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Do you know that:
A line that intersects two parallel lines is known as a transversal
Alternate interior angles are congruent
Alternate exterior angles are congruent
Corresponding angles are congruent
Co-interior angles are supplementary
Vertical (opposite) angles are congruent
The Angle Sum of any triangle is 180o
Isosceles triangles have base angles congruent and sides opposite the base angles also
Equilateral triangles have all sides congruent and all angles congruent(equiangular) –
therefore the measure of each angle is 60o.
Scalene triangles have no sides or angles of congruent measure
A polygon is a closed figure in which the sides are made of line segments
A quadrilateral is a four-sided polygon
Angle sum of any quadrilateral is 360o
A parallelogram is a quadrilateral in which opposite sides are congruent and parallel,
while opposite angles are supplementary
A rectangle is a parallelogram in which all angles are equal - therefore, each angle
measures 90o
A square is a rectangle in which all sides are congruent
A rhombus is a parallelogram in which all sides are congruent (but not all angles)
A trapezoid is a quadrilateral that has one pair of parallel sides
A quadrilateral is described as being cyclic if it is inscribed in a circle(all vertices are
points on the circle’s circumference)
Opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary
A chord is a line segment in which the endpoints are points on a circle’s circumference
The diameter is the longest chord in a circle
Chords equidistant from the circle’s centre are congruent in length
A perpendicular line extending from the midpoint of a chord will pass through the centre
of the circle
An angle drawn in a circle in which the arms are chord on a circle and the vertex is a
point on the circle’s circumference is known as an inscribed angle. Inscribed angles are
subtended by arc or chords.
Inscribed angles subtended by the same arc are congruent
The central angle measure of an arc is always twice the measure of the inscribed angle
subtended by the same arc
The measure of an angle inscribed from the diameter of a circle is 90o
A radius( or diameter) drawn to the point of tangency of a tangent will be perpendicular
to the tangent (Tangent Property 1)
If two tangents are drawn to the same circle from the same external point, the tangent
sections from the external point to the points of tangency will be congruent in length
(Tangent Property 3)
The angle between a tangent and a chord will be equal in measure to the inscribed angle
subtended by the chord on its opposite side (Tangent Property 4)
Collinear points are points that exist on the same straight path - they can therefore be
connected with a line.
The Transitive Property states that if two things are equal to the same thing, then those
two things are equal to each other.