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US History (1865 to the Present) SOL Study Guide
1. What were some of the efforts used to solve immigration problems? Settlement houses, such as
the Hull House founded by Jane Addams; political machines gained power by attending to the needs
of new immigrants (jobs, housing) in return for votes
2. The United States gained what three territories as a result of the Spanish-American War? The
Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico
3. Who prepared a peace plan, called the Fourteen Points, that included the League of Nations after
World War I? President Woodrow Wilson
4. What country was partitioned at the end of World War II? Germany
5. What was the turning point of World War II in Eastern Europe? Battle of Stalingrad
6. How did communication change in the early 1900s? Increased availability of telephones;
development of the radio and broadcast industry; development of movies
7. How did people respond to Prohibition? Speakeasies were created as places for people to drink
alcoholic beverages; bootleggers smuggled illegal alcohol and promoted organized crime; repealed
by the 21st amendment
8. Name the major Allied Powers during World War I. Great Britain, France, Russia, Serbia, Belgium
9. In the Supreme Court decision of Plessy v. Ferguson, it was allowed for schools and other public
facilities to be what? Separate but equal
10. What were the effects of segregation? Separate educational facilities; separate public facilities;
social isolation of races
11. The make-up of immigrants after 1965 changed primarily to what nationalities? Hispanic
Americans, Asian Americans
12. What were some of the workplace reforms brought about by the Progressive Movement?
Improved safety conditions, reduced work hours, placed restrictions on child labor
