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World War 2 Review - World History - Mr. Rotella
DIRECTIONS: Complete all of the information on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What was the total debt of the USA during 1940 and 1945?
a. $9 Billion and $98 Billion
2. How many citizens and soldiers died during World War 2?
a. Approximately 50 Million People
3. List the official start date to World War 2.
a. September 1, 1939
4. List the event that caused the start of World War 2.
a. Germany invaded Poland
5. List the official end date of World War 2; both V-E Day and V-J Day.
a. V E Day – May 1945
b. V J Day – August 1945
6. List the date of USA involvement with the war.
a. 1941-1945
7. When did Great Britain enter the war?
a. September 3, 1939
8. Which two countries declared war on Germany at the start of World
War 2?
a. Great Britain and France
9. List and describe the event that caused the USA to enter the war.
World War 2 Review - World History - Mr. Rotella
a. The Japanese planned a successful sneak attack on a
Hawaii military base called Pearl Harbor.
The USA dropped an atomic bomb on which two Japanese cities?
a. Hiroshima and Nagaski
List the countries that made up the Allied Powers.
a. Great Britain, Russia, USA and France
List the countries that made up the Axis Powers.
a. Japan, Germany and Italy
Who was the leader of Nazi Germany?
a. Adolf Hitler
Who was the fascist ruler of Italy?
a. Benito Mussolini
Who was the Communist Dictator of the USSR?
a. Joseph Stalin
Who was the President of the USA at the start of World War 2?
a. Franklin D. Roosevelt
Who was the British Prime Minister during World War 2?
a. Winston Churchill
Who was the Japanese militant Prime Minister during World War
World War 2 Review - World History - Mr. Rotella
a. Hideki Tojo
Explain why the 1919 Treaty of Versailles is a direct cause of
World War 2.
a. German boarders
b. De-militarization of Germany
c. German war debt
d. German war guilt clause
List the causes of World War 2. – Found in the PPT.
a. 1919 Treaty of Versailles
b. World Wide Depression
Who were the scapegoats of Germany’s problems?
a. Jewish citizens were the primary scapegoat for Germany’s
problems. Hitler also said Communists, Gypsies, Mentally
Ill and Homosexuals were also problems.
Define Kristallnacht.
a. The name given to the night that Jewish shops, businesses
and synagogues were destroyed – Night of Broken Glass.
What was the main reason why at the start of World War 2, major
countries were isolationists?
a. World Wide Great Depressions
Define the Kellogg Braind Pact.
World War 2 Review - World History - Mr. Rotella
a. A pact that was designed to condemn war as a way of
solving conflicts.
Define Appeasement.
a. Act used by Neville Chamberlain that temporarily stopped
Hitler. Appeasement means to give in to one’s demands.
List the correct order of the countries that Hitler invaded prior to
the start of World War 2.
a. Rhineland, Austria and Sudetenland (Czechoslovakia)
List the countries involved with the Non-Aggression Pact.
a. Russia (USSR) and Germany
Which countries did Hitler invade after Poland?
a. Denmark, Norway, Netherlands and France
Define Blitzkrieg.
a. Is German for Lightning War.
Define the Atlantic Charter.
a. Alliance between countries that share the Atlantic Ocean,
this was the basic outline for the NATO agreement.
The “Day that will live in infamy” is which day?
a. Pearl Harbor
Define D-DAY.
World War 2 Review - World History - Mr. Rotella
a. Allied Invasion on the beaches of France that featured an
amphibious attack.
Define Nazism.
a. Hitler’s political party that used the ideas of militarism,
racism, and fascism.
Describe the events of Hitler’s downfall (surrender and death).
a. Hitler committed suicide when the Allied Forces were
surrounding his bunker on April 30th, 1945. A week later
Germany surrendered from WW2.
TRUE/FALSE: After 52 days of Chancellor, Hitler declared himself
the dictator.
Define Swastika.
a. Symbol for the Nazi party
Define Auschwitz.
a. Infamous Concentration and Death Camp
Define Einsatzgruppen.
a. German mobile killing units.
Define Harry S. Truman.
a. USA President after FDR
Define Kamikaze.
a. Japanese suicide pilots.
World War 2 Review - World History - Mr. Rotella
Define Genocide.
a. The killing of an entire race of people.
Define Nuremburg Trials.
a. Trials after WW2 which convicted Nazi leaders of
numerous war crimes.
Define Jewish Ghettos.
a. Small city blocks were Jewish citizens were held before
going to a concentration or death camp.
Identify the location of Pearl Harbor.
a. Off the coast of Hawaii