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World War II – 1939-1945
Guided Lecture Notes
Path to War/Holocaust/US Enters the War
Causes of WWII
• Rise of
• Resentment of the Treaty of
• Failure of the
• Economic hardships of the
• US
and the policy of
in Germany, Italy, and Japan
• Japan’s invasion and takeover of
in China (1931) –
League of Nations fails to react
• Italy’s invasion of
(1934) – L of N actions
(1936) – Western gov’ts
failed to support democratic Republicans against
’s Fascists.
• Germany reoccupies the
Austrians greet Hitler.. IRC. 2005.
unitedstreaming. 26 April 2006
(1936) – France and
Gr. Britain fail to react
• Germany/Austria unification
- 1938) – France and Gr.
Britain fail to react
• Germany takes control of
(1938)– Chamberlain follows
policy of appeasement when he meets with
Hitler at the
Failure of the Munich Conference (1938) – Hitler ignores agreement
and takes over rest of
(1939) – Germans
and Soviets agree not to attack each other
German invasion of
(1939) – Hitler ignores Gr.
Britain/France’s ultimatum
Great Britain and France declare war on
– Sept 3,
• Hitler – Germans = “
”, Jews and Slavs =
” that needed to be
• Final Solution (1941-1945)
= deliberate, carefully planned killing of an
entire people based on their race, politics, or culture
• Final Solution = plan to kill all
6 million Jews + 4 million
Creation of “
” in Poland and Soviet Union – parts of
cities where Jews were sent to suffer
, then ultimately
Warsaw Jews herded into ghetto.. IRC.
2005. unitedstreaming. 26 April 2006
, bullets,
ovens/furnaces used to dispose of remains
– large camp in Poland
Other Genocides in History:
Genocide – 1915
Genocide – 1932
• Pol Pot’s
Genocide –
Genocide – 1992
Genocide – 1994
used to kill,
US Enters the War
“Killing Fields” - Cambodia
• Japanese Expansion in the Pacific
• French
• Dutch
• Singapore
• Established “Greater East Asia
• USA reacts – places
on Japan
• Scrap iron, then oil
(1940) - Japan joins Germany/Italy =
• Japan sees
as obstacle to further expansion
• Attacks US Pacific Fleet at
, Hawaii –
(know this date!)
USA declares war on Japan
declare war on USA
USA joins
against Axis powers
, and
The Arizona burning after being
attacked at Pearl Harbor. Library of
Congress. 2005. unitedstreaming. 27
April 2006