13. Name two composers who wrote uniquely American music in the 1920s and 1930s. Aaron
Copland, George Gershwin
14. From what country did Cuba gain independence in 1898, following the Spanish-American War?
15. Which came first – the Great Depression or World War I? World War I
16. Name the 6 Rocky Mountain states. Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho
17. Name the 3 Pacific states. Washington, Oregon, California
18. Who wrote about poor migrant workers during the 1930s? John Steinbeck
19. What started World War II? Germany and the Soviet Union invaded Poland
20. What was the theory that if one country fell to communism, the neighboring countries might also
fall? Domino Theory
21. How did the Vietnam War end? Cease-fire agreement, in which U.S. troops withdrew
22. What 1920s novelist wrote about the Jazz Age? F. Scott Fitzgerald
23. What was the goal of the Marshall Plan? Prevent the spread of communism
24. What was the event that occurred when the Soviet Union placed missiles in Cuba and the Soviet
Union removed the missiles in response to a U.S. blockade? Cuban Missile Crisis
25. Why did the U.S. never join the League of Nations? U.S. Senate failed to ratify the Treaty of
26. Who developed the assembly line and was the captain of the automobile industry? Henry Ford
27. Who was Benito Mussolini? Italian dictator during World War II
28. How did electrification change American life? Labor-saving products (washing machine, electric
stove); electric lighting; entertainment (radio); improved communications
29. What was the name of the strike that took place in 1892 between striking steelworkers and
strikebreakers at a Carnegie steel mill? Homestead Strike
30. What was the turning point in World War II in the Pacific? Battle of Midway
31. What type of camps were Japanese Americans placed in during World War II? Internment camps
32. True or False: The United States joined the League of Nations. False
33. What big business was controlled by John D. Rockefeller? Oil
34. What did the U.S. want to protect, leading them into the Spanish-American War? Business
interests in Cuba
35. Who believed the equality of African Americans could be achieved through vocational education?
Booker T. Washington
36. What event began the liberation of Western Europe in France during World War II? D-Day
37. Who desegregated the armed forces? President Harry S. Truman
38. Which Supreme Court decision called for the desegregation of schools? Brown v. Board of
39. What war had no actual fighting but divided the world into two camps? Cold War
40. Why was the United Nations established after World War II? To prevent future global wars
41. What were the origins of the Cold War? Differing ideologies; Soviet domination of East Europe;
U.S. policy of containment; NATO v. Warsaw Pact
42. Who developed the wireless radio? Guglielmo Marconi
43. Who occupied Japan after World War II? U.S.
44. Name the 2 noncontiguous states. Alaska, Hawaii
45. What is suffrage? Name two suffrage leaders. Right to vote; Susan B. Anthony & Elizabeth Cady
46. Who liberated the concentration camps towards the end of World War II? Allied forces
47. Which organization campaigned for women’s rights? National Organization for Women (NOW)
48. What established social segregation and made discrimination practices legal in many communities
and states? Jim Crow laws
49. What caused the Japanese to surrender at the end of World War II? Dropping of atomic bombs
on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
50. What was the plan to rebuild Europe after World War II called? Marshall Plan
51. What is the theory which stated that if the U.S. did not intervene in the Vietnam War, communism
would spread throughout Asia? Domino Theory
52. Where did the Allied troops land on D-Day to begin the liberation of Western Europe? Normandy,
53. What contributed to the rapid growth of the American economy after WWII? Businesses
converted from production of war goods to consumer goods; Americans purchased goods on credit
54. What were some of the reasons for increased immigration to the United States after the Civil War?
Hope for better opportunities; religious freedom; escape from oppressive governments; adventure
55. What were some of the first labor-saving products that resulted from electrification? Washing
machine, electric stove, water pump
56. What were the eocnomic conditions in Europe after World War I that led to the rise of fascism and
World War II? Worldwide depression; high war debt owed by Germany; high inflation; massive
57. What was the event called when the Soviet Union placed missiles in Cuba? Cuban Missile Crisis
58. Name the countries who were part of the Allies during World War II. The U.S., Great Britain,
Canada and the Soviet Union
59. What was the symbolism of the destruction of the Berlin Wall? Reunited Berlin and Germany;
end of Cold War
60. As millions of men joined the war effort during World War II, who entered the labor force?
61. How did the Korean War end? Stalemate (no winner, no loser)
62. How did farm and city life change after the Civil War? Mechanization (reaper) reduced farm labor
needs and increased production; industrial development in cities created increased labor needs;
industrialization provided access to consumer goods by mail order
63. What is racial segregation? The separation of races
64. The sinking of the U.S.S. Maine caused tensions leading to what war? Spanish-American War
65. How were women disadvantaged in the workplace? Discrimination in hiring practices against
women; lower wages for women than for men doing the same job
66. Who was the totalitarian leader of Japan during World War II? Hideki Tojo
67. How did Americans feel about the Vietnam War? They were divided over whether the U.S.
should be involved militarily
68. What did Alexander Graham Bell invent? Telephone
69. American involvement in World War II brought an end to what? Great Depression
70. What were some of the negative effects of industrialization? Child labor, low wages, long hours,
unsafe working conditions
71. What was the Cold War alliance among democratic countries, such as the U.S. and Great Britain?
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
72. Frederick Douglass was a former slave who believed in what? Constitutional amendment that
guaranteed voting rights; human rights and civil liberties for all
73. What amendment gave all women the right to vote? 19th
74. What happened to labor unions after World War II? Became more powerful; worked for new
benefits and higher salaries
75. Who was featured in an advertising campaign that encouraged women to take factory jobs during
World War II? Rosie the Riveter
76. Who occupied West Germany before it resumed self-government? U.S., France and Great Britain
77. What was Title IX? Federal legislation that forced colleges to give women equal athletic
78. What were the causes of the Great Depression? People over-speculated on stocks, having to
borrow money that they could not repay when stock prices crashed; Federal Reserve failed to
prevent the collapse of the banking system; high tariffs discouraged international trade
