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Round # 9
This country shares the General Carrera lake with its neighbor to its east, although
the latter uses a different name. Its Chonos Archipelago is the northernmost group of
a string of islands at its southern end, including the large Isla Wellington. At its
northern end, the Cordillera Domeyko and the Coastal Ranges surround the Loa
River basin and the Atacama Desert. FTP, name this country whose major cities
include Concepción, Valparaíso, and Santiago, and which borders Argentina to the
A: Republic of Chile
In the beginning of this novel the protagonist kills a rat with a skillet. After attacking
a member of his gang to avoid having to rob a white man’s store, he takes a job as a
chauffeur for his landlord’s family. While driving the landlord’s daughter and her
communist boyfriend, all three get drunk. The protagonist is forced to help the
landlord’s daughter, Mary, reach her room and accidentally smothers her while
trying to keep her from revealing his presence to her blind mother. His girlfriend
Bessie, whom he later kills, encourages him in his plan to frame Mary’s boyfriend,
Jan. FTP, name this work in which the legal help Jan provides Bigger Thomas helps
him finally feel equal to whites, a novel by Richard Wright.
A: Native Son
This game was invented in 1944 by Anthony Pratt after he and his wife moved to the
southern coast of England. It was first marketed in Great Britain in 1949 by
Waddington’s Games, which sold the U.S. rights to Parker Brothers that same year.
It is now sold in over 40 countries, usually under either the British name or the
slightly different American name. There are 324 different combinations of the three
unknown pieces of evidence, which must all be found to solve the mystery of Mr.
Boddy’s death. FTP, name this board game which may end with Professor Plum, the
knife, and the billiard room as the answer.
A: Clue accept Cluedo before “Mr. Boddy”
Some have speculated that the male lead in this play was based on Alexander Bell.
Its preface expresses the author’s distaste at the mangling of the English language,
thus explaining the profession of one of its main characters. This play begins with
Freddy Eynsford-Hills meeting his future bride, although she has not yet been
refined by a linguistics professor. Later adaptations of the play all have Eliza
Doolittle and Sir Higgins marry, much to the chagrin of its author. FTP, name this
1913 play by George Bernard Shaw that served as the inspiration for My Fair Lady.
A: Pygmalion
Lasting from 618 to 906 AD, this dynasty had its capital in Chang’an. Overland
trade routes stretched to Syria and Rome after this dynasty subdued neighboring
nomadic peoples. The civil service examination system was adjusted to help
educated men without connections, allowing social mobility. Painters Wu Daozi and
Wang Wei worked during this period, as did the poets Li Bo and Du Fu. FTP, name
this dynasty, which followed the Sui whose rulers included Taizong.
A: T’ang accept equivalents
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Round # 9
In a triangle, its normalized barycentric coordinates are given by 1,1,1 (one comma
one comma one). The Euler line passes through the orthocenter,circumcenter, and
this point, and it trisects both the segment joining the orthocenter and circumcenter
and all three of the triangle's medians. In physics, it remains constant in a closed
system with no external forces, and it can be computed by the sum of the products of
position and mass divided by the total mass. FTP, name this point which is
sometimes called the center of gravity.
A: Center of Mass or Center of Gravity before mentioned - also accept
Centroid before "physics", prompt after
The person who played the titular character of this 1964 film was originally
supposed to play all four major characters, but Peter Sellers was forced to give one
up due to heart issues. This movie was rated third on AFI’s 100 Years, 100 Laughs
list. This film begins when a general sends out bombers to destroy the USSR,
believing they are poisoning the water supply. FTP, name this movie directed by
Stanley Kubrick in which President Muffley famously declares, “Gentlemen! You
can’t fight in here. This is the war room!”
A: Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the
In addition to developing a model of the atom, Niels Bohr also developed this. Its
name comes from the German word for “construction.” This principle is used with
Hund’s Rule and the Pauli Exclusion Principle to help in the creation of the atomic
diagrams. Under this principle, the 1s subshell is filled first, but the 4s is filled
before the 3d subshell. FTP, name this principle which states that electrons fill
orbitals of lowest energy first.
A: Aufbau Principle
This Yale and Harvard Law School graduate’s first major government achievement
was getting the Senate to approve the US joining the United Nations. He was also a
major supporter of NATO, helped form the Marshall Plan and the Truman Doctrine,
and rejected the authority of the Communist Chinese government. Although advisor
to four presidents, public support went against him when he refused to fire alleged
communist Alger Hiss from his department. Name this 1949 Secretary of State who,
FTP, created the idea of Communist Containment.
A: Dean Acheson
10. Seamus Heaney called her one of the “guerillas of imagination,” which seems odd
because most of her novels deal with true to life troubles. The oppressive
government banned many of her novels, including 1981’s July’s People, because
they dealt with relationships between whites and blacks. More recently, she has been
very involved in raising awareness for HIV/AIDS in Africa. She worked with
Woody Allen and Chinua Achebe on a 2004 short story book Telling Tales, which
was an attempt to get government funding for HIV/AIDS research. FTP, name this
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Round # 9
1991 Nobel Laureate, the first South African to win the prize.
A: Nadine Gordimer
11. In telecommunications, it can refer to either the starting or ending point in signal
flow. In computer science, these are basic units used to build linked lists. Meaning
any device connected to a network in computer terminology, this is also where
petioles connect to the stem. Changes in the positions of these affect the frequency
of standing waves. FTP, give the term meaning a point on a wave at which minimal
amplitude occurs.
