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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement
or answers the question.
1) The mechanical force of contraction is generated by:
A) a sliding of thin filaments past thick ones
B) the "accordian-like" folding of thin and thick filaments
C) shortening of the thin filaments
D) the temporary disappearance of thin filaments
E) shortening of the thick filaments
Page Ref: 169
2) Which of the following muscles flexes the thigh on the hip:
A) peroneus muscles
B) adductor muscles
C) vastus lateralis
D) sartorius
E) gluteus maximus
Page Ref: 191
3) Which of the following is NOT a function of the muscular system:
A) stabilizing joints
B) producing movement
C) hematopoiesis
D) generating heat
E) maintaining posture
Page Ref: 165-166
4) At the neuromuscular junction, the muscle fiber membrane is folded to form
A) motor end plate
B) motor unit
C) neurotransmitter
D) motor neuron
E) synaptic vesicle
Page Ref: 169
5) The muscle tissue that consists of single, very long, cylindrical,
multinucleate cells with very obvious striations is:
A) cardiac and skeletal muscle
B) smooth muscle only
C) cardiac muscle only
D) cardiac and smooth muscle
E) skeletal muscle only
Page Ref: 163
During muscle contraction, myosin cross bridges attach to active sites of:
thick filaments
actin filaments
the H zone
myosin filaments
Z lines
Page Ref: 166; 169
7) A sarcomere is:
A) the nonfunctional unit of skeletal muscle
B) a compartment in a myofilament
C) the area between two intercalated discs
D) the wavy lines on the cell, as seen in a microscope
E) the area between two Z lines
Page Ref: 166
8) Which of the following muscles is involved in abduction:
A) deltoid
B) biceps brachii
C) triceps brachii
D) pectoralis major
E) latissimus dorsi
Page Ref: 185
9) Observe the list of muscle actions below. Which of them would NOT be
classified as an ISOTONIC contraction:
A) lifting a glass of water to your mouth
B) pushing against a stationary wall
C) writing a letter
D) throwing a ball
E) typing your shoe
Page Ref: 174
10) Which of the following groups of terms is placed in order from largest to
A) fascicle, fiber, myofilament, myofibril
B) fiber, myofibril, fascicle, myofilament
C) fascicle, fiber, myofibril, myofilament
D) fiber, myofibril, myofilament, fascicle
E) myofilament, myofibril, fiber, fascicle
Page Ref: 164; 166; 167
11) Muscle tissue that is involuntary:
A) cardiac muscle and smooth muscle
B) cardiac muscle only
C) smooth muscle only
D) skeletal muscle only
E) cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle
Page Ref: 163
12) Creatine phosphate functions in the muscle cell by:
A) inducing a conformational change in the myofilaments
B) storing energy that will be transferred to ADP to resynthesize ATP as needed
C) forming a chemical compound with actin
D) storing energy that will be transferred to ATP to resynthesize ADP as needed
E) forming a temporary chemical compound with myosin
Page Ref: 172
13) An elaborate network of membranes in skeletal muscle cells that function in
calcium storage is the:
A) sarcoplasmic reticulum
B) sarcolemma
C) mitochondria
D) myofibrillar network
E) intermediate filament network
Page Ref: 170
14) After nervous stimulation of the muscle cell has ceased, the calcium:
A) is chemically bound to the filaments
B) leaves the cell by diffusion
C) is reabsorbed into the sarcoplasmic reticulum
D) is destroyed by cholinesterase
E) is actively pumped into the extracellular fluid for storage until the next
Page Ref: 170
15) Which of the following groupings is INCORRECT:
A) smooth cells, single nucleus, walls of hollow organs, involuntary
B) skeletal muscle, arrhythmic, variable contraction speed, multinucleated
C) striated muscle, intercalated discs, branching cells, heart
D) cardiac muscle, slow contraction speed, rhythmic, uninucleated
E) striated muscle, cylindrical cells, attached to the skeleton, involuntary
Page Ref: 163
16) Which of the following are composed of myosin:
A) thick filaments
B) light bands
C) thin filaments
D) all myofilaments
E) Z lines
Page Ref: 166
17) Which of the following criteria is NOT used in naming muscles:
A) action of the muscle
B) number of origins of the muscle
C) method of attachment of the muscle to bone
D) shape of the muscle
E) relative size of the muscle
Page Ref: 181
18) The condition of muscle fatigue can be best explained by:
A) inadequate numbers of mitochondria
B) the inability to generate sufficient quantities of ATP due to feedback
regulation of synthesis
C) the all-or-none law
D) insufficient intracellular quantities of ATP due to excessive consumption
E) a total lack of ATP
Page Ref: 174
19) A muscle twitch differs from a tetanic contraction in that:
A) the tetanic contraction is considered abnormal, while the twitch is a normal
muscle response
B) the tetanic contraction is caused by a single stimulus, while the twitch is
caused by very rapid multiple stimuli
C) the muscle twitch is a brief and "jerky" movement, while the tetanic
contraction is prolonged and continuous
D) the muscle twitch occurs only in small muscles while a tetanic contraction
occurs in large muscle groups
E) the muscle twitch is prolonged and continuous while a tetanic contraction is
brief and "jerky"
Page Ref: 171; 172
20) Which of the following connective tissues surrounds an individual muscle
A) perimysium
B) endomysium
C) sarcolemma
D) epimysium
E) fascicle
Page Ref: 164