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Fitness for Life Vocabulary Pre-test
Components of Fitness Terminology: Match the definition with the appropriate term.
1. _____ Cardiovascular Endurance
A. The body’s ability to lift heavier weights
with fewer repetitions (1-8 RM)
2. _____ Muscular Strength
B. The body’s ability to put muscles and
joints through a full range of motion.
3. _____ Muscular Endurance
C. The body’s ability to effectively pump
blood and oxygen to the musculature system
and vital organs.
4. _____ Flexibility
D. The ratio of body fat to lean body tissue,
including muscle, bone, water, and
connective tissue.
5. ______Body Composition
E. The body’s ability to lift lighter weights
with higher repetitions (12-20 RM).
FITT Principle Terminology: Match the definition with the appropriate.
6. _____ Frequency
A. The specific type or mode of activity you
choose get bored or injured from an overuse
7. _____ Intensity
B. The number of days per week designated
for exercise.
8. _____ Time
C. The amount of time designated for your
exercise program (30 min. recommended)
9. _____ Type
D. How hard one exercises; Recommended
60-80% of Maximum Heart Rate for
cardiovascular exercise
Heart Rate Terminology: Match the definition with the appropriate.
A. Maximum Heart Rate: 220-age (220-14
yrs = 206 bpm); This is an unsafe heart rate
B. Resting Heart Rate: Heart rate at rest
(<80 bpm)
C. Beats Per Minute
D. Target Heart Rate: The range one’s
heart rate should be in during aerobic
exercise for maximum cardiorespiratory
endurance; 60%-80% of your maximum
heart rate (.60 X 206 bpm - .80 x 206 bpm =
124 bpm-165 bpm)
Exercise and Muscle Group Identification: Match the listed muscle group with the
appropriate exercise.
14. ______ Pec Dec/Chest Fly
A. Quadriceps
15. _____ Shoulder Press
B. Pectorals
16. _____ Dip Machine
C. Deltoids
17. _____ Back Extension
D. Triceps
18. _____ Leg Extension
E. Erector Spinae (Spinal Erector)
Exercise and Safety Terminology: Match the definition with the appropriate term.
A. A condition in which the body can no
longer rid itself oexcessive heat through
perspiration; Life threatening
20._____Heat exhaustion
B. Body temperature falls below normal
21._____Heat stroke
C. Results in cold, clammy skin, and
symptoms of shock
D. Body fluid loss
Exercise and Injuries Terminology: Match the definition with the appropriate term
A. Bands of connective tissue that connect
bone to bone and limit the movement of
24._____Connective Tissue
B. A break in the bone caused by overuse
C. Tissue that surrounds the ends of bones
at a joint to prevent the bones from rubbing
against each other
D. Painful muscle spasm that can occur
during physical activity that may be
associated with dehydration or an imbalance
of minerals/electrolytes in the body
E. Soft tissue that helps hold bones and
joints of the body in place
F. Bands of connective tissue that connect
muscles to bones
G. Acronym used to describe a first-aid
procedure used to treat strains and sprains
that become swollen (Rest, Ice, Compress,
H. A condition in which the ligaments that
hold joints in position are stretched or torn
31._____Stress Fracture
I. A pull in a muscle or tendon
32._____Muscle Cramp
J. Inflammation of a tendon or muscle in the
leg typically resulting in pain in the lower,
front area of the leg
Strength Training Terminology: Match the definition on the right with the word on the
33. ____ Repetition
34. ____ Set
35. ____ 1 RM
36. ____ Overloading
A. Putting more stress on a muscle than it is
accustomed to
B. The duration of rest between workout
C. A group of consecutive repetitions
D. One repetition maximum (maximum amount of weight
you can lift one time)
37. ____ Recovery Time
38. _____ Atrophy
39. _____Specificity
40. _____ Slow Twitch
41. _____ Hypertrophy
42. _____ Fast Twitch
E. The performance of an exercise, through the full
range of motion, one time.
F. __________Twitch, They contract slowly with
less force but do not tire so easily, long distance
runners tend to have more of these fibers.
G. When muscles reduce in size
H. The type of training that you do should be
specific to you and your sport
I. Used for powerful, fast movements. This
however means they get tired quickly.
J. Growth in muscle size