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_____ 1. magma
_____ 2. volcanism
_____ 3. lava
_____ 4. volcano
_____ 5. hot spot
_____ 6. mafic
_____ 7. felsic
_____ 8. pyroclastic material
_____ 9. caldera
_____ 10. cinder cone
_____ 11. quiet eruption
_____ 12. explosive eruption
_____ 13. mantle plume
_____ 14. dormant
a. a column of hot, solid material from the deep mantle
b. describes magma or igneous rock rich in feldspar and silica, light in color
c. a volcano that may erupt sometime in the distant future
d. produced by thick, sticky lava with high viscosity and a high volume of
trapped gases
e. a vent or fissure in Earth’s surface through which magma and gases are
f. a volcanically active area of Earth’s surface, commonly far from a tectonic
plate boundary
g. produced by runny lava with low viscosity and few trapped gases
h. a large, circular depression that forms when the magma chamber below a
volcano partially empties and causes the ground above to sink
i. a type of volcano that has very steep slopes
j. fragments of rock that form during a volcanic eruption
k. magma or igneous rock rich in magnesium and iron, dark in color
l. any activity that includes movement of magma toward or onto Earth’s
m. magma that flows onto Earth’s surface
n. liquid rock produced under Earth’s surface
_____ 15. Volcanism is common at convergent and divergent boundaries of
a. tectonic plates.
b. continents. c. oceans.
d. vents.
_____ 16. Hot spots are areas of volcanic activity located over rising
a. gases.
b. lava.
c. calderas.
d. mantle plumes.
_____ 17. Which of the following does NOT signal a volcanic eruption?
a. A change in earthquake activity
b. A change in volcano shape
c. A change in ocean temperature
d. A change in composition and amount of gases emitted
_____ 18. Which of the following is NOT a type of volcano?
a. shield
b. composite
c. crater
d. cinder cone
_____ 19. Thick, sticky magma, high in viscosity and trapped gases, causes
a. quiet eruptions.
b. explosive eruptions. c. no eruptions. d. most eruptions.
_____ 20. Volcanoes take place in zones near convergent and divergent boundaries of tectonic plates, in
subduction zones, and in
a. cinder cones.
b. mountainous areas. c. mid-ocean ridges.
d. flood zones.
_____ 21. If the temperature of rock rises above the melting point of the minerals the rock is composed of
a. the melting point of rock decreases.
b. the melting point of rock increases.
c. the minerals will evaporate.
d. the rock will melt.
_____ 22. Which of the following is NOT a major volcanic area?
a. boundaries of tectonic plates
b. mid-ocean ridges
c. central continental plains
d. subduction zones
_____ 23. This area is both a major earthquake zone and volcano zone.
a. Pacific Ring of Volcanoes
b. Pacific Ring of Fire
c. Oceanic Ring of Fire
d. Pacific Island Arc
_____ 24. What forms on the ocean floor in a subduction zone?
a. hot spot
b. mantle plume
c. lithosphere
d. trench
_____ 25. Composite volcanoes are also known as
a. stratovolcanoes.
b. cinder cones.
c. craters.
d. shield volcanoes.
_____ 26. Gentle lava flows from a volcano cause
a. a cinder cone.
b. steeply sloping sides.
c. a caldera.
d. gently sloping sides.
_____ 27. Magma flows upward through cracks in rock because it is
a. highly magnetic.
b. less dense than the surrounding material.
c. very viscous.
d. more dense than the surrounding material.
_____ 28. In the United States, volcanoes formed from subduction can be found in the
a. South.
b. Midwest.
c. Northeast.
d. Northwest.
_____ 29. The main danger from a quiet eruption is
a. pyroclastic flows.
b. lava flows. c. geysers.
d. volcanic gases.
_____ 30. Tall mountains made of alternating layers of lava and ash are called.
a. shield volcanoes.
b. lava plateaus.
c. composite volcanoes.
d. cinder cone volcanoes.