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Regular Biology Unit 2.1 Test Review (Cell Cycle and DNA)
TEKS 5A Review Questions (Cell Cycle)
1. How do cells grow? What are some things that become problematic to a cell that gets too big?
2. What is cell division? What happens when a cell divides?
3. What is the cell cycle? Why is it important?
4. Human cells have 23 pairs of chromosomes. After cell division, how many pairs of chromosomes do each identical
daughter cell have?
5. What are the three main events of the cell cycle?
6. What happens during interphase? What are the three stages of interphase?
7. What happens during G1, S, and G2 of interphase?
8. What is mitosis (the definition)?
9. What are the four stages of mitosis given in the correct order (remember PMAT)?
10. What happens during prophase? Metaphase? Anaphase? Telophase? (Explain in terms of the chromosomes) Be able
to describe what is happening to the cell during each stage! Think of our song!!!
11. Draw a picture of a cell during Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase. Be able to see a picture and know
what stage of the cell cycle the cell is in!!!
12. What is cytokinesis? Draw a picture of cytokinesis.
13. Which diagram most correctly represents the process of mitosis?
TEKS 5D Review Questions(Cell Cycle Gone Wrong: Cancer)
14. What happens specifically in the cell cycle that leads to diseases such as cancer?
15. What is cancer?
16. What is one difference between a cancer cell and a normal cell?
TEKS 6A Review Questions (DNA structure and function)
17. What is the function (purpose) of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)?
18. DNA is a polymer that is made up of long chains of __________________________________.
19. Draw and correctly label a nucleotide.
20. What is the purpose of the hydrogen bonds in DNA? Are they weak or strong? Where are they located?
21. The DNA molecule has a twisted ladder-type structural organization. This twisted ladder shape is known as a
_______________________________ __________________________.
22. The DNA molecule has a ladder-type structural organization. The “sides” of the ladder are composed of what two
things? The “steps” of the ladder are made up of what?
23. DNA nucleotides can be made up of 4 nitrogenous bases? Name them?
24. What are the base pairing rules for the bases? (What pairs with what?)
25. A portion of a DNA strand is sequenced and read. It is found to consist of 17% thymine. How much cytosine is in the
DNA strand?
TEKS 6B Review Questions (DNA in organisms)
26. Do all organisms have the same DNA? If so how is the individuality of an organism determined?
TEKS 4B Review Questions (DNA Replication)
27. What is DNA replication? What is the end result of DNA replication?
28. List in correct order the 3 steps of DNA replication (use your foldable)!!!
29. For the following DNA strand, correctly replicate the daughter strand: 5’ ATCGGATTCAGA ‘3
30. For the following DNA strand, correctly replicate the daughter strand: 5’TAGCCAAGTCAG ‘3