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Study Guide for Weight Training Class
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Check the following web sites: FITT
Muscle -
Delay Onset Muscle Soreness
2. What are the three goals of weight training
– Hypertrophy
– Endurance
– Strength
3. Muscular strength
a. Maximum force against resistance
b. One repetition maximum
c. 1 RM
4. Overload Principle
Demands placed on a system must be increased over time to produce the conditions
that demand adaptation
5. Specificity of Training
Adaptations are specific
How we train is how we perform
6. ROM
Range of Motion
7. Muscular endurance
a. Submaximal force repeatedly over time
b. Depends on muscular strength
c. Many repetitions
8. What are the gender differences?
Women and children do not produce Circulating Androgens
9. What is atrophy?
Is defined as a decrease in the mass of the muscle, it can be a partial or complete
wasting away of muscle.
10. What is anabolism?
Building up
11. What is catabolism?
Breaking down
12. What are the four Health-Related Components of Physical Fitness?
a. Cardiovascular/aerobic
b. Muscular endurance & Strength
c. Muscular Flexibility
d. Body Composition
13. What is Sarcopenia?
Muscle atrophy because of aging
14. Why is weight training important for older adults?
Most important health –related component for older adults
• Improves balance
• Restores mobility
• Makes lifting & reaching easier
• Decreases the risk of injuries & falls
• It stresses the bones & preserves bone mineral density
• Decreases the risk of osteoporosis
15. What is the difference between stretching and warming- up before lifting
A good warm-up will gradually increase your heart rate, increase circulation to your
muscles, tendons, and ligaments, and mentally prepare you for your workout. New
studies show no evidence that stretching reduces DOMS, and athletes can diminish
strength. Experts are advising to do dynamic stretching or stretch afterwards.
16. What are some myths of weight training?
Weight lifting makes women bulky
Muscle turns to fat if you stop weight lifting
If you eat or drink a lot of protein, you can increase muscle size quickly
You can lift weights every day
Men & women should have different weight training programs
Weight lifting is dangerous
Weight lifting is bad for your joints
Weight lifting decreases flexibility
Weight lifting makes you slow
17. How can I develop a six-pack?
Diet, Cardiovascular and weight training
18. Isotonic Contractions are those which cause he muscle to change length as it
contracts and causes movement of a body part. There are two types of isotonic
Concentric contractions are those which cause the muscle to shorten as it contracts.
Eccentric contractions are the opposite of concentric and occur when the muscle
lengthens as it contracts
Can you give me an example?
Isometric contractions occur when there is no change in length of the contracting
muscle. Example: When you are carrying a box in front of you as the weight of
the object is pulling your arms down but your muscles are contracting to hold the
object at the same level.
Isokinetic contractions are similar to isotonic in that the muscle changes length
during the contraction, where is different is that the isokinetic contraction produce
movements of a constant speed. Remember the guy using bands or chains while lifting.
19. What are the advantages of using free weights?
– Cost
– Variety
– Portability
– Balance
– One size fits all
20. What are the advantages of using machines?
– Safety
– Selection
– Variable resistance
– Isolation
– Time
– Flexibility
– Rehabilitation
– Skill acquisition
21. What are the responsibilities of a spotter?
– Communication (be sure the lifter tells you if he wants/needs help unracking
the weight. How many reps are the shooting for?
– Pay attention – Understand when the spotter has to take over because the lifter
won’t be able to finish the lift.
– Body position & Hand positions
– Help when needed
– Be a cheerleader
22. Core training includes the muscles:
Abdominals: rectus abdominis, tranversus abdominis, internal and external abdominal
Back muscles
Muscles around the pelvis
23. What are some Exercise Safety Guidelines?
– Involve all major muscle groups
– Exercises to strengthen core
– Never lift weights alone
– Use proper lifting technique
– Maintain balance while lifting
– Order of muscle groups
– Breathe naturally (hard part – exhale – easy part – inhale)
– Listen to your body
– Use common sense
24. Points to remember
a. Equivalent of intensity in cardiorespiratory exercise prescription
b. Strength development
a. 80% of maximum capacity (1 RM)
b. Repetitions varies among exercises
c. Progressive resistance training
a. Numbers of repetitions
 Sets
– Number of repetitions performed for a given exercise
– Sets are impacted by muscle fiber characteristics
– Strength gains may be lessened if perform too many sets
 Sets
– Build up gradually to three sets
 Avoid muscle soreness and stiffness
– Recovery time
 Depends on resistance
 Goals of program
– Circuit training
 Time-effective
 Frequency
– Total body workout
– Split body workout
– Days of rest
– 8 weeks to achieve strength gain
25. What are the side effects of steroids that have been scientifically proven?
Acne - Yes
Gynocomastia - Yes (abnormal development of large mammary glands in males
resulting in breast enlargement
High LDL-Low HDL - Yes
Hypertension - Yes
Men-Testicular Shrinkage- Yes
Women-Baldness - Yes
Hyper-aggressiveness – Debatable
26. Know how many Sets and Repetitions you are doing for your W.T. Goal.
27. How are strength gains achieved?
Neural Adaptation
 Overcoming mental resistance
 Recruiting a higher % of muscle fibers
 Learning and efficiency
 Muscle size (A larger muscle produces a stronger contraction)
28. Specificity of training (SAID – Training)
a. Specificity
b. Adaptations to
c. Imposed (Implied)
d. Demand
e. activity or sport-specific development
f. Training should resemble movement patterns encountered in particular
sport or activity
29. Where are the following muscles located?
 Pectoralis
 Biceps
 Triceps
 Quadriceps
 Deltoid
 Trapezius
 Hamstring
 Rectus abdominus
 Latissimus Dorsi
 Gastrocnemius
30. Example of Critical Thinking Questions:
– Compare and contrast the undesirable effects of anabolic steroids in men and
– Which of the factors that affect strength do you think influences your current
strength level the most?
– Describe three advantages of using free weights and three advantages of using
weight machines.
– Identify five strength-training exercise safety guidelines.