell me over here in Matthew that this cup is
the New Testament. Then you get over there in Jeremiah 31:31 and you tell me that
God said this is the New Testament. What kind of a fool do you think I am? You see
the point? Something wrong somewhere. You see it? Do you see it? Now, they won't
let me carry on like I'm carrying on out there in these churches. That's why we
have to have the school. They put me out. Just tell it plain, clear. And some of
'ems asked me about Bishop Short staying here. 'You think he'll stay?' Yeah, he'll
stay. There ain't nowhere else for him to go. He can't stay nowhere else, listen,
if there ain't nowhere else for him to stay, not if he gonna preach the truth. Now,
that's the truth. If he means something, there's nowhere else for him to go. If you
mean something, there ain't nowhere else for you to go. There ain't nothing you can
do, but just come on down here.
Now look, remember I told you that they think that this was what they said where
you read at, was in the New Testament. Then you, want me, then you're telling me
Matthew wrote it. Then you get over yonder, and you're telling me, God said I'll
write it. Say, what kind of a idiot do you think I am? Then you think I don't know,
cause you don't. As smart as you think you are, and as holy and as righteous as you
think you are, you think that because you don't know, and there's no way under the
sun for you to be wrong as smart as you are. Now what you're doing, you're judging
me. You see the point?
Then you get up and walk out say, 'I don't want to hear no more about that
Institute down there. Don't tell me nothing about that Institute. I don't wanna
hear another thing about it.' What's the matter baby? Said, 'All them people down
there are wrong. They are just as dead wrong...' If what you're talking about out
there is right, they're just as dead wrong as they can be. We don't go along with
none of them, Roman Catholics, or Pr... Now listen, I mean no parts of it!! I mean
we don't take no parts of none of it. You stand up there telling me all that junk.
Then, then listen, you know better. And your old carnal conscience hurting you too.
You've got a little old piece of bread there, ain't hardly enough to feed a
parakeet, and a little dropper of grape juice down in your physical body. And
you're telling, telling me that that elevates you in the spirit. I say you're
wrong, barefaced, unnecessary liar. Won't do you no good in the spirit. Listen,
Doc, it won't hardly do you no goo... It didn't have enough to do you no good in
your physical body, to say nothing about the spirit. Now, God never has been that
stingy and that tight. Even the bartender would give you more than that, a bigger
shot than that.
Now, I'm giving it to you straight. These things might seem comical to you, but I'm
just showing you why it is that the people don't nowadays that's walking the
streets and don't wanna belong to none of these hellholes you call church, cause
all they're doing, they're trying to sap your money out of you, get your money. You
pray, pay you to say prayers, to pay somebody to pray prayers for you. Pay somebody
for the pews and seats you sit in. Pay your dues. Paul said, I beseech you by the
mercies of God, that you present your body a living sacrifice, holy, and
Page 32
acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.32 God wants all or nothing
nobody's tenth and all. ____ ____ ____ cheap. Preacher standing around arguing
about his salary. 'Well, you know, the cost of living has gone up! Oh, you all know
that! Went up 10% last month, and I ain't getting but $150. I need a raise in my
salary. You can't keep these lights burning, and this, that, and the other.' I
thought you said your salary. Said 'Yeah! I need a raise in my salary!' When he's
done singing his blues and crying the blues about his salary, then he's talking
about paying off the mortgage and his debts. And you'll be done, when he's done
bleeding you, got you hook, line, and sinker, pole and baid.
Dr. Kinley: All right, read on.
Dr. Harris: Are you so foolish?33
Dr. Kinley: Now, are you so foolish?
Dr. Harris: Having begun in the Spirit,
Dr. Kinley: Now, I, I, now I don't appreciate you calling me a fool. Paul said,
now, having begun in the spirit, now, who fooled you? Are you that big a fool?
That's the reason why I ain't gonna get some grape juice and some crackers around
here, and offer it to you like that, and tell you that's the Lord's
transubstantiation into the body and blood of Christ. Just who do you, who do you
think you are creating Christ? Got Him all stuffed down here in a little old... And
you been drinking Him for nearly two thousand years, and you haven't got all of Him
drink up yet. Somebody shoving, bringing in the oven, unleavened bread. Here's the
body of Christ. ____, Now, are you... are you that big a fool? Now, where you got
started... Read it again, Dr. Harris.
Dr. Harris: Are ye so foolish? having begun in the spirit
Dr. Kinley: Now, that's where you begun. Within the spirit, now here's where you
begun at, as Gentiles. As those are of gentiles. When Peter went down to
Cornelius's house, while Peter yet spake, the Holy Ghost fell on them! That's how
they begun. Oh, yes, it did, 10th chapter of Acts of Apostles. And Peter
recommended one of them things, baptize, and then Peter withdrew that, 11th
chapter. Sure, he did.
Children, what I'm saying to you in so many words is this. You don't find many. you
won't find many preachers in the world. Now, here's why you won't find them. Cause
they can't get up and preach to you like I have been preaching to you, telling you
to just be still. Now this is my story all the time. Be still. Keep the babies
quiet. Be still. Please, be still, and know that I am God speaking. I'm
Romans 12:1
Galatians 3:3
Page 33
talking about God speaking to you.34 That's fine. And then you perceive, you believe
in me, I believe in you, it's my Father in Me, it's our Father in you. We all know
one another from the least to the greatest. Ain't that what you got in that Book,
so called Old Testament? God said they shall all know Me, from the least to the
greatest.35 Is that right, Dr. Harris?
Dr. Harris: Right.
Dr. Kinley: They know Me. I don't care if it's Bishop Short up here. I don't care
if it's Roger up here. I don't care if it's Sister Winfrey up here. I don't care if
it's Dr. Gross up here. We're all doing it. We know that it is our Father. And I
don't mean Pete, and I don't mean the pope. And I don't mean the archbishops. And
I'm talking about cardinals, too. But, we know that it is our Father, which not
gonna be in Heaven, but which art in Heaven, speaking through, as I told you, His
physical body, His physical body.
Paul said, know ye not, don't you know that your body is
Ghost, of which temple you are. Therefore, glorify God in
spirit, which are His!36 You don't have nothing. Everything
prophet said, what shall I give in exchange for my soul,
oil, or lambs.37
the temple of the Holy
your body, and in your
belongs to God. And the
ten thousand rivers of
And now, you're half enough, or idiot enough, to come up here and try to pay
somebody to say some prayers for you. Well, said, 'What, didn't they say pray
without ceasing.38 Pray, that prayers and intercession should be made for all
people. Why, can't you read? Well then, if you can read, then read this prayer we
wrote out here for you.' I'd be almost, Jones, don't you, don't you fool with me
like that, you hear. Don't you come offer me no prayer somebody wrote out and hand
it to me and don't you buy nothing like that either. Now, you wanna know why? For
the Spirit within you, within you... When the Messiah went out there in the Garden
of Gethsemane; He said, 'I'll pray the Father for you.' And He said, 'Father, I
pray for these, not for these only, but for the world.'39 Is that what He said?
Now, here's what I want you to see. I want you to see that that same one who was
out there in the Garden, is right down in you, making intercession for you, right
in you, just like He was out there. Quickening spirit in you. Paul said, the 8th...
Says, 'Where you find that at?' Said, well, you find that in the 8th chapter
Psalm 46:10
Jeremiah 31:34
I Corinthians 6:19,20
Micah 6:7 and Matthew 16:26
I Thessalonians 5:17
John 17:20,21
Page 34
of Romans, verse 26. Said, for we know not how to pray as we ought, and neither
does no cardinal, but the Holy Spirit maketh intercession for us with groanings
that cannot be uttered. The Spirit helpeth our infirmities, not the cardinal, not
the priest, not Kinley, not the pastor. It's the Holy Spirit that makes
intercession for us.
One time there was a fellow standing... I'll just show it to you. He said he was a
Pharisee and one was a publican, one went down to the Temple to pray. Two of them
went down there to pray, the Pharisee and the publican. The Pharisee, he said, 'I
thank God I ain't like other folks.' Said, 'I pray, and I do this, and I do that,
and I do the other.' And the publican, he wasn't so well fixed up, and so he just
said, 'Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner.'40 And he went down to his house more
justified than that man that all there, because he like to stand out there in his
robes and regalia, pray for his much seeing. And that's the same thing these clowns
are doing around here, just clowning. I do wish...
Paul said, now, o foolish Galatians, are you so foolish, having begun in the
Spirit... Now, that's where you got started. The Gentiles... None of them carnal
ordinances, no Lord's Suppers, none of that, was ever given to you! Now that's the
way... That was fulfilled and abolished, and nailed to the cross! And seven years
after that, which is down at Cornelius's house, 10th chapter of Acts of Apostles,
the Holy Ghost was poured out! That's how you begun! Begun in the Spirit, are you
now made perfect by the works of the Law? Is that what he got there? Read!
Dr. Harris: Have ye suffered so many things in vain?
Dr. Kinley: Now, have you suffered so many things? All right. Read on
Dr. Harris: If it be yet in vain.
Dr. Kinley: If it be yet in vain.
Dr. Harris: He therefore that ministereth to you
Dr. Kinley: He, therefore... Listen. Do we begin again to commend ourselves?
Therefore, that ministered to you, ministered to you what? The bread and the wine?
Student Body: No!
Dr. Kinley: The wine and the bread?
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: So he that ministereth to you, ministered to you what? The Spirit.
That's all I'm talking to you about, Doc. I'm talking about God being in you. God's
not dead: in you!! He that ministers to you the Spirit. All right, read on.
Luke 18:10-14
Page 35
Dr. Harris: and worketh miracles among you,
Dr. Kinley: And worketh miracles among you,
Dr. Harris: doeth he it by the works of the law,
Dr. Kinley: Now, does he do it by the works of the law? Read!
Dr. Harris: or by the hearing of faith?
Dr. Kinley: or by the hearing of faith? God said a thing, I believe it!! And I told
you. Listen! I don't have nothing to boast about. You don't know nobody living on
earth, cardinal, priest, pope, nobody, you don't know nobody living on this
earthplane, and breathing breath, you don't know nobody dead. I think that almost
took all of 'em all up, that have told you any more about God, and have performed
any more miracles, than I have performed. The dead have been raised from the dead
at my hands!
Student Body: Right! That's right!
Dr. Kinley: The lame have been made to walk. The blind have been, eyes that can
open. You don't know nobody that did no better than that. All kinds of diseases
have been healed. People take and look at me in the face. You even fool yourselves
about that little round shouldered, black, nappy headed and all that stuff you were
talking about. When I speak, God bless your soul, it happens! Seen what I seen.
Vatican, and New Delhi, and Washington, and everywhere else. Now, I've been trying
to be nice about the whole thing. Now, I've been real nice about it.
When I spoke, five hundred and fifty million said Pope John wanted to live until
June the 6th! And I said he must die before June the 6th. I stood here and told you
that there would be an earthquake, and what day it would be on. Now, you don't know
nobody nowhere that's did no better than that! I told you when Roosevelt... I told
you John F. Kennedy... No need you running up to me, trying to tell me about some
bigshot! I'm as big as you make 'em!
Student Body: That's right!
Dr. Kinley: How'm I doing, Freddie?
Dr. Allen Jr.: Just fine, Doc.
Dr. Kinley: What's the difference? It's my Father in me. Henry C. don't amount to a
tinker's dam. And neither do you. But if you see my Father in me, and it's my
Father in you. It's in Him that we live, and we move, and we have our being41 and we
know that God's purpose is written in our hearts with His Spirit. And we can read
that light. And you stand around boasting, and blowing, and
Acts 17:28
Page 36
bragging, and all different kinda thing, about how great you are. You're telling on
yourself. And what you're doing up here, you're telling on yourself.
You are our epistles, written in our hearts, and read and known of all men. Listen!
Let's go then. Remember. I'm not gonna let you go until I tell you these things.
You remember I told you when I went down here and showed you how Genesis, Exodus,
Leviticus, Numbers... You remember that?
Student Body: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: Now, then I showed you the prophecies. Is that right?
Student Body: Right.
Dr. Kinley: But now, look. You are our epistles, the New Covenant, of the New
Testament. Not Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John but you. Written not in tables of
stone, as this old one was back here. This was only a type and a shadow, showing
you that it would be written in your heart and in your mind. God said that's where
He was going to put it: written in your heart and in your mind. Listen! And you
don't need Pete! You don't need nobody to let you in and out of heaven. It's the
Spirit that quickeneth.42 And all that the apostles were doing, all that any of them
ever done at any time was out there preaching and it was, fact of the matter to
tell you the truth, it wasn't them preaching, it was the Holy Ghost speaking
through them. They ain't done nothing. Nobody, no place, nowhere has got no
business boasting and blowing in the sight of God! Nobody!
Now, you are our epistles. This thing you talking about being the New Testament
over here, you are our epistles. Now, look, Wallace, when I get these all together,
then I got a book. John out there on the Isle of Patmos. He seen these epistles. He
said I saw an angel come down from heaven having the key of the bottomless pit and
a great chain in his hand.43 And he laid hold on that old serpent, the Devil, and
bound him a thousand years. I can't go into all of it, because I don't wanna keep
you here, but I know you're getting restless. And bound him a thousand years, but
the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. And
somebody thought that Christ was going to jump down through the clouds, on the day
of the living when He come here, then they be given eternal life, and them that
spade up... They have to spade them up out there, they call that the first
resurrection. I beg your pardon. That's not it. You haven't got nothing right so
far. Then here you are, standing around, I want to tell you about this too, here
you are, all your churches, all of your big shots, your smart, so called smart men,
Wallace, it's a sickening mess. You'd better start trying to find God for yourself.
And let the Devil I won't say go to hell, let him stay there. Talking about
population explosion. Well look, Bishop, if what you, if what your people what you
say about it is right. Look, here He comes, jump down from the sky. Three billion
people living on earth now. We haven't got enough food
John 6:63
Revelation 20:1
Page 37
and stuff to feed 'em with. And China has compulsory birth control. Contraception.
Even down sterilizing the men. Keep down the population explosion. Malnutrition,
the rickets, people just dying from starvation, little kids, you see their ribs.
Nothing to feed them with. The population's 3,000,000,000. I know some of you have
to go, that's okay. And here you are silly enough to think He's gonna jump down
from the sky, gonna dig up all them from Adam on down, and add them to the three
billion that's on earth already living. There wouldn't even be standing room. You
get it now? And that's what you call the first resurrection. But the rest of the
dead lived not again until after the thousand years, them's the wicked ones. Got
all the good folks here that time... the first one. Then the wicked be raised. Now,
Jehovah's Witnesses and them teaching that out there. And listen, stupid enough to
say and of the whole population of the earth on down, from Adam on down until now
(now listen at me) only 144,000 of them, of the earth class is gonna get to go to
Heaven. A hundred and forty-four thousand. And then you're stupid enough to believe
all that junk. Now, if you took 144,000 of these billion, 3,000,000,000 that we got
on earth added to all those others we got there, you still wouldn't, you couldn't
miss 144,000. And God said He's gonna multiply the sands, the Children of Israel as
the sands of the sea and as the stars of heaven.
And you're around here complaining about it, and grumbling about it, talking about
we ain't got enough food. God can't take care of it, and all like a this. You
trying to set up birth controls, and all that kinda stuff. Brother, you don't know
nothing about God.
Just like Pharaoh. The Devil in him. Right now Pharaoh, all the male children was
born, he told the midwives to put them to death cause if they didn't, the
Israelites would increase above them, and they'd put them in bondage. That's the
way, that's the way the Devil thinks. Birth control. And we're gonna make it our
business to see to it that they don't be born. We don't care what it costs. Ain't
enough food here to feed 'em. Do you see how stupid we are, that is? And yet and
still we call ourselves praying to God. It's bad ____. Into their hearts will.., I
be back on the text, back on the text. Received ye the spirit by the works of the
law. You know good and well, ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ thing. And you know
it too, you never got nothing out of that covenant. You didn't even get enough
grape juice out of it and even enough of that cracker to do your physical body any
good. And then you set up there and lie, and say you feel it all down in there and
all in your conscience. Now you just think about it.
They say I'm a bad fellow. I'm awful. ____ ____. He that ministers to you, He that
works miracles, healing the sick and raising the dead ____ ____ ____ ____ any ____.
By the hearing of faith, God said that. He ____ baptise (baptize?) ____. Now that's
not saying ____ ____ ____ ____. And I been telling you that. God said that. That He
____ ____ and ____ ____ ____ ____ God is ____ ____ ____ ____. Divine healers.
Heals. There ain't no divine healer on the earth. 'I'm with this, and I'm with
that,' and all tightened up in your carnal mind, just so afraid that somebody won't
notice you. Who, do you think you are, anyhow? Don't nobody care nothing about you,
Dr. Willie Jones: That's right.
Page 38
Dr. Kinley: They've done even got around to the place now, where there are so many
Negroes own Cadillacs, they ain't got no respect for a Negro riding in a Cadillac
any more. They done got around to the place where they call that a poor man's car.
Because you want to get rid of all the breakdowns and the repair bills and all that
kinda thing, to save yourself some money, you have to buy three or four little
ones, pickups, compacts, and all that kinda thing. By the time you get home off of
one of these freeways, you got to go and get some bolts and nuts to put in it on
the other end, come back down on this end, you got to do some fixing up, just
because you're buying yourself a Cadillac. It's cheaper to run that than it is one
of those kinda things. So now, they got around to the place where they call...
Now, it used to be the white people, they used to have great big penthouses,
servants sitting up there caring for 'em, society says, wearing long gloves, come
up here. They got fourteen, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, and thirty, or forty
rooms in a mansion, and he set back up there with a big high hat on. That's all out
of style now.
You find him out there now driving his own car, going when he gets ready, coming
when he gets ready. There's very few people, and all that big house, he don't wanna
be bothered with it, the wife don't wanna be bothered with it, she got her own
bungalow down there, out there someplace: bedroom, living room, she's touching
buttons, window curtains headed that way. Things are not like they used to be,
This is not a showoff time. What we're trying to show off is God now, not you.
Don't nobody care nothing about you. They don't care about your money and all that
kinda thing. They don't care about your reputation; they don't care about your
family tree. They don't care if you're even an angel drop down from heaven. That's
not the show. And because they been trying to show off theirself so much, well, the
people have got around to the place where they think God is dead.
Read on a little further, Dr. Harris. I'll let you go in, in a minute or two. I'll
try to. In the 3rd chapter of Galatians.
Dr. Harris: Even
Dr. Kinley: No. I, I want ye are our epistles written in our hearts.
Dr. Harris: Forasmuch as ye are manifestly
Dr. Kinley: For as much then that, what I'm, the reason why I'm saying this to you
is... Now look, when I leave here, don't you think for one minute that you're gonna
be justified and say; 'Well, I don't need Yahweh, I ain't going down there.' That's
the way they do it back in Ohio. He's gone. Listen, you planted this down there,
when I left to go to Springfield, Ohio, and went to Cincinnati. Didn't you, Dr.
Page 39
Dr. Carl F. Gross: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: Dr. Bass and all. You know why? What's the use? It's kinda like what
Bishop said here a Sunday or two ago. You done tried and done told people all
everything you know to tell them, and all that kinda thing, tell 'em about Christ.
And you done tried and tried and tried. It won't work at home. And the more you
tried, 'That's all right. Yup, yup, yup.' Can't get along with you no kinda way.
'Oh well, what's the use!' Now, that's the way they did in Springfield, just got
discouraged. And I tell you things to keep you from getting discouraged. And keep
you coming to class, and bring somebody with you. The curtain is just about to come
down. It's just about to close.
Don't get discouraged. Yes, I know the Devil is, is raising sand with everybody.
Out there on the job, they won't pay you like they should. They put more work on
you. Everything is going wrong around the house. The wife and the husband and the
kids, and all like that, just can't get along. Everything's wrong. But don't be,
get discouraged. Come on down, because... Come on down to school, because then you
help somebody and somebody helps you. We're helpers one of another. A man come to
my house
Dr. Kinley: last week. His wife had been down here to school. I'm gonna tell you
about this. His wife had been down here to school, and she was so much holier than
anybody down here. She don't need no man around. She's too holy for that, sex I'm
talking about, won't be bothered with that. She's too holy for that. You go down
there and understand all things ____ ____ down to school. Won't be bothered, ____
____ ____ ____ ____. You go on down there to that place if you want to, that's what
she told her husband. You go to that place if you want to but.., I won't be
bothered with them people, most especially them niggers. You just might as well say
that. She doesn't want to be bothered with him. Next thing, two, three, or four
years, the next thing you know... 'What? Oh no, not you!' Caught with another man.
Why in the world didn't you just come on out and say it in the first place. What do
you want to blame it on us down here for? Why didn't you just tell him to his face?
No, have to be caught in the act. Just wasn't honest enough to come and say,
'Listen, I used to think something of you. I don't want to be bothered with you.'
Why didn't you do like I told you a while ago, just tell him right to the face,
right to the nose. Come on clean. Don't be, (SOUNDS LIKE DR. KINLEY IS BARKING AND
GROWLING) 'Grr, and grr.' And everything you say, 'grrr.' So and so 'Humph.' I
don't care what... You just gonna say: here's a dog constantly 'grr.' Have to look
the second time before you're setting up shop. Just a constant squabbling, even
when you're talking about it on the phone. And if they ain't looking right at you,
and just happen to hear you. 'Listen, that baby had a five, had five bucks!' 'Boy,
don't you bother me, can't you see I'm busy!' Just anything. Just a Devil in them
every kinda way. That's the way it is all over the world.
Read. I have something in there I wanted to get to in conclusion.
Page 40
Dr. Harris: but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in
fleshy tables of the heart.
Dr. Kinley: Not in tables of stone. Now, that, that Ten Commandment Law is written
in tables of stone, but God's writing it in your heart and in your mind. I didn't
say Matthew. I didn't say a cardinal either. Not writing on no ink page nor
nothing, after you learn how you ____ ____ ____ ____ ____. I'm not talking about
that. You get it now? Written in our hearts. Read on, Doc.
Dr. Harris: And such trust we have through Christ, the Lord.
Dr. Kinley: And such trust have we to you through Messiah. Read on.
Dr. Harris: Not that we are sufficient of ourselves
Dr. Kinley: Not that we are sufficient all by ourselves. Read on.
Dr. Harris: to think any thing as of ourselves;
Dr. Kinley: to think any thing of ourselves;
Dr. Harris: but our sufficiency...
Dr. Kinley: Now wait a minute. If I ain't gonna think anything of myself then you
know what I think about you. All right. Read on.
Dr. Harris: but our sufficiency is of God.
Dr. Kinley: Our sufficiency is of God. And it is not of some man or some men
deciding or decree His way. Listen Roger, we don't give a hoot about that. Didn't
you heard the latest? Yeah, and the earliest too. That's why the Pope issued a
decree. He granted a, he granted a dispensation, you can eat meat on Friday now.
I'll eat anything I wanna eat, any day I want to eat it, and it's none of your
business! The Hell with it. Why all of sudden? Just like Paul, when he was up there
in Ephesus, eating meat sacrificed to an idol. Now, you're not supposed to do that!
But them people that he had along with him, they were supposed to be wise! They
were supposed to understand that the man was eating the meat because he was hungry!
And they brought a accusation against him. Said, 'if eating meat offend my brother,
I'll eat no more meat while the world stands.44 He meant eating meat sacrificed to
idols. And so far as long as the world stands, he wasn't gonna live that long. So
there's a misunderstanding somewhere. And what he meant, he just wouldn't do that,
but he was eating meat to satisfy his appetite.
I Corinthians 8:13
Page 41
You see why there ain't nobody much in church, and all the little hole in the wall,
and building. And just about got his family in some little shotgun place around
here. And the great big churches, they're falling off. The Roman Catholic Church is
calling for priests every day. And there's no less than one thousand of them right
here in L. A., ex-priests. They are too honest. They are too clean. They are too
pure to go through with that deception. And they'll walk out of there. Go in the
front door and out the back. Same thing in Protestantism. Did you, did you know
that? Just by the millions.
If in these days and times, if you don't have something real... Can you go down
here in town and buy a bag of peanuts without some money? And you can't eat peanuts
without money, without the peanuts, and have some appetite... have something to
satisfy your hunger. In other words, I'm telling you, you have to have the Holy
Ghost, not some jive, and some junk, and some mess somebody dug up. You can't
sustain on that. Can't you read? And the Devil knows it. And then this is what he
does. He tells you, you go out there and do thus and so forth and so on, go back
____ ____. He knows you ain't got a thing to keep you from doing it. He knows
that's what you're gonna do. He hasn't given you anything to keep you from it. And
so he says, 'go on out there and do it and come back and tell me about it.' And
then, when you get back in there, there ain't nothing you can do about it. ____
____ ____ ____. But the Holy Ghost, as Peter says, ____ ____ ____ in his first
epistle, who are kept clean, you are kept clean by the power of God. Listen.
'Through faith ready,' not getting ready, but 'ready to be revealed in the last
The Holy Spirit will keep you standing when I'm gone. Keep you standing while I'm
here. Keep you standing when everything is going wrong at home and abroad. It's by
the power of God is able to keep you prepared and ready at all times. Now, all
assistance that can be ____ you is of the Spirit. And as Paul said there, our
sufficiency is not of ourselves, or no preacher, no pope, no cardinal, no bishop,
no nothing. He can't do nothing for hisself. Here sets one right here. And I'll
tell you right in your nose, there ain't nothing you can do for nobody. There ain't
nothing I can do for nobody. There ain't nothing that nobody can do for anybody.
It's got to be the Holy Spirit to do these things for all of us. And look Bishop,
I'm not depending on you either. I can put your trust in the LORD. David said to
trust in man, it's just like a foot out of joint, you wouldn't walk too well with a
foot out of joint. Just trust in the LORD, and do good.46 You been doing all right,
but just trust in man, is just... Say, 'You ain't got no faith in me?' No. How am I
going to have any faith in you and ain't got none in myself? Praise ye the LORD.
I hope you've gotten something out of the things that I have said. Days may appear
to be calm. And I've tried to tell you in such a way as to keep your attention, but
everything I've said to you is truth. Wouldn't you think so Bishop? And it's right
down in front. Everything you've been taught out there in the world
I Peter 1:5
Psalms 37:3
Page 42
is wrong.
This is the time and the season for it. And it is going on all over the world.
People are weak, depending on one another, preaching and teaching the wrong thing
about population explosion and the earth. Talking about Jehovah's Witnesses already
talking about He will come back and settle here for 1000 years, on top of all this
population explosion out here. There wouldn't be... You could stand them three or
four deep. There wouldn't be enough room. Farmer wouldn't have enough land, if he
sat right beside his chair, to raise something under his chair to feed his own
babies, to say nothing about his family.
Say, you know God has prepared something far better for us, than what the
talking about. Let us have hope and press on to the mark or the prize of
calling, which is in Yahshua the Messiah. And God is able to prepare for
than what you're able to appreciate and to conceive. And it's better than
have been told. It's worthwhile. It's worthwhile.
Rise, and let's go hence.
Page 43
Devil is
the high
far more
what you
by Dr. Henry C. Kinley
Los Angeles, California
recorded by Dr. Carl F Gross on reel to reel recorder
transferred to 2 90 minute audio cassettes by Geraldine Rothstein
CATALOG #: 67.06 AM
Transcribed by Sandra Giragosian
Proofread by Cathy Fenti, Gerry Rothstein, and Michael Rothstein
Proofread and approved by the International Public Relations Committee - 1996
… indicates that Dr. Kinley ended a word or a sentence without verbally
completing it.
2. Audience comments are included only if more than one person responded or if Dr.
Kinley was speaking directly to a specific person.
3. Unless emphasized by Dr. Kinley pause words have been left out of the transcript
for the sake of ease in readability and comprehension (ah, uh, see, you see, you
see what I mean, isn’t that right, understand, you understand, do you understand).
4. ___ indicates an inaudible word or syllable
5. WORDS IN CAPITAL LETTERS are comments of the transcriber.
MODERATOR: The Founder and Dean of the school, Dr, Henry C, Kinley.
Dr. Kinley: Thank you. I'm indeed happy and glad to be with you, and talk about
things that I think is absolutely necessary for you to know. And it is my
indispensable duty to make it my business to see to it that you do, so that you
don't have no excuse. Now, I'm not here to make somebody believe something. I'm not
here to argue about it. Just tell you what the real purpose and plan calls for, and
to warn and caution you, so that you can, if you so choose, to save your soul.
First, I'd like to say this. The majority of you don't actually realize how bad the
situation and condition is in the world in which you live in at this present time.
You're unconscious of it. With the many millions of people that call themselves
Christians, if you were to take and a count of 'em, you couldn't see how that the
world could be in as bad a condition as it really is, if you take their word for
Page 1
Now, for example, there is around six hundred million Roman Catholics. Now, they're
supposed to be people that are righteous. Then you got four and a half million,
four hundred and a half million, Moslems. Now, they rank next in number to the
Roman Catholics, for your information. And they are the people that we are, that
Dr. Gross has been talking with you about, scattered all through here. And then
comes the Christians, like the, or let me call it the Protestants. Now, when we say
Protestants, we talk about all the rest of the Methodists, the Baptists, the
Presbyterians, the Camelites (Carmelites?), the Dunkards, and the Mennonites, and
all that kind of thing. That's what we're talking about.
Now, then, it don't look like that the world could be in as bad a shape as it is,
and as I'm just about to paint it to you to let you know. It don't look like it
could be in that bad a shape. But now, let me say this to you. Now, Dr. Gross got
up here and he said that... Well, I'd better show you. I wanna show you as I go
along. He went on and he told you that this was Joshua, correctly speaking was
Yahshua. Did you notice he said that?
Student Body: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: Real sure?
Student Body: Uh, huh.
Dr. Kinley: Now, somebody would want to raise a dispute and an argument about that,
because He, at 110 He died and He was buried in a plot that was selected for
Ephraim. Then if He was buried there at 110, then how in the world could He be born
of the Virgin Mary and walk around on the face of the earth 33 years, and be
crucified and replanted. And then somebody will come along and say, 'Well you don't
have no Bible for that, that that was Him back there.' You see the point. Yes, you
do. Now, I wanna show it to you in your Bible.
The 10th chapter of 1st Corinthians, and then I'm going to hasten on. And another
thing I'm going to do tonight, we're gonna get beyond this. We're gonna get beyond
that dispensation, the present one that we're living in. We wanna know what's after
this. All right, read. That Rock that followed... right down there you have it
there in the 10th chapter about the 4th or 5th verse, I believe.
Reader: And did all drink the same spiritual drink:1
Dr. Kinley: Now, says there, it's talking about the children of Israel through
here, incidentally where you see on these charts, this picture through here, this
is the same thing, this is the same thing. Where you see this up here on this
chart, this is the same thing, this is the same thing. This is, this, this right
here is the same thing as this right here. This right here is the same thing as
that. Now, when you get through with it, it's the same thing all the way through.
Now, that'll keep you from making a mistake. Get the point? Now, one is an, an
analogy of the other.
I Corinthians 10:3
Page 2
Now, say for instance, now, this, this Ark here that Noah built, is three-fold. And
it rained 40 days and 40 nights. Now, if this Tabernacle is three-fold, you can see
that the Ark has got to be, too. Now, you don't have to waste your time, reading
around in the Bible, chapters and verses, and all that kinda thing, trying to find
out how many stories there was in the, in the, in Noah's Ark. You're just wasting
your time. Much reading and much study is a weariness of the flesh.2 And let me tell
you this, you never will be able to understand it that way, now or after a while.
All you'll get is more and more confused. That's what's the matter with the world
today. I will prove that before I sit down. Just more and more confused. That's how
all of these doctrines has manistrated all over the earth plane. That's how it
Now, the 10th chapter of 1st Corinthians I believe, Paul, beginning at the 1st
verse, he said, 'Moreover, brethren, I would not that you should be ignorant.' We
don't want you to be ignorant. Now, somebody said, 'Well, he's talking to the
Grecians, or the Corinthians.' No, that's wrong, too. 'Well, aren't Corinthians
Grecians?' Yes, they are. Now then, then we're confused right there. Get the point?
And it hasn't dawned on the other fellow out there, that's how all these problems
comes up.
Now, Paul is writing an epistle here to those that he left in Corinth that were
Jews, to instruct the Gentiles. So, therefore, he says, 'Moreover, brethren, I
would not that you should be ignorant, how all of our fathers...' And they were
Jews or Israelites. Now, you can see by that that he's writing an epistle to
somebody up there that knew something about what he was talking about.
Now, if you turn over in the 7th chapter... I don't want you to do that. If you
turn over in the 7th chapter of the same epistle, he says, 'I speak to them that
know the Law.' The Gentiles did not know the Law. Why didn't he know it? Because it
wasn't given to him. What business has he got, it's to the Jews first. I'm talking
about the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Jew first. And then he was supposed to
go and preach to the Gentiles. And the Gentiles was the rest of the world. Well,
now, why would you write them an epistle, and tell them something about something
they don't know nothing about it. Get the point? Romans... Yes. You got the epistle
to the Romans. He says, 'The Romans, they are Gentiles.' Yes, they are. But he
wasn't writing to the Romans. He was writing to them brethren that were up in Rome,
that had previously been up to Jerusalem.
No, Pete wasn't there, and never was in Rome. It's contrary even to the purpose for
him to be in Rome. For what? Well, somebody said, 'Well, didn't they tell him to go
in all the world and preach the gospel to every creature?' Yes, sure. He did. Now,
the Roman Catholics would have you believe that Peter first set up the Holy Sea at
Jerusalem, and he was there until 41. And then he moved it from Jerusalem to
Antioch in Syria. And he set up the Holy Sea there for a while. And then, from
there, in 41 he went to Rome. Now, that's a lie. I mean it's a lie according to the
Bible. Yes, and I can prove it by the Bible that he never been there. That's the
only way to prove it.
Ecclesiastes 12:12
Page 3
You can't go get me no story book and fairy tale and prove something to me. That's
the reason why the Roman Catholics earnestly and dogmatically contend, the Italian
part of the group, that the church is ruled by scripture and tradition. And if you
wipe out the tradition, you ain't got nothing in the Bible to support it with. You
got to keep the tradition in there, because the other part of it isn't in there.
There's nothing in that Bible that says that Peter ever was in Rome. Nobody can
prove it and it's just tradition that they say that he was in Rome. But they don't
point to one verse in even the almanac, to say nothing about the Bible, to say that
he was there.
Now, this is what I want you to see, before I move from where we are. Moreover
brethren...3 Now, he's talking to those.., Corinth is in Greece, not too far from
Athens. And the Grecians were the greatest imaginative philosophers that the world
has ever known. And they were steeped in the Greek Cyclops of mythology. You know
what mythology is, don't you? You know what a myth is. And they had every kind of a
conceivable idea and notion about the creation, and about a god of some kind, and
all kinds of images and idols, and, incidentally, Rome did, too. And they spent
their time trying to think up something. Some new doctrine. Some new philosophy, as
it was in Mars Hill.
As Paul passed up through Mars Hill, he said, 'I beheld... I looked right at your
devotions. I see the way you carry on, and the way that you act.' And then, listen,
they had, just like we have today, they had an inscription. Do you know what an
inscription is? Had a sign up here. They had signs all over the place, Mars Hill.
This kinda pagan idea, and that kinda pagan god, and that kinda pagan god, and
they, they was afraid they had missed out on one. And so then, they put an
inscription up there said, 'to the unknown'. That's right. Now, this is what they
was doing. And listen, I want you to know that the folks are still doing the same
thing. They haven't changed. You got the same God and the same Devil. There they
was with all kinds of marks, throwing salt over their shoulders, spitting, black
cats, and all that kind of stuff, and just out there clowning and carrying on. Now
the Roman Catholic Church, that, that's all they do. Said, 'I beheld your
devotions, as I passed by.' Said, 'I perceive that in all things you're too
superstitious.' Now, we wanna swap off some of this superstition and ignorance, and
get something real.
So now, here we go. Down here it said, now Paul said, 'Now, that Rock....' Suppose
you read it.4 Moreover brethren, I would not that you should be ignorant, how all of
our fathers... Read.
Mary Gross: were under the cloud,
I Corinthians 10:1
I Corinthians 10:1
Page 4
Dr. Kinley: were under the cloud... Now, you look up here at me. I drew these
charts to look at and to teach from, and to expound and to explain your Bible in
simplicity and in relevance. And for your information, nobody on earth has ever
been able to dispute 'em. And they've been in the colleges, among the smart boys,
as smart as you make them. And they've all... I mean Roman Catholic, Protestant,
Jews and everything else been up against it. And they must take their hat off to
it. If Gabriel or Michael dropped down this way, you must take your hat off.
Student Body: All right. Okay. That's right.
Dr. Kinley: Yes, ma'am, yes sir, that's the way that is. Get it? Somebody says,
'Oh, well...' Now, look, we've, listen, we've had all kinds of preachers and
teachers here. Is that right?
Student Body: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: This school didn't hatch up here the other day. It's 35 years old. And
it's known all around the world. And nobody in the world can argue with it. They
have no success with this one. Now, that's right. Didn't we send LBJ a letter
yesterday, and a clipping out of the newspaper?
Dr. Gross: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: Didn't you send it, Dr.,,? Didn't you send it, Dr. Gross?
Dr. Gross: Sure did.
Dr. Kinley: That the International Council of Churches had to stoop and bow. There
goes your Baptists. There goes your Methodists. There goes your Presbyterians. They
admitted it, and we took the clipping out of the newspaper and sent it to Lyndon
Baynes (Baines?)Johnson. Yesterday, by registered letter, so that you have to sign
for it to get it. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) That's right. And we told him that we sent
him a book. We told him that we sent John F. Kennedy, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, a
book. Is that right? And then we sent the receipt... a copy, a photostatic copy,
from John F. Kennedy's secretary acknowledging that he received it.
Dr. Gross: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: And I said that John F. Kennedy, in Hollywood, would be nominated, and
elected, and assassinated. I sent the information to him.
Dr. Gross: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: Now, he can't argue with it. He knows, ain't no need to start no
argument about it. Now, you know that man trembling in his boots. Did you know that
some people are saying that LBJ shot John F. Kennedy? Now, if I knew way back there
that he was gonna be nominated, elected, and assassinated,
Page 5
(STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) you almost know that I know who shot him. Now, that won't do
him much good. Trembling in his boots. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) And I told you the
history of the world, right straight down the line. And I haven't missed nothing.
Now I, now, this is what I would say about you, and I mean you, and everybody else.
When you come face to face with the facts, or the truth, that you nor nobody else
can deny, I say you are foolish if you don't accept it.
Student Body: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: That's right. And if you don't feel like accepting
have buy it after a while. So, it's just as cheap now as it'll
won't be no sale on it. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) That's right.
brethren, I would not that you should be ignorant, how all
under the cloud,
Mary Gross: and all passed through the sea;
Dr. Kinley: and all passed through the sea;
Mary Gross: And were all immersed unto Moses
Dr. Kinley: And were all immersed
Mary Gross: unto Moses
Dr. Kinley: unto Moses
Mary Gross: in the cloud
Dr. Kinley: in the cloud
Mary Gross: and in the sea;
Dr. Kinley: and in the sea;
Mary Gross: And did all eat the same spiritual food;
Dr. Kinley: And did all eat the same spiritual food;
Mary Gross: And did all drink the same spiritual drink:
Dr. Kinley: And did all drink the same spiritual drink:
Mary Gross: for they drank of that spiritual Rock
Dr. Kinley: for they drank of that spiritual Rock
Mary Gross: that went with them:
Page 6
it now, you're gonna
be after a while. It
All right, moreover
of our fathers were
Dr. Kinley: Uh, uh, followed.
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: He straightened it up, didn't he?
Dr. Gross: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: Did you notice that before, Doc? Now, in your King James Version, it's
got followed. I told you that was an error. Now, all you have to do to find out is
to just go on back over there in the Old Testament to do that. There's so many
interpolations and errors in your Bible, until you'd be surprised to know how many
there were. I don't think it's too bad a job, even at that. We'll straighten 'em
Now, look here, here's the cloud. Now, you can see this. You wouldn't have no
trouble whatsoever looking at this. Now, here's the cloud. They are following the
cloud. Now, you've got there, look there, you got it there the cloud went with
them. That's correct. Now, in your King James Version, you got the cloud following
them. Now, when the Messiah come along, when Messiah come along, He didn't say 'I
wanna follow you.' He said, 'Follow me.' Now, you got the same cloud right back
over in that, voice came through that cloud. I mean it's in your Bibles. Don't
start nothing with me. Right in your Bible. The cloud overshadowed Him when He was
baptized there in the River Jordan. Is that right?
Student Body: Right.
Dr. Kinley: The voice came. Is that right? And the voice from that cloud, said,
'This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.'5 Now, when we straighten up
these things, why then, you are supposed to look at it, cause all this, these
patterns, it's got to fit perfect. It's just got to fit. So if, if the cloud's
gonna overshadow here, and He's gonna go straightway into the wilderness, don't you
see, don't you see the cloud's got to be the same here as it is there, cause what
He's doing is fulfilling this that's back there. You get the point? That's why we
don't make mistakes.
Somebody, 'You don't know what you're talking about. You ought to hear my preacher
preach. He done graduated at Princeton, Harvard, or some...' Look, we took them all
down. That's right. Nobody gets by with nothing. Why? Because this is what they
need that they haven't got. They need a pattern to go by. Now, we told you that
this pattern was a God-given thing. I'm trying to talk so you can understand. It's
not something that we hatched up, like they did the Vatican down there. You oughta
see that botched up mess they got down there, and that 108 acres. That right? Every
once in a while they're botching up something else to it, adding on something. And
it's not built according to the pattern. Nothing like it. Well, it can't be right.
God didn't authorize no building in no Vatican in Rome. What do you think He tore
it down up here in Jerusalem for. The Messiah said, the 23rd chapter. There's not
one stone left upon top of another that shall not be
5 Matthew 3:17
Page 7
thrown down.6 What're you throwing it down for? Gonna move it to Rome?
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: We, we ought, we, we need just a, just a remote touch of common sense,
just horse sense would do better than that. We just let the Devil come along and
tell us anything.
Moreover brethren, I don't want you to be ignorant. I want you to know how all of
our fathers was in the, baptized in the cloud and in the sea. And they did all
drink of that spiritual Rock that followed them, isn't that right? And that Rock
was Peter.
Student Body: No. No.
Dr. Kinley: Read.
Mary Gross: And that Rock was the Messiah.
Dr. Kinley: That Rock was... Now, you see how He's at back there? Now, when
to tell you that He was along back there, somebody say, 'Well, I didn't, I
hear it that way. You're the only one who said that.' No, uh uh, that is
book. See, somebody jumped up here and said, 'Well, Doc Gross is wrong about
Get the point?
we try
in the
Now, you must remember that there's a negative and a positive there, too. Well now,
look, in the cycles of time... I told you I wanna carry you on past here. I want to
put another one down here. We'll let this one kind of rest here, for a little bit.
We got this made. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Now what we wanna know is what's gonna
happen after this. Get the point? Now, in here this, this one... What's it, what's
this? This is an end here, too. This is an end here. This is an end here. This is
an end here. That's an end there. And then, listen here, this is being ended here,
and put another down and another end. That's the ages yet to come. Now, we explain
that in your Bible. And I want you to know now. Now, you can be the judge, because
it's your soul. I wonder if I could say this this way. The old folks used to say
that every tub has to sit on its own bottom. Now, if all of these tubs have to sit
on their own bottom now, then there can't be nobody's tub sitting on somebody
else's bottom at the judgement. Do you understand what I am talking about?
Student Body: Yes. Sure. Right.
Dr. Kinley: If there's nothing nobody can do for you now, there won't be nothing
nobody can do for you after a while. And you'd be surprised at how hard a job it is
to find anything at all right in any of these churches. Somebody would say 'Now
look, I know that's right. I know that's right. I'm just sure of that. That's
right.' Read something out of the Bible, too.
Matthew 24:2
Page 8
Now let me tell you about these people who come up here, these, these Arabs and all
right now. I hear some of them around here talking about the Black Muslims. And I
just might as well straighten you out on this mess. These Black Muslims in, in, in
the United States of America is separated from them across the waters. And there is
a lot of white people that belong to the Muslims. You heard me. I don't have no
problem proving it.
Now, I wanna tell you about them across the waters. Do you know what they believe?
They believe that the Messiah was crucified, and is buried, and has not resurrected
from the dead as yet. Did you know that? Now, somebody want to start an argument
with me. 'Oh, no. That ain't the way. That ain't the way. That ain't the way I hear
it.' Well now look, I put the doctrine in the book on you. They say, 'When He does
raise from the dead...' They teach, too, in India and a lot of places, temporary
suspended animation.
Dr. Kinley: We're done fooling around with all this jive here and stuff, and all
them different kinda thing, and all these doctrine and all. You'll find out that
450 million of them, and a lot of things that they teach, we don't believe:
idolatry, ignorance, and superstition. Somebody said, 'Kid you ever read the
Koran?' Yes, we read the Koran. Indeed.
'Do you know the Honorable Elijah Mohammed?' When was he born? Did him up...
Somebody says, 'Well, he's in Chicago.' I beg your pardon. Says, 'Well, you don't
reincarnation. I don't believe it. Get it now? One said he was born 570 A.D..
Another one, record said he was born 627 A.D.. If he's born 627 A.D., he wasn't
back there. Now it was his affirmation that he was God's prophet, and that he
received a revelation from God. And he taught he was an angel sent from God to
preach and to teach and his name was Mohammed. And he died around 632; 570, we'll
take that for his birth, and he died around 632. When you talk to me, you have to
tell me something.
Now, here's why I don't believe in that. And he couldn't be in Chicago. The reason
why they're saying that... They are saying that he is a reincarnation of the Elijah
Mohammed back there. The Honorable... Elijah Mo....
Now, reincarnation, when you look at that... What is reincarnation? The actual
definition of reincarnation means that the spirit that come out of this body,
departed out of it, now if it's gonna be reincarnated, it'll have to come back in
this body. But that's not the way they teach reincarnation. They mean that he come
out of this body and it's in that one over there. Well now listen. Let me show you
this. If that was Mohammed over there, way down the line in 570, who's he the
reincarnation of? Get me straightened out. You gotta do better than that with me.
You don't give me that hogwash. That's too far down the line. If he wasn't God
incarnated, or Christ incarnated, what you talking about, you being a reincarnation
of him.
Page 9
Four hundred fifty million of 'em... The population of the earth is approximately
300, 3 billion, 600 million of 'em Roman Catholics and 450 million of 'em
Mohammedans. Now, you don't have too much to choose from. Of course, the figures is
not right. Then, here we got our other factions of religious denominations, and
cults, and sects, and creeds; and all of them got something. Some of them got some
of this and some of that and then some of the other and some of the other, and just
so confused and mixed and messed up until they don't know what it's all about.
That's right. Depending on the priest to mediate and talk to God for you; you go
and confess to him, got him mediating, and then here he got Mary between him and
God. Light travels 186,000,000 miles... How long, Fred?
Dr. Allen Jr.: A second.
Dr. Kinley: A second. Now, it take longer than that to transmit a prayer through
all them souls. We ain't got time to wait on all that. Can't take no chance on
that. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Now, this is immortality. (DR. KINLEY IS DRAWING ON THE
BOARD.) That's an I... It don't look much like it... that's immortality. Now
that's... This is the end of this age, this spiritual age; this is immortality
here. Now, I want you to understand what I'm talking about. Now, with the Spirit in
you now, right now, with the Spirit in you now, you have life in you now.
Now, there's a man come in talk about mind, science of mind. Mind, it, it won't do.
The mind's too weak, cause you can change your mind before you get out that door
down there. Some of you went downtown, thought you wanted something or other, and
you actually went down there and bought it. And fore you got home with it, you was
wondering whether you could take it back. Now, if you don't understand what I'm
talking about, then, you ask Sears and them, around in these stores around here on,
how it is at Christmas. Everybody rushing in trying to buy something, trying...
Then, right after Christmas, here, there they come right back. Whole stacks full
down there, take that stuff back. And some of 'em even got signs up 'No exchanges.'
Mind. You change your mind about it. That won't do. Now, God or the Spirit, it's
not changeable. He declared the end from the beginning, hasn't changed it yet. Get
the point? Hasn't changed a thing about it. And it operates the same way all the
time, through all the dispensations and ages. But mind, it fluctuates. It's subject
to changes, but Spirit is not. Now, when you get the Spirit in this present age...
Now, look, the thing I'm trying to point out to you now is this. Now, it's not
gonna do you no good to try to prop up and hold up something because of my
grandmother, and my father, and my uncle, and my nephew, and all of my family they
belong to this stuff, and I been in it so long until... That's not going to help it
none. This is your soul. You're, up to you. Now, we're right down here now where,
if we don't have the Spirit, I'd like to change that, if the Spirit don't have
you... (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Too many of us have got the Holy Ghost. That's what's
wrong with us. Everybody's got the Holy Ghost. Now, if you look in your... Said,
'What did you say that for?' If you looked in your Bible, you'll find
Page 10
that when Philip went down and preached down in Samaria, the whole city down
there... Now, you know that don't even make sense. The city down there... It meant
the folks down there, in the city of Samaria. They received it, gladly received his
message. And quite a few of 'em was healed too, wasn't they.
Student Body: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: Don't it say that? But none of them never got the Holy Ghost, cause the
book said He hadn't, He hadn't, not fell upon them. That is to say, the Holy Ghost
never got them, not until Peter and John went down.
But now everybody, everybody around got the Holy Ghost now. And all of us is
gibbering and jabbering and ideas and opinions and different churches and all like
that, and talking just like a fool and don't even have sense enough to know that.
Somebody say, 'Well, look here. What church do you belong to?' Paul said, foolish
and unlearned questions avoid, because they do stir up strife, or gender strife.7
Now he thinks that's a real smart question. 'What church do you belong to?'
Now, the church, or the congregation of, the church... Paul wouldn't even know what
you're talking about when you say church. The true, divine, etymological meaning of
the word church, is congregation or assembly. Well now, what congregation or
assembly, or what church do you... There isn't but one. Well what is that? That's
the Messiah's body. That's what the congregation is. That's what the church is.
It's the body of the Messiah. Now, you heard me. Now, how many bodies did He have.
Student Body: One.
Dr. Kinley: How many Christs are there?
Student Body: One.
Dr. Kinley: Do you see what I'm talking about? Now, that sounds real smart on
there. Then here, some stupe comes along and says, 'Well, look, I belong to the
Roman...' He wants to put emphasis on it. The word Roman, it means a geographical
location. It's a city in Italy. Is that right?
Student Body: Right.
Dr. Kinley: Well, you just got through saying that... about Jerusalem. Well, how
did it get Rome in it? How did it get in there? Then, I just got through telling
you what they say. They say that Peter first set up the Holy Sea at Jerusalem,
moved it to Antioch. It was there a while, and from there to Rome. Now, anybody
believes that needs a psychiatrist to examine your head. And even if Pete never
went to Rome, he couldn't do that. It just don't make sense.
2 Timothy 2:23
Page 11
Well, somebody said, 'Well, you don't understand.' I'm afraid I do. I'm afraid
that's what my trouble is. You know better than that. What do you let someone come
along and tell you something like that for? Peter moving the church around.
Now, let me show you just some more stupidity on that thing, and that they're doing
all the time. Now you heard what I just said, didn't you. Now then here, they say
that Peter died and he was buried in Rome. And now, showing that Christ put the
church on Peter, and Peter's dead and buried, and now they set the Vatican up on
him, so they say. Do you see how stupid people are? Do you, do you see that?
Proving that the church was built on Peter. Well, what was happening when he was
walking around? You got to kill him and get him in the ground before you can build
something on him. Well, what was happening when he was walking around?
Now, the scriptures can't be broken. The 23rd chapter of Matthew the 1st verse
says, the scribes and the Pharisees, they wanted to sit in Moses's seat. Is that
Student Body: Right.
Dr. Kinley: You know what the scribes and the Pharisees are. Them's the big shots
of the Sanhedrin Council, the smart boys. They wanted to get promoted on up, so
higher up than, Moses's seat was the highest, because Moses, God gave the Law
through Moses. So, they wanted to sit up in his seat. Now, the scriptures can't be
broken. So, the Sanhedrin Council comes on through that way, the scribes and the
Pharisees. Now, if the scriptures can't be broke, then you can see why it is that
they think that Pete was, is closest to Christ, and when Christ is cut off, Peter
is His successor, and they are successors of the Apostle. That is, they want to set
in Pete's seat. How stupid can you get.
And then here's the Devil, too. The book said so, in Jude. There was the Devil out
there arguing about where the body of Moses was buried. Told him up there in the
mount. And the Devil's arguing with Michael, too, the archangel, about the body of
Moses, and where it was buried. And said God buried him up there. Devil, he's
around arguing about it. He done got throwed out of heaven, now here he is, down
here, arguing with the man that throwed him out, Michael. Arguing with, just, just
throwed him and all his host out of heaven, and now here he is down here arguing
with him. That's the 12th chapter of Revelations. See how stupid we are? (STUDENT
BODY LAUGHS) About where the body of Moses was buried.8 Just like they doing it.
Now, the scriptures can't be broken. Here they are now, scratching around under the
Vatican. Say, 'Pete's under here somewhere.' You've made a great big announcement
in the paper. 'We expecting to soon find him.' Well, they ain't found him yet. Now,
that's just cold downright...
Jude 9
Page 12
Let me show you what I'm talking about. If this is so that this is three-fold here;
this is so that this is is three-fold here. And if that's so, then this has got to
be. Then the whole thing is that way. The Godhead, you, and everything else. Atoms
and everything. Then you got negations. This is just as profound and just as
perfect in negations or opposites, as right is right. And it's just got to be.
Now, the Devil can deceive you with all that junk. And all they're looking for is
self-aggrandizement and promotion. Comes along and says to the little Jew boy,
says, 'Say, what ch.., what church you belong to? 'Well,' say, 'that's a problem.'
He says, 'Well, what are you?' He says, 'I'm a Protestant.' Says, 'Why are you a
Protestant.' 'Well, you go in, a Layman. Might get to be a deacon. You just might
get to be a preacher. Promote you on up.' Says, 'Well, what church you belong to?'
Said, 'I belong to the Roman Catholic.' 'What, what, what, why don't you belong to
some of these other Roman Catholic?' 'Yes.' Says, 'Well, you can start in a Layman.
You can go from the Layman, to the Deacon. You can go from the Deacon to the
Priest. You can go from a Priest to a Bishop. And you can go from a Bishop to an
Archbishop. And then you can go on up to a Cardinal. And, if you're real smart, you
just stand a chance of getting promoted on up to the Pope.' The little Jew boy
says, 'Oh, that's why you're a Protestant and a Roman Catholic.' 'Yes,' he said,
'that's right.' Said, 'You can't never tell, you might make it up there. You should
join the Roman Catholic Church. Why, that's a potential possibility. That's why I'm
a Catholic.' He says, 'Don't you think you ought to come over here?' 'Listen,'
says, 'I, I don't want none of that. We had one and He made it.' (STUDENT BODY
LAUGHS) He was the real Messiah. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____. That's the reason
why I belong to... Yes, He was the real God of heaven and earth. He really made it.
Yes, indeed. (DR. KINLEY LAUGHS) So, I think I'm kind of like that little Jew boy.
I think I'll stick around in here. You got it made.
Now, let me get down of here real quick and wind this thing up. Now, read with the
Spirit. Now, this is the cost of the Spirit. Now, you have to take all of that junk
to the dump. Have to take all that imagination, all that old superstition, all that
old tradition. And listen, don't nobody know anymore about it than you. You know
what I mean by that? Now, you stand around and argue about your church and what you
believe, that don't make you have the Holy Spirit.
And not, let me tell you this. God is not gonna stoop to nobody's level. He's not
gonna do that. Do you know what I mean by that? I mean by this, I mean, this is
what I mean by that. Now, if you got something that's out of harmony with this
purpose and this plan, and God has declared the end from the beginning, you'll
never make it. Now, God ain't gonna stoop down to your level at all. And if you
ever do get the Holy Spirit, you're certainly going to have to put that down. Now,
you can argue all you want to, but listen, don't let Him come catch you with it.
And here's something else I want you to see now. How a whole lot of deception is in
the world. And the reason why you can't talk to me, you stand out there looking up
in the sky for Christ. Said, went all through the country, they said, 'Jesus is
coming.' No, He's not. That's the carnal mind. No, indeed. Somebody said, 'Well,
you can't tell. Tomorrow might be judgement day. He might jump out of them clouds
up there.' And you stand around looking around. I'm telling you
Page 13
now, that's not going to happen.
Now, if you'd turn to the 4th chapter of the 1st epistle of John and read that. He
said now, Beloved, believe not every, every spirit. Now you listen at me, Ray.
Said, 'Beloved, believe not every spirit.' Listen. Every spirit that testifies that
Christ is come, or Yahshua, the Messiah is come, that one's of Yahweh. Is
that what you got in your Book?
Now, let me show you how that happens. Let me show you how that happens. I want the
10th chapter, the 15th chapter of 1st Corinthians. I wanna show you how that
happens, how you can get fooled, and bear in mind what I told you about the Roman
They're saying, too, that He never resurrected from the dead. In the doctrine and
the philosophy that they teach, they do say in words that He resurrected, they say
that. I'm not accusing of them not saying it. But they say it in words, then in
deed they deny it. That's what I'm arguing about. Just like the Messiah said,
'Whatsoever the scribes and Pharisees say, that do.' Said, 'But don't do after
their works, cause they say, but they don't do.'
Now, look, let me show you why I said that. Look up here at me. Everything that Dr.
Gross stood there and told you about, water baptisms, sacrifices, Ten Commandments,
Lord's Suppers, and ceremonies and circumcisions, Christ died to move 'em out of
the way. And everybody this side of the Cross, that practice 'em, don't have God.
He's denying that He resurrected from the dead. The book says that He triumphed
over them, and was victorious over them. He nailed them to the cross. He put a,
made an open demonstration out of them.9 And if you're out here doing them, you're
denying that He resurrected from the dead. You're just saying it in words, and in
deed you're denying it. Every one of these people around here talking about eating
this grape juice and, and these crackers, saying that Christ said for them to do
that is a liar. It's not in the Book. It's not there. And you're gonna have to stop
Somebody said, 'Well, I been doing it too long.' You listen, eternity in Hell is
longer than that. Get you a couple of years on that one. Them people that do them
things are blind. They deny the, that that's what He died for. He said He wasn't
gonna.., that's what the Old Covenant was. The New Covenant is the Spirit in you.
Now, what we're talking about, His Spirit being in you, every Spirit that
testifies. Listen, for the first man Adam was... Look over here. Look over here.
Fifteenth chapter of 1st Corinthians: The first man Adam was of the earth, earthly.
Paul said... it's written in 1st Corinthians 15, I think it's around the 45th
verse. The first man Adam was of the earth, earthly. You say that God made the body
out of the dust of the earth. And Paul said the first man Adam, was of the earth,
earthly. It's written therein, but the second man, Adam, was what?
Student Body: A quickening spirit.
Colossians 2:14, 15
Page 14
Dr. Kinley: Read it out of the Bible. Read it.
Mary Gross: And so it is written,10
Dr. Kinley: It is written,
Mary Gross: The first man Adam was made a living soul;
Dr. Kinley: The first Adam was made a living soul;
Mary Gross: the last Adam was made a life-giving spirit.
Dr. Kinley: The last Adam was made a life-giving spirit. Listen. He's a quickening
spirit. You stand around here looking up in the sky. He's a quickening spirit in
your heart, that's the New Covenant. Now, you can't sit around and you know good
and well you don't have the Spirit in you. I don't care how long you been in this
church, that church, or the other church. As far as I'm concerned. You know whether
you've got the Spirit in you or not. He's made a quickening Spirit. That's the
reason why don't nobody know nothing. They're around here fooling with the natural
things. They can't see spiritual things. Don't understand spiritual things. Eating
crackers and drinking grape juice, and all them things that was done under the Law.
He hasn't got no Holy Spirit. Devil deceived him.
Now, in conclusion, it is written that the second man Adam was made a quickening
spirit. Now, that's the difference between one, one's natural and the other's
spiritual. One's the Lord from Heaven, the other's from the earth. One is earthly
and the other one is heavenly or spiritual. Now, if you have that Spirit in you,
that's what we're talking about. Jesus said here, said to Martha and Mary,11 'He
that believeth in me...' Now, listen at me. Now listen at me, Wallace. 'He that
believeth in Me, though he were dead...' From the fall of Adam. In Adam all died.
'...though he were dead, yet shall he live.' Let me repeat it again. He that
believeth in Me, though he were dead.... Not four days as was in Lazarus's case,
but 4000 years, yet shall he live. I am the resurrection and the life. He that
believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. Right?
Student Body: Right.
Dr. Kinley: And he that liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. Do you believe
this? Now, I'm telling you that Spirit in you. It even follows the contours of your
physical body. This body is already dead, but the inner man is a quickening spirit,
resurrected and never gonna die. And I'm not talking about this physical body,
I Corinthians 15:45
John 11:25
Page 15
Some of them run around talking about this physical body. Father Divine, I went to
New York in '35 and saw and talked with him. And they were talking about 'never
die'. I said, 'No, Doc, it's not that way. It's in a man. It's a spirit. That's,
that's the man in the man, that ain't gonna never die.' But this outer man, all of
us, that's the difference between a mortal, that's the difference between a mortal
body. And listen, this is a mortal body with a spirit in it under this
dispensation. And then this mortal must take off this mortal and put on
immortality. We have that dwelling within this one now, eternal life, not going to
get it when He jumps out of the sky, because He's not going to do that. He's
supposed to be in you now.
And now listen, don't you sit up here and eat no crackers and grape juice, and drag
somebody around and try to convince Me you've got something in you. Every spirit
that testifies that He is come, you cut that stuff out, because you're practicing
the things was done under the Law. Now look, don't you see the Roman Catholic
Church there? Don't you see the Moslems? Don't you see the Methodists and the
Baptists? Can you see that? I'm asking you now, can you see it?
Student Body: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: Can you see that?
Student Body: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: Now, you don't even need good sense to see that. Now watch my point.
Now, here you come down through this, since the death, burial, and resurrection,
and the outpouring, you come down through this one, right down here now. Right down
against it again. Where, as this change was made here, this change, this is what's
painted here. Now, now look, listen. It's never gonna be nothing else but this,
never gonna be in this repetition. It'll never get away from this, and even in the
ages yet to come, Williams, because this pattern is Him Himself, and He is eternal.
Can't do away with it ____ ____ ____ ____. And listen class, with the stuff we use,
we just can't lose. We just can't lose.
Now look, so I can show you. I, I just got through telling you, now, it's never
gonna be nothing else but a repeat. That's all it's gonna ever be. That's all it
ever has been. That's all it ever will be. Now then, here's, Dr. Gross was telling
you about this. Now here comes Pharaoh, Rameses that king was named. They called
all the kings pharaohs. Now, here it come up here. You can see it anywhere on, on
these charts. He come up here from Egypt, put the blood over the lintels of the
door. Here's Christ, the blood on the, on the lintels of the door. It's dark here,
turned dark on the face of the earth from the sixth to the ninth hour. Go right on
back here in the Flood, you got the same thing. It's dark. The sun obscured in the
sky when it's raining. It rained 40 days and 40 nights. Then you don't have to
question how long they was in here. You understand, one day is for forty years in
prophetic time. You don't have, there ain't but one door through here, and there
can't be but just one. He said He was the door, and there just can't be but one of
Him. And listen, Pete ain't sitting up there ruling him, either. And they twisted
up your Bible even down to, to make this thing work their way.
Page 16
Did you know that?
The Messiah was cut off without any successor. You know why He didn't need no
successors? What'd He need somebody to succeed Him for? He didn't leave, did He.
What's He doing? I thought you said Pete was running it. I beg your pardon. Do you
see how stupid we are. Well, I thought you said Paul was running it. Now, this is
what Paul wants to know. Said who is Pete? Who is Paul? Who is Apollos? Are they
not the ministers of Christ by whom you believe?12
Somebody says, 'Well, Pete is the Rock, 16th chapter of Matthew, upon which the
church is built. And John said he was the rock, too.' Is that right? No, that ain't
right, said stone, didn't say rock. You know the difference between and a rock and
a stone. You got no better imagination than that. Substance is the same but one's
larger than the other one. Well, I'll have you to know that Pete was not the only
pebble on that beach. Messiah did say to Pete, in the 16th chapter of Matthew, and
called his name too.
Now, here's, here's Pete talking. He says you are builded up a spiritual house.13
What'd he say that for? Don't you see that this temple here was synonymous with His
body, and it was more than one stone in this. And Paul put it this way. Said we are
built upon the foundations of the apostles and prophets.14 And look, another
foundation can no man lay.15
Student Body: That's alright.
Dr. Kinley: Than that which was already laid. Laid where? Out there in Joseph's new
tomb, hewn out in the rock, in the heart of the earth. Another foundation can no
man lay than that which is already laid. Let him that take... build it thereon,
take heed how he builds. If you put water, if you put any of that Lord's Suppers,
if you put any of that natural on there. He said, you suffer loss, for the fire
shall reveal what sort it is. Ain't that what the book says?16 Don't you put none of
that natural on there. Then somebody says, 'Well, now look, I don't believe that.'
Well, Pete told you, since it come in in the fire. He says it goes out in the fire.
Said it shall be disintegrated and dissolved, and consumed.17 Didn't he say that?
Student Body: Right.
I Corinthians 3:5
I Peter 2:5
Ephesians 2:20
I Corinthians 3:11
I Corinthians 3:13
2 Peter 3:10,11
Page 17
Dr. Kinley: Now, here you go and lay unleavened bread on it. Here you go and lay a
lamb up there on it. You go and lay something natural up there on it. Stick your
foot up there, foot washing, washed there. Now, if your feet need washing, better
go on home and wash your own dirty feet. That's right. That was symbolic of the
washing of regeneration.
Then, the Devil get to this foot washing stunt, got the women on one side and the
men on the other. What did you do that for? Said there are neither male nor female,
bond nor free.18 What are you so particular about somebody washing your wife's feet?
Pope Paul and Pope John over there washing the Cardinals' feet. Got one Negro over
there, great big black bird. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) I'm not just saying that to be
smart, either. I want you to see it. And he washed his feet, went, on home liked to
die. That's right. He called himself breaking down segregation. And the doctors had
a hard time to get that Negro clean, get that Negro clean. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS)
He's breaking down segregation. That's the truth. Now if you don't think I told you
right, we'll bring you the newspapers and let you read them.
All of that natural. God is spirit. We come from spirit. That's where we're going
back to. Matter is spirit materialized. And matter shall be disintegrated and
dissolved and go back to that. And none of these natural things, none of these
natural things. That's how the Devil tricked Eve out there, with them natural
things. And now here the Devil got the same old story coming right back to you.
Taking the Lord's Suppers and the things was under the Dispensation of the Law, and
you just falling for it, and then standing around and trying to argue with somebody
about what church you belong to. And Reverend So and So preached a good sermon. He
didn't preach nothing like that out of no Bible. And the reason why I say he didn't
preach nothing like that out of no Bible is cause it's not in there. You see why I
said they can't win no debate. How in the world you gonna win a debate in that
Book? It ain't twisted up like that. You're wrong when you start, and you're wrong
when you get it done.
Now, just like He talked about go ye therefore in all the world, baptizing in the
name.19 You went and dunked them in the water. You can't read water in that verse.
