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World History
Name _____________________________
Chapter 32 Section One: Hitler’s Lightning War
Essential Questions:
Germany Sparks a New War in Europe
A. Germany’s Lightning War
- After Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia, ___________________________________
- Most of Europe assumed Hitler would leave Poland alone in fear of angering their
Russian neighbor
- But Hitler and Stalin (Russia) had made a secret agreement to divide Poland
between themselves
- Sept. 1st 1939- ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- invasion of Poland was first test of Hitler’s new style of warfare called blitzkrieg__________________________________________________________________
- France and Britain declared war on Germany on Sept. 3rd- but it was too late for
Poland, who fell to Hitler
- Soviets soon annexed the eastern half of Poland leaving western half to Hitler
B. The Phony War
- after declaring war, France and Britain stationed troops along the Maginot Line,
- they waited for the Germans to attack, but nothing happened- newspaper called it
the “phony war”
The Fall of France
A. The End of the Phony War
- In May of 1940, ____________________________________________________
- sent even larger force to cut through the Ardennes mountains to attack France
- French surprised and forced to retreat to the beaches on Dunkirk, a French port
city near the Belgian border
- _________________________________________________________________
- But an armature armada of 850 British ships (including navy ships, fishing boats,
yachts, and row boats) made a daring and heroic rescue of appx. 338,000 French
- By June 14th, 1940, _________________________________________________
- After France fell, Charles De Gaulle, a French general, set up a gov’t in exile in
London and focused on reconquering France
The Battle of Britain
- With the fall of France, Great Britain stood alone against the Nazis
- New British prime minister, Winston Churchill __________________________
- In the summer of 1940- ______________________________________________
- The Royal Air Force (RAF) of GB used _____________________________ and
______________________________ to beat back the German planes
- This Battle of Britain continued until May of 1941 when Hitler, stunned by the
British resistance, decided to call off the his attacks
- Churchill praised the RAF saying… “never have so many owed so much to so
The Mediterranean and the Eastern Front
A. Axis Forces Attack North Africa
Hitler Invades the Soviet Union
in June of 1941 _____________________________________________________
by Sept. German forces had reached Leningrad and placed it under siege
to force surrender, Hitler was prepared to starve the city’s 2.5 million ppl__________________________________________________________________
Hitler grew impatient and, ignoring history’s lesson of Napoleon’s winter defeat,
ordered an attack on the Soviet capital, Moscow
Hitler’s advance on the Soviet Union gained nothing but cost the Germans
500,000 lives
The Unites States Aids Its Allies
- __________________________________________________________________
- the US passed a series of Neutrality Acts making the sale of arms to warring
nations illegal
- But President Roosevelt knew that if the Allies failed the US would be left to
defeat Hitler alone
- FDR and the US congress ____________________________________________
Chapter 32 Sections 2-3
Name ________________________
Section Two: Japan’s Pacific Campaign
1) How did the Japanese plan to catch the European colonial powers and the US by
2) What was Yamamoto’s objective at Pearl Harbor?
3) What was General Douglas MacArthur’s “island hopping” strategy?
Section Three: The Holocaust
4) What was the Holocaust?
5) Besides being blamed for the economic problems in Germany after WW I, for
what else did Germans blame Jews?
6) Of what did the Nuremburg Laws deprive Jews?
7) What was the cause of Kristallnacht?
8) What process did Hitler first use to get rid of Jewish people in Germany?
9) How many Jewish refugees did France, Britain, and Latin America allow into
their country before closing their doors?
10) When Hitler realized that emigration would not work, what was the next step in
getting rid of the Jews?
11) What did Hitler and the Nazi’s want to see happen to the Jews in the Ghettos?
12) When Hitler was tired of waiting on Jews to die in the ghettos what was his next
step? What was the name of this plan?
13) What was the final stage of Hitler’s plan (the “Final Solution”)?
14) Which was the largest of Hitler’s death camps?
15) Describe the process for an arriving Jew at Auschwitz?
16) How many Jews were killed in death camps and in Nazi massacres? How many
17) Using the chart on page 939 answer the following questions.
What was the original Jewish population of Poland prior to World War II?
How many Polish Jews were killed during the Holocaust?
What percentage of German Jews survived?
How many Jews from the Soviet Union were killed by the Nazis?
Chapter 32 Section Four: The Allied Victory
The Tide Turns on Two Fronts
A. The North African Campaign
B. The Battle for Stalingrad
- beginning in August of 1942, Hitler ordered an attack on the industrial city
of Stalingrad in the Soviet Union
- ____________________________________________________________
- But as winter set in, the Soviets mounted a counterattack and cut off the
German supply lines
- ____________________________________________________________
- The Battle of Stalingrad was a turning point in the war- _____________
C. Invasion of Italy
- July 10th, 1943- ______________________________________________
Victory in Europe
A. The D-Day Invasion
- in 1943 _____________________________________________________
- by May of 1944 this invasion force was ready- Hitler knew the invasion
was coming but he did not know where they would land
- to fool the Nazis, the Allies set in motion a huge “phantom army”
complete with ______________________, a headquarters, and fake secret
documents discovered by the Nazis all pointing to the invasion point being
the French city of Calais
- Code named Operation Overlord- _______________________________
- The invasion began on June 6th, 1944 and is known as D-Day
- The Allies suffered great casualties but were able to hold the beaches
- A month later the Allies marched triumphantly into Paris having retaken
France from the Nazis
- The allies then focused their attention on Germany itself
B. The Battle of the Bulge
- as Allied forces moved toward Germany from the west, Soviet forces
advanced from the east
C. Germany’s Unconditional Surrender
- After the Battle of the Bulge, the war in Europe rapidly drew to a close
- In March of 1945, ____________________________________________
- By April 1945, the Allied forces surrounded Berlin and began bombing
the city
- On April 30th, 1945 ___________________________________________
- On May 9th, 1945- ____________________________________________
Victory in the Pacific
- Although the war in Europe was over the Allies were still fighting the
Japanese in the Pacific
- As the Allied forces pushed closer to Japan, the Japanese resorted to the
use of kamikazes- ____________________________________________
- In June of 1945, after bitter fighting, US troops were able to take the
island of Okinawa, 350 miles south of Japan
- The next stop was an Allied invasion of Japan- _____________________
- President Truman had to decide whether or not to use a powerful new
weapon called the atomic bomb (or A-bomb)
- ____________________________________________________________
- The US warned Japan to surrender, after they did not respond, the US
decided to drop the atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima
- ____________________________________________________________
- The bombs killed appx. 150,000 ppl immediately but many more were
killed by the radiation fallout after the bombs
- September 2nd, 1945 ___________________________________________
Chapter 32 Section 5: Europe and Japan in Ruins
Devastation in Europe
- by the end of WWII, Europe lay in ruins- close to 40 million Europeans
had died, 2/3rds of them civilians
Nuremberg Trials
- while nations were struggling to recover from WWII, they also tried to
deal with the issue of war crimes
- During 1945 and 1946, - _______________________________________
- In the first of these Nuremberg Trials 22 Nazi leaders were charged and
found guilty of ______________________________________________
(the murder of 11 million ppl)
- Many high ranking Nazis had committed suicide, but 10 were hanged on
October 16th, 1946- then cremated in the ovens of Dachau
Postwar Governments and Politics
- After the war, many blamed their governments for the war and its
aftermath and many nations sought new gov’t leaders