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U.S. History - Vietnam Exam Sample Questions
1. What nation declared its independence (September 2, 1945) on the same day Japan surrendered
officially ending World War II?
a) U.S.S.R
b) Vietnam
c) North Korea
d) Cuba
2. Which of the following nations wanted control of Vietnam after the end of World War II?
a) Great Britain
b) U.S.A.
c) Germany
d) France
3. How did the United States assist the French in their war in Indochina?
a) U.S. provided as much as 80% of the financial support beginning in 1950
b) U.S. tracked downed planes and protected French pilots
c) U.S. tracked Vietnamese troop movements and gave that information to the French
d) U.S. provided air support for various French beach landings
4. Which of the following is true of the Geneva Accords?
a) Vietnam was divided along the 17th parallel
b) A cease fire agreement was reached between France and the Vietminh
c) Reunification elections were to be held in 1956
d) All of the above are true
5. Who was the leader of the newly created North Vietnam?
a) Ho Chi Minh
b) Ngo Dinh Diem
c) Nguyen Van Thieu
d) Vo Nguyen Giap
6. Who was the leader of the newly created South Vietnam?
a) Ho Chi Minh
b) Ngo Dinh Diem
c) Nguyen Van Thieu
d) Vo Nguyen Giap
7. In 1963, how did a Buddhist monk protest the South Vietnamese government’s harsh rule?
a) He jumped off a cliff
b) He set himself on fire
c) He refused to move out of the way of an ARVN tank
d) He impaled himself on a pungi stake
8. In which body of water were two U.S. destroyers allegedly attacked by North Vietnamese forces in
August 1964?
a) The Mekong River
b) The South China Sea
c) The Gulf of Thailand
d) The Gulf of Tonkin
9. What abbreviation was ultimately given to the South Vietnamese supporters of North Vietnam?
a) NVA
c) VC
d) SAM
10. What was the average age of the U.S. combat soldier in Vietnam?
a) 19
b) 21
c) 23
d) 26
Term coined by Vietnam veterans who opposed the war to describe the effects of war
Warfare marked by ambushes, hit and run tactics, and raids
Method of determining success in the war – a war of attrition
Strategy employed by U.S. troops to find enemy and kill them
Jellied gasoline used in massive quantities to burn jungle in Vietnam
Search and Destroy
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Guerrilla Warfare
Body Count
16. What deferment allowed the greatest number of young men to avoid military service during the
Vietnam Era?
a) Medical reasons
b) College study
c) Conscientious objection
d) Family hardship
17. Which of the following is true of the Tet Offensive?
a) It was staged during the Vietnamese New Year celebration
b) It was the big military victory for the United States against the Vietcong
c) It caused the American people to doubt whether the truth was being told about Vietnam
d) All of the above are true
18. What was the site of the massacre of 400-500 Vietnamese civilians in March 1968?
a) My Lai
b) Ben Suc
c) The la Drang Valley
d) The Ashaun Valley
19. Which is true of President Nixon’s announcement of the invasion of Cambodia?
a) It forced the North Vietnamese to surrender
b) It brought on the Tet Offensive
c) It was part of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
d) It led to massive demonstrations across the United States
20. Where were four college students killed on May 4, 1970?
a) Kent State
b) Cal-Berkeley
c) Columbia
d) Wisconsin
21. Which of the following won the presidential election in 1968?
a) Hubert Humphrey
b) Richard Nixon
c) George Wallace
d) Eugene McCarthy
22. What did the policy of Vietnamization call for?
a) Bombing North Vietnam around the clock to convince it to surrender
b) Escalating the war and putting as many troops in South Vietnam as possible
c) Reducing the number of American troops in South Vietnam and turning control of the war over to
the South Vietnamese
d) Bombing Laos and Cambodia in order to destroy NVA supply lines
23. In what city was the Democratic National Convention held in1968?
a) Miami
b) San Francisco
c) Dallas
d) Chicago
24. What (approximately) was the number of U.S. troops killed in Vietnam?
a) 58,200
b) 125,000
c) 250,000
d) 365,000
25. What did the domino theory state?
a) If one country fell to Communism, others nearby would soon follow
b) Use of nuclear weapons in one country would lead to use in others
c) If the economy of one Asian country fell, others nearby would soon follow
d) The United States should increase defense spending to cripple the Soviet economy
President who supported economic aid to France beginning in 1950
Commander of U.S. military operations in Vietnam from 1965 to 1968
President who prevented elections in Vietnam and placed Ngo Dinh Diem in power
2nd Lieutenant convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison (My Lai Massacre)
President who sent 16,000 military advisors and Green Berets to Vietnam before his death
John F. Kennedy
William Calley
Harry S Truman
William C. Westmoreland
Dwight D. Eisenhower