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Answer ALL questions on the lined paper provided.
Section A – Multiple Choice
[5 marks]
1. Which one of the following is not an example of homeostasis?
a. Control of blood sugar levels
b. Control of body temperature
c. Control of water content
d. Control of swallowing mechanism
2. Which on of the following areas is not part of the nephron?
a. Bowman’s capsule
b. Urinary bladder
c. Loop of Henle
d. Collecting duct
3. Which one of the following statements about ADH is false?
a. ADH is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland.
b. ADH affects the permeability of the walls of the loop of Henle and the
Bowman’s capsule.
c. ADH travel via the bloodstream to get to the kidneys.
d. Heavy ADH secretion promotes the reabsorption of water.
4. Here is a jumbled list of the events by which your body temperature is controlled
when it starts to go up. Which sequence of events is correct?
I. Winston exercises hard and his body temperature starts to rise.
II. Winston takes a long, cool drink to replace the liquid he has lost
through sweating.
III. His temperature returns to normal.
IV. Winston’s skin reddens and he sweats heavily so the amount of
heat lost through his skin goes up.
b. I, II, III, IV
c. I, III, IV, II
d. I, IV, III, II
e. I, IV, II, III
5. Two hormones are particularly important in the control of the blood sugar levels
in the body. Which are they?
a. Insulin and glucagon
b. Insulin and adrenalin
c. Insulin and glucose
d. Glucose and glucagon
Section B – Short answer
1. The two main metabolic waste products which have to be removed from the
human body are carbon dioxide and urea.
a. What is meant by the term ‘metabolic waste’?
b. For each waste product named above describe:
i. How it is formed?
ii. How it is removed from the body?
[1 mark]
[4 marks]
[8 marks]
2. Around 500 people take part in the Trinidad and Tobago Marathon each year.
Although it is run at the coolest time of the year, and early in the day, running 26
miles in Caribbean conditions is a test for any athlete.
a. List the ways in which running this marathon will affect their:
i. Water balance
[3 marks]
ii. Sodium chloride and other ions balance
[3 marks]
iii. Internal temperature
[3 marks]
b. How can runners in this marathon maintain a constant internal
environment? Include as many ways as possible in your answer. [5 marks]
3. Explain the roles of the following in maintaining a constant core body
a. Thermoregulatory centre in the brain, the hypothalamus
[5 marks]
b. The temperature sensors in the skin
[3 marks]
Section C – Diagrams
1. Draw and label a simple diagram of a kidney; include the four main parts.
[6 marks]
2. Replace each letter in the diagram below with the appropriate name of the
structure on which it is located.
[4 marks]
This is a diagram of a ___________________.
[1 mark]