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1920’s vodcast student directions with rubric.
1920’s Radio Vodcast
Objective: SOL USII 5 a, b,c
The students will work in groups to conduct research on the culture of the 1920s and
produce a 3-5 minute radio podcast to present to the class
IB Objectives: .Knowledge, Skills, Presentation
Areas of Interaction: Health and Social Education, Approaches to Learning
Guiding Question: Can conflict lead to social and economic changes in society?
Learner Profile: Inquirers, Communicators, Risk-takers, Thinkers, Knowledgeable
 Students will collaborate with classmates to produce a 3-5 minute radio vodcast on the history,
culture, and commerce of the 1920s.
 Students will individually conduct research on an assigned topic and write at 45-60 second
 Students will correctly site sources for information, music, and images.
 Students will present their vodcast to the class.
 Listen to an original broadcast from 1924
 Working with the group, write and produce a radio show like one that would have been
broadcast in the 1920s
 Present Vodcast to the class
The vodcast must include:
 Radio station identifier which includes the city, state, date and call letters ( Richmond, VA,
2/1/21, WMVA)
 Music from Garage Band or other source of music. May be imported or original. No more
than 30 seconds or 10% may be used. Which ever is less?
 An image or images that support your vodcast –(site your source)
 Slang language from the time (teachers will provide a vocabulary sheet)
 News story- examples: crime, prohibition, Lindberg, King Tut’s tomb, Scopes Trial, Harlem
Renaissance, Great Migration, Sacco and Venzetti, electrification of the USA or any other
topic that interests you from the websites.
 Sports, entertainment story, literature
 Cultural story- trends, fads, writers, artists, cartoon, magazines,
 A commercial for some new invention
 All music, images, and sound must be coordinated and integrated.
 Voices must be understood. Do not use the voice effects in Garage Band.
Directions for saving your garage Band product.
• Share, export to disc, AAC Encoder, export, name podcast, save to desk top, Save
Directions for converting Garage Band to QuickTime: (Do NOT make an iMovie)
 Save the final production in Garage Band with the last names of all members of the group.
You will need this in order to edit your vodcast.
 Share vodcast to iTunes.
 Drag the iTunes production to the desktop. Ctrl/Click and open with QuickTime Player
 View/Fit to screen
Everyone in the group must have a role.
 Everyone must agree on the station call letters and location
 Each member must write one of the scripts (news, sports/entertainment, culture, commercial).
 Everyone must work together on the vodcast. —Work together to be creative.
1920’s vodcast student directions with rubric.
Works cited—each group must turn in a list of the websites where information, sounds, images etc
were retrieved. You may use the citation machine for this purpose. You will need to turn in a
minimum of two websites for each story (minimum 8) and a citation for each image or sound you use.
This needs to be on a separate sheet of paper with the title “Works Cited” written at the top of the
List the names of the members in your group, Last name first.
____________________ _____________________________ _____________________
Your Name ___________________________ Date __________________ Block ____
Rubric 1920’s Radio Show
Criteria for Group Score
Emphasis on Core Content Knowledge
Criterion A
 Call letters
 Music
 Image
 Correct use of slang
 News Story
 Sports Story
 Commercial/Advertisement
 Culture Story
 Content matches time period
Information, Media and Technology
Skills Criterion C
 Online research with correctly cited
 Music, images and sounds included,
audible voice
 Vodcast is converted to QuickTime.
 Creativity- includes animation,
transitions, original images, ideas
Organization and Presentation
Criterion D
 Vodcast is presented in a mature
 Group collaborates to produce
 Group meets minimum requirements
and goes above and beyond.
 Group successfully integrates and
synchronizes music, images, voice
Minus 10 points for each class period
IB points
IB points
1920’s vodcast student directions with rubric.
project is late.
Final Group score (HCPS)
Final IB Score
Name _______________________ Date ___________ Block___
Individual Reflection
1. Respond to the statements below that reflect on your vodcast experience.
What was positive about creating the vodcast?
How can your group improve your vodcast?
2. Respond to the questions below that describe how your group worked together on
the vodcast.
Write a positive statement about your group.
How could your group improve how they interacted with each other?
Describe your members of your group contributed their fair share.
3. How did this experience enhance your understanding of the 1920s?
 In your research-
Producing the vodcast.
Watching your neighbor’s vodcast?
4. Answer the Guiding Question: Can conflict lead to social and economic changes in
society? Make sure your answer is thorough and provides justification for your
thoughts.. Name this document “Block letter, last name, first initial, reflection.
1920’s vodcast student directions with rubric.
Directions for combining Vodcasts
Open Intro. vodcast
• Control Click on second Vodcast = Show Package contents
- Click media and drag over
- Click images and drag over
- Click music and drag over
Directions for submitting your Vodcast
1. To submit your Vodcast, follow these directions:
 Naming instructions: Name each individual document with your Block letter, last
name, initial and the assigment. (documents include, works cited, script, reflection)
For example: B Kenzer C ,script; B Kenzer C, works cited, B Kenzer C reflection)
 Place these documents in a folder named lastname, first initial, vodcast
2. Naming and submitting group work. (Everyone’s work must be in this folder)
Create a new folder. Name it with the last name of all the members of your group.
 Place all the following documents in the folder
o Individual folders from number 1.
o Presentation schedule for the group
o The Vodcast in QuickTime format
 Drop the group folder in my drop box for your block
o Use a flash drive to transfer documents between computers