79. Who believed in social, civil, and political equality for African Americans and helped create the
NAACP? W.E.B. Dubois
80. What was the name of Franklin Roosevelt’s program that was established to help during the Great
Depression? New Deal
81. Who invaded France, capturing Paris, before America entered into World War II? Germany
82. A state is an example of what kind of region? Political
83. Before the Civil War, how did people view the Great Plains? As a "treeless wasteland"
84. How did the Vietnam War end? Cease-fire agreement; U.S. troops withdrew; South Vietnam fell
to communism
85. Who gave the famous “I Have A Dream” speech? Martin Luther King, Jr.
86. The negative effects of industrialization led to what? The rise of organized labor (labor unions);
progressive movement and workplace reforms
87. What was the movement of African Americans to northern cities in search of better employment
opportunities called? Great Migration
88. How did American life change with the affordable automobile? Greater mobility; creation of jobs;
growth of transportation-related industries (roads, oil, steel); movement to suburban areas
89. What are the significant cities in the Northeast? New York, Boston, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia
90. What was the name of the union who pushed for higher wages, shorter hours and better working
conditions and preferred to bargain rather than strike? American Federation of Labor (AFL)
91. What was the date of D-Day? June 6, 1944
92. Which Civil Rights leader called for passive resistance against segregation? Martin Luther King, Jr.
93. What are the significant cities of the noncontiguous states? Juneau, Honolulu
94. Who was Bessie Smith? Jazz/blues singer during the Harlem Renaissance
95. What were some challenges faced by cities in the late 1800s and early 1900s? overcrowded
immigrant neighborhoods and tenements; political corruption (political machines)
96. What was yellow journalism? Exaggerated news reports of events
97. During westward expansion, the government tried to convince American Indian tribes to give up
their land and relocate onto what? Reservations
98. What artist painted Southwest and urban scenes during the 1920s and 1930s? Georgia O’Keeffe
99. What happened to the Soviet Union in the early 1990s? Broke up into independent countries
100. Name the 4 Southwest states. Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona
101. What were the features of the New Deal? Social Security; federal work programs;
environmental improvement programs; farm assistance programs; increased rights for labor
102. Why did people move west after the Civil War? Opportunities for land ownership; technological
advances, including the Transcontinental Railroad; possibility of wealth by the discovery of gold and
silver; adventure; new beginning for former enslaved African Americans
103. Who was the Allied leader of the Soviet Union during World War II? Joseph Stalin
104. How did Americans at home support the war effort during World War II? By conserving and
rationing resources
105. How did the U.S. force Japan to surrender and bring an end to World War II? U.S. dropped two
atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
106. What parts of Europe did the Soviet Union occupy after World War II? Most of Eastern and
Central Europe, as well as East Germany
107. Which battle between the Native Americans and U.S. soldiers ended with the death of Colonel
George Custer? Battle of Little Bighorn
108. Who were the superpowers after World War II? The U.S. and the Soviet Union
109. What led to increased educational, economic, and political opportunities for women and
minorities? Civil Rights legislation
110. What event became the symbolic signal of the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe?
Destruction of the Berlin Wall
111. What was the turning point of World War II in the Pacific? U.S. victory at the Battle of Midway
112. Why did African Americans migrate to Northern and Midwestern cities during the Great
Migration? Jobs were scarce and low paying in the South; better employment opportunites in the
113. How did perceptions of the Great Plains change after the Civil War? New technologies allowed
people to see it as a vast area to be settled
114. What did David Sarnoff do? Developed broadcast industry
115. Which laws supported the struggle for equality for African Americans? Civil Rights Act of 1964;
Voting Rights Act of 1965
116. Between the Civil War and World War I, the U.S. was transformed from an agricultural to what
type of nation? Industrial
117. What are the significant cities of the Pacific? San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle
118. Why did cities develop after the Civil War? Specialized industries, including steel, meatpacking;
immigration from other countries; movement of Americans from rural to urban areas for job
