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The Vietnam War
“The Vietnam War was the United State’s longest and most divisive war of the post 1945 epoch, and in many
regards its most important conflict in the twentieth century. “ Gabriel Kolko author of “Anatomy of a War:
Vietnam, the United States, and the Modern historical experience. “
Why do historians consider the Vietnam War a defining moment in US history? To understand this, analyze the
facts below about the Vietnam War. Identify if the statements below represent a Social (S), Political(P) or
Economic(E) reason to support the significance of the Vietnam War. Some options can represent one more than
EX: one classification.
_________1. The Vietnam War Stretched over seven presidencies
_________2. 2 million serviceman fought in Vietnam or operated offshore. 47,244 U.S. Americans died in battlerelated deaths
_________3. The Vietnam War’s direct expense was $106.8 billion.
_________4. In February 1968, TV broadcaster Walter Cronkite closed his "Report from Vietnam: Who, What,
When, Where, Why?" by expressing his view that the war was unwinnable, and that the United States would
have to find a way out.
_________5. U.S. navy and army forces carried out 527,000 bombing missions
_________6. 1970- the National Guard opens fire on antiwar demonstrators at Kent State University, killing four
_________7. 300,000 S. Vietnamese civilians were killed, 65,000 N. Vietnamese
_________8. 1.5 million refugees “Boat People” left Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia for the U.S.
_________9. In 1952, the U.S. paid 40% of France’s military expense in Vietnam. By 1953-54, the U.S. paid
_________10. In April 1954, Eisenhower gave his “Domino Theory” speech- stating that if a country fell to
communism, nearby countries would fall to communism.
_________11. During the Vietnam War the national debt increased by $146 billion (1967-73). About $754 billion
in 2012 dollars.
_________12. CIA provided $42,000 in bribes for the officers who set up the assassination of Diem.
_________13. The surprise attack during the TET New Year Holiday on South Vietnamese cities by Vietcong and
North Vietnamese communist forces resulted in attacks on more than 100 towns and cities.
_________14. Richard Nixon’s 1968 campaign for President included the promise to end the war in Vietnam
which doesn’t happen until April of 1975.
_________15. Between 1965 and 1975 22,500 were indicted and 6,800 were convicted of violating the draft law.
_________16. The Geneva Accords declares a cease-fire for the withdrawal of the French from Vietnam and
create a temporary boundary between North and South Vietnam at the 17th parallel.
_________17. In August of 1964 Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution giving LBJ the power to take all
necessary military action
_________18. U.S. soldiers massacred more than 400 unarmed civilians in the village of My Lai in March 1968.
_________19. Released in 1971 The Pentagon Papers showed that the Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and
Johnson had not been honest U. S. involvement and goals in Vietnam.
_________20. In 1973 Congress passed the War Powers Act (a reaction to Vietnam) limiting the President’s war
making powers.