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SAN FRANCISCO, CA – May 30-31, 2007
 Need to do a better job at telling the product stewardship story. Need a solid image of
how it looks/operates, but allow for flexibility!
 Got to get the message to the public! Build a tent called “stewardship.” Need qualitative
change of mindset—inclusive and cooperative
 Educate consumers through existing programs
 Educate leaders on benefit of EPR
 Develop tools for outreach/presentations, i.e. Al Gore’s video
 Bring product stewardship to Climate Change actions
 Ask industry/retailer to inform/educate their customers about stewardship
 ½ hour TV show, pooled resources to fund public education
 ECO labeling
 Create a third party product certification to empower/inform consumers
 Need some successes to point to. Examples that include re-design, ex. Patagonia
using plastic bottles for clothing
 Use state’s momentum on EPR (CIWMB Strategic Directive #5) and growing local
support for EPR (CPSC, RCRC) to demonstrate broad based support for EPR
 Develop marketing packet on successes of EPR programs
 Isolate high impact items in rural areas
 Create baseline for health and resource protection
 Develop strategy for environmental organizations to embrace product stewardship
 Broad solutions across products/industries
 Learn more about the process from ideas to product roll-out, then identify where to
establish and require that every product has a “planned end-of-life”
 Establish and champion standards via local states purchasing contracts, etc.
 PSI should develop model policy to help leadership at state level understand and
support PS solutions
 Develop model product stewardship framework legislation
 Clearinghouse of existing legislation or models
Economic Incentives/Regulation
 Create market-based solutions
 Partnerships—private and public—work w/industry to develop economical take-back
systems; emphasize economic benefit to business; voluntary take-back
 Use power of federal purchasing contracts to foster EPR
 Show shift from MSW fee base to manufacturers’ fee base
 Invest in green companies and funds
 Get buy-in from manufacturers by showing all benefits to decrease resistance
 Restructure product liability
 Push consumers through increased cost for improper disposal
 Design incentive mechanisms for market instruments towards product stewardship, i.e.
preferential loans/tuitions
 Mandatory take-back, performance goals, registration—level competition; review
reporting; regulatory framework
 Regulations (emphasize economic benefits of increase in customers)
 PSI should convene a forum on how to insert PS into R&D
 PSI meeting on pharmaceuticals (specific product categories)
 PSI should approach trade associations
 Work with early adopters and supporters in industry, (e.g., 20 firms  Governor on
Climate Change)
 Pool resources
 Need economists, sociologists, historians in dialog. Need to learn from history and
cultural change
 Find common ground among municipalities
 Cooperation is the model. Build relationships with up and coming leaders so that people
are primed to act when the moment is right
 Collaborate among product stewardship councils for National and international impact
 Regional collaboration
 Form regional product stewardship councils
 Keep creating relationships/connecting with each other
 Increase communication within product stewardship channels
Product Stewardship Institute, Inc.
PSI National Forum – Policy Brainstorm
May 31, 2007
 Government represents the people/the common good. Pendulum is shifting. Can reinstate
concept of the safety net. Government legislation must be the push for change.
 Work with legislation, bring lawmakers to table
 Regulation is not a dirty word. Regulation and authorizations necessary for product
 Enforcement
Work from bottom up
 Joining of diverse forces to push from below
 Local EPR ordinances to foster consistent statewide policy
 PSI should convene forum on alternatives to capitalism
 PSI supports Precautionary Principle
 PSI supports Precautionary Principle in development of nanotechnology (and product
stewardship principles)
 Safer alternatives
 New ways to manage waste
Product Stewardship Institute, Inc.
PSI National Forum – Policy Brainstorm
May 31, 2007