Download textual analysis: technical aspects of moving image

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Avengers Assemble
Close up; long shot; wide
shot; two-shot; high angle;
low angle; aerial shot; point of
view; pan; tilt; track; zoom;
reverse zoom; framing;
Sound and vision editing) cut;
fade; wipe; FX; dissolve;
superimpose; slow motion;
The Hobbit
The film has so many
different camera shots,
at one point in the trailer
there is a 360 degree
shot which goes round
all of the characters to
give this idea of them
being surrounded. There
is also a lot of close up
shots so you can see
the expression of all the
characters in the film.
The trailer opens with a
birds eye 360 shot of
some sort of facility, the
camera also has a lot of
camera shots which
makes it look like the
camera is a bird and
gives an idea of what
the films setting is going
to look like. The trailer
also has a lot of close
up shots which shows
the characters
expressions and gives
the audience an idea of
what kind people are in
the film.
The trailer has a few
long shots in which the
audience is given an
idea of what the film
settings are going to be
like so you can get
some sort of idea what
the film is going to be
like. The trailer also has
a lot of close up shots so
you can see what the
expressions are of the
character within the film
so again you get this
idea of what the film is
going to be like.
There are slow motion
shots within the film and
the camera cuts and
dissolves to many
different shots.
There are again slow
motion shots in the
trailer like when the
main character ‘thor’
falls to the floor to take
of his helmet and the
screen fades to black a
lot when it is showing a
montage of clips from
the film.
The trailer has stunts in
it like when a man
throws a hobbit across
the room; also they have
cuts to CGI images and
other effects. The trailer
also has a lot of fading
to black so it is like a
montage of shots which
gives the audience a
wide idea of what the
film is going to be about.
Star Wars Episode III
This film again is all
about close up shots so
you can see the
expressions of the
characters, but also the
trailer has a lot of long
shots so you can see
the setting of the film
and what kind of things
to expect from the film.
But there are all sorts of
shots in the film like
when they are fighting in
their ships in space the
camera spins and cuts
between shots which
give this effect of the
audience being in the
The film has black side
swipes throughout and
this really creates this
idea of being
somewhere different.
Soundtrack; theme tune;
incidental music; sound
effects; ambient sound;
dialogue; voice over; mode of
address/direct address.
Graphics; captions; computer
generated images (CGI);
animation; pyrotechnics;
stunts; models; back
Location; set; studio/set
The sound for the trailer
is all non-diegetic and
the soundtrack fits it
very well, every time
there is an explosion or
someone punches
someone the sound has
a big drop in bass which
gives this big emphasis
on the punch or
explosion which I think
works really well.
The sound of the trailer
is non-diegetic
soundtrack which
creates this atmosphere
of action and suspense.
The diegetic sound of
the film comes from the
characters and gives the
people a clue of what is
going to come in the
The sound within the
trailer again is nondiegetic sounds like
explosions and sword
fighting but also the
original theme song for
the lord of the ring
trilogy which again fit in
with this film which gives
this idea of continuity.
The film is full of special
effects and one of the
main characters is a
CGI character and a lot
of the film has CGI
images like a giant
worm like thing which
attacks the main
characters but I think
CGI is used in nearly
every new film and
breaks this barrier of
The film again has a lot
of CGI images and the
home world of the hero
in the film is a
completely CGI city
which just breaks the
barrier of reality and
makes the viewer feel
shocked at this beautiful
city. There is also a lot of
stunts in the film, like
when there is cars
blowing the characters
are being thrown across
the town which of
course needs stunt
doubles and other
equipment to pull of
these kind of stunts.
There again is things on
The GCI in this film
again is huge and not
only in the setting, the
trailer sometimes cuts to
the image of a map and
says some detail about
the film mow this of
course is a CGI image
and creates this idea of
breaking barriers. But
also there is green
screens and other
motion technology used
to create these life like
characters and the film
makes do this so they
can look as realistic as
There is a lot on the
The whole setting of the
The sound of this film is
so important because
there is a lot of CGI
images which of course
means that all the
sounds have to be
created on a computer,
like the sounds of the
light sabers clashing
and the sounds of the
ships flying in space
during fights or traveling
to a planet.
CGI is probably the
biggest part of this film,
because the while film is
about another galaxy
and these amazing
weapons called light
sabers which of course
have to be made using
CGI and a lot of the
characters are CGI
because they cannot be
played by human
characters. But the
image of a light saber is
realistic and again
creates this idea of
being in another world.
This film has so many
design; costume; properties;
ambient lighting; artificial
lighting; production design
period/era; colour design.
screen in every shot in
the film but the film is
set in more than one
location and everything
on screen in these shots
fits into the area that the
film is being shot in. The
director has obviously
thought a lot about what
goes onto the screen
and where about’s the
film is being shot.
screen throughout the
film and the things on
screen match where the
film is being set, like the
fact that the researchers
live in the desert and
their car is a 4x4 dune
film is almost CGI apart
from a few parts which
have been created
specially for the film like
the home of the hobbits
and the areas around it.
But the props like the
lanterns and the swords
around the scene of the
trailer really do tell the
audience a lot about
what the film is going to
be about and where the
film is going to be set.
different settings like
naboo and swamp like
planet that has been
thought about when it
comes to Mise-enscene, the things you
can see on screen are
all related to this setting
like that fact that the
natives of that planet are
dressed like they live in
a swamp and they have
very small dark houses.