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Section A: Multiple-Choice Questions *SELECT THE MOST CORRECT ANSWER*
In eukaryotic cells the conversion of ADP and phosphate into ATP occurs
J only in the mitochondria, and requires energy.
K only in the cytoplasm, and releases energy.
L in both the mitochondria and the cytoplasm, and requires energy.
M in both the mitochondria and the cytoplasm, and releases energy.
2. The diagram below represents 3 different cells (which are unrealistically squarish). Which of the
following statements is true? Note: V = LxWxH; SA = LxWx6 sides
a) 1cm
b) 2cm
c) 4cm
J c) would be twice as efficient as b) at absorbing oxygen to its center
K c) would equally as efficient as b) at absorbing oxygen to its center
L a) would be twice as efficient as c) at absorbing oxygen to its center
M a) would be twice as efficient as b) at absorbing oxygen to its center
The following are products of cell respiration:
J C6H12O6; energy
K C6H12O6; O2.
L energy; O2
M energy; H20; CO2
Stage 2 Biology Formative SACE Test
Cellular respiration mainly occurs in the following organelle
J Rough ER
K chloroplast
L mitochondria
M ribosome
5. The diagram below shows to stomates in the epidermis of a leaf. The guard cells that control the
pore opening are shown in the middle (lighter colour). Which of the following statements is correct?
J as the guard cells become more flaccid the pore opens
K as the guard cells become more flaccid the pore closes
L as the guard cells become more turgid the pore closes
M as the guard cells become more turgid the pore is not affected
6. Examine the diagram (on the right) of a set up involving only two substances separated by a
membrane. Left to stand for 30 minutes, the set up progresses gradually through steps a), b), and c).
Which of the following conclusions has the least support from the results?
J the substances are moving by passive transport
K the substances are separated by a semi-permeable membrane
L the substances are affected by concentration gradients
M the substances have reached an equilibrium
7. Immediately after a mitotic cell division, each daughter cell has
J a greater surface area than the parent cell had immediately before cell division
K a smaller volume than the parent cell had immediately before cell division
L the same amount of DNA as the parent cell had immediately before cell division
M a smaller SA:V ratio than the parent cell had immediately before cell division
Stage 2 Biology Formative SACE Test
8. Examine the simplified diagram below of a typical chemical reaction found in a cell.
J this is an anabolic reaction, making energy available for cellular use
K this is a synthesis reaction, making energy available for cellular use
L this is a catabolic reaction, making energy available for cellular use
M this is an anaerobic reaction, making energy available for cellular use
9. Which of the following characteristics must a cell have in order to be classified as a eukaryotic cell?
J a cell wall
K membrane bound organelles
L a cell capsule
M ability to photosynthesis
10. A liver cell has been stimulated by Growth Hormone (GH) to create and excrete a protein growth
factor. Which of the following sequences correctly describes, in order, the major organelles in the
cell involved in creating and excreting this growth factor?
J nucleus; Golgi body; ER; cell membrane; transport vesicle
K Golgi body, nucleus; ER; transport vesicle; cell membrane
L transport vesicle; Golgi body, nucleus, ER; ribosome
M nucleus; ribosome; ER; Golgi body; cell membrane
11. This cell is in which phase of mitosis?
J Telophase
K Interphase
L Anaphase
M Cytokinesis
Stage 2 Biology Formative SACE Test
12. Examine the diagram below, showing a typical plant cell before AND after 15 minutes of being
subjected to a new environment. Which statement is likely correct?
J this cell was placed in an isotonic solution
K this cell was placed in a hypertonic solution
L this cell was placed in a hypotonic solution
M this cell was placed in a lake of molten lava
13. Amphipods are tiny animal creatures that live in water. A typical amphipod will
have a concentration of potassium ions in its own cells that is much higher than
the surrounding water. The movement of these potassium ions from the water
into its cells must take place by:
J exocytosis
Serves them right
if they choose K!
K phagocytosis
L diffusion
M active transport
14. During which phase of mitosis does the chromatid fiber condense, and the nuclear membrane
J Anaphase
K Telophase
L Prophase
M Metaphase
Stage 2 Biology Formative SACE Test
Section B: Short Answer
1. Prokaryotic cells divide by binary fission and eukaryotic cells divide by mitosis.
(a) Explain how these two events are similar to each other.
(b) Explain how these two processes will be very different from each other.
2. Refer to the following diagram, which shows the detail for a key energy pathway that converts
pyruvate into oxalacetate. The pathway involves many small steps, each catalyzed by a different
Stage 2 Biology Formative SACE Test
(a) State two reasons why energy pathways involve many small steps.
(b) Explain why each step in this pathway is catalyzed by a different enzyme.
(c) Give a possible reason for a cell that may be found to accumulate abnormal levels of α-ketoglutarate.
3. Examine the TEM image of a key cell organelle below.
(a) Is this from a prokaryotic or eukaryotic cell? Explain.
(b) Would you expect catabolic or anabolic reactions to be dominant here? Explain.
(c) Would you expect to find more of these in muscle cells or hair follicle cells? Why?
Stage 2 Biology Formative SACE Test
(d) This organelle has been found to have small segments of its own DNA inside of it, as well as
ribosomes. In the space below, outline why these two cellular items are useful to have on hand in
order to perform its main function.
4. Vinblastin is a standard therapeutic drug used in the treatment of cancer cells. It prevents the
successful assembly of spindle fibers.
(a) State one possible effect this would have on chromosomes during mitosis.
(b) Explain why Vinblastin is effective in the treatment of cancer cells.
5. Describe the likely role of the cytoskeleton in each of the following situations:
(a) Endocytosis:
(b) Moving chloroplasts to the ‘sunny side’ of the cell:
Stage 2 Biology Formative SACE Test
6. Most life on Earth is directly or indirectly dependent on photosynthesis.
(a) State the energy conversion (change of form) that occurs in photosynthesis.
(b) Explain why heterotrophs are dependent on photosynthesis.
Section C: Extended Response
Write your answer on the answer sheet provided. You should spend about 12-15 minutes on this section,
about 3-5 minutes planning and 9-10 minutes writing. An ‘A’ level performance will show a clear, wellexpressed answer that is well organised, relevant to the question, and demonstrates a deep and broad
level of understanding.
1. It is known that hormones play an important role in regulating cell division. One example is Growth
Hormone (GH), which is produced by an endocrine gland. GH simulates livers cells to become signal
cells – sending out growth factors to the body. These growth factors then cause specific bone tissues
to divide by making them produce proteins that stimulate cell division.
 Explain how the growth factor from the liver signal cells only target bone tissues and not others;
 Explain how a hormone treatment (administered by a physician) could slow or stop this process in
a young person with abnormally high growth rates;
 Give another example in the human body where a growth factor may be needed to cause a
specific type of cell to divide rapidly when needed.
Stage 2 Biology Formative SACE Test
Extended Response Answer Sheet
Stage 2 Biology Formative SACE Test