* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
World History Test 2 Study Guide (Chapter 14-15): Block, Wed 3/31 (100 Points) Tests are 20 questions: 15 questions from class notes and 5 questions from in-class readings, videos, and work sections. Try using the class ning for study help. Unexcused make up tests also include 4 additional essay questions. Concepts to Know (further definition in parenthesis) [tips are in brackets] Yalta Conference Invasion of Berlin WWII in Europe [1939-1945] WWII US Involvement [11/1941-1945 WWII Fatalities [60 Million] Pre-WWII Anti-Semitism Nazi Anti-Semtisim Holocaust [1933-1945] Holocaust Fatalities [6+ million, 2/3 of all Eur. Jews) Nuremburg Laws Kristallnacht - The Night of Broken Glass St. Louis Luxury Liner Shanghai Ghetto Sugihara Warsaw Ghetto SS, Heinrich Himmler, and the Final Solution Perpetrator, Bystander, Upstander Schindler’s List film Millgram Obedience Study: Order to shock, ppl will do carry out bad things when a) Authority figure orders it b) Responsibility for the action is transferred Latane Bystander Study: Non-action is far more likely the larger the group a) Combining Millgram + Latane, you can do great good by ordering ppl around to help Zimbardo Prison Experiment: Giving roles a) Ppl can do bad things without being ordered if placed in a role (caricature) Nuremburg Trials United Nations UN Security Council UN General Assembly Difference Between Capitalism (US), Socialism (Europe), and Communism (USSR) Containment US Intervention in Greece and Turkey Berlin Blockade NATO and Warsaw Nuclear Arms Race and MAD Mao Zedong (CCP) Chiang Kai Shek (KMT) Chinese Civil War (second part) Taiwan 38th Parellel Kim Il Sung Syngman Rhree Korean War (1951-1953, technically to present) Kim Jung Ill and Juche Great Leap Forward (1958-1966) Chinese Cultural Revolution (1966-76) and the Red Guard Asian Tigers Taiwan and Korea Student Protest (what kind of govt did US Asian allies have) Zionism and the Middle East Conflict (Israel-Palestine conflict) Israel+Palestine, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Qatar, UAE (ID on map) Why US and Iran are in conflict? Mahmood Amademajad Why USSR and Afghanistan were in conflict, why does this affect us today? World History Test 2 Study Guide (Chapter 14-15): Block, Wed 3/31 (100 Points) Tests are 20 questions: 15 questions from class notes and 5 questions from in-class readings, videos, and work sections. Try using the class ning for study help. Unexcused make up tests also include 4 additional essay questions. Concepts to Know (further definition in parenthesis) [tips are in brackets] Yalta Conference Invasion of Berlin WWII in Europe [1939-1945] WWII US Involvement [11/1941-1945 WWII Fatalities [60 Million] Pre-WWII Anti-Semitism Nazi Anti-Semtisim Holocaust [1933-1945] Holocaust Fatalities [6+ million, 2/3 of all Eur. Jews) Nuremburg Laws Kristallnacht - The Night of Broken Glass St. Louis Luxury Liner Shanghai Ghetto Sugihara Warsaw Ghetto SS, Heinrich Himmler, and the Final Solution Perpetrator, Bystander, Upstander Schindler’s List film Millgram Obedience Study: Order to shock, ppl will do carry out bad things when a) Authority figure orders it b) Responsibility for the action is transferred Latane Bystander Study: Non-action is far more likely the larger the group a) Combining Millgram + Latane, you can do great good by ordering ppl around to help Zimbardo Prison Experiment: Giving roles a) Ppl can do bad things without being ordered if placed in a role (caricature) Nuremburg Trials United Nations UN Security Council UN General Assembly Difference Between Capitalism (US), Socialism (Europe), and Communism (USSR) Containment US Intervention in Greece and Turkey Berlin Blockade NATO and Warsaw Nuclear Arms Race and MAD Mao Zedong (CCP) Chiang Kai Shek (KMT) Chinese Civil War (second part) Taiwan 38th Parellel Kim Il Sung Syngman Rhree Korean War (1951-1953, technically to present) Kim Jung Ill and Juche Great Leap Forward (1958-1966) Chinese Cultural Revolution (1966-76) and the Red Guard Asian Tigers Taiwan and Korea Student Protest (what kind of govt did US Asian allies have) Zionism and the Middle East Conflict (Israel-Palestine conflict) Israel+Palestine, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Qatar, UAE (ID on map) Why US and Iran are in conflict? Mahmood Amademajad Why USSR and Afghanistan were in conflict, why does this affect us today?