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Name: _________________________________
Date: _______________
“Creation of the Titans and Gods” Reading Guide
1. How is chaos described at the beginning of the myth?
2. Who is Eros?
3. Who is Gaea and what is her power?
4. What is Gaea’s relationship to Uranus? How does their relationship contrast to the
cultural norms and values in modern America?
5. Who were the Cyclopes? Describe their appearance.
6. What did Uranus do to each of his children? Why?
7. Who is Cronus? Why is he important to the myth?
8. What does Cronus do to his father?
9. What does Gaea tell Cronus will be his fate? What is his reaction?
10. Who does Cronus marry?
11. In what sense can Cronus be regarded as a bad father?
12. What plan does Gaea devise to help her daughter, Rhea?
13. Why does Zeus visit his father’s home? What happens there?
14. What parties are involved in the battle?
15. Who wins the battle and who dies in the midst of the violence?
16. What happens to Prometheus?
17. In what ways does Zeus differ from his father and grandfather? This question is
answered at the conclusion of the myth.
18. List one theme you noticed in “Creation of the Titans and Gods.”
Name: _________________________________
Date: _______________
Creation of the Titans and Gods: Do Now
Part A. A moral is a lesson. In this case, the morals we examine will be rooted in the Greek
mythology we read. In the space below, write down a moral you found in “Creation of the
Titans and Gods.” Explain how that moral relates to the myth. Use at least one quote from the
myth to support your response.
Explanation (with supporting evidence from the text):
Part B. Complete Part B as a class. Other morals in “Creation of the Titans and Gods.”
1. _______________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________