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Review Page for Infectious & Non-Infectious Diseases Unit
Cardio-vascular Disease Terms
1. Hypertension – high blood pressure
2. Angina pectoris - chest pain, >O2
3. Heart Attack – heart muscle destroyed
4. Embolism – blockage of artery (pulmonary)
5. Atherosclerosis – fat build up in vessels
6. Arrhythmias – Irregular heartbeats
7. Stroke – vessel blockage in brain
8. Varicose veins – weak veins, clots
Cancer Treatment
 Radiation – radioactive rays
 Chemotherapy – medicines - chemicals
 Surgery – removes cancerous tissue
Cancer Terms:
1. Cancer - uncontrolled overgrowth of cells
2. Tumor – mass of cell overgrowth = lump
3. Malignant - growing rapidly & spreading
4. Biopsy - tiny tissue sample for lab analysis
5. Polyp – pre-cancerous growth
6. Carcinogen - cancer-causing agent
7. Benign - slow-growing, contained
8. Metastasis - spread to other parts of body
9. Remission - cancer not detectable
Types of Cancer
1. Carcinoma – skin and mucous membranes
4. Sarcoma - bone, muscle tissue
2. Melanoma - malignant form of skin cancer 5. Lymphoma – cancer of the lymph system
3. Leukemia – abnormal white blood cells (leuco - white)
 Active – body produces antibodies in response to disease or vaccine
 Passive – antibodies introduced into the body from other source
Infectious Diseases
1. Strep Throat 2. Pneumonia
3. Staph Infection
4. Ringworm 5. Chicken pox
6. Clostridium botulinum
7. Mumps
8. Tuberculosis
9. Influenza 10. Measles
Over-the Counter Medicines
1. Acetominophen – Tylenol - Recommended for children to control fevers and reduce pain
2. Aspirin (Reye’s Syndrome) – fever & pain reducer
3. Ibuprofen: Anti-inflammatory – reduces swelling and pain
4. Antihistimines: Allergy medicines that reduce:
 Itchy or runny nose & eyes
 Sneezing
5. Antifungal creams: Cure infections caused by fungi:
 Athlete’s Foot & Ringworm
6. Decongestants: Help break up mucous in lungs
7. Expectorants: Help get mucous up and out of lungs
Eye Diseases
1. Glaucoma: High pressure in the eye damages the optic nerve with loss of sight.
2. Cataracts: lens becomes cloudy creating blurry or foggy vision
3. Macular Degeneration – Light-sensing cells stop working. Main cause of blindness over 60.