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Dynastic Rule in China A.D. 589-1644
Chinese Dynasty
How did this dynasty rise
to power?
How did this dynasty
govern China?
What belief system did this
dynasty encourage?
How did this dynasty
affect daily life?
(A.D. 589-618)
It reunited much of the
Han dynasty
Miltary Helped
The encouraged
The allowed cultural and
economic growth.
(A.D. 618-907)
They conquered the west
Tarrin bason
They ruled with civil
The tang dynasty made
(A.D. 960-1279)
They were limited to the
south of the great wall. The
northern part of the
territory was being
attacked by the
The song dynasty being
run by meritocracy. The
people in the government
are based on their ability
and knowledge.
They encouraged
confusianism and
A new forum of Buddhism
called Chan was spreading
across the dynasty It would
be a meditation and the
world or champion.
(A.D. 1260-1468)
(A.D. 1368-1644)
Officials gave the citizens
to compose and essay
about what they learned
about Confucian text .They
would take a test so that
the smartest one who
would seem the most
eligible would be entered
into the government .
List two ways this
dynasty helped
They helped build
the grand canal and
great wall
This empire made
the invention of
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