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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project

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Class Rules:
Be on time:
In the room when the bell rings and seated at your desk
- This includes being prepared for class (ie: pencil sharpened, notebook
out, etc.)
Please use the bathroom between classes
The teacher dismisses you, the bell does not.
Remain in your seat until you are dismissed
You may not line up by the door
Hand in ALL work on time
Points will be deducted for late work (the amount will depend on the weight of
the assignment and number of days late)
It is YOUR responsibility to obtain and turn in any missing work when you are
Respect your classmates, your teacher, and yourself
**And this last one is so important it doesn’t even need a number—no cell
phones, ipods, etc are to be used during class. If I can go 40 minutes without it,
you can too!
Course Assignments and Grading:
Assignments will be given a point value relative to the amount of work required. Assignments
Group Projects (1 per MP)
Unit Tests
Chapter Packets
Reading Checks
Group Assignments:
Group assignments are geared toward the application of principles of psychology that
have been previously learned. Each group will be required to do one major group assignment for
each of the four marking periods. Groups will be assigned randomly and these will be your
groups for the entire year.
Each project will include a group and individual portion. You will also grade yourself and your
group members.
Out of 100 points:
40 points for the group project evaluated by the teacher (each member will receive the
amount of points for this portion)
10 points for your individual portion of the project
35 points from your group members’ evaluations of your contribution
15 points from your own evaluation of your contribution
Anytime after the first marking period, any student who is receiving an assessment of a C or
lower from his or her group may, at the teacher’s discretion be removed from the group. In this
scenario, that student would then be required to do all group-work him or herself or be placed
into a new group including others who have been removed from their group. If the student is
required to work on his/her own, his or her group grade would then be computed with 85% of
the grade coming from the teacher’s assessment and 15% from self-assessment. Groups will be
required to meet on their own, outside of the classroom. All of the group-work can not be
done in class if we are to cover all of the material necessary to take the AP test.
Group Project Assignments:
1st marking period--------- 3D brain project with brain manual
2nd marking period---------Psychology fair demonstration with paper explaining
3rd marking period----------Create a course content review for the AP exam
4th marking period----------Advertising using principles of psych
Final Exam:
There will be a final exam for anyone not taking the AP test. It will be a two day final given on
the AP Psychology testing day and the following day. Anyone taking the AP Psychology test
will have their 4th marking period group assignment count as there final exam as well.
Course Plan:
Marking Period 1
Unit I: Approaches, History
Week 1
Goals of Psychology
Historical Approaches and Scientific methods
1. Structuralism – Wilhelm Wundt
2. Functionalism – William James
3. Gestalt – Max Wertheimer
4. Behaviorism – John B. Watson, B.F. Skinner
Modern Approaches
1. Biological
2. Cognitive
3. Behavioral
4. Psychodynamic
5. Humanistic
6. Sociocultural
7. Evolutionary
Unit II: Methods, Statistics
Weeks 2,3
Research Methods
1. Clinical
a. Case Study
AP test %
b. Standardized Testing
c. Questionnaires and interviews
d. Naturalistic Observation
2. Correlation
a. Correctional coefficient
1. Positive, negative
b. Causation, Predicting power, Clues,
3. Experimental
a. Design
4. Statistics
a. Descriptive
b. Inferential
