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A Deadly Meeting
Chapter 10 Notes
Events in chronological order:
o The Aztecs hear rumors of strangers arriving on the coast and so their
immediate response was to welcome the Spanish into their capital city
o Cortes and the Spanish march to Tenochtitlan or Aztec capital city
o Emperor Moctezuma dies
o The city of Tenochtitlan is destroyed by the Spanish
Conquistador’s Formula
The main aim of the formula was to ensure that Spain took over a region,
peacefully if possible but violently if necessary.
Step 1: An expedition sets out from a recent colony
Step 2: After landing in a new region, the Spanish would try to meet peacefully with the
first groups of Indigenous peoples they encountered.
Step 3: The Spanish would invite the leader of the most powerful group to a meeting to
exchange gifts. Then the Spanish would seize the leader and threaten to kill him
unless his followers obeyed their orders. ( example – Spanish troops capture
Moctezuma and loot gold from the royal places)
Step 4: If they did have to fight, the Spanish would try to do so on open ground.
Step 5: The leader of the expedition would remain as governor of the new colony and his
second-in-command would organize the next expedition.
Cortes’s motive for his expedition to Mexico was to get gold
Refer to figure 10-24 in text p. 231
o the title of the image could be
First Contact: the “Old World” and the “New World”
o the armour and weapons of the Spanish were most emphasized by the
Aztec artist
o a majority of people in Spain would have viewed Cortes as positive,
because he gained wealth and territory for his king and country
If you were an Aztec person, imagine what you would have noticed about Cortes
and his small Spanish army…….
o Clothing
o Ships
o Skin, hair, eye color
o Horses
o Weapons/ firearms
o Different language
o Keen interest in gold
The factors that were most important in explaining the Spanish conquest of the
Aztecs were:
o Spanish weapons and technology
o The role of disease
o Spanish and Aztec strategy
o Leadership
o Disunity of the Aztecs
o Role of other groups in helping the Spanish
Which one of these was more responsible for the Spanish victory? Why?
Rank the above from least important to most.