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Louis A. Picard
PIA 2096/PIA 2490
Week Six
Foreign Aid Course
Vietnam: Why?
► Fall
of China
► French
► Part
Civilizing Mission
of Marshall Plan
► March
of Folly? (Barbara Tuchman)
Vietnam: The Early Years
► Beginnings-1951.
Economic and Military
Assistance Program in Indo-China
► Then
Part of the French Empire
► 1954.
U.S. subsidizing French Rule and fight
against Communism in Vietnam
► Domino
The Model
► Six
Asian countries: - Formosa, the three
Associated States of Indochina, Thailand and the
Philippines, ECA programs[i] were“accompanied by
military assistance programs, the latter being
administered by United States Military Assistance
Advisory Groups.”[ii]
► [i]
► [ii]
Economic Cooperation Administration.
Walter R. Sharp, International Technical
Assistance (Chicago: Public Administration Service,
1952), p. 48.
Why we were in Vietnam?
We aid other countries with whom our relationships
may be more nearly correct than cordial, because
we believe that it is in our interests to maintain
friendly contacts with their governments and their
people and to keep them from going behind the
Iron Curtain.[i]
[i] Speech by Arthur Z. Gardiner, Director United
States Operations Mission in Viet-nam, address
given to the Saigon Rotary Club on September 22,
1960 (Washington, D.C.: Department of State and
U.S. Government Printer, 1961).
► Controversy
developed over the use and abuse of
foreign aid at the end of the 1950s.
► Malayan
► William
J. Lederer and Eugene Burdick published a
highly influential (and controversial) book, The
Ugly American
(New York: Fawcett, 1960)
► Graham
Greene’s much better book:
► The
Quiet American ( Harmondsworth:
Penguin, 1957).
► Critique
of U.S. assumptions about Asia
Creation of
U.S. Agency for International
“to strengthen friendly foreign countries by
encouraging the development of their free
economic institutions and productive capabilities,
and by minimizing or eliminating barriers to the
flow of private investment capital.”[i]
A Permanent Organizational Structure.
[i] Public Law 87-195 as published by the United
States Government Printing Office, Washington,
D.C., September 4, 1961.
The Models
► Winning
Hearts and Minds
► Villagization► Fortified
► Phoenix
Rural Community Development
Villages- The Strategic Hamlet program
Program (The Use of force against
civilians including assassination and Torture)
The Assumption
► Americans
assumed a particular kind of
relationship with the Vietnamese; they had
expected the Vietnamese to trust them, to take
their advice with gratitude, and to cooperate in
their mutual enterprise of defeating the
[i] Frances FitzGerald, Fire in the Lake: The
Vietnamese and the Americans in Vietnam (New
York: Vintage, 1972), P. 368.
Rural Development
► John
Paul Vann in the late 1960s symbolized U.S.
special operations in Vietnam. Overtly he was an
USAID official in the office of Civil Operations and
Revolutionary Development Support (CORDS).[i]
[i] David Maraniss, They Marched into Sunlight:
War and Peace, Vietnam and America, October
1967 (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2003), p.
The Book
A Bright Shining Lie : John Paul Vann
and America in Vietnam
(New York: Vintage Books, 1988).
Picard’s View
► Represents
Aid Policy
► “We
the Best and Worst of Foreign
had to burn the village in order to save
► Strategies
of Community Develop and
capacity building have their origins in 1950s
The Best
► Focus
on Community Development
► Rural
Industrialization and (later) micro-
► Foreign
► Basic
Aid Field Officers- on the ground
The End: 1965
► Shift
► Ten
from Assistance to War
Year Conflict
► Parallel
with Iraq (Imagining Ten years of
an Iraq involvement)
► Donor
Fatigue: 1975
The Legacy
► The
Legacy of Vietnam for the Third World was to
solidify in the minds of LDC intellectuals and elites
an image of the West which made no distinction
between the United States and the Western
European former colonial powers.[i]
► [i]
Edmund Stillman and William Pfaff, Power and
Impotence: The Failure of America’s Foreign Policy
(New York: Random House, 1966), p. 163..
The Counter Narrative
GOAL: To conceive of a rival
hypothesis that could reverse
perceived reality and provides a
possible policy option for future
attention because of its very
Three Views of Foreign Aid- A
1. Part of Balance of Power- Carrot
and Stick Approach (based on
exchange Theory
2. Commercial Promotion: Focus on
International Trade
3. Humanitarian Theory: Moral
Why Foreign Aid?
► U.N.
Ambassador Jeanne Kirkpatrick’s
alleged comment about why we provided
foreign aid to Zaire’s Mobutu
“He may be a Son-of-a-Bitch but he’s Our
Three Views of Foreign Aid- A
1. Part of Balance of Power- Carrot
and Stick Approach (based on
exchange Theory
2. Commercial Promotion: Focus on
International Trade
3. Humanitarian Theory: Moral