Ethics in Research
1. Cases
2. Codes
3. Deception
4. Animal Research
Unit III: Biological Bases of Behavior
Weeks 4,5
A. Physiological Techniques
B. Neuroanatomy
C. Functional Organization of Nervous System
D. Neural Transmission
F. Genetics
Unit IV: Sensation and Perception
A. Thresholds
1. Absolute Threshold
2. Just Noticeable Threshold
a. Weber’s Law
3. Signal Detection
B. Sensory Mechanisms
1. Vision
2. Audition
3. Vestibular System
4. Chemical Senses
a. Smell
b. Taste
5. Touch
C. Receptor Processes
D. Sensory Adaptation
E. Attention
F. Perceptual Processes
Unit V: States of Consciousness
Week 8
A. Sleep and Dreaming
B. Hypnosis
C. Psychoactive Drug Effects
Marking Period 2
Unit VI: Learning
Weeks 9,10
A. Biological Factors
B. Classical Conditioning
1. Pavlov, Watson
C. Operant Conditioning
1. Thorndike, Skinner
D. Social Learning
1. Albert Bandura
E. Cognitive Processes in Learning
1. Tolman
Unit VII: Cognition
Weeks 11,12
A. Memory
1. Kinds
a. Episodic. Generic, Procedural
2. Stages
a. Sensory, Short Term, Long Term
3. Processes of Memory
a. Encoding
b. Central Processing
c. Retrieval
1. Context, State Dependent
4. Forgetting
B. Language
1. Basic Rules
a. Four Language rules
b. Surface/deep structure
c. Understanding Language
2. Acquisition of language
a. stages of language development
b. acquisition of a particular language
3. Communication systems of animals
C. Thinking
1. Forming Concepts
a. Definition Theory
b. Prototype Theory
D. Problem Solving and Creativity
1. Solving Problems
a. Algorithms
b. Heuristics
c. Strategies for problem solving
2. Thinking creatively
a. Defining creativity
b. IQ and creativity
c. Creativity and psychological problems
Unit VIII: Motivation and Emotion
Weeks 13,14
A. Biological Bases
B. Theories of Motivation
1. Instinct Theory
2. Incentive Theory
3. Arousal Theory
C. Hunger, Thirst, Sex, and Pain
1. Drive Reduction
D. Social Motives
E. Theories of Emotion
1. James-Lange
2. Canon-Bard
3. Schacter’s two factor
F. Stress
Midterm Exam
Marking Period 3
Unit IX: Developmental Psychology
Weeks 15,16,17
A. Life-Span Approach
B. Research Methods
1. Cross-sectional, longitudinal
C. Heredity-Environmental Issues
D. Developmental Theories
E. Dimensions of Development
1. Physical
2. Cognitive
3. Social
4. Moral
F. Sex Roles, Sex Differences
Unit X: Personality
Weeks 18,19
A. Personality Theories and Approaches
B. Research Methods
C. Assessment Techniques
D. Self-concept, Self-esteem
E. Growth and Adjustment
Unit XI: Testing and Individual Differences
Weeks 20,21
A. Standardization and Norms
B. Reliability and Validity
C. Types of Tests
D. Ethics and Standards in Testing
E. Intelligence
F. Heredity/Environmental and Intelligence
G. Human Diversity
Unit XII: Abnormal Psychology
Weeks 22,23,24
A. Definitions of Abnormality
B. Theories of Psychopathology
C. Diagnosis of Psychopathology
D. Anxiety Disorders
E. Somatoform Disorders
F. Mood Disorders
G. Schizophrenic Disorders
H. Organic Disorders
I. Personality Disorders
J. Dissociative Disorders
Unit XIII: Treatment of Psychological Disorders Weeks 25,26
A. Treatment Approaches
1. Insight Therapies:
a. Psychodynamic/Phenomenological Approaches
2. Behavioral Approaches
3. Cognitive Approaches
4. Biological Therapies
B. Modes of Therapy
C. Community and Preventive Approaches
Marking Period 4
Unit XIV: Social Psychology
Weeks 27,28
A. Group Dynamics
B. Attribution Processes
C. Interpersonal Perception
D. Conformity. Compliance, Obedience
E. Attitudes and Attitude Change
F. Organizational Behavior
G. Aggression/Antisocial Behavior
AP Test Review
Weeks 29,30
Final Exam/AP Exam
Date: _________________________
*After the AP Exam we will examine psychology through film
Supplementary Materials:
It is a good idea to get an AP exam review book. This can help you throughout the course as well
as preparing you for the AP exam.
AP Exam Prep by Princeton Review
AP Exam Prep by Barron’s
On line study for your text