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Chapter 12 Reading Guide
World War II 1939 – 1945
1. How do historians view World War II?
2. Explain the meaning/intent of the politics of appeasement.
3. Define: Lebensraum
Explain what Hitler wanted.
4. How did Hitler achieve “anschluss” with Austria?
5. a. Why were the Western powers of United States, Britain and France silent as Hitler
rearmed and openly prepared for war?
What was press (fourth estate) response?
c. public opinion?
6. a. Spanish Civil War: 1936-39 – How was this seen as “Last Great Cause”?
b. What was significance of the Spanish Civil War?
7. Explain the Munich Agreement.
8. What happened on Kristallnacht in Germany?
9. Explain the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact.
Reasons Hitler:
10. List the new tactics of warfare.
11. Define Blitzkrieg
12. What happened during the Phony War?
13. List the countries that were invaded by Germany.
Who was Quisling?
14. New British Prime Minister
15. Fall of France
Reasons for Nazi victory: (9)
16. Miracle of Dunkirk – Explain what happened.
17. Battle of Britain –
Operation Sea Lion
Operation Eagle
Results of the Battle of Britain: (4)
18. Tripartite Pact:
19. Invasion of Greece by Italy – results?
20. Operation Barbarossa – Reasons: (5)
21. Why did the Blitzkrieg fail against the Soviets?
22. War in the Pacific
Emperor Hirohito
General Tojo
Give details of the following Japanese invasions:
1931 – Manchuria:
1937 – Nanking:
23. Pearl Harbor – Dec. 7, 1941
Effects of attack:
24. Why was the defeat of Nazi Germany seen as America’s most pressing task?
25. Explain the strategic disputes between the British and Americans.
26. Why did Stalin demand a second front?
27. Explain the reason for the Soviet’s new vigor in fighting in 1942.
28. Dieppe Raid
What questions are still debated?
29. In the fall of 1942 – counterattacks by Allies on three fronts:
30. Casablanca Conference -> declaration:
31. Operation Husky: (Invasion of Sicily)
32. Explain Strategic Bombing Tactic:
33. Teheran Conference – details
34. Operation Overlord: The Normandy Invasion
35. Hitler’s last stand, assassination attempt, Jugend, V1 and V2 rockets
36. Yalta Conference:
List major developments
37. VE Day – May 8, 1945
38. Holocaust – three phases
Debate over the timing of the Final Solution
39. Death Toll = 40 million people
40. Potsdam Conference:
41. Nuremberg Trials
42. Iron Curtin:
43. Did the war bring any long-lasting change in women’s employment?
44. Nuclear Age – Hiroshima and Nagasaki
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