He can't send nobody out to baptize nobody, and neither does nobody else. That's
what He died for. Now, if He had the authority to remove it, He sure don't have the
authority to make Himself out a liar and send somebody else out there to do it.
Now, that's just horse sense. You don't need no sense to see that.
Now, what's wrong with the world today, they're trying to find some way to perform
these things. And Paul and all the rest of them with their robes, and all, with all
of his eloquence and grace, dipping in holy water, marching around, hands all up in
the air. Sissy. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) That's right. Clowning and carrying on. He
ought to get in Ringling Brothers, and Barnum and Bailey. Now, this ain't that kind
of a show.
Galatians 3:28
Matthew 28:19
Page 18
Now, then just soon as you open your mouth, it's by your words that you're
justified, and it's by your words are you condemned.20 If the Spirit is in you,
then, then you'll see spiritual things.
But the natural man, he don't understand spiritual things, he talk like a fool to
him.21 And he's around trying to show somebody how much holier that he is than
somebody else. Then you got him walking around saying, 'Listen, I don't chew no
tobacco. I don't smoke no cigarettes. I don't drink no whiskey. I don't do this,
and I don't do that, and I don't do the other thing, and all that.' Well, how come
you.., what did you quit for? Or, did you ever do it? Now, when you got, when you
got started to smoking and chewing, you was lost. And when you stopped, you was
still lost. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) So, either way you go, you're lost. Now, what
you're telling the people not to do, that's the very thing they're doing. Let me
show you what I mean. They're telling you to eat this stuff, just like the Devil
told Eve out there. And here, down in the 2nd chapter of Colossians, Paul is
telling, 'don't touch, don't taste.'22 Isn't that right.
Student Body: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: Isn't that what he's telling you in the Book? Says, 'don't handle,
don't touch, don't taste, and if you do, you'll perish with it.' Ain't that what he
said? And somebody says, 'No sir.' You see what I'm talking about? Been there all
this clowning. What are you doing that for? I wanna show you that, look, if you're
going to live a Christian life, I want to see how you live well. Look, I don't live
here. Paul says you are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God. Well, when
Christ, who is our life, shall appear, we shall appear with Him in glory. Now, if
you want to see me live, you get on up here where I am at. I don't live here, I
live in that heavenly state. And I don't have to beg your indulgence. Nothing I
wanna eat, nothing I wanna drink. I'll drink anything I want to, and eat anything I
want to, and, if it don't make me sick, it won't bother you. And it ain't none of
your business. How you like that? That's right. But that's what people are trying
to do. Try and hide around, say, 'Sister and Brother So and So... Don't let them
see you.' Now, you know you ain't got no the Holy Spirit in you. Then you get all
worked up, and you go out there, and then peeking out from under to see whether
you're going to take the communion or not. If you don't take the communion, say,
'What's the matter with you, boy? You been in to something.' (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS)
He don't want you to see him drink nothing and here out there he wants you to see
him drink. That's as stupid as it gets. Now, it's time for that's out. Now, let me
finish what I...
Here they come up out of here. Now the Pharaoh didn't succeed that time. Nasser is
the king of.., just like Pharaoh. You can call him a premier if you want, but it's
the same identical thing. And, that is what they're fighting about. The Russian
army helped them to get up their armies to fight. And the Arabian king
Matthew 12:37
I Corinthians 2:14
Colossians 2:21
Page 19
here, too. And now, the thing coming down to the end of this dispensation, it's
repeating itself right back over, because it's repeating. It's just repeating here,
repeating there, repeating, repeating. Ain't doing nothing else but repeating.
Now, let me show you this. Now, 17 years before (just have somebody show them that
Temple up there) the foundation of the Herodian Temple, 17 years before He was
born, Herod begins to build that Temple, 17 years, or 16 1/2, we'll just call it
17. Now, then, here He comes along. Here comes the Messiah along, and at 30... I'd
rather put it this way. I'd rather put it forth at 6. Then, then you can see it in
the Book. Sixteen, 16 1/2. I'm going to have it my way anyhow. 16 1/2... Now,
that's 46 years. Now, 16 1/2, he laid that foundation up there for that Temple. And
then, Messiah, when He was 30 years old, went...23 Now, look right at the man over
there, and then watch both of them, if you can, because I want to wind up what I'm
talking about. But I don't want you to... I don't want you to miss this one. Now
was 30 years old when He went to be baptized. Now, if you take the 16 1/2, it's 46
years. Now, if you take John 2 and 19, He says, destroy this Temple, and I'll build
it again in 3 days. The Jews said, 'our fathers was 46 years in the building of
this. How sayest thou?' 46. So now then, you don't see 30 here. (DR. KINLEY IS
FIGURING ON THE BLACKBOARD.) Now, He was in the ministry 3 years. Now, you either
have to use this 3 1/2 here. It was actually 3 1 /2. So then, I got to use it one
place or... 3 1/2, so that's 46, and 3 is 49. Is that right? That 49. Now, this is
the, this is His ministry here. See that 49? Now, one more, this half here, and
this half here, gives you just one more. Now, don't that make 50?24
Student Body: Right
Dr. Kinley: (DR. KINLEY CONTINUES WORKING ON THE BOARD.) You see that? Now look,
you see that now. I'll hurry. Now, 6000, 6 days of that, point 'em out, 6... One
day with the Lord is 1000 years, and 1000 years... You can see 6 days is the
equivalent of 6000. Now, I'll put a stick in it. Now, I got 120, you put that up
here, I got 120, 120. Well, now, one times 50... let me work it out and show you
too. There you are. Then I got 2, 2 there, that's a hundred. Bring the zero down,
it's 120. Is that right?25
Student Body: That's right.
16 1/2 from foundation of Herodian temple laid to the birth of Yahshua
Yahshua's birth to beginning of His ministry (John 2:19)
46 1/2 John 2:19 from foundation of Herod's temple laid to beginning of
Yahshua's ministry
46 1/2 John 2:19. foundation of Herodian temple laid to beginning of Yahshua's ministry
3 1/2 beginning of Yahshua's ministry to Pentecost
jubilee cycle completed at Pentecost
6000 years/50 years (jubilee cycle) = 120 jubilee cycles (50 years) in 6000 years
(6 days)
Page 20
Dr. Kinley: Noah was 120 years in building the ark. See it? You got 50 days of
Pentecost. Fifty, 50 of these days of Pentecost. This is one here. 50 of them in
6000 years. Now, do you see what I'm talking about. 120. Now, I'm telling you,
you're in the 120 50th, you're in the 120th years now. You can't get 50 out of
here, from here to A. D. 2000.26 You'll never see it. Now, let me show you what I
was talking about there. Now, this is 19... So you'll know. Now, this is 1967. Now,
this is the last 50th here. 7... There's the 17 years or 16 1/2 before. So, this
one that just passed, that was the 50th, that was the last 50. Does everybody
understand what I'm talking about? That one's the last, and you can't get 50 from
here. Now, then, watch this one. Now, here they come on out of here. There's
Hussein, there's Pharaoh, here is Nasser overthrown... and they're (listen here)
fighting about the Suez Canal and adjacent... and the Red Sea. Is that right?
Student Body: Right.
Dr. Kinley: And here they.., should come on up here and show the Gulf of Aqaba. And
listen, got the forces in there right now. If, if Pharaoh couldn't make it, how you
think Nasser's gonna make it? When they went up through here, Moses's men fought
all the way up through there. Then, how do you expect Hussein to win? Ain't nothing
else but repeating itself. Then they go over here. Now they're gonna annihilate
Israel up here. That's what they was gonna do. And if they just didn't do it when
Joshua and them carried on through there when Moses went there, now how you expect
them to do it now? Can't you see they can't do that. Said, God said, if you can
destroy Israel, annihilate Israel, you can sweep down the stars. Just can't be
Dr. Kinley: Now, as Dr. Gross told you... Listen up at me now, and I'm through. Now
then, since Abba Eban's up here at the UN, what they're trying to get the Jews and
the Arabs to do, since the Abrahamic Promise, the Abrahamic Promise that they was
give them come on up there, give them that land, give it. And it comes on down to
the River Nile in Egypt. Give them that for an inheritance. Abraham had two sons:
one by his wife, Sarah, and one by his bondwoman, Hagar, Isaac and Ishmael. And God
promised to bless them both. One, bless the Arabs, or the Gentiles, through Isaac,
which was a type of Messiah. And they dwelled in that land. Listen, when the
children of Israel went in there to invaded this land... Now listen at me. They
couldn't drive them all out of there. Eight nations were left in there. If they
couldn't drive them out then, how they gonna drive 'em out now? All of the angels
that sinned in Heaven was cast out, but all of them there wasn't, just wasn't
sinners. This is an allegory and a type of Heaven. Now, listen at me. What they're
supposed to do now is to be reconciled and to dwell in that land together at peace,
through the offering up of the Messiah, reconciled both the Jews and the Gentiles.
He's not Yahweh of the Jews and just leave the Gentiles out. But now then, this is
what they're doing. When John says, in Revelations, it says, when they went through
here, says, he saw the holy, first heaven and the first earth was passed away; and
there was no more sea, they're
1967 AD - 17 = 1950 AD - 2000 AD (the 120th jubilee cycle or last jubilee cycle)
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gone27 'And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of
heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her hus...' when Moses came down with that
Tabernacle in his mind. Do you see that now?
Student Body Yes.
Dr. Kinley: Now, they done had to fight, has been up through here, all the way
through. Now, the Jews, since they captured the Jordanian side of that temple up
there, they're calling this, the situation they got over there, the New Jerusalem.
Now, what are they looking for? They're looking for Messiah to come. And you
already got Him within you. They don't understand in spiritual. And, when you see
them things come to pass, your times for the Gentiles is fulfilled. Know, it's
right at the door. Now, you can sit at home on your tail if you want to, and you'll
be in Hell first thing you know. Talking about you and your church and you and your
pastor. You understand what I'm talking about? When them things come to pass, when
the time of the Gentiles fulfilled.28
And let, let me tell you this. The Jews had no king from the carrying away to
Babylon, 606 years before the birth of Messiah, on down until 1948. And that hadn't
been 20 years ago. When they built up that tiny state of Israel, building, taking
'em out from all the nations and all, and building it up there. Now, here's their
impression. They're building it for the Messiah to come, as it was under Ezra and
Nehemiah. Now, that has already happened. Now, they're gonna rebuild the thing back
over. Now, here's the millennial alarmists. Now, here come the millennium. The
millennial alarmists running like the Jehovah's Witnesses and them. He gonna come
down here, gonna jump out of the sky, now. And then He's gonna sit here for a
thousand years and rule with a rod. Now, the real truth about it is, He's upon the
throne of His glory now.29 The Book told you, entered on in the veil and set down at
the right hand of God, the Father.30 And all nations is before Him.
And that's what we're trying to do now, is to crack your hard head with a rod of
iron, and get it in your mind that He's a quickening spirit, and He's ruling you,
and as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the Sons of God; not led of
Peter, not led of somebody, not led of Paul, but led of the Spirit. They are the
Sons of God.
You've got that governor and that control and that rod of iron, and every time you
would make some kind of mistake come right down on you with that rod of iron: don't
do that. Your ruler: the steps of a good man is ordered by the Lord. Every time
they go to chunk some bread and wine, you say, 'Don't do that. Don't touch. Don't
taste. If you do, you'll perish.' And if you want something to eat, don't bring
Revelation 21:1
Romans 11:25
Hebrews 1:3
Hebrews 10:20
Page 22
it up here in the congregation of the assembly. It never was done that way. Then,
if that's true that way, can't you see they're all doing it wrong according to the
scriptures. Jehovah's Witnesses, 'But we don't do it but once a year.' I don't care
if it is just one time a year, that's one time that it's just gonna be wrong, cause
it just isn't done that way.
They baptizing a whole lot of people. They had Yankee Stadium converts here not too
long ago, seven years, not too long ago. And there they was, out there baptizing.
And a fellow got out there, one Jehovah's Witness, I know he's right. Stepped off
in the deep out there and he...
Student Body: drowned.
Dr. Kinley: drowned. Now, that's the truth. Here wintertime comes. It's cold up in
the North. And what they used to do is send me to baptize, warm some water there
behind the pool. If it's all that important, why don't you go down there and break
some ice down there, and get baptized. It's too cold. If it's too cold to get
baptized, you're showing Hell too hot... too hot to go to Hell. Do you understand
what I'm talking about? The weather gets so cold, it freeze up a cake of ice. Now,
they want you to break that because Jesus said, 'get baptized in the water.' It
don't make good sense. People got the new moon and all every other kind, trying to
do these things naturally so.
And it's, what's the bad part of it, your conscience is condemning you. You know
you ain't right. You've got it right in your conscience. And, let me say this, for
the sake of the ministry. Say listen, you preachers that's got license, don't, do,
don't you... This is the wrong place to do any playing now. If you just don't have
it, and you just ain't gonna do the thing right, then set down. You'll lose your
soul. If you can't behave yourself at home and abroad, and all of them different
kinda things, don't nobody want to be worried with you no how. And I'm talking to
all of you and everybody else that's in here. Just might as well make it clear. I'm
not trying to tell somebody we will revoke your license, or nothing like that. We
want you to preach. We want you to be sincere. We want you to be in earnest about
it. We want you to quit hypocritting around, if that's what you been doing. That
piece of paper don't license you to hypocrite. It's your soul. You're needed. There
ain't but a few people around in the world that's got the Holy Spirit. And you come
on clean. And you go on down there and preach it, preach it just like it was the
last time. And don't spare nobody, because we was given an answer for this uproar
that we're having in the judgement. And it's gonna be real soon.
No, you're not going to just keep on going and just keep on going and say well,
next week, or next month I'll get straightened out. Don't, don't, don't take no
chance on that, Freddy. Let me tell you the next feast days is coming up. The 10th
day of October. You don't know you're gonna get by like you did the 6th day of
June. You don't know that. I done told you, this period is gone. Now the people are
in... This is the last, this is the last Pentecost. That's why we had the meeting
in 1967. Somebody said, 'Well, I'm too busy. I can't go. I'm this, I'm that...
Listen you gonna be here.' Get rid of that stuff. Get straightened out. Somebody
said, 'Listen, I'm tired. I've worked hard all day, and I'm losing my
Page 23
sleep and all.' Listen, that junk's got to go. Paul preached all night, and I've
preached all night many times. Haven't I Clifford? And you fired the furnace. They
wouldn't let me quit.
And here, you're looking at the clock. Why don't you stay home and look at the
clock? What do you wanna come down and look at the clock and worry me to death for?
I'm trying to get something over to you. You're too busy for this, and you're too
busy for that. Say listen, you're gonna have plenty of business to take care of, if
there is any such thing as shoveling coal, you'll have a job shoveling coal pretty
soon. Of course, there is no such thing. It's worse than that. Then somebody
sitting, 'Well, if you're just going to get burnt up and that's all there is to
it...' Said, 'That won't take long.' Ain't nothing but crazy. And they're walking
You'd better get on away from there. You know that? Warned you to flee from the
wrath of God. And listen, the wrath of God, you can't take it. You just can't take
it. Let me show you that you can't. There's people all over the world... Some of
these orthopedic specialists, just put out a joint, there's something wrong with
your back, and there you go. And here you go... You'd do anything to straighten it
out, that nerve, and that bone... (DR. KINLEY MAKES SCREAMING NOISES FOR PAIN.)
Now, if you can't stand something like that, don't you see, you can't stand the
wrath of God. Hurt you so bad, and all that kinda thing. And I've seen them in the
hospitals, just, just, just, just trembling' and shaking' and just hollering all
the time. Nervous systems tore all to pieces. I know Dr. Harris has seen it.
Toothache or, and the, or whole nervous system.
Now you can set down. You can set down and relax, and kind of think, and see where
you are. You, you may not get past 19.., you may not get into 1968. They're talking
about the presidential campaigns in 1968. And let me tell you this. I wouldn't
guarantee you that if you get down to 1970. 1970 and 30 would be 2000, wouldn't it.
Now that's where He went in His ministry at 30. You might make it down to 30. I
can't promise you that. This '67 here, you'd best straighten up and fly right, get
rid of some of them excuses, some of them alibis, and quit your fooling, cause if
you don't, you'll lose your soul. You're right at the place now where you just
about... Paul said, 'Be not weary in well-doing, for in due season you will reap,
if you faint not,31 just don't faint. Listen, this is no place to faint now. We've
worked down too close to it now for us to come up with some little old flimsy
Now, I wanted to tell you about that, because I want you to see what that war was
that's going on. I want you to understand it. It's one of the repetitions. Now,
when they did that, they was preparing for Messiah to come. When Nehemiah and Ezra
went up there and built Jerusalem unto the Messiah, now, they was looking for
Messiah to come. Now, He's been here. Now, they're doing the same thing, denying
Him then; and now they're looking for Him to come.
Galatians 6:9
Page 24
But you know that you have Him in you as a quickening spirit. And you can't go
around here fooling... You ain't fooling nobody but yourself, and you will lose
your soul if you don't straighten up and fly right. And live it every day, every
hour, and every minute. I can't tell you to do that, and you can't do it, if you
don't have something to do it with. You can't make it on your own. Somebody say,
'Well, I tell you right now, I'm gonna straighten up and fly right.' No, you ain't.
You won't do nothing but make a mess out of it, if you don't buckle down and get
the Spirit. There ain't nothing you can do. Say, 'Well, I ain't gonna drink no more
whiskey. I ain't gonna drink none.' That ain't gonna help none, you got to
apologize, repent, straighten up, fly right.
And listen, here's something else I want you to know. Listen at this one. Paul said
forsake not to assemble yourselves together, as the manner of some is; and the much
more you see the day approaching.32 Can't you see from here where you are? You're
griping around about having a meeting on Wednesday, and Friday, and Sunday. That
was a daily ministration. They preached all day, a daily thing. Every day.
Roman Catholics is an every day. The Devil, he don't lay off no days. God don't
either. Said, 'Well, I wouldn't mind coming down there if you didn't keep us down
there so long.' Well, what are you gonna do when you're lost? Eternity... The
harvest is passed, and you're yet not saved.33
And all that Israel did was just gripe, and gripe, and gripe, and gripe. That's
what Paul told you in the 10th chapter of 1st Corinthians. Said they just murmured
and complained and griped about everything. If we don't have no meeting, they
griped about that. We had two meetings a week; they griped about that. And when we
didn't have none, they griped about that. And then, when they got down here, even
after said they wanted it, then they griped about being down here. Now, what are
you supposed to do? Let's go. I hope you got something.
Hebrews 10:25
Jeremiah 8:20
Page 25
7) JULY 15, 1967, 2-4:30 PM:
by Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley
Salvation Army Hall, 117 West High Street, Springfield, Ohio
recorded by Burbank Davies Mitchell on reel to reel recorder
transferred to audio cassette by Geraldine Rothstein
2 90 minute audio cassettes
CATALOG #: 67.0715
transcribed by Dr. Sandra Giragosian
proofread by Michael Rothstein and Geraldine Rothstein
Proofread and approved by the International Public Relations Committee: 1996
1. … indicates that Dr. Kinley ended a word or a sentence without verbally completing it.
2. Audience comments are included only if more than one person responded or if Dr. Kinley was speaking directly to a
specific person.
3. Unless emphasized by Dr. Kinley pause words have been left out of the transcript for the sake of ease in readability and
comprehension (ah, uh, see, you see, you see what I mean, isn’t that right, understand, you understand, do you understand).
4. ___ indicates an inaudible word or syllable
5. WORDS IN CAPITAL LETTERS are comments of the transcriber.
Dr. Geraldine Rothstein: This is July, the 15th, 1967, at the annual convention of the Institute of Divine
Metaphysical Research, the Salvation Army Hall, 117 West High Street, Springfield, Ohio. This is on Saturday. It's
the first spiritual session, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The first speaker was Dr. Oliver Gill from Ohio. The second
speaker is Dr. Henry C. Kinley.
Moderator: It is my pleasure at this time to introduce the second speaker, who will be our Founder and Dean, Dr.
Henry C. Kinley.
Dr. Kinley: Thank you ever so much. I'm indeed happy and glad to be with you at this time. And for this special
occasion, I hope and trust that you will pay strict attention to everything that is said in this meeting, and weigh it
carefully. It is for
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7) JULY 15, 1967, 2-4:30 PM:
your benefit and your learning.
Now, we didn't come here to make apologies, to try to get along with any ecclesiastical or any political groups, or
to stay in harmony with anybody. And I want you to recognize and to realize that.
Sitting over there, I perceived that the acoustics in this building have a resound or an echo, to such an extent it's
hard to understand the voice of the speaker. And too while I was sitting there, I noticed that the people moving
about from one place to the other, tapped their feet against the floor, and that vibration, and what not, is distracting
and disturbing. Now, I never like to complain about things of that nature and so on, and about the babies crying
and what not, and about you talking to someone next to you, and so forth and so on. But now, if you understood,
like I am going to try and attempt to tell you this afternoon, you will realize the value of the expression by the
Prophet Isaiah. This is what he said: Be still, and know that I am God. God is in His holy sanctuary, let the earth
keep silence before Him.1
History shows, with all the multiplicity of sions on the face of the earth, and you do know that they are here. You
have no way to deny. In the 24th chapter of Matthew, Messiah said many false prophets, not a few, so don't you
read a few into the text. It says many false prophets shall go out in the world. And He said many, not a few, many
would be deceived by them. Now, you know somebody must be wrong, that the many are here now in the world.
And as the Apostle John said, and I want you to read that, and wake up on this many.
Now, listen, let me make it clear, distinct. Now, I'm striving with all that in me is to speak in such a way, waste no
words, but direct and positive about the things I'm saying to you.
Now, if you notice, we said in the 24th chapter of Matthew, Messiah said before He died, many false prophets
shall go out into the world, and many would be deceived by them. Now, here's John after this, in AD 90, he is
telling you there that they have now already gone out into the world. And I call heaven and earth direct, upon my
soul, that I speak the truth. And I am not lying. And I want you to know as a fact, and an assurance. I want you to
become conscious of it.
Yahweh has sent me to preach the gospel to you in this last day. Now, I don't mean to be puffing myself up, or
anything like that. But I have been working with this for 35 years, and I have met the most brilliant, academically
trained, theological and scientific-minded people that there is in this world. And they have not been able to refute
nothing I said. Now, listen, I mean that goes for Popes, Cardinals, politicians, presidents, all of them. We've had a
lot of them said, 'I don't believe it.' I expect to have opponents and adversaries, and I am trying my best to tell
Psalm 46:10; Habakkuk 2:20
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7) JULY 15, 1967, 2-4:30 PM:
you that they have already gone out in the world. I want the statement verified and confirmed by an apostle
speaking by the Holy Spirit.
And I would like to say this. Now, it's not characteristic of me to take a text in the Bible. That's not my nature to
call myself taking a text. The whole universe, and Yahweh Himself, and as Paul said, I am determined not to know
anything among you, except Messiah or Yahshua the Messiah, Him crucified, yea rather risen from the dead. 2 So,
you can see by that, that I'm pretty stupid, because I don't know anything else but that. And I don't have to spend
no weeks, writing up nothing on no script nor nothing like that. I don't have to worry with that, because I don't
intend for it to be me stating anything. And now Messiah said this. Now, you go and He would speak through you.
Listen. And He said, these signs shall follow them that believe. If you know anything about hieroglyphics, which is
a sign language... Hebrew is a sign language. Now, when Yahweh spoke in the creation of this world, and said let
there be light, the sign followed. In other words, there was light there..
Student Body: Right. Right.
Dr. Kinley: So now, I said that to say this. Since I have come in the world and I have spoke for 35 years, and every
time I tell you something, that God Himself told me to tell you; yes, we have plenty people that don't believe it,
more of them than there is of those that do believe it, but the sign followed.
Student Body: Right. All right.
Dr. Kinley: Everybody can't get it right, but the sign follows. Now, what am I talking about? Pope John the 23rd
thought that he was the lahrone. He called together an ecumenical council, convened in 1962. I wrote a book, and
copyrighted it in 1961. Watch the sign. I can't rub it out. It's printed there, page 133. He said that he wanted to live
to see another Pentecostal season. Now he said he wanted to live. He wasn't feeling so good. His ulcers had flared
up on him. And he called and asked five hundred and fifty million Roman Catholics to pray that he might live to
see another Passover season.
Five hundred and fifty million, those that had been taken out of purgatory. Pope says this: bind on earth, in heaven.
Put them in. Even put Mary, Pope Pius, 1950, said that he put Mary, the Mother of God, in heaven, whole soul and
body, in 1950. I'm talking about the power and the authority that they claim to have. Men and women are running
their hands in their pockets and paying them money, all every which a way to pray their people out of Purgatory,
paying for it. Listen closely, 550,000,000 people associated with that movement were asked to pray that he might
live to see June the 6th that year. Understand clearly now? And I
I Corinthians 2:2
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7) JULY 15, 1967, 2-4:30 PM:
wrote down in the book in 1961,3 that he would not see June the 6th, 1963. The sign followed. The man died, died
June, the 3rd. Now, do you want to say you don't believe it? Search the record. You get it? I told you the history of
the world. Thirty-five years, and haven't made no mistake with it.
I said presidents. President Roosevelt would be nominated and elected as President of the United States of
America, and he wouldn't be in the White House one year from that day. Go back and look at the record and see if
the sign didn't follow. Man was dead.
Cardinal Stritch in Chicago, that knows so much about everything... I was standing in the pulpit, as I am now, and I
said, 'Cardinal Stritch just died in Chicago. The last breath just left his body.'
Student Body: That's right. That's right.
Dr. Kinley: And there is people setting right in this audience... Please get up. Somebody went out to the car. Thank
you, sit down. And it was on the air, just died. I didn't have no chance to go out and see nothing about it.
John F. Kennedy... I said he would be nominated, elected, and assassinated. And I think I could prove that the sign
followed. These signs shall follow them that believe. I say it is foolish for any man to try to argue against God.
I said there would be an earthquake in Alaska, and told you the date, the 27th of March. And I think I can prove it
by you, stiff-necked atheists, agnostics, hypocrites, backbiters, liars, and everybody else, that there was an
earthquake in Alaska, and you can't deny it. Now, what I'm trying to do is this. I'm trying to tell you that I am not
just another extemporaneous orator, trying to be a big shot, or something like that, and demand respect of the
public. Now, it don't make me no difference. It makes you the difference, whether you believe it or not. Paul said, I
am not ashamed of the gospel.4 Well, why aren't you ashamed of it? Because it is the power of God unto salvation
to everyone that believes, to the Jew first and then unto the Gentile. And when Yahweh speaks through this body,
the power of God... I don't do no trembling about it. And I don't trust it to chance. It happens.
Now, if I tell you what's going on all over the world, now, you can stand around and say, 'I don't believe it,' if you
want to, but it's happening just the same. Now, there's always somebody running up in my face, and saying, 'Look,
I'm of this, I'm of that, I'm of the other.' Talking about the various different churches that they belong to. Is that
Student Body: Right.
Romans 1:16
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7) JULY 15, 1967, 2-4:30 PM:
Dr. Kinley: I would have you to know that we wrote the book. I don't know, I think its here somewhere. If it ain't,
we've got it in Springfield. And I sent it to the Vatican. I sent it to all of your religious leaders in the world, both
Protestants and Catholics. Here is the book. And I disputed everything they taught. It was at the International
Council of Churches. You heard me. I said International Council of Churches, in New Delhi, India. And my aim
was to get that book out in one year before the Council convened, so they would have time to kick it around under
the foot, between times, glance in, all them different kind of things. I knew they wasn't gonna read it like they
should. So, I give them a year to kick it around under the foot, or sell it to the second-hand store, and somebody
else to pick it up, or something. I knew... I know what's going on.
And I said in there that the world of Christiandoom was wrong. They read the book at the Council, and that was
the thing that governed the International Council of Churches in New Delhi, India. And your publisher was setting
right there beside of the man that was conducting the services at the International Council of Churches. Your
pastors and ____ and president and so forth and so on, that belong to that united ____ and they admitted that they
was wrong, and put it in the paper that they was wrong, and they had to go back and study. They had misled the
people. Am I lying, Dr. Harris? We've got the script, and it came out of the paper, too.
belong to that united and they admitted that they was wrong, and put it in the paper that they was wrong, and they
had to go back and study. They had misled the people. Am I lying, Dr. Harris? We've got the script, and it came
out of the paper, too.
So now, you quit trying to defend something that you don't know anything about. Get settled down. Listen. Listen
attentively. You ought to be able to catch me in a lie within 35 years. And if you can't catch me in a lie in 35 years,
you're never gonna be saved nohow. You just don't have the wisdom to discern the difference between truth and
Student Body: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: And it's impossible for me to stand around and lie for 35 years. And then, people who are not mentally
deranged safe to walk around on the street, and they can't catch me within 35 years. And I told you what's going on
all over the world for 35 years.
Now, I want you to know this. I'm not bragging and boasting on myself. I admit my insufficiency. But, as the
Apostle Paul said, our sufficiency is of God.5 Yes, a long time ago I quit preaching. I preached 15 years in the
Church of God, and quit. I haven't preached any more since.
Student Body: (LAUGHTER ACCOMPANIES STATEMENTS) All right. That's right.
II Corinthians 3:5
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7) JULY 15, 1967, 2-4:30 PM:
Dr. Kinley: That's right. Quit preaching. When I had that vision and a revelation come direct from Him, I quit
preaching right there. And He went to speaking through me. That's the reason why there's no failure in it. There
isn't any failure in it. I don't have a thing to boast about or to be all stuck up about. I want you to realize that. I want
you to be conscious of it.
Now, people have tried to say this. Oh, no, I haven't forgot. People say this, 'Well, you all are following that man,
and he is just another educated fool.' Now, Dr. Gill told you about the education. They say... This is about my
reputation. They say, 'He's slick, and he's just educated. Yeah, he's good when it comes to extemporaneous oratory.
He's good. But you know, I want to tell you something.' Say, 'That man don't know what he's talking about.'
Now, that makes me have to tell you about my education. Now, they misconstrued and misjudged me there. And I
do have witnesses sitting right at my feet that know the truth about it. I went to the 6th grade of elementary school
in Springfield, Ohio, and failed.
Student Body: (LAUGHS) All right.
Dr. Kinley: Went out of there and went to work in the shop. I do not possess what you would describe as a formal
education, graduated at some seminary or college, or university. But I'm happy to report, that I have taught those
who held some of the highest credentials there is on earth, and they have went to school under me. And my
education did not come by the way of the college on earth But I wanna let you know, I got a good one. Don't you
misjudge that. Don't you misconstrue it. I know everything. I've been everywhere. I've seen everybody That'll
almost bring me up to my text. Fourteenth chapter of Revelations verse 2.
Dr. Mary Gross: And I heard a voice from heaven,
Dr. Kinley: And I, I heard a voice from heaven,
Dr. Mary Gross: as the voice of many waters,
Dr. Kinley: as the voice of many waters,
Dr. Mary Gross: and as the voice of a great theat thunder. That will do. I heard a voice from heaven.
Student Body: Yes. That's right.
Dr. Kinley: I said, I heard a voice from heaven, not from the Vatican, not from the general council of man. It come
from heaven.
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7) JULY 15, 1967, 2-4:30 PM:
These are the words spoken of by the Apostle John on the Isle of Patmos. And I want to tell you something else
about that, too. Do you remember that when Peter and this same John was walking there in Jerusalem, and just
about to enter the Temple, there was a man sitting at the Gate Beautiful. Is that right?
Student Body: Right. Yes.
Dr. Kinley: Looking for alms. And Peter and them said, 'Look on up. Look on us. Silver and gold, we don't have
none, but such as they have, give I unto thee in the name, no, not Jesus Christ, but Yahshua the Messiah. Rise up
and walk.'6 Thirty-five years, and immediately took him by the hand, and his ankle bones received strength. And
he went on in the Temple. I want you to know what's in the Temple now. The Sanhedrin Council, the seventy of
the smartest, the smartest they had in there. Nothing else they could do, but confess that it was a miracle, although
they claimed not to believe in the resurrection, and give power of vengeance to go out there and put them to death
that did believe. Now here's Peter and John, and they brought them up before the Council, just like they've had me
on the carpet.
The Sanhedrin Council, the scribes, the smart boys, and they said, got off in the corner, and said, 'that was a
notable miracle, and we can't deny it.' My Bible says, 'we can't deny it. Now, what do we do?' Said, 'put them in
jail.' And they put them in jail, until they had time to give them a trial, to bring them up before the Council. And
they got their heads together. And when they brought 'em out of there. Now listen, here's what I wanna tell you. I
wanna tell you about that academic training now, and about the wisdom of the wise, the 70 elders that was so smart
and so wise.
And when they brought Peter and John up for trial, they perceived that they were ignorant and unlearned men.7
What am I talking about? 'Now, what are we gonna do about these ignorant and unlearned men? And neither one
of 'em has the sense to sit at the foot of Gamaliel and none of the rest of the assembly.' And this same man, John,
was Peter's companion, that wrote the book of Revelations. Do you understand? And they were standing before the
Council. Brought there... There was that man standing there whole that could speak for himself ____ ____ for a
long time. And there he was walking around there, and they said, 'we can't deny a stupendous miracle, and ignorant
and unlearned men have come, and we can't deny.' He's the one that saw, about 63 years, or 66 years after, here's
the same man out here on the Isle of Patmos. And he said, 'I heard a voice.' Not from t, not from the Vatican, it
wasn't from that. He's the one that saw that happened, it was by the Power of Yahweh that that man was walking.
Acts 3:4-6
Acts 4:13
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7) JULY 15, 1967, 2-4:30 PM:
And nobody, I don't care how much education you have, or how much learning you have, I want to know what the
Lord has to say about it. Wonderful miracles you can't deny. Heard that voice from heaven. Now listen, John was
told. Now you listen at me. He was told, on the Isle of Patmos. That's what he was out there was for the witness
and testimony. Yahweh has sent and signified, and confirmed by His angel. Listen, and He told John. Now, what
you see and hear, write it the book. Somebody said, they won't believe it, neither will they understand it. But write
it in the book. Write it. Standing around every which a way, 'I don't believe Revelation cause I don't understand it.'
He's right.
But I just wanna inform you, you don't understand Revelations. That's the end, then you don't know nothing about
the beginning. Why? Because the end is declared from the beginning. If you don't understand Revelation, you don't
know nothing about no parts ____ ____. Many things happen, but what is just constant over, and over, and over,
and over, repeating over and over.
Now, I want you to see what I am talking about, when I say I heard a voice from heaven. He's not the only one that
heard that voice. I wanna let you know that I heard that voice from heaven, and I have been preaching to you
whatever was in that book for 35 years, and there hasn't been anybody from anywhere that's been able to refute and
dispute. And if you think there is anybody that can dispute it, bring 'em on down to the convention.
And I want you to know something else, too. Right here in Springfield, Ohio, we've had them from your various
churches, right in this town, Springfield, ____ West State Street, five of 'em from the various different
ecclesiastical organizations that said I was wrong. Well look, if I'm wrong, I want everybody in town, everybody in
the world to know it. 'No, come on back in the corner over here.' He said, ____. The thing wasn't done in the
They wanted to talk to me alone and aside in the park. I but I'm smarter than that. I am smarter than that. And
listen, you don't need no divine revelation to be smarter than that. Any stupe, anywhere, ought to know five men
already opposed to you. Already stating that you was wrong. And they come down, 'Because we love you, and we
want to correct you. And we want to chastise you. You're a good man. And we don't wanna see you lost, because
you're preaching and teaching is wrong.' And listen, anybody that stupid to make a statement like that, and they
had never been there, always going on with what somebody else said about it, and they never been there
themselves. Now they come down. I said, 'No, I want everybody in town to know.' Said, 'I want it put in the paper
and if possible a headline.'
Dr. Geraldine Rothstein: The original reel came to its end, to be continued on other side.
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7) JULY 15, 1967, 2-4:30 PM:
Dr. Kinley: I won't tell you the names, but there's people setting right under the sound of my voice that heard it.
No, they didn't want it in the paper. They said, 'Well, who's gonna help you?' Help me do what?
Student Body: (LAUGHTER)
Dr. Kinley: 'Help you debate. There's five of us, and there's only one of you. You could get one of your students or
one of your people to help you.' When I read my book. Isaiah 63 says: Who is this that cometh from Edom, with
dyed garments from Bozrah, traveling in the greatness of His strength? Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel, and
thy garments like unto one that treadeth the winefat alone, in the fierceness of His anger? The answer come back: I
heard that voice from heaven. It's I that speaketh in righteousness, mighty in deed, and with My own arm brought
salvation down. And there was none with Me to help. If you can lick me, you got the rest of 'em licked.
Student Body: All right. (LAUGHS)
Dr. Kinley: Get the point? ____ ____ ____. You got to take on all of them. I challenge the world.. That's what this
meeting is all about. We claim to have the truth, and the sign follows, because I heard that voi, not from the
Ecumenical Council, from no man on earth; it come direct from heaven. And for 35 years I have proved it. And
you know just as well as I do, it wouldn't even make sense for me to stand around and say that I could go to a
college, or a seminary somewhere and receive such an education as that. Listen. We have people that have been
raised from the dead sitting right here ____ ____ ____. We've got 'em setting right here in this audience, that have
been healed with cancer, healed of all kinds of diseases. Sitting here looking me in the face, from your city of
Springfield hospital, from Cincinnati. We've got 'em setting here looking me in the face. And the records show,
and not only that, somebody always wants to say, 'Well, there wasn't nothing the matter with you in the first place,
You have maybe the ____ or something or other like that. You oughta have went to the drug store and got
something.' No, it's not like that. Wasn't no quack doctors either. Say these things, Well now, look, each time the
____ that believe and that you might know that it is not me, and I cannot do nothing of myself. Then, you will have
to admit, if there's something done about it, it must be Yahweh, it must be that voice from heaven, the sign will
follow: curing cancer, telling you what's going on all over the world about the kings, the queens, the diplomats, and
the politicians, and everybody else. Got to do it. A voice from heaven.
And I did a doctorate discourse, and it completely transformed and revolutionized my concept. Would you mind
standing up? This man... Turn around here so they can see you and know you the next time when they see you,
You done a fine job in front of these folks. They be around telling the folks that he ain't no good, black doctor,
there ain't much to him. And I have had some of them to say, say to me, too. Listen, I don't want no Negro doctor.
People are so stupid until
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7) JULY 15, 1967, 2-4:30 PM:
it is not funny. Now, this is one of the doctors, medical doctors, and the patient was his own uncle. And listen,ons
sitting in this audience. And we have his wife setting in this audience. I mean now. And this man said, this doctor
said, that he had to die.
Dr. Harris: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: And did you tell them to send for Farley's relatives?
Dr. Harris: Yes, I did.
Dr. Kinley: You said that.
Dr. Harris: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: You admit it.
Dr. Harris: Right.
Dr. Kinley: All right. You see what I mean. Do, do you catch the point? Well, I said, 'No, he will not die.' Now, he
can tell you more about it, what all was the matter with the man. It was immaterial to me. It wouldn't have made
any difference if it had just been a bad cold. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) And then, when I said he wouldn't,
wouldn't die, now, he wants to know. He's been to Maharie College. He has his degrees. He is a licensed doctor to
practice medicine, just like any other doctor in this town or in this state. And he also has license to practice
medicine in the State of California. Just like any other doctor out there.
Student Body: That's a fact. That's right.
Dr. Kinley: He had to pass it by the medical board. Now, that man said this other man had to die. And he admitted
it, didn't he?
Student Body: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: Now, did he die?
Dr. Harris: No.
Dr. Kinley: Then, he wants to know who I am, who do I think I am. Now his folks are sitting here. Get the point?
He didn't die. Just two words spoken: 'Farley, live.' That was not me. It was the voice from heaven commanded
that man to live. And I am telling you just what He, like when He passed by Israel and saw her polluted in her own
blood. He said, 'Live.' And you say he lived.
Dr. Harris: That is right.
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7) JULY 15, 1967, 2-4:30 PM:
Dr. Kinley: That's right. He lived about nine years after. And when he did die, he didn't die of no cancer. 'Well,'
somebody says, 'he's a quack. He don't know.' But look, them people down there at the hospital, they told him, and
sent the man out of the hospital to die. So they confirmse of this meeting. I want you to understand what it's all
Now, you know better. When he did come here, nine or ten years after, to that man's funeral, he told them...
Everybody wants to rush to see Dr. Harris. He's one of the greatest doctors they ever ever heard tell of. If you can
bring a man from that low state, he is a real good doctor. Ain't that right? Now, that was a break for him to
capitalize on. And they begin to crowd in on him.
Dr. Harris: That's right. They did.
Dr. Kinley: Is that right?
Dr. Harris: Right.
Dr. Kinley: That man passed nine or ten years after, I don't... Huh?
Dr. Harris: About nine years.
Dr. Kinley: About nine years. Instead of dying of cancer of the hernia, and if he just took some care of that, that
wasn't necessary.
Dr. Harris: Right.
Dr. Kinley: Now, now this same man, when he tried to tell the people, that it wasn't him that did it, cause the man
never even took the medicine he left him. Am I telling that thing straight Dr. Harris?
Dr. Harris: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: All right. Now then, when he sees and understands something about what it is. You see where he's at,
don't you? He's at the convention. Found out what it's all about. Then he come back and he's talking around about
that man, Dr. Kinley. Said, 'Hold it. You did give him some medicine.' 'I didn't. You done more for him than I did.'
'I haven't done nothing for him. I'm not going to take the credit for what happened. Say, look what I done. Cause I
didn't do anything for him. I can't even help my ownself. So how am I gonna do something for you?'
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7) JULY 15, 1967, 2-4:30 PM:
I want you to realize the reality of what I'm talking about. Now, it he wouldn't take no credit for it. I wouldn't take
no credit for it. So then, you know it just have to be the boss.
Student Body: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: Now, do you see what I'm talking about?
Student Body: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: Now, listen folks. I can't take credit. Thankem in all kinds of conditions. Set still. (STUDENT BODY
LAUGHS) We'll get to you when your turn comes. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS LOUDER) How am I doing?
Am I doing all right?
Dr. Mitchell: He's talking to Dr. Williams.
Dr. Kinley: Well, all right. I'm gonna tell you just a little bit about it. I'm just only trying to wake you up in this
meeting, so you'll come on back, so that you'll find out that there is something here.
Student Body: Yes. Yes.
Dr. Kinley: Now, that's what I'm doing. Now, I've said, I said it a while ago, and if you didn't hear me, I'm
repeating it. I've said the religious organizations of Christendoom is wrong. Now, they're just... 'Oh, the Church of
Christ can't be wrong.' And I've had them in Jehovah's Witness say, 'Oh no, you haven't got anybody from our
organization in your group. We know we're right.' And you know how it is when they come to your house, they
want you to sit down, shut up, and listen. Ain't that right. Said, 'You don't have nobody from our group, cause we
know we got the truth.' Well, we do have 'em. If there's anybody in this building that belonged to Jehovah's
Witnesses, and made a thorough study of Jehovah's Witnesses's doctrine, please stand up. Yes sir. You wrote
translations and everything else. And right in this town, Springfield, Ohio, we beat Jehovah's Witnesses into
humble submission, and made 'em stand right up and tell their audience that they was wrong. We did that. Now, if
I had not have heard a voice from heaven I couldn't have done that. These boys are sharp. They have the, they
wrote this: New World Trans... See how big it is? (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) We brought it along, so you
would be sure to realize that we know what they got there. And this fellow here, this is... Now, it's your turn.
Dr. Mitchell: It's Dr. Williams.
Dr. Kinley: Now, this is one of the big shots. Educator in the Church of Christ. Now, they know they're right. Get
it now? You see where he's at. He belongs to this school. He’s an authority in it. And we had a debate, and our
agreement was winner take all.
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7) JULY 15, 1967, 2-4:30 PM:
Dr. Lasalle Williams: That's right. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS)
Dr. Kinley: And we agreed to fight it on down to the hilt. Is that almost right?
Dr. Williams: Correct. That's right.
Dr. Kinley: And we wrestled together. He kept his word. That's why he's here. And he just happened to be out one
time, cause we was fighting right straight along. He happened to be out one time, and they thought that they didn't
have nobody right at hand as smart as he was, so they had one a little further down the line than him, to come out
and accuse me. And that man... Now, you talk about preaching the gospel, trying to save somebody, I would say
that the man actually did not have even good manners. And he got up there and spoke, telling me to shut up. And I
haven't said nothing.
Student Body: That's right. That's the truth.
Dr. Kinley: And ranted, raved, and carried on, and quoted, and when he got through speaking, he walked out of the
meeting ____ ____ betting there. And the next time I seen that man, I'll show you just how stupid people are, the
next time I seen that man, he was paralyzed. And here they come, rolling him in. And then, the men right under
him, had the gall and the nerve to get up and say... 'Now, here's your break. You're such a wonderful, divine healer.
Here's your opportunity. Do your stuff.' Now, would you be that stupid, to withstand God to His face and then
demand that he heal. Would you be that stupid? You all were sitting there. Am I lying?
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: Said, 'now, if you were so great, here's your chance to add another paralytic setting there.' And I saw
that man in that wheelchair, that belonged to the Church of Christ, that didn't even have manners enough to know
how to treat a guest. And about of 30 of you were setting there and saw it. Moore, I'm talking about. Wanna write a
letter and ask about it, he knows about it. Right?
Student Body: Right.
Dr. Kinley:w one out there in the audience with me in our group, that knew better than that junk and stuff I was
teaching. And here, this man, the only one man out of that whole group, Church of Christ, God put him right on his
back. He didn't even know where he was. Unconscious. In the hospital, and I had to go and see about him, and
send somebody to hunt him up. Every morning standing there and defied the truth. And God put him down. 'He
was so great. Do your number.' And God just put him flat on his back. Doctors expected him to die. Is that right?
Student Body: Right.
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7) JULY 15, 1967, 2-4:30 PM:
Dr. Kinley: In the hospital, and come with the group, and admitted it, too. ____ more than the man that was in the
wheelchair. And here he lived to testify for himself, and testify that this is the truth. And not only that, it is the
power of God. And listen, I'll have you know, you have never had no kind of disease that God can't heal. And let
me say this, what business do you have having confidence in God to heal your physical body, when you, when he
reached down back there and took them out of the grave that had been dead 4,000 years, and then can't heal your
body? It don't make sense. You're walking around here as living evidence. Oh, there are just a lot of 'em setting
around here. That's why they're here. Have I been, have I been lying?
Dr. Williams: You've told the truth, every word of it. Even more.
Dr. Kinley: That's right. He'll preach right. And let me tell you this. When that thing happened... You've got a
Church of Christ here. They said, 'Well, he's a jackleg.' Uh, uh. This is, this is in the book. He's one of the educated
staff in the Church of Christ. Did we prove to you that water baptism is wrong?
Dr. LaSalle Williams: Absolutely.
Dr. Kinley: Thank you. You may sit down.
You will hear the testimonies of many things which I don't have time to tell you about, that prove that I heard a
voice from heaven. And I'm not around here trying to exalt myself. I've told you I don't ____. And ir. And my
promotion and demotion and all that kinda thing that you folks can give me, and anything you say about me, it
don't make me no difference. Now, if the folks around can't find something to lie on them. Go right ahead and lie
on me. ____ ____ ____ ____ I can stand it. I won't have to pay for them lies.
But I will say this. Science, and nobody else, nobody dead and incorruptible, and nobody alive on earth, that
almost took in everybody, has performed any greater miracles. The sign following them that believe,8 than what
they have that black boy you see standing here behind this black mask. The records will prove it. I've told you the
history of the world. I told you what was gonna happen in Jerusalem, Egypt, and everything. Told you from one
meeting to the other what gun was gonna fire, and what they was gonna do. Why? How did you know that?
Just like I told them about the Korean War here in your 'Springfield Daily News.' They said, 'Well he don't know
what he's talking about.' I'm not trying to preach, I'm trying to tell you something. 'He don't what he's talking
about.' I said, 'Listen, I'll be back here in 16 and 60 days, uh 60 days. 118 East Main Street, Springfield, Ohio, you
got the address in your 'Springfield Daily News.' And there's the man that took me down there. Stand up. Thank
you, sit down.
Mark 16:17
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7) JULY 15, 1967, 2-4:30 PM:
They said, 'There ain't gonna be no war in Korea.' Said, 'He's a smart man, but he don't know what he's talking
about.' I said, 'I'll be back in 60 days. When I get back here, they'll be fighting.' They was. And the press said to me
down here, we got the article, you cut it out of the paper and you saved it. They was fighting like that. They said,
'Well, how did you know that?' 'How did you know that they wasn't gonna be?'
I heard a voice from upstairs. And that's how I've been able to tell you what's going on all over the world. I don't
have to ask nobody about nothing. And haven't I stood and told you, day by day, month by month, year by year,
and . Now that's just the results of these charts.
And I wanna tell you things and ____, and you can dispute it to suit yourself, there isn't anybody on earth know
any thing more about it than me. And I wrestle with the big boys, the big shots. Here, we have a little fellow here,
pretty tall man, heard me make statements like that. Went to New York, went up in the university. And he was
dumbfounded and surprised to know that they didn't know no more about what they was talking about. That's right.
Just didn't know.
Now, folks, I wanna give it to you straight. And I wanna give it to you so you can understand. Now listen. It's
possible for you to know. That is the purpose of this meeting. I told you that before you come. It is possible for you
to know everything that there is to be known about God. You can learn it in this meeting, this week. I mean during
these seven days, if you have the patience to come here. Fix you so you don't have to depend on nobody, so that
you can answer all them ____.
Now, you can't ask, I'm talking to you, talking right to your nose, you can't ask me no questions I can't answer.
Now that's, that's, this is not the first time I've said that. I been saying that for 35 years, and I haven't backseated
nobody ____ question that I can't answer. And listen, let me say this, let me tell you this: to be real honest about it,
people have called theirselves real sharp and smart, haven't even got intelligence enough to ask a deep divine
question. So I have to ask my own questions.
Student Body: That's right. LAUGHTER
Dr. Kinley: Now, that's the truth. And I want you to understand, I'm not bragging or boasting. And I'm telling you
that it is possible for you to know the same thing. And it's time for you to know. And we have proved these things
to these other people that have been in attendance. Listen, you never will learn out there in these sects, and cults,
and things. It's not out there for you to learn. They don't know nothing about it. Now, read my book.
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7) JULY 15, 1967, 2-4:30 PM:
Now you listen what we’re gonna read. Now, you listen. You remember what I told you about John and Peter.
How they were ignorant and unlearned men. And how the council beat 'em and sent 'em out, and said, 'Listen. Let
me tell you something.' Said, 'Just don't preach no more in that name. Whatever you do, just don't preach no more
in that name..'
'We've got the Spirit' Peter said. 'You be the judge, whether it's right in the sight of Yahweh. You be the judge,
Sanhedrin Council, whether it's right for us to obey.'9 And they went right on preaching, ignorant and unlearned
men, when it comes to what they call education.
Here's one out here, the same man that was with Pete, out here on the Isle of Patmos, the same heard a voice from
heaven. Said, 'what you see, and hear, write in the book.'10 Send it to the Vatican.
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: To be imprimatured.
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: Send it to the seven churches, which are in Asia, Asia. We'll tell you why he sent it there during this
week. And they said that Peter went to Rome and died in Rome. They buried him in the ____ ____. That's a
barefaced lie. He never even set his toenails in Rome, and we can prove it. And I'll tell you why that they have to
say that.
Now, when you see, 24th chapter of Matthew the 15th verse, now, when you see the abomination of desolation,
spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the Holy Place, whosoever readeth let him understand. Understand where
the Holy Place is, what it is. Know where to stand, when you see it. And I have told you right down, and the
Apostle Paul said, if we credit him with the epistle to the Hebrews, he said forsake not to assemble yourselves
together, for such as the manner of some is, and the much more you see the day approaching.11 Is that what he
Student Body: Yes.
Acts 4:19
Revelation 1:11
Hebrews 10:25
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7) JULY 15, 1967, 2-4:30 PM:
Dr. Kinley: Now, here you sit. You got the paper this morning. If you can't see it, it's because you're stonetory
pattern. I want you to see what I'm talking about. Egypt, Nasser, down here. This is the Red Sea. Pharaoh in
trouble. Nasser's a pharaoh, too. And listen, He even got to name the man, named the man Nasser. No sir. Shall I
enter Israel? No, sir. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) You can read it in the paper. They were prepared. Russian
____ ____ the equipment. And they were prepared. Look at this paper here, represented by the Phoenix. Israel's
down in Egypt, following 'em to the Red Sea. Pharaoh's overthrown in the Red Sea. Pharaoh. Are you listening
Then we go on into the wilderness. That's between the River Jordan and the Red Sea. And the man's named
Nasser. And here's King Hussein. Now, who is sane? ____ you. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) You see what it's
all about? You don't know... If you understand these things, who's sane. And here they are prepared to jump on,
John on the Isle of Patmos said, that I saw the beast rise up out of the sea, the beast rise up out of the sea. 12 Don't
you know Pharaoh was overthrown in the Red Sea. And he's looking right back yonder ____ ____ looking right
back at the migration, and seen that beast overthrown in that sea. The beast that John saw was like a leopard. Now,
you can get you some soap and water and the very best that Proctor and Gamble makes, you cannot wash the spots
off a leopard.
Now, look and see what I'm talking about, here they were all gathered, Hussein, and Pharaoh ready to jump on
Israel. Ready to leap, the leopard. And the lion of the tribe of Judah ____ ____ ____ right back in the migratory
pattern. Now, if you see the day approaching... And this, what you see going on now is nothing else but a
confirmatory repetition, dates and all.
You read in the paper, you scratching your head. And you don't know what it's all about. You get the point? Now,
is that plain to you? God ____ ____ puts men up there, even with their names and all. And he ____ by these beasts.
And you read about it in the Bible, and read about it in the paper. And reverend don' it. And he stood over there,
and you gave him a tithe. And he's driving around by himself in his Cadillac. Oughta be in jail. Sue him, and get
back which you gave him.
Somebody come along and tell you the truth about it. Now, let me prove... I want you to see. I'm gonna put the
train of thought right back together so you can see, so you can follow. You remember I told you that Matthew, that
Jesus said, or Yahshua said... They said, 'master, when shall these things be?' Said, 'there shall not be one stone left
upon top of another that shall not be thrown down'13 out there on Mt. Moriah. And they questioned Him about it,
when the age would come
Revelation 13:1
Matthew 24:2
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to an end.
And the Arabs and the Israelites. The Arabs are descended from Ishmael. And I would like you to know that
Abraham is the father of Ishmael by Hagar. And Isaac is the father, I mean, Abraham is the father of Isaac by
Sarah. And when we speak of 'em in history we speak of them as the Jews and the Gentiles.
And here, the Apostle Paul was made a minister of the Gentiles. And being made a minister of the Gentiles, the
Jews, they had the Law, not the Gentiles. The Jews had the Law ____ ____ ____ ____ and the Messiah, when He
fulfilled, died out there on the cross, and it is not natural now, but it is spiritual. Carnal ordinances have been nailed
to the cross.14 And the apostle preached that now it's spiritual sacrifices instead of the Law of Moses,as it's called,
it's the Law of the Spirit now, which is in your heart and in your mind. And instead of it being Israel having
physical kings, it is the Kingdom of Yahshua. And it is not meats and drinks, as was this one. This dispensation of
the Law ended right at the cross. But now, we don't know no man no more after the flesh. Well, let me show you
what I'm talking about.
Now, according to the promise that was made to Abraham, the Gentiles, God is not a respecter of persons, the
Gentiles, they were grafted in among the branches, ars amongst the Jews, and with the Israelites.15
Now, your fight is going on in Jerusalem. They're talking about this thing I'm showing you. It's centered in Mt.
Moriah. You check your maps. And the Ishmaelites, or the Arabs, they have decided... And the Jews have had the
holy city, it was divided. Now, you had that six-day war, coming down from June the 6th. Now you listen at me.
I'm trying to learn you something about the thing. Then that temple was torn down by Titus, ____ ____ torn down
in A.D. 70. Adam lived 930 years, and he died 70 years short. Check it out the story out of the Bible. God said, 'I'll
build it again in 3 days.' I will ____ and Solomon when He ____ ____, He said that heaven cannot contain Me, to
say nothing about the house that he build. Heaven is my throne, earth is my footstool, where is the house that you
builded unto me?16 Titus had tore it down, when he went into Jerusalem in A.D. 70, wasn't one stone left upon top
of another. Yes, indeed, they were dispersed, and they were in ecclesiastical or political bondage to the Gentiles.
And He told them said they would be that way until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. 17 And I'm trying to
caution you that the times of the Gentiles is ____ ____ you're setting up here seeing and still calmed the sea. Rest.
And, when they went in there, and the
Colossians 2:14
Romans 8:17
Isaiah 66:1
Luke 21:24
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Jews, they recovered...
I'll tell you something about the Jews, too, you've got him all twisted up. What you think is a Jew is not a Jew.
What makes a man a Jew, is a, is a, what is it? Listen, let's say it so you can understand it. It is not a prejudice
question. Not a Jew, but his religion. That's what makes him a Jew. I'm a Jew. Somebody said, 'No, you're not.
You're a Nigger.' I said I was a Jew, not one outwardly in the flesh, but the circumcision is that which is in the
heart. Second chapter of Romans, in the last two verses, will tell you, he that is a Jew is not one outwardly, but that
one inwardly.
Student Body: Right. Right.
Dr. Kinley: And when ____ ____ ____ you come to the altar... I say reverend, leave your gift at the altar and go
your way and be reconciled with your brother if he has ought against you. 18 And, if he won't hear you, take your
witness anring him before the congregation of the assembly. And if he won't hear them, so says Messiah, then let
him be unto thee as a publican and a thief, or a Gentile. He said that under the dispensation of the Law. So a Jew
becomes a heathen, just like anybody else. Then the heathen by acceptance of the true God of the universe
becomes a spiritual Jew. If it is possible for a Gentile to become a Jew, after circumcision of the heart. If that's
possible, it's also possible that a Jew become a Gentile. It's a poor rule that don't work both ways.
Now, let me show you what I'm talking about, I'll have to hasten on. Now they, this wailing wall was a part of that
mountain, Mt. Moriah. And that Temple was torn down, back to the ground. You remember the Savior, between
the Arabs and the Israelites, and when they went in there, then they accomplished, and they went up to the Wailing
Wall. Say, it's in the paper, folks. They went up to the Wailing Wall. They said that they're never gonna surrender.
Russia get mad, and say give back all that they had won through what they call aggression. God said, and told
Abraham, walk the length and breadth of that land, and it reached from the, one river and clear on down to the
River Nile. All of that, He said, He would give to them. And now here Russia wants to take control and more
oppressive than there is now in this day, talking about giving back your land. And Israel says, 'no.' They're not
gonna give it back. They're going to keep it. They believe that God gave it to them ____ ____ ____.
Of course, now this natural Jerusalem is a figure of heavenly Jerusalem. They got their Jerusalems mixed up. But
you've always got to have a reflection. Always got to have a reflection. So now, there they are up at the wailing
wall, and they reverend that, than to give it up. And the wailing wall is like this, just like you would put a rung up
around that mountain, to go up to that mountain. And that stone, that... It's no wonder Messiah said, upon this rock
I'll build my church, and
Matthew 5:23-24
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the very gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.19 And the house of the Lord shall be established in the tops of the
mountains, and all nations shall flow into it.20
Roman Catholics said Peter is the rock. I beg your pardon. Peter's just a stone. And Peter said hisself, you are
lively stones in the building.21 And ye are building upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, and Yahshua
the Messiah Himself being the chief cornerstone; in whom all the building, fitly framed together groweth into a
holy temple for a habitation of God through the Spirit.22 And you know just as well as I do, these stones that were
hewn out in that pit down there, all the stones and all not down in the quarry before they were brought up and went
into this house. And listen, Pete wasn't the only a stone in there. ____ ____ in there, we're built up a spiritual
Now, let me conclude. Now, do you see what I'm talking about? See what the fight is? Now, you go back and take
the 23rd chapter of Leviticus, and check it right down by the days, and by the sacred and civil year, and you too
can tell what is happening. And the much more you see of it, then you don't forsake to assemble yourselves
together, but for the Lord's sake go where you can find out something for sure.
Now, I want you to see this. Now, many false prophets shall go out. Now this is ____ ____. That's the 24th chapter
of Matthew, 15th verse. When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the
prophet, stand in the holy place, let him that readeth understand it, for many, not a few, but many false prophets
shall ____ ____ ____ ____ ____. But now, since His death, burial, and resurrection, now here's John talking about
it. Now, you watch and see where the false prophets... If I don't understand what you're reading. If I don't
understand what I'm reading, you tell me how that I can tell you the history of the world. You tell me how God can
perform all these miracles. Why would I do all thesng, but stand around and argue with me. All right, read.
Dr. Mary Gross: Beloved,23
Dr. Kinley: Beloved,
Dr. Mary Gross: believe not every spirit,
Matthew 16:18
Micah 4:1
I Peter 2:5
Ephesians 2:20-22
I John 4:1
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Dr. Kinley: believe not every spirit,
Dr. Mary Gross: but try the...
Dr. Kinley: Wait a minute.. Said, don't believe every one of them spirits. What are spirits? What are angels? What
are ____? The angels cast out of heaven down in the earth, they become demonic spirits incarnated in physical
bodies. ____ ____ ____ educated somebody, slick deceivers. Now, he says, don't believe everybody, but you try
the spirit. But how you going to try, how you going to try spirits? ____ ____ ____. Well listen, says these signs
shall follow them that do believe. Are you getting the significance of what I'm saying? You're not, if you say, 'Oh,
I believe that.' No, you didn't. All right, read.
Dr. Mary Gross: but try the spirits
Dr. Kinley: but try the spirits
Dr. Mary Gross: whether they are of Yahweh
Dr. Kinley: whether they are of Yahweh.
Dr. Mary Gross: because many false prophets
Dr. Kinley: because many false prophets
Dr. Mary Gross: are gone out
Dr. Kinley: No, not gonna go... He says in the 24th chapter of Matthew, John says they've already gone out, many,
not a few, many false prophets gone out in the world, and to deceive the folks. And you see the Methodists, and the
Baptists, and the Presbyterians, the Camelites (Carmelites?) and the Dunkards, all divided up there. One preaching
one thing, and another preaching another, and another preaching another, and so forth and so on. And everybody's
right. Is that right?
Student Body: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: ____ ____ ____. All right, read.
Dr. Mary Gross: Hereby know ye
Dr. Kinley: Now listen. Right by this
Dr. Mary Gross: ... know
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Dr. Kinley: Wait a minute. Know.. Right by this. Now, here is the application, right by this, hereby... Beloved,
don't believe every spirit, for many false prophets already gone out in the world, AD 90 when he wrote that, is
already gone. Now, it says, hereby or right by this. Now you know what a false e the Spirit of Yahweh: Read.
Dr. Mary Gross: Every spirit that confesseth not
Dr. Kinley: Every spirit that confesseth not
Dr. Mary Gross: that Yahshua the Messiah,
Dr. Kinley: that Yahshua the Messiah,
Dr. Mary Gross: is come
Dr. Kinley: Shall come. Jesus is coming.
Student Body: No. No.
Dr. Kinley: Won't you give Him your hand and start on your way to Heaven? Jesus is coming. What's He coming
for? He's coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle, you read about it over here in Paul's letter to the
Ephesians24 husbands love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave, set forth that He might
sanctify and cleanse it by the washing of the water by the Word. Now He's coming back. Back to His church
without spot or wrinkles. That man don't know what he's talking about. Every Spirit that testifies that Yahshua is
come... He is come. And I'm telling you, that's what's in me. Now you try, you try the Spirit. You know that I can't
do nothing. You see what I'm talking about? He was the faith healer. He was the prophet that Moses said should
come. That's what it is in me. He is come. And I'm not standing out there, looking up in the sky like a stupe
looking for Him to jump out of the clouds. Every Spirit that testifies that He is come... When I went to school, is is
present tense.
Dr. Kinley: Now you can decide whether your pastor has been telling you. That's in the book. All right, read.
Dr. Mary Gross: is come in the flesh
Ephesians 5:25-26
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Dr. Kinley: is come in the flesh. That is to say, I'm walking around here in a physical body, and so are you. And
every last one of you got Him in your heart, and He's a quickening Spirit, and He is come. And you walking
around here talking about the Holy Ghost. And you don't know no more about the Holy Ghost than a hog does
about dentistry. And standing around here in the pulpit preaching to somebody. And yet and still you talking about,
'When I got the Holy Ghost, God stopped me from chewing tobacco, smoking cigarettes.' That's all the Devil
Student Body: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: Telling people what not to eat, no pork and all that kinda stuff. Just plain don't care, no ____ ____, he
don't care. 'When I got saved, he stopped me, the Holy Ghost stopped me from drinking.' It's a wonder he wouldn't
stop someone from lying.
Student Body: LAUGHTER
Dr. Kinley: Now I'm giving it to you straight. I know it sounds funny. Listen, I'll drink what I wanna drink, and eat
what I please, and it's my business. If I got the Holy Spirit in me, it will control me, govern me so I don't get out of
control, just like the sun, moon, and the stars, every physical object, and they don't get out of control. Why?
Because they are controlled by universal spirit law. And that's what it is in here that controls this. I know when I
got enough to eat. And I know what I wanna eat, and it ain't none of your business. If it don't make make sick, it
ought not to bother you.
That's all these preachers is doing is running around here talking about abstaining from something or other, he's got
sanctified and all them different kind of things. He's saved now, in this plain old cafet.., he calls that sanctification,
done set him apart from all them physical things, but listen, you can see a bottle of whiskey with a ____ ____ ____
talking about somebody.
Student Body: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: Then on top of that, and while you say he don't drink, he don't chew, he don't smoke, g to have the
Lord's Supper.' And that Devil stand right up there in the pulpit and tell you he's gonna create Christ by a prayer
over it. That's Roman Catholicism. The Protestants say, 'No, that ain't what we're doing.' Say, 'Instead of it being
transubstantiation, it's consubstantiation. It's a type. It's a shadow. It's a reflection.'
Now, Paul was telling you, ain't that what he says, that all of these carnal and natural things in the kingdom of
Israel, spiritually, they pointed to the Spirit. The natural was moved out of the way. And Messiah was not a natural
man walking around, but He's a quickening Spirit. And He is come in your heart, and in mine. And you are in the
Kingdom of, translated us, so says the Apostle Paul in
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Thessalonians. Said He translated us into the Kingdom of Yahshua, His dear Son. And you standing around talking
about beloved try whether they are of God. And here, this man is standing up here drinking this grape juice, and
talking about it being a type and a shadow. Well, nobody back here, everybody eating and drinking, they didn't
have the Holy Spirit, and they never kept the Law. The reverend is so blind, until he's got the crackers and the
grape juice passing them around. And that's nailed to the cross.25 And he sees, looking at that physical and natural,
just like he's expecting Him to jump down out of the clouds. The mystery of iniquity, Satan transformed into an
angel of light or a doctor of divinity standing up preaching to you.26
And here, I come along, and because I don't advocate water baptism, washing feet, and taking Lord's Suppers, like
they do. Say look, you need some Lord's Supper. You need a good washing. You need to be baptized, if you
haven't been. But I'm not talking about it in the physical sense. Those things typify. Look, water baptism was a
type of a death and a burial. And, therefore, John had to baptize Him before He was crucified, in order to baptize
Him into His death, the 6th chapter of Romans, and begin back at the 1st verse. Bapt that they might be typified,
baptized into His death, that they might resurrect with Him. And now, look, you can't go around preaching that
Christ resurrected from the dead. What's the matter with you? Then you wanna baptize somebody into His death?