119. What amendment started Prohibition (prohibited the making and selling of alcohol)? 18th
120. The actions of Rosa Parks resulted in what event? Montgomery bus boycott
121. What is the political philosophy in which total power is given to a dictator, people are denied
freedoms, and violence and terror are used to encourage blind loyalty? Fascism
122. What city was the center for the automobile industry? Detroit
123. What was the Homestead Strike? Violent labor dispute between federal troops and striking
steel workers
124. What was the Cold War? State of tension between U.S. and Soviet Union without actual
fighting that divided the world into two camps
125. What were some of the new challenges faced by the U.S. after the Cold War ended? Role of U.S.
military intervention; environmental challenges; global issues including trade, jobs, diseases
126. What is fascism? Political philosophy in which total power is given to a dictator and individual
freedoms are denied
127. What were some inventions that contributed to change and industrial growth in the late 1800s?
lighting and mechanical uses of electricity - Thomas Edison; telephone service - Alexander Graham
128. What is anti-Semitism? Hatred and discrimination against Jewish people
129. What was the purpose of the NAACP? To fight racial discrimination
130. What was the Holocaust? The mass killing of Jewish people and other inferior groups by Nazi
131. What created the rise in big business? National markets created by transportation advances;
captains of industry; advertising; lower-cost production
132. Name the First Lady who worked to expand human rights (women’s and African Americans’,
among others). Eleanor Roosevelt
133. What amendment gave all males the right to vote? 15th
134. How did America’s foreign policy change as World War II continued? From a policy of
isolationism to economic aid to Allies to direct involvement
135. What are the significant cities of the Rocky Mountains? Denver, Salt Lake City
136. What kind of government was established in West Germany after World War II? Democratic
137. The building of the Panama Canal was an example of what Roosevelt policy? Big Stick Diplomacy
138. How were the ideologies of the U.S. and the Soviet Union different during the Cold War? U.S.
was democratic and capitalist; Soviet Union was dictatorial and communist
139. What was the U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War that aimed at stopping the spread of
communism? Containment
140. Who were the Allied leaders of the U.S. during World War II? Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S.
141. What amendment ended Prohibition? 21st
142. What was the event in which as many as 6 million Jewish people were killed by Nazi officers?
143. What was the impact of the Great Depression on Americans? 1/4 of workers were unemployed;
banks and businesses failed; people were hungry and homeless; farmers' incomes fell
144. Before Pearl Harbor, how did the U.S. help Britain? U.S. gave Britain war supplies and old
warships in return for military bases in Bermuda and the Caribbean
145. What Supreme Court case desegregated schools and overturned Plessy v. Ferguson? Brown v.
Board of Education
146. What does NOW stand for? National Organization for Women
147. Who were the Axis Powers? Germany, Italy, Japan
148. Did African Americans who left the South during the Great Migration manage to escape
discrimination and violence? No, they faced discrimination and violence in the North and Midwest,
just as they had in the South
149. What factors resulted in the growth of industry in the late 1800s? Access to raw materials and
energy; availability of work force due to immigration; inventions; financial resources
150. Who represented the campaign for women to enter the workforce during World War II? Rosie
the Riveter
151. Where was the United States’ textile industry located? New England
152. Name the 9 Northeast states. Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts,
Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania
153. What are the significant cities of the Southeast? Washington, D.C., Atlanta, New Orleans
154. What were the physical features and climate of the Great Plains? Flatlands that rise gradually
from east to west; land eroded by wind and water; low rainfall; frequent dust storms
