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Chapter 12 Concepts
1. Describe China in the centuries following the collapse of the Han Dynasty and until the
reunification under the Sui Dynasty.
2. What accounts for the fact that China not suffer such a catastrophic decline after the fall of the
Han as did Western Europe after the fall of Rome?
3. When the Sui Dynasty emerged as a strong central power, how were they able to gain the
support and loyalty of the masses?
4. How did Wendi and Yuangdi differ from one another?
5. Why did the Sui dynasty decline so rapidly?
6. How did the Tang Dynasty centralize its control soon after the fall of the Sui?
7. Describe the size of the Tang Empire in comparison to the Han.
8. How did the Tang dynasty use the scholar gentry to their benefit?
9. How did the Tang Dynasty change the way in which a person could work as a government
10. How did Buddhism make its way into China?
11. Why did the Tang dynasty go into decline?
12. How did the early Sui and Tang Dynasties view Buddhism?
13. How did the late Tang and Song Dynasties view Buddhism?
14. What is Neo-Confucianism?
15. How did Neo-Confucianism impact Buddhism and women’s lives in China?
16. Why was the Song Dynasty weak from the very beginning of their rule?
17. How did the scholar gentry change under the Song?
18. Why did the Song flee to the southern coast?
19. What is foot binding and what was its intended purpose?
20. Which group brought an end to the Song Dynasty?