We preach that He resurrected and ascended and went on back to Heaven.
And now He's come to you in the form of the Holy Spirit, which was poured out about nine o'clock in the morning,
A. D. June 6th, day of June, 33. That's when that happened. And there's a constant reflection of it going on right
now. At the crack of dawn, that gun went off over yonder, just like at the crack of dawn here, gathered here up
around Mt. Sinai, the gun sounded, and God spoke to them. Said, 'I am the Lord thy God,' not the Pope, not
somebody else. 'I brought thee out of the land of Egypt, and out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other
gods before me.' Mt. Sinai just shook and trembled, and even Moses that brought 'em all out, said, 'I exceeding
shook.' When He spoke on June the 6th, on the Day of Pentecost, at nine o'clock, and it's been just repeating itself
on down. And here this gun went off, a big gun. Israel pulled the trigger over yonder. Right on time. And the
reflection is on time. And they stand around talking about the natural things. Jerusalem above is the mother of us.
That's natural, physical, but we are born of the Spirit. We don't wrestle against flesh and blood but principalities
and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places. ____ ____ ____ ____. And listen, every sin that the man
committeth is without the body, to see what's in your heart and in your mind. There ain't nothing in that pork you're
eating. And should you happen to eat too much, or overdose, listen, who pays the bill? 'Ohh.' You're paying the
bill, it ain't bothering me. If you didn't know no
Colossians 2:14
II Corinthians 11:14
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better that time, you'll know better next time. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____, I don't care for rice ____ ____ ____ every have
rice. Somebody out there says ____ ____ ____ pork running around everybody ____. They don't eat pork or because they do.
And that's what this mess is and that's going on all over the world. Got all this carnality all mixed up with spirituality. Here's
how you know. Every spirit that testifies, listen, that Yahshua the Messiah is come is what?
Dr. Mary Gross: is of Yahweh.
Dr. Kinley: is of Yahweh. Now John's doing this talking, not me. So now, don't go to nobody and say that man says. All
right, read on
Dr. Mary Gross: And every Spirit
Dr. Kinley: And listen, and every Spirit, I don't care whose preacher it is. Read
Dr. Mary Gross: that confesseth not
Dr. Kinley: that confesseth not
Dr. Mary Gross: that Yahshua the Messiah,
Dr. Kinley: that Yahshua the Messiah,
Dr. Mary Gross: is come in the flesh
Dr. Kinley: is come in this dispensation of Grace, not the dispensation of the Law, but the dispensation of Grace. Everyone
that testifies that He is come, is what?
Dr. Mary Gross: is not of Yahweh
Dr. Kinley: Everyone that testifies that He is come...
Dr. Mary Gross: is of Yahweh.
Dr. Kinley: It is of Yahweh. Everyone that testifies that He is not come is what?
Dr. Mary Gross: is not of Yahweh.
Dr. Kinley: is not of Yahweh. You heard me. I said he is not of Yahweh. In almost all those churches that you ever heard of
in your life is standing out looking for Jesus to come jumping down through the sky. Carnal mind. And old rev, he's saying
what He's coming for. He's coming back after a church without spot or wrinkle. Now, He's done gone on off. Now He's the
head, and He done run off and left His head, left, left, left His body. Stupid. You are the body. He being the head and you
being the body, you with the spirit in you. Yahshua did not leave His church. Reason why didn't nobody see Him walking
around on the face of the
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earth, He was the Holy Ghost personified. So, ever since He took off tound shaking hands with Him, and He would
walk down the street out there and you wouldn't know Him, you wouldn't realize. Paul said we know Him no more
after the flesh but it's after the spirit. And unless you expect to see a man. Listen, when you the spirit ____ ____
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ in the coal mines of West Virginia or Kentucky or somewhere ____ ____ ____
genuine, you will see Him as He is ____ everywhere. Holy Ghost poured out on the Day of Pentecost. And you not
realizing and you got a carnal mind, you standing out and looking out the while clouds, every eye shall see Him.
Well, look, look at the clouds. Look at 'em coming there. Many of the saints that slept in the dust of the earth rose
and went on into Jerusalem. And Paul said therefore seeing we are compassed about, seeing we are compassed
about by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us put aside every weight and sin that doth so easily beset us and run the
race, looking after Yahshua the Messiah who is the author and finisher of our faith.27 That was Him, come all the
way down through the dispensations and ages. He's the author and He is the finisher of our faith. Yahweh is
manifested in the flesh, seen of angels, believed on in the world, preached unto the gentiles, received up.28 Every
Spirit that testifies that He is come, not gonna come, but is come. Well, He may come to you this afternoon. He
may come to this man. Whenever you apologize or repent He will come, come within you. Now, says, He shall
appear to those who look for Him.29 If you're not looking for Him, you won't see a thing of Him. Unto they that
look for Him shall He appear the second time, without sin unto salvation. Now, every Spirit that testifies that
Yahshua the Messiah, is come is of God. And every spirit that testifies that He has not yet come, like all of the socalled preachers that's going around... Read.
Dr. Mary Gross: And every spirit that confesseth not that Yahshua, the Messiah, is come in the flesh is not of
Dr. Kinley: is not of Yahweh.
Dr. Mary Gross: And this is that spirit
Dr. Kinley: And listen, this is that spirit, this is it. This is that what?
Dr. Mary Gross: spirit of antimessiah (anti-messiah?)
Hebrews 12:1,2
I Timothy 3:16
Hebrews 9:28
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Dr. Kinley: This is that spirit of anti-messiah, or antichrist. This is it. Now, you can decide ____ ____ ____. This is
where you make the decision. Then somebody with good intention say, 'Yeah, believe a lie, cause ____ in me.'
(STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Said, 'I'm looking for Him.' Reverend said, 'Come on. We don't know what the end
will be, but get started.' Said, 'what's in heaven, rev?' Said, 'I don't know,' said, 'but we're going on and we're gonna
see Him.' Listen, if you don't know what's there, what business have you got inviting somebody to go someplace
and you don't know nothing about it. All you have to do is look at the pattern.
Then said the Spirit, 2nd chapter of Corinthians, said this. For the Spirit searcheth all things, yes, the deep things of
God. Spirit searches the deep things. Walk up to some of... you know, that call theirself, say, 'Look rev, I got a
question I wanna ask you. Almost just a child question.' Say, 'Listen brother' said, 'I'm not gonna meddle in God's
business. I don't know what this, and that and the other is but I tell you one thing. I'm on my way.' Yes, but where?
We... all we have to do is look right into the pattern, and see it there, it's just as plain as the nose on your face. And
we should know where we're going.
And let me say this, too. You know, what with all that praise going on all of the time, blessing Him, thanking Him,
well what He has done, the angels flying through the midst of heaven with the everlasting gospel preached to every
creature that dwelt on the earth, saying, holy, holy, holy, day and night.30 Why, it would wear you out. Somebody
said, 'I'm so nervous. I can't stand it.' That's no way for you to go. Now, if you just happen to miss that, and go the
other way, that's crowded too. Just happen to mention, and they're crying down there because they lost out,
wherever you want to say Hell is. Lament, unutterable lament, a most diabolical hatred inconceivable to mortal
consciousness. There shall be weeping and wailing, and gnashing of teeth. 31 And there shall be joy, bncomfortable
in either place.
Somebody said, 'I can't sit still for no two and a half hours.' You been wrong two thousand years, and haven't
found out the truth, and here, you haven't got patience to sit here a couple of hours. And, when the apostles and
them preached, it was a daily ministration. And here you say you're so right. The Roman Catholic Church, the
door's hanging open all the time. You go by there anytime you want to and go on in. Any time. They don't close it.
Open right around the clock. Go in there, kneel down. You can go in anytime. The Protestants, they got the thing
locked up. And more than likely the ____ and then, they're all ____ some kinda confusion cause they don't agree
on doctrine. And they got things down there, and put a lock on the door.
Student Body: Right. That's right.
Revelation 4:8
Matthew 13:42
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Dr. Kinley: Now, would you call that the Spirit? Just a lot of foolishness. When you really got the Spirit of the
Lord in you, the Spirit of Yahweh, you don't need nobody to come home to. 'But I want somebody to tell me how
to live. That's what I go to church for. I want somebody to tell me.' What you go to do is get the Spirit. Get the
Spirit, and you won't need nobody following you around to try to tell you what to do and how to behave yourself
and conduct yourself. Now, if it can't keep you straight, then you're a hopeless case. Now, that's right. It'll stop you
from lying. It'll cause you to get along with folks, some kinda way. A time to speak, and a time to shut up, and all
them different kinds of... And somebody, some of us just, we just gonna insist and cram something down
somebody's throat just anyhow, and people just get good and sick of you. You, you can't convert nobody like that.
Now, do you understand?
But every Spirit... I wanna conclude by saying this. I heard a voice from heaven. And every spirit that testifies that
He is come. Now, that's in the book. You'll find that in the fichapter. Somebody say, 'Oh, yes. I knew He come
back down before. And He's coming, coming down...' No, we're not talking about that. We're talking about in this
dispensation. This dispensation begin with Pentecost. And He come at Pentecost. And He is coming in the hearts
and minds of everybody that looks for Him, that's looking for ____ as of now. The resurrection is going on now. If
you be dead in Christ from the rudiments of the world, or if you get over them crackers and grape juice and all that
water, from the rudiments of the world, then we live, we live in Him, with Him as of now. Translated. Well, how's
that happen? By the renewing of your mind. And it is the Holy Spirit that is infused in our bodies. And it is that
Spirit, at the revelation of when He comes revealed to everybody, that will change this mortal, from a mortal to an
Somebody said, 'Well, I don't believe that.' Well, Paul said this, for your information. What if some don't believe,
does that make it of none effect? That's the way it is. And that's why there's so much division among us, is because
we don't understand spiritual things. We got a carnal mind, we never have been born of God. We're in the pulpit,
and arguing around about salaries and all like. We're more concerned about that than we are your soul, and all
them different kinda...
And I don't care what you do for us. Paul said, if you give all you possess, and your body to be burned, and have
not charity, it won't profit you a thing. And you can go 25 or 30 years, and set up here in some of these secular
cults and denominations, and what not, and just be just as dumb as you can be, not realize a thing of what it is all
about. Set there, and that day slip up on you unawares.
Somebody said, 'Listen. Well I have belonged to this church. And listen, I don't believe in fighting over
denominations. I don't believe in that.' Say, look, boy, what's the matter with you? Devil done established all these
cults out here. And there's no way at all to keep from having some of 'em. He sent me to preach the gospel. I've got
as much authority to preach the gospel ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ than anybody else. And you tell me
I'm not supposed to
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meddle with you and your religion. That's what I was sent for. You need to wake up. That's what's the matter with
you. Said, 'My religion is my business.' Say, look, when Messiah come in the world, there were the Pharisees, the
Sadducees, the Essenes, the Zealots, and the scribes, and the Pharisees. Yahshua didn't have no right to be
meddling in their, to be meddling with them and their religion. If He didn't have no right meddling with them and
their religion, what right have they got, walking up to Him and saying, 'Say, listen, we got the ____ by what
authority do you ____.' He ain't got no right to meddle in their religion and here they are meddling ____ ____.
Why don't you wake up. We're sent to preach the gospel to every creature. And there's always somebody standing
around, tooting around, shooting out the corner, 'I seen him come out of that place down there, ain't that a beer
joint? Is that an imagination house?' Said, 'I've seen him with my own eyes.' Listen, you're sent to the people that
don't have the Spirit of Christ. The sick need a doctor, not them that are whole. And that's might near everybody
there is in the world. So, you go and preach the gospel to every creature, and every creature that testifies that
Yahshua the Messiah is come in the flesh is of God. And every one that don't testify, out there, looking for Him to
come, jump down. Listen He's not above, now you can believe anything you want to, don't matter with me. I gonna
go with the truth. Read on.
Dr. Mary Gross: whereof ye have heard32
Dr. Kinley: Whereof the Messiah said it would come. John is ____. Read.
Dr. Mary Gross: that it should come;
Dr. Kinley: that it should come;
Dr. Mary Gross: and even now
Dr. Kinley: and even now
Dr. Mary Gross: already
Dr. Kinley: already
Dr. Mary Gross: is it in the world
Dr. Kinley: is it in the world, standing up here in the pulpit. That is ____. And you don't have no right, by no kind
of a speck of imagination, to tell me I'm wrong about it, when I've proved it to you for 35 years in Springfield and
elsewhere. I've told you what's going on all over the world. You don't know no body, I don't care if you do knew
body, you just don't know any body who told you any more, or
I John 4:3
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7) JULY 15, 1967, 2-4:30 PM:
performed any more miracles than what I have done. I don't care what they call theirselves. And I'm not bragging
or boasting either. I told you I can't do nothing. I heard a voice from heaven. And that's what's is in me that
accomplishes. And we've got medical records, historical records and documents, telling what's going on all over
the world, potentates, and everybody else. Kings and queens have died just when I said they would die, and you
know it. You're my witness. Come on down here and let's try to learn something about God for sure. So then we'll
know the spirit of God and the mystery of iniquity or the spirit of error.
Remember this, this is the 50th year, from 1917, I'm talking about the Year of Jubilee. I'll tell you more about that
after a while about the miracle of Fatima, and other miracles, before it's all over with. And you stand around and
talk about the Garden of Eden, and the forbidden fruit in the tree in the Garden of Eden right back here. And Adam
and Eve back there, and that, Satan deceived that woman, symbolical of the church. That angel in the Garden ____
____ ____. And you didn't even recognize or realize, He Himself is the savior of the world, not Mary. And Paul
said, in the 2nd chapter of 2nd Thessalonians, he said that day shall not come except there come a falling away
first, that man of sin, the son of perdition, who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is preached or all that
is called God, so that he as God, sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God ____ or that is called
God because they wouldn't accept the truth, and h or He saw the savior of the world ____ ____. ____ Paul said god
would send 'em a strong delusion and cause them to believe a lie that they all might be destroyed or damned. Here,
over there in Fatima, there is that or God sending that strong delusion, there's that apparition appearing in that tree
over there. If you ever see he was back here in the Garden of Eden, there's Pope Paul goes on over, Paul the 6th
with the mark of the beast, and that same satanic spirit that was back there in the Garden marked with that 666
____ ____ ____ ____ out there on the tree, the serpent and the woman, and the apparition was over there. And you
setting right over, right at it, and it's nothing else but a repetition. And this is carrying on back to the beginning of
the thing. And I want you to know that's not, instead of it going on, and continuing on, we've come on back to the
end where it started at. That's right. And I want you to see that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, who
opposeth and exalteth himself, above all that is called God, so that he as God, sitteth in the Vatican over there,
sitteth in the temple of his vicar in the Vatican, showing himself that he is God. There he is, Satan, the 6th ____,
____ is coming on down til we got down to the 6th and last Pope that dies. Before the number 5. And they bring
him on in on time. And there he is 6, Pope Paul the 6th. And I showed you how the 666 got in on there, before this
meeting is over with. John said out there on the Isle of Patmos, I heard a voice from heaven. Here is wisdom, let
him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it's the number of a man. And his number is six
hundred, three score, and six.33 ____ ____ looking right at it, ____ and demonstrating. And now, another thing
over yonder, took a plane on out of the Vatican, Rome, and landed over yonder in Jerusalem. There's that spirit has
been bound all these many years in the
Revelation 13:18
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Vatican, and once he's loosed out of the Vatican, John seen it before it happened, said I stood upon the sand of the
sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, and he went on to describe it. And then he went on to say that it was for
the people and loosed out of the Vatican, he's called the prince of the power of the air, took a plane and went on
into Jerusalem. John said, he'd be loosed for a little season, and he's gone to the four corners of the earth. And then
he will deceive the nations which is in the 4 corners of the earth. Go on over yonder into Jerusalem. Went to
Jerusalem, went on in the tomb. People ain't even got brazen and sense enough to see that. And while he was in the
tomb, where the Messiah was ____ or buried, a blackout in the tomb. Never had one before, a blackout in the tomb
where Messiah was buried. Got on up from there and went on back to the Vatican.
And after going on back the Vatican, he went off down yonder in India. That's the second trip. We're talking about
the four corners, and then he went on back to the Vatican.
And then, here he went to appeal to the nations that are upon the four corners of the world. Here he comes, on over
here to New York, to the U.N., there he made an appeal making an appeal that there must not be no more war. And
that's what we're fighting, the wicked spirit. And that's trip number three.
And here's number four. And now, here he goes on over yonder in Portugal. There he is back in the bush, there he
is back in the tree, there he is back in the garden. There's that number. And there's that repeated offense, all back
while you setting up reading the newspaper. And you don't know what it's all about, any more so than ____ ____
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8) SEPTEMBER, 1967:
by Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley
Los Angeles, California
CATALOG #: 67.09 PV
recorded on reel to reel recorder by Dr. Carl F. Gross
transferred to 1 90 minute audio cassette by Geraldine Rothstein
transcribed by Susan Whitney
proofread by Gerry Rothstein and Michael Rothstein
Proofread and approved by International Public Relations Committee: 1996
1. … indicates that Dr. Kinley ended a word or a sentence without verbally completing it.
2. Audience comments are included only if more than one person responded or if Dr. Kinley was speaking directly to a
specific person.
3. Unless emphasized by Dr. Kinley pause words have been left out of the transcript for the sake of ease in readability and
comprehension (ah, see, you see, you see what I’m talking about, you understand, you know, isnt’ that right, you see what I
4. ___ indicates an inaudible word or syllable
5. WORDS IN CAPITAL LETTERS are comments of the transcriber
1st and 2nd speakers were: Dr. Gary Mathess and Dr. Wills
Moderator: ...our founder and dean, the author of the book, God the Archetype (original) Pattern of the Universe,
Dr. Henry C. Kinley.
Dr. Kinley: Thank you ever so much. I just wanna say that I know that all of you in the audience that are trying to
know something about the reality of God and His existence really enjoyed the previous speakers. Another thing, I
sit there and listen very attentively, pay attention to everything he had to say and I want you to know that I always
Now, one of the things I wanna say to you first is this... Now I'm gonna let you go home, some people complain
about two hours being too long and all those kinda things. Now if you noticed we had three speakers here and we
have some time left. It's 20 minutes after 9. Now we could send you on home right now to put into practice what
you have already heard, it would greatly improve your life, now
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what we really need is faith and confidence.
And as I sit there in my seat and look, I've looked at these charts around, and I thought to myself as Dr. Mathess
had said, and Dr. Gross too, I know how special those brethren are in their occupation, have to be qualified, a lotta
study goes into it, everybody can not operate an IBM machine. And many things that Dr. Gross does,everybody
just can't do it and it requires some study and you just don't go along nonchalant. Now I said that to say this. Now
these charts, the way they're put together, now you ought to know better, no man can do it like that. It just.., that
don't make sense for you to think that, it would have to be Yahweh.
And if you take the smallest particle of matter and the most brilliant, academically trained man that has ever been
in this world, or ever will be in this world, they can't find anything in matter other than what God has put there, and
they can't move it and make it some other way other than the way that it really is. Just can't do that. Now history
itself is made up of nothing else but a repetition and function, and that function of spirit is infallible and it never
errors and it never digresses and never deviates at anytime. And I've always told you.., now for you to, to have
some knowledge of what's going on, I tried for years to tell you this, if you watch.., now this is talking on into the
future, what has been and what is now. That's the past, the present, and the future. You will find that it has been
nothing else.., and I do mean accurately functioning; that's what makes up the history of the world.
Now if you come here and catch on to it, got the patience to catch on to it, then you will be benefitted. And I want
to tell you this: it will increase your faith, it will increase your confidence, it will impart to you a profound
knowledge, it will keep you from being unstable, it will establish you, it will confirm you, it will keep you
standing. Now it may not seem like that. People oftentimes say,'well look, you don't understand the troubles I have
in my home and on my job and you don't understand.' Now there's nothing happened to you except that which is
common to man, but with every temptation there is a way of escape. Now here's your scapegoat. That, that, that's
the way it's going to be. That's the real genuine.., that's the way to escape the corruption and pollution that there is
in the world.
Now there's one more thing I wanna mention here to point out to you. I know some of you have looked for many
different things, you've looked for Messiah to come, jump down through the sky in 1956 and 1960 and 1963 and
thus far this year has nothing happened, so you think. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) And as Peter put it, he said,
now, those who'd say that all things go on as they were from the beginning, well they done pretty well there, they
can see that the same thing is happening over and over from the beginning, that's better than some of us can do and
all things continue as they were from the beginning, but this they're willfully ignorant of.., how the world perished
with water and that day that the ark, they were dis.., let, let me put it like this, they went in the ark and set there in
that ark 7 days and somebody would pass along and said, 'now look, we helped him build that ark, we told that ole
fool it wasn't gonna rain. How could the sky leak? Now we told him before we got the thing all built. Now there he
sets out there with
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them animals in there, and the ole fool has been setting out there 7 days and nothing hasn't happened.' And what
I'm talking about is: after the thing is all finished up and everything is all in order and hasn't nothing happened, he
set there 7 days and all of a sudden it starts to rain, then them people commenced to screaming to get in the ark.
Now that's not the first time. Now another thing, Moses, he had to wait 7 days before he entered into that cloud,
just had to wait 7 days before he entered into that ark.
Now I told you that 1960 was the end and I showed you how it come about by actual figures and repetitions. Now
what do I mean by repetitions, in the way it's occurred here before. Now, listen, what's coming up now, (we're
talking about the end) this is not the first time that the world has ended. And the one coming up now, the end, that
won't be the last time it'll end. Now we just might as well wake up and understand some things. Now if we don't,
then this is gonna be the results, it's gonna be just like them people, just precisely nothing else but a repetition, not
a thing else but that. People will.., instead of it being destroyed by water it's gonna be destroyed by fire. Now a
lotta people say, 'well now, listen I don't believe that. That, that's still.., just like...' They didn't believe it was gonna
be destroyed by water either, but it was. You see what I mean?
Now my job is telling you the, the truth about these things, try to inspire and encourage you; that's why we drew
these charts. And I'm, I, I soon will be in this work going on 36 years. Now I have been among the smartest of men
there is in this world. We have written letters to kings, queens, potentates, high authorities, popes, cardinals, I don't
want you to get this thing all twisted up and think that this is just some little passerby thing. We've had contact
with the very smartest of men. Nobody, nowhere from, even from the, the most highest educated men that you've
ever had in any and all kinds science and philosophy. They have all had to stoop. They have all had to take their
hats off to me. And I wanna say this to you too. Now they do not teach like this, as is taught in this school; they do
not teach this way out here. And I'm old enough and been far enough to know and to tell you the truth about it that
they don't. And it has to be taught this way.
Now I know that you.., a lot of you're discouraged and say, 'well, I've, I been going down there and they been
saying that same thing over and over and over again.' Now Messiah said this in the 24th chapter of Matthew, said,
'in your patience possess ye your souls.' Now listen at these words. He said for in such an hour as you think not,
then it all happens: in a moment in a twinkling of an eye, just like when Titus plundered Jerusalem. Said, 'now
look, don't figure on going down there and saving none of your valuables.' He's in.., up on the house top,'don't,
don't try to save some of that stuff you got in there, run, get out.' Now you pray that your flight be not upon a
Sabbath day or in the winter and woe unto them that are with child and give suck in those days. Now you pray that
it, it don't be like that because nobody will be spared.
Now if you take the wars that are happening now, if you know anything about it, and understand anything about it,
little infants that haven't did anything to
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anybody, they took 'em by the heels and knocked their brains out against the wall, just unmerciful in every respect.
Men stand face to face and curse one another and put one another to death with a sword, and shoot one another
down just like they were rabbits or, or some other species of animal, and think nothing about it, just brag and boast
about how many they killed and so forth and so on. Now you see what I'm talking about. Now these things are
going on all over the world, and we tried to tell you.., if I can get this out to you, I think I should.
Now we told you that pattern was three fold. Now here is Egypt, the Red Sea, and the wilderness, come on up in
here, come on up in here and cross over, back over into, in in here. Now this is a, a, a, Salt Sea, this is a, I mean
this is the Dead Sea here, a salt sea here. This is the Sea of Galilee. And here's the, the River Euphrates and all of
it. The whole land... Now look, what's going on over there folks is nothing else but a repetition. Now that's why I
tell you history repeats itself. Now you can't say that it don't. Now, listen at this. Next year, if there be a next year,
next month, October, is another month. Isn't that right? Well now you look in your Bible. Look in... I've tried my
best to teach you this. Look in your Bible and see what is supposed to happen in October. Look in your Bible and
see what is supposed to happen to the years. Now that's what makes up the history of all that you see, and there is
forever and always going to be a reflection; so that means you're without excuse. You know no man can do nothing
like that. You understand what I'm talking about?
Now, when we made these charts, they are analogies and one thing is related to the other, then they come in at
prophetic intervals and repeat. That's all that's ever happened in the history of the world. That's all that ever will
happen. And nobody on earth, nobody on earth.., they don't understand this pattern and its functions, don't.., is
incapable and disqualified to teach you. They do not know. And if the blind lead the blind you're subject to falling
in the ditch, all of you fall in the ditch together. Now let me say this to you real nice. Now there's people that's
arguing about water baptism. Now basically where they get all that argument at, is when Philip went down and
baptized the Ethiopian eunuch. You understand? You see the point?
Now they say.., then they put, they make, make the Messiah out a liar, make Him out a liar by saying that He sent
His disciples out to baptize in the great commission, baptize in water. He did not say that, that is not in the Bible.
This is the wrong dispensation for that. This is the wrong dispensation for physical circumcision. This is the wrong
dispensation for eating passovers that way. Now anytime anybody does anything like that, it's easier to be deceived
by those things. Why? Because they fit right with a carnal mind. And that's how God is succeeding and hiding the
thing from, from the, from the devil. Now we never told nobody that they didn't need their supper. And Paul is
saying that their.., people's God is their belly. That's what everybody is doing out there, trying to make a fast buck,
so he can feed his belly. Solomon said, all the labor of a man under the sun is for his belly and yet his appetite is
not satisfied. Now we in this country, we have plenty, plenty of wheat and grain and produce and what not,
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Over in Viet Nam and other places over there, the rice patties, they don't have much to eat, little small children
with malnutrition, starvation, little bones stick through their ribs, and here you are out here with an overabundance,
belly full and some of us overweight and all them different kind of thing, we go home and lay down on a bed and
sleep through the night. You don't have guns and, and, and, and all those various different kinda things and bomb
shells dropping round, and you still are unthankful, you have an opportunity to come down, sit down here and
learn and know something about God and you don't even appreciate that. Now the wrath of God is against all of
Now I got up here to say this to you. Now you come on back. Now 2 hours is too much and too long for you set
here, if that's one of your reasons for not coming, skipping from one time to the other, we'll cut this thing down. I'll
talk with the boys and I'm not the boss and altogether in that category but we'll cut it down to an hour and a half
and then we'll get up here and we'll preach to you in an hour and a half. We can tell you more in 15 minutes than
you're gonna do the rest of your life (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) and more than half you have done so far as
that part of it is concerned. Now, if that's too long, let us know about it, we'll cut it down; but it is necessary for
you to learn and know something about it because you are subject to being destroyed.
I wanna tell you this. Somebody sent in a subscription for me to receive a magazine called, 'the Plain Truth.' I don't
know who it was but anyhow, they sent it to me free, I didn't pay for it. Well now in that 'Plain Truth..,' and what
Israel, the people over there are looking for it now. This is what is going on. They are looking for a Messiah to
come back and set up His kingdom on the earth and rule 1000 years. And in this 'Plain Truth,' I, I, I, I can bring it
to school and read it to you, that's what they are looking for, for Him to come and to sit down here and.., on this
earth to straighten out all these wars and we'll have peace and plenty. Now look, that's not the way it is. Now that's
setting up His Kingdom on earth. Now let me say this, can I say this by the way of encouragement, this may help
The kingdom of God is as of now. You are in the Kingdom, it has already been set up and I do mean here in the
world. And as Paul put it, says, He has translated us into the Kingdom of His dear Son. Do you recall and do you
remember that He sent them out to preach that the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand. Now if it was way down here,
nearly 2000 years and it ain't been set up yet. Now that wouldn't hardly make no sense, but now the reason why
some of us can't appreciate that the Kingdom of Heaven or the Kingdom of God is as of now is because we haven't
never repented or apologized, we just haven't come to the knowledge of it. We just don't realize that it is. Well
what's keeping you from it. Well, here they are around here, all around you, scattered all around, telling you that
they're looking for, is what we might describe as a premillenium (premillennium?). Now a post millenium
(millennium?). Now that's what the people are looking for, they're looking for it all over the world. But now this is
what takes place. Now you'll find what I'm talking about, I'm not gonna take the time to read, but you read it when
you go home.
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You read 2nd Thessalonians and the 3rd chapter of Peter. Now when.., listen, He will be revealed from heaven.
There's just no argument about that. Now what I mean by being revealed from heaven, lotta people don't
understand that, that is to say you will see a vision, it, it will appear and you will see a vision. You could see it
now, if you was looking for it. Now let me say this, but when He doth appear and when that vision is pronounced
like that, you know what's gonna take place, it will be fire just like it was the flood. And as Paul put it, taking..,
when He's revealed from heaven taking flaming vengeance on them that know not God. That is the punishment
children, not an opportunity to go ahead up. That.., you have the opportunity now. You see what I'm talking about.
And so now, that, that's what is going to take place at the revelation of Yahshua the Messiah. Now for you to have
Yahshua the Messiah into your, in your heart means this: that you have the spirit (He's a quickening spirit), for you
to have the spirit of God within, within you functioning through your heart and mind. And listen, everybody has
those two laws in their members. One is saying, 'no,' and the other one's saying,'yes.' And Paul said, when I would
do good, evil was present, and now, no man can serve two masters. You must either serve one or the other. Now if
you serve the, the devil then you yield your members to serve it, then this is what you look for, just look for a
punishment and let, let me tell you this: nobody never did escape, even the angels that sinned. You can't get by
with it folks. You needn't think that you could bridge over it and smooth it over. A lotta times we do things we
ought not to do and then we bridge over it. I did something to Roger and now I just as well go ahead on. I didn't go
to Roger and reconcile that thing, I just bridged it on over. Then I'm testifying, and then pretty.., the first thing you
I done done something to somebody else and I just go on bridging, bridging. Now that's not gonna work. That, that
will not work. Confess.., James said, confess your faults, not to the priest cause there's nothing he can do about it,
he has to do something for his own errors then there won't be no need of confess.., confess your faults one to
another. If.., boy, if I did something to you and you did something to me, admit or confess that you're wrong about
it. And if you don't confess it, you'll never be forgiven. You just can't get by with that stuff, so you just might as
well behave yourself. And the most of us know better anyhow because that still small voice within us telling
you,'you ought not to do that.' Now the devil has all kinds of play ____. He'll tell you two hours is too long. He tell
you, 'well, I don't like them, the way them folks teach, that's not the way that I've been taught all of my life.' Now
listen, Yahweh is His name, just like Dr. Mathess taught. Now you have not been taught that. Yahshua is the Son's
name. You have not been taught that. The Holy Spirit is correct. Now if they're not teaching that out there and
we're teaching it here. I want you to know this gigantic impulse that has gone all over the world. Now all over in
England and America and everywhere they're coming back to Yahshua the Messiah and they're coming down to
say, 'Yahweh is the correct name.' They're doing that all over the world. They admit it now.., but when you first
introduce it, 'I don't want them.., they got a whole lotta funny gods down there.' Them's the people got the funny
gods. And they have ate suppers and baptized and get.., for nearly 2000 years and now when it comes to a
showdown, they haven't got the.., the prisons is full, they won't even obey the civil law. And yet and still they have
it, right universally all over the world. Now you
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know, it just cannot continue to go on like this.
And let me.., can I say this one other thing. Lyndon B. Johnson, when he run for President of the United States of
America. One of the things that he told the people, said he was gonna clean up the streams and clean up the.., you
know what I mean by streams, clean up the rivers and the lakes, take down the billboards, and this filth and trash
and what not, clean up, and then the, the run down areas where rats and.., gonna, gonna clean out all that. And this
poverty stricken.., now Lyndon B. Johnson... Now look, that's what their folks are talking about the Messiah
coming back and cleaning up or doing a job like that and setting up a kingdom. It just don't make sense. Now he
ain't getting by with it, he's got riots and every other kinda thing like that. Well why would you think that Messiah
was gonna come back here and do something like that. It's not working in his case. He's over yonder in Viet Nam
fighting and here we got all this trouble here in America. It don't make no difference who you got for President,
that's what's gonna happen because you've got that strife and... Now look, but if you can manage to preach the truth
and somebody get the spirit of God, listen, it'll make you behave at home and down in the street and everywhere
else, and nothing else is gonna do that.
Now I said those things. I'm through. See if you can't bring somebody with you, bring somebody to school with
you. Let's fill this place up here. There's Los Angeles County, between six and eight million people. And so now,
let's see if, everyone of us make ourselves a missionary. And then what we will do and we'll make you this
promise. I'll talk it over with the, the authorities, and if two hours is too long for you to set there, we'll cut the time
down to an hour and a half. Dr. Wills done a good job in an hour and a half here. And then we'll preach to you,
we'll tell you the truth as it really is. We won't waste time and procrastinating and all those different kinda things.
We'll do that. Let's run this place over and then run ourselves clear out of this building, carry the gospel to every
creature. Now the time is so short. The, the time is so short. October the 10th will be the Day of Atonement. You
don't know. That's the day that the high priest went in to the Most Holy Place and come back out and made
atonement for Israel's sins. You don't know whether this high priest which is entered within the veil will come
October the 10th. He didn't tell me to tell you that, that, that He would be here on October the 10th, but He did say
warn you, caution you. Look for it. And it's sure to happen. This is one of these sure shots. I mean it will happen at
some time or another because it, Christ is, is coming.
More important than anything else, let nothing hinder you or obstruct you or keep you from coming here because
you do need this school, you need this knowledge, you need this understanding, you need encouragement, you
need some faith, you need to see and understand what's going on. Now, now you just have to have it, you can't get
it out there, if there's no pasture, no, no grass around, you have to take 'em to another field. Now children do that.
And then you come yourself, don't be having these lazy excuses and all these different kinda things, little belly
aches and little things like that, little minor things. Come and bring somebody else
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and try to help somebody save their soul. Behave yourself in the community in which you live and try to influence
somebody because the time is short. Let's go.
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by Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley
Los Angeles, California
1 90 minute audio cassette tape
transcribed by Sandra Giragosian
proofread by Robert Fenti, Gerry Rothstein, and Michael Rothstein
proofread and approved by International Public Relations Committee: 1996
1. …indicates that Dr. Kinley ended a word or a sentence without verbally completing it.
2. Audience comments are included only if more than one person responded or if Dr. Kinley was speaking directly to a
specific person.
3. Unless emphasized by Dr. Kinley pause words have been left out of the transcript for the sake of ease in readability and
comprehension (ah, uh, see, you see, you see what I mean, isn’t that right, understand, you understand, do you understand).
4. ___ indicates an inaudible word or syllable
5. WORDS IN CAPITAL LETTERS are comments of the transcriber.
Moderator: The second speaker for this evening, the Founder and Dean Dr Henry C. Kinley.
Dr. Henry C. Kinley: Thank you, ever so much. I know those of you that understood what he was talking about,
why you ____. Of course, I can appreciate and do realize that what he said was pretty deep at times. And there are
babes, in such expressions, that possibly wouldn't know what he was talking about. Now, the reason why I got up
here is I wanna make it real good and plain, because it takes a lotta courage, and a lotta ambition, a lotta anxiety,
and all that kind of thing, to have push enough to last 35, 36 years. I don't know whether you understood that or
not. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) With all of the repercussions, with all of the disputations, and with all of the
things that have been said against, against the school and its teaching, with all of the different types of creatures,
everywhere... We haven't cut out any of them. We let everybody that wanted to have anything to say, say it. Even
people have gotten up here in Hollywood... We
Page 1
had some over there. They said they was atheists. They just didn't believe, from Cincinnati.
Now, it doesn't make any difference what your case is, or what you believe, how you feel, what you think. There's
a way of finding out the truth about that, whether you're right or wrong about it. Yes indeed, there is a way that you
can find out the truth about it.
Now, I've been at home, trying to sit down and write this book, and get it back into the the press. And, when I first
wrote it, I wrote it up in about 26 or 30 pages. Now, this is what the school asked me for. They said, 'Well, now
look, we don't want to be a downgraded school. What we want to be is outstanding.' Is that what you all said to me,
Dr. Gross?
Dr. Gross: That's right. That's right.
Dr. Kinley: And I said, all right. I'll write it. They wanted a exegetical analysis, and interpretation, and
remonstration on this work. And they wanted it in purely academic form. I wrote it like they asked me to. And then
I brought it to school and read it. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Do I need to tell you what they said? (STUDENT
BODY LAUGHS) No, they didn't understand no parts of it. So, they insisted that I take it back and break it down.
So, I did that. And I brought it back, and I read it again. And they said, 'Well, we still don't understand. And, if we
don't understand in here, we know good and well, the persons out in the street don't understand.'
So then, I had to work for a living. So, I just told Dr. Gross, I said, 'well, I'll kind of go through it again, and work
it over. I don't have too much time, because I've got to make a living.' So, I kind of perused through it a little bit.
And, of course, I'm not a professional typist. So, I had to get it, pick it out, like this. And that took time, too. So, I
brought it back, and they still didn't understand it. So, then, I said, well, I'll tell you what you do. You take it to
somebody and let them try to break it down. So, he took it to the Dean of Wittenburg College in Springfield, Ohio.
Dr. Carl F. Gross: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: Is that right, Dr. Gross?
Dr. Carl F. Gross: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: Am I telling the story right?
Dr. Gross: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: And they offered to pay him to break it down. And he took it, and when he read it, he said, 'Uh uh, but
I'll, I'll try.' So, he got to digging, and worked with it for, I don't know how long. Dr. Gross knows more about it
than I do. Now, that's the Dean I'm talking about, the Dean of Wittenburg College. Now, that's a Lutheran college.
And they don't call it a college no more, they call it a university.
Page 2
And finally, he brought it back and said he just couldn't do nothing with it. And the reason why he couldn't do
nothing with it, because it took a whole paragraphs and sometimes whole pages just to break down one word.
Dr. Carl F. Gross: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: So then, they asked him what'd he charge for what he had done, since he didn't, couldn't do it. And I
think you paid him a hundred dollars.
Dr. Carl F. Gross: About a hundred dollars. Yeah.
Dr. Kinley: Is that right, Dr. Gross? Then I come down from Cleveland, Ohio. I was in the insurance business. I
come down from Cleveland, Ohio; and I was the speaker in Springfield. And that man come from Wittenburg
College just to see me, just to look at me. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Isn't that right, Dr. Gross?
Dr. Carl F. Gross: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: Well, I spoke that night. The press was there from the 'SPRlNGFlELD DAILY NEWS.' Said, 'Well,
the man is educated, but I'll tell you one thing. We just don't believe what he says. Now, the reason why we don't
believe it, is because those people over there are not in those positions to go and stage another war. They just don't
have the means.' So then, they got after me after school, and this is what I said to them. Said, look, I'll be back here
in 60 days. Now, one month I come to Springfield, and the next month I went to Cincinnati. I alternated. So, I said,
now, I'll be back in 60 days, and when I come back, they will be fighting. So, when I got back on 60 days, they
were fighting. I told them where, in Korea. And then they took me down to the press, and wrote an article in the
newspaper about it. They wanted to know how that I could tell what was going on and they couldn't. How did I
know what's going on, when all their analysts, world-wide news media, central intelligence agencies, and so forth
and so on. 'Now, how do you know?' So, I told them, this is what I told them. 'Now, how could you tell that I didn't
Now, this is what I want to say to you, folks. The reason why I'm bringing all this up to your attention. I want you
to see what a problem and how hard it is for somebody to get up here and try to tell you something in a way that
you can understand, so that it will be beneficial and proved to you. Now, before you can do that, what you have to
do, now this is a must, you have to have a profound knowledge. It just must be that way, before you can tell the
thing effectively to somebody else. Now, when you do tell it that way, if you're not careful, a lotta people will not
believe you. Now, that's nothing new, either. That's not a thing new.
Now, here's what the people don't realize. This is what they don't know. Now, last Friday, you seen a man stand
here in this floor. And the Sunday before, maybe Sunday a week before that... Now, we were over to John
Littlefield's place. And you pick up the Saturday's paper, and you'll see church this, that, and the
Page 3
other, all advertized. And if you'll read the fine print, in the free advertisement there, you just see a whole line of it.
Now, the point I want to convey is this. Now, when we were over there, at that place, over to Littlefield's, one of
the men that was over there, that was supposed to come here last Friday night, he has been here before. And
you'd... remember Starch was a man that had that... the lights, the signs, and, and on the... folks is on the pictures.
And had the little boxes and all. And had my name, and Dr. Harris's name in there. Now, you can't type me up.
Now, you can't do that, you don't make no hit with me like that. But, now then, that man, he didn't believe in
reincarnation. The man that come over here, he believed in reincarnation. Now, I doubt seriously, with this
audience sitting here before me now, that many of you don't know the doctrine that pertained to reincarnation.
Now, suppose we say this, pantheistic evolution by reincarnation. Then you wouldn't know, you've asked me to
express these things in academic terms, and way on up, and then tell you about it. And then, when I do do that,
then you don't know what it's all about, you're puzzled. And sometimes will say, 'Well, listen, I don't believe what
that man said.' How can you believe something you don't know nothing about. Get the point? You just can't do
And here, I wanna tell you this, before I forget and run off. Now, Roger, Dr. Gross, now you can't fool nobody.
You can't fool nobody but yourself. If you do have the Holy Spirit, you have to prove it. You just don't go around
and tell people, 'I've got the Holy Ghost. Why don't you have the Holy Ghost like me?' Now, that ain't gonna
work. Noooo indeed. That, now, you, that, that won't work! No good whatsoever. And you going around telling
somebody what you believe, that ain't gonna get it either. no sir. For the most part, most of you don't even, just like
I told you about those men. Now, when he spoke of reincarnation, if you know what the re means Now to say
reincarnation, just simply, we'll just change the word, reinhabit, or return to the former place where you were.
Now here's the case of reincarnation in the Bible. I'm not going to go through no whole lot of scriptures. It's not
necessary. Now, when Messiah, before He died on the cross during the time of His ministry, He sent His disciples
out to cast out demons. Told 'em to go and preach and teach the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand. Cast out
demons, or people say devils, which, at that time, was looked at, a lot of it, as afflictions, diseases, whatnot, mental
deficiency and derangements; in other words, the lunatics and crazies, and physical impairments. In other words,
heal those folks. And they went out and did that. And then they come back rejoicing because they cast those out.
Now, the scriptures have got to be fulfilled, they cannot be broken. So now, one time He's up in the mount,
preaching up there. And He took His text on the same thing that was here. Said you'll. - - That's what, that's what
some folks, people call the beatitudes, the 5th chapter of Matthew, down through the 7th chapter of Matthew. He
took His text. Now, the reason why He took His text there, and the reason why He ascended the mountain was
because He had to fulfill this; in other words, He had to speak to them from the mountain. Is that clearer to you
Page 4
Well now, when Moses come down out of this mountain, he found these people down here, after God had told
them not to build that golden calf. Now, they did just the very contrary to what He told 'em to do. Well, now, when
He comes back, here's Peter, James, and John here. Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu here. And both of these cases are a
repeat, too, of this because all of, all of it isn't up there like it, like it was.
Now then, they found a man down there that was a lunatic, wasn't just right. And they was working with him. And
it never done no good with this one, so then they asked Him, said... Now, now this, now, been casting 'em out all
the time, but now they couldn't master this one. So then, He... they, they, they asked Him, 'Why couldn't we do
that?' And He said to 'em,'This kind cometh by...' What?
Student Body: Prayer and fasting. 1
Dr. Kinley: Is that what he said? And He cast that spirit out; in other words, He healed that man. Right? Now, I
want you to see who He was. Now, He was the real genuine Son of Yahweh; in other words, He was Yahweh,
incarnate in a body walking around on the face of the earth. Now listen, now they were under the Dispensation of
the Law at that time. They were partaking and they were eating of the sacrifices. They had to in order to fulfill
what was done under the Law. But now, He tells them this power this time comes by fasting and prayer. Well now,
not understanding, what a person would ordinarily think, would be that you have to abstain from food, from what
He said to them, have to abstain from food. And if you... And unless you abstain from food, then you couldn't have
that power. Well, let me show you what that, what that would mean.
Now, if they abstained from keeping these Passovers and these ordinances, which they were told to do, it would
still have been wrong. But now, here's what they didn't see and here's what they didn't understand. Now, in this
dispensation, over here on this side of the cross, we don't eat of none of that. We don't partake of none of the carnal
ordinances; in other words, we are fasting! Total abstinence from food. We'll not participate or indulge in any of
them. A complete fast; in other words, we will not eat no Lord's Suppers. We will not partake of any of those
carnal ordinances that was on the other side of the cross.
'What do you mean? Do you mean that you won't eat no lamb? You won't eat no beets?' No! The fasting I'm
talking about is you sitting down eating those things with the consciousness of obedience to the Law... Here's a
man fasting! And look at how fat some of these people are around here. Running around seeing Dr. Harris about
overweight, just as fat as they can be. Doctor tell them you best take off some of that lard. Fasting! And eating...
Did you ever see any of that in here? I haven't offered nobody none. Did you get that?
Now, in this dispensation, the power, the power of God, or the power of the Spirit in you or what these things
pointed to, the actual power is in you now! It's no more a shadow, it's a reality! Now right there is where the Devil
got the thing all
Matthew 17:21
Page 5
messed up. That's how he gives himself away, that they which are true might be manifested.
Now listen. Listen at me. Now, when He was nailed to this cross, and took down off of the cross, and put in
Joseph's new tomb out there, and raised from the dead... Now, you can take a Bible and read about that. Anybody
can. And after His resurrection, as Dr. McCoy spoke this Sunday, He went... He's gonna have to fulfill the whole
thing. He, He was the Lord that prepared that fish that swallowed Jonah. Now listen. Now, that was not contained
in the ordinances that was given to Israel. That was an order that was given to Jonah. And that fish symbolized the
grave, or the tomb, in which Jonah was buried. And then, when Yahshua, the Messiah, resurrected from the dead,
He couldn't do that until after He'd resurrected from the dead. Why? Because you can't eat the fish on the inside.
You don't eat the tomb inside. You have to get outside and then eat the tomb. So, that is to say then, that death is
swallowed up in victory2 ____ light, life immortality, but that has to be fulfilled.
Now here's where we're having all of our problems. We're not having any problems anywhere else. Nowhere else
are we having any problems, but right on this what I am talking to you about now. And that is, we have got to have
something to show somebody. We've got to have it. You know what I mean by that? You got to have something
you can look at, and something you can show somebody. Now, Messiah said, in the 16th chapter of Matthew, or
Mark, that they shall take up serpents. Right?
Student Body: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: Now, some idiot went out and grabbed up... Don't tell me. I was there! ...grabbed up a rattlesnake!
Throwed it up in the congregation. What did you do that for? Said, 'Jesus said...' Chapter and verse quoted. Now,
look, face it now. Jesus also said, in the 26th chapter of Matthew, this bread and this cup, he said take and eat.
Now, they took one thing as literal as they did the other. And I'm gonna show you that I'm right, or die and go to
Hell trying, by grabbing up a snake, a serpent, or an adder, or something like that, trying to show somebody how
right you are.
Somebody else comes along, and they take a Bible, and they study, and study, and study, and study, and study, and
study some more, go off someplace and then repeat and recite, and go back and look, study and recite, to show
somebody how smart they are in the Bible. Know a couple of verses. Jesus wept. That's right. Now, that's what
goes on all over the world.
Now, let's mention this. Now, polytheism. Polytheism means the plurality of God, more than one. Now, you got a
sun god, you got a moon god, you got a water god, and you got, just you name it. Then you got 629 B.C. The
Romans, and also the Grecians, they built up a house for their gods and their idols, and set 'em in there, according
to whatsoever their concept of it was. Now, that's polytheism.
Isaiah 25:8
Page 6
Well, now, here comes along somebody says, 'Well, you know, I don't believe in that. Then you say... Then you
turn right around, and you grab up some man. Get the point? Then you idolize me. Somebody else come along
with the same organization, you idolize him. And when you get through with it... Now, that's polytheism, a
plurality of more than one god.
Now, monotheism, that means just one.
Well, let me tell you about pantheism first. Now, this, this is the meaning of pantheism, the pantheistic concept.
You remember I told you about pantheistic evolution by reincarnation a while ago, and I used those words? Now,
pantheism is the concept that the universe in its totality is God. Now, all this in its totality... now, that's God. Now,
the distinction and the difference between that and polytheism and pantheism, they have one thing for the sun, and
another for the moon, and another for this over here, but, in pantheism, they just ball the whole thing up into...
universe up into its totality, and made just that be God. Now, what they did not do, is draw a line of distinction
between matter and spirit.
Now, I haven't tried to worry you with all of these things. I tried to get it over to you in simplicity, the reality of
things. And as Paul had said, now, I didn't come unto you with excellency of speech, trying to show you how smart
I am, but I come to you in all humility. And I want to say one thing to you. Nobody can say that I turned down
anybody. Now, I have not turned down anybody. Now, I realize, am fully conscious of it, that I do have the
advantage of you.
Student Body: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: Now, I didn't buy that revelation. I did not buy it. But listen, let me tell you, nobody has ever been able
to get by it! Nobody. And I told you I've been in the colleges, been in the academies, and met with the very
smartest of men on earth, studied every known philosophy under the sun, everything you can imagine and conceive
in your carnal mind. That's right.
Now, what did I say all the things I have said... Why did I say that? Now, here's why I said it. I want you to realize
that it is possible for you to know the truth. I want you to realize that. It is not above anybody's capacity of
intelligence. As Dr. Hosea Love said, when he was on the floor, it is the simplicity of it that proves the vision.
Now, in this dispensation, in this dispensation, now, you are a son of God. As John said: Beloved, what manner of
love is this the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God.3 I didn't say saints. Now, if
you go get your dictionaries, and look up and find out the reason why I didn't say saints... Yes, I know it's in the
Protestant's, Catholic's, and the HOLY NAME BIBLE, too. Saints is one that is canonized in the Roman Catholic
Church. Sons of God, that's what we really are. Now, the only way that you can be happy is just come on up with
the ____, because you are the loser. You're the loser, not me, and my job is
I John 3:1
Page 7
telling you.
Now, when we speak about this pattern. When we speak about this pattern... And the brethren have been up here
saying this is a God-given pattern, and this, that, and the other, and so forth and so on. Well now, look, when you
want to go back, and you want to tell me about some of the smart fellows, even can bring them up to date, if you
want to. This writing in books, selling the books, and expressing their views and their thoughts on any given
subject. Now, this is what they don't know. They don't know how to use it. They don't understand that it is this
Now, first of all, there is (I'll say it so you can understand it) there is a God. Now, that's number one. He's there,
not dead. Now, I want to get this over to you, too, cause oftentimes people look at it like this, 'Well, I'm too
insignificant, just irrelevant, and nonimportant. God is not interested in me. I haven't made the grade. I haven't
scaled high. I don't have no reputation. My ancestors and progenitors, or the family which I come from, they didn't
amount to nothing, or they did amount.' You can take it either way. It just don't really make any difference. People
get all them things in their minds, and they think that they're not important in the scheme of things.
Now, I want to tell you, there has never been nobody in this world, and there never will be, nobody in this world,
was no surprise to God. Every, every, every seed that has come into materialization, all the sperm that was ever
injected into a womb, and taken on shape and form, was present and accounted for with Him in the beginning.
Student Body: All right.
Dr. Kinley: Now, here's Peter talking about it. Yahweh is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count
slackness, but is longsuffering to us, not willing... not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to
repentance.4 Did, did you get that? Now, that shows you, God is concerned about you. He died. God gave His only
begotten son, listen, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 5 You are
But now, the thing you gonna have to do is learn. And this is a scheme that the Devil don't know nothing about.
And that is this. We can, as I was trying to tell you a while ago, about pantheism, monotheism, all these different
doctrines and philosophies, these ideologies, these opinions, these concepts, these notions, there's a way that you
can tell something about them. I brought the books down here, for example. Didn't we have down, didn't we have
books here that we showed you? I've even got up here and read out of them books. Now, we drug them in here
enough times. And then, back in Ohio, we used to have books all around us, you didn't get up and say nothing at
no time, but what we didn't take
2 Peter 3:9
John 3:16
Page 8
that book and open it and read it to you. Now, we are not a set of ignoramuses. We do know the doctrines of all of
these churches.
Dr. Kinley: That's right. Now, let's see if I can get it over clean. Now, here's where all the problem is. God took
special pains, said He was going to do it, was to hide these things from the wise and imprudent, and bring to
nought the understanding of the prudent.6 How did He do that? When He pulled this on out, over here on this side,
on this side of the cross, and in this dispensation, which we have now. The Devil been a clowning around with this,
that, and the other. He's got to have robes and regalia. He's got to have something! As Paul said, having a form of
godliness, but denying the power.7
You say you believe in God! Prove it!! Don't be telling me about it. 'How am I going to prove it?' All you have to
do is open your mouth! You'll tell on your ownself, when you commence to telling me Peter, or anybody, is the
savior of the world. Can't nobody save the world, only them that... only He that made it! Now, you oughta have
that much sense. Do you see through what I'm talking about? Now, you're plain down right common horse sense,
Wallace: Right!
Dr. Kinley: Somebody say, 'Well, look. I ain't gonna follow that man.' Pete said, having men's personalities in
admiration,8 wells without waters.9 And always somebody say, 'I don't believe that stuff you're talking about.' You
know the reason why they don't believe it? They mean that, too. They mean they do not believe it! And they're in
earnest about it, too. You know why? Because they don't see nothing. Get the point. 'Where's the water? Where's
the communion set? Where's the regalia? What have you got to show me that you're right about it? What do you
do? Where is this and where is that? Where's the other?' They don't see a thing.
Go to talking with me about something. Said, 'Jesus said for us to do this.' I say right away, He didn't say that.
'Don't tell me He didn't say it! Pastor, why he's a biblical, Bible-read theologian.' He didn't say it. You know what
he told me there? He don't know one dispensation from the other. Don't know one age from the other.
As of now... I'm just about through, Brother Williams. As of now, a man with the Holy Spirit in him, or a woman
with the Holy Spirit, that's the only salvation!! If
Matthew 11:24
2 Timothy 3:5
Jude 16
2 Peter 2:17
Page 9
you've got that, nobody is gonna believe in you. And you talk just like a fool. That's right. You don't believe that?
If you look at the 2nd chapter of 1st Corinthians. Don't you always try to say, 'Don't you see? Don't you see? Don't
you see?' No, can not see. Messiah said, except you be born again, you can't see.10
You're looking at a literal, at a material thing. And you don't see why that was. You're looking at matter without
seeing where it come from. It's source of derivative. You get, you get it? You're looking at something and putting it
in your... in your belly. That's what's all the warfare is about now. Is something going in the belly. Something go
on the back. And we call that intelligence.
Now, we're talking about communist aggression. Well, look, if we had the truth over here, you wouldn't have to
worry about no aggression in this country. Says there, the weapons of our warfare, they are not carnal, but they're
mighty through God.11 Yes sir. Pulling down of strong holds... Look, will you let me just read one verse. Let me
read one verse, maybe two. 2nd chapter of 1st Corinthians. I want you to see this. And this is, I told you 1st
Corinthians, look it up. I find I don't remember just exactly what verse it is. It's irrelevant and unimportant anyhow.
It's not important anyhow.
Now look. Paul said, eyes hath not seen. Now, really, Paul didn't say that. Well, 'Here it is in 2nd Corinthians!
Didn't he write it?' No. He didn't say it, it was Isaiah that said it, Paul copied it. Eye hath not seen, ear hath not...
Dr. Kinley: ...for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things.12 Now do you mean to tell me... Let's get
honest about it.
Do you mean to tell me that now God is revealing to you, or the apostles, guardian spirits, the things that He has
prepared for them in the worlds to come.13 And here, you going to walk around here with some of your stupidity,
and miss the boat, on account of some false or erroneous doctrine that some hypocrite preacher. Do you mean to
tell me that? Do you think I... You don't need nothing like that!
Paul said it's impossible for them who have tasted of the good word of God and the powers of the world to come, if
they should fall away, to renew them again,
John 3:5
2 Corinthians 10:4
I Corinthians 2:9, 10
I Corinthians 2:9
Page 10
seeing they crucify unto themselves the Son of God afresh.14 Now, somebody said, Well, I just backslid.' No, you
didn't. You didn't back slid, backslide. You never slid forward. That's what your trouble is. You just been running
around playing a hypocrite. You're not fooling nobody.
All right. God has revealed them unto us by His Spirit. All right, read on.
Dr. Mary Gross: ...for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of Yahweh.15
Dr. Kinley: for the Spirit searcheth all things, the deep things. There's nothing covered up... the Spirit that's in you,
searcheth all things, yea the deep things. Read on.
Dr. Mary Gross: For what man knoweth the things of a man,
Dr. Kinley: All right.
Dr. Mary Gross: save the spirit of man which is in him?
Dr. Kinley: save the spirit of man which is in him?
Dr. Mary Gross: Even so the things of Elohim knoweth no man,
Dr. Kinley: Even the things of Elohim knoweth no man,
Dr. Mary Gross: but the Spirit of Elohim.
Dr. Kinley: but the Spirit of Elohim which is in Him
Dr. Mary Gross: Now we have received, not the spirit of the world,
Dr. Kinley: Yes.
Dr. Mary Gross: but the Spirit which is of Elohim, that we might know that are freely given to us of Elohim.
Dr. Kinley: Yes! Yes. Now, the verse I want.
Dr. Mary Gross: But the natural man
Dr. Kinley: But the natural man
Dr. Mary Gross: receiveth
Hebrews 6:6
I Corinthians 2:10
Page 11
Dr. Kinley: Now wait a minute. No sir. No sir. No sir. No sir. No sir. I said no sir! When I say no sir, I mean no
sir! I mean you can't fool me with it. But the natural man, or the carnal-minded man, you can tell him all you want
to. Them ordinances ain't no good. Natural man, he got to have something to show him! The natural man receiveth
not the things of the Spirit. Why?
Dr. Mary Gross: for they are foolishness
Dr. Kinley: Didn't I tell you you talk like a fool. He don't see nothing you are talking about. He look down there at
the Book, and will read a chapter or a verse out of there, and don't know nothing about the dispensations and ages.
Don't know any dispensations. He thinks that Jesus says, and you must do it. Then, you will enter the spirit of the
thing just that was under the dispensation, the natural man. You talk like a fool. Then, when he gets through telling
you what Jesus said. You hear... if you don't know, you're in a mess. Now, all of them that Jesus said... I want to
get you.., want, want you to see this. There wasn't a one righteous, no not a one. It took the redempt... That's why,
when He said to them, they were all in the same boat, believe it or not. They had not been redeemed by His blood.
But now, since He's offered, offered up once for all, and we're in another dispensation. Now the Spirit takes the
place of all of that, and they don't see that. Read on.
Dr. Mary Gross: neither can he know them,
Dr. Kinley: Now listen! You can try to tell him. Don't you see? Don't you see? Don't you know? 'No.' Neither can
he know, neither can he know. All right, read.
Dr. Mary Gross: because they are
Dr. Kinley: Now, here's the reason why, is because they are what?
Dr. Mary Gross: spiritually discerned.
Dr. Kinley: Now you have to have the Spirit to discern that. When somebody's up here preaching and teaching, and
got you reading around in the Bible, if you don't have the Spirit, and you don't know what age and what
dispensation, and you don't discern about that, that's the Devil up there. You understand what I'm talking about?
And he's trying to tell you about natural things, and all them different kind of things. He don't know what it's all
about. And then he tries to parade his education and all. There's so much of that. Now there's just no way for him
to know, so, if there's no way for him to know, what do you expect him to say?
Now, this reincarnation, right quick. When them Devils was cast out on the other side of the cross, and then when
they come back, now this is reincarnation. Just before He's crucified, He went right back up there to the Sanhedrin
Council and said to them, you generation of serpents and vipers. And they put Him to death for it. Now, look, what
happened was, them same old satanic spirits, they didn't come back like they was, just one. They brought back
seven more. They brought
Page 12
back legions, and then the last state of that man was worse than the first.16 Now, that is reincarnation!
Now, that don't happen like that on this side of the cross, because, when the Devil is expulsated out of a man, just
like the Devil when they come back on the other side of the cross, they found the house all swept and garnished.
Isn't that what the Book says. Then he went and got a whole pot load over here, and moved in, to make the last
state of that man worse than the first. But now, on this side of the cross... And listen, I want to tell you this. Ain't
gonna be no hanging round, tarrying, waiting on the Holy Ghost. That's over. Somebody said, 'Do you mean ____?
' Yes, that's Pentecost!
Now the Holy Spirit's been poured out. Now, instead of it being like that now, when the devils's gone out, the
house is furnished. It's occupied. You're filled with that. And listen, cap is screwed on tight, preserved. How long?
Until the day of redemption. Now, that's the gist.
But there has never been nobody in this world, that didn't live, and move, and have their being in God. 17 In other
words, there hasn't been anybody yet, separated and independent from God at any time, in any dispensation and
age, but they're unconscious of it.
I hope you got something out of it.
Matthew 12:43-45
Acts 17:28
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by Henry Clifford Kinley
Los Angeles, California
Recorder by Dr. Carl F. Gross on reel to reel recorder
Transferred to 2 60 minute audio cassettes by Gerry Rothstein
CATALOG #: 68.03 C
transcribed by Cathy Fenti
proofread by Michael Rothstein and Geraldine Rothstein
proofread and approved by the International Public Relations Committee: 1996
1. …indicates that Dr. Kinley ended a word or a sentence without verbally completing it.
2. Audience comments are included only if more than one person responded or if Dr. Kinley was speaking directly to a
specific person.
3. Unless emphasized by Dr. Kinley pause words have been left out of the transcript for the sake of ease in readability and
comprehension (ah, see, you see, you see what I mean, you follow, is that right.)
4. ___ indicates an inaudible word or syllable
5. WORDS IN CAPITAL LETTERS are comments of the transcriber.
Dr. Kinley: I just wanted to say that I am first to the floor there and I think it's my duty to.., if I would not have
gotten up first. I planned to have someone else to get up here and say something to you but as I sat there and it
comes to me like this. Now there are millions of people around that just don't understand what it is really all about.
And they don't think that there's any possibility of coming to a profound knowledge of Yahweh and the truth; in
other words, they don't think there's any way that we can be reconciled among ourselves. And they think that one
of the ways, only one of the ways that, that such a thing can be done is to read the Bible and learn how to quote
what was in the Bible. Now that, that, that won't happen. What that will do, will just further confuse. If you don't
know how to go into it and to get some understanding about it. Now that's one of the things that we intend to do in
this school. And it is possible for everybody to, to come to some
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understanding. It's possible. But now here's one of the things you must take, you must take what Yahweh has
given. Now that's a must. You must take what He has given. Now there is no possibility of it otherwise. Now when
I get through making this little preliminary speech, I'm gonna get down from up here, and I'm gonna let some of
the brethren preach to you; teach.
Now this school is a school of teaching. And I want, wanna make mention of this too while I'm up here because
I've been intending to do that: now we have given license to many of the men, and we don't have but a few women
that.., about three I think or something like that, that has a license to teach. But, and, and we wanna give 'em
something, but we do want them to be qualified and, listen at me now, now you can get sore with me about this if
you want to, live a life, moral life, that is commended with your credentials. Now, now that's needed.
Now here's another thing I wanted to mention while I'm up here. Now this year is presidential election year. Now
everybody knows that everywhere. Now there's gonna be riots. They've been working with that, in getting that
thing already, as soon as the weather permits. And there's going to be riots and mobs in the schools, I mean the
colleges and out in the streets and everything; and burning of homes and just all kinds of tumults and uprisings.
Now just like you, like the war in Vietnam. Now, nobody knows nothing about what to do to settle the war in
Vietnam. Now I just, when I say nobody knows, this is what I mean: I mean those in authority, they don't have no
solution to it. Now, it's embarrassing to pull the troops out of Vietnam and not win the war. And every, everybody
that's running for office, they don't know what to say about it. Humphery said tonight that if Nixon knew
anything... He's a, that's a democrat and a republican. If Nixon knew anything about what to do to stop the war in
Vietnam, why don't he tell us this year and not wait until next year. And Congress is up. Lyndon B. Johnson's
back, now about the war, and about not consulting them about these men that they're going to send over there. Now
they're.., it's Robert F. Kennedy and his father, and, and the boy that's dead now.
Student Body: Spellman
Dr. Kinley: Spellman. They're the instigation of it. But my point is, now they don't know what to do. They don't
know how to stop it.
Now what we don't wanna do, we wanna know something about the truth about things and we don't wanna go
around faking, making all like we know something when we really don't. We wanna put the genuine thing down
here. As I said, now I don't wanna take up a lot of time up here, but I wanna point these things out to you. And
now, there is nobody in this place but what can't learn something about the truth. It's possible. Now that goes for
everybody. It doesn't make no difference how young you are. But you will have to take this, nothing else won't do.
If you.., it won't do. Now, if the world knew that, then we wouldn't be in the shape and the condition that we are in
tonight. Now I had Dr. Jimmy Yates, when he got up here to read the 9th chapter of Hebrews to you. Now you
must remember that this epistle to the Hebrews, they are Jews, they are Israelites to whom both covenants, the Old
and the New, was made. Now the Old Covenant
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was with the Jew given from Mount Sinai. But now, before then, there was a, a Abrahamic promise. Now this
covenant that he makes with the Jew here, didn't disannul or blot out the promise. Now he makes a New Covenant,
not this one. Now listen at me close. Now this one, this Old one stood only in meats and drinks and divers
washings and carnal ordinances. Now for the most part, the ministry out here actually doesn't know what a carnal
ordinance is.
Student Body: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: When you say carnal, they just think about a carnal mind. Well a carnal mind and a carnal ordinance
goes together. Now carnal just simply means literal, physical, natural, not spiritual. Now you can get a dictionary,
anybody can get a dictionary and look that up. Now listen at me close. Now all of it had to be fulfilled, couldn't be
removed until it was fulfilled. Just could not be removed, had to continue on until it was fulfilled. Now Yahshua
the Messiah fulfilled it, and dedicated it with His own blood, not the blood of bulls and goats and heifers, but His
own blood. And He entered into the Holiest of all, or into heaven itself, as we just read, now to appear in the
presence of God for us. Now if you noticed it, the reading of the Hebrews there... Now look at it, look, look, look
right at it now, the 9th chapter, we had him to read it, so that, so that you can... Now it says, suppose you start to
Reader: Then Verily the first covenant
Dr. Kinley: Now it says, then verily or truly. Now listen, now this is the first covenant with Israel. That is not the
first covenant that God made. There was covenants: Edenic or Adamic, Noahic. Then comes the promise:
Melchizedek and Abrahamic. Then comes this first Covenant with his seed. And then the New Covenant with His
seed. Now while we're trying to figure out some way or some routine operation to set up some kind of a service, a
ritualistic performance, some kind of a guide. Repeat.