A: Node
12. Thirty-six stories featuring this man’s unnamed Continental Op appeared in the
Black Mask magazine. Four of these were later combined to form his first novel, Red
Harvest. Characters in this author’s most famous work include Joel Cairo and Floyd
Thursby. Another of his most famous novels spawned a successful movie franchise
even though he never wrote a sequel himself. This man’s last original work was the
comic strip Secret Agent X9. FTP, name this author known for hardboiled detective
fiction such as The Thin Man and The Maltese Falcon.
A: Samuel Dashiell Hammett
13. It shows that recessive genes do not disappear from a gene pool, no matter how
small the population is. This holds true, as long as mutation, gene flow, genetic
drift, nonrandom mating, and natural selection do not occur. It can be represented
by an equation where “p” represents a dominant allele and “q” the corresponding
recessive allele. FTP, name this equation that represents the relationship between
alleles and genotypes of a population.
A: Hardy-Weinberg Equation
14. This man served as a guerilla leader in the Boer War and contributed to the pamphlet
A Century of Wrong. However, he believed in cooperation with Great Britain. After
serving as defense minister under Botha, he led South Africa successfully against
German East Africa at the beginning of World War I. In 1917 he joined the Imperial
War Cabinet in London and helped establish the RAF. He worked with Woodrow
Wilson to advocate the League of Nations and later helped with the establishment of
the United Nations and became prime minister of South Africa twice. FTP, name
this man, the only person to sign the peace treaties at the end of both world wars.
A: Jan Smuts
15. When this man's voice changed at age seventeen, he was thrown out of his choir into
the streets. He served as Kapellmeister for the Austrian aristocrat Count Morzin
before employment by a much wealthier family. One of his most famous
symphonies written for Nikolaus Esterhazy instructs the musicians to depart as they
finish their solos. His love of practical jokes is apparent in his music, such as a
sudden loud chord in the middle of a soft passage which then continues as if no
interruption had occurred. During his time in London, FTP, this composer
premiered twelve symphonies including the Drumroll, Military, and Surprise.
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Round # 9
A: Franz Joseph Haydn
16. The presence of cro protein in a cell prevents this process. Phage β [BAY-tuh] can
insert the gene for the diphtheria toxin during this process via the namesake
conversion, which can also result in an increase in the imperviousness of the host
cell’s external membrane. Induction, often involving UV radiation, ends this
process to begin its counterpart. In this process, the viral DNA is mixed with host
DNA, where it remains dormant for a time. Name, FTP, this viral reproduction
cycle that occurs before its companion, lysis.
A: Lysogenic Cycle or Lysogeny do not prompt on Lytic
17. Examples of this practice include the 1819 Hep-Hep riots and aspects of the Polish
Cossack Uprising. It was first formally referred to, however, to describe 1881 riots
in Russia. They also occurred after the assassination of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia
and during the German Kristallnacht. Name this term, Russian for “devastation”,
which, FTP, means a riot against a certain ethnic, religious, or other minority group.
A: Pogroms
18. This religious text contains hymns, songs, and tales. Alexander the Great is believed
to have destroyed the original, and the version seen today was put together in the
thirteenth century. Ancient songs and hymns make up its Gathas, and the Yarna
details the sacrifice of Haoma. The name of this text translates to “Book of the
Law.” Laws are discussed in the Vendidad, which also describes the creation myth
of the world and the first man, Yima. The “Zend” that often precedes its name refers
to this text’s interpretation. FTP, identify this collection of works sacred to
A: Zend-Avesta
19. He became famous with the production of Marina Pineda (Pi-NAY-duh), a
historical romance play. Salvador Dali designed the set for its premiere in Barcelona.
His play Blood Wedding chronicles how a husband kills his runaway wife. When his
friend Ignacio Sánchez Mejías (Eeg-NAW-cee-o SAAN-chez May-HE-as) was
killed in the ring, he wrote Lament for the Death of a Bullfighter. He was shot by
Falangist (Fa-LAN-jist) soldiers before one of his most famous works was published
during the Spanish Civil War. FTP, name this Spanish playwright and poet, creator
of La Casa de Bernarda Alba.
A: Federico García Lorca
20. This sculpture, actually a series of at least sixteen, was originally made of marble.
Later versions were cast in brass. The series was made between 1923 and 1940. The
titular animal, a common theme in the sculptor’s works, cannot be seen in the work
as it is meant to depict the nature of flight. Customs officials once mistook this
sculpture for a propeller blade. FTP, identify this Constantin Brancusi work whose
title sounds like it could have come from a Muppet movie.
A: Bird in Space
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Round # 9
You have reached the end of the round. Do not continue reading unless a question
was thrown out or the game is tied.
21. This woman’s pomegranate badge was not engraved on her tomb in Peterborough
Cathedral until 1891, and again in 1986, at the 450th anniversary of her burial. She
was exiled to a number of royal residences, including The Moor, Ampthill, and
Kimbolton Castle, where she died. This princess first arrived in England to be
married to Arthur, with whom she had been betrothed since the age of three.
However, he soon died, and she married her more famous husband. FTP, name this
first wife of Henry VIII and mother of Mary I.
A: Catherine of Aragon prompt on Catherine
22. Most of this nation’s eastern region lies on the Korat Plateau. The Chao Phraya is
the largest river within the country, while its eastern border is formed by a larger
river. The Isthmus of Kra forms the western boundary of its namesake gulf. The
Tanen Range lies on its northern border, while the Dangrek Chain forms its border
with Cambodia. FTP, name this Southeast Asian country with its capital at Bangkok.
A: Kingdom of Thailand
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