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Questions 13-19 refer to the following answers. Select the one lettered choice that
best fits each statement. Answers may be used more than once.
13. Vast tundra provides a
home for caribou.
14. Incubating ground for
N. American hurricanes.
15. Likely location for
savannah biome.
16. This area is also known as
a coniferous forest.
17. The temperate desert which
has more rainfall than a tropical desert.
18. Home to prairie dogs & bison and a grassland.
19. Trees here lose their leaves in the fall due to
upcoming cold winter.
94. The California Water Project, the Mono Lake, & the Owens Lake water
diversion program is most like the Aral Sea incident in Asia because
a. wetlands were formed from diverted water.
b. channelization allowed for better navigation.
c. all the projects involved large hydroelectric projects.
d. all the projects involved conserving water for later generations.
e. diverted water left a more highly saline lake.
95. Which of the following would NOT be a good candidate for composting?
a. hair
b. peanut butter
c. grass clippings
d. dead leaves
e. horse manure
A major coal-fired electrical power plant uses 4500 tons of coal each day. Each
pound of coal can produce 5000 BTUs of electricity (3400 BTUs = 1kWh).
96. How many kW-h of electricity are produced by the plant each day?
97. This type of species is a critical link in an ecosystem, upon which the
survival of many other species depends.
a. indicator b. keystone c. critical d. symbiont e. batesian mimic
Questions 28-31 refer to the following answers. Select the one lettered choice that
best fits each statement. Answers may be used more than once.
a) symbiosis b) parasitism c) commensalisms d) mutualism e) competition
28. Demonstrated by a pathogen.
29. Demonstrated by photosynthetic algae and a marine invertebrate in
forming coral reefs.
30. Demonstrated by orchids growing in the branches of trees.
31. The general term for organisms that co-evolve together.
Questions 43-46 refer to the following answers. Select the one lettered choice that
best fits each statement. Answers may be used more than once.
a) confined aquifer
d) cone of depression
b) unconfined aquifer
e) saltwater intrusion
c) salinization
43. Another name for an artesian well.
44. A reservoir with a water table.
45. Drop in water table near a heavily used inland well.
46. Causes deposits on plants & soil during irrigation.
51. This environmental crisis involved buried hazardous & toxic wastes.
a. Love Canal
b. Bhopal Crisis
c. Exxon Valdez
d. DDT
e. Chernobyl
52. The Coriolos effect is made possible by
a. the turning of the Earth & atmospheric convection currents.
b. the movement of tectonic plates.
c. the evaporation of water.
d. ocean currents.
e. the condensation of water.
53. The production of shrimp in coastal pools surrounded by nets is
a. part of the green revolution.
b. an environmentally responsible method for growing protein.
c. part of the blue revolution.
d. an example of a genetically modified organism.
e. a method that produces healthier shrimp that contain fewer toxins.