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What is the Water Cycle?
- Evaporation is the process of liquid turning into a gas.
- Condensation is the process in which gas turns into a liquid.
- Precipitation is when any form of water particles (rain, snow, sleet, or
hail) falls to the earth.
- The water cycle is the constant movement of water from the Earth’s
surface to the air.
What is the Carbon Cycle?
- Carbon is an important element that makes up all living things.
- The carbon cycle is like the water cycle, carbon is in constant
movement from the Earth’s surface to the air.
How is Nitrogen Recycled?
- You need nitrogen to make parts of your body such as muscles,
nerves, skin, bones, and blood.
- Animals get nitrogen by eating protein; plants get nitrogen by
absorbing it from the soil.
- The way nitrogen moves between the air, soil, plants, and animals is
called the nitrogen cycle.
How are Trees Recycled?
- Even though a tree is dead, it can be turned into substances other
organisms need to survive.
- Decomposers recycle matter from dead organisms. They break
down dead wood and plants into carbon dioxide and ammonia. All
living things need these elements to survive.
- Nitrogen is a chemical found in plant fertilizers. No plant can live or
grow without nitrogen.
- Compost is used by gardeners to make soil more fertile. It is 3 parts
dry leaves and plants, 1 part grass clippings, and 1 part food scraps.
Why Recycle?
- We will run out of these resources if we do not use them wisely.
- Raw materials like oil and metal were formed millions of years ago.
Once these materials are gone, they are gone forever.
- Some resources are renewable, like trees. If trees are cut down,
more can be planted to replace them.