Reader: Then verify the first covenant had also ordinances of service
Dr. Kinley: Now verily the first covenant had ordinances of service
Reader: and a worldly sanctuary
Dr. Kinley: and a worldly sanctuary. Now she's reading that out of the Holy Name Bible. Now read it out of the
King James Version.
Reader: Then verily the first covenant had also ordinances
Dr. Kinley: Now the first covenant had ordinances. You know what an ordinance is? Ordinance is a law. Alright,
Reader: ordinances of divine service
Dr. Kinley: of divine service
Page 3
Reader: and a worldly sanctuary.
Dr. Kinley: and a worldly sanctuary. Now look, to carry out that service, I mean, I'm talking about the course of
procedure. And it wasn't just once or twice a week. It was a daily ministration, it was a everyday thing. And it
always started like this, among the Hebrews. And it had what?
Reader: for in the first compartment of the tabernacle
Dr. Kinley: for in the first compartment of the tabernacle
Reader: were the candlestick
Dr. Kinley: was a candlestick
Reader: the table
Dr. Kinley: a table
Reader: and the shewbread
Dr. Kinley: and the shewbread
Reader: which is called the Holy Place
Dr. Kinley: which is called the Holy Place.
Reader: and beyond the
Dr. Kinley: Wait a minute. Now the Messiah said this, in Matthew 24:15, said now, when you see the abomination
of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet stand in the Holy Place. Now for the most part, Christiandoom don't
even know where that is. They don't know where to stand, cause they don't know anything about the Holy Place.
And it is not the Holy Place made with hands.
Student Body: Alright. Okay.
Dr. Kinley: But the Holy Place made with hands, you just read it down there further, is a figure for the time then
present, not now, but then present, in which was a golden candlestick and the table of shewbread. Now, here's what
we do. Nobody got no business arguing with this. We don't care nothing about what church you come from, or
even if you are an angel from heaven. Now listen at what I'm saying. Heaven itself is pictured by this, this pattern.
It said it was the figure of heavenly things. Now listen, if we got the figure of the heavenly and we got it down here
on earth, then we got the guide. You get it now? Now the reason why I'm saying these things is: I want you to
know. I want you to be saved. I want you to see that it isn't just coming down here every, every Wednesday and
Friday and Sunday. It's not that. What we wanna do is give you a profound knowledge; an unshakable, an
irrefutable, a profound knowledge that
Page 4
even an angel from heaven, which this earthly is a figure of the heavenly, if it's a figure of the heavenly, don't you
see it doesn't make any difference about an angel coming from heaven, say anything other than that, then there's
nothing else for him to do, but be wrong. Is that clear to you? Now I felt it my duty to get up here and tell you
these things. Now, what we have done, read it again, which is, the one where you, where you just left off, the
candle, golden candlestick, had gold candle...
Reader: for in the first compartment of the tabernacle
Dr. Kinley: Now the first compartment. Now this is this: the first compartment he's not talking about the Outer
Court. Now you see this, the tabernacle around here. And this brazen laver, that's this brazen laver there, and under
this is the altar here and this is the laver here. And then you go in the door, that's it in here. And in here you've got
the golden candlestick and the table of shewbread. Now listen, I don't care where you come from, you can't fix
that. Now that golden candlestick, now that, that, now watch the figure, watch, watch what it's pointing to.
Now those of you that get up here, that can't remember chapters and verses, that, that, that can't remember what
chapter and what verse it is over there. Then we wrote it all around here. If you forget, all you have to do is just
walk up here and look at it. Just walk up here and look at it. Walk up here and look at it, you can read it right down
there. Get the point? Anything you want about it, all you have to do is just read about it. That'll tell you what this is
all about, tell you what this is all about, tell you what this is all about here.
Now them vessels had to be placed in there. You can't change this over here and this over here. You can't move it
no kinda way. Now let me show you what moving it about, would amount it to. Now, you'd have to move your
heart and your lungs in yourself. Now that's what happens if you move 'em. And everybody's got one of them
things. You get it? Everybody's got one. Now then, Messiah said, looking at the golden candlestick that illuminates
the sanctuary in here. All you have to do is look, look over here, it says, try this. It looks like to me.., I let me, let
me put my glasses on. Now I'm not trying to remember that. Now here's John 5:35 and 8 and 12. Read it.
Reader: He was a burning and shining light
Dr. Kinley: He was a burning and shining light. Read 8th chapter and the 12th verse.
Reader: Then spake Yahshua again unto them
Dr. Kinley: Then spake Yahshua again unto them
Reader: saying
Dr. Kinley: saying
Page 5
Reader: I am the light of the world
Dr. Kinley: Now you take.., ain't no fix, no repair work on it at all. It don't make no difference who's in the pulpit.
You get that now? No, no, no repair work. Somebody might come along and say, 'Well I, I disagree with you.' No,
you're not disagreeing with me, you're disagreeing with the Book. And you can argue with that all you want to. Get
the point? Now let me show you something else. Now, now let me show you something about this. Now this is this
altar of shewbread. Now all we've done is taken these vessels, chapter and verse. That's all we've done, that's all.
Get it now? Down here. 6, 7, 6. Now I want you to look at the 8th chapter and the 5th verse of Hebrews.
Reader: who serve unto the example
Dr. Kinley: Now this, this, this serves as an example
Reader: and a shadow of heavenly things.
Dr. Kinley: As, as an example and a shadow of heavenly things. Read.
Reader: as Moses was admonished
Dr. Kinley: as Moses was admonished
Reader: of Elohim
Dr. Kinley: of Elohim. You got God in your Book. In other words, Moses was admonished, after he'd seen up here,
seen the vision of this tabernacle up here. And God took him all, Elohim took him all, showed him about all the
vessels and the dimensions and everything. Then when he come down here, he was admonished. Admonished of
Reader: when he was about to make the tabernacle.
Dr. Kinley: Now when he was about to make it. Now that was Korah, Abiram and Dathan, they were down there.
They're supposed to be good builders. They knew all about construction work. I'm trying to tell you in such a way,
you know what I'm about that. Now they, they, they was gonna find a better way to make this more substantial.
Now Moses down seen it up here. Done revealed it to him up here in the mountain and he's seen it. Now he comes
down here to, to make it, and he's got some carpenters and what not down there, knows all about construction work
and how to make it better than what God showed Moses. Abiram, Dathan, and Korah. Now Moses didn't argue
with them, didn't fool with them, said he just drew a line. Said, 'Now all them's on the Lord's side, you get over
here, and all them's on their side, get over there.' And they separated and divided. And the earth did opened up.
God did open up the earth and swallowed 'em on up. And Moses went on. And God admonished him; He told him,
said, 'For see saith He...'
Page 6
Reader: that thou make all things
Dr. Kinley: Now, you make all things
Reader: according to the pattern
Dr. Kinley: according to the pattern
Reader: showed to thee in the mount
Dr. Kinley: showed to thee in the mount. Well, why? Because it's a figure of heavenly things. You have heard
preachers say, 'Well, I don't know what's in heaven, but come on, let's start on our way tonight.' Now all they had
to do is look at the pattern. That's right, he don't know nothing about it, because this is a figure of heavenly things.
Yes I know this is a poor drawing all around here, but the angels belong all around the veils here on the interior,
across here and across this vail here and the cheribims of glory that you read about there in Hebrews of which we
cannot now speak particularly. Now when Moses was about to ma.., build it, God says to him, now you make all
things according to the pattern that He'd showed him in the mount. Now that's what we are going by in this school.
Now reverend so in so (so and so?) can't tell us no more about it than God.
Now let me show you the vital importance of it. If you were to take even the smallest, listen, ultramicroscopic
particle of matter, which is the atom, and examine it, then you would find that it had a proton, neutron, and
electron. Place it up beside you and that's what this is, this is you here. Then you got a Most Holy Place, chest
cavity, a cranial cavity, chest cavity and the abdominal cavity. Everybody's got one of them things. You are
pneuma, psyche, and soma; soul, body, and spirit. Now there's just no need to arguing about it. Male and female
has got one of them, is just what I just said. And your sex don't make no difference cause there's neither male nor
female, bond nor free, but we're all one in this dispensation. Now that's what we're trying to teach you down here.
Now listen close at what I'm saying. Now Yahweh Himself, Yahweh Elohim is the archetype, that means original,
pattern of the universe. Moses built this tabernacle that He showed him down here, but this tabernacle of the
universe, Yahweh Himself builded and not the man. Now I can look at that and see how He showed Moses, how,
how, how, how, why it was, that it's a Most Holy Place, Holy Place, and a Outer Court. Most Holy Place. Every..,
these 6 days, I can see that. And that's the scheme that runs through all of nature. Listen, even the migratory, we
call this, we're calling this tabernacle the pattern. Now it's taken from Him, Himself. Now this pure spirit here is
inconceivable and incomprehensible and without any shape or any form. Then He took on shape and form. The
shape and form. Now look, now Moses looking right at Him, he said, 'Man here is made in the likeness and image
of God or Elohim.' Then Elohim transforms or transfigures into this tabernacle; in other words, this tabernacle is
Him transfigured. This is the Temple. (DR. KINLEY TAPS THE CHART.) Now look. First pure spirit, then
incorporealization, then He come down here and walked around in the flesh: that was Him manifested in the flesh.
Don't believe me, look it for, at the, look at your Book. 1st Timothy, I believe it is 3:16. Read it out of the King
James Version
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Bible. I don't care which one you read it out of.
Reader: Without controversy
Dr. Kinley: Now listen. There's just not, now that's without controversy. Controversy means a debate or an
argument. Now just without any argument out of anybody from anywhere. Without controversy, without argument
out of anybody from anywhere. And there's nobody that'll argue with you about it but the devil. Don't tell me he
won't argue with you. He argued with the Messiah. Now look what he done. Now it says without controversy.
Now here's the controversy. When He's out there in the wilderness, we got it down there more frequently on that
chart there, so He's out there in the wilderness to be tempted. The devil said to Him, 'if you be...' Now I wanna
show you how that argument comes up too, cause I see a lot of 'em don't understand that. Now when He was
baptized in the River Jordan and went into the wilderness, just like Israel was baptized here in Red Sea and went
into the wilderness here. Now you'd do well to follow me. And I want you women and you men to be able to tell
this story like it is because there is salvation in it. There is power in it. It will save anybody. It will cast the devil
out. Now your seniority, I'm not talking about that. Now, when He was baptized here in the River Jordan, a voice
came from heaven and said, 'This is My beloved Son.' Now I heard it argued around there wasn't no place where it
was said that He was the Son of God but Him saying it. Well we see He was crucified. But this voice, I tell you, it
come from heaven and said, 'This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.' And that was confirmed too
when they was up in that mountain. Mount of transfiguration. It was confirmed. That voice came from heaven and
said,'This is My beloved Son.' Now somebody, the Jews most in particular, try and run around and argue about
whether He was the Son of God or not. But now, I'm talking about something here. Now He said He was the Son
of God. Now when He's baptized, went straightway into the wilderness. And then after He gets out in the
wilderness... And I haven't seen no preacher that knows what I'm talking about, what I'm fixing to say, I haven't
seen it. You'll find this down here in about the 4th chapter of Matthew, and you'll also find it in Luke. The devil
says now, 'if you be the Son of God.' You heard the voice come from heaven saying that it was. Now he goes out
there and asks Him, 'Now, if you be...' Here now Yahweh said He was. You get it now? And so now, we got this
passover plot. Arguing around about it. Says, 'But now, if you be the Son of God command these stones to be
made bread.' And I haven't seen a preacher yet, not yet. I haven't seen one that couldn't read that, but I haven't seen
one that knew anything about the stones he was talking about and why the devil said that to Him. Now I'll tell you.
Now when the children of Israel went through the River Jordan under Joshua, they took 12 stones out of the river
to mark the place where they crossed over Jordan. And they put 'em up in a, as a, 12 stones marking 12 tribes;
indicating 12 tribes. Now when they get across the River Jordan, Joshua told 'em, now you prepare vittles on the
third day after that they were gonna cross that river. And incidentally after Moses, they, for his death, they
mourned his death 30 days. That's the reason why I say, we know what
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we're talking about down here. And then Joshua give them three days to clean up. Now that's 30 and 3 is 33. Well
now, the Messiah here, when He's 33 years old He entered on into... Don't you see that? He's fulfilling. Now, as
they crossed over the river, took those stones out of there and marked. And they told their, their children, told them
to tell their children, if they asked about these stones, then you tell 'em what it, what it means. And marked it, even
the place that they crossed the river; 12 stones, the 12 tribes. Now listen, then the manna ceased. They received
manna down here in the wilderness and they were fed that manna. It come down from heaven. And then when they
crossed over that the manna ceased. Now they didn't have the manna to eat. There's the stones marking the place,
representing the 12 tribes. Now the devil said to him, having heard, he said, now of these 12 tribes, which is 12
stones, said,'Command these stones to be made bread.' Ain't no manna, He's out there 40 days, no manna.
Question: why? He was the bread Himself. That's what He's saying here in John, and on this table of shewbread. 'I
am that bread which came down form (from?) heaven.' All you have to do is look it up here in the Book. It's just up
there, just as plain as the nose on your face. You can't miss. Down here some of us had a slang saying, 'We just
can't loose (lose?).' Not with this stuff we use. We're using the scriptures. And we've got that thing so it... Look, it
works all the way too, from start to finish, from beginning to end. And it never gets out of that category, never gets
out of it at all.
Now this we call an elementary chart. I'll be done in a minute. But I wanna show you now, why it is. Now here it's
the same thing back out here in the Garden of Eden. And if you noticed there's a Court Without. That's what this
line and all indicates there. That indicates this court, this Outer Court here. And when that tabernacle is placed
right along the side of it, then we got the whole thing. 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3,
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3. (DR. KINLEY KEEPS TAPPING THE CHART WITH EACH NUMBER. IT
ELEMENTARY CHART) Now listen, it doesn't make any difference. We're all into the formation of the Godhead
Itself: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3. Seven. The gate, the gate to enter in here. The gate is
one, two the altar, three the laver, four the door, five the Holy Place, six the vail, seven the Most Holy Place. Can't
improve it. Every day of the creation as you have it recorded there in Genesis, the first chapter of Genesis. I don't
know of, some of you haven't never noticed this, Moses always... Now listen at what I'm gonna say here. You see
the whole chapter comes right down into the second chapter with an AND. The evening AND the morning were
the first day. And AND, and AND, and AND, and AND. Now look, now here goes John on the Isle of Patmos. He
didn't say the next day, the next day, the next day, the next day. He didn't say that. He said, 'After this I saw.' Well,
what's He doing out there. What's his story. All that he's doing, that's the reason why they don't understand
Revelation. All he's doing is confirming what Moses saw. That makes up the revelation. Now the Messiah He's
fulfilling. And John's life was preserved to be on the Isle of Patmos and he's just looking back and confirming
everything. So now the Genesis... Look, give me your, give me your Bible. The whole entire Bible itself from back
to back. It's just wrapped up. There's no excuse for nobody not understanding. No excuse at all. But you'll find this:
every time Yahweh said anything, now this is the devil's job, he's gonna always contest it. Always. He's
Page 9
gonna get the opposite side of it, and he's gonna question it. Now for you to be a qualified and a capable teacher
and instructor and to be saved yourself, you have to be able to prove the divine authenticity, the accuracy, the
unerring accuracy, the infallibility of this book which we call the Bible. Now listen. Interpolations. Now those are
spurious phrases. Mistranslations, they can all be picked up and put together perfectly. Read where I told you, in
Reader: and without controversy
Dr. Kinley: Now without controversy. Now, there's just, there ain't, you don't have out one to argue with you. Now
God says a thing, now here's a argument. The devil out there arguing, 'if you be.' If you're a preacher, prove it.
John said, 'What manner of love is this, the Father hath bestowed upon us,' not only Him, 'that we should be called
the Sons of God.' Now if you're a son of God, prove it. Just like the devil calling on Him out there, to prove it. And
don't you think the devil ain't gonna make you prove it. He gonna make you prove that one. He gonna make you do
that, you needn't to worry around with it and about it. It's coming up. Ain't no need of you running around here
saying that you are this nor that or the other. Whatever you say you are, he's gonna make you prove it.
Now, I wanna mention this too. Now it was traditional and customarily for the priests back here to wear garments,
a linen garment, then garments of beauty and glory. Now every thing today follows in after that pattern of wearing
some kind of a, a garment of identification. The ministry. That's why the priests wear clergy vests. They wear other
ind.., to indicate their profession. Now when you go, now, now I'm trying to get after it so you'll know. Now when
you go over seas or when you join the army, they got, they have to put something on you to identify you from the
civilians. The chef, the cook I'm taking about, the chef, he's got on a cap or what not, that identifies him as the
cook. The doctor, in the doctor's office, he's got a garment that he puts on, he wears.., that indicates that he is a
doctor. The nurse, she's got a, a garment that she wears to indicate that they are that. Now I said that to say this: I
am not against nobody wearing any kind of a garment of identification, and I don't want nobody to think that I am,
because I am not. Because that's done all over the world, something they identi... But now look, there's no need of
wrapping, say of a wolf being wrapped up in sheep's clothing. You all, you all, you understand? That's right. Be
whatever you are. There's a whole lot of responsibility put on you when you put on something that indicates your
position or your profession. Do you get it? Do you get it now? Then whatever you are, be that. If you're a cook, be
a good one. Ain't that right? If you're a soldier, be one, a brave one. If you're a doctor, be one. I just wanted to let
you know them things. I have never.., now I don't wear nothing much. Got a little star of David up here, just means
I am a spiritual Jew. I'm a Jew too, and not ashamed of it. Now I don't mean one of them hard headed boys back
there. Don't, don't, don't equate with that one. You know what makes a Jew? When you will hear the Gospel, not
the shape of his nose, because if he rejects the Messiah, you know what, you know what the Book says about that?
Then they'd be unto you as a publican and as a heathen.
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Listen, for common salvation and the faith, listen boy I didn't say work, which was once, not twice, just one time,
delivered unto the sons of God. You got saints in your Book. Now it's necces.., now he told you why. He said, 'For
there are certain men.' Listen at what I'm saying to you. It's important. 'There are certain men,' listen, 'who are
ordained of old.' Meaning this: that them satanic spirits way back here were cast out and incarnated in physical
bodies, which he sent the disciples out to cast them out before He died; and they have come all the way through the
ages. Certain men who were ordained of old; in other words, Satan and his demons or his angels, they were cast
out of heaven. They were ordained of old way back here. He appeared to Eve in the Garden and deceived, not
Adam, they didn't deceive Adam, deceived Eve. She's typical of the Church. They were ordained of old, listen,
unto this condemnation. Listen, said they've crept in unawares. Jude's writing now to the, to them that had the Holy
Spirit poured out on the Day of Pentecost on. Said now there was, this devil is crept in, coming in on down here,
crept in, wasn't noticed; unaware of it. Listen, listen to what I'm saying. They have.., you got that in the Book?
Suppose you read it.
Reader: turning the grace of our El, of our Elohim
Dr. Kinley: And they have done what?
Reader: turning the grace or our Elo...
Dr. Kinley: turning the grace. You heard me, I said grace. Can't you read? Turning the grace. Listen, Paul says for
by grace are you saved through faith. Listen, that not of yourselves, it is the gift, free gift. Now the devil's got you
around here trying to work up on something. You know what I mean by work up on something? He's got a bunch
of ritualistic.., up would call hisself administering the communion, saying that Matthew 26:26, Jesus said for us to
take and to eat. And he's transubstantiating the actual body and blood, that grape juice into the actual body and
blood of Yahshua the Messiah. Now if you believe that, you're, you're nuts, you're just nuts. Now why did I say
that that way? What's in, what, what they're telling you that man is up there creating Christ. I'm trying to talk so
you'll understand. Now if you believe that, you are nuts. Now that's the Catholic view. Now the Protestant view is
consubstantiation. He says, 'No, that's not what we're doing.' He says, 'Now this is a type and a shadow.' Well
listen, we don't want no shadow, we want the genuine thing. Get the point? Now that's what they're doing out there
in the churches. They're turning the grace of our Yahweh Elohim into a bunch of just down right foolishness.
Listen Roger, get up. Come on out here. Can't you see that man's shadow. Can't you see how his shadow's down
here on the floor. What's the use of me running after, trying to grab your shadow. All I got to do is just get you.
Now that's what they're doing back there fooling with them things.
Student Body: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: That's what you just read in the ninth chapter of Hebrews. This was a type and a shadow. Isn't that
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Student Body: Right.
Dr. Kinley: I don't want no shadow, I want the real thing. Now in order to get the real thing, all you have to do is
just take Roger. You don't have to worry with it down here on the floor, looking at the shadow. Here comes
somebody about shadow boxing. Thank you Roger. I'm trying to give you, I'm trying to give you the genuine
thing. Now listen, Yahweh is spirit. He... God is a spirit and He seeketh such to worship Him in works.
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: of righteousness.
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: Now somebody said, 'Well listen, I'm not following Kinley.' Mouth all stuck out. So what would you
follow? I'm following Christ. Another one up there, up there they got in an argument about it. One said, 'He's of
Paul.' One said he's.., let's, let's make that Bishop Short. Another says, 'No, I ain't of Bishop Short.' I'm making a
parable. Another says, 'Well, I'm of Apollos,' that's Dr. Harris. And another one says, 'No, I'm not of that either.'
Another says, 'Well, I'm of Peter,' that is Jimmy. And he's got another one up there too. Now who do you think? He
said, 'I'm for Christ.' You get the point? Now is He divided like that?
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: Now who is Paul? Who is Peter? Who is Apollos? Was any of them crucified for you? Do you, do you
see what... It's plain as the nose on your face. Now these men that's ordained to this condemnation crept in
unawares. ____ ____ Titus 3:5.
Reader: not by works of righteousness
Dr. Kinley: Now wait a minute. Now he said under the grace, which means that you didn't merit it at all. Nobody
never earned no salvation. Nobody merited it at all. Somebody says, 'Well don't tell me, I paid my dues.' Yes, but
you didn't, you didn't merit nothing. Hmmm. Somebody says, 'Yes, I'm a candidate for baptism, it's coming up next
Sunday.' Somebody said, 'And I'm a candidate for baptism.' And Billy, Billy Graham's running around telling
people, 'Just join any church of your own choice,' that he might get a great big audience when he comes around.
He's got contracts with this one and that one and the other one and all the Christians toward him, and get, it gets as
many suckers as they can. He says they can go to their respective and, and anyone of them that joins belongs and
so they can run them in. And then they got a write up in the paper, there to go Sunday morning to the church of
your choice. Now the church, that they are the congregation or assembly, that is the body of Yahshua the Messiah.
Now how
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many messiahs are there? Now they've turned the grace, they were ordained to this condemnation, that's their job.
They all were. Now look, after all these carnal ordinances: circumcision, water baptism, and all this was nailed to
the cross, fulfilled and nailed to the cross. Then, over here, we're not practicing that Old Covenant. We're in the
Kingdom of God. See the point? Now, all of this back here just pointed to..., this was natural, carnal, or pointing to
Him. Now when you get Him, you got the whole thing. You're circumcised with the circumcision made without
hands. He's circumcised eight days after He was born. You got that? ____ too. You have.., somebody said, 'Well,
Jesus was baptized, and He was baptized in the water, if He, if, if, if He was baptized, I ain't no better than He
was.' They say, 'if He was baptized, it's good enough for me.' Isn't that right? And we had one in here saying Philip
joined to the chariot. Stopped the Chariot said, 'Here's water.' And both Philip and the eunuch... He did too, went
down in the water, and Philip baptized the eunuch and went on his way rejoicing. But before he got to that, he went
down there and he preached to all of Samaria. Preached to all of Samaria, but nobody in Samaria got the Holy
Ghost, not a one, until Peter and John went down there. Well if didn't nobody in Samaria get the Holy Ghost until
Peter and John went down there, why would you think that the eunuch after he was baptized out there got the Holy
Ghost? Don't see nothing where he met Peter and John, do you? It said he went on his way rejoicing. Now here's
something else you didn't know about that. Now you'd have went back and looked about the eunuch in the law.
That's the reason why we tell you go to the Law and to the Testimony, if they don't speak according to this word
it's because there's no light in 'em. Now that eunuch. Paul was one of them too. He couldn't, they couldn't be
admitted to the congregation with them back under the dispensation of the law. Somebody said, 'Well why?' That's
what, that's what you oughta ask. Why? Is because the eunuch is not fertile. He don't have no offspring, no
children, can't multiply. Now look, what business then has he got in there telling somebody else's kids what to do?
He ain't got none of his own. And God said he was gonna multiply 'em, but he ain't done nothing. Get the point?
So he wasn't admitted in there. What's in the prophets, they wrote? 56th chapter of Isaiah. Said, they won't have no
more... There used to be the sabbaths, and at that time is gonna. Said he was gonna move that thing out of the way.
And they wouldn't say no more that he was a dry tree. And he was gonna give them a special elevated place in the
congregation. And that's how Paul got in. He had to be out there with the Gentiles. That is the reason why he was
up there with the Sanhedrin Council. But now when that Holy Spirit come in. Now listen. Here he ain't got children
after the flesh. Here on this side of the cross, you got 'em after the spirit. So then now, Paul had none at all after the
flesh, but look at all them after the spirit. There he has multiplied in this dispensation, not born after the flesh, but
born after the spirit. That's the reason why he called Timothy, his given son in the faith, that's why he called Titus
his son in the faith. Oh I tell you, now that's the difference between one dispensation and another. One is a
multiplication in the flesh; the other is multiplication in the spirit. And under the dispensation of the Law, the man
that was wounded in his seed, his stones; he was not fertile and therefore was not permitted in the congregation of
the assembly. Now then, when Pete.., when Philip would go down, and meets this eunuch and he preaches to him
there. The eunuch didn't know nothing about he was reading, and asked him about it. And Philip told him about it,
and the baptism
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of John, and he told him about the Holy.., pouring out of the Holy Spirit. And now here's where he'd come in. And
so the eunuch said, 'Now, now what hinders me?' He, he said, if you believe with all your heart. So then he stopped
the chariot. He went down there and baptized him. And the eunuch went on his way rejoicing. You get the point?
Here is water, physical water. Now look, we're baptizing with water, but he that believeth on me as the scripture
hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. This He spake of the spirit.
Man sitting close to recorder microphone: Living water, living water, right.
Dr. Kinley: Now the devil, he can't see nothing but the natural. He don't understand nothing. Somebody could turn
around and say, 'See, see.' No, he don't see. How's a blind man gonna see? Certain men crept in unawares who
were ordained to this condemnation and turned the grace... Heaven was searched, the earth was searched and no
man was found worthy to open the book and to loose the seals. Then John said, he wept much on the account of it.
And then he looked again and he saw that lamb that is slain, even before the foundations of the earth. God always
makes preparation for a restoration and redemption before something happens. Now here's somebody doesn't
understand what it's all about. As soon as somebody comes along and does something to them, that they don't think
oughta be done to them. They'll, they've gotten used to saying like this, 'Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he
also reap.' Meaning, if you kill my dog, I'll kill your cat, or God'll kill your cat. If you do something to me, then
God.., 'I'm gonna tell God on you.' I really think He found out about it before either one of you. Say, 'Child, I'm
gonna tell on you, I've.' And then some of 'em say, 'Well, I'm gonna get down here and pray for you.' And, and
some of them that got it, got it up to the ____ ____.., Said, 'I want you all in.' Want to start on their way to heaven,
come on up here for today so we can pray for them. They're done beating you in the back and screaming and
slobbering and spitting all around every.., telling, 'You got to pray for me, child.' There ain't nothing like that in
your Bible. He didn't tell you to pray. Now look, listen, let's make it clean. The spirit in you makes the intercession
for... But that man hasn't got the spirit in him and you tell him to pray for you, down there beating him in the back
and then got him up lying, said, 'How do you feel now?' Yes, that's right. Now, we laugh at these things now. He
didn't tell nobody to pray for you. 'But what must I do?' Repent, not pray, repent, believe on the Lord Jesus. Then
you don't worry about it. He didn't say believe on Henry, didn't say believe on Pete, didn't say believe on
somebody else. Now listen, Yahweh only has.., listen at me now, I want you to know how big of fool we are and
how stupid we are. We'll let some cardinal or one of these that's ordained to this condemnation, come along and
tell us, said, 'God sent him to preach the gospel in this latter day.' And he gets up and all these natural things that
was down under the dispensation of the law; he's got you bowing down to... Crept in unaware. And look, reading
out of the Bible too. Don't you think he ain't reading out of the Bible. He is reading out of the Bible. Turn over
there in the 7th chapter of Matthew, He said, 'Judge not.' 'Jesus said it. Jesus said.' Said, 'Who said it?' Said, 'Jesus
said.' And when he gets done telling you about what Jesus said. Now here's what they don't see. None of these
people back here, they didn't have the Holy Spirit. The promise that God made to Abraham, it was poured out here.
Joel said, Peter got up there and
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said, that this is that which was spoken of by the prophet, prophesying that in the last day that I will pour out my
spirit upon all flesh. And what did you do to mer.., merit it?
Student Body: Nothing.
Dr. Kinley: And, listen here folks this is, this is some more of the bad part of it. Now this is bad. Not one of you is
a jew. You don't have no business starting there because of things in there about keeping the Sabbath day. He ain't
said nothing to you about washing no feet, He ain't said nothing to you about taking no Lord's Supper. At no time.
He hasn't said anything to you about the feast of Pentecost, eating no lamb and bullock and offering up of no turtle
dove, and what not. But He did say to them that done 'em. He said, 'Come unto Me, all ye that labor.' It was a
pretty stiff job getting some bullocks and things up in them, up in that mountain, up, up in Mount Moriah. That's
the reason why the money changers, they brought the cattle up there and the doves, and they tied it right out there
and the cattle could, where it could eat. So you wouldn't have to go leading a bull up the side of the mount. They
established some money changers up there, profiteering, and they made His house a den of thieves, as
merchandise. They ain't got through with that yet. Here when He overturned this, the money changers' tables,
saying something about it. And here you are up here paying somebody to get up here and to lie to you. Said, 'What
are you going up here.' The Lord says, 'He give us, he that lendeth it unto the Lord, lend it to Him.' Lending the
Lord something. Now I'll tell you, it's, it's... Said, 'Paul, He went around and he took up a collection.' They say,
'Well, what'd he do that for?' For the poor saints which was at Jerusalem.
Person: That's what I said, That's what I taught, I taught that.
Dr. Kinley: We've got the basket. They're passing it around the building. 'This one, it's mine, have mercy.'
Person: That's right. That's what they do.
Dr. Kinley: Passing it around. Now we got that for this. Then you'll, you'll find another one coming right down
behind him. Ain't just that, the... Now, got about everything you think you can get out of you, says, Would you
mind coming up here and offering this to the Lord?' 'Well since He won't take it, I guess I'll take it.' Just the biggest
fool you ever saw. Paying for it too. Sweating and getting out there, children going barefooted, no milk in the
refrigerator, nothing there for his eating, and paying somebody to lie, hypocrite preacher. It's a disgrace, a shame.
Now faith comes by hearing and that by the Word of God. You hear the real genuine gospel preached and you
believe as the apostle said or the jailor said. Remember I told you about that? When they were, Paul and Silas was
in prison and they put 'em in there for preaching the gospel, for preaching in that name. And then the great
earthquake occurred and the jailor, he thought everybody was gone and his life was in jeopardy. So then, now, he
was starting to kill himself. And Paul said, 'Do yourself no harm, we're here.' The jailor said, 'Now what must
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I do to be saved?' That's a 64.000 dollar question. Somebody says, 'Well, I'll tell you what you can do, you come
on up here and give me your hand.' He didn't mean that. That pocketbook. He didn't mean taking ____ ____. Then
you become a candidate for baptism. And then after you done all they said do, then they got the nerve... This is the
truth. Bishop, you know I'm telling the truth about it. But that man is experienced in these things. Am I, am I
telling the truth doc, Dr. Williams?
Dr. Williams: That's a fact, I've taught in this school.
Dr. Kinley: Then after you get in there, after you get in there, after you done got baptized, you done got your feet
washed, you done eating I don't know how many Lord Suppers for six months. You're on probation 6 months,
which means this: after you done got in, they still ain't got no confidence in you. They gonna see how you do for 6
months. Now you know that's true. You're on trial, on probation for 6 months. Getting you ready for a paid
ministry. Now where do you find that in the Bible. Just tell us any kinda junk. Now all these kinda things is the
cause of all these riots, and all this mob fighting, all these wars that are going on up here. All this tumult against
the races and the nation and the secretary started in on first one thing and then another, just what I'm saying. A
republican and a democrat and just anything. Somebody come along and says, 'Well I'm a mason, I'm an
oddfellow, I'm a this and I'm a that. I'm a black muslim, I'm a, I'm white supremist.' Just, just any and everything.
You're gullible. Yes and it sounds good, Said, 'Boy you oughta take up for your race.' and then go right over here
and tell Dr. Harris, 'Boy you ought to take up for your race.' And then here in your building Dr. Harris got the
police all over ____ ____ ____. Do you see how stupid we are. That's the way the devil's got us going and all over
the world. Now these things must come. They must come . Now somebody said, 'The black people, they're the
underprivileged people.' That sounds pretty good. Said, 'You can't get no jobs no where' More of them on the relief
now anywhere else. They have segregated their houses, ____ ____ ____. They are isolated and all them different
kinda things. Now then, you go and pull up by the white man. I'll tell you. You look to the wrong fellow for
salvation. Now what's the white man gonna pull up by? Get the point? Now here we are, standing right on the
brink of the thing. Yes, before He goes to pull the curtain down, just like ____ ____ ____. And I'd have you to
know that the black folks were the first to rule the world, the world. The dark people, Babylonians. That was one
of the seven wonders of the world up there. Black folks. Is that right Dr. Harris?
Dr. Harris: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: Is that right Brother Williams?
Brother Williams: That's a fact doc.
Dr. Kinley: Then you know what happened to 'em? God overthrowed 'em. You know what for? Idolatry. Now
when he was up and out, there's Israel taken captive against them. Here they come in, going into Babylon, taken
captive. Had old Bel setting up there on the wall, had Nebo over here. Those are idol gods up
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there on the wall. Nebuchadnezzar, he took the sacred vessels of the sanctuary, he was... Oh he was important, that
boy. Drinking wine out of the vessels of the sanctuary. And you know what happened? Then something wrote up
there on the wall: 'mene, mene, tekel, upharsin.' Your kingdom is divided and given unto the Medes and Persians.
Israel come in there. Look, somebody says, 'Now, you haven't seen nothing like this.' Bel was an idol. In fact you
put one over there on the wall, it's that figure right there. Nebo's up there too, that's the top god. Israel come in
there strutting on up down and you, you talk about the your March, Freedom March out there in the streets, and a
parade. They marched on in Babylon. Bel, an idol bowed. And the world never heard tell of an idol. Idol bowed:
Bel bowed down, Nebo stoopeth at the presence of the Lord. Now do you understand? But God overthrowed it for
idolatry. The reason why you're in the shape and the condition that you're in now is because you are dependent
upon the wrong person. You're dependent upon nationalities and races and you're depending upon a dollar instead
of depending upon Yahweh to deliver you. They didn't purchase their freedom out of bondage down here with no
money, not a thing that was down in Egypt, enslaved. They didn't purchase their freedom from Babylon with no,
no price. You can't put something into shekels and put your price. Now Christ was raised, for a man to resurrect...,
you were redeemed by the blood. Now let's just read that ____ ____. There's no salvation in no other. There's no
salvation in, in Peter. There's no salvation in Paul. There's no salvation in, in, in, in Kinley. There ain't no salvation
in that man. He's the man to be saved. He's not the savior, but the individual to be saved. And now in conclusion,
I'm sorry I took up all this time, but can I just go...
Student Body: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: Will you let me?
Student Body: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: Suffer it to be so. Now look, I tried to tell you. Now Moses don't know nothing more about the
creation, Bishop Short, than I do and you do. Plato1, Aristotle2, Socrates, Spencer3, Huxley, ____, nobody (I, I
almost got it all) know nothing about it. Now He told him to build this tabernacle. But now listen, this
427 - 347 BC., Greek philosopher. The philosophy of Plate (Plato?), especially insofar as it asserts the ideal
forms as an absolute and eternal reality of which the phenomena of the world are an imperfect and transitory
reflection, The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. American Heritage Publishing Co., Inc.
384 - 322 BC., Greek philosopher, pupil of Plate (Plato?); tutor of Alexander the Great; author of works on
logic, philosophy, natural science, ethics, politics, and poetics. His deductive method of logic, especially the theory
of the syllogism and formal logic dealing with the relations between propositions in terms of their form instead of
their content. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. American Heritage Publishing Co., Inc.
1820 - 1903, British philosopher. The system of logical positivism developed by Herbert Spencer, setting forth
the idea that evolution is the passage from the simple, indefinite, and incoherent to the complex, definite, and
coherent. Also called synthetic philosophy. The American Dictionary of the English Language. American Heritage
Publishing Co., Inc. 1970.
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tabernacle he built up. ., but the greater and more perfect tabernacle, the tabernacle of the universe, He built
Himself. Never made no errors, never made no mistakes. And listen, out of all of your smart men, your scientific
research. Read anybody's scientific article in any up to date magazine you want to and all it is a proton, neutron
and electron. You've got the Father, Yahweh; Son, Yahshua; Elohim, Holy Spirit. Now, here's my story, here's my
story. This is what I'm trying to teach all of you here. Now if they abstain from keeping these passovers and these
ordinances which they were told to do, it would still have been wrong. You see that now? But now here's what they
didn't see and here's what they didn't understand. Now in this dispensation over here on this side of the cross, we
don't eat of none of that. We don't partake of none of the carnal ordinances; in other words we are fasting. Total
abstinence from food, will not participate or indulge in any of it. A complete fast; in other words, we will not eat
no Lord's Suppers. We will not partake of any of those carnal ordinances that was on the other side of the cross.
What do you mean? Do you mean that you won't eat no lamb, that you won't eat no beets? No. The fasting I'm
talking about is you sitting down eating those things with a consciousness of obedience to the law. Here's a man
fasting; and look how fat some of these people are around here, running around seeing Dr. Harris for being.., about
overweight. Just as fat as they can be. Doctor tell 'em that, 'You better take off some of that boy.' Fasting. And he...
Don't nobody living know no more about it than me. No, you don't know no more about it than me. And listen, that
that means this. I don't have no boasting to do, no bragging to do at all. No sir, no ma'am, I did not read up on it.
And if it wasn't that Yahweh showed me, I wouldn't know no more about it than anybody else. So you see that
leaves me without anything to boast about. Do you, Do you understand? And that's the way it is. Now this work
has been as I told you, all around the colleges; it's all through the world as of now. It, it, it has actually gone all
over the world, this work, and nobody that has been able to dispute it. Why? Because what you are doing, you are
going by a pattern. When you start in your Bible Genesis 1:1 says, in the beginning God created the heaven and the
earth, and the earth was without form and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of God moved
upon the face of the waters and God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light. And the evening and the morning
were the first day. Now you got a division there with light and darkness. Now suppose I ask you because I'm... and
you're, you're in the world... Supposing I ask you, say, 'Why did God, do it like that?' 'Huh? Let me tell you
something boy, I ain't gonna, I'm not trying to meddle in God's business.' He don't know. And just instead of him
just coming up there plain, flat and saying, 'I don't know.' Won't do that, that would ruin his reputation. And I
could ask him one thousand questions and everything; for example, now the next day, the next day, what happened
the next day? Divided the waters above from the waters beneath. Why? 'Huh? I can't, it don't make no difference to
me, all I know is, it says in God's Holy Word that He done it.' That's right. We're going on down on the third day.
On the third day in the creation. Say, 'Look here.' Said, 'It says down here that God divided the waters off of the,
the waters off of the face of the earth and let the dry land appear
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and the seed of vegetation penetrated the soil. Why'd He do that?' 'Huh?' He come right back, same thing. 'It says
that, don't it? Listen, I believe what's written in the Holy Bible.' He don't know one darn thing about it. Now you
got a story there. Have you got his story now? Look at this one. II Corinthians of 1st, 2nd chapter of 1st
Corinthians. Listen here, like the Jehovah's Witnesses one time here not too long ago, when I asked them, 'How?'
When some of my brothers children, now they're Jehovah's Witnesses and all. Said, 'Ain't nobody ever beer into
heaven to come back and tell nobody nothing about it.' I said, 'Well, you never read, you're not too well read, are
you?' Said, 'Hard to prove, uncle Cliff and you know it, the Bible says.' When you haven't had any vision, you say,
'The Bible says, eye has not seen, ear has not heard neither has it entered into the heart of man.' We could tell you
some of the names of the folks that did that, but he's reading in the Bible and he don't know nothing. Suppose I say
to a scientist, 'Say tell me why an atom is composed of a proton, neutron, and electron. Tell me why the hydrogen
atom is only two fold. You say you believe in the Bible. You supposed to be knowing something, say you know
God.' You see the point? Now how you gonna convince somebody about something, you don't know nothing about
it your ownself. Alright. Corinthians there.
Reader: But as it is written
Dr. Kinley: But as it is written
Reader: eye hath not seen
Dr. Kinley: I'll be down, I wanna cut it up short.
Reader: But the natural man
Dr. Kinley: but the natural man
Reader: receiveth not the things of the spirit
Dr. Kinley: He has never been born of God, he's a natural man. Now you can stand around and tell him all you
want to. Believe what he gonna tell you and this is what he gonna tell you. He don't know the difference between a
dispensation. He gonna tell you, 'Well, Jesus said this. I'm not following Kinley, I'm following Jesus. Jesus said
judge not.' 7th chapter of 1st, 11th chapter of Matthew says Jesus said, 'Judge not, for fear you may be judged.'
And just turn right over in the 6th chapter of 1st Corinthians and you read it, 'Dare any of you having a matter
against one another, go to the law before the unjust.' Don't you know that the saints shall judge the world? And are
ye not worthy to judge the smallest matter.
Reader: that one down there you got in 2nd Corinth, or 1 Corinthians
Reader: But the natural man
Dr. Kinley: but the natural man
Page 19
Reader: receiveth not the things
Dr. Kinley: Now, he's not gonna receive it, when he's standing there telling, trying, trying to tell Nick that he must
be born again. He said, 'Now, can a man enter the second time in his mother's womb and be born again?' He's a
natural man. Head of the Sanhedrin, counted one of the smart boys too. And He told him said, 'Just, just have to
put it this way, just marvel not, got to be, you must be born again. Now unless you are born again, you cannot see
the kingdom of heaven.' Now the kingdom of Israel back there, you remember we talked about carnal ordinances?
They can't see that. Now look, when you look at a natural birth and a spiritual birth, a natural or a carnal ordinance
and a spiritual. He don't see, He don't see. It doesn't have none, no effect. Alright. Read. Now watch it, watch it.
I'm not just reading this to have some fun.
Reader: not the things of the spirit of Yahweh
Dr. Kinley: not the things of the spirit of Yahweh
Reader: for they are foolishness unto him
Dr. Kinley: Now you can say it's foolishness unto him. Unless you've got something to give him on a plate, it's
foolishness to him. Unless you've got something to give him to drink, you're foolish. Unless you've got some water
to put him in, it's foolishness. The natural man and a natural thing or the carnal ordinances and a carnal mind; and
to be carnal minded is death ____ ____ it to the gentiles, so says the apostle. Alright read on.
Reader: neither can he know them
Dr. Kinley: Now look, you can just say, 'Don't you see?' And, 'You see Joe?' Now you're wasting your time. That
man is blind, he can't see. He can't see why we are saying that. And that's the reason why we tell 'em in this school,
there's no sense in you going out down here down the street and getting in no argument with somebody down there
and losing your job and creating a lot of enemies out there in the street. There just ain't no sense in that. Now
there's a time and a place. In Ecclesiastes a time to be born, there's a time to die, there's a time to speak, and there's
a time to keep your mouth shut. There's a time to get and a time to lose. Now, from as long as we've been going to
this school, it's time you learned something. With all the experience that you've had out here talking to these
people around here, it's time for you to learn that a natural man there, He is not going to receive the things of the
spirit, cause you talk like a fool. Alright, read on.
Reader: because they are spiritually
Dr. Kinley: You have to have the spirit to discern what we're talking about. Alright read.
Reader: because they are spiritually discerned.
Page 20
Dr. Kinley: Now that's what, that, that's how you discern that. Now if they had the spirit it wouldn't be no problem.
But they don't have the spirit and they ain't got nothing to discern it with. Read.
Reader: but he that is spiritual
Dr. Kinley: Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, hold it, hold it, hold it. Now I want you to read Matthew 7:1 and put this together.
Reader: Judge not
Dr. Kinley: Judge not
Reader: that you be not judged
Dr. Kinley: that you be not judged
Reader: for with what judgement you mete
Dr. Kinley: Now look. There was no, not a one. Now look, there... Are you listening? You sure you're listening?
The high priest himself, you read there in Hebrews, the high priest, when he went in here, he had to offer first for
his own errors, in no position to offer them up, sacrifice for nobody else. He had to offer his for his own errors, and
then for the errors of the people. Now here we are.
Reader: but he that is spiritual
Dr. Kinley: Now, now, now you see Jesus said. Now there's always somebody saying, 'Jesus said.' He did say it,
but that was in the dispensation of the law. They didn't have nothing to judge nobody with. And listen, if you don't
have the Holy Spirit now, you haven't got nothing to judge nobody with and you don't know what's going on. And
that's what's making people say they disagree. Alright read. Now get this one.
Reader: but he that is spiritual
Dr. Kinley: but he that is spiritual
Reader: judges all things
Dr. Kinley: He that is spiritual, the man that's got the spirit judges everything. Everything you can think,
everything you can do. I ain't gonna put you in no water Jimmy. I ain't gonna give you no crackers and grape juice.
And you wash your own dirty feet. Now of course if you were disabled on something other like that, I, I might, I
might try to help you out. I'm talking about salvation now. We were washed from our sins in His blood, the
washing of regeneration. It's not by works of righteousness. That's Titus 3:5. I told you to read it a while ago. Not
by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us. How? By the washing of
regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Spirit. You
Page 21
running around here trying to merit salvation. And somebody is stupid enough to think that they can purchase
salvation with a few bucks. Pray somebody out of purgatory. Somebody says, Well, God blesses the cheerful
giver.' I ain't gonna give you nothing for lying to me. And the truth about it is you oughta have that took away from
you, cause you ain't nothing but a robber. That's right. Robbing a man of his money and then robbing him of his
soul on top of it. Now do you see why I got up here? Now this is the, this is the kind of preaching I done back
yonder. And I just got in all kinds of trouble. They don't allow them kind of preachers around. That's why we got
this school. This school never would have been, if they'd let us go out here in these schools, out here in these
churches and preach it. And listen, I don't want nobody to think anymore of me than what they see me to be. But
he that is spiritual judges all things. Do you see it now? And listen, and another thing too. Let me say this folks,
you can't fool nobody. There's always somebody trying to tell you just, 'I don't see what you're talking about, this is
the way I believe.' Every last one of them, of Yahweh's people, every son and daughter... In fact when Saul was
asked about, 'Is Christ divided?' Said, 'We're all, He's not divided, we're all the ministers of Him'
No problem at all for us to agree, but in Babylon, 17th and 18th chapter of Revelation, confusion. Look, and the
reason why we can't get straighten out on how to carry on ahead, you got a form of godliness, but you deny the
power. Now look folks, I'm gonna try, I'm gonna put this up here one more time. Now you heard me, cause I, I, I,
I'm in that body. You know I'm good about sitting up in that seat when time is up. Here you got a pattern. You got
blood, water, spirit. Somebody say, 'I don't see no water there.' It certainly is. God told him that he's going to come
out of there. Said in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread until you return unto the ground. Now look, all these
things have to be fulfilled. Now Yahshua the Messiah out there in the Garden of Gethsemane He's out there
praying.., great drops that night before He's crucified. ____ ____ great drops of sweat, fulfilling him out there. Got
to, got to have Him having blood in the sweat of His face. And then He went on from there, on up to see Caiaphas.
Held, drug backwards and forward. And then He was lashed, beat all that night, just sweating, in the sweat of his
face till he was, would return to the ground, till they took Him down off that cross and laid him in Joseph's new
tomb. And then you look at it, not knowing about the purpose. Look, Adam's driven out here... World.
Here's the Messiah of prophesy, 'Behold you despised, wonder, I'll work a work. I'll work a work in your day that
you shall not believe, though a man declare it unto you.' And it is not by any works of righteousness which we
have done, but it is according to His mercy that He saved us. Yahshua the Messiah died out there on the cross, so
says the Book, while they were yet sinners. And listen, He wasn't just hanging out there on the cross, dying out
there, like a lotta people think. Said, 'He, through the eternal spirit.' That was the eternal spirit that was in that
body. It was through the eternal spirit that He offered Himself without ____ or without sin. Lo, I come in the
volume of the book, listen at me Farley, as it is written; it's back to Moses and the prophets. Listen, I don't mean
____ ____. Listen I don't mean ____. Here's what happened with Him, in the volume of the Book, as it is written
of Him to do thy will oh... And He, listen, watch it now. Somebody's alway talking about a lot of lost books of the
Bible. You remember that, Farley? ____ism. Said,
Page 22
'Lost Books.' Some of them they oughta throw away,. They're corrupt. Wanna talk about the Koran, wanna talk
about the book of Jasher. But now He comes. How could he say to the Jews, how could he say it; search the
scriptures if they were lost; He that believeth on me as the scriptures have said, if they was lost? I come. What's to
fulfill every jot and every tittle, except that which is lost.
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: You look at it. You believe on me as the scriptures hath said. And then some idiot comes along and
says, 'Well.' Buddha4, Zoroaster5, Spinoza6, Socrates7. Then got the guts and nerve to come on over on this side of
the cross, the scriptures done been fulfilled and all and talk about the Koran ____, which is nothing but a
corruption. Listen folks, let me say this to you. All that's gonna ever be written for our divine inspiration, has been
revealed and fulfilled. And here it is right out here. John writes in Revelation that He's got it. And there isn't
anybody gonna come along down here with any different story than what Moses and the prophets come along with.
If he did, he's a liar. And they're coming now saying that 'Well, God sent me in the last days to straighten the world
out and to establish a universal Utopia upon the earth.' And here he don't know straight up. You ask him a question
just like we, just asked, 'Why did God divide the waters above from the waters beneath? Why He did it on the third
day?' Why this and why that? Look here. It's black dark down here in Egypt. And so it's got to be black dark. This
is the beginning of the migration and now then in the earth up there, it's got to be the beginning. Yes, it's that way.
Dark down there three days. Now we got one, that he didn't die out there on the cross. No, God never died out
there on the cross. The spirit, we told you that, it was through the eternal spirit. He bowed his head in the locks of
his shoulders and gave up the spirit. The body was dead, dead as it could be. Yahweh, you just read over there
'without controversy great is the mystery of Godliness. Yahweh, weh was manifested in the flesh, seen of angels,
believed on in the world, preached unto the gentiles and received up into glory.'
Title of Gautama Siddhartha, 563 - 483 BC., and the founder of Buddhism (the doctrine that suffering is
inseparable from existence but that inward extinction of the self and of the senses culminates in a state of
illumination beyond both suffering and existence). The American Heritage Dictionary. American Heritage
Publishing Co., Inc. 1970.
Persian prophet of the sixth century BC; founder of Zoroastrianism (the religious system founded in persia by
Zoroaster and set forth in the Zend-Avesta, teaching the worship of Ormazd [the chief deity, the creator of the
world, the source of light, and the embodiment of good] in the context of a universal struggle between the forces of
light and of darkness. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. American Heritage Publishing
Co., Inc. 1970.
Known as Benedict de Spinoza, 1632 - 1677, a dutch philosopher and theologian with the philosophy of
ministic idealism. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. American Heritage Publishing Co.,
Inc. 1970.
470 - 399 BC. Greek philosopher and teacher; condemned to death for impiety and corrupting youth. His
philosophical method of repeated questioning to elicit truths assumed to be implicit in all rational beings. The
American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. American Heritage Publishing Co., Inc. 1970.
Page 23
And some idiot thinks they got some kind of a death, burial, Passover Plot. Said, he'd give him something to bring
him in and help the subconscious state. Now that, if it was that way, deception, then there ain't nothing to none of
it. No, He gave up the spirit out there and the flesh was dead out there on the cross.
Yahweh is spirit. And it was the spirit, He caused that body to be. What is matter. Matter is spirit materialized,
your soul, incorporealization and spiritualization of your inner man, which is Yahweh Himself. Listen, it is in Him,
we live and we have, we move and we have our being. Believe it or not Billy, that's the way it is. Said, there's
another thing too, Billy. Said we ought not to think that the Godhead is like wood, ____, gold and all. Listen, let
me tell you something else. You got a great big monumental structure out there. And your chest all stuck out,
talking bout the church I got down on the corner. And our regalia... And we're all... Mr. Roman Catholic is
something to look at boy. Billions upon top of billions of dollars; gold, silver, every precious thing that they could
gather up in the Church. Just like old Pharaoh did down there. And now they've build up these great big
monumental structure which costs millions of dollars. Then when you got through with it, you look over there in
the 17th chapter of Acts of the Apostles. Look back over there in the Kings and see what Solomon said, when he
went to dedicate the temple. One that God gave the actual divine, specifications and instructions to Solomon up
there, David, and then Solomon built it, which Solomon got our there and ____ ____ ____ dedicated to God. He
said, 'Look, the heaven of heavens;' there's three heavens, first heaven, second heaven, third heaven. Paul said, 'I
knew a man that above 14 years ago that was exalted up to the third heaven, and heard things impossible for a man
to utter.' Now here's Solomon's saying, 'the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee, to say nothing about this house
that I have builded out here on Mount Moriah. Paul, looking at it and talking to the Grecian philosophers. He said,
'Ye ought not to think that God dwells in temples made by hands.' Oh boy, ain't that something? Just talking about
these great monumental structure that they build up here. And their church that's down on the corner, and the choir
all robed out. And all them different kinds of things. And how beautiful it is and how wonderful they can sing and
play the piano and the organ and the pipe organ. And then some of the cong.., people forget about the piano and
the organ. Gone on up to the pipe organ. Says, sure is heaven. Said, 'Don't you want to join our church?' And we
talk about some little old cabin setting over yonder, over, across the, in Jerusalem somewhere. Now that, those
temples is torn down. Don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. And that God dwelleth in
you, you are the temple. Oh boy, when you begin to pen..., and men who search around in these atoms and
molecules and the cells and all these kinds of things that makes me up here. David looked at it and said, 'Gee, he
sure is wonderful, man is wonderfully made.' Doctor's got a little glimpse, run down and said, 'Look here.' Slip out
your tongue boy and let me see what's the matter with you here. Says, 'Uh, uh, I'm stumped. Said, heart beating 70
times a, a minute. Says what's happening doc. Don't know. He don't see that man lived 930 years, died 70 years
short. 70 weeks is determined upon him. They don't understand nothing about it. I'm sorry.
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by Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley
Los Angeles, California
recorded by Dr. Carl F. Gross
1 90 minute audio cassette
transcribed by Jackie Bowers
proofread by Cathy Fenti, Michael Rothstein, and Gerry Rothstein
proofread and approved by the International Public Relations Committee: 1996
1. …indicates that Dr. Kinley ended a word or a sentence without verbally completing it.
2. Audience comments are included only if more than one person responded or if Dr. Kinley was speaking directly to a
specific person.
3. Unless emphasized by Dr. Kinley pause words have been left out of the transcript for the sake of ease in readability and
comprehension (ah, uh, see, you see, you see what I mean, isn’t that right, understand, you understand, do you understand.)
4. ___ indicates an inaudible word or syllable
5. WORDS IN CAPITAL LETTERS are comments of the transcriber
Moderator: Our first speaker will be our founder and Dean, Dr. Henry C. Kinley.
Dr. Kinley: Thank you ever so much. I am happy and glad and delighted to see so many present, in this day of
trials and tribulations and troubles and misunderstandings, miscomprehensions, politically, ecclesiastically, and
also economically and universally. I think I covered the waterfront.
Now, I'd like to say, first of all that I have been talking to you and telling you that I had a special sermon that I
wanted to get into with you and to enlighten you on some of the things that are, are not very frequently said
anything about in an understandable way, throughout Christendom and also in the world of today. Things you
ought to know something about that would cause you to have more respect for Yahweh. Not look at Him as a
providential or a, well for the sake of the new people, let me use this word, interchangeable God and Yahweh.
Now, God is a title, that is not a name. Now, Lord, that derives from Baal, its creation is the derivative of it. Now,
now, you that haven't made any study of these things,
Page 1
naturally when someone comes along and says something like that to you, your first thought and consideration is,
well that fella is telling us something that is not in our Bible. No, it's not in there that way and the reason why it's
not in there that way is because it's been mistranslated. Originally in Hebrew, it was in there. It has been taken out.
Now, if you make some research you would find that it has been taken out and consequently it's not very much
Now, listen to what I'm going to say and it is important. Now the name of the Father is Yahweh. Now, that's the
true name. Now, He said that was His name. Now we have told you that the Mormons and other denominations
have went on to tell you, even the Jews, that others have written books such as Enoch, the seventh from Adam,
written the book of Enoch. And you people that are desirous of ecclesiastical knowledge and information, when
you go to a bookstore and a book of Enoch is paraded out there, it's supposed to be written by Enoch the seventh
from Adam. Well, you buy that book and you read in there and you think you have discovered something that is
not generally known and you took that away and then you praised it. You go back again and you look and you find
a sixth and seventh books of Moses and you buy those. And you read those and you do, tuck that away. You go
back again and you're researching and you find the Talmud, that's a Jewish commentary and interpretation of the
scriptures, and so also is the Mishnah. They're, their ideas, just like you would write a
commentary on each verse of the Bible, that's their context of it or you got that and you tuck that away. You go
back and you get the Kaballah (Kabbala?). Now some of these things I'm saying, I know is not familiar to some of
you but I'm just telling you about books that you can go and buy on the market. And which educators seek around
and try to find out something to stay ahead of the game, and to be recognized as a leader and as a wise and a smart
Now you got the Kaballah (Kabbala?). Now, the Kaballah (Kabbala?) is a, is a book that is written and it expresses
a concept of, and goes back and calls this name Yahweh, stands it out. And then, now you think, 'well, I've got that
together, now we'll still continue to our research and we'll go back and get the Holy Koran and then we get into
that and that was supposed to be written by Elijah Mohammad (Mohammed?).' Well it was not it was written by
Baccus (Bacchus?). Muhammad (Mohammed?) was born in 6, about 632 A.D. Now he goes back in the scriptures,
Genesis and what not, he goes back to the scriptures and they comment on that. Now instead of calling Him, I have
to get right down on this. Instead of calling Him by the name of Yahweh they call Him Allah. Now Allah to them
is what Yahweh is to the Jews. Then we have got friction by those people. Now, look right up here. This same day,
right this day, all up and down Egypt and Arabia and Palestine, the same identical people are in confusion. The
Jews and the Arabs and Nassar says there is no way to settle it, with the possible exceptions of a blood bath. They
cannot be as he says it reconciled. This is what it brings us to now to say to you that Abraham, now we don't, we
can't go in to all this detail because it's too long and drawn out thing, so I have to take short cuts and try to get the
point over to you.
Now, Abraham was the father of Isaac and Ishmael. Isaac by Sarah and Ishmael by the bond woman. Now, that is
the father of the, Isaac and then comes Jacob. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. From Jacob comes these 12 sons that
makes up the
Page 2
12 tribes of Israel that was brought down into Egypt in bondage and all of you know that story. Now, in as much
so, as Abraham had a son by his wife Sarah when she was old, about 90 years old. Now Yahweh said in Isaac shall
thy seed be called, not Ishmael, but in Isaac.
Now listen to what I'm going to say. And it was through Isaac who was a type of Yahshua the Messiah that all of
the families of the earth would be blessed. Now get this straight. That means that Ishmael, by the bond woman,
Abraham was as much his father as he was Isaac's father. Just as much his father. And there was 12 princes of that
____. 12. Now you got 12 sons of Jacob. You got 12 from Ishmael, sons of Ishmael. 12 and 12 make 24. And now,
they are scattered up and down this row here as of now, from Egypt, Arabia and all into Palestine.
Now, we have always told you this, now you pay attention to what I'm saying and foll..., try to follow me as close
as you can. Now we've always told you to, maybe somebody better read it. To the law and to the testimony. Now
folks this don't make no difference, none what so ever, who's saying otherwise. This is the way it is. This is what
you have to do, so saith Yahweh. Read Isaiah 8:20,
Reader: to the law and to the testimony
Dr. Kinley: to the law and to the testimony
Reader: if they speak not according to this word
Dr. Kinley: Now it don't make no difference whether they are Jew, Arabs, Roman Catholics, Protestants, did you
understand? It don't make no difference, if they don't speak according to this word, it's because there is no light in
Reader: right
Dr. Kinley: Now I want you to catch the thoughts, right there you cannot go back and take a man that is born in
632 A.D. and write a Koran. Now, now look what I'm talking about. 632 A.D. that means after the Messiah, after
Christ, anno Domini. Now, way back here when the law was given by Moses, 1490. Now somebody said BC so I
just put it here this way. There's no such thing as BC. Now, you can't take,
Reader: 1490
Dr. Kinley: 1490. Now some of you might have to get with me there and help me on this board because I don't
wanna take up this, I don't wanna take up the time foolin' with this board, but I am determined to show you what
I'm talking about. 1490. Now that's when the Moses, Moses wrote the.., that's when Moses wrote the, the law. Now
here's where it was written at. It was written here in the wilderness of Sinai and it was written by divine inspiration.
Now, then, here comes the Messiah here and let's say, now some people got this in their books, B.C. 4 and 5 as the
year of His birth. Well, now let's get it, let's say A.D. 1. Now, His birth was the fulfillment of Deuteronomy 18:
(would you mind?) 15 and Isaiah 9:6.
Page 3
Now, this is what I'm doing, want you to see what I'm doing. I'm going to the law and I'm going to the prophets.
That's what you said. They say if they don't talk like this it's because there's no light in them.
Now listen, Yahshua the Messiah come along and this is what He said. Matthew 3:14 and 15 and 5:17. Luke 24:44.
Now, I'm gonna tell you what I'm talking about so you're able to follow. Just writing these things up here on the
board don't mean a thing unless you explain them. Now, what I'm talking about now is Elijah Mohammed coming
along writing the Koran and yet He was, was born 632 A.D. Got you running around with your mouth all stuck
out, just like the Jews is running around with the Talmud and Mishnah and their mouth all stuck out. You get it
now? Arguing about, they're something. Now, here's what Messiah said. Now listen. Now He comes in, He's born
and He comes in and fulfills, fulfills. Now, here's what they've got. They've got i n s t i t u t e. They've got institute.
Now look folks, that just exactly backwards. Elijah messed with the Koran after He done fulfilled every jot and
every tittle there is in the law and the prophets and got you running around here with your lip all stuck out. Just
like the Mishnah and Talmud that they challenge Christ or Yahshua the Messiah with. Tried to change them all up,
listen now, not recognizing and totally unaware and unconscious of the fact that that was Yahweh walking around
in a body. That's what it was. What you did, you challenged the Creator. Let that soak in and you be more careful
about what you are doing.
Now, that was the Koran and the Mishnah and the Talmud. Say Freddie, put some of these words up there, Dr.
Harris or somebody. Dr. Harris, put Talmud and Mishnah so these people can go home and drag out their libraries
and look at some of these books and things.
Now, what we're trying to do this year 1970. Now, this is what we're trying to do and I don't think, that you are,
now this is me. I do not think that you are justified in becoming angry or provoked with me for telling you the
truth. And now Satan, your adversary, that deceived Eve back in the garden, now you come all the way down
through the ages and is manifested in such personalities that I am now telling you about. I don't think you ought to
get angry at me for it. Do you understand what I'm talking about? Then if you do get angry at me about it, you're
still gonna have to face and you're gonna have to acknowledge, and your knee is gonna have to bow and confess.
You're not gonna get away with a thing. You got the Mishnah and Talmud, and rub any of that stuff off there if you
want to, just rub any of it off there.
Now what they're doing, what Christendoom, now this is what they're doing. I say they're wrong and when I say
Christendoom, Dr. Harris, for me define that. I am talking about the Roman Catholics and I am talking about the
Protestants. I said they're all wrong. You ought not to say that unless you can prove it. Why did you say they were
wrong? Because they call Yahshua the Messiah a liar that's why I said they was wrong. How do they call Him a
liar? This is how they call Him a liar. And you better read, now I'm saying, talking about Roman Catholics and
Protestants or Christendoom. Matthew 3: 14 and 15,
Page 4
Reader: But John forbade Him saying,
Dr. Kinley: but John forbade Him saying. Now listen, now this is what somebody usually do. Now, let me, let me
tell you what your troubles are. You are mentally deranged, you are silly, you are foolish, you are feeble minded,
to become offended at the truth; in other, other words put it so you can understand it a little better, you just don't
have a sound mind or good sense. I couldn't talk no plainer than that to save my life nor yours. You're just down
right ignorant, you are stupid, you're a fool. Somebody says, 'Oh yeah must have said, Jesus said.' Didn't say no
such a thing, said whosoever call his brother a fool and a liar is in danger of hell fire. He was talking about them
Jews back there, wasn't talking about us. Read, now this is why I say they're wrong, all of Christendoom, read,
Reader: I have need to be baptized of Thee
Dr. Kinley: then John went to Him. Now read on, I'm in a hurry. This time has got to go by and by fast, read fast,
Reader: and comest thou to me?
Dr. Kinley: and John cometh to Him
Reader: and Yahshua answered and said unto Him
Dr. Kinley: Yahshua answered and said unto Him
Reader: permit it to be so now
Dr. Kinley: And John said unto Him. Yahshua said to John, permit it to be so, or you have it in your King James
version, suffereth to be so now. Well why?
Reader: for thus it becometh us
Dr. Kinley: for thus it becometh us,
Reader: to fulfill all righteousness
Dr. Kinley: to fulfill all righteousness. Now hold it folks, now you see what He said, fulfill. It becometh us to
fulfill. The word fulfill,
Man: complete
Dr. Kinley: all righteousness
Man: Bring to an end
Dr. Kinley: Bring to an end. Close it out. You cannot fulfill something that has not previously been instituted. Now
that's why I raised all the sand, I raised about Mohammed and the Koran, cause He had been there and fulfilled.
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And listen, Elijah that Malachi said would come had come. This is, this is Elijah that Yahshua the Messiah is
talking about whom you know as John the Baptist. Now, you want some proof on that? If you do, hold up your
hands, don't be ashamed. I see 2 hands. Any more? Right. 17th chapter of Matthew. Now these are the reasons why
I'm not gonna buy it. Now while you're into that 17th chapter of Matthew, I want you to take Malachi 4:4.
Reader: but I say unto you
Dr. Kinley: But I say unto you
Reader: that Elijah is come already
Dr. Kinley: But I say, no, read Malachi 4:4, then read this.
