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1. The United States government should compensate former Confederate states for
infrastructural and economical losses sustained during the war.
2. Former slaves will not be guaranteed the right to vote, but will be counted as a whole
person in determinations of representation in the House of Representatives.
3. Former Confederate leaders should retain their rights to be part of the democratic
process at the local, state, and federal levels.
1. No state can deprive the federally protected rights of U.S. citizens without due process
of the law. A U.S. citizen includes anyone born in the United States.
2. All U.S. citizens have the right to vote without regards to race, color, or previous
condition of servitude.
3. The Freedmen’s Bureau shall be extended 20 years with optional extension every 10
years thereafter. It shall continue to defend, provide security for, educate, and promote
the doctrine of free labor to all former slaves.
1. Abolish slavery completely. Southern states can’t be readmitted to the Union until
they ratify this. There must be guaranteed jobs to the male head of the household of
freedmen in 1865 with a minimum wage equal to the average unskilled worker’s wage.
This would be guaranteed with contracts set up with the employed freedmen. Also, these
working freedmen would get a small percentage of the crop. The Government would
subsidize the crops of planters. The planters would pay the previous slaves the wages.
2. Previous slaves receive full citizenship. To define citizenship, the entire Bill of Rights
would apply to all previous slaves.
3. Previous slaves get universal male suffrage. No state law or individual can override
the given voting rights of freedmen.
1. All people should take an oath of loyalty to the union before gaining the right to vote.
2. Due process and equal protection for all people.
3. States having been in rebellion and return the union will recover one half of the
government representation for the first five years following reentrance to the union.
1. Grant the rights of an American citizen to all those born in the United States, even
those prior to this amendment.
2. The Freedmen’s Bureau should be made a permanent institution within the Executive
branch in order to ensure equal educational opportunities for all citizens and to grant land
opportunities to those wishing to pursue land in the Western frontier.
3. The right to vote and effect political change without interference, as well as to hold and
advance in both public and private service without persecution. These resolutions can
and should include the right to due process and the right to serve on juries and as
judiciaries, this to extend to both criminal and civil court procedure.
1. The local and state governments that were voted into office prior to or during the war
will remain and all areas under federal military control and Confederate military control
will immediately hold elections.
2. All former slaves are under the protection and freedom of federal laws but are only
guaranteed the rights that states provide them.
3. All former Confederate states will be readmitted to the Union with full amnesty for
their citizens. In the event of a future internal national conflict, a neutral European nation
will mediate the situation. A national vote will be held in which 60% have to approve a
neutral Europeans involvement.