Download TFSD Unwrapped Standard 3rd Math Algebra sample

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TFSD Unwrapped Standard
Grade 8 - Algebra Connections
Power Standard (s) Reference: Standard 2 - Integers
State Standard: 1.1 Understand and use numbers 1.2 Performs computations accurately
District Standard: 1.2 Understands the characteristics of rational numbers
TFSD Power Standard:
Students add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers.
Students use order of operations to simplify expressions involving absolute value,
rational numbers, and exponents.
Concepts: Need to know about (Nouns)
• Integers
• Absolute value
• Order of Operations
• Exponents
Skills: Be able to do (Verbs)
• Add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers
• Simplify expressions following the Order of Operations
• Simplify expressions involving absolute value and/or exponents
Identifying Big Ideas from Unwrapped Standards:
1. There are established mathematical rules for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing
2. Absolute value is the distance a number is from zero on the number line.
3. Follow the order of operations to simplify.
Essential Questions from Big Ideas to Guide Instruction and Assessment:
1. How can integers be combined?
2. What is absolute value?
3. In what order are expression simplified?
Possible Topics or Context: (what you will use to teach the concepts and skills-particular
unit, lessons or activities)