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Napoleon Bonaparte, French emperor, was one of the greatest military leaders in
history. He helped remake the map of Europe and established many government and
legal reforms, but constant battles eventually led to his downfall.
In 1795, Napoleon was appointed commander of the Army of the Interior for France.
Under his leadership, the French army conquered Italy, Egypt, and much of Europe,
making Napoleon a hero in Paris.
Back in France, Napoleon brought considerable reforms to his people. He set about
reorganizing the government, the postal service, and the system for collecting taxes. He
also helped build new hospitals for the poor. He improved conditions within France by,
among other things, establishing the Bank of France, reorganizing education, and
reforming France's legal system with a new set of laws known as the Code Napoleon.
The code forbade privileges based on birth, and allowed freedom of religion, ideas that
grew out of the French Revolution. Over time, the Code has influenced the governments
of many European countries.
In October 1799, Napoleon was named first
consul, or head of the government in France, and
he received almost unlimited powers. By 1802
the popular Napoleon was given the position of
first consul for life, with the right to name his
replacement. In 1804 he crowned himself
Fall from glory
In March 1814 Paris fell to a coalition made up of
Britain, Prussia, Sweden, and Austria. Napoleon
stepped down in April. Louis XVIII (1755–1824),
the brother of Louis XVI, was placed on the
French throne. Napoleon was exiled to the island
of Elba, but after ten months he made plans to
return to power. He landed in southern France in
February 1815 with 1,050 soldiers and marched
to Paris, where he reinstated himself to power.
Louis XVIII fled, and Napoleon's new reign began. The other European powers gathered
to oppose him, and Napoleon was forced to return to war.
The Battle of Waterloo was over within a week. On June 18, 1815, the combined British
and Prussian armies defeated Napoleon. He returned to Paris and stepped down for a
second time on June 22. He had held power for exactly one hundred days. Napoleon at
first planned to go to America, but he surrendered to the British on July 3. He was sent
into exile on the island of St. Helena in the South Atlantic Ocean. There he spent his
remaining years until he died of cancer on May 5, 1821.
Reflection Questions:
1) Did Napoleon maintain the ideals of the French Revolution (liberty, equality,
democracy) as the emperor of France? Why or why not?
2) Based on what you’ve read about Napoleon, what are the results or outcomes of
the French Revolution?
Guided Listening: Beethoven’s Eroica
As you listen to the song, write down three things that you hear. Try and think
about what Beethoven intended you to feel as you listen to the piece.