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History: Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations, part 2
Name _____________________________________ Date ________________
Ancient Egypt
The culture of ancient Egypt developed from a
network of pastoral and agricultural societies that
existed near the Nile River Valley during the 4th and
5th millennia BC. These independent villages and
towns were called nomes, or city-states, and were
ruled by nomarchs. Around the year 3000 BC, a
powerful pharaoh, or king, united the nomes of Egypt
into one kingdom, and began what is now known as
the Early Dynastic Period. There is some debate
about who this pharaoh was: Egyptian and Greek
historians from the 3 and 5th centuries BC recorded the name of this first
pharaoh as Menes, or Hor-Aka, but archeological evidence has been found
suggesting that the first pharaoh was in fact named Narmer. Most
historians agree that the evidence is inconclusive.
The Early Dynastic period was followed by the Old Kingdom, which lasted
from 2630-2151 BC. This period is also known as the Golden Age of
ancient Egypt. It was during this time that the ancient Egyptian practice of
embalming, or mummification, was developed and the famous pyramids
were built. The pyramids, some of which are as tall as a 40-foot skyscraper,
were built as tombs for wealthy and famous Egyptians such as the
pharaohs. Many historians believe that the
pyramids may have been built by local peasant
farmers during the yearly flood of the Nile River.
The pharaohs would have hired the farmers to
build the pyramids during the late summer when
they were unable to work in their flooded fields.
This practice would have been beneficial for the
farmers, as they would have been able to earn
wages during a time of year in which they
otherwise might have gone hungry. Many people
believe that the secret to Egypt’s great success
and stability was the year-round work provided by
the building of the pyramids.
History: Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations, part 2
Name _____________________________________ Date ________________
Ancient Egypt
The ancient Egyptians had three
systems of writing, which were used in
different ways. The oldest and most
hieroglyphics, which had been in use
since the middle of the 4th millennium
BC, before the Early Dynastic Period.
The hieroglyphic system was used only
by priests, and the symbols were
carved into stone to record important religious or historical inscriptions.
During the Old Kingdom a new system called hieratic was developed. The
hieratic system was much simpler, and could be written on papyrus, which
was Egyptian paper. Somewhat later, a third system known as demotic was
developed. Demotic could also be written on paper, but while hieratic was
only used by priests and religious scribes, demotic was used by regular
people for business transactions, literature, or personal correspondence.
Several periods of unrest and change,
known as the time of the Middle
Kingdom, followed the end of the Old
Kingdom. The Egyptian military grew in
strength, gained new technology such
as the war chariot, and increased
naval power. Egyptian arts and
sciences underwent a renaissance,
with the arts of mathematics, surgery,
and painting all developing greatly. In
the year 1570 BC, Pharaoh Ahmose I took control of the kingdom, and
became the first pharaoh of the New Kingdom.
The New Kingdom of Egypt was a wealthy time for the Egyptian people.
Military conquests meant that their territory was increasing, and with the
conquered lands came gold, goods, and slaves. By the end of Ramses XI’s
reign in 1070 BC, the New Kingdom had ended, and the kingdom entered a
period of slow decline known as the Late Dynastic Period. Over the next
few centuries, Egypt became increasingly vulnerable to attacks from
surrounding peoples, and in 332 BC, the lands of Egypt were conquered by
the Macedonian king Alexander the Great, ending its existence as an
independent country.
History: Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations, part 2
Name _____________________________________ Date ________________
Ancient Egypt
3. The Nile River floods
annually during the late __.
8. Egyptian ______ may have
built the pyramids
9. Egypt
conquered by a ______ king.
11. another name for the Early
Dynastic Period
12. independent ancient Egyptian
I. Complete the crossword puzzle, using
the clues.
2. special Egyptian paper
4. another name for embalming
5. an Egyptian king
6. Egyptian writing used by
common people
7. tall Egyptian tomb
10. name of a major Egyptian
II. Respond to the following using complete sentences.
1. Describe one theory that explains how the pyramids were built. ________________________
2. Name and explain the differences between the three Egyptian writing systems. ____________
3. Give two examples of developments that took place during the Middle Kingdom.
4. Using a dictionary, if necessary, write definitions for the following words.
pastoral: ______________________________________________________________________
agricultural: ___________________________________________________________________
inconclusive: __________________________________________________________________
vulnerable: ____________________________________________________________________
History: Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations, part 2
Name _____________________________________ Date ________________
Ancient Egypt
II. Students’ own answers—answers will vary. Accept all reasonable responses