155. What was the turning point in Eastern Europe during World War II? Battle of Stalingrad
156. What does NAACP stand for? National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
157. What was the alliance during the Cold War that was made up of nations dominated by the Soviet
Union? Warsaw Pact
158. What event caused the U.S. to declare war on Japan? The bombing of Pearl Harbor on
December 7, 1941
159. Who refused to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama? Rosa Parks
160. Who was the Allied leader of Great Britain during World War II? Winston Churchill
161. What was a major reason why many Americans began moving from rural to urban areas? For job
162. What was the U.S. economy like in the 1950s? Prosperous, expanding
163. What were three major Cold War conflicts? Korean War, Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam War
164. What are the significant cities of the Southwest? San Antonio, Santa Fe
165. What poet combined the experiences of African and American cultural roots in his work?
Langston Hughes
166. What were the areas where Nazis took Jewish people to kill them called? Concentration camps
167. Adolf Hitler was the dictator of what country? Germany
168. What did Abraham Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction call for? Reconciliation
169. In what city is the U.S. steel industry located? Pittsburgh
170. What is Aryan supremacy? Idea that blond-haired, blue-eyed individuals are superior to other
171. What were the two main countries involved in the Cold War? United States, Soviet Union
172. What was the event in which more babies were born than usual following the return home of
World War II soldiers? Baby Boom
173. What amendment granted citizenship to former slaves and all those born in the U.S.? 14th
174. Name two jazz composers from the Harlem Renaissance. Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong
175. What caused the U.S. to become involved in World War I? Inability to remain neutral; German
submarine warfare (sinking of Lusitania); Zimmerman Telegram; economic and political ties to Great
176. Name the 12 Midwest states. Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa,
Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota
177. What amendment was proposed by women to grant them greater equality but failed to be added
to the Constitution? Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
178. Who chronicled the experience of the Great Migration north through art? Jacob Lawrence
179. What gave educational, housing, and employment benefits to the veterans of World War II? G.I.
Bill of Rights
180. How did advances in transportation link resources, products, and markets? Moving natural
resources (like copper and lead) to eastern factories; moving iron ore deposits to sites of steel mills
(Pittsburgh); transporting finished products to national markets
181. What was created to link the markets of East and West in the United States? Transcontinental
182. Where was the major meatpacking industry in United States? Chicago
183. Under the rule of Hitler, Jews were persecuted in Germany by what means? Boycotts of Jewish
stores, threats, segregation
184. What was the name of the battle in which Germans bombed Britain for 3 months? Battle of
185. Who attempted to flee Canada to save his tribe and is quoted as saying, “I shall fight no more
forever”? Chief Joseph
186. What were the policies and problems of Reconstruction? Southern military leaders could not
hold office; African Americans could hold public office; African Americans gained equal rights as a
result of the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which authorized the use of federal troops for its enforcement;
Northern soldiers supervised the South; Freedmen's Bureau, established to aid former enslaved
Americans in the South; Southerners resented northern carpetbaggers, who took advantage of the
South during Reconstruction
187. Who was involved in the Korean War? North Korea/China v. South Korea/U.S.
188. What groups other than African Americans also experienced discrimination in the United States?
Chinese and Irish
189. What event began World War II in 1939? The invasion of Poland by Germany and the Soviet
190. What are the significant cities of the Midwest? Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit
191. Who controlled the steel industry during industrialization? Andrew Carnegie
192. What was the goal of the Temperance Movement? Opposition to the making and consuming of
193. The United States was recognized as what after the Spanish-American War? World power
194. Name the 14 Southeast states. Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky,
Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana,
195. What four countries were members of the Central Powers during World War I? Germany,
Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire
196. What was the “Final Solution?” The program developed by the Nazis to destroy the Jewish
197. Who invented the airplane? Wright brothers
198. What was the cultural movement in which African Americans showed the freshness and variety of
their culture during the 1920s? Harlem Renaissance
199. Name inventions that helped people live on the Great Plains. Beef cattle raising, wheat farming,
railroads, barbed wire, dry farming, steel plows, windmills, sod houses
200. Which amendment freed the slaves? 13th
Charles Drew
A. computer technology
J. Robert Oppenheimer
B. architecture
Martha Graham
C. franchising
Frank Lloyd Wright
D. historian
Maya Angelou
E. Manhattan Project team - physics
Henry Louis Gates
F. blood plasma
Bill Gates
G. dance
Ray Kroc
H. literature