Reader: Remember ye the law of Moses my servant which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel with the
statutes and judgements. Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet
Dr. Kinley: Now listen as it's read. Read it so every, maybe you better get up, some of them is a little hard hearing.
Turn around, then read, read it out loud. Where are you reading?
Reader: Malachi 4 and 5.
Dr. Kinley: Now that's. that's the prophecy, right? All right, Deuteronomy 18:15. I said to the law and to the
prophecy. Now here goes the law and here we come to the prophecy.
Reader: Yahweh thy Elohim will raise up of thee a prophet from the midst of thee of thy brethren like unto Me.
Unto Him shall you hearken.
Dr. Kinley: All right read on. That's enough of that. Read, yours, Malachi
Reader: Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet
Dr. Kinley: Behold I will, I will send you Elijah the prophet. I think it's about 400 years before the birth of
Yahshua the Messiah and here is Malachi prophesying that Yahweh is going to send Elijah the prophet. Now,
here's something else I want you to know about Elijah the prophet and John the Baptist. I want you to know that so
far as Elijah is concerned, just nothing to him. It is nothing to Isaiah, nothing to Jeremiah, nothing to Moses,
nothing to no thing. No flesh got no right to boast in His sight. It is the Holy Spirit in them. That's what was in
Elijah. And that is the same Holy Spirit that is in John the Baptist. Has that, you got it now? Read it again,
Reader: Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of Yahweh. And
he shall turn the heart of the father to the children
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Dr. Kinley: Hold that one right there. I'm getting warm, I wanna take my coat off. I wanna get, I wanna get you
straightened out. I will send you Elijah. Now listen folks, Elijah ascended into the ethereal heaven in the eyes of
Israel in the chariot of fire, that is to say he didn't see death, he was translated. Never saw death. Now Yahweh is
talking about sending him back. Now, when Yahshua the Messiah set down and talked to Nicodemus, Nicodemus,
said He hadn't seen anything of him up there in the heavens of heavens or the habitation of God. You want to read
that do you? No man, that's John the 3rd chapter, 'said no man ascended into heaven save the son of man which
came down from heaven, which is in heaven'. Now can you imagine a man settin' right down there talking to
another man, Nicodemus to be more exact, and He is in heaven settin' right there talking to him. That's how we get
all messed up and that's the reason why somebody said, 'well He didn't go away,' and then somebody say, 'He laid
aside His royal robes and left the pearly gates of heaven and He come down here to walk around on the earth
plane.' Never left. Not so. Hasn't been no where at all but right in the same place all the time. But we're trying to
talk so that you can perceive these great deep esoteric secrets, but, which Christendoom don't know nothing about.
That was Nicodemus, maybe you better read that,
Reader: And no man has ascended up to heaven, but He that came down from heaven, even the son of man which
is in heaven.
Dr. Kinley: Now, He's in heaven right there sitting there talking with Nicodemus. Now doc here's why I brought
that up. You remember you was reading about Elijah, that he would come and we showed you how he was
translated without seeing death. Then here comes John the Baptist he was Elijah that was to come. And you
remember I told you that Israel saw him in a vision and he threw his mantle back on Elijah. Now here's why, here's
why I got into that. John the Baptist was the Elijah that was to come and his head was cut off. Now just a minute,
though, but he had to appear here in that cloud. This proves that he was the Elijah that the prophet was talking
about coming and he's right back there in that cloud in the heaven the top of that mountain, the mount of
transfiguration. Read it there in the 17th chapter of Matthew.
Reader: But I say unto you that Elijah is come already
Dr. Kinley: I say to you Elijah has come already
Reader: and they knew him not
Dr. Kinley: And they didn't know him
Reader: but have done unto him whatsoever they desire
Dr. Kinley: But have done unto him whatsoever there is
Reader: likewise
Dr. Kinley: Likewise
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Reader: shall also the son of man suffer of them
Dr. Kinley: Shall the son of man suffer of them
Reader: then the disciples understood
Dr. Kinley: Then the disciples understood. Are you a disciple?
Reader: that he
Dr. Kinley: Now wait a minute, now he's talking about Peter, James and John them that followed, talking about
they understood, cause they was the ones up there in the mount of transfiguration. Now then, they understood
Reader: that He spoke unto them of John the Baptist
Dr. Kinley: Now do you see who Elijah was? Now you cut that junk out. Telling me he come down here in 632
A.D. Now when he comes, what is he supposed to do? Turn the hearts of the fathers to the children. Where does it
say that Freddie, where, where is it?
Reader: This is the 6th verse of the 4th chapter of Malachi
Dr. Kinley: That's right
Reader: and he shall turn the hearts of the father to the children, and the hearts of the children to their father. Lest I
come and smite the earth with a curse.
Dr. Kinley: That's right. Now when he come, here's the father, the hearts of the children to the father. He comes
and baptized, he was not baptized anybody and didn't have no gentiles, I want this, not a one. So you gentiles stay
out of water. You got no business in it. You were grafted in after the show was over. To be exact, seven years
after. That's Cornelius was the first gentile in there, the Jew first, and then the gentile.
Now you see that don't you? For them that held up their hands want to know about the Elijah, hold your hands
back up, the ones that held up their hands. Now is it clear to you that, that John the Baptist was Elijah, the prophet
was talking about coming? Talk loud enough so we can hear, we want everybody to hear.
Man: I'm beginning I'm understanding it a little bit better but the reason I raised my hand was because I wanted to
get some idea why ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____. You know I couldn't relate to what it was
about. Now I'm getting some understanding, all about it.
Dr. Kinley: Now do you see, do you see to the satisfaction... That's the reason why we're calling these chapters and
Man: Yes, that's, you know, that's what I want.
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Dr. Kinley: 17th chapter of Matthew you'll find out that John the Baptist was Elijah, that was Malachi prophesied
to come. Now he was translated without seeing death. Now, here comes, here He comes back this time in, now let's
get this straight. John the Baptist, if Elijah was translated, Elijah had the Holy Spirit. And it was the Holy Spirit
that translated him therefore John the Baptist had to be born with the Holy Spirit
Student Body: That's right, that's all right.
Dr. Kinley: Had to come right back and take that body off and appear up here and he was the last of the prophets.
Do you see that? Do you see that now? Well, you have.., I have.., is it soaking? Is it soaking? Well now, you
thought maybe I was done with that, I'm just getting started but I thought I should lead you up to all this.
Now we told you this. Now, I want you to follow what I'm telling you. Now we told you to the law and to the
testimony, you read that in the book, didn't you? The law was given by Moses, by.., it really it wasn't given, wasn't
given by Moses, was really given by Yahweh. Now then, watch, be careful now, be careful, and the prophets, they
prophesied, Jeremiah and all the rest of them, prophesied under the law. So you go to the law and to the testimony.
Now look folks, this is Yahweh giving the law, this is Yahweh giving the testimony. It is not Moses, it is not
Elijah, it is not Isaiah, it is not Jeremiah, it is not Ezekiel. I am not talking about that. So there wouldn't be any way
for me to be talking about, Mohammed and John and them. No way for me to be talking about them. Now we don't
care anything at all abut the flesh. It's the spirit with us and we recognize that Yahweh is all in all. Now are you all
up with me? Is there any questions about anything I've said thus far? Have I said anything you didn't understand?
Now, we said Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. Moses wrote them. Now, you'll see pretty soon where
I'm getting at and since I mentioned about the Talmud, the Mishnah, the Koran and you want to say the, the book
of Abraham and you can go down and get the book of Enoch and you can go and get the 6th and 7th book... Every
bit of it is a lie, it's not so. Here's the reason why it's not so. Now Abraham, pick this up Doc sometime, try and
help me with this explanation. If you got anything to say about it, just tap your foot. I'll shut up. Well I want to, I
want to train him. Now, now Abraham is the father of the jewish race and he's also the father of the Arab. Now, do
you understand that? Now you got Abraham, Jew and Arabs. Now then you got Isaac and Jacob, Isaac and Jacob.
Now, this is what I'm gonna tell you.
I just got through saying that the Mormons are a liar when they said Joseph Smith, an angel led him to the place
where tablets was discovered here in the United States, that was written by Abraham. And they have the book of
Abraham, I say they are a liar and Abraham never wrote nothing, never wrote a thing. It was Moses that wrote
about Abraham. It was Moses that wrote about Enoch. Enoch never wrote nothing. Abraham nev.., Abraham..,
Moses was the first man that Yahweh ever did tell in this world, what even His true name was. Now, get this
straight. Now if Abraham had wrote anything as the Mormons say that he did,
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then they instead of using the word Yahweh, they would have been writing about El Shaddai, because Abraham
did not know that His name was Yahweh. Isaac didn't know that His name was Yahweh. Jacob did not know that
His name was Yahweh and I don't mean Allah either. And Moses was the first man that He ever, that He ever told
what His name was. And you find that in the 3rd chapter of Exodus where He told, listen, Yahweh said His self
now He said just like He calling Yahshua the Messiah a liar when He said he was insta.. fulfilling they say He's
instituting. He said His name was Yahweh and they say 'naw it ain't'. You got an adversary in this thing and an
enemy. Alright.
He told Moses what His name was. He told Moses that Abraham didn't know His name. Enoch didn't know His
name, clear on back... you want to read that? Try reading it.
Reader: 6th chapter of Exodus, third verse
Dr. Kinley: 6th chapter of Exodus. Everybody look at it in your Bible and that'll stop the argument.
Reader: 3rd verse. And I appeared unto Abraham,
Dr. Kinley: And I appeared unto Abraham
Reader: unto Isaac
Dr. Kinley: Unto Isaac
Reader: and unto Jacob
Dr. Kinley: And to Jacob
Reader: as El Shaddai
Dr. Kinley: As El Shaddai
Reader: but by my name Yahweh
Dr. Kinley: But by my name
Reader: Yahweh
Dr. Kinley: Yahweh
Reader: was I not known to them
Dr. Kinley: Now He said they didn't know Him. Then how then Abraham or any of them write about something or
somebody they don't know nothing about? I say therefore Joseph Smith is a liar.
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Now by my name. His name, now we're talking about His name. Now, when He talked to Moses at the burning
bush here in the wilderness. Well let's go back further. When He talked to Adam back here, maybe better try
reading that. I think it's Genesis 9:5, Doc get you a chair and set down here and rest yourself. It's ____, I'm after
names, and I'm after writings, and I told you the other night that this, look up here now.
Now the Roman Catholics have got this kinda thing. When they christen a child they give him a baptismal name,
that's not a parental name. Now the Mohammedans they got a calling Usome, Malcolm X and so forth and so on
and they say that you got your name from your slave holder. I wanna know if that's right or not.
Student Body: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: And that's not your real name. You have your slave holder's name, and your name is not Roger
Jackson, your name is not Robert Harris and so then we'll give you a name. The Roman Catholics and them and
George Baker done the same thing. Who, if you know anything about it, that's the Father Divine in New York City.
He gave them names, angelic names. And when you go into those movements then you become unidentified with
society by the name that your parents named you. That's why you got Malcolm X, Ussah Y, and Riblah Ziblah or
something like that, or Mary Dove or Love or something like... They wipe out them names that your people gave
them. Now, what I wanna tell you is this. Now since Yahweh has a name. Now He named this first man. He
created a name and Miss Eve too, she was right in him. What's it say there.
Reader: This is the book of the generations
Dr. Kinley: Now this is the book of the generations
Reader: of Adam
Dr. Kinley: Of Adam.
Reader: in the day that Elohim created man
Dr. Kinley: in the day that Elohim created man
Reader: in the likeness of Elohim made He him.
Dr. Kinley: That's right, read on.
Reader: male and female
Dr. Kinley: That's right.
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Reader: created He them.
Dr. Kinley: uh-huh
Reader: and blessed them
Dr. Kinley: uh huh.
Reader: and called their name Adam
Dr. Kinley: Now just a, here's what I want you to see as you go along. And He called,
Reader: their name Adam
Dr. Kinley: Their name; in other words, Elohim called their name, what?
Reader: Adam.
Dr. Kinley: Adam. Adam didn't name himself. Elohim named him. Now I'll give you
a little job. You go try, you go trace up Adam in the Hebrew and find out how it is spelled and how it is called in
Hebrew. Then you'll learn yourself something and you'll find out it fits right with this. And that woman was right
in that man. He called their name, their name, Adam. Now listen, listen closely, follow here, follow here. Now
Moses wouldn't know a thing about that if he had not been up in this mountain and he's looking right at Yahweh
makes a man. Looking right at Him making the man in a vision. Now he followed Him on down the generations of
mankind. And he's hearing their names called: Cain and Abel, Seth and so forth and so on down the generations,
on down to himself. Now did you follow me there? Not only that, now get Exodus 32:32. Now, you oughta be, you
oughta try to be quick.
Reader: And Moses returned unto Yahweh
Dr. Kinley: And Moses returned unto Yahweh
Reader: and said
Dr. Kinley: And said
Reader: oh this people have
Dr. Kinley: Here's what's happening, here's what he's talking about, now we done told you about it. How he was
called up in the mountain, now we just can't read this whole Bible any time we come down here. And Moses called
up, and the 24 elders, and they was told to stay on the ledge of the mountain and they did not do it. They went back
down out of the mountain and builded the golden calf, which was the, the beast. Now, look up here, get
Revelations 13: 18 right now,
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Reader: Here is wisdom
Dr. Kinley: Here is wisdom
Reader: let him that hath understanding
Dr. Kinley: Let him that hath understanding
Reader: count the number of the beast
Dr. Kinley: Count the number of the beast
Reader: for it is the number of a man
Dr. Kinley: For it is the number of A man
Reader: and his number is six hundred....
Dr. Kinley: And his number is six hundred threescore and six. 666, is that right? Now, it's the number of a man.
Now listen, this is what we're saying. Here is wisdom, let him that has understanding count the number of the
beast. Now, I'm talking about a beast. Can't you see that the children of Israel put that gold in there and it turned
out a golden calf, in other words it's a beast!
Now I might take a short cut. The number of a beast and his number is 666, right? Hold that right there, take
Genesis 3 and 1,
Reader: Now the serpent was more subtle
Dr. Kinley: Now the serpent was more subtle
Reader: than any beast of the field
Dr. Kinley: Than any beast of the field. Now I want, I'm talking about a beast now. Any beast of the field. A beast,
a beast. They took them earrings and put them in and out come a beast and his number is six hundred three score
and six. Now look up here at me. Now the High Priest in Israel, I wanna get it where everybody can see as best I
can right here. I believe you can see it plainer right here. You see this miter, now you'll find it in the 22nd, 28th
chapter of Exodus. A miter. That means, a, a miter means a hood that he wore on his head. Now look now, and it
had in it 'Holiness Unto Yahweh'. And it's called a bonnet, and a miter and it's tied with a, with a bow in the back
of it. And that High Priest would go in and out that sanctuary every day in the year and on the 10th day of October,
which is the day of Atonement, he went into the Most Holy Place. Now look folks, he had on the Urim and
Thummin. You know what that is? That's the beast (breast?) plate of judgement. And you know what the ephod is?
That that come right over that breast plate, and it had 12 precious stones in it including diamonds, and beryl and
what not, representing them 12 tribes of Israel. And them stones come down and buckled around in here with that
bonnet on. Now the papacy is trying their best
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to copy. Now we're showing you how this beast come out, we're showing you that the beast of the field and
Yahweh created 'em. The serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field. We're showing you a beast. 1st
chapter of Roman says they worshipped beast, men and graven images. And when He spoke from the Mount, said
thou shall not make unto me. Get that now?
Now when they place the crown on the head of the Pope, just like this priest, as this 'Holiness Unto Yahweh' on
this miter. That's what's in there, 'Holiness Unto Yahweh'. Now this is what's in his. In the first ring it's got 'Vicar',
in the second ring it's got 'Filii', and in the third ring it's got 'Dei'. Translated and turning up in roman numbers it's
six hundred and sixty-six. That's what is in that crown. That's the number of the beast. And the Roman Catholics
and Protestants too make up that beast man, and everything else on the earth plane, they make up that beast man.
Now listen, listen at this, oh me. John said in the first epistle of John, said 'beloved,' listen at me now, listen at the
quotation, 'beloved, what manner of love is this that the Father, Yahweh, has bestowed upon us, that we should be
called the' vicar.
Student Body: No
Dr. Kinley: of God. We're not Vicars, but the Pope says he's the Vicar of Christ. In other word, we're not called
Vicars of Christ. That translated, what does that mean Doc?
Dr. Harris: Representative
Dr. Kinley: Representative. We're representatives, that's what they are. Translated 'Vicar Filii Dei', now listen at
what I am saying. Vicar of the Son of God. Vicar of the Son of God. What manner of live it this that the Father has
bestowed upon us that we might become the Vicar of the
Reader: No, no
Dr. Kinley: We are the son of God, not Vicar of it, but we are His Son. Revelations 14: 1,2...
Reader: and I looked...
Dr. Kinley: Revelations 22:2. Want to find out how that works on this, on this crown up here. Read,
Reader: And I looked...
Dr. Kinley: And I looked
Reader: and lo a lamb stood on the Mount Zion
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Dr. Kinley: That's right.
Reader: and with Him an hundred forty and four thousand
Dr. Kinley: um hum.
Reader: having His name and His Father's name
Dr. Kinley: Having His name, Yahshua the Messiah, and His, His Father's name, Yahweh. What?
Reader: written in their foreheads
Dr. Kinley: Written in their foreheads. Do you see what I'm talking, do you see what I'm telling you? That's, that's
the name. Ephesians 3 and 2. Stick it out with me for a few minutes if you can folks. This will help you from now
on around the corner and it'll get you off of skid row too. The devil done put the skids on you, it'll sweep you up,
right back home where you belong. Read,
Reader: If ye have heard of the ministry
Dr. Kinley: If you have heard of the ministry
Reader: of the grace of Yahweh
Dr. Kinley: Of the grace of Yahweh
Reader: which is given me to you
Dr. Kinley: Now try to read on fast cause time is short and I've got to get to a point down there.
Reader: how that
Dr. Kinley:. And the point I want to get to down there is, I'll tell you before you get to it: that the whole family in
heaven and in earth is called by the same name not Adam, not Moses, not Isaiah, not Usuf, not Minnie Love or
Mary Love none of that junk, not Roger Jackson, not Bob Harris, but Yahweh knows you by that name, cause he
called Moses by his name, called Paul by his name, called Abraham by his name. If he hadn't called him by his
name that the parents give him, Abraham wouldn't, wouldn't know that He knew who He was. And to make sure
that he hears, didn't misunderstand Him, He said, MOSES. And to make sure he didn't misunderstand, said,
MOSES again.
That wasn't no baptismal name, still ____ but I want you to know that Michael and Gabriel and Aziel and Raphel
and all of the heavenly host and all of them in earth is called by the same name. That's the reason why I said Roger
Jackson is not your name. Bob Harris, that ain't it. In Revelations, there it said, said He give Him a new name. Just
isn't anybody, but Him, ____ ____. Now, that white stone with
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that name in it remember I told you stones was set in there, with a name, what name, the name of Yahweh and of
His son, and the whole family of the innumerable company of angels and all of us in the earth plane is known by
that name.
Now one more thing before I got ____ ____. I told you a lot about it. Did you read it out of there?
Reader: of the whole family in heaven and earth is named
Dr. Kinley: The whole family in heaven and earth is named. Now I want you to know. Dr. Harris.
Dr. Harris: Yes
Dr. Kinley: That's not the Baptists, that's not Roman Catholic, that's not Presbyterian but all this junk has got to be.
Everything, it's just got to be. Now you go on back, there in you read, all you putting down these verse and
chapters, have you got 'em? That the whole family in heaven and in earth is called by the name of... And they got it
written in their forehead and in their hand, I mean, in the... is that right? Now listen, and the other boy he's got his
mark in the forehead, he described it, it is the beast. A man without the Holy Spirit is nothing more than a beast.
That's what the book says. And listen, and all the world, that's Revelations 20 and about 6, I believe it is, said all
the world wondered after the beast. Oh boy.
You, you, now look, now be quick, get Exodus 32:32, I told you about that a while ago but you didn't read it. And
then I want you to get Revelations 20:12 right here. All right, read,
Reader: and Moses returned unto Yahweh and
Dr. Kinley: now Moses returned unto Yahweh after the, these didn't stay up here, look up here now. These didn't
stay up here where Moses told them. They went down and builded this golden calf. Now Yahweh, when He spoke
through the Mount told them not to do that. Thou shall not make unto me any graven images in the likeness of
anything that is in the heavens above or in the earth beneath, and they did that. Now the Roman Catholics got the
statue of Mary and them sitting all around, all around. Say, 'What you doing that for?' Unifying our church ____.
Man is made in the likeness and image of Yahweh. And since he's made in the likeness and image, catch this one,
point it out on the chart, Yahweh breathed in his nostrils the breath of life and he became a living soul. Now folks
don't make no mistakes now since He's fulfilling as we told you. When He come out of the grave and to prove that
He fulfilled, He breathed. Now we do that in order to fulfil that back there and then we became a live ____ ____
instead of ____ receive ye the Holy Spirit. Ezekiel prophesying to the four winds, when He said, Oh son of man
can these bones live. Ezekiel saith, Yahweh thou knowest. Said son of man
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prophesy unto these bones and say to the winds, the four winds, blow upon these bones, and Ezekiel prophesying
and the winds blowed upon. And he states, laid sinews upon them and they stood upon their feet. Now, here we go
with that on the day of Pentecost that sound of that mighty rushing wind and they stood upon their feet and they
began to preach, and the question was ____ ____ ____ together said these men are drunken with new wine. Pete
stood up there and said, naw, you got that all wrong. Said these are not drunken as you suppose seeing it's but the
third hour of the day the saloons ain't open yet. ____ spoken by the prophet Joel said, 'In the last days saith
Yahweh I'll pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters, don't leave them out, they shall
prophecy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men see visions. I tell you it's certainly wonderful to
Now here comes ____ showing the fulfillment when Pilate had.., the Messiah was out there before Pilate. Pilate's
wife said she suffered many things and don't have nothing to do with that innocent man. Said she suffered many
things in the dream at night. She's ____ ____.
She said look here, I just don't have nothing to do with that man. And Pilate said I don't find no fault in Him. Jews
said away with Him and crucify Him, crucify Him and then Pilate said, 'look I'm gonna wash may hands of Him,
the whole thing,'
I tell you it's wonderful. But Mrs. Pilate she was just a fool coming at Him, she had that dream, she went out there
and looked out there and told her husband, don't have nothing to do with that man. Pilate said, 'I can't find no fault
in Him'. I'm telling you, but He said now listen here, why don't you take up for yourself. Don't you hear everybody
making these accusations against you? Why don't you speak up and try to defend yourself? The prophets had said,
'He was led as a lamb to the slaughter' and the sheep would come before his shearers, no, no and He's fulfilling,
and He can't say nothing. I tell, I, I tell you, I mean it don't even miss. What is He doing? Fulfilling not instituting,
every jot and every tittle of the prophecy has to be fulfilled.
Now what we gonna show you now is Yahweh knows you individually and personally. This is the idea that some
people have got, says, 'Yahweh ain't paying me no attention or God ain't paying me no attention, He don't even
know that I'm around.' I just want to let you know, this is your master. Never has been up and never will be and
everybody has a role to play. Yahweh from that spermozoa (spermatozoa?) that was injected into the womb and
taken on shape and form and pressed the loins of the women and it's reached maturity, walked around... Yahweh
got your name up there in that book that He's written, not, not talking about the book of the law and I'm not talking
about the book of the prophets and I'm talking about the book that Yahweh's written. I'm not talking about the book
that Pope ____ himself set to write and the Vatican was not right. I'm not talking about their matriculations and
enrollments in the Methodist, the Baptist and the Roman Catholics, the Presbyt..., I'm not talking about that but I'm
talking about how Yahweh has their names, get this one straight now, and He wrote that down before anybody was
born. Every boy that come forth He's done put everybody's name down that's ever gonna be on the scene and walk
on down, on down here. Everybody has a role to play and when you come and play your little part you go on off of
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scene. When he comes on and he plays his little part Yahweh got you known all the way through. In fact even
before He's created heaven and earth, had it long before He created angels. And I wanna let you know that He
knows the angels, knows them by their name just like He knows you by your name. You may think I'm a just
nothing, Yahweh or God ain't paying me no attention. I'm too lowly, I haven't got nothing. None of my progenitors
and ancestors said they don't amount to anything, just a nothing in the world and I'm gonna make something out of
myself and you think Yahweh or God has forgotten you. NO NO, He done had you in the book long before any
man, before Adam and Eve was placed on that.., before any angel left, which left to go on out of that substance in
that divine spermozoa (spermatozoa?) or spirit. Everything was back there and your name that your mother and
father would name you, and the name Yahweh that would name you is right there, present with Him and all He's
doing is just waiting for everybody to get on the scene, til we get on back. And with Apostle said that we are
builded upon a foundation of the apostles and the prophets and Yahshua Himself being the chief cornerstone into
whom all the buildings fitly framed together. Grow up into a holy tabernacle in Yahweh for habitation of Yahweh
through the Spirit.
Noah, build an ark and when he finished up building, last nail was driven in it and everything and Yahweh told
him to go on in, and set down there and wait seven days. Done finished, it's all done. It's ready now. Somebody
said, I told you that old fool. There wasn't no need of him, standing out there talking about the sky leaking rain.
Said, 'there ain't nothing's gonna happen, they've been setting out there seven days.' All of a sudden that sky break
loose and the fountains of the deep broke up. Everybody was in the ark and every nail that was supposed to be
nailed, it's finished up. And when all of us that come on the scene, and when we get finished up and fit together in
that Tabernacle and that habitation of Him through the scriptures. Then Yahweh will through Yahshua will be
revealed from heaven. And He ain't gonna miss nobody, ain't gonna miss nobody at all, and everybody that come
in that building, just like everything that's come in that ark was in there. And everything that comes in Yahshua the
Messiah it shall be there.
And then I want you to know that Apostle Paul, looking back there and this is what he said in 1st Corinthians
15:28, said Yahshua was subject unto the Father, cause when He's revealed from heaven. Now, His job, since He
made everything, now and man come on out and seen Him now and co ne out by Him. Now he's got to go right
back by Adam. And so the whole thing is all finished up. And the last one is called into that, then Yahshua the
Messiah, then and He come to the Father Himself, you lay down all rule, all authority, and all Power, and all...
What's that for? That Yahweh might be all in all as He was before. Everything has got it's Place and everybody has
got to play their little role in this thing. Yahweh got a full account of the whole thing. But you with your little
carnal mind and your little limited mind let these hypocrite preachers and all, go along and trying to tell you
Yahweh don't know that this is gonna happen and then something happens He's got to rush around and make some
provisions for it. Everything is foreordained and predestinated. Everything is going according to the purpose and
the purpose is being set before the foundations of the world.
Yahshua the Messiah set out there and He told you that nations should rise
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against nations and kingdom against kingdom, father against son, daughter against mother. Here you come playing
a role when you ain't got sense enough yet ____ look at it. I'm a Jew and you're persecuting the gentile, gentile,
gentile persecution. ____ you ____ ____ ____ ____ I'm black power, and then they come along over here, says,
'well, I'm white supremacist.' Done told the story before it happen and you setting up here looking at it ____. You
haven't got sense enough to ____ ____ ____ ____ read.
Reader: Oh this people have sinned a great sin
Dr. Kinley: That's right
Reader: and have made them idols of gold, yet now if thou wilt forgive their sin and if not blot me, l pray thee out
of thy book which thou has written.
Dr. Kinley: That's right. Now wait just a minute, now Moses saw his name in the book. Now get this straight. Not
the book Moses wrote, not the book Josh, Isaiah wrote, not the book the Talmud that the Jews wrote, not the
Koran, but Yahweh wrote. And Moses said he saw his name in there, Moses, and he said if you won't forgive his
people that have sinned a great sin then blot me out. He saw his name, he saw the names of all the generations on
down in that book which Yahweh had written. And your name was right in it. Now maybe you don't wanna believe
that. Now he said blot me out of the book which you have written. Here the Pope sets over there excommunicating.
Now Moses came, now you blot me and what did he tell Moses?
Reader: and Yahweh said unto Moses
Dr. Kinley: And Yahweh said unto Moses
Reader: Whom so ever has sinned against me
Dr. Kinley: Whom so ever has sinned against me
Reader: him will I ..
Dr. Kinley: Him will I excommunicate or blot out of my book. I'm gonna blot him out. The Pope ain't gonna do
nothing. Reverend so and so ain't gonna do nothing. A Peter ain't gonna do nothing, and Paul ain't gonna do
nothing. Michael and Gabriel ain't a gonna do nothing. I'm going to blot him out Myself. How about that? Now
Revelations the 22
Reader: and whosoever was not found written in the book of life....
Dr. Kinley: Right, now here, here we are, we're up to the judgement now. And I saw the dead, is that what you got
there. Small and great stand before Yahweh and the books was opened, read that,
Reader: and the books were open and another book was open
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Dr. Kinley: And another book was open
Reader: which is the book of life
Dr. Kinley: Yeah, now here you got the book of the prophets and then you got the book that He wrote. There's
another book open and a book of life. All right, read.
Reader: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the book,
Dr. Kinley: That's right.
Reader: according to their works
Dr. Kinley: According to their works. Read on I'm in a hurry.
Reader: and the sea gave up the dead..
Dr. Kinley: And the sea gave up the dead...
Reader: and death and sheol delivered up the dead
Dr. Kinley: And death and hell delivered up the dead
Reader: which was in them. And they were judged every man according to their works
Dr. Kinley: Every man according to his works
Reader: and death and sheol were cast into the lake of fire
Dr. Kinley: Death and sheol were cast into the lake of fire
Reader: this is the second death
Dr. Kinley: That's the second death
Reader: and whosoever was not found
Dr. Kinley: Now see? You don't have to worry about the Pope excommunicating you. You don't have to worry
about these hypocrite clergy out there. You don't have to worry about that, just forget that. They oughta put you
out. It would be a blessing if they did, we're blessed. That's the reason why the angel flew through the midst of
heaven saying Babylon is fallen, saying come out of her my people and be not a partaker of her sins and receive of
her plagues. Whosoever was not found....
Reader: and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
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Dr. Kinley: Now Yahweh blotted them out that's why they wasn't found in there. Whosoever He says He blotted
them out and they wasn't found in there, written in that book. You'll find him over there in the lake. Philippians
Reader: and I entreat thee also
Dr. Kinley: And I entreat thee also
Reader: true yokefellow
Dr. Kinley: True yokefellow
Reader: help those women....
Dr. Kinley: That's the reason why Messiah said take my yoke upon you. We are prisoners and slaves of Yahweh.
We're not unequally yoked together with unbelievers but we're yoked together with him that do believe. And Paul
being a prisoner he was yoked together with his fellow laborers in the gospel and he's talking to them now, read.
Reader: help those women which labored with me in the glad tidings..
Dr. Kinley: Which labored. Help those women, that's the reason why I'm so particular about you gals. Help those
women that labored with him in Yahshua. He's admonished those that are ____ he called woman, help those
women that labor in the gospel, read on.
Dr. Kinley: And with Clement. Now see what you got in the Roman Catholic Church, I think I should say this.
You got Peter the first Pope, Linus the second, and then you got Clement. Now you see where they got it at. They
ain't doing a thing but going back and copying these names. Linus is in there too, Linus. They go back there and
say Clement. Clement don't even know anything about it and Anacletus was one of these, all right, read,
Reader: and with other my fellow laborers
Dr. Kinley: And other my fellow workers
Reader: whose names are in the book of life
Dr. Kinley: Now you see that? Don't worry about it folks. Yahweh does put your name down in the book of life.
He had it in there right from the start, and He ain't gonna.., whoever sinned against me, He gonna blot him out.
You don't have to worry about it being on the Roman Catholic register, or the Presbyterian register. Don't have to
worry about excommunication or put out of church. Don't have to worry about that. You want your name in the
book of the Lamb's book of life written from the foundations of the earth.
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Now just like this cloud here was without any particular descriptive shape or form so also is the spermozoa
(spermatozoa?) that's injected in the womb taking form and all is born of Him. And Yahweh's got everybody
Now listen, Yahweh's created the earth to be inhabited. Listen, and He told Abraham that He would multiply his
seed. He didn't say if something don't happen, as the sands of the sea. Didn't say Pharaoh didn't, kill up all the male
children. He went on and He multiplied and he multiplied, he multiplied, now what I want to say to you, now we're
talking about a population explosion.
Now here's something else we got, now listen closely to these things, they will help you. Now Yahweh breathed in
his nostrils the breath of life and he became a living soul ____. Now you got air pollution. Air pollution ever which
a way. Smog, you can't even ____ breath. The waters just contaminated, taste of the water. Now Satan is the Prince
of the air. The air is polluted, the water is contaminated. Murder rampage, violence, national confusion all over the
world. Now listen folks, that by itself should tell you something that there has got to be a change on this earth
plane some how or another.
And now Armstrong in Pasadena said this, said, and they're looking for it like this. That them bodies that they lay
out there in the cemeteries, when the population of the earth, approximate population of the earth at this time is 3
billion, five hundred and fifty one million, now that's in round figures. And the, the population increase per week is
one million per week. That's the average population increase. I'm not talking about them, talking about the increase
over and above the death, increase I mean.
Now look if Yahweh would go all the way back and resurrect all of those people that has come all the way down
which was number as the sands of the sea and as the stars of the heaven and raise them up as a physical body.
There's something wrong there. When you talking about a population explosion, you see that there's something
wrong there.
So now it's really us resurrected in the spirit and the resurrection is going on now. And I hope somebody has gotten
something out of what I have said. Now I tried to crisscross it, in every kind of way that I can. I tried to make you
know that it don't make no difference how ____ you are, you're important to Yahweh. You have a role and a part to
play and you are matriculated or enrolled in the book of life. There's no way to get you out of that unless He
himself blot you out. The only reason He'll blot you out of there is because you say you sinned against Him.
And all of these erroneous doctrines, now look. Yahweh has promised to reveal. That's a promise, it's a pending
promise. He said our vile bodies will be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye. Everybody won't be dead
and gone in the cemetery when He's revealed from heaven, but in moment... Paul says behold I show you a
mystery. We shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed. Listen folks, it don't make no difference, get this
straight. It's up, somebody would say, I think I have ____. Doctor told me I had this or doctor told me I had that
and I'm so and so and so and you all shook up, Somebody said, 'well I'm overweight,'
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and them people over yonder they're dying from malnutrition and starvation. And so's to speak we got a loaf of
bread under our arm and we're still crying ____. We want something to reduce us and they want something to eat,
and all kinds of diseases and epidemics are going on all over the world.
Well here's what I want to tell you. It don't make no difference whether you got cancer, tuberculosis, heart trouble,
just forget about it. Yahweh's gonna change the whole business. You'll have a, gonna have a brand new body,
eternal life, and a new body. There is a mortal body and there is a spiritual body, just as sure, if you do His will
you will have that body ____.
Page 23
12) JULY 24, 1971: 71 CONVENTION:
by Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley
Beverly Hills Hilton
Beverly Hills, California
received from Kenneth Haverly and Baverly Allen
1 90 minute audio cassette tape
CATALOG #: 71.0724
transcribed by Shannon Brewster
proofread by Geraldine Rothstein, Susan Ameigh, and Michael Rothstein
proofread and approved by the International Public Relations Committee: 1996
Dr. Kinley spoke twice during the 1971 International Convention. His first lecture of this convention is dated July
23, 1971 and titled "Here I am," and is contained in the previous transcript book, 27 Dr. Kinley Transcripts. In it he
states, "... And lo I am with you alway even unto the end of the age. Now what I want to say is: here I am. Believe
it or not I'm here. And I want to let you know that I know what my purpose is. That's right I knew it back in the
realm of eternity and declared the end from the beginning and I've been right along all the time. .... Now we're
gonna get into some of these things tomorrow and we'll talk with you about it, and so that you can see for yourself
whether it is true that I did receive a vision, tell you the truth about that thing. I just may decide to tell you the truth
about that tomorrow. Been away and ____ ____ so you can understand. Now the real facts in the cases are these: I
received Yahshua the Messiah who is in the Father. Now that's what I, now that's what I really received. And it
was Him in me that's revealing that to you. .... But I wanna let you know, I died once, hanging out there on the
cross. Now it's my turn. .... We'll talk to you more about this thing tomorrow."
This transcript is of the next day's class, July 24, 1971.
Scripture reading: 1 John 4
Moderator: Those of you who are what might be called regular members of the school can well appreciate that
when I say it gives me pleasure to introduce the founder of our school, you know whereof I speak. There are a
number of us who are conscious that within that physical body is the spirit that Yahweh has sent into this world, in
this age, to edify those of his choice. And it does indeed, give me great pleasure to introduce the founder of our
school, Dr. Henry C. Kinley.
Student Body: APPLAUDS
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Dr. Kinley: Thank you ever so much. I'm always happy and glad to testify in the behalf of our brethren and Savior,
Yahshua the Messiah. Now I don't mean to stand up here and say that because that Yahweh is in me, that He's not
in you, I don't mean to say that, because Yahweh is made manifest in all of us. Now there's some things that I
wanna call your attention to in particular. And we have kinda routined down specifically for this special meeting.
Now we're gonna call it special, and we're going to ask for, as has already been stated, your undivided attention,
and you try to pay attention. Now, one of the reasons why that we have been so specific in making those
statements is because there are so many erroneous doctrines out in the world, until the people actually, really do
not know which way to go or what to do, and who's right and who's wrong. And you must always remember that
you have an adversary: the devil, and he's trying to play every note or every tune that he can to lure you in to some
of his, his church. Now, it seems to be a pretty tough thing to stand up here and say that all the churches is wrong,
and I don't think anybody oughta do that, unless they have or possess the ability to prove it.
Now, first of all, what is the church? Now, here in Colossians, I'm not gonna ask you to read all of these scriptures,
I'll tell you which ones to read. They say that the church or the congregation or assembly is the body of Yahshua
the Messiah. Now, do you understand that? Well now, somebody might get up and read that out of the Bible and
still miss the boat. Now you, all of you that have the spirit in you, you are the body of the Messiah. Now we're
gonna go right back and have repeated what we just had Dr. Traynham to read as a scripture lesson. I do want you
to get some identification out of this, so that you will understand, better understand, then I will comment on it.
Would you mind please, the microphone and read the first few verses of the fourth epistle of John. And you pay
strict attention to what is said here.
Reader: Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of Yahweh:
Dr. Kinley: Now just a minute. It says beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirit whether they are of
Yahweh. Now, bear this in mind: John is writing to those that possess the spirit. Now if you don't possess it, you
don't have nothing to try it with. I'm trying to make this thing clear to you as possible, because a lot of 'em will sit
back and read that and say that we, that we are the church or we are the body of, of, of Christ and, and all so, and
make statements like that and deceive and fool the people. But if you don't have the Holy Spirit, you're incapable
of judgement because you must have the judge in you in order to be the judge. Now does that make it clear?
Alright now. It said don't believe every spirit, but try the spirit. Now if you're gonna try it, you must have it. Now,
if you have it, then you're capable of discerning which spirit it is speaking, and then in that way you won't be led
astray. Now, if you pay strict attention, you'll find some conviction down here. Alright, read.
Reader: Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of Yahweh:
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12) JULY 24, 1971: 71 CONVENTION:
Dr. Kinley: Now, try 'em, whether they are of Yahweh. Now, you have in your King James Version of the Bible,
'whether they are of God.' Now God is a title. And God being a title and not a name. And I'll also, also mention
here that Lord is a title also, and that is not a name. Alright. Read on.
Reader: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
Dr. Kinley: Now, listen here. Now, a lot of people wanna go back and say that he's talking about when Yahshua
the Messiah come in the world. Now that's not what John is talking about. He's talking about the thing as it is since
the day of Pentecost, not before, when He was walking around here on the face of the earth in a physical body.
Alright, read.
Reader: Hereby know ye the spirit of Yahweh:
Dr. Kinley: Now wait just a minute. Now this is what they go by. And hereby know ye the spirit, now right by this.
Reader: Hereby know ye the spirit of Yahweh:
Dr. Kinley: Now hereby know ye the spirit of Yahweh. Now right by this. Alright, read.
Reader: Every spirit that confesseth that Yahshua the Messiah is come
Dr. Kinley: Now every spirit that testifies that Yahshua will soon be home.
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: Now you see the difference?
Student Body: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: Now everybody is looking for Jesus or looking for Yahshua the Messiah. Now every spirit that testifies
that it is come, which is present tense, is of Yahweh. Now is that clear? Everywhere you go the people are looking
for Him to come, not recognizing the fact that He has come, come already. And everyone of them that's saying that
He is coming, that's satanic. You get that? Now I didn't say that, the apostle John said it. Alright, read on.
Reader: And every spirit that confesseth, confesseth not that Yahshua the Messiah is come in the flesh is not of
Dr. Kinley: Every spirit that testifies not that Yahshua is come in the flesh, it is not of Yahweh. Now is that clear to
you? Now you do some thinking about that. Alright, read on.
Reader: and this is that spirit of anti-messiah,
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Dr. Kinley: Now this is that spirit of anti-messiah. Now that's the spirit of your adversary, and it is not of Yahweh.
Read a little further.
Reader: whereof ye have heard that it should come;
Dr. Kinley: Now John is saying, 'whereof you have heard that it should come.' Read.
Reader: and even now already
Dr. Kinley: And even now, at that time back there, and if you look at the chronology at the top of the page, you
will find when he wrote the epistle, and it was already in the world at that time. You see that now? Alright.
Reader: and even now already is it in the world.
Dr. Kinley: And even now is it already in the world. Read on.
Reader: Ye are of Yahweh,
Dr. Kinley: Ye are of Yahweh,
Reader: little children,
Dr. Kinley: little children.
Reader: and have overcome it:
Dr. Kinley: And have overcome it.
Reader: because greater is he that is in you,
Dr. Kinley: That, for greater is He that is in you.
Reader: than that which is in the world
Dr. Kinley: Than that which is in the world. That will do with that. Now I want read, over there in John, I gave you
the verse in the same epistle.
Reader: 1 John the third chapter, first and second verses.
Dr. Kinley: Now you listen close at this. Read
Reader: Behold, what manner of love
Dr. Kinley: Behold, what manner of love
Reader: the Father hath bestowed upon us,
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Dr. Kinley: the Father hath bestowed upon us,
Reader: that we should be called the sons of Yahweh:
Dr. Kinley: That we should called... Now I want you to let this soak in, because it will help you. That we should be
called saints.
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: That we should be called Christians.
Student Body: No sir.
Dr. Kinley: That we should be called Roman Catholics.
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: That we should be called Protestants.
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: Maybe you didn't read it right Doc, try it again.
Reader: Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us,
Dr. Kinley: Um hum.
Reader: that we should be called the sons of Yahweh:
Dr. Kinley: That we should be called the sons of Yahweh. Now I wanna tell you why I had that read that way. It's
because... Now when Yahshua the Messiah, who Yahweh acknowledged to be His Son, now you are a son of
Yahweh just now as He was then. Now if you let that soak, it'll help you. Then, if you be a son of Yahweh, then
Yahweh is in you, and you in Him, and Yahshua the Messiah in you. Now do you follow what I'm talking about?
Now you just simply have not been taught that out there in the world. You have been taught that Jesus is coming.
Is, is that right? Now, since we've got the true names now, somebody will be saying Yahshua is coming. But now,
I wanna make this real good and clear to you, so you don't make a mistake. Now that makes me have to go to the
14th chapter of Saint John, which is the same man writing, and the 26th verse. I think about the 26th verse. And I
want you to pay attention to every, everything I call attention to, and then, that, and that only is the only way that
you can be helped. Alright, read.
Reader: But the comforter,
Dr. Kinley: But the comforter.
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Reader: which is the Holy Spirit,
Dr. Kinley: Which is the Holy Spirit.
Reader: who the Father will send in my name,
Dr. Kinley: Now listen. Whom the father will send in my name. Did you get that? So now that's why we say it's
Yahshua in you, because you have received the Holy Spirit, whom Yahweh has sent in the name of Yahshua. I
don't mean gonna send, I mean already sent. Read on.
Reader: shall teach you all things,
Dr. Kinley: Shall teach you some things.
Student Body: No. All.
Dr. Kinley: A few things.
Student Body: No, sir.
Dr. Kinley: Shall teach you all things. Read.
Reader: and bring all things to your remembrance,
Dr. Kinley: and bring all things, not just some things. From the time that He chose his disciples, and for three and
half years as He taught, He knew that they were not gonna remember everything. He knew that. So therefore He
said when the comforter is come. First above there He said, 'I will not leave you comfortless.' And now He's telling
the comforter will come, whom the Father will send in My name. And when He is come, then what?
Reader: he shall teach you all things.
Dr. Kinley: Now we're telling you this: my earthly name is Henry Clifford Kinley. Is that clear to you? Just like
Moses' name, given to him and any of the rest of 'em, John and everybody else: those are earthly names. Now it
doesn't say anything at all about Moses teaching anybody. It doesn't say anything about the apostles teaching
anybody. But now the comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, He will teach you all things, not some. Right?
Student Body: Right.
Dr. Kinley: Is that plain to you? Now it behooves you then, whoever is in the book, for you to pay strict attention
and recognize the fact that no man has the ability to teach you the purpose of Yahweh, he just don't have it. His
mental faculties and his make up is inadequate without the Holy Spirit. And I said that to let you know that
Yahshua the Messiah, whom the, Yahweh has sent in His name,
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or the comforter. Now that's who the teacher is around here; it is not Henry Clifford Kinley, cause I don't know
nothing to teach you and neither does anybody else. Now that necessitates me to have the comforter, and then for
me to keep my big mouth shut and for you to keep your big mouth shut and let the comforter to do the teaching.
Now is it clear? Now that will save a whole lot of our self exaltation. You see through what I'm talking about?
Alright. Read.
Reader: and bring all things to your remembrance
Dr. Kinley: And said He would bring all things to your remembrance. Is that right?
Reader: whatsoever I have said unto you.
Dr. Kinley: Whatsoever I have said unto you. Now let me ask you a question. Do you know the reason why He
said that? That's something to think about. Now why did He say that? Well, I'm gonna tell you why He said it. Do
you remember that when He come to His disciples, He told them that, John and the rest of 'em, that He had come
to fulfil. Now since He come to fulfill, going through three and a half years that He was along with 'em, with them
fulfilling what was written in the Law and in the Prophets. He knew that they were incapable of retaining in them
what was written in the Law and in the Prophecy. Now follow what I mean. Now when He was along with Moses,
everything He said to Moses, Moses didn't remember. And those teachers that were along with those tribes, they
didn't remember everything. I'll give you an instance. They said to him, said to Moses, said, 'now if in the event
that we have touched a dead man during the time of the passover, 'said, 'now, can we eat the passover?' You know
what Moses said? Said, 'I don't know, I'll have to ask Him.' So he went to Joshua, in your book, and asked Him.
And He told him, 'no, you don't eat the passover until 30 days hence.' You see what I mean? And other things that
Moses missed, but he had Him right along with him. I'll give you another instance so that you can see that. If you
look down through the 1st chapter of Genesis about the creation of heaven and earth. Moses saw that the second
time that he was in the mountain. Now the first time, I should tell you this way: now the first time he was in the
mountain, Yahshua told him to tell the children of Israel to clean up themselves and gather up around the
mountain; and not a beast nor a man or nothing was to touch that mountain, Mount Sinai, and that He would speak
to them from the mountain. Well, Moses, he did that. And then He told Moses to come up in the mountain and He
would give him tables of stone. Now I don't have time to go through everything, but I'm trying to show you now
why Yahshua the Messiah said what he just, what he just read, to his disciples. Alright now, while Moses was up
in the mountain, in the first chapter of Genesis, in verse 27, Moses said that, think you better read.
Reader: So Elohim created man in his image,
Dr. Kinley: So Elohim created man. Now up above that it says that, let us make man in our own likeness and in our
image. Right? And so now he's saying, so what?
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Reader: So Elohim created man in his image,
Dr. Kinley: And Elohim created man in His image.
Reader: in the image of Elohim created he him;
Dr. Kinley: in the image of Elohim created he him;
Reader: male and female created
Dr. Kinley: male and female
Reader: created he him
Dr. Kinley: Created He him. Now look, it didn't say a thing about what He created him out of. You see that? Not a
thing. Nothing. So now the third time when he went up in the mountain to take up where he left off at. What'd He
say then doc? He's bringing it back to his remembrance now.
Reader: Genesis 2nd chapter, 4th verse, Holy Name Version. And Yahweh Elohim formed man of the dust of the
ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;
Dr. Kinley: That's right.
Reader: and man became a living soul.
Dr. Kinley: Now you see that? Now Moses, he didn't put that down in the 6 days right there. The second time that
he went in the mountain, he didn't say it. But He's calling it to his remembrance now, that He did create him from
the dust of the earth. Now Moses put that in there, calling it back to his remembrance what he saw in the vision. So
that is why, so that is why that Yahshua the Messiah, after they had followed him through seeing Him fulfill what
was in the Law and what was in the prophecy. He knew that they wasn't gonna remember all of it. So He telling
'em now that all things when the comforter is come, which is me, and I'll be right with you and I'll call your
attention to these things and I'll do the preaching through you. Now is that clear? That had to be fulfilled too. A lot
of things that they didn't understand, they actually they didn't get the understanding of it until after He come in the
Holy Spirit. They didn't understand a lot of things that He was doing, and asked Him about it. You follow me now?
Now that's why it's so necessary for you to have the Holy Spirit. Do you see what I mean? Do you understand?
Now I'm trying my best to make things clear to you what's going on in this school. Now that's the best I can do is
to clarify everything. That's our goal, so that you will not make so many blunders and errors, and so you will be
able to identify the antimessiah and the false prophets and the false teachers. No flesh has any right to boast in His
sight. Nobody. Thank you Dr. Harris for that at the present time.
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Now we want to call attention to other things that we have put down here. Now one, some of 'em we didn't put 'em
down on this paper. So I'm gonna call attention to it and tell you what was said, and if you don't think it was said,
then I'm gonna read that to you of their, their books. Now my job is showing up the devil. Now that's what my job
is, and I told you that that was what I was sent in the world for. So I'm gonna make that clear to you.
Now Jehovah's Witnesses is wrong. And even if they had said they was Yahweh's Witnesses, they're still wrong.
That's right. Doesn't make any difference whether they said they was Yahweh's Witnesses or Jehovah's Witnesses,
they're still wrong. Now here's why, here's how they're wrong: first, they don't believe in a vision. And everybody
that was a witness, they had to see Yahweh Elohim in a vision, just like Moses looked right at Yahweh Elohim
create Adam in a vision. All of the prophets, they saw a vision, every last one of 'em, and if they had not seen one,
they could not say that they were His witnesses. Now Isaiah 43:12, in your book, Yahweh said, you better read it.
Reader: Isaiah 43:12. I have declared, and have saved, and I have showed, when there was no strange El among
you: therefore ye are my witnesses,
Dr. Kinley: Um hum
Reader: saith Yahweh,
Dr. Kinley: Um hum.
Reader: that I am El.
Dr. Kinley: Um hum. Now this is Isaiah, in the book of Isaiah, but this is not Isaiah talking, it is Elohim through
Isaiah, Yahweh Elohim through Isaiah. Now nobody that had ever, that hadn't seen no vision or nothing had been
revealed to 'em through a vision, he could not be Yahweh's witness. That's a matter of impossibility. Even if you
went to court, if you got up there and they asked you to get up on the witness stand, one of the first things they're
gonna ask you what your name is and did you see whatever it was that you're in court for. And if you say, 'no I
didn't see anything,' you're, you're, you're not a credited witness. They'd chase you from the court. Now if man has
got that much sense, we oughta have better sense than to think that these people going around calling theirselves
Jehovah's Witnesses or Yahweh's Witnesses... It had to be revealed back there in the Law and in the Prophecy.
Now I did not say over in what you call the New Testament. Now He has two witnesses. Now read that Dr. Harris.
Reader: Revelations 11th chapter and the 3rd verse. And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall
prophecy a thousand two hundred and three score days (1260), clothed in sackcloth.
Dr. Kinley: My two witnesses. You follow? Well now, what are His two witnesses? Read.
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Reader: These are the two olive leaves, trees,
Dr. Kinley: That's right.
Reader: and the two candlesticks standing before the Elohim of the earth.
Dr. Kinley: Now you see what it is? Now that's why we tell you to go to the law and go to the testimony because
everything that Moses said in the law had to be confirmed by the prophets. Clear? To both the law and the
prophets, there's just two witnesses, and that was expounded what was revealed to him, to them by the Holy Spirit,
to the prophets what Yahweh revealed to them. Now if they don't believe in a vision, and they don't think anybody
had one, more particular in these last days, there's no possibility of them being any kinda of a witnesses for that
matter, do you follow? Now on top of all that, they say that the spirit is not any, in any man. I don't know whether
you know that or not. You're out of that Dr. Dennis, do they say that?
Dennis Droulard: Yes sir.
Dr. Kinley: But they say it's a vital force upon him, that the Holy Spirit is not in any man, but it is a vital force
upon him. Now what it's just done was called Yahweh a liar. Now you can't be a witness and a liar all at the same
time. Now I'm gonna prove to you that Yahweh did say that He was going to put His spirit within the man. Ezekiel
36 and 25.
Reader: Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you
Dr. Kinley: Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you. Now hold it right there while you got that. And just to show
you how the devil sneaks around and fools folks. Now the Methodists, they use this as a mode of baptism and they
put a collar around your neck, and a little sprinkling of water and so also don't the Roman Catholics. They do. But
now you try reading that again.
Reader: Then will I sprinkle
Dr. Kinley: Now wait a minute. Who said that?
Reader: Then will I
Dr. Kinley: Now Yahweh's gonna do this. Now then, here they are doing what Yahweh said He was gonna do. Are
you following? Alright.
Reader: Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean
Dr. Kinley: Ye shall be clean:
Reader: from all your filthiness
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Dr. Kinley: From all your filthiness.
Reader: and from all your idols,
Dr. Kinley: And from all your idols.
Reader: will I cleanse you.
Dr. Kinley: Will cleanse you.
Reader: a new heart also
Dr. Kinley: A new heart also.
Reader: will I give you
Dr. Kinley: will I give you,
Reader: and a new spirit
Dr. Kinley: And a new spirit.
Reader: will I put within you.
Dr. Kinley: Now wait a minute, Doc. You oughta read that right. Here you're a medical doctor and you can't read it
as a vital force upon somebody. Are you following? Yahweh said He was gonna put it within you. He said a new
heart. And He would wash or sprinkle you with clean water and wash you from all your idols. Now remember,
these things have to be fulfilled because this a prophecy. So when Yahshua the Messiah was the Word made flesh,
in order to fulfill that, you gotta take the basin and wash the disciples feet. And Moses back in the law now, he had
to take Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu to the door of the tabernacle and wash them in the laver and anoint them with oil.
Now what Yahshua the Messiah is doing, He's fulfilling these things, because what He said He was gonna do, and
they twisted that all up. Once all the churches did this. He said that He come to fulfil. They said, 'no, you're wrong.'
They don't even know that, that they're calling Him a liar, because they said He come to institute. Now all these
things were instituted was in two phases, let me put it that way. The end was declared from the beginning, and with
Israel who had, now listen, I didn't say Jew or Gentile'. never said a thing about it. They're the ones that had the
law contained in the ordinances and with diverse washings and so forth and so on, given from Mount Sinai to the
Jew and to the Jew only. Now He's gonna come and fulfill that, 'no, ' they say He's instituting. The world has this
book turned upside down and all messed up every kinda way. And they have called Yahweh a liar, they have
called Yahshua the Messiah a liar. And Yahshua the Messiah called the devil a liar and they're trying to twist it
around and make Yahweh and Yahshua to be the devil or the liar by refuting and disputing what He said. Alright,
read this other verses that I gave you on the paper. Now wait a minute, read, better read that over again,
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somebody might go away and not see that.
Reader: A new heart also will I give you,
Dr. Kinley: Now when Moses broke that first tables of stone that was supposed to be laid in the ark, there wasn't
no ark, and Yahweh knew what he was gonna do. Now somebody says, 'well, Moses was the first one to break the
commandments.' I beg your pardon, he broke the tables of stone and I'll have you know that they had
commandments written and that was the first book of Moses, not Genesis, before Moses went up in the mount,
because when Yahweh spoke those commandments from the mountain, Moses recorded 'em. And then he took,
(I'll just cut this up short) then Moses took the blood of sacrificial animals (now listen at what I'm saying) and he
sprinkled the book and also the people and said, 'this is the covenant which Yahweh thy Elohim has enjoined unto
you.' Now he did that before he went up in the mountain. Then after he went up in the mountain, before he got
back down to break up the tables of stone, they done builded the golden calf down there, which they were told not
to do. Now then when Moses broke that tables of stone, then he had to go down and hew out some stones hisself,
which symbolizing you taking your old stony heart and he's gonna give you a heart of flesh, that's what this
prophet is talking about. Now let me say this, ____ real ____, you know what it's all about or you understand what
it's really all about, when Moses come down out of that mountain and broke those tables of stone, (I'm cutting this
up short) he gave them instructions how to build the tabernacle. They started on the ark of the covenant first. So
when he took them tables of stone back up there the last or the third time, when he came back down he had
somewhere to put 'em. Now somebody that didn't believe or don't think you now what you're talking about, that
tabernacle is symbolical of your body. Now we have a medical doctor setting right here in our midst that will
confirm what I am saying. When a child is conceived in the womb, the head is formed first. Now I mean by that
that the ark of the covenant is formed first. So that you'll have some place to lay and that is symbolical of your
brain that Yahweh is gonna put His spirit in you, a new heart, a heart of flesh. Are you all following me?
Student Body: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: Alright. Read it again Doc and see if that's the way it reads.
Reader: A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you.
Dr. Kinley: That's right. And a new spirit will I put within you and here's what I was telling you. Now if you can
see Moses laying them second tables of stone in the ark of the covenant, you wouldn't be running around here
talking a whole lotta fool talk about, did he put it within you. See how you get tricked when you don't know what
it's all about. Now those folks out there selling books, and they swear about all that's holy, and you couldn't tell a
one nothing to save your life, that they're right and that they are Jehovah's Witnesses. Well, they may be Jehovah's
Witnesses, but Jehovah is really not His name, and neither is Allah. Are you
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following? His name is Yahweh. Now do you see where He said He was gonna put it within. Now let's see whether
He done it or not. 2nd chapter of Acts of Apostles and let's cut this up short and have to move fast.
Reader: And when the day of Pentecost was fully come,
Dr. Kinley: But now when the day of Pentecost was fully come.
Reader: While they were all with one accord in one place.
Dr. Kinley: That's right.
Reader: Suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and filled all the house where they
were sitting.
Dr. Kinley: Now a lotta people don't even know why that was.
Dr. Kinley: You won't go back to the law and you won't go to the prophecy. And you think you're reading over in
the New Testament and that's not so, cause the New Testament is not written with pen and ink but it's written in the
heart and the mind. And all these old erroneous doctrines that are spread throughout the world is as wrong as they
can be, but you're gonna have to have (listen at this) you're going to have to have Yahweh Elohim or in other
words you're gonna have to have Yahshua the Messiah in a body to do some teaching, I didn't say me. You follow
what I, what I say to you cause I'm fully aware and conscious of what I am saying. Now if you are a son, not a
saint, not a Christian, not a Baptist, not a Methodist, not a Roman Catholic, none of that, but if you are a son of
Yahweh as Yahshua the Messiah said that He was, and He was acknowledged at the River of Jordan when He said
and John's baptizing, 'this is My beloved son.' Now that's what you're gonna have to have in you now. Now He
went to prepare a place for you. Now somebody thought that, 'well, He's gone on into heaven now, and He's gonna
prepare a place for us and after a while He's gonna come back and escort us there to our apartment because He said
in My Father's house is many mansions.' Well, He was His Father's house and in it was many mansions. I just got
through telling you we are all the family of Yahweh, and we are the Son as He was then, and what He said to 'em,
said, 'if I go, I'll come again and receive you unto myself.' Now listen at this statement, 'where I am,' where He was
standing right there then in the flesh, He was a Son of Yahweh Elohim. Now you, you following that? Now where
He was at that time is where you're supposed to be now, and that's the place that He prepared for you. You wanna
test the authenticity of that? Now you, you do? Turn over there in Matthew and I'll show you what's, whether,
whether that's so or not. Where He's dividing the sheep from the goats, and let's see what happens. See if He's gone
off somewhere to fix up something up above the sun, moon, and stars. If that's what He meant. Matthew 25, I think
it's 34 or 35 or something like that, where He's dividing the sheep from the goats.
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Reader: When the Son of man shall come in his glory,
Dr. Kinley: When the Son of Man shall come in His glory.
Reader: and all his holy angels with him,
Dr. Kinley: And all of His holy angels with Him.
Reader: then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:
Dr. Kinley: Then shall He set upon the throne of His glory.
Reader: And before him shall be gathered all nations;
Dr Kinley: And before Him shall be gathered the jews.
Student Body: No.
Reader: All.
Dr. Kinley: Now how about that. All nations. Alright, read.
Reader: and he shall separate them one from another,
Dr. Kinley: Now he shall separate them one for, from another.
Reader: as a shepherd divideth his sheep
Dr. Kinley: As a shepherd divideth his sheep.
Reader: from the goats:
Dr. Kinley: From the goats.
Reader: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand,
Dr. Kinley: Now He shall set the sheep on His right hand.
Reader: but the goats on the left.
Dr. Kinley: But the goats on the left.
Reader: Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand,
Dr. Kinley: Then shall the King say unto them.
Reader: on his right hand,
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Dr. Kinley: On His right hand.
Reader: Come, ye blessed of my Father,
Dr. Kinley: Come, ye blessed of My Father.
Reader: inherit the kingdom
Dr. Kinley: In... Now wait a minute, just a minute now, let's get this thing easy. Inherit the kingdom, come ye
blessed of my father and inherit the kingdom which Jesus went to prepare.
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: Well now, I wanna find out about it.
Reader: and inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:
Dr. Kinley: Now you see that? It was prepared way back yonder. What would He look like creating a man with a
belly and an appetite and have to be fed and then he got to go out there and plant some seed in the ground and
grow up some trees in the Garden of Eden before he had anything to eat. Do you see, do you understand what I'm
talking about? What would a mother look like having a child and she ain't got nothing for him to eat? You see what
I'm talking about? You see how stupid we can get because we don't know the purpose. Now I want to put this in
there. If you'll notice that He said there, read that over again Doc.
Reader: Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom
prepared for you from the foundation of the world:
Dr. Kinley: from the foundation of the earth. Well now, what's He going to prepare, that's already been prepared,
so He wasn't going away to prepare one, it's already prepared. He's going to prepare a place for you, and the place
that He's prepared for you is for you to be where He was when He said that. Somebody said, 'Well, where's that?'
That when you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, stand in the Holy Place, whoso readeth, let him
understand. And the most of us don't even know where that was, we didn't know that was even in the Book, cause
we don't know nothing about the pattern, nobody told us nothing about it. We got a long ways off from what I
intend to.., but I'm just trying to show you how stupid. Then, while we're on that, but since we were talking about
Jehovah Witnesses. let me show you this. Now all around they got what they call Kingdom Hall that they have
builded up, and they're premillenium. Now they look for Yahshua the Messiah to come down through the sky and
set up a kingdom on this earth, not realizing, not understanding that He sent His disciples out and told them to tell
the people that the kingdom of heaven is nigh. Well now, it was 2000, almost 2000 years off, it wouldn't be very
close to
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you, wouldn't you think? Now what is the Kingdom of God, or the Kingdom of Yahweh? What is it? Romans
Reader: For the kingdom of Yahweh is not meats and drinks
Dr. Kinley: Now, for the kingdom of Yahweh, now let's get this straight. Now I, I don't, I don't have time to do a
whole lot reading cause I have a lot of ground to cover here but I'm trying to point it out to you so that you can see.
Now the first covenant with Israel stood only in meats and drinks and diverse washings and carnal ordinances
imposed on the Jew or on them until the time of the reformation. And Yahshua the Messiah had to come to fulfil
all of those carnal ordinances and footwashing, water baptism, and all those carnal.., that was given to them, and
Yahweh, they called Him a liar on that. He said He was not gonna make another covenant, Jeremiah 31:31, like He
did in the days when He took Israel by the hand and led them out into the wilderness, led them out of Egypt. He
said He wasn't gonna do it. Now then, some of these stupid preachers say, 'well, water baptism was brought over
from the other age, foot washing was brought over from the other age, Lord's supper was brought over from the
other age.' Now this is what Yahshua the Messiah said about it. He said, 'verily, verily I say unto you that one jot
or one tittle of the law, 'it means that's a jot and a tittle, 'shall not pass until they all be fulfilled.' And when He had
fulfilled the law it was nailed out there on the cross. We are not dealing with the flesh no more. We're dealing with
the spirit, not the flesh. Now the kingdom, it's a spiritual kingdom. And let me get this over to you too cause.., I, I
hope you get a chance to read. Now in the kingdom of Yahweh. Now Dr. Harris read it awhile ago (which we just
can't set up here and continue to repeat these things over and over) that when He would come with His mighty
angels. Now these mighty angels are in that kingdom prepared for you before the foundation of the world. They're
in there. Somebody might say, 'well now look, I don't believe that, what you just read it. Then if you went into the
sanctuary (somebody run up there right quick), if you went into the sanctuary, you would find Michael and (better
look at the big one over there, they can't see that too well.) Now that's the interior of the tabernacle or the
sanctuary. And if you notice on the veils and all around the walls, there are angels in it. Now that is a figure of
heaven. Now all you have to do to find out what's there is to look in the sanctuary in heaven. Alright, read.
Reader: For the kingdom is not meats
Dr. Kinley: Now it's not meats.
Reader: and drinks
Dr. Kinley: And drink.
Reader: but righteousness, peace
Dr. Kinley: But it is, now this is what it is. It is righteousness
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Reader: and peace,
Dr. Kinley: And peace.
Reader: and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Dr. Kinley: And joy in the Holy Spirit. Now that's what the kingdom of Yahweh is and that's what He sent His
disciples out to tell the people that it was at hand. And the other covenant had to be moved out of the way before
the.., or a New Covenant could come of effect or the Holy Spirit within you. Do you understand now? Now that's
clean, that's clear, that anybody that understands what it's all about. Now if you would go into Solomon's Temple
you would find that the interior of that temple had angelic figures on it and it had pomegranate trees and it was
gold, overlaid with gold and pressed into those figures which signified the new earth state. Now these people
running around talking about the kingdom and Yahshua the Messiah coming back setting up a kingdom on the
earth; it's foolish, nothing else but foolishness. It's already set up and it is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy
Spirit. And Yahshua the Messiah taken off the flesh, come back in the spirit in the Father's name and is in you, the
tabernacle, just like He dwelled in that tabernacle back with Israel. That's why the apostle said, 'don't you know,'
the sixth chapter of 1 Corinthians, 'don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit? of which temple
you are, for you are bought with a price' (get this straight) 'and you are not your own.' People looking at one
another, they think they got a body, they don't have no body. The body belongs to Him, and He's just manifesting
through you, that's all; and not only you, the earth is the, Yahweh and the fullness thereof, and everything in His
temple says glory to the Father, but with a carnal mind you can't see off of the end of your nose. And the devil is
doing nothing else but tricking you and fooling you. Alright. Now go back and get those scriptures that I had in the
Reader: 14th chapter of Revelations
Dr. Kinley: 14th. Now here's something else Jehovah's Witnesses teach. They say that there is a 144000 of the
earth class going to heaven and the rest of 'em be bound to hell on earth. Now that's not so. Now here's where they
get it at. Read.
