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The Witch and the Rosebushes
Long ago a king traveled to a village in his kingdom. There he saw three
beautiful women. He complimented them and said they were as beautiful as roses.
An ugly old witch heard the king. She got angry and changed the women into
rosebushes. The weather was good for roses. It was warm during the day, but the
nights were cool. So every morning the rosebushes were covered with dew.
The three rosebushes were all the same.
They were the same height and shape.
Each one had the same number of flowers, and the flowers were the same color.
Each flower had the same number of petals, and each stem had the same number of
leaves and thorns.
One day one of the rosebushes said, “I am so lonely. I miss my husband and
son. I miss my puppy, too. I want to go home.” The witch laughed and said,
“All right. You can visit your family at night.” At sunset, the witch changed her
back into a woman and sent her home. But at sunrise, she was a rosebush again.
A week later she said to the witch, “Please let me go! I want to be with my
family all the time.” The witch laughed and answered, “Your husband must come
here tomorrow after sunrise. If he knows which rosebush you are and cuts a flower
from it, you will be free.”
The next morning her husband came and looked at the rosebushes carefully.
Finally, he took a small knife from his pocket and cut a flower from one of them.
When he got home, his wife was waiting for him. Their smiling son was on her
lap, and the puppy sat at her feet wagging its tail.
Petals 花瓣
stem 莖,(樹)幹 [
thorns 刺[