Download Crew Log Mission Information Sheet #2

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Crew Log
System Mission
Crew Log Mission Information Sheet #1
StarChild Scavenger Hunt - Level 1
Get to know the StarChild Web site by finding the answers to the following
1. Under which Space Stuff topic can you find information about Skylab?
2. How many glossary entries begin with the letter "G"?
2. What is the glossary definition of mythology?
4. In what section of StarChild can you find information about comets?
5. Which Universe topic has a picture of the central bulge?
6. What is the name of the first activity on the Solar System activity page?
7. What was the name of the first animal to orbit Earth?
8. How fast is the Moon moving away from the Earth?
9. Where can the "Mathy Way" activity be found?
10. What job did Edwin Hubble have as a boy?
11. How long did it take the space probe Galileo to reach Jupiter?
12. When did Skylab re-enter Earth's atmosphere?
13. How often are new astronauts chosen?
14. What space object is called a falling star?
15. How much of the solar system's mass is contained by the Sun?
16. What is the name given to storms on the Sun's surface?
17. How long would it take to count the stars in the Milky Way?
18. TRUE or FALSE: The Galaxy "Did You Know?" page tells us that star
collisions occur every 25 years.
19. Which of the outer planets has 11 known rings?
20. How many languages does Mae Jemison speak fluently?
StarChild Scavenger Hunt - Level 1 Answer Key
1. Space Travel
2. Six
3. Old stories that usually explain how something came to be.
4. The Universe
5. Milky Way
6. Where, Oh Where Does That Little Planet Go?
7. Laika
8. Three centimeters per year
9. Universe activity pages
10. Paper route
11. Over six years
12. 1979
13. Approximately every two years
14. Meteor
15. 99%
16. Sunspots
17. Over 3,000 years
18. FALSE; A collision may occur once in every 1000 years.
19. Uranus
20. 4; Swahili, Russian, Japanese, English
Crew Log Mission Information Sheet #2
Under Level 1, click on Solar System.
Read the information about the Solar System.
Navigate the Space Shuttle to: The Planets (click on it).
Navigate the Space Shuttle to your planet destination: Mercury, Venus, or
Earth (Click on it).
 Record the scientific data into your Crew Log.
 Make sure to record the data properly.
Mission #2 Information
1. Who is your planet named after?
2. What order (place number) is your planet from the sun?
3. Describe the temperature of your planet. (How hot or cold is it?)
4. Could humans live on this planet? Why or why not?
5. Record 1-2 interesting facts about this planet.
6. Answer the "A Question" located toward the bottom of the page.
 Navigate the Space Shuttle to the box that reads: The Facts (click on it).
7. What is the average solar distance (in kilometers) from the sun?
8. What is the revolution period? (How long is one year on this planet in
Earth years?)
9. What is the rotation period? (One day on this planet equals how many
hours/days on Earth?)
10.What is the equatorial diameter (distance across the planet) of the planet?
11.How many moons (natural satellites) does this planet have? What are their
 Navigate the Space Shuttle and click on Return to the StarChild Main Page.
 Navigate to the upper right corner and close out the window by clicking on
the red X.
Crew Log Mission Information Sheet #3
Under Level 1, click on Solar System.
Read the information about the Solar System.
Navigate the Space Shuttle to: The Planets (click on it).
Navigate the Space Shuttle to your planet destination: Mars, Jupiter, or
Saturn (Click on it).
 Record the scientific data into your Crew Log.
 Make sure to record the data properly.
Mission #3 Information
1. Who is your planet named after?
2. What order (place number) is your planet from the sun?
3. Describe the temperature of your planet. (How hot or cold is it?)
4. Could humans live on this planet? Why or why not?
5. Record 1-2 interesting facts about this planet.
6. Answer the "A Question" located toward the bottom of the page.
 Navigate the Space Shuttle to the box that reads: The Facts (click on it).
7. What is the average solar distance (in kilometers) from the sun?
8. What is the revolution period? (How long is one year on this planet in
Earth years?)
9. What is the rotation period? (One day on this planet equals how many
hours/days on Earth?)
10.What is the equatorial diameter (distance across the planet) of the planet?
11.How many moons (natural satellites) does this planet have? What are their
 Navigate the Space Shuttle and click on Return to the StarChild Main Page.
 Navigate to the upper right corner and close out the window by clicking on
the red X.
Crew Log Mission Information Sheet #4
Under Level 1, click on Solar System.
Read the information about the Solar System.
Navigate the Space Shuttle to: The Planets (click on it).
Navigate the Space Shuttle to your planet destination: Uranus, Neptune, or
Pluto (Click on it).
 Record the scientific data into your Crew Log.
 Make sure to record the data properly.
Mission #4 Information
1. Who is your planet named after?
2. What order (place number) is your planet from the sun?
3. Describe the temperature of your planet. (How hot or cold is it?)
4. Could humans live on this planet? Why or why not?
5. Record 1-2 interesting facts about this planet.
6. Answer the "A Question" located toward the bottom of the page.
 Navigate the Space Shuttle to the box that reads: The Facts (click on it).
7. What is the average solar distance (in kilometers) from the sun?
8. What is the revolution period? (How long is one year on this planet in
Earth years?)
9. What is the rotation period? (One day on this planet equals how many
hours/days on Earth?)
10.What is the equatorial diameter (distance across the planet) of the planet?
11.How many moons (natural satellites) does this planet have? What are their
 Navigate the Space Shuttle and click on Return to the StarChild Main Page.
 Navigate to the upper right corner and close out the window by clicking on
the red X.