Reader: And I looked, and lo a Lamb stood on the mount Sion,
Dr. Kinley: And I looked and lo a lamb stood on mount Sion.
Reader: and with him
Dr. Kinley: And with him
Reader: a hundred, forty and four thousand (144,000),
Dr. Kinley: With Him a hundred and forty and four thousand (144,000).
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Reader: having his name and his Father's name
Dr. Kinley: Having His name and their Father's name.
Reader: written in their
Dr. Kinley: Hold it. Now His name and His Father's name is not Jehovah, not Jehovah God as they say. Having it
written in their forehead. Now let me give you a little symbolical illustration of that. I'll do it real quick. The high
priest when he put on the miter or the bonnet, it had two strings that went around and tied in the back, and it had
this insignia on it: 'Holiness unto Yahweh.' Now that's what it had on, signified that His name would be in their
foreheads. Alright, read.
Reader: having his name
Dr. Kinley: Having His name.
Reader: and his father's name
Dr. Kinley: And His Father's name.
Reader: written in their foreheads.
Dr. Kinley: Written in their foreheads.
Reader: And I heard a voice from heaven
Dr. Kinley: And I heard a voice from heaven.
Reader: as a voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder, and I heard the voice of harpers, harping
with their harps:
Dr. Kinley: That's right.. Now get in the 7th chapter where he heard the number.
Reader: 7th chapter and the 4th verse.
Dr. Kinley: 7th chapter, 4th verse.
Reader: of Revelations
Dr. Kinley: Of Revelations.
Reader: And I heard the number of them which were sealed:
Dr. Kinley: I heard the number of them which were sealed.
Reader: and there were sealed
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Dr. Kinley: And there were sealed.
Reader: a hundred and forty and four thousand (144,000)
Dr. Kinley: A hundred and forty four thousand (144,000)
Reader: of all the tribes
Dr. Kinley: Of all the tribes.
Reader: of the children of Israel.
Dr. Kinley: Of the children of Israel. Now somebody go to the chart. Now, when the children of Israel come out of
the land of Egypt (see he's pointing to it), went through the Red Sea, and went in the Wilderness of Sinai, they're,
they're pointing every which a way, cause that's what these charts are drawn for. Yahweh ordered me to draw these
charts and I have just definitely decided I will not make no more charts and if you can't get it from here, shame on
Student Body: Alright.
Dr. Kinley: Now, when Israel come up out of Egypt, went through the Red Sea, went in the Wilderness of Sinai,
and then stayed there 40 years, one day for a year, and all of them died in there except Eleazar, I mean that came
out of Egypt, Eleazar, Phineas (Phinehas?), and Caleb. No, I didn't say that. I didn't say that Joshua was ____ ____.
No indeed, I did not say that. Now the reason why I didn't say that, He wasn't born down in Egypt, now He just
took on that body down there in Egypt, He's the son of Nun. 'No, what are you talking about?' None of the twelve
tribes of Israel or the twelve sons of Jacob. And He's still the son of none after the flesh. Alright, now, how many
Doc, according to Numbers, how many was it that come out a there and all of 'em died in the Wilderness ____
____, including Moses and Aaron, except Phineas or finish.
Student Body: Right.
Dr. Kinley: You got that? Eleazar, that's Aaron's son, and Phineas, so Phineas and Eleazar and Caleb. Now those
three men had to come out of there and make it to Canaan's Land. Now there was a reason for that: in the mouth of
two (2) or three (3) witnesses every word has got to be established and you got Yahweh, Elohim and Yahshua the
Messiah don't you have that? Then you got to have that same thing going into Canaan's Land that come up out a
Egypt. Alright, but how many was there Doc?
Dr. Harris: 603,550 soldiers.
Dr. Kinley: Where do you find that at?
Dr. Harris: over in
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Dr. Kinley: Now somebody's gonna running on these tapes
Dr. Harris: Numbers 1:49
Dr. Kinley: Numbers 1:49. How many?
Dr. Harris: 603, 550
Dr. Kinley: 603, 500 and what?
Dr. Harris: 50
Dr. Kinley: 50. Now how did he, how did he get the count? Moses told them in the 25th chapter of Exodus, that
each one of 'em from 20 years old bring a offering to build that tabernacle out of the substance which they brought
up out of Egypt. And as they brought it they were numbered. Right?
Student Body: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: You got a record of it there, haven't you? But those that were born in the Wilderness and went across
the River of Jordan to fight and to.., the conquest of Canaan of able bodied men, Joshua took a count of 'em, but
nobody knew nothing about how.., just how many there was, cause you don't have no records back over there. And
they had a record of how many come out of Egypt.
Reader: Numbers 1:46
Dr. Kinley: Numbers 1:46. Numbers 1:46. But none of 'em, Joshua, he counted them, they was never supposed to
be counted without the shekel of the sanctuary. They already had the sanctuary, but Joshua is counting, it must
have been for another purpose. The able bodied men that was able to go to war. Now, how many of 'em it was, it
didn't say, it's not written. Now here's John out on the Isle of Patmos, he said he heard the number called. So it is
Yahshua, son of Yahweh, out on the Isle of Patmos with John. After he had ascended into heaven, listen now, and
after the conquest of Canaan's Land was finished. And that tabernacle and all setting up there. How many of 'em
was it? No record. But John said, 'I heard the number called, 144,000.' Jehovah's Witnesses said that's the 144000
of the earth class going to heaven. That happened way back there. Do you follow? And that was a 144,000. But
now since that time, that there was many that was born in Canaan's Land and come all the way down to Yahshua
the Messiah and on down to these apostles on past. And many of 'em that.., read about that multitude, John said he
looked and he saw.
Reader: These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the
Lamb whithersoever he goeth.
Dr. Kinley: That's right. There's another number there. There's a great multitude that no man could number there.
In the 7th or the 14th chapter of Revelations.
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Reader: 7th chapter and the ninth verse. After this I beheld, and lo, a great multitude, which no man could number
Dr. Kinley: which no man could number
Reader: of all nations
Dr. Kinley: of all nations
Reader: and kindred
Dr. Kinley: and kindreds
Reader: and people, and tongues
Dr. Kinley: and people and tongues,
Reader: stood before the throne.
Dr. Kinley: Now just hold it, just a minute. You remember that Yahweh told Abraham that he would multiply his
seed as the sands of the sea. He told Abraham to look up and count the stars. Now here this whole multitude that
John is seeing out there on the Isle of Patmos, even the Gentiles were grafted in and they made up that great
multitude which no man could number. And they too was out there on Mount Sion. Now someone would come
along and say, 'well look, you're wrong about that, you don't know what you're talking about, you don't understand
what you're talking about.' Now I'm gonna let you read, where'd you say they was?
Reader: Mt. Sion
Dr Kinley: On Mount Sion. Now let's see whether what we're saying is so or not. 12th chapter of Hebrews. Now
Hebrews are jews. And let's see whether what I just said is so or not. Alright read.
Reader: For ye are not come
Dr. Kinley: Where you reading?
Reader: Hebrews 12:18
Dr. Kinley: Hebrews 12:18. Look in your Book in Hebrews 12:18. Alright read
Reader: For ye are not come unto the mount that might be touched,
Dr. Kinley: You are not come unto the mount that might be touched.
Reader: that burned with fire,
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Dr. Kinley: And that burned with fire,
Reader: nor unto blackness
Dr. Kinley: Nor unto blackness and darkness
Reader: and darkness, and tempest
Dr. Kinley: And tempest.
Reader: and the sound of a trumpet.
Dr. Kinley: And the sound of a trumpet.
Reader: and the voice of words
Dr. Kinley: And the voice of words
Reader: which voice they that heard entreated
Dr. Kinley: For they, they that heard entreated.
Reader: that the word should not be spoken to them anymore.
Dr. Kinley: That the word should not be spoken to them anymore.
Reader: For they could not endure that which was commanded.
Dr. Kinley: For they could not endure that which that they were commanded, was commanded
Reader: And if so much as a beast
Dr. Kinley: And if so much as a beast touched the mountain, that Mount Sinai back there
Reader: it shall be stoned or thrust through with a dart:
Dr. Kinley: Stoned or thrust through with a dart.
Reader: And so terrible was the sight.
Dr. Kinley: And so terrible was the sight
Reader: that Moses said
Dr. Kinley: That Moses, now you got it now, that Moses said
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Reader: I exceedingly fear and quake
Dr. Kinley: 'I, I'm shaking myself.' Moses the man that Yahweh spoke to at the burning bush and He sent him
down into Egypt and brought 'em out. He said, 'I'm, I exceedingly quake and fear. And he stood there and trembled
and so also did Mount Sinai. Alright read.
Reader: But
Dr. Kinley: Uh oh. Now you got a but. Now anybody in here that's ever been to school knows that and, but, and for
are conjunctions that join together two complete thoughts. Now you not come to Mount Sinai, but you are come...
Now wait a minute. Read that over again.
Reader: But
Dr. Kinley: But
Reader: ye are come.
Dr. Kinley: No, no, no, no. We ain't gonna have it like that. There ain't but a 144,000 of the earth class going. Now
here's Paul saying, 'ye are come.' Already come. That's past tense. Not going.. Are you following me now? But ye
are come, to what?
Reader: unto Mount Sion
Dr. Kinley: To Mount Sion. Did you say that there is but a 144,000 standing out there on Mount Sion ____ ____
____. Do you say that? Well now here's Mount Sion. And now Paul say, you are come. The Jehovah's Witnesses is
saying,'Oh no only 144,000 of the earth class going. Now you see? Now are you reading out of the Bible?
Reader: Yes I am
Dr. Kinley: Alright read.
Reader: But ye are come
Dr. Kinley: But ye are come. Already come. Read.
Reader: unto Mt. Sion
Dr. Kinley: unto Mt. Sion
Reader: and unto the city of the living Elohim
Dr. Kinley: and unto the city of the living Elohim
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Reader: and the heavenly Jerusalem
Dr. Kinley: Now listen, not the earthly Jerusalem over here but the heavenly Jerusalem. Now that almost makes me
have to stop right there and run you over here in Galatians 4:26. And I'm just showing you how somebody get the
thing all messed up, all twisted up. And these satanic spirits incarnated in a physical body. Now my point here now
is, you just got through reading, you are come to the heavenly Mt. Sion and the heavenly Jerusalem. Is that what
you read? Alright, now let's see.
Reader: Galatians 4:26
Dr. Kinley: Galatians 4:26. Now back to Jerusalem there.
Reader: but Jerusalem which is above
Dr. Kinley: But Jerusalem which is above
Reader: is free
Dr. Kinley: is free.
Reader: which is the mother of us all.
Dr. Kinley: Is the mother of us all. Do you see that now? ____ ____ ____ ____ but is the mother of both the jews
and the gentiles. The mother of us all. Now did you just say Jerusalem above? Did you just say you are come to
Mount Sion and to Jerusalem above? Is that what you said? Notice now it didn't say the Vatican. It didn't say
Rome. It didn't say Rome above. It said Jerusalem above, which is the mother of us all. Now Roman Catholics
think that they are the mother church, can't be anything else other than the mother of harlots, because Jerusalem
above is our mother. Now all them kinda things is why they running around looking for me, trying to get a crack at
me. And the carnal minded, I'm a jew inwardly, so don't feel bad when I say the carnal minded jews and the
Roman Catholics and the protestants are the satanic spirits incarnated in physical bodies with a carnal mind and are
dead and they don't know what it's all about. And they just got the whole thing all twisted and all messed up, have
came up with every kind of erroneous doctrine you can think of. Now alright, read.
Reader: and ye are come to an innumerable company of angels.
Dr. Kinley: Now wait just a minute doc, wait just a minute. Now you there gonna come. Now some people will
come along and say, 'how many members you got in your church? There's so many thousands of us, not a handful
of folks like you got. And it was that you was preaching the right thing you'd have a whole lot of 'em.' No, I beg
your pardon, you got it backwards because there isn't gonna be a lot of men that go over from this age, as there was
of men which come over from the ark and as there was men that come over from Yahshua the Messiah into
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this present age. Now we are come to an innumerable company of angels. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
____ ____. Alright.
Reader: to the general assembly.
Dr. Kinley: And to the general assembly. Now hold that. Wait just a minute. Now this is Paul talking. Now when
Yahshua the Messiah appeared or revealed to John out in the Isle of Patmos. He told him to write what he saw and
heard and send it to the Vatican to be imprimatured.
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: How bout that? Not anything imprimatured by Roman Catholics ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____.
So he didn't tell him ____ that. They say they're so many because the ____ banished John to the Isle of Patmos, so
if he banished him to the Isle of Patmos, it would seem like that his communication would have been with Rome,
but He didn't tell him to do that. He said send it to the 7 churches or assemblies which were in Asia: Philadelphia,
Laodicea and so forth and so on. Now look, now all of them, just like our schools are everywhere ____, they all
speak the same thing and they're all perfectly joined together as far as the earth plane is concerned, were in the
same place, so it's the general assembly. Alright read.
Reader: and church of the firstborn.
Dr. Kinley: and congregation or assembly of the first born, of the firstborn. Read.
Reader: which are written in heaven
Dr. Kinley: Which are written in heaven
Reader: and to Yahweh the judge
Dr. Kinley: No, no, doc. You can't read right. He can't read right. Medical doctor setting up in here and he can't
even read it right. Went to college and got his degrees, and practicing medicine, studied anatomy and physiology,
and psychology and philosophy and every other kinda thing, and now he can't read. You don't want a doctor like
that to come around to you.
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: Do you see through what I mean? Now he's reading out of the Book. He's reading what the book says,
not what Jehovah's Witnesses say or somebody else. You see the point? Now you have come to Yahweh. Yahweh
is everywhere, He is the sum total of everything that exists. And it is in Him that we live and we move and we
have our being. Now when I say the sum total of everything, I do mean the vegetation, the man, the ____ or the
depths of the sea
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that is____ , or let me reach down, lotta times they scold me about them words, every so called inanimate and
animate object and thing, individuals and personals in the earth plane and also in the heavens above, including the
incorporeal as well as the corporeal. Now that's who He is. He's the Father, listen, and we have it said every time
we come to school, He is the source, and He is the substance, He is the limits and the bounds. No way to get
outside of Him and look back at Him. And no man has seen Him with these physical eyes. You just have to see
Him manifested in a body and in nature because He's the sum total of everything. He's the ____ and the substance
of everything. Now did you follow me? Did you understand? Now if we'd believe that, we'd behave ourselves one
towards another. The black folks over here running around talking about black power. The white folks have got
white supremacy. The jews, they're segregated and separated. Now get this one. The yellow folks, they say the
Chinese... Williams, did you ever get the ____ of that? Now the Chinese are the yellow race. Now while I'm on
that. I wanna tell you this. Don't you be deceived. Now I told you who I was. I told you that I was a jew inwardly
and not one outwardly, and I also told you that I was the Son of God, not a Roman Catholic or a Protestant, and I
am not a communist. And when you come right down to the thing that's what we've all got, just common, just
common folks with the spirit of Yahweh. That's it. Now I'm not taken as they define me to be. Now they say, the
devil said this, the Roman Catholic Church. They put that story on the communists. They said they were atheistic
inclined. That's what they say, but I wanna let you know that the Roman Catholic Church in Russia, I wanna let
you know that there's a Baptist Church in Russia, I wanna let you know that the Russian Orthodox Church is in
Russia. And I wanna let you know that the Russian people believe in Yahweh, but they don't believe in this
segregational foolishness that the Roman Catholics have with because they will not let them rule the world in these
things that's are ____. They gobble up all the land and every thing.
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13) SEPTEMBER 24, 1972:
by Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley
Los Angeles, California
recorded by Edna Law
1 90 minute audio cassette
CATALOG # 72.0924
transcribed by Gary Leach and Cathy Fenti
proofread by Gerry Rothstein and Michael Rothstein
proofread and approved by the International Public Relations Committee: 1996
1. …indicates that Dr. Kinley ended a word or a sentence without verbally completing it.
2. Audience comments are included only if more than one person responded or if Dr. Kinley was speaking directly to a
specific person.
3. Unless emphasized by Dr. Kinley pause words have been left out of the transcript for the sake of ease in readability and
comprehension (ah, uh, see, you see, you see what I mean, isn’t that right, understand, you understand, do you understand).
4. ___ indicates an inaudible word or syllable
5. WORDS IN CAPITAL LETTERS are comments of the transcriber.
Dr. Kinley: Good morning, I just wanna make a few remarks, call your attention to some things. And as I quite
frequently say, people put their finger on things in the Bible, read a verse and then make it to be foolishness. Now,
we had the 3rd chapter of John read, and it says there, no man has ascended into heaven. Now this is Yahshua the
Messiah talking to Nicodemus. Nicodemus was a ruler of the Jews, and of the Sanhedrin Council, which I mean by
that he was a ruler or an elder of seventy. Now He said, no man has ascended into heaven save the Son of Man
which is come down from heaven. Suppose you read.
Reader: And no man has ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of Man which
is in heaven.
Dr. Kinley: Now you've got in heaven there. Now, are reading out of the Holy Name Bible?
Reader: Holy Name.
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Dr. Kinley: Read on.
Reader: And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the son of man be lifted up. That
whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. For Yahweh so loved the world, that he gave
his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Dr. Kinley: Have everlasting life. Now, this is what I wanna tell you, since we've been talking about entering in,
and a coming out of these veils. I wanna make it real good and clear to you so you can understand. Now no man
has ascended into heaven. Now somebody will read the Bible and they'll say, 'well what about Enoch? What about
Elijah? Says there he ascended into heaven in a chariot of fire and threw his mantle back on to Elisha.' Is that right?
Student Body: Right
Dr. Kinley: 'What about them?' Now here comes Yahshua the Messiah says He hasn't seen anything of them up
there. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Now how do you think that? Now if you noticed, He said that He was
coming down. Right?
Student Body: Right.
Dr. Kinley: I want you to see this now. Didn't anyone see Him come down. Now how about that one. Now I wanna
tell you how He came down. He came down through 63 generations. (DR. KINLEY LAUGHS) Yes indeed here
He is. And you have confirmation of that by those cranial nerves, 63 of them. Am I almost half way right about
that. Now you don't see them come down. Do you?
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: No. That right? Now, we were discussing about going in this side of the vail in the tabernacle. And
then as Dr. Mitchell told you, I said, 'no, this side.' The high priest.., well, now there could be a lot of controversy
still yet going on in the minds of the people about such things. Right?
Student Body: Right.
Dr. Kinley: Now if He come down that way and they didn't see Him come down through 63 generations... Now if
you wanna get straightened out on that, look at the 3rd chapter of Luke and the last verse. Now we don't have time
to read all the...
Reader: which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of
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Dr. Kinley: Now he was the Son of 'Elohim' in the flesh. Now 63 generations of Him, here comes the Messiah, I
mean through the loins of a woman. Now before when He was back there with Moses He didn't come through no
loins of no woman. But now I want to point this out to you, that He told that woman back there (now are you
listening? Are you real sure you're listening?) and Moses was listening right at Him when He told her that she
should bring forth children. Isn't that right? And of course it was coming from, from Adam, which come from her,
come from him; in other words the woman come from the man. And the posterity come through the seed. Now
then, it's..., we've told you this time and time again that that serpent's head would bruise his heel and it's heel would
bruise his head. Is that right? Now if you're gonna talk about him going in on the left hand side... Now ____ ____
____ down. Now here is what I, here's what I want you, this is what I want you to see. Look in the 7th chapter of
Acts of the Apostles when Stephen was stoned to death. See what he said there. He's looking up and he saw the
vision and he said he saw Him standing at where?
Student Body: Right hand
Dr. Kinley: Right hand, which means that now He has fulfilled all of that and has come on down through them
generations. So now then he's got to be at the right hand. Now this is what I'm talking about. When He ascended
that's on the Mount of Olives, get that in the 1st chapter of Acts, into heaven. Then you read this morning, in the
vail, about Him appearing within the vail, that is to say, within the vail, that is to say what? Now, not not, I want
everybody to understand now what we're talking about so we won't have a whole lotta interrogations and questions
about it. In through the vail, that is to say through the flesh. Is that what Stephen said? Read it. Now be quick, I
don't wanna be up here too long, I want to let someone preach to you.
Reader: And said, behold, I see the heavens opened and the son of...
Dr. Kinley: Stand up and, and, and a lotta times people can't hear back there.
Reader: Acts 7:56 and said, behold I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing on the right hand of
Dr. Kinley: Right hand. So he ascended. Now we're talking about a descent and an ascent. Alright, thank you Dr.
Gross. Now read there in the Acts of Apostles. I mean in Hebrews about the things that it says enter into the, the,
through the flesh. Now here's what I'm telling you. Now listen. Listen close now. And this is how you miss the
Reader: Hebrews 10:20.
Dr. Kinley: Hebrews 10:20. Read.
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Reader: 19th verse. Having therefore, brethren, liberty to enter into the Holiest place by the blood of Yahshua by a
new and living way which he has consecrated for us through the vail, that is to say, his flesh.
Dr. Kinley: That is to say, his flesh. Now when he died and resurrected out there, no more flesh. Now he entered in
through the vail, that is to say, His flesh. I tried my best to tell you every kinda way I know how that Yahshua the
Messiah or the Holy Spirit in you. Whereas Yahweh said that he was gonna put it in the New Testament or in that
New Covenant. And while we're on that too, I wanna make this clear to you: that was not a covenant that was
made with the house, I mean with the gentiles. The New Covenant nor the old wasn't made with the gentiles, made
with the House of Israel and the House of Judah. Is that almost right? And you according, as Dr. Mitchell preached
so hard on this morning, you come in by the promise that He made to Abraham that through his seed He would
bless all of the families of the earth. Is that almost right? Now we wanna get through this vail, you wanna
understand this thing. Now I want you to go over to Matthew 27, I think it's 52. Now I want you to see how this
vail is a.., is fixed up. And I want you to see what happened. You tell me now, whether it was rented from the
bottom to the top or from the top to the bottom. Try reading it.
Reader: And behold, the vail of the temple was torn in twain from the top to the bottom.
Dr. Kinley: Now it's from the top to the bottom. How did that happen? Is because, now those curtains out here and
in there too, was hung, and they hung down from the top and that signifies the flesh. Well when He resurrected
from the, or from the dead, now the vail was ripped completely out, a new and living way. And He entered on
through the vail, that is to say through His flesh. And He entered on back into heaven. Now listen, He came down
from heaven. Now he didn't come down on this side over here, can't do that. So now He's got to, Okay, He's got to
go enter in, I mean straight in too, I don't mean on the side either, I mean straight up there, but that vail has got to
be ripped out. Now that's the thing that we can't learn. Now here's why we can't learn it, because we can't see
within the vail.
But if you get up and start your mouth to running then it won't be long before somebody gonna see through you.
Yes sir, they're gonna see through you just as sure as shooting.
Now we had a person here the other night. They read all around in the Bible. We ain't got no argument with the
Bible, course we know there's interpolations and mistranslations in it. Then by reading, now these people know
what's in a Bible, what's the matter with you. There ain't anybody in here that can't read. Someone up there just
saying I, I would, I'd be surprised to find anybody in here that couldn't read. Now listen Bill, you can't read nothing
out of this Bible that I can't read out of it. And I can't read nothing out of it that you can't read out of it. Now how
about that?
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So when he got through with it, ____ ____ I said listen, anybody in this room that disagrees with what that man
read out of the Bible, stand up. So if you get up, they can look around too. We don't have no disagreement with
you. They swear that you can read just as well out of this Bible as anybody else. That's not where the problem is.
That's not where, that's not where the problem is. And we've told you time and time again, this is not a Bible
reading, scripture quoting contest. That's not what this is.
Oh, I could tell you some things yet that would almost straighten your hair. That's right. For those of us who don't
have real straight hair and those of us who have straight hair they'd stand it almost on their ends. (STUDENT
BODY LAUGHS) Now since I've come to think about it, I think I'll tell you something about it. If they're laying it
down as well as they did before where we did before. Oh me, oh my, can you tell me how this happened? Now you
have the 7th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles don't you? Alright now, I want you to listen now. Now don't be
trying to read, because now, I'll tell you where it is at. I think you'll find this over there in the 3rd chapter of
Exodus. Now listen. Dr. Gross is fixing to botch up something else here. ____ ____ Now they didn't know, the
people did not know that, that the tent of the tabernacle of the congregation that the assembly, it was brought out of
Egypt. They, they didn't know that. Now I didn't say the tabernacle, I said the tent of the tabernacle. Now listen
Freddie, what I wanna say now. Now you've got the bread in you, and you missed the boat, and this kind of thing
and somebody comes back and tell you something about it. Say, 'well, why didn't you tell us about it before now?'
Well it wasn't time. I can't tell you something until Yahweh tells me to tell you. How about that? Yahshua the
Messiah at the transfiguration, and from that time forward he began to tell them about how he got to go up to
Jerusalem and to suffer and to die. He didn't tell them before. Is that what the Book said? Then finally by and by
He told them for this cause came I into the world to die. Now how,about that? But they didn't know it and He
didn't tell them till after the transfiguration. Right? Now look, the tent of the tabernacle was pitched back here at
the back side of the mount, that they brought up out of Egypt, and the cloud stood there. Are you listening now?
And it was pitched afar off (I'd like you to get that afar off too) from the rest of the assembly. No Moses ____, they
were not right there camping around with the rest of them. It's on the back side of the mountain and afar off from
the camp. Can you read that in the Book? Now look, when He took Moses up in the mountain and showed him the
tabernacle. Now this is what He told him, He told him to take an offering of the Children of Israel and build Him a
sanctuary so that He might dwell among them. How about that?
Now then, when the sanctuary or tabernacle was builded then, and, and consecrated and all, then that cloud that
brought them up out of Egypt, the cloud that hung over the top of Mount Sinai (there goes Your hair-raiser) it
come on down over the top of that tabernacle, and they couldn't minister in it. And it was the same way in the
temple too, because the temple was filled with smoke or with incense. They couldn't minister in it at all. Now are
you listening? Are you sure you're listening? Well, right there is where the shechinah enters in. Which side did he
go in? How did he get in? But he entered in, and listen here, I want to get this
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one over to you too, so you can take this one home with you. Now Joshua, after he crossed over the River Jordan
and went into Palestine and set that tabernacle out there on Mount Sion. Of course it was 20 years in and out ____,
but there was ____ going on. Joshua had gathered all the elders of Israel together at Shechem. You'll find I think
that around about the 24th chapter of Joshua. And He told them about what all that He had did down there in the
land of Egypt.
Now if you wanna argue with Him and say He wasn't down there, but when you read over here in, in Exodus and
all, the first thing you, the first place you read him, He's out there fighting against the Amalekites. The problem is
they missed that. They read about Him that he was down here, on the other side of the river, other side of the flood.
Is that right? Now, at Shechem as He gathered the Israel's elders together, and He told them what you read there in
the 24th chapter of Joshua. He died at age 110, now I ain't gonna go into no whole lot of mathematics on that. And
they buried His body in the plot given to Ephraim. Right? You say that's right? Now watch and see where I am
going to but every year after that, when that high priest would go into that sanctuary, so that's what I want you to
see, the Elohim of Israel would appear there in the cloud. That's what he seen in the vision. Now this entering
through the vail and through the flesh and coming into the flesh and all like that, those are things that people just
simply miss the boat on. You follow what I'm trying to say? That wasn't all there was to Him, is what they put in
the ground and that, that wasn't all of it. Do you see what a problem you got on your hands. And every smart alec
that comes along thinks he knows all about the purpose of Yahweh. And he thinks all that you have to do is read
the Bible and then he's got it made. Not so. Now listen folks, He went straight on in by a new and living way. What
do you mean by that? It means that while that vail was hanging up there, the way in was not made known, but after
He had died and resurrected from the dead, that vail was ripped out. Now how do you go in? Now some of these
things have to be revealed to these people. Now, where problems are, Yahshua in you or the Holy Spirit in you, is
within the vail. And when you get up and yak, yak and yak, yak and yak, yak and run your mouth and read all
around in the Bible to prove a point, misunderstanding everything you read. We didn't have no quarrel with the
Bible, we had a quarrel with you, what you said. Now I wanna mention one or another thing here too. Now
Matthew 28:19, I want you to read and 20.
Reader: Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you alway,
even unto the end of the age.
Dr. Kinley: Now listen folks, that man stood here on the floor, and he said, 'now that means by the authority of
Jesus Christ.' That's what he said, that's what that means. Is that what he said? Those of you were here, you heard
him, didn't you? He said now that's what they teach. They teach it's by the authority of Jesus Christ. I say he don't
have no authority to tell nobody to go and baptize somebody in water. How about that? Do you know why I said
that? Because if he's gonna come and fulfill the carnal ordinances and move it out of the way, he's
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not gonna try and tell somebody to go out there and do some of it. You follow what I mean? So it don't mean you
have to, you don't have to put your own interpretation on the Bible.
Now listen folks. When He ascended off of the Mount of Olives. There's another thing we just can't do. They don't
understand it. And out here, on this chart right here, this is what I'm talking about (POUNDING NOISE
AGAINST THE CHART), this is the Mount of Olives. And if you watch these charts, there you see the 2 angels,
there you see the 2 men, there you see the cloud and Him dwelling in the cloud. Same thing there. He's on top the
Mount of Olives. And they saw that vision in that cloud on top of there. He was.., look here, don't you know where
these 2 men are? Don't you know who they are? Moses and John. The law and the prophets. Michael and Gabriel.
Don't you, don't you understand that? Now look, if He came down from heaven and they didn't see him, that's the
reason why they questioned Him. And they thought that he was Joseph's son. And He was walking around talking
about His father. And then somebody else wanna raise an argument, where it says there in the 3rd chapter of John,
no man has ascended into heaven but the Son of Man. They want to put it like this: which was in heaven, meaning
that He's not now. Want to draw a long WAAAS in heaven. Somebody says, they're thinking as He's thinking now.
Are you listening? Are you sure you're listening? Now, He said no man has seen the Father at any time but the Son
and to whomsoever the Son will reveal. Ain't nobody will reveal nothing to you but the Son. I don't mean the son
of perdition either. He said I proceeded and come forth from the Father, His intent words, which was in heaven,
and which is in heaven. Somebody says, 'no, He ain't.' You got to see Him back up in there where He was before,
meaning that they had to see a vision of Him cause they wouldn't know that He come from heaven if they hadn't
seen the vision of the ascension. Somebody has to get some conviction out of this thing.
Now look, when you are going up in Mount Sinai at, up and down, up and down, you are ascending, ascending and
descending as He was. When you are going up on the Mount of Olives, you are ascending and when you come
down, you are descending. Now this is what I want to point out to you: now you listen close. That no man has seen
the Father at any time but the Son, and to him whomsoever the Son will reveal. I know it, it reads a little different
right there, but that's what I dictated in the Book there, you can, you can read it if you want to. Now listen folks,
listen, these people don't know no more about heaven than a hog does about gold teeth.
Now listen closely at what I'm going to say. He said 'believe me.' Well, I'll put it this way for you: He talked so
much about His Father, and so they asked Him to show them the Father. Philip asked. He said, 'Philip, have I been
so long a time with you and you don't know me? When you see me, you see the Father.' And listen boys and girls,
'believe me that I'm in the Father.' 'Hey wait a minute, now I thought you said your Father was in Heaven. I
thought you taught your disciples to pray after this manner: our Father, which art in Heaven, hallowed be thy
name, thy kingdom come.'
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Now it comes to find out His Father's in Him, and He's in Heaven, and you get, you understand what I'm talking
about? You're reading around with a little drawed up carnal mind, still, they're not able to see, not able to
understand. 'Believe me that the Father is in me and I'm in Him,' and He ain't never been out. Now if you don't
want to take it that way, 'believe me for my very works sake.' Somebody went and wrote up a song, 'As Jesus is,
there's heaven there.' They don't know what they're writing about, don't know what they're talking about. I'll tell
you this is heavenly. Now we sent books to Rex Humbard and a Holy Name Bible 2nd edition of the book and a
textbook. Is that right, Dr. Gross? Did he say anything about a Holy Name Bible?
Dr. Gross: Yes
Dr. Kinley: Do you know whether he got it or not, the book? We got the return receipt. He had to sign for it,
evidently he must have gotten it. Now we didn't ask nobody in this congregation audience to write him, but Sister
Estelle Ellenberg. She wrote him. And this is what she said to him, this is condensed: I wish you'd bring in answers
down here sometime. And she told him nothing different than what we wrote in the book, about His name being
Yahshua. And he said that he was aware of that, that day, true Hebrew name of.., true name Yahshua. Is that what
he said in the letter?
Estelle Ellenberg Yes.
Dr. Kinley: 'If I were in Israel I would use the name of Yahshua.' Ain't that what he said? That's what he said in the
letter, but he said the New Testament is written in Greek. Well that is news to me. (DR. KINLEY LAUGHS) ____
that they said that they got plenty of books that say that it was, but it wasn't. People they'll use just any kind of
explanation. They'll say any kind of a thing, not having any knowledge of what they're talking about, and just
reading around in the Bible. Now, that man said that, and he went on to talk about Jesus and so forth. And we told
him about there is no 'J' in the Hebrew language even until today. And incidentally, there was no 'J' in no language
until about the 13th century, some would say, about the Middle Ages. Now listen here folks. This people, this
ministry, so called ministry, they'll stand right up in your face and, right up in your face with an open Bible and put
their finger on it and read it and then turn right around and deny it. And they're right in the Book. Right in your
hearing. Now here's a thing I want to mention. I told you that in the temple of Zerubabel (Zerubbabel?) and also in
the temple of Herod, the ark of the covenant was not in there. Now this is all taken from Solomon's temple, but
they did have something special in the Holy Place. The high priest has to perform ____. Now what was in there?
The Most Holy Place. A rock or stone. Yahweh said, 'behold, I lay in Zion a stumbling stone and a rock of offense:
but whomsoever believes in Him will not be offended by Him. Is that about right?
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Yahshua was that rock that was in that Most Holy Place. That was not Peter, but that was that rock that was hewn
out of the mountain and He's come on down and he's cut that image on the ____. You have in the 10th chapter of I
Corinthians that that rock that followed them was the Messiah. And He is the rock. I want you to read one more at
least verse, the 5th chapter of John. Now this is what you've come here to learn about, now you get this learned
tonight. Get the 1st epistle of John, the 5th chapter, 19th, 20th, and 21st verses.
Reader: And we know that we are of Yahweh.
Dr. Kinley: Now John said.., and I could run over there and quote it, but I'm trying to get down and give somebody
else an opportunity. Now John is saying, if you have any chronological accounts in your Book about the time that
it was, this is around AD 90 when John wrote it. He said, now we know that the Son of Yahweh is come. Is that
what you read? And what?
Reader: and we know that the Son of Yahweh is come and has given us an understanding
Dr. Kinley: and hath given us an understanding. Alright, read.
Reader: that we may know him that is true.
Dr. Kinley: that we may know him that is true.
Reader: and we are in him,
Dr Kinley: and, and we are in him,
Reader: even in his son
Dr Kinley: Hold it. 1 Corinthians 12:13. I want to know how we got in Him
Reader: For by one spirit,
Dr. Kinley: for by one spirit,
Reader: are we all,
Dr. Kinley: Wait a minute. Not water. For by one spirit,
Reader: are we all baptized
Dr. Kinley: are we all baptized
Reader: into one body,
Dr. Kinley: into one body. Read on.
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Reader: whether we be Jew
Dr. Kinley: Don't make no difference whether you be a Jew or a Gentile
Reader: whether we be bond or free
Dr. Kinley: whether we be bond or free
Reader: and have been all made to drink into one spirit,
Dr. Kinley: and have been all made to drink into one spirit, Right? Read on.
Reader: For the body is not one member, but many.
Dr. Kinley: No, I'm not talking about I Corinthians now. I just want to show how you got in there. Now I want you
to listen at what I'm gonna say now. Well, me, I have to read something else. That same man writing. Let's see if
we can catch him in a lie. That's the way they do, just to go on about and try to entrap him. And make Paul a liar
against one of the epistles against his letters. Alright. Now, you'll have to read for me because it goes back in the
first epistle. Gonna have to read it for me, the 8th chapter of Romans. I want you to start right at the 1st verse and
read right on through it.
Reader: There is therefore no condemnation,
Dr. Kinley: Now listen. It don't make no difference to me. Not a bit. It don't even disturb me, don't even phase me.
Any time you can get up here and swear by all that's holy that the words that you would propose to mean that he
baptized and Jesus sent them out after His resurrection to baptize, I know ____, they don't get me shook up. Why
not? There is no condemnation to them that are in Yahshua the Messiah. I just showed you how you got in Him, by
one spirit we was all baptized into one body.
Student Body: Right.
Dr. Kinley: Now that's how you got in Him. Now since I'm in, there's no condemnation, just say anything you
wanna say. That's how you got in, both the Jews and Gentiles, they got in the same way. How about that? Now
there is no condemnation to them that are in Yahshua the Messiah. Please read.
Reader: who walk not after the flesh,
Dr. Kinley: Now they stand right up and say that and read it out of the Bible. Say they're not walking after the
flesh. Well, I hope they're speaking of physical Israel back there. But what?
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Reader: but after the spirit
Dr. Kinley: but after the spirit
Reader: for the law of the spirit of life
Dr. Kinley: Now listen here. I want you to get this thing understood too. Cause I don't think that some folks
understand it. For the law of the spirit, not the law contained in ordinances, not talking about that, but the law of
the spirit of life,
Reader: in Yahshua the Messiah,
Dr. Kinley: in Yahshua the Messiah,
Reader: has made me free.
Dr. Kinley: Listen folks, has made me free, free from what?
Reader: from the law of sin and death,
Dr. Kinley: every bit of every last one of them ordinances. Read just a little further.
Reader: for what the law could not do,
Dr. Kinley: Now listen, you can argue and raise all the sand that you want to, but the law couldn't do it, for what
the law could not do
Reader: in that it was weak,
Dr. Kinley: in that it was weak,
Reader: through the flesh
Dr. Kinley: through the flesh,
Reader: Yahweh sending his own son,
Dr. Kinley: Yahweh sending His son,
Reader: in the likeness of sinful flesh,
Dr. Kinley: in the likeness, he looked just like any other man, and they even accused Him of being a sinner, in the
likeness of sinful flesh. Right? Said He broke the sabbath. You can't cast out demons by a demoniac spirit that was
in him. They called Him everything. You can't stand for nobody to say nothing about you, your preach.., your
reverend, 'look reverend, you ain't telling me nothing. I won't be back.' Say,'where are you going?' 'I'm going, I'm
gonna hunt me someplace where I can find out something, you ain't told me nothing.'
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(STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) This ain't but a bunch of lies. For the law of the spirit of life which is in Yahshua
the Messiah hath made.., talking about has made me free. Now listen, you can't say that about the Gentiles, because
they didn't have it, the law contained in ordinances. Paul is a Hebrew. He said it made him free (you see the point?)
it made me free from the law of sin and death. That was the ____ ____. Ain't that something? Now you see what
I'm saying? And when you read the Bible, why don't you try to take it for what it says. Now go on back.
Reader: And we know that the son of Yahweh is come,
Dr Kinley: And we know that the son of Yahweh is come,
Reader: and,
Dr Kinley: Wait a minute. Now you know the difference between is, and coming or yet to come. Didn't you? Do
you know the difference between present and past tense? Is come, and done what?
Reader: and hath given us an understanding,
Dr Kinley: and hath given us an understanding,
Reader: that we may know him,
Dr Kinley: that we may know him,
Reader: that is true,
Dr Kinley: that is true,
Reader: and we are in him,
Dr Kinley: and we are in him,
Reader: that is true,
Dr Kinley: that is true,
Reader: even in his son,
Dr Kinley: even in Yahweh's son or in his son
Reader: Yahshua the Messiah.
Dr Kinley: Yahshua the Messiah. Now you get this next one straight.
Reader: This is the true Elohim and eternal life.
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Dr Kinley: You heard me. This is the true Elohim that created the heavens and earth: that's Him. He's down there
in that body that brought them out of Egypt, but they don't see that. Now suppose, would you read Genesis 1:1 out
of the Holy Name Bible.
Reader: In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth.
Dr Kinley: Now you see that? That was the true Elohim that was walking around there as Yahshua. That's the true
one, that's the true God. That's the, that's the Father manifested in the flesh. Believe it or not, that's Him. How
about that? That's the, He was back here as Joshua, and you wanna argue. That's Him. And I said He didn't come
through the loins of a woman, just took on a physical body. And He was the one who showed Moses that He was
gonna come through the loins of a woman, in that vision. Moses wouldn't known a thing about it. And Dr. Mitchell
told you one this morning. I mentioned it the other night to you. He tried to help it some. They've got all kinds of
books out there on the market. Some say in the Book of so-called Jasher. Moses didn't write that book. You know
who wrote it? Do you know who wrote it? I'll tell you, Yahweh Elohim wrote Jasher, not Moses. Now how about
that? Now somebody might want some proof to that. Moses never piped that at all. That's the book that he'd heard
about it, got everybody's name in it.
Now you find in Exodus 32, verse 32 which Yahweh had written, not Moses. Now listen folks. Now when
Yahshua the Messiah come along, He's beginning at Moses. Now I told you that was the true Elohim. I told you
that was Yahweh manifested in a body. You have to prove it, that's why I had you to read it. That's what you come
down here for, to find out about it, and you want to find out, and you will know him. Is that what you come for?
And if you didn't come for that I'm sorry then you'll just have a disappointment. That's what I'm telling you. And
it's always been true, right on down through Adam, and right on down through the ages and generations, right
straight on down. Adam was the son. As you have over there in Jude. And as Dr. Mitchell told you this morning,
and he tried to tell you that the other night, but you let somebody come along and set a whole bunch of junk in
under your nose, the Talmud, the Mishnah, the so- called book of Jasher, the book of Enoch, the book of Abraham,
the book of Isaac, the book of Jacob and so forth and so on. You let somebody come along and sell that kind of
stuff up in under your nose and you're stupid enough to run out there and start some kind of a argument.
But now look, the reason for you to begin with Moses, Moses saw the bringing of the creation, you're stupid
enough to stand up and talk about prehistoric. Pre-HIS-story: Yahweh's story. You see how stupid it is? And they
call Yahshua (it's in the verse), He created everything. And He said He would be the first there with Moses, and if
he hadn't been in the first there with Moses, you don't have any ____ to come in again. You can't alter that. Now
the reason why he begins with Moses was because Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Enoch, now nobody else, didn't write it.
That's why he begins with Moses, Enoch never wrote a thing. Abraham never wrote a thing. Isaac never wrote a
thing. Enoch never wrote a thing. They
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wouldn't have even known anything at all about Enoch, the 7th from Adam, if Moses hadn't have spoke of it. They
wouldn't have known nothing about it, and they still don't know nothing about it. So let me tell you this about that,
just to show you the reality of it.
Moses was up there in that mountain, and he was seeing Enoch, he heard what Enoch prophesied, and he wrote it
down. I think about the 10th chapter of Deuteronomy. Are you listening at me now? He said, 'behold, Elohim come
with ten thousands of His saints to execute judgement.' What are you talking about Enoch? Moses didn't know
nothing about this until Joshua came along down or till Yahshua came on and told him about it. Now here's Enoch
standing way back over yonder prophesying about this. How about that? Did you, did you understand what I'm
talking about? And He said, He'd come, ____ ____ and He's coming ____ ____ ____. Is that, is that almost right?
Folks, what we need and we must do, is wake up, awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead.
Now listen, this is the way it is. Now he consecrated a new and living way through the vail, that is to say, through
the flesh. Now I told you how it got down and I told you how it went back. He ascended back up to the Father,
where He was before He came down. I've explained to you about the coming down and the going up. And I told
you that He was in the Father and the Father was in heaven. All that kinda talk, folks don't understand it. You show
us the Father and they ____. Now let me mention one other thing, at least one other thing.
Now here in the 5th chapter of Matthew He says this: He's in, up there in the mountain, 'blessed are the pure in
heart, for they shall see God, for they shall see God.' Now no longer than this morning and every Sunday morning,
ain't that right brother Traynham? Jesus said, 'blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.' He went up there
in that mount. And spoke to 'em. Right? Um um. That, that ain't the way it is. Now when He told them that he was
up there in the mountain where, where He spake from, seeing the multitudes following Him, He went up into the
mountain and spoke to them. And now He comes to fulfill. Now it says here that they went up into Mount Sinai
and they saw the God of Israel, or they saw God. Now He's telling them 'blessed are the pure in heart for they shall
see God.' Now He takes them out into here, (SLAMS THE CHART) the mount of Transfiguration. And they saw
Him, the God of Israel. How about that? That's all. 'Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see.' Now is that the
fulfillment. If they saw Him back here, their Elohim, and His countenance and it was bright. And they saw the
Elohim of Israel. Now He's got to fulfill it, said, 'blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see.' Didn't he have to
take them up in the mountain, transfigure, and they looked right at him: daystar. How about that? Now could I just
go ahead and say something else?
Student Body: Yes.
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Dr. Kinley: The possibilities are somebody needs to know, about the same chapter and the same verse. Now you
know that the had come back from Babylon and build Jerusalem again unto the Messiah. And they was out here to
make ____ under heaven. But they had come back and they had rebuilded Jerusalem unto the Messiah. Is that
almost right? Now while He's setting up in that mountain, He said, Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: They was already there in Palestine, He couldn't say that. How about that? Now the fulfillment. They
can go on back over there, and fulfill it, but He didn't say anything about a ____. He said, 'Blessed are the meek for
they shall inherit the whole earth.' They was already in Palestine when He said it. How about that one? Listen to
what I say, the meek, they was in heaven, they was already in the Holy Place, they was already in Jerusalem
beneath, but the Jerusalem above, which is in the spirit. They shall inherit. One other thing I wanna mention. I
think I just ought to by all means. Now listen, why should you be standing around talking about immortality. If you
expect to walk around here throughout eternity in this thing you got on here, what would be the purpose or the
reason for creating a new earth, and you've got an old body. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Don't make sense.
I would like to say this to you as... Now the Sadducees, they didn't believe in the spirit, and they didn't believe in
the resurrection from the dead. I'm trying to show you the simplicity of it now. This is the real simple. Anybody,
don't make no difference what the Psalm is, as David says in the 19th division of Psalms, the heavens declare the
glory of El and the firmament showeth forth His handiwork. Now you listen. Now this is what I'm trying to get
over to you. I'm trying to get you to see, laboring to get you to see that you didn't come to live in this earth plane,
as with Jesus to abide here. And if you had come here to abide here, then there couldn't be no change of this mortal
body, because it comes from the dust of the earth.
Now here you done got old, it did corrupt. You're walking around with ____ and arthritis and all that kinda stuff.
And the apostle tells you in the 15th chapter of I Corinthians, 'thou sowest not that body that shall be.' Neither do
you take some seed in your hand and plant it in the ground, and you just don't see that, which you planted it in the
ground. Now what I'm showing is the stupidity of people standing up, looking at the sun rising and setting and then
talking about they don't believe in the resurrection. Farmer planting seeds in the ground and they're coming up. The
male planting seed in the spermatic fluids and his seed, it's Abraham's seed. All that fool, ignorant talk. Now what
you're supposed to do is to look at the natural and then from that understand the spiritual. Now for example, let me
say this to you. When they ate that feast of the passover. Now if you want to see a real good trick, as some have
tried to do. They can say that this is wrong. See here you've got to keep the passover and then rise up from the
table and wash the disciples feet, after His crucifixion. You got this in the wrong place, this ought to be over here
somewhere before He died. 'I beg your pardon
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____ ____ ____ ____.' And if He had not resurrected from the dead, Him dying out there on the cross, if He hadn't
resurrected from the dead, your faith is vain, it's just vain. Everybody.
Now here's what I'm saying: this son, (HITS CHART) that's the washing of regeneration. And he told it to Peter
and them that you don't know what I do now but you shall know hereafter, and as often as you eat this bread and
drink of this cup, you do show forth my death and suffering till I come. Now here's what I'm telling you. You got
blood, you got water and you got the Holy Spirit here, you got the pouring out of the Holy Spirit. There on the 6th.
It did not become effective until the 6th or the day of Pentecost. I wish I could say one more thing to you. Would
you allow me to say one more thing? And I wanna say this. I went in to Dr. Mitchell's this morning before he goes
back to New York, of course I think he already knows it, but it oughta be stressed. He's made more charts than
anybody in the whole entire world. All of 'em put together. And he's drawn 'em up by this pattern. Now are you
listening? Now look, maybe you better find it doc, faith comes by hearing. I wanna show you what I'm talking
about. It didn't say faith comes by reading, did it?
Student Body: No.
Dr. Kinley: I just want to know the way it comes. I think Paul says that in the first letter to the Romans.
Student Body: Romans 10:17
Reader: So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of Yahweh.
Dr. Kinley: Read on.
Reader: But I say have they not heard,
Dr. Kinley: No, I want it where, how can they hear without a preacher
Reader: For whosoever shall call upon the name of Yahweh shall be delivered. How then shall they call on him in
whom they have not believed?
Dr. Kinley: Where are you reading?
Reader: Romans 10:13
Dr. Kinley: Okay, please read.
Reader: and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a
preacher? And how shall they preach except they be sent? As it is written, how beautiful are the feet of them that
preach the glad tidings of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things.
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Dr. Kinley: Now do you know what they're problem is there? You haven't had no preacher. And another thing, He
____. Now you can argue and rave all you and all you want to rave about it. Now I'll show you what I'm talking
about. Faith comes by hearing, not by reading. But if faith comes by hearing, and that's by the Word, now how are
they going to hear without a preacher, and how is he going to preach except he be sent? Now I want to illustrate
what I'm talking to you about. And what the apostle is talking to you about. And look, he had charts too. Did you
all know that? Huh? Did you know? Anybody in the building that didn't know it, hold up your hand. Read to 'em.
Over there, Paul told Timothy, we're gonna have it read for you. Anybody else. Don't be ashamed folks, we'll have
it read, alright, read.
Reader: 2nd Timothy 4:13
Dr. Kinley: Well, when you find it, read it.
Reader: The cloak that I left at Troas with Carpus,
Dr. Kinley: Now the cloak which I left at Troas, I could have quoted
it, which I left at Carpus. Alright.
Reader: when thou comest, bring with thee, and the books, especially the parchments.
Dr. Kinley: Bring the charts, bring them with you. He drew the diagrams. He spake by the diagrams, by the
repetitions, just like Dr. Mitchell's, as we have done in this school. I didn't make the charts on my own, I had
specific orders for making them. Now look folks. This is how a preacher is gonna come. And faith, it will come by
hearing, and that by the Word of Yahweh. Now here's, here's how it is. Now look, when we show you that Yahweh
Elohim transformed or transfigured into this tabernacle, we showing it to you, we let you read it out of the Bible.
Are you listening now? And he don't stop there, we going clear on down until we get Him back in there. We come
all the way down through the dispensations and ages. Now look, now you listen, here you put this thing up here by
the pattern, here's the altar and here's the blood, here's the water, and here's the spirit. The blood, the water, and
spirit. The blood, the water, the spirit. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. You're one, two, three: soul, body, and spirit. You put the
water, you put the blood on this line, he put the water on this line, and listen you do it all the way through. Now if
we get away from that, then you'll have no faith. You'll have no confidence in Him. Somebody come along and
said, 'how many stories in the ark? 'Well, I don't know, let me see.' 'Which chapter is that?'
Why? Because it's just that plain: 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3. That's all you've got folks. Anytime you remove anything,
you're wrong. That's all there is to that. You're wrong. You can ____ it down. Say, 'I swear that I've been, and I can
assure you by the authority of Jesus Christ and by the Word of God and whatnot.' You can ____ ____ ____ you
learn how to use that pattern, all the way from the Godhead (I'll just say it in those terms) that the Father, and the
Word, and the Holy
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Spirit, they are one just like that one tabernacle, and this is the Godhead. I wanna know if there's anybody in the
room that don't understand, hold up your hand. That's what it's, that's what it's called. That's where, that's, that's
why Yahweh created the universe. And we have told you and told you over and over and over and over and over
again. Every cosmic phase of nature is some or another expression of Him, of His existence. You don't have to
worry around trying to prove His existence, He did that Himself. Why should He go ahead and have, have me
down here, as ignorant as I am trying to prove His existence? I hope, I trust that you can see something, that you
can understand what I'm talking about.
Now, you're not gonna have no faith until reverend gets told and puts the thing together like this. You're gonna
have to hear it this way. You ain't gonna have no faith. You might have a concept. You know what you are? You
want me to tell you what you are? You're a skeptic, and like some of the rest of you, you could be an agnostic. Do
you know what an agnostic is? They do believe in the existence of God but ain't nobody to prove it. Nobody knows
____. He ain't depending on you to prove nothing. Did you follow what I'm talking about? Now that's the way this
thing has got to be put together.
I, I think I'll say one more thing. The scientists cannot agree, that this sun's being put out there in the sky on the 4th
day. They say, that vegetation'll capture light and warmth of the sun to grow. Therefore they disseminate, 'I believe
how vegetation can't be on the 3rd day' and they think that the sun was first. I wholeheartedly agree with that, ain't
making a mistake about that. Now how about that? But this is what they've done. They've got this Son tangled up
here with that sun up there. And this Son back on in here was perfect. And He didn't show up down to Israel
coming through the loins of a woman as the prophecy said He would be, until the 4000th year, or the fourth day. I
don't see how vegetation can grow without Him, I don't see where there can be any vegetation with Him, I don't
see where there can be any creation without Him. I don't see how you can exist without Him.
Now you can wake me up. I told you I was the champ of the idiots. I can't see it. Yes sir, the son was first, but they
got it all twisted up. Now here's one you missed, take cosmic light, the lessor (lesser?) light, the sun in the sky
went with 'em. It's hard for people to believe back here, to see beyond that day. Now isn't it wonderful? Children,
did you all understand? It's worth your while to come down here. And a lot of people don't like it because they say
you have to come to 10401, that's an insult. Well, I'll tell you what to do. You tell me somewhere where I can go
and learn this. What I learned is something of fact. Now you tell me, that's all you have to do, just tell me, and I'll
be on my way. And I'll advise all of you to come on and go with me. I know a better place than 1040. And I'll tell
you where it is. It's up here in Heaven. That's where I got my education from. That's a better place than 1040. But
what we got at 1040 come from up there. Now that's what we're trying to tell you. Isn't that right Bishop? I mean, it
1040 South Grand, Los Angeles, California: location of the Los Angeles Branch school for many years.
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13) SEPTEMBER 24, 1972:
from heaven, it's the Word of Elohim. And you're gonna have to hear it. Now let me ask you this. Say,'what is
faith?' Some people, they don't even know, realize what faith is. What's the difference between faith and spirit.
None. That's right. There ain't no difference. Now how in the world can you have confidence in something you
don't know nothing about? You can't do that. That's another impossibility. Now when he resurrected from the dead
and stood out there on the Mount of Olives... The Mount of Olives is elevated above Jerusalem. Did you know
that? And He lifted up His hands towards Jerusalem, He blessed them. And Luke says there in the 1st chapter of
Acts of the Apostles, ____ the day that He was taken up. But you have to have some faith and some confidence in
the purpose.
Now in the 7th chapter of Acts, Stephen's preaching there, said, now this He that was in the tabernacle in the
wilderness. That ought to tell you something. Wouldn't you think His ____ was back there unto Moses, He was in
the tabernacle in the wilderness. Now Moses was the only man that saw that tabernacle up there, only man that saw
it in a vision. Now when he came down he had some competition down there, Korah and everyone standing around
arguing, they didn't see a thing, but they're master builders, make that ____ Moses. And Yahshua said to him, now
you see to it that you make all things according to.., he wasn't up in the mountain now, but he's down here on the
ground. Now when Moses is just about to make it, he said, see to it that you make all things according to the
pattern I showed you in the mountain. He's talking. Now look, let me show you Daryl. From all the stuff in there,
there during them 40 days, and them people, can I go ahead and say this?
Student Body: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: In them 40 day that he was up there, they down there building that golden calf. When he come down
here, now you see the man got shook up. He saw them worshipping the golden calf and he got shook up. And he
throws the tables of stone down and brake them. He knew what Yahweh had said to them, and he knew that they
had heard, he was shook up. Now here's what I'm trying to tell you. He didn't just jump right off right then and start
to building the tabernacle. Had to send them through the camp and kill off about 3000 of them that day. The
Levites went through there and killed them all. Now here's what I'm telling you. Then he has to go and hew him
out some stones. Now he had a good break, to forget some things that he saw up there in the mountain about that
tabernacle, he had a good break to forget some things that he saw up there. But all he had to do just get over there
in the tent where Joshua was. How about that. One time they did ask him a question, said, if we did this, we touch
a dead body out there in the wilderness, now does that make it that, that make us unfit to eat the passover, that's a
memorial of it, Said, 'Moses, what do we do about it?' Said,'I don't know,' He said, 'I'll have to ask the Lord,' Went
right on out there in the tent and asked Joshua and then he come back, said the answers ____ ____ ____ ____.
How about that?
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13) SEPTEMBER 24, 1972:
See what we, what we got? Here's what we do. We separate ourselves from Yahweh. He's way up yonder in the
sky and I'm way down here. We're cut off. We don't have no communication. Somebody says, 'well, that may be
your case, but not mine.' Said, 'I pray to him and I fast.' I heard that story before too. You don't know how to pray
as you oughta, but Yahweh makes intercession for us. Now the reason why you don't get that Cadillac and that
penthouse, James says it's because you ask amiss. Now how are you asking amiss? Yahweh already knows that
you got a belly down here and you need something to eat. He already knows that, He done found out about that. He
knows what you have need of before you ask. So.., but now, the Holy Spirit in you maketh intercession for you
(are you listening? That's the 8th chapter of Romans.) according to the Purpose. And you're out here talking a
whole lot of tom foolery and asking God for this and that and the other, all these different kind of things. And if He
gives you what you really needed.... (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS)
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by Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley
recorded by Edna Law
1 90 minute audio cassette
transcribed by Sandy McCann
proofread by Susan Ameigh, Michael Rothstein, and Geraldine Rothstein
proofread and approved by the International Public Relations Committee: 1996
1. …indicates that Dr. Kinley ended a word or a sentence without verbally completing it.
2. Audience comments are included only if more than one person responded or if Dr. Kinley was speaking directly
to a specific person.
3. Unless emphasized by Dr. Kinley pause words have been left out of the transcript for the sake of ease in
readability and comprehension (ah, see, you see, you see what I mean, you follow, is that right.)
4. ___ indicates an inaudible word or syllable
5. WORDS IN CAPITAL LETTERS are comments of the transcriber
Dr. Kinley: ... these various religions like Roman Catholicism, Judaism and also Jehovah's witnesses and so forth
and so on and what have you, just to be down right honest with you, the Pope of Rome himself, he don't know
nothing about his religion to say nothing about the Cardinals and what not. Now if he knew he wouldn't be one, he
wouldn't be that.
And there's another thing, I've, I've brought the books down here and opened 'em and read out of the books. That's
what you have to do sometimes when you have a school. And 2,400 and some laws or rules and regulations. And
anything that is set up by one Pope the next Pope come along after him, he don't have, according to their rules now,
any right to tear it down.
Now here Pope John the 23rd reached clear on back into the 1st century and pulled out Anacletus or Clement and
said they was one and the same. And, their own doctrine teaches that that's wrong; he shouldn't do that. Now they
had a whole bunch, Philomena was another that Pope John pulled out of there. Millions of people had been
baptized in that name, Philomena. Pope John said it was erroneous, there's no such thing, no such thing as
Philomena. He throwed them out. Pope Pius come along and threw out about 40 of 'em. Now look, that's in
Page 1
the books, that's in the records. And look at all them millions of people been baptized and all that kinda stuff.
So now the time of it, ____ time for us to wake up, start to looking around. Find out what it's all about. Now
Jackie Gleason (I was talking to Dr. Jackson), and Jackie Gleason said, I believe it was yesterday sometime; Jackie
Gleason is a celebrity, a movie celebrity, and incidentally, a multimillionaire. And they was asking him about his
religious faith and conviction, and he said he didn't belong to any church. Is that right Dr. Jackson?
Roger Jackson: Said he believed in God but...
Dr. Kinley: That's right that's the same thing he believed in. Now look here folks, I brought the records down here
and read 'em out of the books. Reader's Digest, said there were 66 millions of people in the United States of
America that believed in God but they didn't believe in joining up with no religious church. Out of 200 million,
now that's 66 million that didn't belong to no church at all. For one reason or another. Now it's time to do some
waking up. Now for example, suppose we just say this. Freddie, get the staff, cause that's what we going to have to
do, we gonna have to get into some things here.
Now you hear a lot about baptism, water baptism or in the Baptist church, Church of Christ baptize people in
physical water, and Rome, they practice baptizing infants so they call it. Right?
Student Body: Right.
Dr. Kinley: That's wrong. Don't know what it's all about. This is a mystery. Yahweh is a mystery to begin with.
That's what Jackie Gleason said. He was right about it. And we've tried to tell you this, we've tried to tell you that
there was two basic and fundamental mysteries. Now there are more than two, but, I'm just trying to show you the
basics and fundamental, the mystery of Iniquity and the mystery of Yahweh.
Now you have to get in here and try to find out something about it. Now, I don't know for the most part Billy,
emcee, he gets up here and he tells you, he recites all the aims and objectives of this school. And what did he say
the names was?
Student Body: Yahweh, Elohim and Yahshua
Dr. Kinley: and Yahshua. Yahweh, Elohim, and Yahshua., Now Elohim is not a name, it's a title. Now what the
majority of us have believed all of our lives, and been taught that Lord and God and Jesus Christ. Now that what's
in your King James version of the Bible. Now if you had a good teacher's Bible, a Scofield Bible and look in the
footnotes as we try to tell you to do and try to teach you to do, and go into the encyclopedias and what not, you
would find out that they admit that the name is Yahweh and the title is Elohim and Yahshua.
Here's a man setting right there, Dr. Williams, baptizing in the names. Now
Page 2
somebody wants to come rushing in here, and they wanna dogmatically and insist and contend that that school
down there is wrong. They don't stop to think that it could be them. And to put it this way. Lord is a title not a
name. God is a title not a name. Is that clean? It's inaccurate. Now let me show you what I mean. Stand up Freddie.
Isn't you name Allen?
Freddie: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: Ain't no sense in me asking what your father's name is. Set down. Well now look here, the Lord, God,
and Jesus Christ, that can't be, that's impossible. Now, you'll find that in John, that He said that He come in his
Father's name. Is that right? Now if he gonna come in His Father's name. Then if you got Lord God, then it oughta
been Lord. And almost everything that you hear all the time, do you believe in God? Very few people say anything
much about the Lord. Roman Catholics say, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost, now you see
that's all messed up.
Well it's our indispensable duty to bring these things to your attention. Now that's what I came in the world for. I
know folks don't like it. Now to get after this. I had him to go get that staff. And they tell you all the time, they're
talking about this 'J' in Joshua and Jesus. There is no such letter in the Hebrew alphabet. And I'm trying to tell you
there wasn't any in the English nor no other alphabet until around the 16th or 17th century. So if they ain't be, ain't
no way in the world for it to be Jesus.Ain't no way in the world for it to be Jehovah.
Now Jehovah Witnesses is running around telling the people saying this, that Jehovah is the English translation of
Yahweh. Why don't you get a book or something and then look at it. That's not so. And for the most part most
people don't, they don't even know where the 'J' comes from to start out with. They don't know the origin of it,
they don't know where it come from. That's what we wanna talk about tonight. We wanna talk about the mystery of
Iniquity and the mystery of Yahweh. And we're gonna have to do this. We're gonna have to go into numbers.
Now don't you have in your book, in your Bible, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers? Do you have it in your
book? Now in numbers you would say 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Is that almost right? Now those are numbers not
Now this is a shepherd's...
Man: Staff.
Dr. Kinley: What?
Student Body: Staff. A rod.
Dr. Kinley: Now somebody said a rod and I heard another one say a staff.
Student Body: Staff, staff, (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) staff.
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Dr. Kinley: Now what is it?
Student Body: Staff. Rod
Dr. Kinley: It's a rod and a staff. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Now I wanna show you what we're getting at
here. It's important. To use this thing to hold it this way , you would retrieve a sheep. You say that's right? And it
being up this way, what's that?
Student Body: A nine
Dr. Kinley: That's a 9. It has the crook on it, we've got it over here. That's a nine. Is that right?
Student Body: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: Don't you have 9 in numbers? Now watch now. You keep your eye on me. Now I'm gonna turn it up
this way. Now what's that?
Student Body: Six
Dr. Kinley: Turn it around this way
Student Body: 'J'
Dr. Kinley: Now you got a 'J'. (DR. KINLEY LAUGHS) Now I want you to look at two verses in the Book and
you will find that with Moses out there at the burning bush, Yahweh asked him what was that thing that he had in
his hand. And you know Moses was a shepherd. Is that almost right?
Student Body: Right
Dr. Kinley: Took care of his father-in-law's... Reuel, not Jethro's flock of sheep. Now if you get that, Rule - el.
Student Body: Yeh, Yes.
Dr. Kinley: Oh, my. Now are you listening now? You're sure you're listening?
Student Body: Yes
Dr. Kinley: Are you really sure you're listening?
Student Body: Yes
Dr. Kinley: I may tell you something possibly you never heard before. Now in the Garden of Eden, there was a tree
of knowledge of good and evil. And Adam was told and Eve, not to touch it. Not to eat the fruit or to touch it. Now
you may eat of all the trees of the garden but the tree which is in the midst of the garden you
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shall not eat of it and neither shall you touch it. And I want you to know this, if He's telling them there that ____
Adam wasn't created in the garden. He was created outside the garden and Yahweh planted the garden and put him
in it. And the woman was taken out of him in the garden. And in that garden there was some trees. Trees he could
eat of and trees he couldn't. Tree of knowledge of good and evil. Now here's what I'm pointing now. Now those
trees were in fruition, they bore fruit. Is that right?
Student Body: Right.
Dr. Kinley: And, when those trees were bearing fruit with it's limbs full of fruit, it had a bough in it. You follow?
Student Body: Yes sir.
Dr. Kinley: Now, Eve, if it hadn't have been heavy in fruition, she couldn't have touched it, that is the fruit.
Student Body: Oh, I see.
Dr. Kinley: Yahshua the Messiah says in the 15th chapter of John, I am the true vine, you are the branches. Every
branch that's gonna bring forth fruit in me... Now He said the father took it away. Are you all with me now?
Student Body: Yes, yes.
Dr. Kinley: Thus far? Well, they touched that fruit in the, in the, in the garden. And it was in fruition. Now that
bough, now what was Adam supposed to be in.., what'd He put him in there for?
Student Body: To keep it dressed.
Dr. Kinley: To keep it dressed. And he had the permission to eat of it, of all the trees, with the exception of the tree
of knowledge of good and evil. Now, he was put in there to dress it. Now, if it's in fruition, you don't dress a tree
then. It didn't have them big leaves on it, but it was in fruition. Now we're into at something here. And, Eve with
that tree being bowed down heavy with fruition. And I wanna let you know too, that was not an apple tree, that was
an olive tree. Now if you just stop, you could kinda halfway see through some things. You have a liver, an olive, o
live. So don't touch the tree if you wanna live, cause the day you touch it you shall surely die, you won't live. How
about that?
