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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
‫ إدارة استراتيجية‬:‫اسم المساق‬
‫ كليه االمتحان النهائي للفصل الثاني‬،‫الجامعة اإلسالمية – غزة‬
‫ إدارة أعمال‬،‫التجارة‬
‫ ساعات‬3 :‫الزمن‬
2015-2014 ‫للعام الجامعي‬
‫برنامج الماجستير‬
‫ ماجد محمد الف ار‬.‫د‬.‫ أ‬:‫المدرس‬
:‫اسم الطالب‬
:‫ أسئلة فقط على أن تجيب عن السؤال األول وباإلنجليزية‬8 ‫من فضلك أجب عن‬
1. What are characteristics of a Strategic Decision? What are the Mintzberg’s Modes of
Strategic Decision Making?
2. What strategies were adopted by Starbucks company? What future strategies do you
propose? What are the keys to success in Starbucks’ operating in India?
3. Design a controlling system to an institute that you are familiar with. Use the different
types of systems, measure, and tools. What are the approaches used to Strategic Incentive
4. When does a corporation need a board of directors? Who should be on a board of
directors? Should a CEO be allowed to serve on another company’s board of directors?
What would be the result if the only insider on a corporation’s board were the CEO?
5. How can a decision maker identify external strategic factors in a corporation's external
international environment? Highlight how Socio-cultural Trends affect corporation’s
societal environment?
6. What skills should a person have for managing a business unit following a differentiation
strategy? Why? What are the requirements for an organization to apply differentiation
strategy successfully? According to M. Porter can business apply differentiation and cost
leadership strategies at the same time? Why?
7. How to apply downsizing strategy successfully? What is the relation between downsizing
and outsourcing?
8. What is learning organization? How can it affect strategically on company? What are the
factors which contribute to create organizational learning? What is the relationship
between learning organization and knowledge management? What are the major
characteristics of a learning organization?
9. What is the difference between restructuring and reengineering? How can we apply
reengineering successfully with less employees’ resistance to change? How can business
processes be defined to reengineer? Try to draw example in your analysis.
10. How can corporate culture be changed? Why is an understanding of national cultures
important in strategic management? What are the methods of managing two different
cultures when acquisition?