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Review: The Sun and Other Stars
Where are atoms of elements such as helium and carbon formed?
Why do solar flares form?
From what layer does most of the visible light from the sun originate
The location of a star in the HR diagram indicates its ________________ and ______________
The most massive main sequence stars are classified as _________ stars. (which letter?)
The sun is mostly which two elements?
Our sun is a class _______ star. (which letter?)
Why do sunspots appear dark?
Which stars are hotter—yellow or blue? _________________________
Do more luminous stars always appear brighter? Explain.
The atomic number of an atom is the number of ______________ in an atom’s nucleus.
The life expectancy of a star can be determined from its ________________ .
How many protons are in the nucleus of the hydrogen atom? ________________
The mass of a star determines how quickly ________________________ will occur.
15. Which kinds of stars will produce supernovae?
16. What is the spectral type (letter) for stars on the main sequence with the greatest mass?
17. Stable stars with the smallest mass and lowest temperature are found where on the HR diagram?
18. The __________________ of a star is a measure of the total energy radiated by the star.
19. When/how can we observe the corona of the sun?
20 . A _______________________ is believed to occur when energy, stored in a twist in the solar magnetic
field above a sunspot, is suddenly released into space.
21. The sun is made mostly of which two elements?
22. Which spectral class of stars (which letter) have the lowest temperature? _____________
23. What process creates the light emitted by stars?
24. Stars spend most of their lives in this stage:
25. A visual representation of the temperature and luminosity of stars is called:
26. Relatively dark spots on the sun that contains intense magnetic fields are known as:
27. These reactions join the nuclei of atoms to form more massive nuclei:
28. Eruptions on the solar surface that return back to the sun’s surface along magnetic field lines are called:
29. The final stage for stars less that 8 x solar mass, once fusion has stopped is called
___________________________________. This will be our sun’s final stage.
30. The positively charged particles of an atom, found in its nucleus, are called:
31. The stream of charged particles that flows out from the sun is known as the:
32. Powerful explosions that blast away the outer layers of massive stars near the end of their
“lives” are known as:
33. Be able to answer questions about a given HR diagram.
34. Be able to label the following regions on diagrams of the sun’s interior and the sun’s
atmosphere (see PowerPoint):
Radiative Zone
Convection Zone