Student Body: Alright
Dr. Kinley: Am I getting anywhere? Now what we're after is this 'J'. Now, there was an 'I' in that.., is that right,
David Rosen: 'I' in what?
Page 5
Dr. Kinley: Hebrew alphabet. Now, he's a, he's a Hebrew. Well, we've got a lotta 'em around here. We've got the
alphabet right in the book. We don't have to go into no long drawn out debate and argument about that. Now, we
got that about the garden of Eden being in fruition, you understand that don't you?
Now I want you to get here at the burning bush, and read about that. When Yahweh asked Moses what he had in
his hand. In Exodus.
Reader: and Moses asked them and said
Dr. Kinley: Where are you reading Doc?
Reader: 4th chapter of Exodus
Dr. Kinley: what verse?
Reader: We'll start at the 2nd verse.
Dr. Kinley: Alright.
Reader: Yahweh said unto him, what is that in thine hand? And he said, 'a rod'.
Dr. Kinley: Now he didn't say a staff, he said a rod. Now Moses was a shepherd and he had a rod in his hand. Now
this part of this is a rod, and this part of it is a staff. Now you got your 'J'. Now you watch now. Keep your eyes
open. Keep your eyes open, because you can't get this everywhere. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Now after he
touched the fruit of that tree he was driven out of the garden of Eden. I specifically said he was driven, I did not
say that Eve or she was. She wasn't driven out. Now let me show you why, why I'm saying this, this way, and why
I'm so particular about what I say in every respect. Now Yahweh created the man outside of the garden and then
put him in the garden. And the woman was incarnated in the man when he was put in the garden and he caused a
deep sleep to fall on him in the garden and took the woman out of him in the garden. So, she was in the man when
he, when he went in the garden. I'm, I'm trying to show you now, and so Yahweh don't need to drive her out, all He
has to do is just drive the man out and the woman went on out with him, just like she come in with him. Now how
about that? They didn't have any children up there in that garden either. And the first born son was named what?
Student Body: Cain
the soil. And then what was the other one's name?
Student body: Abel
Dr. Kinley: Abel. What was he?
Student Body: A shepherd.
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Dr. Kinley: See how I come right back into that shepherd business? Now Cain slew Abel. Did you get that? Did
you catch onto what I meant when I said that?
Student Body: I hope so.
Dr. Kinley: It was Cain that went over and took Abel's rod or his staff and slew him with it. Now hold still now,
hold still. Are you still now? You thinking? You got your cap on?
Now, Yahweh put a mark on him. Now here's the mark. When he slew him with that cane, he got that mark six on
him there. And Cain, he complained about it, he said everyone that could see him would wanna kill him. And he
said his grief was greater than he could bear, but Yahweh put that mark on him, 6, now there's 6 back here and he
come on over in the antediluvian, 6 again, come over in the present age and he's 6 again. Now read Revelation
13:16 and on down to the 18th verse and I'll show you what I'm talking about.
Reader: And He causeth all both small and great, rich and poor,
Dr. Kinley: Now he's talking about the, the what?
Student Body: Satanic Spirit
Dr. Kinley: Talking about the satanic spirit or Satan being cast out, come down to 12th and on down into the 13th,
and he's talking about Satan being cast out of heaven, right on down here in the garden deceiving Eve. Are you
listening? Are you listening: This thing, this thing begin up in heaven. Then Michael, which was an arch angel, and
his host, fought with the dragon or the devil. Now somebody said Lucifer. Now Lucifer, the King of Tyrus, and he
was told, the prophet was told to take up a lamentation on him and then the prophet did it he said it that Lucifer
walked back there in the garden. Now you know the King of Tyre didn't walk back there in the garden; in other
words it's a parabolical or allegorical expression or figurative expression of this. Now look, in this word here:
Lord, let's put it down here like this. Now then if you just take this, then draw a line in here then you've got the OR
then you got the D.1 Do you see what I did? Take the word Lord and just draw a line between the L and the D then
you've got Lucifer or Devil. Move on now, read Dr. Harris.
Reader: And He causeth all both small and great...
Dr. Kinley: And He causeth all both small and great.
Reader: rich and poor
Dr. Kinley: rich and poor
Reader: free and bond
L or D
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Dr. Kinley: free and bond
Reader: to receive a mark in their right hand
Dr. Kinley: to receive a mark in their right hand
Reader: or in their forehead
Dr. Kinley: or in their forehead. Dr. Harris in your hand and in your forehead. You see the point? Now look, in the
hand or in the forehead, small and great, rich and poor, bond and free to receive a mark. What kind of a mark? I
just got through telling you about Cain when he slew Abel left that mark on him. It backfired. And we showed you
rod then we showed you cane, then we showed you staff, then we showed you a bough, then we showed you a vine
and the branches. Now what I'm after is how this, there's no 'J' in the Hebrew language but there is a 6 in the
alphabet, I mean in the numbers. How many of them come up out of Egypt Dr. Harris?
Dr. Harris: 603,550
Dr. Kinley: Now wait a minute, hold everything. How many did you say?
Dr. Harris: Six hundred and three thou...
Dr. Kinley: Six hundred...
Dr. Harris: three thousand...
Dr. Kinley: three thousand
Dr. Harris: five hundred and fifty.
Dr. Kinley: five hundred and fifty, not counting the women and children. Six hundred and three thousand, five
hundred and fifty. 6 and 3 is 9. 5 is abstract or half of 10. 50. Now watch what I am gonna do now. Somebody,
Freddie come on up here. Dr. Harris ____ ____, I'm trying to teach now. Now if you all don't want me to teach like
this, I'll go sit down.
Student Body: No sir (LAUGHTER)
Dr. Kinley: Then somebody get up here and preach. Now if you rub that out and rub this out and you got ____.
Now you got the 6, 3. 6, 3, 9.2 Then you got 5 that's a half of 10. 5 is abstract and 10 is concrete, is that almost
right? Come on now mathematicians, ain't that right?
Student Body: That's right.
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Dr. Kinley: If it ain't right you get me straight. Now Freddie write the 1 right straight on down on the board. Now
what's that you say? What's this?
Fred Allen Jr.: That's 10 zero
Dr. Kinley: That's that aught. Now you got 9 here, is that right?
Fred Allen Jr.: Right
Dr. Kinley: Now is there a 6 in it?
Fred Allen Jr.: Yes
Dr. Kinley: Ain't 6 a number?
Fred Allen Jr.: Yes
Dr. Kinley: ...or the name of the idol of the beast
Reader: or the number of his name
Dr. Kinley: or the number of his name, or the number of his name. The beast. A man without a profound
knowledge of Yahweh and His eternal purpose is just like a natural brute beast.
Student Body: That's a fact.
Dr. Kinley: Now if you don't believe that, I will read it to you over there in James and Peter up in ____. Is that
right Bishop?
Bishop Short: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: He said that's right. Read on, now you keep your eyes open.
Reader: Here is wisdom...
Dr. Kinley: Now here, now if you're so smart and you know so much, we're talking about divine wisdom not
earthly wisdom. Now, if you're so smart, now here is divine wisdom. Alright, read.
Reader: Let him that hath understanding
Dr. Kinley: Now let him that does have understanding do what?
Reader: Count the number of the idol of the beast.
Dr. Kinley: Count the number of the beast, or the idol of the beast. Count the
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number. Well, what is his number?
Reader: For it is the number of a man.
Dr. Kinley: Now, it is a number of A man. We don't want but one man in this thing. There ain't but one Devil.
Some people think there's a whole lot of them. Nooooo, beg your pardon, they're demons. The one devil. Now
what we're talking about now is this, this number of this man that Yahweh put on him. And I told you about Cain
and showed you. Now here is wisdom, let him that has understanding count the number of the beast. For it is the
number of A man and his number is 600, you better, maybe you better read that.
Reader: and his number is six hundred, three score and six
Dr. Kinley: Right. You follow it now? Now here is the high priest that officiated in the tabernacle. I don't know
whether ____ see here? Here's the high Priest that officiated in the tabernacle. Now, this is David. Now, he's an
arch angel, that come in through that veil or come into this building and talking to Zechariah, and telling him about
the birth of his son John, which in Hebrew is Yahcan. How about that? And John.., or Zechariah, he just couldn't
buy that and so he was smitten dumb. And he went on out of there and he had nothing to say at all until he was
born. His son by Elizabeth, thereafter he says what is his name? That's the first thing he said. That's the first time
he spoke, he said John or Yahcan. What'd you say that for? Because 'Yah can' means this, that John was born with
the Holy Spirit in him and a specific purpose and reason for him being born that way was, he was entered in the
world to identify Yahshua the Messiah, just like Moses did.
Now he got 666. Now I wanna go back for this reason. Now I wanna go right back here. Now the high priest that
officiated in this tabernacle, he wore a bonnet and it had strings on it and it tied in the back, went around and tied
in the back. Is that right David?
David Rosen: Right.
Dr. Kinley: Now what did the bonnet have on it?
Student Body: Holiness unto Yahweh.
Dr. Kinley: Holiness unto Yahweh. That's what Aaron had on his bonnet, 'Holiness unto Yahweh.' Now, you notice
this is up in the head where Cain struck him. Now, here comes the papacy and they got on a big three triple crown.
What's wrote in that Freddie?
Fred Allen Jr.: Vicarious Filii Dei
Dr. Kinley: Translate
Fred Allen Jr.: Vicar of the son of God.
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Dr. Kinley: That's right. Now if you put those...write it down Freddie. Now here it is right on the chart here. Right
here. Now, what I have to do, I can't put this on him, I've got to get this.., back there with Pharaoh too, cause
Pharaoh's playing the same role. Now, how you gonna get it on Pharaoh? You see the point? He was King, is that
right? Now Dr. Williams one time turned to me and said, 'before the ...and you see I really ____ it tangled up, they
don't know if it's the 17th, 18th, or 19th dynasty when the children of Israel come out of Egypt.' I said, 'can you
count?' He said 'yeah.' I said, 'how much is 3 x 6?' (DR. KINLEY AND STUDENT BODY LAUGH) And he ain't
been back no more after the ____. Now we would say that THAT would be Chaldean or Aramaic. Now, getting it
straight, don't go putting up your hand and don't say nothing when I'm saying something, if that ain't right or it's a
Student Body: That's right Doc.
Dr. Kinley: Just like we got over there now in Egypt and in Jordan and in Bolivia and Syria. They're having
problems there right now tonight. And they don't know what it's all about and it's right up and down this stretch.
They don't, they don't know a thing about it. Now if that be the case. Now Freddie said, Vicarious Filii Dei,
translated that letter, translated it means what.
Fred Allen Jr.: Vicar of the Son of God.
Dr. Kinley: Now tell me what the 'V' stands for.
Fred Allen Jr.: 5
Dr. Kinley: Now, we are in numbers now.
Fred Allen Jr.: We're in the Roman numbers.
Dr. Kinley: Now add it up.
Fred Allen Jr.: V equals 5; I equals 1; C equals 100; A has no value; R has no value; I equals 1; U is
interchangeable equals V, V equals 5; S has no value; F has no value; I equals 1; L equals 50; I, I, 1, 1; D is 500; E
has no value; and one I again equals 1.
5 and I is 6 and I is 7 and 5 is 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. 6 carry the 1 and 5 is 6. And 1 and 5 is 6. Six hundred sixty six.3
Page 11
Dr. Kinley: Now the Pope had it in them 3 rings in his crown, Vicarious in the first. filii in the second and in the
third is Dei. Is that almost right? Now, you may not know this. What was the ancient name of Rome?
Student Body: Saturnia
Dr. Kinley: Now a lot of people didn't even know that. What is the derivative the name Saturnia?
Student Body: Saturn
Dr. Kinley: Saturn. What is Saturn?
Student Body: A planet.
Dr. Kinley: Saturn is a planet
Student Body: 6th planet from the sun
Dr. Kinley: Saturn. Now listen, it is surrounded, Saturn, the planet Saturn, I mean as of now, is surrounded with 3
rings. Now this is what we're doing. We're putting them things up there in the sky. Now that's a sun, equivalent to
the Son of Yahweh. Saturn and Jupiter and Mars and Venus and those stars up there that show you an innumerable
company of angels that was on the veil. That's the only planet up there now that is surrounded by them 3 rings and
it is a beautiful planet. That's the ancient name of Rome, Saturn, Saturnia.
Now can you kinda catch on to a little something about Satan and Saturnia? Take it on down in the Chaldean and
then multiply it like that and see if you don't get a 666. Now has anybody got a book here? Now we put these
things in the book, so that you could see it. Now don't forget now we got 6 here, don't forget now. Look. The
earthly man was created on the 6th day, not the 7th. He's earthly. Now its got to be a change made in that man from
an earthly to a spiritually embodiment. I mean everybody. Not only that, but the heavens and the earth have got to
be changed and rolled together.
Now did you know that? Yahshua said in the 24th chapter of Matthew, said, heavens and earth shall pass away and
Isaiah certainly did speak up and said it'd be rolled together as a scroll. And Peter in the 3rd chapter said that it'd be
burned up, consummated. Is that what it says?
Student Body: with fervent heat.
Dr. Kinley: That's right, with fervent heat. What's that all about? It's got to go back to the source from whence it
came, in other words, matter come from Spirit. How about that? And it come on down in a metamorphosis or
Have you got it? Now that's S-A-T-U-R-N. Now it's a ____. You got some got some letters here that
have no numerical letter equivalent and I
Page 12
think it's S T U R, stu, those are the ones that have the numerical value equivalent. Now that's added on back into
Pharaoh in the 18th dynasty. That's added on back into the garden, those plates right there. That puts the mark on
him, and it comes on down and puts it on Cain, and it comes on down and here you got the papacy sitting up over
there ...
Student Body: Triple crown
Dr. Kinley: Triple crown. And you got the star or that planet Saturn. Now that's, a lotta people, they didn't know
why they had that book up there like that. They can stand there and look at it all day long. Now see that's the moon
and this is the sun and these are the stars over here. What's this? Now do you see what I have tried to do? I've tried
to show you where, when Moses there had a rod, that's what he took. Now look folks, now you listen. Pay attention
now. Now, that was Aaron's rod that budded. Are you listening Bill?
Bill: Oh Yeah.
Dr. Kinley: Bill says he's listening. Now when he goes to listening everybody else supposed to listen. (STUDENT
BODY LAUGHS) Now listen, when Moses smote the rock, ____ when he was told to speak to it. Then Joshua
who was really Yahoshua, who was Yahweh
Dr. Kinley: incarnated in a physical body, told him to get on up in the mount and die. But, before he goes up and
dies, he was talking about this too. For how long a period was the 5 books in, being written?
Student Body: 40 Years.
Dr. Kinley: 40 years. Now, what was his last thing before he went up there in the mountain?
Student Body: Wrote the song of Moses
Dr. Kinley: Wrote the Song of Moses or the song of victory when Moses rose up, went through the Red Sea,
Moses rose up or raised up that rod over the Red Sea. It opened up. So they went on through there. That same one
he had in his hand. And the sea opened up and they went through on dry ground. Didn't none of them get wet. And
neither did these back there in the ark, that was in the ark, they never got wet, Noahic flood. Now, now I wanna tell
you this, none of the Gentiles, they never got wet at John's baptism: wasn't baptizing anybody but Jews. Why?
Because there wasn't nobody but the Jews that went through here. And what He's doing is fulfilling. Now reverend,
when he reads over there in Matthew 3:14 and around, he says that he's reading in the New Testament. He don't
realize he's not reading in the New Testament. New testament's not written with pen and ink. And they don't even
know what He's doing.
Page 13
Ambassador College says and we've got the book 'Plain Truth,' 'Plain Truth' and it's wrote up there, 'Plain Truth'
this month too, that the reason why Messiah went up into the mount was to get away from the crowd. Now, if you
don't think that's in that book I'll bring it down here.
But what He was doing was fulfilling. So if Moses was called up in the mountain there, then in order to fulfill it
He's got to take them up in the mountain and transfigure there just like He did here. And seeing the multitude for,
was five hundred, 6 hundred thousand some and He's got to do that. He's fulfilling. They don't even know what
He's doing. He said He come to fulfill. Now the things so far as they was concerned was instituted back here. In
reality it was instituted in heaven: the purpose of Yahweh, He declared the end from the beginning. Now that's
what I'm talking about. Jehovah's Witnesses say they didn't know, the people on earth, they didn't know that Adam
was gonna sin, God didn't know that Adam was gonna sin in the garden. Then how could you tell what He was
going to do all the way down through the ages?
People just say any and everything and getting all hot with you cause you don't wanna accept their stupidity. They
want you to shut up and listen at them. Now, Baptist, he wants you to consent to water baptism. Ain't nothing like
that in your book. I mean that come from direct from Yahweh. 'But, don't tell me, Acts 2:38, Peter said on the day
of Pentecost repent everyone of you and be baptized in the name Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you
shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Now what do you think of that, Amen.' (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS)
Say that as though I didn't know that was in the Bible. Never said nothing about no water there. Matthew 28:19
says, 'go and baptize 'em in the name of the Father. They don't even know the name of the Father. They didn't
know it was Yahweh. Says, 'where'd you folks get all them old funny names?' Say, 'but these say baptize 'em in the
name of the Father,' they don't even know that.
Now, you know what they think the name of the Father is? God. And say look folks, I don't want you to miss out
on this one. I baptized a whole lotta folks. I mean down in the water when I was in the Church of God and started
that service and divine healing. I baptized a lotta folks. Yes sir there wasn't ____ ____ out baptize me. (STUDENT
BODY LAUGHS) And we had a pool behind the pulpit. Some say, 'I don't wanna be baptized that way.' Say, 'I
wanna go down to running water.' And I took them down to a stream there called Mad River. (STUDENT BODY
LAUGHS) That's right. So I took 'em on down there and I had to have somebody to help me. 'Now listen now in
obedience to the command of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I baptize this our beloved brother, Robert Harris,
in the name of the Father, God, and in the name of the Son, Jesus Christ, and in the name of the Holy Ghost.'
Didn't know what that was. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Next!
Now, don't you tell me I don't know what it's all about. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) Then they went down
arguing about Peter down at Cornelius's house. They didn't know what he was doing. I said so. He wasn't by
himself either. All the rest of them up there in Judea, the apostles and them, they didn't know either. And, when
they got back up there, that's Acts of Apostles, they went and jumped
Page 4
on him for going in to the uncircumcision. They didn't jump on him about the water baptism. They jumped on him
about going in to the uncircumcised. Isn't that right?
Now these ones there, they're not arguing about circumcision, they're arguing about water baptism. They oughta be
arguing about circumcision first. You circumcise 8 days after a birth. That is before you got baptized. And as Dr.
Harris said there Sunday, when a child is born there's got to be some water there somewhere and there's got to be
some blood there. And now there ain't no need of you going and getting in some water and trying to wash that clay
off of him. You have to get some oil. Before the High Priest could go in here, he had to be anointed with oil and he
had to be washed in the laver, the water ____.
When a woman has a child, the water is in the blood. Then you got to take something to get it off, then spank him.
He takes in a deep breath: 'W A A A'. Everything. Yahweh made it that way so that you could see, but when you
run into these mysteries you don't recognize them you don't realize 'em. Now do you see how that 666 got in there?
Student Body: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: Let me say this to you. Now, that's all that, I think I should say it this way. I've said it so many times.
It's in everybody's Bible. Says it's in the 1st covenant. Now Bishop, you know, you've been out there in Babylon.
Bishop: Right.
Dr. Kinley: Dr. Gross, you been out in Babylon. We're old people. He ain't been out in Babylon so ____ ____
____. Now here's what they're doing out there in the Methodist and the Baptist and the Presbyterian and the Roman
Catholics, and the Jehovah Witnesses and what not. They are saying that Yahshua the Messiah don't know what
He's talking about. And then what they are doing, now you listen closely at what I'm talking about. This first
covenant was given to the Jews, keeping the Sabbath and offering up of the sacrifices and so forth and so on. I
wanna know if that's right. Not to the Gentiles. Water baptism right here. Washing of regeneration right up here. I
wanna know whether that's right or not.
Student Body: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: Now, Yahweh said, 'I ain't gonna make no other covenant with them like that'. I'm talking about the
2nd covenant. I'm talking about what's in your Book, Roger. Now, He couldn't make the New Covenant with him
until He removed the old one. So, that's why Yahshua comes along fulfilling that which was instituted and then
moved it out of the way. Now, I'm not talking about Gentiles now. So don't get me in that way. Yahweh said gonna
make both covenants, the new one and the old, with that, with the Jews or with the Israelites.
Now, here's where you come in back here, the Abrahamic promise. He promised it in Abraham's seed He would
bless all of the peoples upon the earth, all the
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families on the earth. Now there's where you're involved. And Abraham accepted that by faith, in other words, he
believed Yahweh.
Yahweh told him that he would have a son. And He's well stricken in years. Abraham went in and told Sara
(Sarah?) about it, and she laughed. Just like when we try to tell you all about something and you set up there and
laugh about it. What I mean is try to tell you something that you been told all your life and you think we're wrong
then you set up and laugh about it.
But Abraham believed and Sara (Sarah?) , she sent him off out there to Hagar. You go on out there to her. She's
passing it off. Now Hagar was a bondwoman. So, he had a child Ishmael by Hagar. Now that was his 1st
Covenant. And listen, Abraham was as much his father by Hagar as he was Isaac's father by his wife. Yahweh
working them Gentiles in.
Then now he goes to Sara. Now Sara (Sarah?) is barren from birth. And Yahweh did it and so also was Abraham's
seed. At an old age and he received favor. Sara ____ be. She had, gave birth to Isaac. Now there is 2 sons. And by
the way, a little further down the road, Sara (Sarah?) dies and Abraham marries Keturah, and Keturah has 6 sons
by Abraham and the baby was named... Who?
Student Body: Shua.
Dr. Kinley: Shua. And there was 8 of 'em altogether. now how 'bout that?
Student Body: Alright
Dr. Kinley: Now when they crossed over here and they drove out them nations. How many were left in there?
Student Body: 8
Dr. Kinley: You see that now? When Noah came in over in the ark, how many in there?
Student Body: 8
Dr. Kinley: Look folks, this thing is plain as the nose on your face. But now here's what you have to do. If we
would take this and cut this up into a jigsaw puzzle, and you'd go to try to, or any of these pictures, and you go to
try to, this looks like it might fit up there and you go to try to press it in up there, then you, then you got a match. It
just won't fit. When you get the picture all put back together right, instead of agreeing as it is here as it is on the
face of the box, you've got a misfit.
That's the way it is with the purpose. You're gonna have to go by the pattern or else you're gonna have a misfit.
You're going to have to know what the purpose is. Now listen, there's never been no body...
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by Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley
Mt. Carmel, California
recorded by Eugene Hodoh
1 90 minute audio cassette
transcribed by Cathy Fenti
proofread by Michael Rothstein and Geraldine Rothstein
proofread and approved by International Public Relations Committee: 1996
1. …indicates that Dr. Kinley ended a word or a sentence without verbally completing it.
2. Audience comments are included only if more than one person responded or if Dr. Kinley was speaking directly
to a specific person.
3. Unless emphasized by Dr. Kinley pause words have been left out of the transcript for the sake of ease in
readability and comprehension (ah, uh, see, you see, you see what I mean, isn’t that right, understand, you
understand, do you understand).
4. ___ indicates an inaudible word or syllable
5. WORDS IN CAPITAL LETTERS are comments of the transcriber.
Dr. Kinley: ... that somebody, when you look at all of that what you call the New Testament, when you find out
that this was done because of a fulfillment of scriptures that the scriptures might be fulfilled; and what Yahshua
said I about it, fulfilling and all that kinda thing. And then on top of all of that, everybody comes out and says that
He was instituting, supposed to have a good, real good education too, and went to school, ____, theological school,
and I'm not talking about you doc, I'm just talking, the whole thing as a whole. But it looks, just, just, just looks
bad. You know that! That's really bad. And I would say this: that if a doctor went to school, I mean a medical
doctor went to school, and he was, he was taught such things as backwards as the theologians are taught, I'll tell
you, you would, Hobbs1, business would be good. You can see, because they've ____ so many, be a lotta dead
people because he'd be giving him something that he ought not to give him, so that it would, it'd kill him rather
than to cure him. Say,
Elba Hobbs was a mortician.
Page 1
'This school is funny.' Don't, don't don't seem funny now since you came and learned the differences already. It
really don't. It don't look right, the Catholics quote the Bible and what they call the New Testament and read as
much of it as you can find in there, in His biography or the autobiography and Pauline epistles and the Acts of
Apostles and on over to Revelations, about how things were done to fulfill the scriptures, then he turned around
and say to you that He's instituting. Now that's, now that's just awful bad. Wouldn't you, wouldn't you say so? As
much as it's... Say you'd be surprised, we don't use half, near, no ways near half of what's in there about the
fulfillment. We don't, we don't use half that there is to, only half. But it just, it just seems like there's somebody
somewhere at one of these educational institutions or theological seminary oughta wake up to it sometime. And
then.., it's a mystery how people can say, preach and teach that's the way they think it is and all like that, and get by
with just simply refusing it in an open Bible. Wouldn't you, wouldn't, wouldn't you all say so? And it is a strange,
it's just a mysterious thing. Nobody knows nothing about what Yahshua was up.., now that's bad too. Not to know
the names and then, and then misrepresent what He's doing. Then you want to talk about somebody being an
idolater, ____ and all that kinda stuff. That's bad. Many millions of people that Rome has killed. And when you,
when you confront 'em with it. They say that.., they say, they, they say they are his priests. They contend for
institution of the Lord's Supper, the mass and all that kinda stuff, and they can't prove none of it, there's nowhere
about it in the Bible. That's a mighty strange thing. And that oughta let you know that there's, there's something's
cast out of heaven, (DR. KINLEY LAUGHS) and don't know. And everybody following the devil because you just
can't, just can't find Yahweh. And you don't act right because you're full of the devil. You got one of his imps in
you. Then when you do act right, you wanna say that's wrong. I'll tell you, it's actually something funny. And I
just, I just heard 'em.., Dr. Williams, or Dr. Harris or Roland or somebody, and I listened... In the end, that if
anybody could come up with anything any better than what we have been taught and talk about down here, well,
I'd like to hear that. Wouldn't you? (DR. KINLEY LAUGHS) At least we do state what the Bible does say. And
their idea of ful.., 'Well we know that Jesus fulfilled the passover, but He instituted the Lord's Supper.' How He
fulfilled baptism here with the jews, but He instituted Christian baptism and what kind of foot washings was here;
that's supposed to be the washing of regeneration. Well yes. He fulfilled footwashing and He instituted the washing
of regeneration when He's washing feet. Now it's bad, because.., and we're living right down here in the end of the
age, where the people out here.., conditions in the world that are really bad.
Roger, when we was over at, about an hour, or an hour and a half up the coast ____ ____ . We call ourselves going
up there fishing, and see polluted water and up there, and the water was just as dirty as it could be. There wasn't
nobody ____ with it either. It ____ ____ ____.
Ronald Griggs: Doc, did the, did the Messiah have any physical ailments?
Person: Did He have any physical ailments?
Dr. Kinley: Yes, He did.
Page 2
Ronald Griggs: I'm not talking psychological. I know spiritually...
Dr. Kinley: No. He had physical impairments. He had trials just like we do. Yes. If He had not, had done that..,
now this is the reason behind it. This is it: if He, if He hadn't have suffered as we do, then you could say, 'Well, He
could undergo those things because He was different than what we were.'
Person: Is that in the Book anywhere?
Dr. Kinley: Yes, it's in the book. If it wasn't in there, I wouldn't never say so. Yahshua ____ and everything else,
just like we do, and He suffered. I don't have a concordance here, but if I had a concordance, I can find it, you can
read it. But that was not a body full of sin or a sinful body. Where'd we stop.
Eugene Hodoh: 53rd chapter of Isaiah
Dr. Kinley: Huh?
Eugene Hodoh: 53rd chapter of Isaiah
Dr. Kinley: That's it, read.
Eugene Hodoh: Who has believed our report and to whom is the arm of Yahweh revealed, for He shall grow up
before Him as a tender plant and as a root out of a dry ground. He hath no form or comeliness and when we shall
see Him there is no beauty that we should desire Him. He is despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrow and
acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from Him. He was despised and we esteemed Him not.
Ronald Griggs: Okay now, does that mean then, does that mean though that He had any, is that actually saying that
He had any physical infirmities, because you also can go over there and and it talks about how Israel was ____.
Dr. Kinley: Let me give it to you this way, Ronnie, real quick. You remember when John the Baptist was in prison
and he said, John the Baptist sent his disciples down there and they asked him: was he the Messiah or should they
look for another? And he told them to go back and tell him of that what all was going on. Now, what I'm getting
after is this: says when I was sick and in his prison, you visited me not, but you visited me. Yes, He had... And
when He was going through Samaria there and set on the well, He was tired and worn out. And they had gone to
town to buy victuals and food and all. Now if He is tired and worn out and, and had infirmities and inflictions and
all that kinda thing, just as we do. Now if it hadn't have been, there wouldn't have been anything for Him to boast
about, well there wouldn't have been any, wouldn't have been any advantage in it, in, in, in coming, because we
could have said, 'Well, He's just from different offspring.' Yes, He suffered, when they drove the nails all in His
hands. And He said, 'Before I suffer.' And He told them certain things before He suffered. Yes, He was afflicted,
infirmities. Indeed. If it had not been for that, let me clinch it by saying this, if it had not been for that, they
couldn't have put Him to death; in other words,
Page 3
I mean that He couldn't.., they, they couldn't nail Him to the cross and then, then He'd die, if He hadn't been subject
to death as Yahshua. Now that's what I'm talking about. Course I understand what you mean by what you've heard,
fully understand it.
Ronald Griggs: Well, I know that He had to suffer the cross, the crucifixion itself, the agony and the short 33 years.
Dr. Kinley: See that was a sacrificial body, it was not a sinful body. I don't want you to think I'm saying that it was
a sinful body because it was not. But so far as flesh and blood is concerned, He was flesh and blood just like we
Dr. Harris: John said in 1:14 that the Word was made flesh (THERE ARE SEVERAL INAUDIBLE SENTENCES
Dr. Kinley: Yeah, I understand what he's talking about. If He hadn't suffered adversities and all like we do, why
then He would have had the advantage over us. And we are the weaker and consequently subject to sin and
misconduct and like that. What it really does, it shows the power of the Holy Spirit. Now the body itself, the
physical body, has to undergo a change, it doesn't make a difference who's body it is, has to undergo a change. And
that's the same thing that happened to Him. Now if He was already that way, then He couldn't have underwent no
change. It is just a manifestation of the power of Yahweh to make something like that. And even John the Baptist,
he was full of the Holy Spirit right from his mother's womb but he went through life until he got down there in the
prison, then he said, 'Art thou the Messiah?' after saying 'Behold the Lamb of Yahweh which takes away the sins of
the world.' And he saw the Spirit descend on Him and a lotta people think that's when Jesus got the Holy Ghost
there, but that isn't so. He was the personification of it. And then I'll just put it like this. The majority of the
churches preach it just like the Roman Catholic Church does, meaning this: they have God the Father over here,
and God the Son over here, and then God the Holy Ghost; three distinctive individual personalities. Well that just
really is not so. Now somebody says, 'Well, how do you know, and where you find that at, and how do you get
that?' Deuteronomy 6:4, I believe it is, says, 'Hear oh Israel, Yahweh thy Elohim is Yahweh a unity,' not three
different distinctive individuals. And I would say this, if you can look in the Bible, (now listen to what I'm gonna
say now) if you can look in the Bible and see that He was fulfilling, you couldn't expect no better for him to say
that there were three different distinctive individuals. If you can't read that, if you can't understand that, the
difference between institution and fulfillment. You understand what I'm talking about?
Ronald Griggs: Yes sir.
Dr. Kinley: And it's, it's, it's, it's a terrible thing. And you can just say that it's worldwide too. All that stuff is...
And you look, look right straight at it and you put your finger right on it in your Bible. And you'll stand right up
there and say... And then on top of all that, the other bad thing is this, I don't know whether I said this or not when
you come over, but I would like to say this and all again, because it
Page 4
is one of the most important parts of the ministry is here and ____ ____ ____. When Moses at the burning bush.
Now I'm just gonna cut it up short and, He told Moses when he went down into Egypt, 'Certainly I will be with
you.' Now here comes up somebody blind just as blind as a bat and say He wasn't up there in the mountain with
him. What you're really doing is making Him out a liar. Said, 'Well, He wasn't with him up there.' All of you
understand what I'm talking about? It don't make no difference where Moses went or where he was at, He was with
him, the same as, He, He's with you too, whether you recognize His presence or not. And then another thing too
about that same thing is just, that burns me a lotta times is they got somebody up there hollering the commands,
saying, 'Thou shalt not do this, and that, and the other.' And he don't have no body at all. I mean it don't have no,
no body. Now you never heard no body say anything, it has to have some body in order to say something. You run,
went around trying to tell somebody that, that, that something said, 'Thus and so forth and so on,' and that, but they
didn't have no body. And now you, they, they'd put you in the asylum. Don't make no kinda sense. Well, wouldn't
you say so? Somebody says, 'Well, it don't say here there.' It don't make any difference whether it says here there
or not. And you know He was where they are. He was, He was with Moses when Moses didn't even know that He
was with him. You'll find somebody always trying to play smart. They wanna be, want somebody to listen to 'em
and look up to them and hear them. See you're gonna have to find somebody up there in that
mount, now that's all there is to that. You're gonna have to, you're gonna have to do that. If there ain't no body up
there, now you got a disembodied something or other up there in the mountain giving commands and all like that.
It's bad.
Person: It makes sense once you explain it.
Dr. Kinley: Huh?
Person: It doesn't make no, no sense until you explain it. Once you explain it, makes sense to me.
Dr. Kinley: Yeah, that's right.
Person: It's so simple not to see it, till He let's you see.
Dr. Kinley: Why sure it does. If you tried to tell me that there was something, something somewhere saying
something and you can't find nothing of it at all, you have, you don't have no consciousness of it.
The whole entire 40 years that Moses was in the wilderness leading the Children of Israel, we'll just say it that way,
He was right with him. Now there's something else that, that, I, I, I, now I wish the ministers would, would bring
out more conclusively and ____. Now when they come up to Mount Sinai. Now they pitched the tent of Elohim, or
Moses on the back side of the mount. Now listen carefully at what I'm saying and you'll see through of what I'm
talking about; in other words, it'll become a reality to you. Now when He called Moses up in the mountain, He
Page 5
showed him how He created everything and told him up in the mount to take of the Children of Israel an offering
and make that tabernacle (now listen) that He might dwell among them. Well now, somebody could say this, 'Well,
wasn't He among them in the first place?' No. The tent was over there on the other, on the other side, the back side
of the mount and He told them to build Him a tabernacle that He might dwell among 'em. Now when the
tabernacle was builded, then there was three tribes on each side. Now He was right among them. Now that's
important to bring out, and it should be understood. So a lotta times people, they don't, they don't think and so...
Then it's just like what you might say, we're the offspring and achieved by the 12 tribes being around.., you're the
offspring. It's true that you are, and He is right among you and He dwells right among you and lives among you.
Now that's Elohim. Now that was in Joshua. Now the cloud, it covered the tabernacle, that's called, we'll call that
the gallant entry of Elohim, not the flesh now, and it entered the tabernacle, and He dwelled there between the
wings of the cherubim. Now that don't mean that it's necessary for you to move the tent, this thing right there.
Cause all them things that they get people all twisted up and all. Oh the ministry out here is a mess. They don't
understand nothing. And what I'm preaching there's an awful lotta people, you'd be surprised, who just don't go to
church at all, and don't want to be bothered with it. And you can't blame 'em, cause they hadn't got nothing out of
it. It be just like taking your money out here and putting it in the trash can in the back alleyway or in the alley
someplace. You don't get nothing for it, nor nothing. Well, says, ' why you doing that?' Well says here to put 'em in
the trash can, but you don't get no return nor nothing for it. ____ ____ promise.
And then, but when it comes to explaining something to you, they can't explain nothing because they don't know
nothing to explain.
Person: Doc, can I ask a question?
Dr. Kinley: Yeah.
Person: I need you to help and to explain yourself. The law on the inside of the ark and the, and the ordinances on
the outside of the ark.
Dr. Kinley: Well, when you say the law and the ordinances...
Person: at the table, you was talking about the ordinances, at the table on this side
Dr. Kinley: Now you, when you speak of that, let's say the auxiliary ordinances. It was all embodied within the 10
commandments; in other words, it was all one. That's right. And now the significance, we wanna deal with that just
a minute or two, the significance of it. When Moses put this... Now the reason why I'm bringing this up this way is
to show you so you'll know how to talk with Jehovah Witnesses and the Ambassador College and others. They say
that the Holy Spirit is not in anybody. Now when Moses was.., laid the tables of stones in the ark of the covenant
in the Most Holy Place, that signified that He would write; it reflected that He would write within your mind or
within your conscience, the, the, the New
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Covenant. That's what it signified, cause the tabernacle was just like your body. And so, by him laying it in the
Most Holy Place, the tables of stones, then that signified Him laying or the New Covenant written in your heart
and in your inner parts. You understand what I mean? Well now they don't see no parts of none of that, and, and
getting dumber all the time. Yes indeed. And I would think this. If them people with a delusion is a terrible thing,
but if those people can go up and down the street, and knock on peop.., and knock on people's doors and try their
best to convert somebody to their way of seeing things. If they're that way, now here you are with the truth, the real
truth, and you can't even come to school; now that's bad, wouldn't you say? And they work just as hard as they can
work and just as wrong as they can be. We were going somewhere. I think Roger and I was going down to the
fishing tackle store or someplace, and we saw a whole bunch of 'em. There was their leader, ahead, and they was
going somewhere ____ ____ ____. Now anybody, just anybody, now listen to what I'm gonna say, just anybody,
including them, can look in a dictionary or in an encyclopedia and find that Jehovah is not the true name of the
Father. And they got just nerve enough to go out here and tell people, and, and got it in their book too, that Jehovah
is not the true name. Now what do you think about that? Now ____ ____ ____. I'll tell you something else too. The
people underestimate, they underestimate the power of Yahweh, and they, and the power of the devil. They under
estimate the power of both. Course there is no power but of Yahweh. Yahweh is, I mean the devil and his power,
he doesn't have any power of his own, but they underestimate him. I have, I've tried to say it both ways so you can
follow through. But they underestimate the power of Yahweh. And then I'll tell you something else. We need to get
along and set on this with both feet and that's this: institution and fulfillment, course we've been on that. And you
don't need to re.., let up on it, and the names. And now another thing too. Now, if you see a cloud with rain starting
to come up on you, and the lightning in that cloud sets off, and those temperatures, then you got thunder. And a
lotta people, just a whole lotta 'em don't make no difference about what you believe, but when that terrific thunder
there, and even the fishes they'll go down and lay right on the bottom, lay quiet until that rain, until that thunder
will go. Assuming it thunders enough to shake the earth where they are, right down to the bottom of the ocean.
And you, now you ain't catching the fish then, because he ain't biting. But what I'm trying to point out is this: in II
Peter the 3rd chapter the earth will pass away with such a great noise. Now you talking about fear. Fear that you've
never experienced before. It'll pass away, in the book, tell you with a great noise and the elements melt with
fervent heat. Then the pope won't be near as bold to stand up in, in town and spew out a bunch of ignorance and
foolishness. Now I think about it all of that all the time. You can take an earthquake and shake up a lotta people.
Some of them are running or afraid of that, but this is what they do.., or a volcano is erupting, this is what they do:
just as soon as the lava quit flowing down the side of the mountain and setting everything on a fire, they flee from
the, that lava is being spilled forth and just as soon as that eruption is over like with Mount Vesuvius, then they
moved right back in the same area. Now how about that? They go back there and see if they can find any thing of
their personal belongings whether it wasn't destroyed or consumed by the fire and then say, 'This is my property
here.' And just right back up in under the mountain Vesuvius and all again. Then the earthquake happened. Right
straight back and build up by the mountain. ____ ____
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____. It just looks like people would have better sense but they just don't. They don't. And they are awful boasters
and proud, haughty and high minded. As it says in the first chapter of Romans there, the last few verses, But when
the thing really comes down and they loose, just like a little child out in the street there in the nude, nude in the
street there. A little child out there with the diapers on and nobody even around, just a little child out there. He
genuinely didn't deal with it with saving that child. Then they did and took care of it because it had no mother and
no father, and everything around it was destroyed. And how it survived, they don't know. But with their high mind,
what I'm saying is, they're high minded and they're haughty and stubborn and hateful and mean until something
happens. Yahweh knows how to humble you and bring you on down. You just can't, you, you don't think until the
inevitable happens, and then you begin to think. Well it's just, it's a terrible thing. Now Jehovah Witnesses going
around saying this: the reason why I brought that up, they're saying that the heavens and the earth won't pass away.
They mean by saying this: Solomon said, 'one generation goes and the other comes, but the earth abides forever.'
And then they mean by that, it ain't gonna pass away. I tell you what they're, what they're doing is trying to say
something different than somebody else is saying. That's, that's what they're saying, that's what they're doing:
trying to say something different than somebody else and trying to tell you you were wrong about what you think
and then know good and well that they're wrong as they can be. And then they go water baptizing, they oughta do
the whole thing. My brother's boy, ever after Benny was dead and we were there ____ ____ in school. And he
couldn't, well he didn't, he never did attend our school, but he's next to the oldest. And he says, 'Well, I sure am
tired, I baptized over 200 people today.' Now he thought that was smart. Showing up. You, you wasn't talking to
me, if he was I'd be cussing him out. That child, he was baptizing 200 people that day. But I'll say this, as strange
as it may seem, and it is one for the book, I mean Roger Ripley: you're the only people, religious as all people, that
are talking about instituting and fulfilling and the correct names. And now when we take that in account, when you
take that in account, now, now listen what I'm gonna say, everybody, don't forget it either: it proves that there
much of satanic spirits of existence and they are cast out and they are incarnated in these physical bodies that's
causing them to say and do and act as they're acting. That's what it is. And it could very well be in you, it could,
course it could be in anybody else, that is if you won't accept the truth, then that's what's keeping you from
accepting it. You all, do you all understand me now? Which they go right on and reading it and saying it's wrong.
Saying he, this was done and he went to John the Baptist and suffered Himself, permitted to be so for it behooves
us to fulfill all righteousness. Then look here, now listen what I'm gonna say (now as a rule we carry this part of
the way, we ought to carry it all the way) and that's this: He went through life, when He went through His ministry
(now listen what I'm going to say now and pay strict attention to it) we show where He went to John the Baptist,
anybody can read, the Jehovah's Witnessses or anybody will, can read that. He told him that would.., to permit it to
be so, or suffer it to be so, for it behooves us to fulfill all righteousness. Now that's the beginning of His ministry.
Course, now His birth was a fulfillment, and...
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... And then He goes to the cemetery, the grave, that's a fulfillment too. Resurrects from the dead, that's a
fulfillment. Tarries 40 days, that's a fulfillment cause that'd be 40 days on each side, you see what I'm gonna... And
then step aboard a cloud. I'm trying to put this in terms you can understand it, you can explain about the cloud and
the physical body and afterwards, but what I'm saying, He stepped aboard a cloud and He went all the way into
heaven. Peter said He'd gone on into heaven. Now contending that what He was doing was fulfilling, not instituting
no Lord Suppers, not instituting no Christian water baptism, none, none, none, no parts of none of it. Now here's
what I'm saying: if He made it into heaven contending that He was fulfilling, now don't you see where you, where
you're going to contending He instituted? Now that's clean. Now you can look back there in the scriptures and see
this: see Him coming out of Egypt under the cloud, see this cloud, they're following this cloud all the way. And
then when they picked up the ark of the covenant and packed up and moved across the River Jordan under the
cloud. That's typical and symbolical of Jerusalem there or Palestine here, is a, the Holy Land is allegorical to
heaven. Now that's why He had to go all the way in. I'm just.., that's the reason why He had to ascend on a cloud.
Person: Doc, I have a question
Dr. Kinley: Shoot. If I can't answer it, somebody else in here will. (PEOPLE LAUGH)
Person: Tuesday night. ____ all in the same vein. Now I realize what it's like to have a dream and all and I was
thinking of also Paul when he had his revelation he was talking about, whether he's in the body or out of the body
only Yahweh knew. Now, what will, for a lack of a better word, what will a person actually experience when he
undergoes a change from a, from a natural body to a spiritual body, where it be glorified or, or, or damned. I mean
would you have, will a person have consciousness of them ever being in the flesh or what, the transition, I mean
what type of an experience will it be and will it, will it, will a person be aware of this change, obviously the soul
will be aware of this right?
Dr. Kinley: Dr. Harris, do you understand what he's talking about. Can you explain it to him.
Dr. Harris: Yes, now my understanding on that.., change'll be quick, quicker than a blink of your eye as far as that
change is gonna happen spiritually. Paul said over in 15th chapter of I Corinthians in a moment in a twinkling of
an eye, we shall all be changed. So you can, you can take his word for it. That's not gonna be like what you think.
No, it's going to be instantaneous. Now was there a second part to your question.
Person: Now the second part was. Okay now I, I understand that, when you die you just I mean you're gone.
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Dr. Harris: Oh yeah, I got it, the other part was about remembering. Now then, over in Revelations you got your
answer to that. John said that He will wipe all tears from our eyes and we wouldn't remember the former sorrow
that you knew before. We won't have no remembrance of it. Different things, such as remembering you ____ ____
mother ____.
Person: Yeah okay.
Dr. Kinley: And if you did, let me add something to it, then you'd be in as much torment then as you are now.
Person: Okay. Now Yahweh, being as repetitious as He is, and overturning and overturning and overturns. Will
there be another physical creation like this one.
Dr. Harris: Well now there, back in eternity, Yahweh determines what's back, what's to be in this series of ages
He's running or His spirit manifests in other words when these ages are complete now you're only in the fourth one
now, you have three more to go after this. And when you come to this one and others here in at the end of this
series of ages, then Yahweh or we will decide what the next one will be.
Person: Even though it was purposed back in eternity even before it took on a shape and form and Yahweh Elohim,
it was purposed back in there.
Dr. Harris: Yeah it was determined and causes what this would be, what you're experiencing now. This one, you
have 7 ages, so every bit of it thus far to its end or finish were decided back there. Now you were back there with
Him, but you have no consciousness of it. Every aspect of this, all this was predetermined back there. But this has,
now this has got a run it's complete course. When you go over into the next age you supposed to be equipped with,
you still have creations to go before you complete this series of ages. Now right where, here's where you're gonna
be, this program was set up back there. Now when, when this one's completed, then that's when we with Yahweh
will decide the next series of ages.
Person: I'd like to supplement that by saying that ____ ____ ____ 13 chapter of Paul, 13 chapter of 1st Corinthians.
Said that now abideth faith, hope and charity, that is to say love. And he said just the point that when that which is
perfect is come, that in part shall be done away. Now we know that the physical creation is imperfect, it's limited,
it's finite. This is a section in the program, as Dr. Harris said, but then once we have arrived in immortality, there
won't be no reason for a repetition of the imperfect, cause once you have arrived at perfect there won't be any place
for the imperfect.
Ronald Griggs: You mean in other words, what you're, what you're implying is that there doesn't necessarily mean
that there'd be another physical creation.
Person: Not fleshly, there's just no need for it.
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Dr. Harris: Now let me just, let me say, let me say, now what I've told you, you might not know where, what was
my authority for saying what I said. My authority was what I have already been taught by Dr. Kinley. So, there's
no speculations there. Now if you're gonna speculate, then you have as many speculatory theoretical opinions as
there are people in this room. But I just gave it to you like it's been taught to me; in other words, without that, I
wouldn't have no idea or concept about it. And you won't find, as far as I can see, and this is a thought that I've
often, oftentimes comes to my mind. Now you got Moses's vision and you got John's vision, then you got someone
else's vision which is most panoramic of them all. Now this man told us things that we knew we didn't find
recorded in Moses's vision or John's. And that's what we talk about now. John doesn't tell you nothing about it, and
neither does Moses. Now he, in just, his is just as authoritative as Moses or John, and you'd do well to just take it
just like He give it to you as he lays it down. I remember when you were around, you used to sit around Dr.
Dr. Kinley: Now can I just say this one thing. Now you cannot supersede the authority of and the revelation of
Yahweh. Now I spoke up to say this. Now while we are at home in the body, we are absent from Yahweh. Now,
not that He's absent from us, we're absent from Him. But then will we be present with Him and we shall (that's in
the book I'm talking about) then so, we shall ever be with Him; and being with Him and a part of Him, we suffer
no ill consequences of anything. You don't have any experience of anything. Well, let's, let's see if we can patch it
up by saying this. Right now you see there's a lot of murders and all that's going on all over the world, and
unpleasant things, earthquakes and what hot and people are bowed down in sorrow, in grief and all those different
kinda things. Well with Yahweh it is not that as of now. It is not, it this it isn't a grievous thing with Him because
He determined it to be this way. And He's not grieved, because His purpose is being executed. So now when we
are with Him and be as He is, then nothing can be grievous at all, because we'll forever be with Him, and eternal
happiness. That's the reason why to go on and to speculate that there would be another physical creation like this
and people would be suffering like they are now, now that's speculating. You don't have, you don't have, you don't
have nothing to say that with. Then, on top of all that, let's, let's, let's make this real good and clear. The angels that
were in heaven and cast out of heaven and now in, held in what you might say chains of darkness waiting the day
of judgement to be appointed. I just put it, I'm trying to put it in some terms that you can understand. Now, if
they're in bondage, having experienced those things, and have to be punished, then they will never be loosened and
so they can give you any trouble at all. They're, they are that part of Yahweh, that's, that's not conscious to grief
and all those different kinda things. Do you all understand? Now I'm, I'm struggling for words to explain it to you.
But if we are with Him, now as I, listen I tried to make it clean and clear when I said while we're at home in the
body we're absent from Him. And Paul said there and he used a statement there that whether in the body or out of
the body he couldn't tell, but now, it is stated, we're stating now that we're that we're out of the body, that is to say
this flesh has been consummated and we have an immortal body. And an immortal body and an immortal spirit,
which is Yahweh, we will ever be with Him and there will be no grief. That's the reason why let me say it this way,
that's the reason why the
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angels, when they flew through the midst of heaven crying holy, holy, holy art thou, there was no grief there.
There's nothing for them to be sorry over and about, because they're in another realm, another state of existence.
Do you understand what I'm talking about? Do you really follow me? Does every body else? Does anybody got
any questions to ask about that. If so, let's have them. It wouldn't be, it, it, it wouldn't be worthwhile going,
undergoing a whole lotta persecution and suffering and all them different kinds of things, if there's, if there's gonna
be some more of it. If you wasn't gonna be liberated from it, why then, there, there, there, it, it just don't make no
sense. Now some people have got this kinda an idea about things, which is wrong too. That they say, 'Well, look, if
it's just to be consummated, in the consummation it won't take but a minute or two then it'll all be all over so what's
the hell's the use for me'(I'm using the expressions they use) 'me being all this somehow about everything.' They
don't realize they're unconscious of the purpose, of the power of Yahweh, of, and the suffering, even let's put it this
way, even in your physical body that you can undergo right here walking around. They are unconscious of, of the
sufferings that can take place while you're right in this physical body, it's unbearable. And would, would make
anybody regardless of what their conviction was, it'd make them say, 'Have mercy on...' if there's anybody at all,
and if there's anything anywhere, don't make no difference what it is, 'Please let have it.' They're, they're
unconscious of the suffering and the pain and the agony and the misery and all, while they're doing all this big talk.
So likewise when it comes to the other side of the life, you won't be conscious of this in the other side of life, the
suffering and all, because it'll be constant joy and bliss, we might say. And such won't come into mind at all. Then
as Dr. Harris has stated, everything is back now and now I'm speaking now, from a, give you Bible now, of the
15th chapter of I Corinthians. And I've tried my best to bring it out in verse 28. Then shall the Son lay down all
authority and all power and then just give it back to Him that put all things under Him, that Yahweh might be all in
all. Now Yahweh has no suffering and has no unhappiness and no unpleasantness to go through with. He is the one
that determines and then it's I or we, meaning this: that it will all be where we started from, the angels and all. Now
how about that? Now that's the way it was revealed to me. Now then anybody can doctor it up, fix to suit yourself,
but that's the way it was revealed to me, that's the way it was shown to me. And that's what I tried to teach. Now
that brings me, now I think I could say this too, along with that; which is the unconsciousness of it. And I tried to,
one time in my life that I remember to bring this out, here not too long ago, because I knew it was overlooked, and
that is: the 24 chapter, I believe, of Exodus, that Moses was in the Mount 40 days and 40 nights and the cloud was
a devouring fire in the sight of the Children of Israel. A devouring... Now the word devouring and consuming is
the same. Now what I'm saying now, listen to what I'm saying, don't miss the boat on this one. Now if He's a
consuming and a devouring fire. Consummated everything consummated. And then you go back into that state of
a, well let's say, that's Yahweh in His totality, it's a hard thing for me to say. But now then in that, they don't, you,
what I'm saying is: that's the lake. Now that is the lake, that you, that the people read right over, and reading about
the lake all the time and and He is a consuming fire, but they don't recognize it. They don't realize it. Where even
when they're looking right at it. Now that's not like the Children of Israel, three Hebrew children were cast in the
fiery furnace and all that. This is a consuming fire, and then everything
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will be back in order. Now when I say order, I'm talking about in it's proper perspective, in it's proper place, that
Yahweh might be all in all. Now how about that? Then, I or we shall determine what is to be in the next series of
ages. Now the reason why I said that is because Yahweh is eternal. He is, He always was and He always will be,
not governed by time, He, He's, He's eternal. And that's the reason why I said that. Does everybody understand me
on, on, on this score. Ain't nobody sleep, no hand, no noise nowhere. That's what makes it worthwhile: for you to
be what you ought to be and not violate the law of the spirit or your conscience. Now don't violate your
conscience. Now a man or a person shouldn't allow themselves to do that which condemns them. Understand what
I'm talking about? Don't do it that way. Now somebody else comes along and says, 'Well that's wrong for you to
drink coffee,' but that doesn't necessarily condemn you. It may them. Why? Because they haven't, have never been
elevated to the place that you have. And we just think that's terrible. But nevertheless then never, there's a whole
lot of other things, just any number of things that people are unaware of. It doesn't violate my conscience. I drink,
for example, take a drink of bourbon or brandy or something, and that don't bother my conscience at all. Now I
take some drinks, I've been, just before we left Gary Mathess brought it over there to us and Babe Hodoh brought
some too. And that which Babe Hodoh brought is a little harder, a portion of it was there in this bottle right now,
Brandy. But now it hurt. Now I paid the bill, I paid the bill myself. Nobody else has to suffer but me on the
account of what I did there. Now that, that, that, that, that's paid for. If you eat or drink something, it can be deadly
poison and what, what, what not, but the poison's there, what the Messiah was talking about, is what you're been
eating all you life until you got in this school, you been drinking all your life that's the deadly poison. It isn't
something physical, but if you eat something physical and it don't set so well with you, why then you pay the bill.
You're the one that has to do the suffering.
Person: Doc
Dr. Kinley: Yes.
Person: mentioned ____ ____ ____ ____ about the 2nd death a little bit.
Dr. Kinley: The 2nd death?
Person: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: Well the first death, the first death was... Let's put it right there. Adam died the first death for his wife.
It was executed and Yahweh executed that on him cause him; in other words, caused a deep sleep to fall upon him.
It's just like an anesthetic. And then he was just the same as dead, innocently so. Now the people, well meaning
people, out there do things, following religion and all, which really idolatry, but Yahweh winked at it, but just as
soon as you find out that it's wrong right there and if you don't stop, then you have that execution of that second
death. And you're dead while you're yet living. And I'm not talking about being hauled off to the cemetery either.
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Eugene Hodoh: Doc, I have a question in regards to Moses when he came down from the mount and his face was
shown, shown so that he had to put a vail on.
Dr. Kinley: Can you hold it a minute?
Eugene Hodoh: Yes sir.
Dr. Kinley: I want to know whether ____ was clear on what I did say there?
Person: Yeah. I...
Dr. Kinley: Sit
Person: I said, Yeah doc ____ ____ ____
Dr. Kinley: Okay, that's alright. Now proceed.
Person: In regards to Moses coming down from the mountain having to put a vail on his face when he talked to the
people. Could you go into that a little bit?
Dr. Kinley: Well yes. He was in the presence of Yahweh, the incorporeal form, let me put it like that. And I'll say it
this way too, even you or anybody else that even as of new, that is filled with the Holy Spirit it just simply
permeates the flesh, it manifests itself like you can't hide it to save your life, but if that condemnation is in there,
then it will manifest itself now. I said that to say this. The person that is filled with the Holy Spirit, another person
that is filled with the Holy Spirit, they see the permeation, they see it manifested out. The vail then, has been taken
away, you or the flesh has been rent and you're looking into the spiritual things. Do you understand?
Person: Yes sir, I think so.
Dr. Kinley: Is there anybody else. Did everybody else understand what I'm talking about? Lotta times when
people'll do things and try to stand up something, and they're looking down and they can't look you straight in the
eye and all like that. Something wrong upstairs, you're lying and it's telling on you. But when you're doing that
which is right and, and now there may be something wrong there somewhere, and now here's what I mean by that.
But you don't know that there's anything wrong and the Holy Spirit will teach you and lead you and guide you in
all righteousness. And as soon as you come upon or something is revealed to you that you have been doing that is
wrong, why then you quit, and it continues to permeate. You can just tell, just look a person in the face. You can
see it in anybody. People try to get up and swear by all that's holy that they're right and you can just see the
countenance done failed.
Dr. Harris: Going back to something you were talking about ____ ____ ____ ____ cause we know it is a tenant of
the world teaching out there is: when they die they'll go to heaven with God and live happy and joyous and so forth
and so on. Course that's supposed to happen to them all of a sudden, when the end come,
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they don't know when that is, they look forward to it, but now with us that understand, we've already been
translated into the kingdom as Paul said in Romans 14: 17 the kingdom of heaven is righteousness, peace and joy.
Now we're supposed to be, we're supposed to have the earnest of the inheritance now. And we're supposed to be
experiencing some feeling of that righteousness, peace, and joy as of now. Well now if we aren't, there's something
amiss. Now we're going on to greater joy after this here, at the consummation but we're supposed to have a portion
of that now. That's the thing that permits you, ____ ____ ____ so to speak; in other words, you know beyond a
shadow of a doubt what you're going unto it, because you have it as of now. You're not hoping for it because you're
already.., that hope is already...
Student Body: Okay.
Dr. Kinley: Yes that's right. Now that brings me around to say something else. And I put this off a long time, and I
haven't... You women remember? Some of you were in this school here, some of you were not. I said that I had a,
what I call, just for the sake of understanding, a sermon that I wanted to preach about the women. Now I can say it
this way and then it can be appreciated without even an expression. And suppose Babe, somebody has a Bible
there, suppose you look at the 5th chapter of the Song of Solomon. Now here's a man that's had 700 wives and 300
concubines. Now he ought to know something about by experience. And I'll just get this load off of my chest right
now, because I can say what I wanna say and then you can, the men folk can appreciate it and a woman too can
appreciate it because it works, this whole room gonna work both ways. The 5th chapter and sixth verse. I know Dr.
Harris knows what it says there and read. He's finding out what page it's on.
Dr. Harris: I thought it was right after 12, and I see it's after Ecclesiastes.
Dr. Kinley: He hasn't much use for the Song of Solomon. (DR. KINLEY LAUGHS)
Person: Alright. I get it.
Dr. Kinley: Now what page is it on? (DR. KINLEY LAUGHS)
Person: Okay what'd you want? The 5th chapter. What verse?
Dr. Kinley: 5th, it, I think it 5th, 6th verse. 6th verse I think it is.
Person: I opened to my beloved but my beloved hath withdrawn himself
Dr. Kinley: No, that ain't it. No. He has set me as a seal upon...
Person: Well, what, what? Do you remember it, doc?
Dr. Kinley: It's about the 8th chapter os Song of Solomon.
Person: 8:6. 8th chapter, the 6th verse.
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Dr. Kinley: That's right. It's been a long time.
Person: Set me as a seal up on thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm. For love is strong as the death.
Dr. Kinley: Now just like that. Now that's unexpressible on his own ____ and he is saying, but to experience it is a
different thing. You know when you lost your mother or your father or your wife or someone in your family. Now
love is just as strong as death, that's something that you experience within yourself. Now what Solomon is talking
about is the Church and, and the woman.
Person: What doc?
Dr. Kinley: The church as, which is a woman. Now he says, 'Set me as a seal upon thy heart as a seal upon thine
arm for love, love is strong as death.' For example, now you say John 3:16. 'God so loved the world that He gave
His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish.' Now love is strong as death. Now I'm
telling you and this is what I'm trying to show you: a man that loves a woman, that real genuine love, not talking
about lust, I'm talking about love now, love is an attribute. It's as strong as death. Nothing can break it or come
between it because it's just as strong as death. You will not give it up under no circumstances, He... It would be just
like Adam was, he died for his bride because love is as strong as death. Now that's unexpressible and it has to be
experienced. Those words are there, you can express the words but the experience of it is a different thing. Alright,
now read on.
Person: jealously is cruel as the grave
Dr. Kinley: Now jealousy, it's now that's cruel. Now some of us has got that thing twisted right around the other
way. Jealousy is as cruel as the grave. Alright.
Person: the coals thereof
Dr. Kinley: the coals thereof
Person: are coals of fire
Dr. Kinley: are coals of fire. That's kindled within an individual, either love or jealousy is kindled within the
person. Alright, read on.
Person: which has a most vehement flame
Dr. Kinley: which has a most vehement flame
Person: many waters cannot quench love
Dr. Kinley: Now listen there. Now I, you can put him in the Pacific Ocean, and there's many waters... Cannot
quench it's thirst. It just can't be done away with. That's, that's, that's the essence of it. Love there is just
indispensable. Alright,
Page 16
Person: Neither can the floods drown it
Dr. Kinley: See it can't drown it.
Person: if a man would give all of his substance of his house for love
Dr. Kinley: Now listen here now, now you get this straight, get this straight: if a man would give all that he possess
including his body for love. Then what?
Person: it, it would be, would utterly be contemned
Dr. Kinley: Then you just say, you just, it's just a waste, you just can't purchase it with, with nothing. It's
indispensable. And you, if you had a billion dollars and you was gonna pay a billion dollars for love you couldn't,
it's not that won't that won't do nothing. That won't even touch it. Now I just give you that little bit there, which has
always been within me. Now that's a man for a woman, typifying and showing the church. And it is a man, there's
Solomon that has had 700 wives and 300 concubines. Actually spiritually. He wouldn't, He'd rather die and in that
He realized that even in death it, that it, it just wouldn't compensate or it wouldn't replace. Now that's, now that's
love for a woman. That's love typified as the church. Now there's another one in there, I don't remember in the, in
the book. Now it talks about a lewd woman, says her steps lead, that's in Proverbs2 that Solomon's talking about it.
Yes sir. And he says there her steps lead down to the lowest hell there is. That's just bad. True love. And true
lewdness is a terrible thing. I meant, I don't mean terrible, true love, it's just indispensable. And now a man, a
woman do something that he has love for, genuine love for, if he see her do something that cut his very heart, cut
him so deep until he would rather just die than ____ go through, just much rather die than to even go through ____.
Now a lewd woman ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____, I could say this in conjunction and relation and slip one
right in between there by saying this, that, that's why there's so many divorce cases is because they just went and
married for sexual conveniences and so forth and so on, or money or something like that and there wasn't any love
there. And so then that makes, makes quite a bit of difference. But where there's genuine love there and there's no
money ____, can't do anything with it at all, nothing in the world that can do anything with the love. It's
indispensable. But a bad woman... Now the reason why I characterize it as the church and then put it on the
individual back there and say...
Proverbs 7:27
Page 17
by Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley
Los Angeles, California
original recording on reel to reel
transferred to1 90 minute audio cassette by Lamer Greer
transcribed by Cathy Fenti
proofread by Michael Rothstein and Geraldine Rothstein
proofread and approved by the International Public Relations Committee: 1996
1. …indicates that Dr. Kinley ended a word or a sentence without verbally completing it.
2. Audience comments are included only if more than one person responded or if Dr. Kinley was speaking directly
to a specific person.
3. Unless emphasized by Dr. Kinley pause words have been left out of the transcript for the sake of ease in
readability and comprehension (ah, uh, see, you see, you see what I mean, isn’t that right, understand, you
understand, do you understand).
4. ___ indicates an inaudible word or syllable
5. WORDS IN CAPITAL LETTERS are comments of the transcriber.
Dr. Kinley: ...But one thing is that I want you to be aware of and comprehend and it's bearing down on you pretty
heavy. And I'll tell you what it is, so you won't be in the dark about it. I told you last week that when I was in the
hospital and had that 2nd heart attack, there were nurses and doctors that come to me right away. They went
through the papers, give me medications and so forth and so on. And when I was, when I, when they woke me up,
I felt that intensive and excruciating pain. And I realized how people could die in their sleep of a heart attack and
never awake. Now, I told you, as I have said before: I have told you what Yahweh gave to me to tell you. I've
already done did that. But now sometimes it's overlooked and people just simply don't believe. I told you that
Yahweh sent me in the world to be just what I am. And somebody says, 'Well, so then you can't be.' I told you that
I had a vision and a revelation, and somebody else says, 'Well, I'm equal to you.' And when you get through with
it, everybody got their doctrines and opinions and all these things are different and a lot of disputations and what
not. And now we've come right down to the close of this age. It is definitely important. Now you have seen right in
this room, people from other
Page 1
denominations come in here. Now we know they don't know what we're talking about. Now we know that. And it
wouldn't make any difference what subject you are intending to embark upon, they wouldn't know because they
haven't been taught. So how can they know? And they're bound to start or think different. And what you say a lotta
time is an insult to them, now they'll get up and walk out the door. They don't know, don't realize. Now I wanna
say this before I get out on the limb. Now what you must do as of now; I want, maybe I better let you read it. And
of course that I, I, I thought about that too. People are opening a Bible and put their finger right on the Bible, and
read right out of the Bible, and straight up and down and this is what they do. That's what they're doing. They're
doing it all over the world.
12th chapter of Revelation. Now this is what I'm after folks, there in the 12th chapter of Revelations. And I wanna
cut it short because I'm going to rush on and try to convey my, some thought to you. And I often speak of this,
there in the 12th chapter of Revelations, John is talking about that old serpent called the devil, Satan being cast out
of heaven, he and his angels. And they were cast down to the earth. Now those are demoniac spirits, there ain't but
one devil folks. Just one devil, the rest of 'em are demons. And it says there, stars of heaven. Now everything that
is written in your Bible, if you were aware of it, you could catch up with a whole lotta things. For example: stars
that shot or strewn down in the sky. What they call falling stars. And many of you, I'm pretty sure have, have seen
a lot it 'em, seen the stars fall. Now that is a verification that the angels, which are stars; stars represent the angels,
the sun represents the Son of Yahweh, the moon the law. Now all, everything natural, doesn't make any difference
what it is, everything natural,nothing excluding, but including everything: Yahweh has made it as it is in order to
abolish your excuse for stupidity and ignorance. That's why everything was made like it is. Now, Satan, his
disposition, which is also incarnated in his demoniac spirits that follow him: every time Yahweh says anything,
Satan always says, 'that's not the way it is;' in other words, Satan tries to make himself be the truth and Yahweh be
the liar. Now the thought that I'm trying to impart to you there is: those demoniac spirits are cast down unto the
earth, they are incarnated in physical bodies. Them demoniac spirits posing as ministers of light and as minsters of
righteousness. They are up in the pulpit, leading the people. And people are following them. Now listen what I'm
gonna say now. Pay attention because I'm struggling to try and get a thought over to you. And I'd like to do this
before my departure. Now my departure, I'm talking about departure out of the flesh. Now you can put your finger
on something in the Bible, (I'm, I'm repeating it to show you) put your finger on something right in the Bible and
read it. Now we've had this experience. I've had it for 42 years. And the majority of the instances, ecclesiastical
denominations such as Roman Catholics, the Baptists, the Methodists, the Unitarians, the Church of Christ, the
Church of God, and so forth and so on, at one time or another in this life and since I had the vision and the
revelation I have been in close conversation with them. They definitely will not accept the truth. Now what's the
matter? Well it's just like I said: that satanic spirit in them will not allow them to accept. Now listen, don't, don't,
don't think that a strange thing. Don't, don't think it strange, because when Yahshua the Messiah was here walking
around on the face of the earth, after coming through the loins of a woman and during His ministry, you have the
Page 2
Pharisees, you have the Sadducees, you have Zealots, the Nazarenes, the Essenes. Those are sects. Now they just
naturally wouldn't accept Him as the Messiah. Had the scriptures too. Bound some up around their arms and their
ankles and around their heads, and so forth and so on. In the synagogue every sabbath day, offering up sacrifices,
daily sacrifices. And yet and still, when He come along, they wouldn't accept Him. Now you got the same thing
today. Same devil that was cast out back there. Now what they have done, they have come right straight down
through the dispensations and ages, right on down to our day. They're mixed right in with us. And the, some of
them have been incarnated in you and I. Now how about that? Now if you wanna get mad, just go ahead on and get
mad. My job is telling you, instead of abiding by the consequences.
Now I said that because I preached 15 years Holiness, in the Church of God. And I quoted just as much scripture
as anybody. You could open your Bible and start to read and I'll tell you chapter and verse where you was reading
at. I, I was called a Bibliomaniac. And now could you just imagine how it was, when I was sitting in my dining
room rocking in a rocking chair. And the thought that was in my mind was, do like this. In the 15th chapter of Acts
of the Apostles, the 31st verse, I believe it is. Now I never got it by revelation, I just told you about it. This was the
thought that I had in my mind. Now I had, got what you call what had happened to me was put out of church;
accused of a young woman. And my mother said to me, said, 'Well son all of them people love to hear you preach,
you're a young man and now why don't you go back and straighten up with the brethren, confess, acknowledge that
you're sorry,' Now listen, now that's what my mother said to do. Now I was not guilty of what they said. And for
seven long years, the lady was out here; and I have no way of proving to them. And she told them that she was
guilty of committing that fornication, she told 'em. And because she stayed at my house on ____ ____ ____ ____,
she stayed at my house, me and my wife's house on a Saturday, and then, so she could go to school; her and
another friend of hers who lived in another little town. And she didn't tell them who it was. And because she stayed
at my house that put it on me. Now what, look what had caused that thing in the first place was this: when she was
quite young she wanted to marry a man. And her mother said, 'No.' She didn't want him, her to marry that man.
And her mother picked out a man for her to marry, so she married the man that her mother picked out. And it
wasn't too long before they were separated and divorced. So then she goes back to this man that she loved when
they was going to school. And there's where the crime was supposed to have been committed. But she didn't tell
them who did it, who was guilty. And they put it on my shoulders. Now here's what I wanna tell you about that.
Now I didn't know that Yahweh was throwing me out of the church. I didn't know that. Now how about that? And
here I was all, I mean I shed many a tear about that girl. And I tried to tell them, 'No.' Yet they, they wouldn't
listen. So finally one day I'm rocking in my chair and Yahweh caught me on up into the third heaven and showed
me what I have been trying to tell you. Now folks I wanna say this. Now if that is a lie, if I was lying, I could not
have continued this far with you. And I couldn't put up with as much as I've been through. I would have forgotten
all about ____ long ago. I couldn't, I just couldn't continue. You follow? But I told mother after that happened, I
told her, I said, 'No, mother, I can't do that.' Now what good would it have done me to go back there and lie and
say I'm guilty of
Page 3
something and with no understanding of what it was. I would've always had a condemned conscience of lying. So
when I really seen what's it all about, now my mother, she didn't know, she just didn't see, she belongs to the same
So, finally one day, well I could tell you about this first. There was an old blind man. We knew him long.., years
before He ever went blind. And he was really versed in greek and latin, and after he went blind mother fixed his
meals for him. And he belonged to the church, he had formerly belonged to 2nd Baptist Church. And so then he
come over in this church the Church of God, Holiness Church. And he was in there, when this all occurred. Now
mother had a whole lot of respect for uncle Fine, cause Uncle Fine was around my mother's house at the time. And
he used to try to say that, with his latin and suffixes and prefixes and explanations to mother. Mother thought he
was right. And she said, 'Boy, you're wrong.' Now I done had the vision now. So one day I'm sitting there in the
house, I come over and uncle Fine was there. And he always laid his hat and, and his cane down, and know that
he'd see it on his way out, laid it down right by the stairs. And when I come in and he heard my voice, he just
spoke to me and he went on out. That gave me an opportunity to set there and talk to my mother and tell her really
what had happened to me. And I did it. And when mother seen, I could tell that she had seen, her face just beamed
just like an angel. And I could tell that she really... And these are her words to me. She said, 'Clifford.' My first
name is Henry, second is Clifford, but they all call me Cliff or Clifford. She said, 'I am your mother, I did give
birth to you, but I confess that I never knew you.' I got up and walked out. I just couldn't take it, because that's how
long it took until my mother died, she belonged to this school. My father was an illiterate man, he couldn't read nor
write. And when he come home from work she told him about it. And he said, 'Well now Ada.' He said, 'You know
I think Ada I can't read nor write, but if I can understand what that boy's talking about, I don't see no reason why
you shouldn't.' She was a school teacher, I mean elementary school teacher. 'And if I could understand him, I don't
see why you couldn't.' I see, I've seen him read and write, and I have seen him with a newspaper on him, every
time he looked at the newspaper, he had it upside down. Well that's, that's right, just, just couldn't read it.
Now I said all that to, to say this to you. There is another realm, people. And this other realm I'm talking about is
an eternal realm. There are angels. There are apparitions or angels, I have seen them. I've talked with and
communicated with.... I can't see no justifiable reason to stand up here, under no obligation to stand up here and lie
to you about that, if I hadn't seen it.
Now here's another thing that will tell the tale, whether I did or didn't. Now what you see up here on these charts
around, that'll tell the tale whether I did or I didn't. When you understand it, there won't be no more arguing, cause
all I did was to try to put down the best I could, what I saw, what Yahweh revealed to me.
Now, for a short time, I wanna go back, this BC thing up here, was up there last week. And what event there, that
He had fulfilled where.... This BC you're looking at... Right? Now this is 1973 AD, that's Anno Domini (DR.
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ON THE BLACKBOARD) 4 plus 3 is 7, 7, 9, 51 Now that's 5977. Is that right? Now that's before and that's after,
as the theologians see it. Now when I say as the theologians see, this is what I'm talking about. I'm talking about
them leading chronologists, Biblical chronologists: Hastings, Asher, Ussher. ____ . Now they are the leading ones
and they're talking about BC 4004 years before the birth of Christ. Now I told you last year, uh last Wednesday,
that that was not so. There is no such thing as before. Now we know the name is wrong. But let's assume now for a
second, that is, is before Yahshua. That can't be either. That's a matter of impossibility. Now I have some of you,
I'm pretty sure, haven't noticed this chart. And I'm gonna point out something on this chart. Now it says BY here,
4000 is BY 1490. Had you noticed that? Now what you should have now get your King James Version and, and
look at Genesis 1:1. Look at the margin of the translator and look up at the top of the page. Now Genesis 1:1 and
you will see there 4004 BC, meaning this: that the creation of heaven and earth took place 4004 years before the
birth of Christ. That is not so. That is a misnomer. There is no such thing as before Christ. Colossians 1:16 or 1:14,
15. Now I, I, I don't intend to be up here too long, but I would like to get somewhere with it. I'd like to show you
Reader: For by him were all things created
Dr. Kinley: Yeah, that's it. It's up
Reader: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness
Dr. Kinley: Now that's Yahshua the Messiah has delivered us. Now get this straight. Right almost anywhere you
read that in the Bible it's all twisted up, so far as that they tell you in these denominations is concerned. It's all
twisted up. Now, there's Jehovah's Witnesses. They are saying that there's 144000 of the earth class going to
heaven. I don't know where you find that at in the Book. I have never, I never read that. And then He gonna come
and He gonna set up His kingdom down... Now this said, 'hath delivered us.' Now in the lesson that Dr. Bryant
read here tonight. He said, 'Now this I say brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of Yahweh.' Is
that right? It isn't your physical body, it isn't flesh and blood that inherits the kingdom. It's a spiritual kingdom.
And look, let me tell you this. You know what angels are. I'll say it around this way for you. Angels are
ministering spirits. They have received from the Father, from the Creator, now listen to what I'm saying, power to
become visible and power to disappear. Now that's what you call a ministering spirit. Now here's why I said that.
They are already in, this a spiritual kingdom, and they are already in that spiritual kingdom. Now when, now get
this one straight. Now we're concerned about time too. When, did all this happen? Now it seems you oughta find
something in the book to support that and not just go babbling along with them and agree and have no proof for
nothing you say. Now you'll have to read,
1 1973
+ 4004
Page 5
hold your finger on it, where you, where you were there, and turn to the 20..., well just read it Dr. Harris. Where
they say he's gone away now to set up a kingdom for us and He'll be back after awhile. I, I'm trying to find out
whether that's so or not. No. Isaiah, begin to read it in Matthew. There about Matthew 25:34, 5. Now pay attention
now. And then if you'll just keep your eye open, you'll catch all these things. And you will never have to be
bothered with it no more. Alright, read.
Reader: Then shall the king say unto them on his right hand
Dr. Kinley: Now it's talking about dividing the sheep from the goats. He said then shall the King say unto them on
His right hand.
Reader: Come you blessed of my father
Dr. Kinley: Come you blessed of my Father.
Reader: inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
Dr. Kinley: Now did you hear that? Now the kingdom was pre.., come ye blessed of my Father and inherit the
kingdom which was prepared for you before the foundation of the world. How many times have we told you that
the angels was created before man? Now if that be the case inherit the kingdom that was prepared, now here you
got it that He's going away to prepare a kingdom for you. And Jehovah's Witnesses say He's coming back and set
up a kingdom on earth. And there are those that have said this: that He would have set up the kingdom on earth
back there at the garden of Eden, but He had to postpone because the man didn't obey here. Then He had to
postpone it again, down here when Enoch was preaching. Then He had to postpone it again and drown it out there
with, with Noah. Now what you're talking about, listen at what I'm saying now, you're talking about a limited
Student Body: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: That ain't no good. And when something happens, He's got to rush around and get it fixed. Now it's
nothing like that. Yahweh had a purpose within Himself before ever He started to do anything. And He's carrying
out everything according to His purpose and His own will without any hindrance. The devil is not a liability to
Yahweh, he is rather an asset. So that the devil gets right in behind you real good. There's nowhere for you to go
but to run you right on in, bring you right on into the kingdom. And he don't want no fooling with him either. You
want to get in line, whole lot of ____ ____ ____, you can't ____ ____ with that. Now, you see that? It says that,
don't it? This kingdom is already prepared. Well then somebody says, 'Well what's He going away for? He said He
was going to prepare a place for them.' And they took it that He would be right back and then He was going to
prepare the kingdom. No, the place that He prepared for you: when He was walking around in the flesh as you are
right now, He was the Son of Yahweh Elohim. Right then. Did you hear what I said? I said when He was walking
around here in the flesh, He was the Son of Yahweh Elohim. Now that's why I said it. And you are now. Now, with
Him being in the flesh... Now if you
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don't understand, I can't, I can't do a whole lot of reading and then, then explain things... Course we can take this
Bible from Genesis to Revelation, we've done it a many times, in less time than two hours. You've seen that done
haven't you Cliff? But nevertheless, now when He's walking around, now I want you to get the thought, He was the
Son of Yahweh Elohim. Now let me show you what I'm talking about. This cloud, just wipe everything out but the
cloud. Now this cloud denotes spirit and within the cloud, He took on a shape and form. Now you got Him as pure
spirit and then you got Him in shape and form. Now that's why I said Yahweh Elohim, and then He come on down
and He took on a physical body, which means that He was the Son of Yahweh Elohim in this physical body. Now
listen folks. Now I said He was going to prepare a place for you. Now the place that He prepared for you, so that
you could be just what He was. Now when He died, resurrected from dead, and poured out the Holy Spirit on, on
the Day of Pentecost, now listen close at what I'm saying. John.2 Read it.
Reader: Behold
Dr. Kinley: Behold
Reader: what manner of love
Dr. Kinley: what manner of love
Reader: the father has bestowed upon us
Dr. Kinley: the father has bestowed upon us
Reader: that we should be called
Dr. Kinley: that we should be called
Reader: the sons of Yahweh
Dr. Kinley: the sons of Yahweh, not saint:, just like He was the Son. He died that you could be a Son. 3rd chapter
of Luke, the last verse. Now you're in pedigrees and genealogies now. But I just want to show you that this man
was not a ____ ____.
Reader: which was the son of Enoch
Dr. Kinley: which was the son of Enoch
Reader: which was the son of Seth
Dr. Kinley: which was the son of Seth
Reader: which was the son of Adam
I John 3:1
Page 7
Dr. Kinley: which was the son of Adam
Reader: which was the son of Elohim
Dr. Kinley: which was the son of Elohim. Now He's come to take you right back where you was. So Adam was a
son of Elohim. Now I'd like, I'd like to say that, say this right here. Now you see the Kingdom of Heaven was
prepared way back there, long before you ever heard anything at all of the Roman Catholic Church, long before
you ever heard any thing of a Baptist Church, long before you ever heard anything of a Methodist Church or
Presbyterian. And I'll say this to you, long before you ever heard anything about Jehovah's Witnesses. Now the
reason why I said that that way is: Moses and the prophets; they're Jehovah's Witnesses. And long before there
were Moses and the prophets, long before the atom was ever made or created, the Kingdom was prepared. Now
how about that? It was prepared before the foundations of the earth. And, are you following me on this? Now in
the 24th chapter of Matthew or the 13th chapter of, of Mark. Now here's what I'm trying to get after. I'm trying to
get after, course I, I'm going to have to take a short little break. I'll take Psalm 90:4, II Peter, II Peter 3:8. Now I'm
going, I'm going have to do that in order to establish time. Now here's what the majority or the folks know nothing
about. They don't know nothing whatsoever about prophetic time. They don't know a thing about it. And just
reading around in the Bible anywhere and just say anything. I'll tell you one that folks say, they say, 'There's
nothing new under the sun.' And somebody jumps up and said that David said, 'ln sin did his mother conceive him,
and he was born in sin and shaped in iniquity.' Well that was alright back there then, but it just ain't no good over
here. And if there was nothing new under the sun, you say look, why you like that. Now I, I'd like to disprove that.
Isaiah 46:9, 10. Now you pay attention.
Reader: Remember the former things of old
Dr. Kinley: Now He's telling Israel to remember the former things of
Reader: for I am El
Dr. Kinley: for I am El
Reader: and there is none else
Dr. Kinley: and there is none else
Reader: I am Elohim
Dr. Kinley: I am Elohim
Reader: and there is none like me
Dr. Kinley: and there is none like me
Reader: declaring the end from the beginning
Page 8
Dr. Kinley: Now declaring the end from the beginning. Now that's one of the reasons why I tell you this, when He
comes through the loins of a woman and when He was down here with Moses, He was instituting with Moses,
when He comes through the loins of a woman He's fulfilling what He already instituted. Now I've tried to tie it in
to the root of the thing. He declared the end, I've already done mentioned that too. In His, within Yahweh, He
declared the end even before He'd done anything at all; whether He made an angel or creation or anything. It was a
foregone conclusion, and He has the power to work all things after the council of His own will. Declaring the end
from the beginning. Read it, read it, doc.
Reader: declaring the end from the beginning
Dr. Kinley: um hum
Reader: and from ancient times
Dr. Kinley: and from ancient times
Reader: the things that are not yet done,
Dr. Kinley: the things that are not yet done. Now here's what I'm pointing out now. Yahshua the Messiah was a
lamb, as a lamb slain from the foundation of the world, back here with Yahweh, but it hadn't yet been done. So
when He come along and died out on Golgotha, while the thing's happened in eternity, it was just manifested on
earth; so there's not something new under the sun. How about that one now? It just hadn't yet been done. Now
Yahweh's gonna roll this thing up as a scroll. That hasn't yet been done. Sun and all. You follow? People just walk
around trying to say something with such authority that they think nobody can't dispute. Then ain't nothing new
under the sun. I beg your pardon. Now this is, then I told you about another thing. About David saying He was
born in sin and shaped in iniquity. Now if you're reading the seventh chapter of Romans or the seventh chapter of I
Corinthians, it tells you there that the woman, the unbelieving woman or the unbelieving man is sanctified by the
husband else are your children unclean. But now they are clean, they wasn't back there then, but they are now.
Since Yahshua the Messiah has been offered up. Your children are clean and you're..; in other words, you're
responsible for 'em till they reach the age of accountability. Now how about that one? Alright. Now is that alright?
Student Body: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: Now, what we're talking about so you don't forget what we're talking about ____ ____. Psalm 90:4.
Reader: for a thousand years in thy sight
Dr. Kinley: a thousand years in thy sight
Reader: are but as yesterday when it is past.
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Dr. Kinley: Psalm 90:4. A thousand years in His sight are but as yesterday when it is past. Now why is that? Is
because; now hold that one right tight, then look up Isaiah since you're there. This is something to see. Now list..,
we're trying to get at some of these things so that you can have some understanding about that.
Reader: For thus saith the High and Lofty one
Dr. Kinley: For thus... Who said that?
Reader: for thus saith the High and Lofty one
Dr. Kinley: Now don't go putting it on Isaiah. Thus saith the High and Lofty
Reader: that inhabiteth eternity
Dr. Kinley: Now He inhabiteth eternity. Now eternity... Now listen, look up here folks. Look up here. You pay
attention. Now eternity means that which time and space, it just isn't there. Eternity has no beginning and has no
ending. You understand? Now, He inhabits eternity. Now listen to what I'm gonna say here now. Listen to what
I'm gonna say. Now you've often heard me say that all, everything, and every time that man gets up here, he goes
around these charts and says that everything is embodied within Yahweh and within the cloud. What you are, what
you're talking about the thing that just simply doesn't penetrate a carnal mind. Now if that be the case, and Yahweh
inhabits eternity, now that means that He's inside of something, He inhabiteth something. Is that what it said? Well,
now look here folks. Now it's up to you to understand what He's talking about, because what we're using here is
just words to explain it. And it says that Yahweh said that. Now here's what I'm trying to say. Eternity, which
means that which is without any time or any beginning or without any ending, it's emanated from Him and He
inhabits... Just let me, let me pose this before you so you'll get a little better understanding. Now if there was a halo
around my body, the halo would be emanated from my body and I would be inside of that halo.
Student Body: Right.
Dr. Kinley: Now do you understand me? The halo would be coming from me, and I would be inside a halo, if the
halo is emanating from me and that would put me in eternity. Now how about that one. Now these thing's are hard
to explain. Now let me see if I can throw another one in on that. Solomon said, when he built the temple there in
Jerusalem, he said, 'the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee,' to say nothing about this house that he built out
there on Mt. Moriah. Did you follow me that time? Everything abides within Him. Nothing at no time has ever
been outside of Him. He was before time began and He will be after it ends. Now, we had you to read Psalm 90:4.
Now it says that a thousand years when it is past is, but as what?
Student Body: as yesterday
Reader: as yesterday
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Dr. Kinley: as yesterday when it is past. Now, now we're talking about with Yahweh, we ain't talking about with
you, not you, but with Yahweh. Alright, now, II Peter 3rd chapter and the 8th verse.
Reader: but beloved
Dr. Kinley: But
Reader: be not ignorant
Dr. Kinley: Now it's saying beloved, be not ignorant. Just don't be ignorant about this. Alright read on.
Reader: of this one thing
Dr. Kinley: of this one thing
Reader: that one day is with Yahweh as a thousand years
Dr. Kinley: but one day is with Yahweh as a thousand years
Reader: and a thousand years is as one day
Dr. Kinley: and a thousand years as one day. Now, I had that read so I could go back and pick up this. When He'd
created the man and put him in the Garden, He told him not to partake of the fruit of the tree. And the day that he
ate of the fruit of that tree, he would surely die that day. Now somebody come along with a carnal mind and say,
'Adam didn't die that day.' Thinking one sunrise and one sunset in that day, that they call day. And then Adam
lived 930 years and they say, 'Well, he lived all that time, he didn't die.'
And listen he begat both sons and daughters. Cain was older than Abel. And a woman, after she conceives, 9
months, so in 9 months would be longer than a day. And if she had two sons way back, way back there, Cain and
Abel and Seth. Then.., and Adam was the father of 'em, then that would make it longer than one day, and for him
to live 930 years, he died 70 years short of a day. That's with Yahweh. Now here's what I'm getting after now. So
now you follow me. He told Adam not to.., listen, not to touch, now not to eat, what are you so particular about
that... to keep the garden. Now if you gonna trim a tree, you gonna certainly have to touch it.
Student Body: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: The devil, he'll just say anything. So He told him not to touch it, that means: don't, don't do no
trimming around on it and don't bother it, stay away from it, don't, don't touch it, let it alone, get away from around
it. He didn't have no business in there where he was in the first place, as far as the Garden, as for
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the trees that were in the midst of the garden, he didn't have no business in the midst of the Garden at all. Don't
touch that. Right?
Student Body: Right.
Dr. Kinley: Now look, now when you can see it a long way, then you can see why He says to Aaron 'Don't touch
that mercy seat, don't touch that ark, throw that blood toward that.' Said, 'ln the day ye touch it, ye shall surely die.'
Repeating it right back yonder. Now do you understand that? We down here, we know how to trap the devil, we
get him in a ____ ____. He says, 'Well, I got an appointment down the street.' We know how it's done. Folks, I've
been doing this thing for 42 years. Yes, I've had a hold of your pastor, I mean doctrine is what I'm talking about.
And they've tried and tried, tried. They've even ganged me. I challenge the world. You can't whip me. Now I don't
me as a man, that's not what I mean. I mean the divine intelligence and knowledge and wisdom that Yahweh has
put within me, in fact it's just the Father in me. Yeah. Now that's, and that's what it is in you, I don't want you to
think anymore of me than what you do of yourself. That's what it is within you. Well what's the difference? You
see, I'm conscious of it and you may not be. Now that's what the difference is. Now how about that. That's a whole
lotta difference, isn't it. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) So now here, they got that. Now you got II Peter 3:8. Read
it again Dr. Harris because we done lost the continuity of thought.
Reader: Beloved be not ignorant of this one thing
Dr. Kinley: Um hum
Reader: that one day with Yahweh as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
Dr. Kinley: That's right. Now when Adam touched the fruit of that tree. Now listen, the Word of Yahweh is quick
and powerful, it's sharper than a two edged sword (listen now) piercing even to the dividing asunder the soul and
the spirit, and is a discerner of the thought and the intent. Now that's carrying it out ____ to me, the intent of the
mind. Now when you get something, something sharp enough to cut between the soul and the spirit and the mind,
now then I'm getting down pretty sharp ain't it. And when it goes back on over that's it, that's really sharper than a
Gillette blue blade. Wouldn't you say so? Now here's why I, here's what I'm talking about and the reason why I
said that: no sooner than that man touched that tree, his conscience was instantaneously condemned; in short, he
died within himself, instantaneously condemnation. No sooner he touched it, condemnation, right there, right there
is where he died, so far as conscience is concerned. And the way Yahweh has predicated ____ but you see the man
come along, he don't understand them things and say he lived 930 years. If the Bible's wrong, just suit yourself. He
just didn't understand Yahweh. See how it was? Now that's time. Now. Dr. Harris did we read Colossians 1:13, 14,
15? We didn't finish it up. We wanna finish it. Now it would do, it would be well if you'd look these things up.
And then look, when you read these things... Now there's interpolations in the Bible folks, I don't want you to think
there's not.
Page 12
Mistranslations. Some of the things you read in the Bible, it ain't so, it just ain't that way, but we know how to take
them interpolations out and show 'em to you. And the purpose of Yahweh makes sense. And this is what they have
to do. Now listen at me. Pay attention to me. This is what you have, and if you don't do it this way it's gonna tell on
you. You have to put, put your blood where Yahweh said put it, and water where Yahweh said put it, spirit right
where Yahweh said put it. After, if you ain't no need for you to stand around arguing, you're wrong fellow. Now
this is what you got. Now this is what you have. Are you listening now? Now what I'm gonna say now, some
people could get sore about it. What you have now, you have one of them satanic spirits incarnated in a physical
body up preaching to you. And he don't know how to put this together. He hasn't been let in on this deep esoteric
secret of Yahweh, consequently he doesn't have any way to prove what he's talking about. And must be line upon
line, precept upon precept, and here a little and there a little and listen what I 'm saying now, it must repeat itself in
every dispensation and every age. Never misses. Then somebody come along and says, 'Well what about this or
what about that or what about...' Well, what about it? And when somebody tells you what about it, then you are not
aware of what that really tells you. Alright. Now, he's sayings things here.
Reader: In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins
Dr. Kinley: we have redemption in His blood
Reader: who is the image of the invisible El
Dr. Kinley: or who is the image. Now wait just a minute. An image has, it has a description and it has some shape
and has some form. He's the image of the invisible EL. Now this, they tell you every time they get up here, this
invisible El, is invisible, you only see Him in visions and in revelations. Now in the flesh, He's a image here, it's
just like this image here. And Adam was made in the likeness and image. And He is the image of the invisible El.
Now how about that? What Yahweh is really doing is knocking out your stup.... Alright read on.
Reader: the first cause of all crea...
Dr. Kinley: The first cause. Now that's the first cause of all creation. Now I believe the King James Version says
the first born. Is that right? Well now listen here. I don't like that word cause, like I do born. You know why, you
know why I take a issue with it? Well now, I'll show you. You wouldn't be thinking about this like I would. When
that angel flew over Egypt down there and where he didn't see that blood on the door, lintels of the door, the
firstborn of both man and beasts were slain, the firstborn, the firstborn. So now, in Him taking on shape and form,
and then He is the im..., He's the image of the invisible El, who is, He's the firstborn or the first cause as you got it
there now. Now read the verse so they, so we can pick up with the book. Now read on.
Reader: for by him were all things created
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Dr. Kinley: Now listen here folks, now you don't need no sense. You don't need no college education to understand
that He was the Creator Himself. Read it again Dr. Harris.
Reader: For by him were all things created
Dr. Kinley: Now, for by Him were all things created. Now listen if by Him all things are created there cannot be
anything before Him. That's the reason why I said there's no such thing as before, because He is the Creator
Himself. For by Him were all things created. Somebody says, 'Well, maybe in the earth.' Read on.
Reader: That are in heaven
Dr. Kinley: Now that is in heaven. Don't make no difference what it is. By Him all things were created; Michael
and Gabriel and all the angels and everything were created by Him. Now there can't be anything before Him.
That's a matter of absolute impossibility. But we've been taught that all our lives. And it's just corroded in our
minds. And we think there was something before Him, but I beg your pardon. Listen, read on.
Reader: that are in heaven and that are in earth
Dr. Kinley: that are in heaven or that is, that are in earth.
Reader: visible and invisible
Dr. Kinley: Now it doesn't make any difference whether it's visible and invisible. Now you get, did you get the
point? Now ____ ____ you ought not to be letting anybody tell you there's any such thing as BC. You just ought
not to. But now I understand when they talking on when they say BC. I could say this, BBY, before the birth of
Yahshua the Messiah or before He comes through the loins of a woman. Now He existed before then and He was
the one that told, the prophets that He was coming that way. Now if you want me to read it, I definitely will read it.
And your Bible does say so. Is that alright, Freddy? Since He's so polytechnical, down here we're gonna be
technical. We're gonna test you any way you go.
I went to the doctor last Friday, a week ago, last Friday. And he put the stethoscope on my chest, and told me to
breathe. Doctor said, he told me to breathe. And I had a ____ breathed through my nose. He said, 'Breathe through
your mouth.' Now, I knew why he said that, cause when you breath through your mouth... (STUDENT BODY
LAUGHS) Breathe through your nose. (STUDENT BODY LAUGHS) And that noise is registered in that
stethoscope. How am I doing doc? Am I doing alright? See how technical we are down here. Yes indeed. Now,
you got that far?
Now I, I wanna, wanna call attention now back to where, where we were now, so that you don't make this blunder
no more. Now we got here the earth. Now this is Genesis 1:1. Suppose you go back there now. And we were
saying that all
Page 14
things are created by Him and without Him there wasn't nothing created, both visible an invisible. And He was the
first born of everything, which is nothing else other that Yahweh just taking on shape and form.
You know it's nice when you can get down to making sense out of it, out of things, things you read in the Bible.
Then you have some..., listen, you have something stable, you have something infallible, you have something
concrete, you have something irrefutable, you have something that is undeniable, you have something that you can
stand upon. You have something that you cannot gainsay. You have something that you cannot resist without
condemnation. You understand it. Alright, read doc.
Now this is what we're after. Now we're showing you on this chart. When you go on this chart, we're showing you
the creation of heaven and earth, all like that; six days of it. Now remember, don't forget now. If one day with Him
is 1000 years, I'll try to put this up here.., and He worked six days and you got 6000 years. Now that is, that's
gonna bring you back to this. What does it say there at, in, in, at, at the top of your page in chronology, in Genesis
there, the first chapter. But, does it say four... It says 4004. Now notice this folks, listen at me now, pay attention. It
could not be 4000 and 4. That's that would mean 4000 and 4 years. One day with Him is not as 1000, and I day
multiplied by 4, which meant 1004. It's not that way, it's got to be even. 1000. No hangover. One day with Him is a
thousand years, not as a thousand and one year, multiplied by 4 to make it 4000 and 4 years. That's not so. Now
that's written, and I gave you Bible for it. Psalms 90:4 and II Peter 3:8. Then right here you have a day by day
account up here in the Genesis. Now where's this.., now look folks, this is important, this is important. Now if you
can follow me now, you're good and you almost got the lesson learned. I want you to, go over and pick up there in
Genesis, and turn to the 24th chapter of Exodus, and I think about the 16th verse.
Reader: and the glory of Yahweh abode upon Mount Sinai
Dr. Kinley: Um hum.
Reader: and the cloud covered it six days
Dr. Kinley: Now the cloud covered it six days. Now you got a what there?
Reader: a colon.
Dr. Kinley: You have a colon. What is a colon? This is a colon. I could have just drew it this way. (DR. KINLEY
WRITES ON THE BLACKBOARD.) D A Y S colon. Now from, then, aft, after that what, what's after that Dr.
Reader: and the seventh day
Dr. Kinley: and the seventh day. And, that's a conjunction. The seventh day. What happened then?
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Reader: He called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud
Dr. Kinley: That's right. Now look folks, look right up here to me, look up here. Now I want you to get Revelations
10:4. Now here's what I'm doing, so you can see. I'm taking the Genesis and the Revelations and putting them
together and bringing it right on down and carrying it all the way, to put these together. Now then, listen folks.
What's happened here is this. This book is sealed with seven seals that are opened by the lamb of Yahweh. No man
in heaven, Michael, Gabriel, none of 'em was able to open the book, nor to loose the seals. John said, I wept much,
because no man was able to open the book. He's seeing a vision, just like Moses is seeing a vision here. Now
there's something else I wanna say there too, and that's this: now notice, Moses goes through, in the first chapter of
Genesis, Moses goes through and tells you what he sees up there in that vision. Now I've tried to point this out,
because a lotta times people make a mistake on this. Now Moses at the burning bush, he saw a vision, but this, this
was not the first vision, this up here. He saw a vision at the burning bush before he saw this, both of them. And I'm
very, very particular. Now let me see if I can say this. Now you hold on tight. Hold it, hold on tight. Now what
we're talking about is what happened during these six days. It's not there. This is at Genesis beginning at 1:1.
Oughta read that. Right there. Right there is where you've got the account. Now here's what we have done. Now
listen, everybody listen. Now we took Genesis, the first and second chapter out of Genesis and put 'em in Exodus,
in order to tell you what happened during them six days. Right? Do you see that? Now I asked you to read
Revelation 10:4.
Reader: And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices.
Dr. Kinley: Now when the seven thunders had uttered their voices
Reader: I was about to write
Dr. Kinley: I was about to write. Then what?
Reader: And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me.
Dr. Kinley: And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me.
Reader: seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered
Dr. Kinley: seal them up
Reader: and write them not
Dr. Kinley: And don't write 'em. Why not? Already written. Seal up. He's got to know the end of the thing, seal it
up. Seven thunders first.., after the seven thunders uttered their voices. Now let me show you what we're talking
about. Here if you start to read in Genesis. Now Moses is having this vision up here in the Mount, Mount Sinai.
And listen, read the last verse. We don't never say nothing much about this; of the 24th chapter, I want the last
Page 16
Reader: And the sight of the glory of Yahweh
Dr. Kinley: and the sight of the glory of Yahweh
Reader: was like a devouring fire
Dr. Kinley: was like a devouring fire. Consummation, folks, that's what I'm talking about. A consuming fire. That's
why Peter said what He did in the third chapter. Consummation of all things. And it was in the eyes of the children
of Israel like a consuming fire on the top of that mountain. Now go back to Genesis 1:1.
Reader: in the beginning
Dr. Kinley: in the beginning
Reader: Elohim created the heavens and the earth.
Dr. Kinley: Now Moses is telling you something there. He's just telling you in the beginning Elohim created the
heavens and the earth. Alright, read on.
Reader: and the earth was without form and void.
Dr. Kinley: And the earth, he's describing it to you now. That it's without any shape and any form. Alright read on.
Reader: and darkness was up on the face of the deep
Dr. Kinley: and the darkness was upon the face of the deep
Reader: and the spirit of Elohim moved upon the face of the waters
Dr. Kinley: and the spirit of Elohim moved upon the face of the waters
Reader: And Elohim said
Dr. Kinley: And El, now wait a minute, here come that thundering voice. Here come the thunder. 'Let there be
light,' the thunder. And there was light. The seven thunders uttered their voice. And each day you'll find that
thundering voice. Just like when He thundered His voice from Mount Sinai. Mount Sinai just trembling and shook.
The Children of Israel, and even Moses said, 'I fear and quake,' or I fear and tremble. The seven thunders, them
seven days. six days of creation and the seventh day He rested. Now John has to witness this, but don't write it,
because He's at the end. Now look, Moses is seeing this way and John is turned this way. And Moses is behind
him. And He heard the voice behind him of something that happened before that. And he's in the end of the thing.
And he heard the voice behind him and he turned to see. And when he saw it. He's shown that one walking in the
midst of the seven golden candlesticks. And there's seven stars in His right hand. And he said, he fell at His feet
____. Now that let's you know, if you just want to have just a fractional glimpse, that would let you
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know this, as John describes Him there. Said His feet was as burning brass, and He had on, walking in the midst of
the seven golden candlesticks. Why can't you see here? You have to be in the light before ever you can see
anything or understand anything. You're plunging around in the dark. Now listen, let me say this to you. He is the
Sanctorium of Sanctoriums, we're in Him. Now how about that? And that's what that sanctuary shows. We're
standing in the Holy Place. We're in Him. That's Him transfigured and we're in Him. And He is the Sanctorium of
Sanctoriums. And no man goeth unto the Father but by Him. There's no way to get in there but only by Him. He is
the way, the truth and the life, and no man goeth unto the Father but by him. Now have you gotten, have you been
listening thus far, paid attention. Now then, let me go back now and pick up now. Let me go back and pick up.
Now, now you have to do this. Go right back to the 24th chapter and get the same verse, I think it's the 15th verse.
Reader: And the glory of Yahweh abode upon Mount Sinai
Dr. Kinley: um hum.
Reader: and the cloud covered it six days
Dr. Kinley: um hum. Now read.
Reader: and the seventh day
Dr. Kinley: and the seventh day He called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud. Now, now look folks. Now go
over in Genesis. Now that same seventh day that you're reading about here in Genesis. That's the same day that he's
talking about right here.
Reader: thus the heavens and the earth were completed.
Dr. Kinley: Um hum
Reader: and all their hosts
Dr. Kinley: Um hum.
Reader: and on the seventh day
Dr. Kinley: Um hum
Reader: Elohim completed His work which He had made.
Dr. Kinley: Um hum. Now look, when people that don't understand the vision and the revelation, they think that
Adam knew something about the sabbath day. And say that way back there in Genesis, and them people all down
through there that knew all about the seventh day. They didn't even know a thing about it. Moses wrote what you
just read. And he didn't write it up in the mountain either. He wrote it after he came down out of the mountain. And
he told you what all
Page 18
happened during them six days, there in Exodus. Now listen. Then that means this: that the Exodus, Exodus means
going out or a departure from it. Then the Exodus then has got to be before the Genesis. They had to come out,
make an exodus out of Egypt into the wilderness before he saw the vision of the creation. So the Exodus is before
the Genesis. Now, how about that. Now watch. Now you have started reading there in the first chapter of Genesis
in the first verse, He said that, how that, how the earth was inundated, and the spirit of.., just like Yahweh Elohim
moved upon the face of the water. And Yahweh said, 'Let there be light and there was light.' Is that what you read?
You sure that's what you read? Well now look, when Noah comes along and he's preaching to the people. Now
look, I'm talking about the spirit of Yahweh moving upon the face of the waters. Now that's what I'm talking about.
Noah, he comes along, he's preaching to the people 120 years. And then went in the ark and the, the flood
occurred. And then the ark, it moved upon the face of the waters, and all life was in the ark. The spirit moved on
the face of the waters. That was an end of a world, or an end of an age. Now it's got to be duplicated; just
continued on that way. And Yahshua the Messiah was crucified and buried in Joseph's new tomb, resurrected from
the dead. And you have that in Matthew 12:40, and as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the
fish, even shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth, and He resurrected from the
dead. Are you listening? And Peter.., there of them, said he's going a fishing. And they went going out a fishing.
You wouldn't know what it was all about unless you understood what it's all about. They went out there, seven of
'em. Try 21st and the 20 and first chapter of John and they was out there fishing. Now they fished all night. It
makes me think about this Roman Catholic doctrine of demons. They don't know the difference between breakfast
and supper. You call it the passover feast. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____. Alright now. That, after he resurrected
from the dead, He's over here on the shore, prepared a big fish. Now that was a, that was a big one too. What'd he
do that for? Don't you see down here in Jonah, that Yahweh Elohim prepared a fish that swallowed up Jonah, and
the waters were troubled there... And Peter, as they called him, was Simon Bar Jonah. Old Jonah was right there
with them, right in the boat, right down in the boat fishing all night and hadn't caught a thing. Fishing. Now listen
folks, now you can argue, and chew the rag all you want to; if you fish on the wrong side of that boat, stay all
night, you ain't going to catch a thing. You've got to get over in this dispensation and this age before you're going
to catch anything. Put your net down on this side. 'What are you talking about on this side?' Or on this, in this
dispensation and in this age. Then here he come up with 153 fish. Now He had said to 'em, 'Children, do you have
any meat?' They didn't have none. Said, 'We've been fishing all night, ain't caught a thing, we ain't got nothing yet.'
'Put your net down on the other side.' He said, 'Well never,' Pete said, 'nevertheless, at your word we'll let her
down. ' So they let the net down, and they caught 153 fish. Right? That was tallied. And he called to 'em, said,
'Come and dine.' Peter jumped out of the boat, there he went out and he jumped out of the boat and he went onto
the shore. Now that was old Jonah. Do you understand it? And here it is the grave, that's Joseph's new tomb was
just like the belly of the fish. Now here He comes up out of the belly of the fish or up out of, out of the, or out of
Joseph's new tomb, and now He says, 'Come and dine.' Come and eat the fish or come and eat up the grave; so
death, you read in the 15th chapter of I Corinthians there: death is
Page 19
swallowed up in victory. That's what they ate, the grave. And was old Jonah that was out there eating up the grave.
Death is swallowed up in victory and He brought Life and Immortality to Life. Now do you see that boat moving
upon the water there again and ole Peter and them in it? The seven of 'em, He made the eighth. And then you count
how many was within the ark there.
Student Body: Eight. Eight.
Dr. Kinley: You see that now? See how He moved upon the waters. Oh boy, it's beautiful when you see what it's
all about. You just standing around saying, 'Well, faith comes by hearing.' You're reading now. You have hope,
that's what your problem is. You haven't heard how this thing goes together. And then when you get, hear how the
thing goes together, then it becomes a new thing all together. You find out the devil can't see anything, he just can't
touch it nohow Now do you see? Now there's one other thing that I wanna show you. And I have to, try to do this
kinda quick. Now I said, this, these, BY it should be, 4000 is 1490. Now here's why that is. The creation had
already taken place. And this is 1490 years that Moses is seeing a rerun of the creation. It's 1490 that he's seeing a
rerun of it. And listen now folks, I've tried to tell you that the creation took place in the realm of eternity. Now
Moses is just caught up in his consciousness within that realm. And he is seeing a vision. He's unconscious of any
environment or anything at all. And he's seeing that vision. And the same is true with John on the Isle of Patmos.
And the same is true with all of the rest of the prophets. Now do you follow through there I'm talking about. So
then BC 4004 really is, is, is 1490. Now I wanna talk about the 1490 for a second. Then by the pattern, you got to
do it Adam lived 930 years and he died. Now then seven days in a week. Seven times seven is 49. Well I could've
done it the other way, this is the short way I'm trying to track it over here now. Seven times seven equals 49. Now
that's seven weeks. Is it seven weeks? No, that ain't seven weeks, that's seven days. Or it's seven weeks, seven
times seven weeks is 49 weeks. Is that right now? 4... Seven times seven is 49. 49, seven times seven is, there's
seven days in a week. Now look folks, if you know how, you can check everything. Now I have on the board 14 9
0. Now then, back in this 1000, we'll have to come in here, forget this and just cut it off right out here. Now this
1000 that's in the 1490, this would be the one day. And then this would be, since you got 70 here, starting with
Adam, then he, and Adam died 70 years short of one day. Then you multiply seven times seven is 490. That's the
490. That's that cycle of which the 70 weeks. That comes right back and picks that man up, Adam, where he died
at. For he died at 930 or 70 years or years short of 1000. Then if you multiply the time that he was back there.
Multiply 70 times seven times, then you got 490 years. Now then here's what's back here. There's 490 years from
coming out of Egypt to the building and dedication of that temple. That's what's that is. Now you got 490 years or
70 times seven. You remember when Peter asked Him, says, 'Master, if thy brother sin against me, how often shall
I forgive him, until the seventh times?' He said, 'seventy times seven, 'is 490 years. Do you remember how long
Israel was down in Egypt? How long?
Student Body: 400 years
Page 20
Dr. Kinley: 70 years. Now, I mean, Babylon, I'm talking about. They was in Babylon 70 years. Now do you
follow, you get, you see how you have the times and all? They have to work right together. And the, the ark, got to
have three stories. And then you don't see nothing here. But Ishmael was 40 years old when Isaac, Abraham was
circumcised, it's over there in the ____ chapter of ____ ____. You'll find that it takes place there. So now, the point
I'm trying to make here is this; is showing you how, through 70 weeks, 70 weeks that this thing covered to the
dedication of that temple. That's the Outer Court, Holy Place and Most Holy Place, and so forth, carrying on, right
straight on through here, always functioning and operating that way. Now, let's see if I can say this. Now Dr.
Harris you're gonna have to help me here. Let me, give me your hand. Not gonna. Over here, put your hands back
up. Now when this man is in good health, how many times does his pulse beat?
Student Body: 70.
Dr. Kinley: Well why's that? When it stops beating, you know something's happened there. That man is dead. So
now list.., went right straight on back to Adam to show you that death in that man. Lived 900, and yes he died 70
years short of that 1000 years day with Him. In your pattern Israel on back and Moses told them this that if they
didn't behave themselves when they went into the Land of Canaan... Don't, now don't let me go overtime and hold
you folks so you just lose all I've been, good stuff I've been bringing to you. I've been holding back. (THE BELL
RINGS) It's 10 o'clock. Well, we'll just stop here, we'll just stop here and call this one a day. And if you'll, been
able to absorb anything there then I was discussing ____ ____ ____ forget it too.
Page 21
by Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley
Los Angeles, California
received from Lamar Greer
1 90 minute audio cassette
CATTLOG #: 74.01 LLD
transcribed by Dr. Sandra Giragosian and Cathy Fenti
proofread by Cathy Fenti, Michael Rothstein, and Geraldine Rothstein
proofread and approved by the International Public Relations Committee: 1996
1. …indicates that Dr. Kinley ended a word or a sentence without verbally completing it.
2. Audience comments are included only if more than one person responded or if Dr. Kinley was speaking directly
to a specific person.
3. Unless emphasized by Dr. Kinley pause words have been left out of the transcript for the sake of ease in
readability and comprehension (ah, uh, see, you see, you see what I mean, isn’t that right, understand, you
understand, do you understand).
4. ___ indicates an inaudible word or syllable
5. WORDS IN CAPITAL LETTERS are comments of the transcriber.
Dr. Kinley: Thank you ever so much. The first thing I want to say is that Dr. Dennis Droulard and several of 'em ____. That
was the first thing I wanted to tell you so that you would know their whereabouts and so forth and so on.
The next thing I want to say is this. Everybody is talking about living in the last days. Really it's the last few prophetic
seconds, not days. Now, everybody... I'm aware of the fact that... So I thought it was incumbent upon us to tell you something
about it, so you can figure it out for yourself. To show you how it is done by the book. Now, I don't intend to take a long time
to show you that, so you'll have to pay strict attention. 2nd Peter, the 3rd chapter, and the 8th or 9th verse, I believe it's, and
Psalms 90:4.
Dr. Harris: But beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing,
Page 1
Dr. Kinley: Now, listen here. Says beloved, be, don't be ignorant of this one thing. Here's one thing you just ought not to be
ignorant about.
Dr. Harris: that one day
Dr. Kinley: that one day is
Dr. Harris: is with Yahweh
Dr. Kinley: is with Yahweh
Dr. Harris: as a thousand years,
Dr. Kinley: as a thousand years,
Dr. Harris: and a thousand years
Dr. Kinley: and a thousand years as one day. Now listen, folks. Now when you read the Bible, and you find out that
Yahweh... I'm talking about the Genesis now, the first chapter. Each one of those days is calculated as a thousand years. So
then, He would be 6000 years in creating the heaven and earth. Now, that makes me have to put down some figures over here
on the board. Then He rested the next day. That's 6000, right?
Student Body: Right!
Dr. Kinley: Now, that's... equals 6, Freddy, come here and do this, or Dr. Harris or somebody, cause I'm in a hurry. I, I don't
want to take up a lot of time, but I do wanna get this point over. So you, when you leave here today, I want you to see
something about how this thing is done, so you will know something more about how time is calculated with Yahweh, and
you'll understand the purpose a little bit better.
Now, that is six days, or 6000 years, now, that's with Yahweh. Now, why did I bring that up? I'll tell you the reason why I
brought it up. He told Adam, the day, the day that he ate of the fruit of that tree, he would surely die. That's the 3rd chapter of
Genesis, I believe. Right?
Student Body: Right.
Dr. Kinley: Well, he'd partaken of the fruit of the tree. And a lot of people don't understand how it was that Adam lived 930
years, and had sons and daughters, after Enoch.., after he touched that tree or took of that fruit of that tree. They question it.
They don't understand how the Bible is made up. Now with him, Adam died instantaneously, no sooner than he touched that
fruit of that tree, and he died, that same day, between sunset, or sunrise and sunset. Is that clear to you now?
Student Body: Yes.
Page 2
Dr. Kinley: He died within his conscience, or his inner man died that day. Now, then, he lived 930 years, and if one day is as
a thousand years with Yahweh, it took 930 years of that 1000 years to manifest itself in that, Adam died, lived and died in
930 years. Now, is that clear to you? Now then, if Yahweh worked six days, it's proven to 6000 years with Him. And we find
now, and don't forget and don't overlook this, in talking with Adam and telling him, He's dealing with that one man, that's
dealing with all of 'em.
Student Body: Right. Right.
Dr. Kinley: That's dealing with all of them. Now then, there is another day: the Day of Yahweh. Now, that is not a thousand
years long.
Now what we're trying to talk to you about is something about time and eternity. Now, we tell you that the creation took
place in the realm of eternity. Eternity has no beginning and no end, no days, no nights, just in the realm of eternity. Yahweh
is eternal, no time at all, there at all, so far as eternity is concerned. Now listen, it took Yahweh, are you listening now, to put
time in eternity, not eternity in time. Now, that's with Yahweh.
Now, we've got another time to set up what we call prophetic time. Time for the precept and the purpose of Yahweh to be
fulfilled within man's comprehension and understanding, those that He gives the spirit to. Now, what's that? One day is equal
to a year. Now, just a minute. That's alright, you know where to put that doc. One day is equal to a year. Now, we've always
taught you to go to the Law and to the testimony, or to the Law and the prophecy. Don't buy nothing, unless you can go to the
Law and prophets, and, and, and, and, and, and understand it there.
Now, get this straight. Get this one straight. Because Yahshua the Messiah, comes in, or has come in through the loins of the
virgin, listen at me now, He is fulfilling what is written in the Law and prophets. Now, He has to do that on time. He just
can't come in at any, any time, and do any kinda way. Now the reason why I'm bringing all this up this morning, is because
Christendoom don't know nothing about it. Now, Adam lived 930 years.
Alright Ezekiel... Now, is where.., now, those of you have pencils and pad, put it down, look it up, and maybe you'll
understand better. Ezekiel 4:6. Read it.
Dr. Harris: And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side,
Dr. Kinley: Uh huh.
Dr. Harris: and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days:
Dr. Kinley: Uh huh.
Dr. Kinley: I have appointed thee each day for a year.
Page 3
Dr. Kinley: Now, that's the prophet. Now, that ain't no good, unless we can confirm that in the Law. So then, we have to go to
Numbers. Put it down, Freddy.
Reader: After the number of the days in which ye surveyed the land, even forty days,1
Dr. Kinley : Uh huh.
Reader: each day for a year, shall ye bear your iniquities, even forty years, and ye shall know my breach of promise.
Dr. Kinley: Un huh. Now, did everybody hear what he said? If you don't hear... I want everybody to hear in the back. Get up
and scream it, so that, so that, so that the people can understand what we're talking about. We want some understanding about
the thing now.
Reader: After the number of the days in which ye surveyed the land, even forty days, each day for a year, shall ye bear your
iniquities, even forty years, and ye shall know my breach of promise.2
Dr. Kinley: Now, that's Yahweh talking to the man. Now, listen, here, it was just only forty days journey through here. That's
all. But when the disobeyed, then it was forty years. One day for a year. Now, it's that way in the Law, and that way in the
prophets. So now, what we're doing is setting up... Yahweh is setting up time, the time He's going to deal with man, and
appoint the death for him, and deal with him, and in fulfilling the scriptures and confirming the divine authenticity of the
Bible, by divine revelation. You follow?
Now, you didn't read, I don't think you read the... Psalms 90:40, Peter 3:8 or 9, I believe it is.
Dr. Harris: Psalms 90:4.
Dr. Kinley: Psalms 90:4.
Dr. Harris: For a thousand years
Dr. Kinley: For a thousand years
Dr. Harris: in thy sight
Dr. Kinley: in thy sight
Dr. Harris: are but as yesterday
Numbers 14:34
Numbers 14:34
Page 4
Dr. Kinley: are but as yesterday
Dr. Harris: when it is past,
Dr. Kinley: when it is past,
Dr. Harris: and as a watch
Dr. Kinley: and as a watch in the night. You got it? Now, that was Yahweh. Now, that means, in dealing with the man, the
man lived 930 years and died. Now, now Dr. Hobbs would take him to the cemetery. But that day that he touched that fruit of
the tree, instantaneously he died. Now, that's right where you have to go back to resurrect that man from, in his conscience,
the living and the dead. That's why that age he lived is called what?
Student Body: Age of Conscience.
Dr. Kinley: Age of Conscience. And it continued on, until something was done about it. That's the reason why sacrifices was
offered up. A daily sacrifice under the Law, every day, until there wasn't any more being in transgression. And you read here,
there was none righteous, no, not a one.3
Now, folks, we have come down to the place in time where we must know something about it. And I want to get this over to
you, too. I wanna let you I know it. And you know it.
Everybody... Yahshua the Messiah, the 24th chapter of Matthew. I want you to look at that. And He said that except those
days be shortened, there would be nobody saved.4 You're wondering what the hell is happening in your house, between you
and your wife, and between you and your children. Everybody sitting in hell.
Student Body: That's right. That's right.
Dr. Kinley: That's right. Now, that's what's going on in your house. No, you don't need to try to say it ain't going on in my
house, cause it is. And that's your address. And then, not only that, this house.
Student Body: Whew. Huh.
Dr. Kinley: Get them houses straight. For sure, this is a serious time, and everybody is having problems.
I don't know whether you know it or not, but the Roman Catholic Church lost over 40... how many?
Romans 3:10 and Psalms 14:3
Matthew 24:22
Page 5
Student Body: Million. Forty Million.
Dr. Kinley: ...forty million just in this one year. Now, we've got the statistics at home. We'll bring it down and show 'em to
you, and let you read 'em. Forty million. Yahweh has given those whom He has sent in this last day, power to preach the
gospel. And He's given the Devil power. These be the days of vengeance that all things must be fulfilled. 5 And you are
having a problem; you can't tell me you're not. And I'm talking about everybody. Yes, indeed.
Now, ____ got right on down, when the Messiah was here, He said His hour had not yet come, talking to His disciples. And
finally by and by, when He got down to that hour, He says my hour is come. 6 Now, I'm gonna show you how, what we're
talking about there, because a lot of people don't understand, don't know a thing about it. Now Adam, they say how long was
he in the Garden?
Student Body: Forty days.
Dr. Kinley: He was in there 40 days. Somebody say, 'Well, how do you know how long he was in there?' Now here's what
Christendoom don't do. They don't do this, that I'm fixing to show you. Now, if His hour has come, and He's gonna fulfill
what's in the Law and in the prophecy... Now remember, this is in the garden. Now they never, no none, they never come on
over here and show the Garden of Gethsemane, and hook it up with the Garden of Eden. Now remember, I told you His hour
had come. Now, if you put one hour in the following, and see what you got there. How long is He in the Garden of
Gethsemane? Just one hour. Who was He? You're dealing with the Lord incarnate or Yahweh incarnated in a body. And they
don't say nothing to you about that. They don't know nothing about it. Just one hour. Now, that one hour is about 41 years,
40. Now, put this down. He lived or went in His ministry which is about 30 years old. Read there somewhere, doc, in Luke
there. Where, where is it at? Luke...
Student: Luke 3:23.
Dr. Kinley: Luke 3:23.
Dr. Harris: And Yahshua himself began to be about thirty years of age,
Dr. Kinley: ...began to be about thirty years of age. Hey, wait a minute, there. Something's happened here. You remember
Adam lived 930 years, and he died. Now, Yahshua is the second Adam. He was Yahweh from Heaven. So, He's got to go in
His ministry, and He's about 30 years. Now then you got 70 left here, 70. Now, Daniel 24th verse.
Mary Gross: Seventy weeks
Luke 21:22
John 17:1
Page 6
Dr. Kinley: Seventy weeks
Mary Gross: are determined
Dr. Kinley: or years, of years.
Mary Gross: are determined upon they people
Dr. Kinley: are determined upon thy people
Mary Gross: and upon thy holy city,
Dr. Kinley: and upon the holy city,
Mary Gross: to finish the transgression,
Dr. Kinley: to refrain transgression,
Mary Gross: and to make an end of sins,
Dr. Kinley: and make an end of sin offerings,
Mary Gross: and to make atonement for iniquity.
Dr. Kinley: and to make atonement for iniquity,
Mary Gross: and to bring in everlasting righteousness,
Dr. Kinley: and to make atonement for iniquity,
Mary Gross: and to bring in everlasting righteousness,
Dr. Kinley: and to bring in everlasting righteousness, this, well, whatever
Mary Gross: and to seal up the vision and prophecy,
Dr. Kinley: and to complete or to seal up the prophecy,
Mary Gross: and to anoint the most Holy.
Dr. Kinley: and to anoint the most Holy. Now, that means that 70 weeks, from which, which is 490 years... Now, there's 490
years in that cycle. Now, get this straight. When they come up out of here, around through here, now, we'll give you the time
here. And builded that Temple. This cycle, from there to the dedication of the Temple, 490 years. That's a cycle.
Now, every time you turn around, you have to be on time. Yahweh's never late with nothing. He has got to fulfill them things
right on time. Now, well, this is 70. Where'd you get 70 from?
Dr. Allen, Jr.: from the ...
Dr. Kinley: in prophetic time
Page 7
Dr. Allen, Jr.: 70 weeks of years
Dr. Kinley: 70 weeks of years. Multiply this one. Adam lived 930 years, and he died, he died 70 years shy of one day. You
heard me. So now, 70 years is become... So then you multiply that by 7. Then you got this time that Israel had to finish the
transgression and Yahweh bring in everlasting righteousness. Right? Now, I don't have time, and I don't wanna take up a lot
of time with the that, but I'll just say it this way.
Now, you got 600 years up here. Now listen, folks. Every 50 years... Well, I'll put it this way first. The 50th... I'm talking
about the Day of Pentecost now. Pentecost means 50. Fifty days after they went through the Red Sea, Yahweh called them up
to the mountain and He spoke to 'em. Fifty-three days from here to the Red Sea and to the mountain. It was just 50 days from
here, and three days they cleaned up, and He spoke to them on the 50th.
Now listen, Pentecost come every year. Every 50 years was a Year of Jubilee. It took them 50 Pentecosts to make a Year of..,
not the Day of Pentecost, not a day, but the whole year now, the Year of Jubilee. Now, then, Freddy, put 50 into 6000. Now
what have you got?
Dr. Allen, Jr.: 120
Dr. Kinley: You've got 120.7 Can you find 120 anywhere else?
Student Body: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: You see that now? Noah preached 120 years. Right? I'll cut it up short, and go right back and show you another
one. He builded the ark and preached 120 years. The ark was to save somebody's soul, and that was involved in the end of
that age. Yahshua said it would be in the end of other age, 120. Now look, St. Peter's Basilica, what we just got through
telling you about it, was started to build 1506, and finished 1626 ____ ____. You got 120. That's right there by the book,
right by the book. You got 120.
Now, this is the, this is to lose 'em and the ark is to save 'em in. What I'm, the reason why I brought that up is I want you to
see what's going on now, and how hard it is to explain. Now look, let's get after this one, Freddy. Put them, put them ages
back down there, and tell me how, how many years there was according to Usher, or Asher and add them together. The
Dr. Allen, Jr.: The Antediluvian was 1656.
Dr. Kinley: That's 1656. That's a short one. An age, listen folks, is approximately 2000 years long. Two thousand. A
millennium is 1000. Talking about time. That's all I'm talking about this morning. I don't want you to be dumb no more.
6000 years / 50 (number of years in a jubilee) = 120 jubilee cycles in 6000 years
Page 8
Dr. Allen, Jr.: The Antediluvian, Antediluvian Age is 2377, I mean the Antediluvian Age is 1656. The Postdiluvian Age is
2377, and the Present Age was around ____ from the death of the Messiah down to the present time is 1941.
Dr. Kinley: Now put them together. Add them up. I'm trying to find out... We're trying to find out where we are, so we know
how to behave ourselves. So we know what's going on.
Dr. Allen, Jr.: 5974
Dr. Kinley: 5974.8 Right? Now, subtract that from your six days, and you'll find you don't have another Jubilee, Year of
Jubilee. We're waiting for that now. Now, here's what you got. You subtract it that from there. Now, he's got 26 years. 9 Now
listen folks. Listen to what I'm saying now. That's the long way. And remember, Yahshua the Messiah, said that except those
days be shortened, there wouldn't be nobody saved. No flesh. Now, that ought to give you some idea about the situation and
the condition the world is in. So you'll know.
Now there's one other thing... I have to bring this in. I just have to bring it in, so you can see a little better. Now, put down
AD 34, that's the 33 1/2. Now, how far is it from here to 1974, where we are? 1941, 1940. Now, that means, this is 1940.
Now look, let's count this thing in, in thousands. Count 1,940. Now, here's what I'm after. This being 1974, from A.D. 33 1/2,
33 1/2 is going into the 34. Is that right?
Student Body: That's right.
Dr. Kinley: Now, if that be the case, then it's just only 40 years. Done been here 40 years now, time to move. I mean moving
on out, cross through the vail. Do you understand what I'm talking about?
Student Body: Yes.
Dr. Kinley: In other words, from A.D. 33 to 1974... The difference between one and the other, it would get that 40 years.
Now, you understand what I'm talking about?
1656 years in antediuvian age
+ 2377 years in postdiluvian age
+ 1941 years from the death of the Messiah to the year of this class
5974 years from Adam to present time
6000 years of the creation
-5974 years of the creation
26 years left
- 34
Page 9
Now, I ought to tell you this. The Roman Catholic Church claims this, they're supposed to have 5 hundred and 70 some
million. They say that the end of the age will come or the end of the world will come, or Yahshua the Messiah can jump
down through the sky in 1975. Jehovah's Witnesses say 1975. The Church of God says 1975. Well, what do you think? I say
that can't be. For you already done stayed your 40 years long. And you haven't yet got out this year.
Student Body: All right.
Dr. Kinley: Now, I didn't say you would be. And you oughta be one way or the other, getting straightened out, I'm talking
about. Straighten out now and be ready. Once your 40 year sojourn is over with... Do you understand what I'm talking about?
Student Body: Uh huh
Dr. Kinley: Now, I thought it was necessary for me to come here and say something about these things, so you will know
something about how to calculate time. Now, the Apostle Paul or Saul says this. Listen to what I'm saying now. Whether
there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be prophecy, they shall fail. 11 Now, here's what I'm after showing. In the
cycle of time, as you have seen it out here, it's correct. Now, somebody's gonna fool with this and try to figure out just when
He'll be here. And I'll tell you what you're, what you're gonna do, you're gonna make a mistake, cause He's already here.
Student Body: Right. Right.
Dr. Kinley: And should be in you
Student Body: Right. Right.
Dr. Kinley: But when He is revealed from heaven, I'm not talking about above the sun, moon, and stars, I'm talking about that
state that the Apostle Paul talks about in the 2nd chapter of Ephesians, that He has made us sit together, Jew and Gentile, in
heavenly places in Yahshua the Messiah. Now look folks, I've brought you down far enough through the perils and times
spoken of this morning. And I've showed you that those ministers out there in the world don't, don't show you those things.
And the reason why they don't show it, cause they don't know nothing about it.
Student Body: That's right. That's right.
Dr. Kinley: Now somebody will say this, not knowing. Well now, I just got through telling you now, you'd better read that
out of the book about Yahshua the Messiah says except those days be shortened.
Dr. Harris: Matthew 24:22.
I Corinthians 13:8
Page 10
Dr. Kinley: Now, let me tell you what He's talking about. He's telling them that this, this temple that sits there in Mount
Moriah, and they were showing it to Him, and how beautiful it was. And then He went on to tell them that there wouldn't be
one stone left upon top of another that wouldn't be thrown down. And then they wanted to know more about it. So, then, He
went on to tell them. And what did He say, Doc?
Dr. Harris: And except those days should be shortened,
Dr. Kinley: And except those... Well, let's just put this in for you. Titus come up. Well, the thing's started this way. I think
you oughta know this.
The Apostle Saul was the one that started it. Having the letters from the High Priest and the authority from the High Priest to
persecute those people that realized that they had come from under the Law over here, and they was under the New Covenant
now, and they had just fasted and won't eat this no more this way. But they are partakers of the water of life. They are
partakers of the bread, or the Holy Spirit, who'll never die. They are partakers of His bread of life. They never die, which all
this was just a type and a shadow of this here.
And I want you to know this now. It wouldn't be complete unless I said this. The Kingdom is already established and you
have been translated into it. I'm talking about the Kingdom of Heaven, I'm not talking abut the Roman Church, Catholic
Church, and neither am I talking about the Baptist Church, I'm not talking about the Church of Christ, I ain't talking about
none of these churches. I'm talking about the Kingdom. I'm not talking about the kingdom of Christ either. I'm not talking
about the kingdom of Jehovah either. I'm not talking about the kingdom of the Lord either. Now I have to tell you this. If I
didn't tell you this, then we would have occasion to blunder.
Now, here we are. We just now come back in these true names, that the gospel has got.., must be preached, in those names, as
Yahshua the Messiah said. Then when you look out and see the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant churches using
these names here, Lord, God, and Jesus Christ. Then you begin to wonder. You begin to open up your eyes and see what the
perilous times that the apostles were talking about, and Yahshua the Messiah was talking about. You begin to see now, that
those that are worshipping under those names are in total darkness, they don't see nothing. They don't know nothing about it.
Which brings you right down to the the end, where we see now that there won't be but just a few walking around. And that's
all you've known all of your life, is the crucified ____. And, unless you're in on the secret that you're living right down at the
close, right down near the revelation and it can be expected at any time.
Now, that brings me up to say this too. Do you know when your next holy day is? Why'm I asking you the question for? I
mean this year.
Student Body: April.
Page 11
Dr. Kinley: on April... April is the beginning of months with them, April or Abib or Nisan, that's Hebrew, when they offered
up the paschal lamb down in Egypt. And that was typical of offering up your Messiah. It was dark down there in that land of
Egypt, so it's got to turn dark over the face of the earth from the sixth to the ninth hour, when He's crucified. Just has to do it.
And Yahweh waits til the cool of the day to drive Adam out, here out of the Garden, or chase him out in the night. That's the
reason why all this is black along here. And that represents more than one thing. It represents darkness up here, and Egypt, as
well as stygian black darkness at night.
Now listen folks. Just one more time I'm gonna tell you about it. Dr. Harris and Dr. Gary Mathess, and your secretary and I,
we went down into Egypt, Cairo. And I'm cutting it up short now, because I told you I wanna get down. But I don't want you
to be asleep. And we told these Arabs down there or the Egyptians. They asked the point blank question, 'If we go to war
against Israel, will we win?' I said, Dr. Harris was the spokesman, I said, 'but I'll take that one.' I said, 'No.' The weapons of
our warfare, in this age, they are not carnal or natural.12 So don't fight with no canons (cannons?), and no guns, and no
bayonets, and no swords in this age. You can't win that way. W